Zurich Herald, 1919-07-18, Page 4cClar�is stet,'.' !tine TT is after a furnace is installed and 1 the first cold snap tests it that you know whether your investment in COMFORT was wisely made or not. Don't take a chance on it, You can be sure of it under the McClary's guarantee. McClary's engineers will plan your heating system without charge, They will guaran- tee that the Sunshine furnace, installed according to those plans, will heat your home comfortably. Take advantage of this service. fl2 Have a comfortable, well -heated home. FOR SALE BY ?.'Tien -tan, Dashwood c1s HENSALL. s_ THE HERALD U 1r�wooD ---- i•—'i° The Jackson Mfg. Co. opened' leaned Thursday afternoons PRESENTATION their factory last week. .t. recept_on was tendered to five D§r Andr�ty Johnston is visiting of our returned soldiers on Mr. J. les son James, in Atbe,ta. K. Goats s lawn on br_day evening rhe trustees of Remelt public tI'IIE HERALD PRINTING CO. when each was presented wrtn en- school havegranKed a bonus of graved rings and medals by te_a ani, month`s salary to each of the berms of subscription ;%.`l5per year tittle gins. Rev. eager pre si:ed teachers. In advance; $2.00 may be charged over the program and addresses 7 tic, other evening as Mr. Harry if not so paid. U. S. txubscrinti- were given by Reeve Laporte and teac3 was opening a bottle of so - ens $1.75 strictly in sdvance.Nn nap -Reeve ,bleep and several chore da water at W. Achesan's the paper discontinued until all are us>s sang. bottle, exploded amd Mr. Price had ' rears roe paid unless at the option 1'he men presented were Pte. ttva of lits fingers badly cut tvitlx of the publisher, •Tbe date to Norman Brown, Fre Chas Hart- the broken glass. Medical atten- is 'which every subscription is paid man, Pte. Herb Geiser, Btr, tion was required before the flow denoted on the label. i Gardon Gats, and Spr. rail true:i- or blood could be checked..• ADVERTISINx RATES ther. Miss -sig , ou 1 from the Mrs Yule and son of 1+i.;i CO;rte aro visiting at the home of 14r. R. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Freckletoia, of }Langton spent the week -enol at the home of Mr. John Thr:sk. Thr Mt.sses Irene and 1'hylis Pi- erce, of Toronto retuned home af ter spending a few weeks at the home of Mrs. Jas. Dinsmore. 117.;6, Bessie Tough., who attended Normal atStratford is spending the holidays at her home on the Bronson Line. Mrs. Robt Douglas who spent the past two months with .his parents co Mr, and Mrs. Durand and other eb friends in this vicinity, left last ' us Friday for her home in Saskatoon. Mrs. A. Meyers spent the past week with friends in Hensall and ,5eaforth, Margaret Johnston is vis - Effective after Jan ,_t 1919. I -A number of the friends of Miss iting her sister, Mrs. A. P. Douglas ' Laird met at the home of Mr. of Hyde Park. ' Display Advertising -Made known Harry Kl raft amd spent a ple,rs- Mr Garnet Ca t ed fr On application. ' ant time with her before her dep- Stray Animals—One insertion 50c artur. for Toronto. During the three insertions $1.00. 1 evening Miss Laird was presented Farm or Real Estate for sale with a wrist -watch as a slight re - 60c. each insertion for one month membrance from Dashwood fr !of four insertio - �, 25c. for each eines subsequent insert -on. II M::ss Dorothy Kiefer of Sandusky Miscellaneous articles of not Ohio, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. gore than five lines, For Sale, To Wm. Rothaermal. • Rent, or Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., I Mr Wilbur Ehlers returned to each insertion 25c . I Detroit on Tues5ay, after spending Local Reading notices, etc., lOc. the past month with his parents. per line per insertion. No notice- The M'sses Hilda and Olive Rad - less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. .er of •Farmington, Mich., are Legal advertis:ng 10c. and 5c. a home on 'herr vacation. Sine. Mr. and Mrs. Art Doan of Thed- Auction Sales, $1 for one inser-I ford spent Sunday in town: 'lobi and $1.50 for two insertions Mrs. E. A Broughton of Toronto V moderate size. tis visiting her parents, Mr, and Professional Cards not exceeding Mrs J. Kellerman. 