Zurich Herald, 1926-11-18, Page 3still quenches thirst, 'cools the parched throat and by its de- lightful flavor and refreshment restores the Joy of life. ccse After Every Meal A Magnificent Weed. Capt. Kingdon 'Ward, explorer and i plant collector, ha ,s recently described in Conquest his Most extraordinary finds . , "In the- harsh mountains of Tibet -are sorrels which grow 'eight fe<et high. The tiny flowers are hidden beneath age, dowruwarday pointing, eierlap- ping leaves a a bright sulplaur yellow, -which eaver the tall elect stem from top to bottom. Tho plant grows on the 'open alpine moorland, and I shell never forget rny first sight of ia. There were hundreds growing together; I could see them a toile away, like Yel- low candle flames against the' dark moan Sometimes you see only one standing by itself; it looks, like a por- eellart Chinese ,pagode, swaying in the wind. "The plant grows at an amazing rate. OccurrineOnly at high altitudes, round about fifteen tbeusand feet, it is buried under the snow till June, 'when '1' it maidenly pushes ite, way through, o and growe, several feet in a few weeks. D .Alli through the heavy sumMer rains C it continues to expand, ISA in October the Will(' and snow cut it down ruth- lessly. The Tibetans eat the young leavea, atalp they ub10 a net unitive* ie." ---"--,•"";?-9-;:-: - alvt salad" - 'Lie low Alia uneonapieuoue bat Add USE$ too common. sorrel 18 1)091-14a ii Earsope 414 an inaredient of Magda and eoupe. Atrierloo, it to regarded simely es a troublesionle weed. . A sorrel eight fest WO seunda like a gardeoefe algatinare! Rain and the Moon. Near the equator the position of the young Moon never rnake8 nu tingle of MoatsthuiB.O• degrees with the bort- ' zon, tuid it is generally . in au even The Toronto Hospital for InoursIdee,Jt atntlertlon. with Bellevue And Allied Boesltal3, ' New Yotlt city, ‘Iffeke throe YeSre Coop cf TralnIna to young woottn. hoeing the roeuIrod edugatleh. And do.lretie of becoming hurry.. ThIi HOloHni hi adopted The eight. lipjr eriore. rho MO Melee unIforint Ot Ille School, a tenothty alIowan*e end traveling exponees to and Riau New York. Sof • SOW lefereletied write 'UN Superintendent. World's Fastest Cable. snore nearly horizontal positions SO Tile great 'stride° 'new. being inejde ins wireaees teleptaphy, ase Wen es. the that in a part of the world notorious proirilee Of treasestlantIF telephony, Is tor segions of ileavy raipfall, the metal is, according to the proverb, always sPecd1113. 11) e 'world's sten of oable oosnmunication, not only in Eng - a "dry" one. The final absurdity of I land and the United States, but in Ger- the idea that changee in the moon de- „so note rain is the case of the crescent --al'. '`18-we'14' At the present time Germany has no moon, as seen from the North and South poles, where it is always 'what hei. two cables having been cent's - the proverb destribee .es "wet," for cated in the war by Great Britain, One at those elates. the line joining the of these cables, now the "Imperial" Us of the crescent always. makes an able, se rims hem PO71ZallCS. and. Is angle of less than 25 degrees to the operated from the Central Tel'egra.ph aertical; aet the polar 4' eglona are Office, London, while the other .runs characterized by so little precipitation from 13rest, and is worked by a cora- in the form of rain, and snow that they beh. of the French Govern - rank ammo; the arid regions, of the globe, The Germans expect to complete their section of_ a new transatlantic cable between lamden and the Azores in a'few weeks. It will connect up with a new cable laid between the AZOreS and New York in. 1924 ty• the Western Union Telegraph Company. Bratain'e reply is the <completion of the teetest eablle in the world, connect- ing London with New York, through Penzance and Bay Roberts, Newfound- land, which will be operating hi a few weeksaat