Zurich Herald, 1926-07-22, Page 6jj~ 4' L a Atli VilOY Vic: *Veal. •s71tle% '"R1'T -iseee .7413; , ,3.411,x' r SC !Riyf'ta� essielra. e3a- ['rs taut` Ii'UT1 1 err. e • Ile 50' aliie ue.. ,"tel; Lay "Sr- II "t4rr3P y Rata, `atAau 426P,' ,Tr. Z.T. OOP 1•••OOtt. Oe rr erean Pe e. O tCd SE prt " I. Li "is ooa tea. eo. flocrante Roe" Otangt,Pacelea. IS ��xx j LICE A CHEMICAL MIXTURE? Carbon,i altar Oxygen and Other Elements Form t3 1'hy Basis. The ltoad, fY way ..ts'a winding road, A road that wandesa geet turns .not back', o wit1i $$ 1 girt A 'Where one 5.110111dg load As well MAY be in a travele'r's pack; A road that rambles through >narsh and wood, Meadow and waste to the oloudT end; ta, I find 1t gobd, But smooth or rugae For sornetbin's always around the bend. GIRLOOD DANGERS Conte ri'hroagh a ' eakcning of There may be storms in the bleak de- files; of the valley's But oh, the calm breast! There play be toil on the upward miles: But oh, the joy of . the mountain - crest! the Blood„ -..A Tonle 1s Neesle& In their early tens it fe quite tom' mon for girls to outgrew their strength, and )pothers should c ref a rat wadi the health of their chug this time. It is when the strengthat ria ie sltjlee�d by rapid growth, tapper be no- ticed The first signs and b peevishness, tangour 1 Up a Hill and a Mall, Up .a still .and i< kill there'd a .suddef. orchard -slope, • .And a little tawfl field in the Mani There's a 8taY Wali that coil 'lake a twist of frayed -out rope, And grasses nodding news to one. Up a hill and a hill there's a windy placed to stand, le -boughs to ;And between the app find the Blue est the Of the sleepy summer sea, p cliffs of orange sand, With the white charmed shiPe slid - head . Y grows p tug through, ,Cha Race �' breatbles pale, And here's a thistle and there's a rose And next—whatever the road Mai send; I chose, For. onward ribbons the . wayround the With something always bend. . . • "A noonday halt at a crystal well, A word and smile with a passing friend, A song to sing and a tale to tell, .And something coming around the bend! —Arthur Guiterman in "Ballads of Old New York," headaches• al station become apparent,swith 1 W p spirits and dee 1 Up a hill. and a hill there's a little ids with low sp gray slop reefers scored 1`Ieglecteti anaemia often t s your As and stained; the g and a Pse by the door, decline, but .if Yea there daughter's blood is enriched, need be no cause for anxiety. The finest 'blood-bnilder ever discoveredTherwill Dr. Williams' .Pink Pills. build up your girl's health and e proof ure for her healthy womanhood. Black's of this Mrs. George Jusathink, Dr. Wil - wonderful bor, N B says• meds tb- "?'•. �,`•. ?'ice-a`"".�Sen -�:T.. _ r L.J"• Thomas Huxley, famous English biologist, was bora r fined the -d 182'6 and escrip- tion. In • 1Se5. He popularized Darwin's theory tion. "Pbysical basis of life," for protoplasm. Secrets of Science. Witharedr tangled garden -way, checker - paned. And a face at the window, paned. . i could climb, I could climb, till the shoes fell off my field above — I Just to find that tawny fir • ' the seal --oh, the hereof eine.Pink ugh a Mret ,vas in.I Up a hill and a hill, Dine• My daughter, Margaret, Buckle's sweets such a badly run down Gondnnttioonat set I And the eyes at the window watch going , WTD Elliott Graduates ment de- partmente has been pacts elf cos operating with business houses this and other cities of our country, For 20 year's our graduates have attested the character and effec'ti've- nes€ of our work, Your chance of success as well problem,as your course of study is our Write Dept, "D". for particulars. E ee we feared she was the'lent cline. Her face was pale, exertion would leave her breathless She nd she sufferedtrain 1o•st a lot in had no appetite weight. Up to the time we Pills, giv- ing her Dr. Williams' But thanks treatment had helped leer. ul medicine to the use of tlits-w showing she is again well aud strong, no signs of the trouble that had so weakened her." In all troubles due to weak, watery blood, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills -will be found a reliable remedy mad il all medicine dealers o'r sent by iiWilliams' at 50 cents a box by Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Friendship. I would not torte the budding of my rose, Nor yet when budded .would I haste full flower, • I'd fain not lose tbe smallest bit of sweet, Nor would I miss the essence of its power. So leave it there, my rose, my heart's delight, But give it sunshine, let it catch the, dew, row, unto fall Till by and by, 'twill g height, and give And then I'll pluck my rose,— it you! —Frances Marion Ralston. for me. "Myself —Fannie Stearns Davis, in My and 1." of evolution t LIVE CONFIDE else.tle to 1)e composed affil. SOillethino' YOUNGTO -�� „* 11- jFj�� !!