1. inch, $0 per year. Mr. Sam S'4 illert of Niagara Falls 'Address all communications to N T renewed old acquaintances iIn HERALD PRINTING. CO. ZURICH, ONTARIO. CRED1TOly Farmers have nearly finished hay ing and are now cutting wheat. The recent rains have helped the clops very much. Mr McDonald, manager of the Bank of •Comanerce, -is having his holidays. Air and Mrs. Norman Holtzman of Detroit, visited the formers . mother, Mrs. Geo. Holtzman, rec- ently, Mr and Mrs. McDonald of De- troit, are visiting the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wenzel. EXETER A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at the Presbyterian manse on July 4th at 1.30 o'clock, when Mr. Amos Lloyd Baynham, op rator at the G. T. R. depot here eels manned to Miss Philippi Ma ude Harness, second daughter of the' late John and Mrs. Harness o Case re urn """ town. overseas recently, I An ser s lane visited Exeter for An airship passed over our vii- la few da s last week. lage the other day. Mrs. J. Willis Powell has retu- Messrs. Ben and Harry Caldwell rned irons Sarnia, where she took of Manitoba, are visiting the:rpar- hospital iraatment for some mon- ants, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Caldwell tbs. at present. I Rev. J. W. Baird and Mrs. Baird .Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bonthron are have left 'or IHam:l`ton where Mr. spending the summer at their cot Bard has assumed his nets duties tags at Gratnd Bend. BLAKE. The Blake Women's Institute as pastor of Emerald St. Method- ist church. The Free Press trophy and pri- • hes won at the bowling tournament at London by Major W. Heaman htl.l their summer meeting on •and R Creech are on exhibition in Monday June 30th, at the honi F' the wiladow at Heaman's hardw- Mrs A J. McDonald. The Pres- are. - ident presiding. The meeting op-' Gordon Sanders and bride ,eine:l with singing "0 Canada", I Detroit visited relatives here Then little Margaret Douglas was week.--�---- called on for a recitation entitled COUNTY ---S. "The Dandelion Cycle". Then this vicinity last week. Mss Gilholm from Bright, the Gov Leonard Macklin, aged 18, was Mrs. Lara and daughter Annie, erzmlent delegate was called onto drowned in the lake last Thursday Wait a Eery clays in Wyoming last week before going to Toronto, give her address which was entit- while canoeing. where they intend making their led Wonvan,s Privileges and it I ion, Eckert has sold his farm; 1 o ed y was grand and much en- adjoining Seaforth to C. Rivers of. certainly TO CORRESPONDENTS frture home. 1 �, by all their. She showed l that town for $12,000, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Zimmer of , the ladys what a great xespansib-, The Township of Usborne, Coun- it es Herald willo go.to press Wed- towtford spent the welts -end . in i ility lay upon therm in this great ty of Huron surely enjoys the re - 1 c ueetion the refrendum which is , cord fora township sending the 'copy must beim by Tuesday night. bliss Ora Hoffman of Tavistock i to come before them this fall' largest number of boys overseas. DuringJune, Jul • and Au�•ust is • visiting with relatives at pies- I Ladys let us go hand in hand and The Honor Roll for that township y b e'nt• stuml' this cursed thing out of shows 121 enlisted men with 21 ----�---- Mr. i peri n Tiernan had an op- Canada. Think of our young killed or died of wounds or sick - The peronclo l at St. J'oseph's men The meeting closed with ness. We are inclined to beliem Thr: Herald to subscribers in Hospital, London, this week. I The National Anthem, af- that this township holds the ret - 111r, and Mrs. Alex Held of But- s}raging 'Canada to Jan. 1st, 1920, for 40 ter which Mi•s. Addison of Bruce- ord in Ontario. —`---- 1alx visited in town last weep. field tool: our photos. There was -- elvinrs. J. hes of Tavistock Rata and a light lunch served 00 the lawn ` NOTICE TO CREDITORS Melvin is BoorsGuin Mown Lover Snday by the Institute ladies. There was John theCKa bfleis h late matter of the Eofate of the a good attendance of ladies t ' I ----•r---- the largest that has been at our Village of Zurich in the County of STANLEY TOW1VSI-IIP. summer meet'ng Our good fri- Huron, gentleman, deceased. NOTICE Automobiles r Sale Two Ford Tour?ng cars 1912 M odds, with License Twc, Ford Tour:•ng cars 1914 M oriels, with License. TwoFord Tour:Ing cars 