the remarkable speedof 500. words, or 2,500 leters, a minute—near- ly eight 'times as fast as aray of the existing cables to -day. This hitherto unheard-of speed is obtained by whet is known as Noat- ing" tale cable, accomplished in this 4n- steuce by wrapping the cepper cola (hitter Of the cable with a 'thin. tape of a metallic alloy of nickel and iron thseughont its entire 3,000 miles. • The world's largest cable-shio, the Dominion, is at present engaged in putting -down. the.lengestsicable in the world in the Pacific. This dable will Connect Baenfteld, British Columbia, with Panning Islandt 8,600 miles away, and Is expected to work at 800 letters, or 100 words, a minute, five time,s the speed of the original Pacific cable laid. ha 1902. direct cable 'conneetion with Amerioa, MOTHERS PRAISE BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mrs. L. M. Brown, Walton, N.S., says.:—"I cannot .recommend Baby's Own Tablets too highly. I have found them invaluable for the alltnents of little ones." Mrs. Brown's testimony is the slime as that of thousands. of other mothers who have used the Tab- lets. To DSO' them once is a sure guar-, antee that they will alwaye be kept in the home as long as there are babies or young children to be cared for. The Tablets are a laxative — mild 1?ut thorough in action—atich never fail to. regulate the stomach and bowels; relieve constipation and indigestion; breek up colds and simple fevers and make the dreaded teething period easy. In fact you banish all the MIROT Ills from which little ones suffer. The. abiets are sold by medicine dealers r by mail at 25 cents a box from The r. Medicisie Co., Brockville, )nt. •.„•• • - 1•41.'1(13icf*-..-4?-C''lli 1--k (lar.' • . • - 1 T • . • •• • • - . • • •-• < • TORONTO HAIRDRESSING ACADEMY via*" you sow gen" Writ& for 8.4011..hseribln. . wse4ws .4ourNo* ' Iltkomb • , NAMILTON, OPtT. PUN. • -.TORONTO I, ONT. Making a Good End. The Tobin with his banjo I hastingalown the lane, The tianciag leaves that ask et tune Call after him in vain. leads tra. that • The Cunard AnchOr-Donald- son ocean highway will be the home ,trail for many Canadian citizens intent on spending Christmas.with the home folks in the British' Isles this Christmas, Leaving Halifax December 12th and 13th respectively the two Christmas ships • *Letitia" and -"Antonia') are scheduled to arrive at the home ports three or four. days before Christmas, the "Letitia" at Belfast; Liver- pool and Glasgow, ,and the Antonia " at Plymouth, Cherbourg and London. Ask your Steamshit • :Agent for information, or write -:- The Robert Record Co; Limited Montreal, Toronto, Quebec?. St, John, N.B., Halifax, • ' CUNA W7 ANCHOR-DONALDSON CANADIAN sgpvicE isa ,„ . • The &tame setshis lantern. Crimson beside 'the way Tog -nide belatechtravelere, Beyeaid the verge of day. The brook tbatahrou.gh the summer Such jaunty banter had • ' With wind andand forest,maid Is lio-w a sober lad, The goldeaerea. fa,ieshibing • •• Across the meadow's rim The spendthrift wind has tossed aside A,s uselese cellist() him: "•:•• The grave,k.tall pines in friendship A lonelyhill-top share 'And 'tell Old tales Of sunny days . •. When summer fields were fair. , .And < high hill echoes answer The pi/grims' Tareevell cry, With greetings ,gay across the. Miles— "Good luck! good cheer! good -by!" —Arthur Wallace Peach in Christian Science Monitor. , • • Greeniand, the alagest isi ci4n the world (Australie being considered ad .continent)bhae -an arof -more than 750,000 equaie.niftee; •Se. vast is this is:and, mid sa linge its, ice-eap, ;that it is ,estiniated that if Grenland's ice were'spreacl out over Canada, it would cover the entire country a quarter of a mile deep: • : • Do you get a sensation of pressure on the heart? Don't be frightened it's not heart trouble -it's indigestion., Seigel's Syrup will fix it Any 'drug etore. • Nature's Finale. 