Zurich Herald, 1926-11-04, Page 1VoL XXVII No 1.8, 1, I e e ZURICH, THURSDAY MORN1NG„ NOV,EMBER 4,(926. akm DeriliMfIllEKUM(IDEEMOQWEililEKID)=1001:100421MGRa 1101 Jag !,aceivecl. fresI1 ship_ ment of atilson's Jaricay Milk Choc] ate 131,rs, reg. 253 while they last at Salo Price I.9c. W. Ca ager Phone 91 CiDGINSIEMEi44251000:11ffiliDODGMBICaMillDefe • ) )430 D00/011)43 lies 41, Now is the time to Buy your RADIO. Do 2 not wait till spring and miss ali the good --1. .a. m. sic and Concerts . i. .T. - it 4. your fall 4.014.1•01diliN. g Thanksgiving Day hasbeen fixt?d for Monday, Nov. 8th, the • (iv Monday nearest the lith. T wo minutes of :silence w:11 be obsreved at eleven o'clock OE ,T,..hursday 11, Armistice Day in honor, of the Rmpire's 'rt Chester 14 Smith:, Public/Xs% e Year Lei I-4sttntyik„.- • $1,50 ARRE I.R.S. $2 MAY BE OBAR4n1EP urchases a ;a 1 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. o Give r5e a call before 'buying elsewhere ESCH - Zurich 44++++++++.t-4++++++++++++++4 „F4eip00141(0601.40010004180•6660.1001•01 tatittietifeet51•41410009060010000 40, do -t114 Life -Buoy Rubbers A COMPLETE LINE OF BefOraLCIZg YOU are Goint to Buy a pair of Robber Boots if you are hard on Boots, in- atead least salting for Rub- ber Baotsk ask or LIFE- BUOY WE Clara kkeyare the long - gest wearliag boot youcan buy and you will say so after wearing ap Therei an ideal LUPE- I.0001" Boot ler every pur- pose on.,,tilme tarter, iirt the btlah, the gara.g,e.,, in fact where - ever men heed, waterproof protection tor their :feet end legs. 3 Let Vs slum you .the boot that suite your particular re- quirement, win Boot Shp REPAIRING NIATLY DONE 0.00011Voutantems4004•6014441,002406604104114440$6•-• 404-• • • • ft, 4D00•••••••0 a a 4a 4a 0 • a a a 4 • 4 4 4 4 4 • 4 8 0 0 04104-10•0'004'*0.*****•4:104411-000-0*4-.0 000044** el- I 6 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. • e s • "441' -GASCJIIM .4-0104,•• F PRI 1 rb '0 4004444% 44- 0 VIIONE 07 -0 a The members of the Lutheran church 'will again held 'their divine service in in the Town gall, next Sunday. 10 aro, german service, 11 p.m. Sunday Schooli. At 7.30 p.m. Mr, Wrnj. S. ,Johnston will de- liver an address on "The Richmond: CM] v en tion." Everypody Wel- come,. . • RE -OPENING AND DEIJICAT.A.T- ION OF EMANUEL EV. CHURCH, ZURICH, ONT:. ' Sunday, October 31, .i1.9236 will be a day long to be remembered by the inemb,hs and iriends of this Church. With Inuc1 . interest all ot'served the Progre•ss of Nallarging and decorating of the hulking. 'ina copious showers during stn last four weeks, caused some anxi- ety oc weather conditions for ded- ication services. •11:11e. cares „van- ished with the dawn of a beautiful aucuxnn mai-sling, and during ith,e entre day weather conditions were ideal. At 9.45 a.n..j. ;the auditor= was With. an appreciative land, lenee, „..'“.‘v. S. R. R.nechtel, of New Hamburg, the speaker tor the i•nornin,g tan:vice, preached a Tery able- se2mon from, 6.3 ithree Words; "Come, Tarry, Go." Rased on the words -of the Master as rocordecl in. the Go•spel. • IL the evening the church was crowded to its utmost capacity,' many' not being able, to,'gain ad- roditnace. Rev, H. A. Kalif:man, P. Er spoke on Rom. 12; 1. His Magi viery filling )for the oc- casion. At both services and at Bible School the congregation's were delighted with choir 'select- ions. The ladies' chorus was par- ticularly good. No objection's would by raised to _hear it again. i,1.ss E. Rennie deserves credit for her untirIng efforts to make the