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Zurich Herald, 1919-05-23, Page 5
LOCAMM LOCAL NEWS fgerreeted eVery Thursday.) 40 ' HOW world's GreftteSt City N'Ves Rationed In Wartime, FEEDING LONDON. .............. ZURICH RACES1 Sutter Dried Apples Oe Lord Rhondda's System of ration- • Potatoes per bag ... — — ... 1.23 J a n e 3rd, 1919 ing was a triumph of organizing Wheat — ,.. .. .- .., ... 2,06-2.1t Liberal Purses , -ability. The city of London was di- vided. into districts, each with a foot' Barley — — --. ... _ _ „, se 2 0 0,000 people, In one of the Pooras Brae — •-• .-- -- --- ............ 38,00 touring car for a new Overland. 1 districts 200 00 0 people were cared Shorts ... .,. ... ... ... _ . 44,00 Mrs. hic,Donald of Toronto isi foe at another food office. Each i1 1 ' Live Hogs fob Hensall — 21.03 visiting with Mrs. B. Appel this ! i a "meat card" and a "butter and dividual was registered and receivea K..5"....?”,e,...r.,•1”2.0- • -e,....r.r.i.p..r. 0 • , week. 1 margarine card." The meat card . days at St. Marys, visiting relaci- 10 weeks, and each square or BIBLES, TEST TESTAMENTS, BOOK,- ves, this week.. coupon entitled the person to pun Buckwheat _ 1.00 office. At the Westminster Branele e.50 -0i,10.1 Dr, B. Campbell exchanged nu Flour .„ for 5 5 0,00 0 forms were on example, Zurich Book Room Mr. Peter Bender apeet a few contained 40 small squares, 4 a week FANCY AND PLAIN -WRITING . chase at the butcher's shop where PAPEMr, and Mr. Jas, Laidlaw o f . he - went to register an amount of R 1 .NORDHEIMER PIANOS, PHONO Creswell, Mich., visited relatives meat not exceeding five ounces. Meat ' LA GRAMOPHONES. RECORDS here over Sunday. was defined as "butchersmeat (in- cluding pork), offal and suet, bacon NEEDLES. Mr. E. Appel retained Sa:neday i and ham, sausages, poultry and io, I game, FOUNTAIN PENS. FANCY PAPER from. a visit with relatives hares, rabbits, venison and I TABLE NAPKINS. Hamburg, and Kitchehorseflesh, and cooked, canned, pre- sser. served and miscellaneous meats of all LARGE SUPPLY OF SA.CRED Mr. Arnoll Heideman, who has bkoinndessiopeat in all cases to include AND SECULAR MUSIC, Este. been seriously ill for some time, �O©k Room in is improving 'very slowly. i The butcher could obtain meat i from the Smithfield market in such. Luthera.n Parson I 1' e NOTICE. Many complaints have reached the Police Trustees of bicycle. ing ou the sidewalks, also .coast - log on the walks Ln the business sectio,u. A number o: narrow es- capes of serous a.ceijente caused through this habit have ben re- ported. The Trustees do not with to be unreasonable but. the pract- ice of riding. bicycles on Vie side- walks must lie stopped n.vJ the coasting must be eon:fined to back streets. Fair warning, 1..oys. Police Trustees, Rev 3 G. Litt, P E., tonducted quantities aS to supply the clientele from which he collected meat con - communion services in the Evan - polls. The butcher was directed to gdicat church an Sunday evesing. divide what supplies he had as fairly Fresh and Salt IVieats Boicgra Sturev,eF, etc saw icarMeMenaat Highest Cash Price for Wool CASH FOR SKINS 61 HIDES l'unfolut S -Lo Dcbrtj WANTED Cream, Eggs, 33 -atter and. Polatry Ilighest Cash Price Paid. Just received a few new Cleveland and second hand bey - dos which we offer for sale. W. G, Hess. (Zurich.. • Messrs. C. Colosky and HerbUt tley have completed the soweig oi the flax seed for Messrs. ask. Hei- deman & Son for the 1919 -crop. Mr. Hy. Deters, who had so ably a,ss:isted Mr. R. T. Dunlop and family In their recent move t o Frank:ford, returned home on Monday evening. The Goderich Star, conduced successfully for four ,years by 'Mes- srs. Vanatter & Naftel, has b een sold to Mr, Bert MaCreatte of Toronto, a GoderSch old boy. Messrs. J. and D. Voelsing of Mildmay called at the home. of Mr. N. E. Dahms one day last week. Mrs Voelsing who had been here for some time, accompanied them home, POULTRY TAKEN EVERY SAT- URDAY Phone 04 Zurich Delaware & Fludso:7o.s KWANA CO L 411, Also soft coal. Our terms are cash on delivery. HEN SALL Phone House or aelS6 I I .; ONT. Office—No. 10. NOT. TO HYDRO U1.10 The penalty for breaking the seal on a service 'box, by any per- son other than an authorizol per- son, 113 a serious oaeace and a severe penalty may he impuael if the offender is convicted, But much more serous consequences way happen if people tamper win). the fuses in the servie box.. By Overloading a circuit the meter may be burnezl out and there is also a possibility of causing a fire through oarheated wires if th's?. fuses used are too heavy. If eh- anges are necessary notify the proper parties and trouble will be looked after. 