'The blaze of the autumn colors ran media, through. all the tree tops as far as we could see front the hillside, scarlet on chestnuts,' flaky orange on the apples,. yellow came birches. Na.- tnreatemodest 'in this latitude end cli- mate, but in- the autumn, as a 'sort of grand finale, she splashes. the 'stage with etsior. We scuffed through Wind- rows of crisp ash leaves, smelling their' clean, oder, and. turned 1.1i) a soft lane wherejunoos *ere flitting and twitter- ing in the grass and, two downer weod- peckers. •seratching in 'an applestree Sudele.nly • we walked into a hill -side field, etched round -with a thin line of tre .esee Oilea'agestooil,' a, true symbol atrengtli,."-in. -the 'eentre•. Suniachs an one side glowed with a vivid color, and down the valley to the next hill, waehed•wtta the faint blue of the haze, were innanierable patches•of color in glorieus•atiray, The: .14.6.. now dipped downhill. titraesia-9:enee.aily wooded patch. Jun- cos..and•-:Woodpeckers, were busy in hale paste' Sad none other bleds with a :ihr6uta, crooning note •We did not recognize ,tharn instantly as hlue- biedse "thy seemed too unlike the stuns bads of the spring. High in the shy Were two hawks soaring easily with eeeecely a. wing motion. Too far away foe us to identify positively they were snimaidly red-tallhawks, still to lie cannnon to this oeuntry. The lane .staaleed at a stone wall on the edge of ,a grassy pastune. "Look!" csied Edgar Ops 1 elambere.a over the walla...I turned quielsly and saw a pro- eeseion ot email grey birches! well up towardsl the a far sweep of iewlyzminted. gold. So oarne the k!Ches of nature at the close of a well - pent season.—T. Brooks Atkinsion, in Skyline Promenades.v. • The Homestead. noaaan a 4.o/e4:211erds 8 A it lleTer ter•41,.:0 ALUM SOAPS. FAL .. • Worracm. 4,26 • . "COL • • sesseeea” • 5.t, -• • Every Ws, man Deserves Oe. The SMP Roaster is a tine time saver. You put the roastor fowl in the oven. The oaster does the rest, bastes roasts to perfection. It toasts with very little Shrinkage, thus saving dollars every yeas. None of the tasty meat juices are lost; all the rich flavor is retained. Besides you 'can buy cheaper cuts, for it makes cheap cuts testa like choice ones: The clone fitting cover keeps n11 the cooking odors and the grease inside the roaster --the smelt of edolgirig doe.o!t Alt the house, and the OVOR in kept tweet and clean. Best of Wait cleans out in a Jiffy after the roasting. These are splendid vessels. Price 05e. to p.50 according to size and finale Bold in all hardware stores. SMP 261 ROAS T E Wben shies are growing warm and bright, And in, the woodlown bowers The springtime in her pale, faint robes Is calling up the flowers, when all with naked, tittle feet The chadreet in the morn Go forth, and in the furroves, drop Tho weds of yellow cern; What a beautiful embodiment Of ease 'devoid ct pride Is the good oid-feelliened homeetead, With its doors set open wide! But when the lI)jCSt time, is come, That to the year -belongs, aVleeneall.the vales are filled with goad An4 ail the air with songs; When fields of yet unripened grain, ,Aid yet ungarnered stores honied< the thrifty huebandinan 01 ampler tbaeshingefloors, How pleasant from the din, and dust Of the thoroughfare nigmf, Stands. the old-reshleaod botnesteatl, With steep ond mossy roof! —Alleo Cary. 