1918 M odeis, slightly used with: license. One Ford Touring car 1917 Model, with license. One Gray Dort Touring car, f ully equipped, in splendid; cond- ition, with License. The above cars have all been overhauled and are in good ndition, it iwll pay you to look our stock of used acing. you will receive good value for your money, if you billy ed cars from us, - Cook �w'ros. Studebaker, Ford and Gray Dort Dealers II ENS A.LL = ONT. +if list SALTS IF KiKIDNEYSs OP B1.ADDER BOTHER JIarmless to flush Kidneys and neutral ize irritating acids—Splendid for system. Wm Douglas -'• T is hereby given, pursue nn'1 Mr. , of Bruce- —�° brht in 1 car load of ant to Revised Statutes of Ont - Mr. Elston Dowson is remodell- ing his st,'awshed and putting it on a wall this summer. 'Mr. W field oux Blake ladies that are now living ario, 1914, Chapter 121, that all agar ,Brucefield; Bill is a jolly: Creditors and others having claims ith the ladies, and , or demands against the estate of w Heard of Bayfield has the contr-, good fellow hope he will still continue to the said John C. Kalbflersch, who act of the frame work, and Mr. IIS we, bring them to our summer meet -: died an or about the thirteenth' Hotvald of tZur`Ich has contracted . the future The next me- day of June A. D. 1919. at the, for the mason work. Now is the time to do a little fixing up around' the.=3 house. A little paint or varnish will work wonders. The old wornn floors can be made to look bright and fresh with Sherwinis•_ • Williams Inside Floor Paint, or Sherwin-Williams F1oorlac-.,' Don't throw away the old furniture but make it look b>"iglit'- and new by giving it a coat of Sherwin-Williams Varnish Stiiin. , Do away with the dust and germ collecting wall papgr by using the new sanitary wall finish, Sherwin-Williams Flat -tone, , a durable oil paint that dries with a soft velvety surface.— can be washed with soap and water. There is a Sherwin-Williams paint or varnish to gsvc yore everer bind of finish. Come and see us about your painting. STADEiEI � r ZURICH ::ng m 1 b sting of the Institute will be he'd i Village. of Zurich, in the County of Mr. end Mrs. Geo. 'Ailey of Sea- g era requ'red an or before Kidney and Bladder wrs]rnesd zesult at the home of Mrs. D. Tou h on Huron, from uric acid, says a noted authority. forth spent Sunday at the home Aug 12th. at 2.30• in the afternoon. rho 28th day of July 1919, to send The kidneys filter this acid from the of Mr and Mrs, W. J. Dowson. w C T U. by post prepaid, or deliver to Mood .and pass it on to the bladder, where I Mr and bins. Robt. E. Robinson Ireaericl. C.. I albflaisclt, ',oriels, u it often remains to irritate and inflame The 22nd annual Convention of l 'Olntry or to G.ladman & S'',onriery I .A handsome catalogue is in preparation, write for full parircular9 r ;and daughter of Toronto, are ehA Huron .Co. W. C. T. U will be sensing a burning, scalding sensation, or visiting friends in this vicinity. i I3e�nea1 or Exeter, Ont„ Solicitors setting up an irritation at the neck of Mr. Chas Pratt has returned to held in the Methodist church Win- for the Executors of the above - J1 hthand25thcon-1 ' -water passes sometimes with a scalding he was engaged four years ago afternoon1et from the el unions surnames, addresses and des rip their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of We beg to announce the Shorthorn Sale of J. J. Merner,, M. Pr, tobe held ednes ay, Jtily r r at the Fair Grounds, Seaforth at 1 o'clock, p. Yn., (fast time) of. .SCOTCH and SCOTCH TOPPED) 25 BREEDING COWS WITH CALVES, AT SIDE AND R.E-BRED? 10 COWS AND -HEIFERS BRED,—BALANCE YEARLING HELPERS; AND 4 YOUNG BULLS OF GOO D QUALITY. Seldom does an offeringeocons i,st of so many good cows with. caves at foot. We believe this an offering to suit the most exact— ing, as they are a grand lot of c attle with .substance and quality' - in breeding form, right off the grass, including ; NONPAREILS, MATCHLESS, FANNY B, WEDDING GIFT, CRIMSON+ FLOWER AND OTHERS. TERMS Cash, or 0 months credit willbe given with 6% per annum added.. n F.ankable paper. Trains met at Brucefield on L. H. & B. branch the bladder, obliging you to seek relief + gham, o'n u y two or three times during the night. our aMr. Chas. Re and engaged merrrcing