choir numbers a leading featur,) ts2rViCt13 of the church. The addition to the forrpr c.h- -arch represents acost of about E000 not insluding theMaterial of the 14th con. Hay church. Thein - side air.ingemnt, dezoratlim, lights windows, and -ceiling are very at- tractive!. As a place of worship the blending of colors could not be more chtirablo. The members are thankful to Almighty God for Hi % kind Providence. It As the desire ot all, that ;strangers will feel at hong and &any who have no other church home are ,cordially in- vited to meet and Forthip here And anyone desiring to join in church fellowship. will be ;assisted by centering with. the Pastor,, ReV, F, 13, 111..s.yer. The .building boar1. feels grateful for the- splendid co- operation of all, who to willingly assisted in tho a.rrangements land building of the. church. Evangelical Church Notes ZURICH - Thursday 730 p.ni. Friday, 4.10 -Junior L Friday 7.30 p.m. E. L. 8.30 -Choir practice. ONT. Prayer anti Praise eerie. C. 13 Sunda,y, November 7th. 10.00 • a ,mo Worship led by, Rev. G. L. c'.1roiss 11 a,m,-Bible ,School, Mr. 3. E. Gasche, Suptc. 7.30 p.m0.-Worship led by • Rev, F, B. Meyer. At the close of the evening ;ser- vice a financial statement of the building board. will be giVen. • 0 DASHWOOD 0 . ll, Thura.day 2 pan, Ladles Aid. 4 Friday 8 p.rhthe xegular prayer 4, service Will b) held in connection 4 .4. with the E,L.C.E. meeting . •4 -* 4. 4. • 4. 4. Friday, 4.10 -junior league, Airs. P. D. 1.Vf ever, St/Ipt, i th kleinstiver, Pres. Sunda,y, NoVember 7th, 10i a,,m,-Worshio, led. by. UM'', P. la. 111eyler 11,05 -Bible SchJol, A, Birk, Supt. 7.30 p,m,„-Worship 'led by Jolts Young, an optician of gz2nday SclicZ1C4Coltr:coUnrtitIolS: 1.3°1t.z.' ILIttark°cr11.11711.11'9onv:4‘.fdIr:v1:".22nig, out drtek shooting, e shot will hold in Crediton Evarigt while 'h church on ThurtSdaY afternoon, a duck and wont after it with .1 From the dvertising erchants HEAL ildrina Ag 1 bl" e sp Mr, and Mrs. John Truerrmer of'Detroit, were Sunday visitors at relatives of the village. Lorne Pfile of Detroit, was visitor at the home of 'Nils, Lydia Nile. Mrs, Mary. Schmidt lof Shakes- peare, visited with her neice Mrs.. C.• L. Smith over Sunday', Mr, Adam MIrnzz of Tavislock, visited! at the home of Mr. Henry Truernner on Sunclay,, Mr, and Mrs, Fnrak O'Brein of Staffa, were Sunday visitors ,at the eine of Mr. and avrm. Wm. O'Brein The annual meeting of theZur-- ich Jubilee Band will be held on -rtlialrsclay evening of this week, High. Constable A. Whitesides of Gaderich was in the village on Mo rl day Mr. Cyrus. Schoch who tployed here res carpenter, his home over Sunday. is cm - visited. Mr. C. 'Fritz attended the large Liberal Convention held. at Toronto hitt week in honor of the Liberal Leader, Mr. Sinclair. Don't .forget the fowl supper and program. in the Imtheran eh. - ren. tshed next WednesdaY, Nov. 19th. Supper will be.'serveclfroth 2IAID 8 p.rn, IN Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Finkbciner and daughter, Miss Hazel of Strat- ford were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H, -Hoff- man. Mr, and Mrs, M. Leinweber of Strath.1o, Mrs.