'After shoving—hiloard's Liniment. LO!comotivei's lareathint. Taelailfixig of a ealkivey engine iera esseentou suougai esound but few people know bY wbst it is =regulated, AcstataillY rho'nunilier et, RUIN niade by e lose- metive in the eoues-e of a journey de pas ciecumference of its tarlY- liag wheels. No matter what the speed of the train. may he, 4he engine will giro tour Put's for every oomplete turn of the driving wheele,. The wheels may' YU7 in eircutneerenoe, but the average is 20 feet, With Use average tittreang Wheels, and a speed fifty real$ bouts a Joe:motive will give 889 miffs a Minute, or 52,800 puffs au hut, the driving wheels performing' .1.2,200 complete revolutions, in the sixty 'Minutes. • REGAINED 11EALTH IS NOW 1-1APPY The' Experience of a Quebec • Woman With Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Mrs. L. D. Bernier, 89 D'Arguilion Street, Quebec, is one of the thousands of 'women 'who, when she found her health foaling, resorted at once to Dr. Wialearns' Pink Pills,. and now finds herself in perfect health. Mrs. Ber- nier says:—"I was very weak, sub- ject to headaches and was unable to sleep weld. Testimonials .in the news- papers persuaded me to try Dr. Wil- liams Pink Pial•s, and the result has been most satisfactory. I have re- gained my health, the headachesehave left me; I sleep well at eight, and I have gained in weight. Naturally I am feeling happy. I strongly recom- mend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to an weak people." • Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for GIIGOSEIR, rheumatism, neuralgia, nen vousnees. Take them as a tonic if you are not in the best physical condition and cultivate a resistance that will keepsyou well and strong. If you Will send us your name and address a ! book, "Building Up the Broad," will be mailed you prepaid. This little book contains many useful headth hints. - 'You can get these pills .through any dealer or by mail at 50 gents a box from The Dr. Williams' ?Vied/eine Co„ Brookville, Ont. High. "I see by the papers that the chemi- cal value of a human is only 67 .cents," • ."oh, I've felt like less thah that many times." Swans on the River Thames belong either to the King or to the Dyers' or 'Vintners' ConiPaTIY• These =two bodies are the only City 'Companies permitted to own swans on the Thames. rr.titS 4 •-• • :4 AtibaDga=2- Their tooth era ot tough - nese which makes tbeneholtt their keen cuctinrs edge , tier every urazO. SIMONDS- CANADA SAW CO. LTD. MONTOCAL .vAmcouvert.r.T. OM% N.D.. TORONTO .... • top., ^•ir..,••......_;1:4,1. • ...,V;tt ,•"..Ao Stockings From Tin. Who would tail* thst. the cost of calk stockings, frocks, snits, and hun- dreds of other articles of everyday use would be raised because of the Isiah price of tin? But theseaarticlee con- tain this, so-called "belie" -metal, and as the price of tin has risen during five years front £120 to R317 50. per ton, It is expected that their prices will have to be raised, Wifeless is another industry that makee a heavy demand on tin. This metal is to be found in the head- phones, the loud -speaker, the actual set, and on the copper wire. On thin sheets of mild steel, laidethinly, it be- comes tinplate, which, when used for kettles, canisters, and so on, is wrong- ly called. tin. As pure tin, it is made into pharmaceutical apparatue. Beaten fiat and thin, tin provides a "leaver" backing for mirrors. In solu- tion form it Is used extensively in the weighing of calk and artificial silk. They All Do. Awakened from a good sleep, Mr. Smith grumbled: "What's the idea of those roosters crowing so early this morning?" "I couldn't say," replied his wife "but I remember you got up early on morning and you crowed about it .fo a week." r Due to the fact that all the Can- adian National. Park are game sanc- tuaries, where no .one without per- mission may carry a gun or kill any animal, or bird, wild like is increasing rapidly and is a source of great en- joyment to tourists. .._ BILIOUSNESS Dr. Franklin's DIGESTIN ,Strengthen e the Stomach, relievee and erevents byspeirsia, Indigestion, Heart- -burn, Sour Stomach, Nausea., Flatu- lence, ileatiache, and all other troubles caused by disordered Stomach and Bowl. Buy at your dreg store or mail fifty cents to our address. Dr. Franklin Laboratories —Toronto Chapped Hands. Mlnard's heals rough and chapped skin on face or hands. Mix it with sweet oil and apply oft•en. Classified Advertisements. REIVINANTS. LBS., a2. 