1)o not break the seal and try and remedy it your- self. ZURICH HYDRO SYSTEM THE WESTERD FAIR London's Exhibition London's popular Exhibition, the Western Fair, will be held this year from Sept. 6th to 13th. Prizes lists, entry forms, hangers and other advertising matter will soon • be ready to mail. Although the wet weather of les': year was the causeof great loss and disapointment, the managem int is not at all discouraged, but is making active preparations for the largest and. best Exhibition ev- er held in London. The prize list, which is very liberal, has been adjusted by the Committees In Extravagant Use of Straw. charge of the different- departme- The use of at least a limited nts and will be found of great in terest to intending Exhibitors. A copy of this, with entry form re- cruired will be mailed to any ad- dress an application to the Sec- retary, .A; M. 'Hunt, General 01- fiees. Dominion Savings Building, .London, Ont. as possible among his registerod cus- tomers, and he was not bound to furnish the full ration to first comers unless he knew that he had enough to give full rations to all. The enforcement of this scheme produced contentment throughout Great Britain, where it came general- ly into -force on March 25, four weeks later than its introduction into Lon- don and 'the Home Counties. There was little or no fraudulent evasion of the law. In the first place, the Englishman is a law-abiding person, and, having once decided upon .* law, it immediately becomes a Brit- ish institution, to he defended at all costs. In the second place, each meat card bore the statement; "Penalties for misuse, 100 pounds or six months' imprisonment, or both." This was the customary penalty for any violation of the Defence of the. Realm Act.—Scribner. FOR SALE THRESHING UOTFIT A 20-22 h. p Stratford traeiton en gine and Stratford separator com- plete with feeder, cutter, blower and elevator. All in first class condition and used only six sea - 5009, 70' particulars apply to Ed, Reichert, Zurich, Phone 10 on Si. Th.e horse owned by Mr. Peahale and managed by Mr. B. Charret:e broke through the floor in Bren- ner's stable, Grand Bend, on Mon- day night and when found in the mornnig was dead. Much annoyance is caused by exploding .firecrackers in parts:of our -village late at night. " The boys must have their fun, but should not disturb the citizens at midnight. We have a supply of new Seed Corn on hand, leading varieties sueh as White Cap Yellow Dent, Learning, Wis. No. 7, Early Bailey Compton's Early, also mangel and turnip seed, sorghum, Millett, etc. Get your supply now. —J. Gascho Se Son. • COUNTER CHECK BOOKS Do not let your supply of Cou liter Check Books run too low. We sell Appleford,s check books, first-class in every respect. Let us have your order. Herald, Press, Zurich, Ont IF YOUR PNES AT BEY Take tablespoonful of Salts if Back huts or Bladder bothers—Drink lots of water, The • ZURICH LIBRARY is Now Open. Hours: Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon and Evening 2 to 5 and 7 tc9 o'clock. Library at Miss Lydia Faust's home. Cetnent Work BUSINESS CARDS *await austrommarox.0"....auratrgemareagagmgarisiM44....P—ar,',.#90 PROODFOOT, K1LLORAN, es COOKE. Bakri' esere Solicitors, Notaries . Public ea. Office, on the Squaaa, 2nd door s frem fiumiiton Si. Goderich. Private funds to loan at lowest rates W, PnounFoor, K 0. J. L. KILLORAN. Cents% Mr. Ceske Wail ie wean on Friday awl 4,tourilay of ouch 1.4..k. ANDREV,' P. IFSS, Notary "Pu".r.c Com missioner, Co:Iveyancing, Fire and Life Insurance, A gent Corporation and Canada Trust Co Herald Office, Zurich. OSCAR KLOPP Licensed Aactioneel- for the Co- unty of Huron, coaductedin any part of the couaty. C1 -es moderate and satisraction guar- anteed Address Zurich, R. R. No. 2, or phone Zurich. *am. stlaskaulamourr east som eseranunsalealmaxa.m........0. EGGS FOR HATCHING From ,Famous Shepherd Anconas 205 egg strain. Price $1 per prepared to do anything i tting. It eeet by mail $1,50..A.p- the way of building cement silos," ply to F. B. Meyer, Zurich. se foundations, floors, bridges, Walks amount of bedding for beef cattle is advisable, but the extravagant use of ' straw, coarse hays, etc., for