{df�� aK jure can study the in.anlfestati�ons of life and some of the processes which are a part of life, but we can't define v Iiaby'.S'�'n life.By Always Keeping . Many think that there. is a meta- Bybehind l Tablets is the 'Koine.. David Dietz. Our sal they of the phenomena of life Might properly begin with an answer to the question, "what is life?" But there is That would be logical: i one difficulty which stands in the ways I physical or supernatural force The scientist doesn't know whatj thTlpeyical factors. ofslife. tell us life is, should be kept in ave child. Many attempts have been made tionsloftlifeg5 about. the manifo�hithere is either a baby or a Young os deIIne life. The famous Greek p' to give the little iallay er, fined l life tried his hand at ale and that all living things, I Lever, correct sour stomach and allay growth i microscopic sttb-divisions to which he one something to break up a cold, it. He defined as "the assemblage .plants and auiluals, are composed of t Often it is necessary of the destruction." of nutrition, attaches the .naive of calls.he that 'accompanies and desasuction:' to teeth. keep Bat, as rots out. Ler ante Woodruff I The hglot billions of organisms are j cut:tinghe i is teed mothers elvers of Yale Points out. lira is ton an.dtomptoo I cels , to be described concisely fit r Gilts composed of Baby's against the troubles t composed Eaper e cells. Manes as Masterpieces. Now that a natural scientist assess the centre of the earth is one great solid mass of it nay about 4,000 0 to0 ward! in thickness, n stock the credulous against buying in it. Most lizards canrow new tails if original member is broken or torn off. Freighters. Whenever I wake -in the morning And the smell of the sea is stra strong, It's adventure that tans me, And never was call so fair, And it's all I can do to prevent me Going down to the do ks first ight freighter. away And boarding the' very The very first dream -laden freighter, That's headed for fathomless oceans Down the path of three dawwning g day! ared —Edmund Leamy, Memories." Minard's Liniment for Putting the Sun in the Shade. One's diaryhe havie e the art of keep- tive resales and productive, ing one, Thoreau wrote in his:— "I "I set down such choice experiences x Briee ccs that my own writings mttay aspire me, and at last 1 may of ports. Certainly it is a distinct pro- fession to rescue from oblivious and fix to the sentiments and thoughts which A. simple and safe remedy for the" common ills of babyhoodandchildhood It is difficult to realize that the sun, compared with some of the vast flam- ing stars swingingrough space, pinhead Is a relatively unimportant of fire. A. motor -car on a trip round the • would talcs about more cr fess generally, I earth's. Equawi visit all men, ration of the un seventeen days eight hours, at a speed and that the contemplation its her of sixty miles an hour, A little less - finished Picture may than five years would cover the dis- monous completion. s yof acaet ewlth eptly and as much • r Y i tante Ba t the circle Au ares, the largest lits. Each thought • 2.135 Plan Book Handsomely illustrated with plane of moderate Arr- chitect . MacLean Buildnadian ers' Guide mil help you to decide. on the type of home, exterior finish, materials, interior ar- t "'h4 Send 25c for and copy. ration. MacLean Builclere'G,ride a44 Adelaide St, west. 'Pronto, Ont. vitt'` ✓tis"s aLE conquereu by PILE - FIX treatment. The to -- world's greatest rem- edy. .Gives instant relief. WhY,suffer, d to day for 5 -day FREE treatment. your loftiest thong and recorder: is a :that is welcomed side which another nest -egg by the of will be laid. Thoughts accidentally thrown together be bedecome framed and in whiC-1 more may ex- hibited. Perhaps this is the main value of a habit of writing or keeping a journal, --that is; we remember our best drar.ght,-and stimulate ourselves. company. They 1iy thoughts are my and separ- atea certain individualge t personality. ate existence, a Having recorded a few disconnected thoughts, and then brought them into juxtaposition, they euggest a whole new field in which it is possible to labor and think. Thought begets thought. 