5 LBS. PATCHES, $1.50. A. licCreery, Chatham, Ontario. SALESMEN—We offer ateady employment ande pay weekly to sell our complete and exclusive lines of guaranteed quality, whole root, fresh dug -to -order trees and plants. Attractive illustrated samples and full co-operation, a money -making opportunity. Luke Brothers Nurserlea. Montreal Avoiding Trouble. Traveling Toy Salesman—"I hove you and want you for my wife." Blonde Bookkeeper ---"But are You sure your wife wlii like me?" Ohs/13101am Use Minard's Liniment. A portion of the old railway right of way in Jasper National Park, Al.. berta, extending from the town of Jasper to Snaring river, a distance of nine miles, has been converted into motor highway, and a new bridge built over the river to connect with a pro- posed extension of the highway. ZYCI.arnr NOTtieif' Last vrordsle leificara aid. Pfuetic-al, up -to -dates, g peaces on planning, building, tersdratbee docarstieg end g gardeniag. Preaus4.sealinsuss illustrated. and sores of actual ' gist.ions. c-evt.1 for pturtust issue. MacLeaa Oeeldare taadde 34.4 Astotaida Si, W,, f4'• • -see Tr.raott. ,amairei.eraelei Ore rs a. 7,•••• ••••P•14,-, DOCTOR ADVISED OPERATION FOR ;I MRS. PENN She Escaped It by Taking. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound Windsor. Ont.- "Alter the birth of my first baby I was very much run- down in health and the doctor said I must have an operation as I was suffering from a displacement. A friend wanted me to try your medi- cine -Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compeand-and I took it steadily for a year. During this time I was carry- ing my second baby and I felt real well all the time and did not have a hard confinement. I feel sure the Vegetable Compound did me a tot of good, and all my people do, too. One sister in Leamington, Ontario, takes it, and both sisters praise it as a good medicine. I ani more than pleased with the result." - Mrs. W. Peleits Windsor,. Ontario. Mrs. Corbin Relieved from Pain Stewiacke, N. S.— "I had pains across my back and in rny side for two ears After my first baby was born, ornother had taken Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound and I read abont it in the papers, so I tried it and the pains all left ine. I have a family of three children now, and the medicine helped me during the Months before they were born. 1 rec- ommend it 'to rny friends." -Mrs. CARY W. CORBIN,Main Street Stew- iacke, Nova Scotia. 0 .• Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for o s •Neuritis Pain Toothache Headache Lumbago Neuralgia Rheumatism. DOES NOT AFFECT , THE HEART WARN Beware of CounterfeitsING! 're is only one genuine 4'.0,.SPIRIN" tablet. If a tab- let is offered as "ASPIRIN" and is not stamped with the "Sayer Cross" --refuse it with contempt -it is not".ASPIRIN" at all I Don't take chanceI Accept 2E.1,5.12 which contains proven directions. Heady "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets. Also betties of 24 ate' 100 ---Druggists. Aspirin In the tracts Ithrk (mesterei its Canada) to Xisyer branufeetYlre of Monescetle- acidoster otStilitYliCsOld• (Acetyl Salicylic Acid, "A, S. A.")„ Whilo it is well Icnown that soiritoneitna ntlinniaoturei to the mthile Nuanst imithuorts.the tiolots oa nnYor tiezabanYwill be Stamped with their talent1 treat mock, the 'elver Cross," .4, Cucuta Shaviug Stich A Luxury for Tender Paces This freely lathering Shavieg • Stick towable the -emollient and medicinal properties of Cuticora, enabling tender -faced inen to laave without the slightest irritation, 11 leaves the skis sofneed and re- freshed and free from et/ tense, dry feeling. Mullets Dula Pro 'by IdOIL Atielteidi /loot: oStenhorac, ttd,, 'dottrel,' Prion, Sort kgs. Ointinootti sad Sac, 'Nitersens, OW° Cut:eura Starring Stkk 280. iSUtlNa,48—'2 • 05