this pur- pose should be discouraged. All such roughages that are to be used for bedding, either for fattening or breeding animals, should first be of- fered them in the hay rack and that which is refused used for bedding. If stover is fed the stalks, while somewhat difficult to handle, make satisfactory bedding material and should be used 'for this purpose rather than burned or otherwise lis- ' posed of. Circuiar No. Is of the Domin • ion Experimental Farms shows that seed of most varieties of veg- etables can be grown at home of as good. or better quality than is the imported seed. To ins are having good seed however, it sho- uld be produced from the best plants of the crop rather than from. those which happen to be left unused. This publication which is enti'led "Every Gardener His Own Mr, Justice Rose gives judgment " ,805 60 to Hudson and Hardie farmers of McGillivray Township, the Township of 13iddulphe Seed Grower” is obtainable from, against the Publications Branch of the near London, for injunes to anum ber of sheep in February 1913. They were worried by dogsbe and select, and care for seeds of of 130 in the field 08 died. garden crops as beans, corn, cu- cumbers, egg plants, lettuce, mel - longing to unknown persons, Hon. Arthur 1Nleighen has intro- ons, parsley, peppers, peas, rad - duce(' in the House of Commons al ish, tomatoes, bill to disfranchise defaulters un- der the M. S. A. for a peroid of , fifteen years. They will also be i nom sou qmsn disqualified from holding office ; .,,,,,, ,,,m c,,,,.A, ander the Crown; from being a ; awalim lilt, nig] member of Parliament or of the Senate or front. voting in any Do minion election. Department of Agriculture at Ottawa and tells how to grow, Ani and all -kinds of cement work. Get my prices. is Dowr TSEL EGET Mr. W. C. Callfas has purchased a grand entire horse "Budweisere which is -one of the finest specim- ens of Percherons ever brought to this -section. The animal is three years old and tipped the scales at 1800 pounds. This horse was rec- ently imported from the United States and is a valuable addition to the Perchcron family in Canada. We are a nation of meat "icars end our blood is lied with uric acid, says a well-imown authority, who warns us to be constantly on guard against kidney trouble. The kidneys 'do their utmost to tree the blood of this irritating acid, but become weak from the overwork; they get sluggish; the eliminative tissues clog and thus the waste is retainecl in the blood to poison the entire system. When your kidneys ache and feel like lumps of lead, and you have stinging pains in the back or the urine is cloudy, full of sediment, or the bladder is irri- table, obliging you to seek relief during the night; when you have severe head- aches, nervous and dizzy spells, sleepless- ness, acid stomach or rheumatism in bad weather, get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast each morning and in a few days your kidneys will act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys, to neutralize the acids in urine so it is sio longer a source of irritation, thus landing urinary and bladder disorders, Jed Salts is inexpensive and cannot injure; makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink, and nobody can make * mistake by taking a little occasionally 19 Mar the kidneys clean and active. The man who sends his money a- way for goods which may be pur- thased at home, providing lie can get anylhhing near the same val- t10, is really injuring the town and his neighbor continues in work. Prosperity depends upon n s'early and ready circulation of money, money, and that can not be had 11 it is sent away to build tip other places The Ontario Department ofAg- riculture has arranged Women& Institute Meetings in this locality for the coming season as follows; Ailsa Craig, June 19; Luau), June 20; Granton June 24; Exeter, Ju- ne 25; Eaequhar June 26; Huron - dale June 27; !Zurich, June 28; Blake Stine 30; Crediton July 2; Miss B. Gilholm, Bright, will have vharge of these meetings. Says glass of hot water with phosphate before breakfast washes out poisons. Alex, Foster Zurich. BOAR FOR SERVICE Pure-bred Yorkshireboar far service, lot 16, con 14, Hay.