\A. Linvreber of Tav- istock, Mr. and Mrs. Reil of Mit- chell. were Sunday visi,,ora with relatives here, Agent Wm. Lamont and the various Directors and offficials of the Hay Eire Insurance Co. held their monthly meeting at Bruce - field on Satdrclay. Mrs. Wm. C. Durst, Colborne, Township, announces the engage- ment of her daughter, ;Edith A. to Mr W. Henry Pfile, of Hensall,Ont the marriage to take pl.ace quiiet- ly early in November. Mrs. A. McConnell of Varna has left on an 'extendedtrip out west 'where she will visit her brother,Mr. Allan Ester aL Itallilfay, Ab, who is one of the !most ostensive and prominent farmers. in the commun it y. • Mr. Lou:ts Rader has purchased the fine 100 -acre farm owned by Mr .John England, of the Goshen MLine, south, while Mr. England will retro- and move to Zurich, ha V- ing purchased the fine dwelling property of Mr. Joseph Melding- er of the village. Possession in both cases next .spring. - Engineer Mr. Wilson and Audit M or r. Monro' of the Hydro Elec- tric Power eornMiSsiOn, Toronto., were in town on AVednesday and after looking over the books, ,etc. found that the local finances show a deficit of about $1100 for the past year's operation, which means that our rates will have to be in- creased about twenty per cent. in order to break even with the cost. Oa Sunday-. at the lake shore north of the bend, a body of s person was found which the v, ayes had thrown out on the besch. Coronor Dr. O'Dwyer of he tvillage was called and. under- takkor W. H. Huffman !removed the corpse to ZtVich. Wrclo was at once sent out and ,on Tuesday two. men from Pt. Iluron wer.? in Zurich who partially identified. the body, al there, Was part •:of the flannol shirt and .part of the sweater still on, Ches.:: .piecos "iiiro taken Wok to Pt, Hrtroh and ,distinctly identi- fied by the 'surviving widow or the departed. man who proves to No.v 41h, boat and never /,‘-torn:.a.. Th, n 11. 1 v.^ be'm preteri.vd, -11E:. H. MEYEIty ..sEor, to withstand it for nearly alar. odel, For Every Purpose NO i‘IATTER WHAT PRICE 70I,7 WISH TO PAY YOU ,WILL PIRO OUR STOCK OP RADIO MOST COMPLETE AUTHORIZED DEALERS POR THE DEFOREST CROSSLEY, MAR CONI AND ATWATER KENT RADIOS Let Give you a free DemonIstration W. t! • ss 40, - Sons BUY THE BEST, IT IS TEM CHEAPEST, anNursB Tld'H Lackawa AN D L 80W Scranton DIRECT FROM THE MINE% SOFT COAL, GENUINE REIkNi TUCKY MILLERS CREEK, OGKINI GENUINE BY PRODUCTS/ Our Telephones are at your Mee vice, the information Is frost Cara,,,teickaa, H EN SALL ONT; Phones -Office lova. Houma 1e4 •t4404.00.04.04400.00.0040.4 40.04444440440000431111W - e. • • My Accounts are now ready, and. .4 any persons indebted to me kindly • • call at once and settle same.. the 4 0 • FRED THIEL - ZURICH • G...4.9..4...,.4......................9........0,,a 141: 110 •01. 4*\+++++++++++++++++++++4+++++++++++++++EtAWNW 4. • 1 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. ++++++++++++++++•++++++++.*+++++++44+++++++44r4i4,44Aho.ii., BETTE IN RUBBER FOOTWEAR THAT WEAR LONGER IF YOU MUST BE OUT IN WET WEATHER YOU ,WAINTT RUBBER FOOTWEAR. TiE ARE GLAD TO SHOW YOU A PAIR EXACTLY SUIT ED FOR YOUR REQUIREMENTS. OUR ST0OIC IS COM.I'L ETE IN ALL SIZES AND STYLES. NOW IS THE TIME 'TO HAVE YOUR SHOES _REPAIRED Men's Shoes soled sizes 6-11 $1.00 -Women% 'shoes soled 3-7 at 75c Misses Shoes, isoled 11-2 at 85e Rubber heels, .50c and 35e pr. i 0. FRITZ &. SON SHOE MERCHANTS tJ I 43 41. 43 New Fall and Goods -• 111 inter Call and see oar new flannel dress Goods and. cotton danael suitable for children's dresses, etc,. EIEAVY FLANNELETTE SHIRTING AND BLANKETS, ',TOM BLANKETS, SWEATERS, JERSEYS, SMOCKS, AND UNDER. - WEAR, ALSO GRAIN BAGS, A. FULL LINE OF STAPLE GOODS. BARGAIN PRICES. ALL REMNANTS All DOLJGLAS GENERAL 4141.67.7.1? CI Af PHONE 11 -97 • EISLAKE ..„„,,A,•iz..„;;;;;;.14,,,....'"tuu.44,.'""Trogoomitemoobni•Tr4""" 14 f 11 4 4 44 . 6 .4 lt 41 .4 4 4 1 -44