1 have a common-place poetry. boo for facts and another for o peservt I find it difficult alwaysfor the the vague distinction, Ueautiful facts most interesting are so much tbe more poetry,—and that is their success. Tbey are trans- lated from earth to heaven. "1 -do not know butthoughts mighe writ- ten down thus in a r advantage inth`hann1t then related d cones advantage were brought together." Thoreau's These masterpieces. Trey Choice. • • omees, the highest ends come near -fulfilling Quick with of expression. • thought, his csentences are colorplastic and consolidated therein by ' In „Con genius: -•-A• Bronson Alcott, cord Days." sen THE PILE -FIX, COMPANY 97 Dundas St. E. Toronto, Ont sun. known star, would take' approximately 1,370 years, for the diameter of An- tares is estimated at more than 273,- 00,000 43; 000,000 miles, which is more than three hundred times that of the sun. At the lower enol of the scale of, Own. Tablets in the home as life, we n organisms safeguard ag --- single cells. othe young mother can feel reasonably These calls, while differing widely inn seize their little ones so suddenly and s� • �"a'�"'"'""' I different species and in different P a box Pa re tie a 0 let `fe new soaps to work Dissolve Rinse/ Rana pour into Water tions of the same organism, have ce twin fundamental similarities. These similarities are sufficient to justify tbe biologist in thinking of all cells as a great number of varieties of some specific stihstance. Thomas Huxley called this substance "the pbyical basis of life." Its scien- tific; name is protoplasm. Ohetnical analysis shows it to be a complex mixture consisting chiefly of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur, pboslihoeue, potassium, cal- citrnr. chlorine, irou. and magnesium. While all these substance are founI in nonliving mattes'' as well as in living organisms, there are certain So soft, in�laLnesselibehold-- cnsupounds of these elements which 1 The brie I think: are found only in living matter. These t When Thtime has tarnished it, •rbonlly iA r Put in clothes Soak. 2 hour , or more sate with for emergencies. hand and ready Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but, thorough laxative are at Act te without guar- anteed and they a oche- free from opiates or harnlftl drugs. They are sold by medicine dealers or by snail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. 'Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. of these Tablets at Golden Glow... At eve the sunset's goldenglow ,Has mantled all my In texture of the softest woof Ab, softer than a curl compounds are proteins, c orates and fats. Of these, proteins are the most important, as they are al- ways present in living matter. Proteins might be considered as the nucleus of protoplasm. The outstanding fact about living matter is its so-called "energy traffic." It absorbs energy out of its surround- ings or environment, stores it up and later expends it Did I eee f i y gold fair Clothe all the peaks and city Till stiff gold heaver and tree Said, Midas takes his preclous coin And melts it all—Ida Crocker Duncan. Motorcycle Piles . Up Big Mileage in Recent Economy Test. \S ituessecl by r'epresentatives of the History at Hand. I Ares and members of the irlhmOAtl Va., Motorcycle - Glub, a Talk about history" and about the ad• t Davidson Single repent. -hung up stuff of higliletco impressiverecord k strictly stack vantages of leading History— You ean� history in the stn For ma the sealing of the ga When tacking velvet in dressmak- ing, the finest cotton should be used, and when the threads earwenche ,snot ved they must be cut .every pulled out in the ordinary way, or marks will be left on the ve.vet. There are more than 4,000 different' editions of the Bible in the British 14 those i$you Liketoread th.e very*uin ruecon-nes, deed bricks andcline, avitlt no Previous proper.&ohne roads and lanes around you.• , other than e life iniac upon tanks, proceeclecl• to 1 with the slightest natural in- r;linatlou towards the study of man-\nI1ie, until it rached a grand aerage ind an inquiry into the hitory of! of 120,3 miles per American gallon. their environment will provide cite of I Corrnnentiug on tht�t, \3ralLer An - of the most absorbing and profitable di- chews;. Coronto distributer for the veeamee that can 'be conceived. Ftt11 IIlarley-Tlavidsan ]dile, stated'] "While thel•more, that it will cure tits econou1Y tests are very inter 9i►ing and. common tieliYsion dist ape's I impressive, the real test of ant ry mot0r- lecycle is r- ill its every da.y town, district, or suburb is , interesting than, way Canterbury, W07-1 i hider such conditions• thelj 1-1srl rn saw, or con areasiP- e, Stich all in- i Davidson Single Is p'ingtiles tom the quirt' is also tar easier than tate orcein• I pressiv a record, eighty of historical inquiries. The American gallon and 100iles. to tate. the dry 1'tttl ' principal materials for it, lie at. stand; ' Canadian gallon and better bey are heaped up retied about in j average report. 