— Hy. Krueger, owners 13t1 p. Massey= Harris. NIA nno sts e e,; 1 Ce la eats see - WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED LOCAL AGENTS FOE THE CELEBRATED 111.13S -Th -HARRIS IMPLEMENTS AND BEG TO AN- NOUNCE THAT WE CAN SUPPLY ALL YOUR WANTS IN THE LINE OE FARM IMPLEMENTS ALSO REPAIRS FOR MACHINERY, PLOW POINTS, ETC. NOTICE. $150.00 IN PRIZES alto Zurich Agricultural Society have entered the Standing Field Crop Competition this year with two cropS; Spring Wheat and Oats. The fields for boat crops must contain not less than five acres each and competitors may enter both crops for which the following prizes will be paid; First $20,00; Second, $15.00; Third, $12 Ou; Fourth, $1.0.00; Fifth, $8.00; Sixth, $6.00; Seventh, $1.00. The Ontario Department of Agr- iculture will furnish expert judg- es, entries must be in the hands of the ;Secretary not later than 'May 20th, For ..entries forms and further particulars apply to the Secretary; • Andrew F. Hess,Zurich. TRTJWORTHY (Enrolled and Inspected) Bay horse, foaled 1916, standard and registered, Vol. XXII. Bred by the late John L. Snydee, at Park Farm, Springfield, Ohio. Si- red by Ortolan Axworthy, 3 year Old record 2,07h; Dam, Trussoca,. 2.07 by Moko. Dam of Trujollt. 2 year old record 2,20% raced in 2.07 at three years. Last season as a two year old, Truworthy trotted the farm half mile track in 2.27. Truworthy was broken to harness in May in his yearling form and trotted a quarter Sn 38 secondss obe-eighth in 18, with no intention of searching him. He is gaited to go very fast and he has the inclin- ation to stay on the trot and do the right thing at all times. Hr Is one of the first crop of foals by Ortolan Axworthy 3 years, 2.07' - and considered, by many the best individual son of his sire, Axwor thy 3 years 2.151. Remember the Axworthy Moko cross produced the world's champion the Real Lady 3 y ears, 2.03. Don't miss seeing Truworthy as 1 armot say too much. for him. TERMS—Will stand at his own stable at Hills Green at $15 to insure a. living fopl —GEORGE E. TROOYER. Po; GIVE US A CALL aper uric"' - yen wake up with a bad taste, bad essth and tongue is coated; it your • sa is dell or aching,; if what you eat and forms gas and acid in stom- . or you aro bilious, constipated, ,• 013, Ea 110W and can't get feeling eet right, begin inside bathing.. Drink ,ci-wo breakfast, a glass of real hot astes with a teaspoonful of limestone 1,;IoNtlatte in it. This will flush the oiiions and toxins from stomach, liver, kidneys. and bowels and cleanse, se eeten and purity the entire alimen- tary tract. Do your inside bathing im- mediately upon arising in the morning to wash out of the system all the pre- vious dny's poisonous -waste, gases and sour bile before putting more food into the StOM ach. To feel like young folks feel; like you felt before your blood, nerves and muscles became loaded with. body inas purities, get from your pharmacist a quarter pound of limestone phosphate which is inexpeneive and almost taste- less, except for a sourish twinge which is net unpleasant. Just as soap and: hot water act 013: t110 skin, cleansing, sweetening and, freshening, so hot water and limestone phosphate act on the stomach, liver, and women 1111-.• a a, '""*"-:"*""'""L-"-• HIGH kidneys and bowe s. who are usually constipated; bilious, headachy or have any stained. dis- ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY order should begin this inside bathing DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY LL N O A before breakfast. They' are asMAIOFFIC— HENct sured they will become real Cranks on he soled shortly" — *0 - Dr. E. S. Hardie DENTI ST At OF ALL C L, EST CASH P E PAD Kaibfleisb Zurich You Ca With an Alpe. rt Cents 11 L--esI in .71/0 Cost $4,04 In Juno 117-8.S. Cost $4.05 War Sayings Stamps can be bought wher* ever this sign h displayed. And you can invest it in securities as safe and profitable as any held by cap- italists. Twenty-five cents saved each week can be made to earn 41/2 (2; interest by a very simple plan. Thrift Stamps corA twenty-five cents each. Sixteen cif these when exchang- ed for a War Savings Starup become a 41/2 interest-bearing security for which the Government will pay you $5.00 in 1924. In other words, if you lend the Govern- ment the $4.00 odd you have saved by this easy means, the Government wr11 pay it back to you WITH AN ADDI- TIONAL DOLLAR five years from now. And you become an investor in the saf- est of all securities—a Government Bond. Canada needs the small savings of her people to finance the work of recons struction. Make Your Savings Serve You a Serve Your Ccuntry—bn,est Thna War Snlins Stamps,