at 1.30 o -clock on the named John C, stilunfleisch, clec- Th � rant dread, the with Mr Chas R�ma�n with whom of th 24'1 delegates I eased, their Christian names and The sufferer �s �n cons re , e t, - „ �4il1 b p11- CAPT. T. E. ROBINSON sensation and is very profuse; exam, 1 h he enl's•ed ions, the full p C 1'4, there when t particulars in writing ROBINSON- ere is difficulty ss avoiding it. 1 On Thursday night of last week Yin the county. lions, Bladder weakness most folks call it, 'because they can't control urination, the barns of Mr, Wm. Rarthsveil 'While it is extremely annoying .and some. were comp:eiely destroyed by fire es very painful, this is really one of along with the contents, including 'the moat simple ailments to overcome. about 50 tons of hay, .some pigs, ,Get about four ounces of Jed Salts nsl iris engine, cream separator, from your pharmacist and take a table. gasog spoonful in a glass of water before harness, etc. - 'breakfast, continue thin for two or three The fire was first noticed about Mrs. Emma Pugsley, Vice-Pree- i'dent of the Provincial W. C. T. U will be one of the speakers and will give her notable address, 'Why Vote No," at the evening session, on the 24th. The public is cord- tally invited to attend the sessions -days. This will neutralize the acids isri . of , 11 o'clock, but it spread so wick- of this Convention. the urine so it b longerdeis11 urinaryors1y that arty attempt to save the Rev Mr. Hogg of Clinton 'con- entation to the bladder an y � building was useless. ,gens which then. act normally Yn, g ducted anniver:saxy services in Jad Salts is inexpensive, harnileee, i The origin of the fire is a mys- Blake pannivter:a,n chordc on July -and is made from the Gaul of grapes and '.te y It was insured in The X ay 0th. His Sermons were much ap- lemon juice, combined with Lithia, and 11Vlttetial Co., which will partly co- predated by largo cangregationls. is used by thousrLnds at folks who are subjects to urmnry disorders caused by I .ver the loss But as the cost of The following Tuesday evening atria acid irritation. .lad Baits is splere� , building material is so high, the a lawn soeial WAS held on Mr. P .did for kidneys and nattier no bad i insurance money cannot replace the Manson's lawn, 'there was-.. a Here you harm a pl'effects wlz�►tever. t, beers refind buildings burned. Mr. Rath' good attendance and the program - eedst ilithia• R ware driuly ill,'-' gnisliaz *los f welt has the sympathy of the net- was Much enjoyed, which was give es $> ghborhood in his loss. : on by the Bengali band. the .security, if any, held by them. And Further Take Notice that' such last mentioned date, the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties est -I itled thereto, having regard only, to 'the claitus of which they shall I then have notice, and that the said Executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not! have been rer•.eived by him- at bite time of such distribution, Gladrinain • & Stanbury,•,Soli•cttors • for the Executors. 1 Dated at ffendall, this sth day of i'uly A, b, 1919. J. J. Merrier SEAFORTH Ont. FRANK TAYLOR THOS BROWN AUCTIONEERS JULY ROD AND GUN Anyone reading "Fish, Fishing and Fishermen" by George R, Bel- ton in Rod And Gun in Canada for July cannot help thinking of the good old days when a bent pin, a piece of string and a willow sw- itch 'made the best fishing tackle for shiners, chubs and rock bass. "The Albino Bass of The Ottawa" is the title of real fishing story from the Domiinion Capital which is one of th.e several goellAttories ins the national outdoor magazine for July. The rsix illustratoins sho wing they captors•• of a Newfoun- dland salmon are the beat this Vorarmarorimormim year. They accompany a spied - did article olri the Humber, King of Atlaintie :Salmon Streams. 'Jebel interesting departments, Guns and Ammunition, Fishing Dotes, ,Conservation, Fennel and Trap are all up to their usual standard: and along with the second instal. merit of that interesting serial() "They Bear Of Silver Dale" go to! make up otne of the best summer issue's of the Canadian N;atoinat sportitng monthly, Rod And Gun In Canada can be obtained from any bookstand ort;•..direct from the publishers, W. J. Taylor, Ltd, Niro' od.stock, Ont.