13eertusn of this, the t. y and indeed you ! tercyc1e. has tour..cl its Plates he enormntls ruantities, t door 1 modern business, and @•Ver: ln1 00 g cannel: go beyond Your Yrozlhel in the:tree r of sLor'es and business eeletb' dire'city or indirectly helping g number • •cos tU icy ' r t olin g nn. lisliments are inst" for rapid delivery service. rr. soap i i 1. 1 longer 1C1 i~ Silks will last nit shot{t la- leleseum: ou . inentry.,- - Arnold Beenett, ul "1 kings That, Rave Interested Me" r• Traffic signs spade of cloth letters stuck to the pavement with adhesive tut all durable test:, indicate. ate unusu y� l Douglas fir, the .great lumber tree of ' named' after I)aa'rcl 1 e is • neve)' applied dir eet,y to when , washed, Use soapy water and squeeze gently: Iso not tub.Always r lukewarm Water several' rinse we.l In the 1�'artlopest, is threes, LUXi'loti{;1a5, who early explored the Gan Mittard's L uttrient for alt pains. w.wu.:rxw� di<ln Itnclties. ' g ' ,4 olear head,bright eyes, an alert mind, a body full of healthful vigor -you can have them all every day if you are a normal being and keepyour system clear of clogging poisons. How? X spoonful, of Sal Lithofos iyn a glass of water before breakfast and at bed- time. 1 9 y '' cid 'Oet someone to Massage it thoroughly with Minard's. It relieves pain. RUN-00OVJN .�aFTf.R WRT4 OC UY -- Ottawa Woman Made Strong by Takiisg Lydia E. Piiikbam's Vegetable Compound o. bsl run-down a ter the birth of mys rthird baby. I had awful bearing -down pains and was afraid I had serious trouble. I was tired all the time and had no Lydiap E. rite. nkham y s Vegetable Com- pound o taking pound and cannot praise it too highlyve l and asked me to try ad splendid results and ewhofine all the time now. Any soon learns thorough pick-me-up from me what to take."—Mrs.IZENE PAR1TIN, 320 Cumberland Street, Ot- tawa, Ontario. `Terrible Backache Hamilton, Ont.—"After my baby was born I had terrible backache and headaches. I could not do my work and. felt tired from the'first minute Ia t upof in But sidesworst when I moved ab c,•a ...1 in my' had to sit or lie down for rs� shouse in le af- terwards. I could keep 9 order, but many things had to go un- done at the time, because of my ail- ments. I was told by a neighbor to take Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound, as she said it would build me up. I was relieved before I had bought and have 1 CO., LTD. trot had any:trouble like it since.''— Send 10c for generous sample. taken the first we 68 St. pa l CHEMICAL Montreal Mrs. T.,MallItIee, 115 Ferguson Duos St. Paul St. W. nue South,'I:iamilton; Ontario. 0 Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for-_ cola, xeadache Neuritis • Lumbago Pv;il1 Neuralgia rat 'a Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Acte t o "Bayer" package which contains proven directions. ]haply "Bayer" boxes of 1g -tablets lets. i 'm^ Also bottles of 24 and 100 --Druggists. ® It is the trade mask (registered In (epaid) et utIt' lfauufa elreim- neldo ter Safteylicactd (honis1 ittlrytic Acid, a'azalea s well o that anrnler tneatlterc, to a5atst 010 .elate aGle tatttttlncdCBA a f Bayer Company will be vtanWd vttr their 4 trade 'th»areO .. �1 h l FORM_ UF 11ASI Lasted About a Year, Ilealed by Cloture. -My scalp started to get red land itchy and had a battling g. Later eczema broke out its the forth of a rash and spread llitto dun), anl body. It was itchy dile it n),anworse. my woolen clothing Hi My face was disf1gered, ant h hair fell out and got dry. trouble lasted about yea. Soap "I began using emit= and Ointrne^nt and after using one cake of Cuticura Soap and one box. of Cuticura Ointmentlwas healed." (Signal) Miss Alice Bickel!, R. R. 5, Woodville, Ont. Oint- S , • Lt .a Soap, of G ut1C Deily use resent and Talcum helps to prevent Skin troubles.tit piebyysl. ^' 'r sa n' ple �� ttoom .13teatbude, Mntrali•S4 . 3c,_;•„0t,rtn,ent EN and 51e. I',Ic„ Cr¢icvrn She•loar Stielt tSSIJL- t.'