Zurich Herald, 1926-06-17, Page 6ou Can Try
Write 'Salad.'® Toronto, for free sample.
slum$, yes; in the gilded centre of the
town, yes; but net in the midst of"
respectability, Besides, •I was not
wearing evening clothes, and no doubt,.
after two hours in the wet, I did not
look like a good 'prospect for robbers,:
The front door was open. The black-
ness of the: hall drew me irresistibly,
I must know what there was .behind.
So, playing my part, I said: "All
right. Don't get excited, But then
you always.. were exeitebie, weren't
you?" I went up the steps and fellow-
elowed the maid into the hall, , "M
The front door clasec behind me
mysteriously. Almost at onset 'the
maid touched a switch which filled
with radiance a large and wealthy
apartment. The well -drilled servant
took my mackintosh from my shoul-
ders, and as I, with intentional slow-
ness, withdrew myself frorn its folds,
I was able to observe with surprise
the luxury of my suroundings. The
.walls were covered `with tapestry
panels let into white and gold frames.
The hall was bare, containing only
a table and two chairs, ' but these•,
three were almost priceless Chinese
Chippendale pieces, . museum pieces,
the backs cut out in fantastic scroll-
ings, ribbons and. wheels. And 'my
feet perceived the contact of a Per-
sian rug of incredibly fine snake and
age. Those four articles represented
a :small fortune.
"Will you wait a moment, Mr.
Charlie?" said the maid. She tapped
T. curtain; here and there, large boxes
I stopped in a dark street, the name I of pink -geraniums and marguerites
of which I did not know, as in the suggested comfort within. at the door of the dining -room, went
distance I heard a clock strike. It As I went up the square, I thought in. The apartment was lit up. At
was a single stroke coming from a i that for a moment I discerned a figure once an elderly man in evening clothes
church nearby. Consulting my watch, I on the steps of _a house; then I lost came toward me: "Oh, Charlie," he
I found that it was half -past two. it sight of it, and it was only as I drew cried. "Thank heavens you've cense
hesitated, for the night was unpleas- i close that I observed it again. The at last!"
ant; it was rather cold, and a powdery light from the street lamp touched a I did not reply- for a moment. I
ave white apron. It was a maid, standing saw that the maid was: going upstairs.
I watched my man carefully.
"I suppose you gotmy wire?"he
rain fell steadily, making the p
ments shine under the street lamps.'
On such a night as this, I reflected, I
was hardly likely to encounter one of
those wanderers .from whom adven-
ture could be drawn. Those who had
money would have found some asylum,
while the poor slunk in arches where
I would not find them. Somewhat re-
luctant to lose the value of my long
vigil, I turned toward the north,
where lay my home. The silence was
almost absolute; sometimes, in the dis-
tance, an automobile passed. At times
a faint rumble was thrown up by a
train from the station nearby. But
not a human being was about. Only
for a while did a neglected cat, her
fur sodden, follow me, whining pit-
eously for company.
My route took Ane .through comfort-
able streets, where the houses exhibit -
on the steps, and looking away toward
Sines Chanel in Paris introduced
the two-piece frock a few seasons ago,
the vogue for it has grown until now
it has attained to the very pinnacle
of fashion..Printed crepe de chane in
a gage design of many colors makes
the stood, inn endo old sit of i er this stunning sports model, which has
she stood, and my Habit of t ter as I went on vaguely. He looked nervous. l a house that slips on over the head
1 d
led me to stop close up against
a g "Oh, yes," I said. I had na . time "and a collar that may be worn button-
ed, combining my body with its to. survey .him. He was tall, thin, ed. high, or turn back as illustrated.
The back of the blouse is plainand
there are gathers at the .shoulders in
front.. The long set-in sleeves are
gathered into cuffs at the wrists, and
patch `pockets adorn the front. The
string belt is a new detail and pro-
vides a soft bloused effect at the hip-
line. Fulness in the skirt is attained
by two box -plaits in the front, the
back being plain. The blouse, No.
1343, is in sizes 16, 18 and 20 years.
Size 18 years requires 2 yards 39 -inch
figured, and % yard plain material.
The skirt, No. 1349, is joined to a
bodice top, and is in sizes 16, 18 and
20 years. •Size 18 years requires 1%
outline, so that I might not be observ-
ed. I could see her more clearly now.
She was that most symbolic figure in
an English household: a respectable,
elderly parlormaid. At least, the light
touched her hair and showed it gray,
while her well -starched apron stood
out in stiff folds. What was she doing?
The idea of so respectable a servant
standing in the drizzle upon the steps
of a house at this hour was prepos-
terous. Evidently she was waiting
for somebody. Love? Surely her
years and her appearance made that
unlikely. So I thought, though I well
knew that old age, strange circum-
perhaps sixty. Good -breeding appear-
ed in ail his features, and in his hands,
also in the negligent fit of his dinner,
"Well then," he said, "we'd better
go upstairs. Your aunt's awfully ill.
I'm afraid she won't last till morning;
and she wants to see you awfully
For a moment I was tempted to go
on with this mad comedy, but I pre-
fer, when I can, to be accomplice ra-
ther than dupe. So I said: "Look here,
sir, you know I'm not Charlie."
• "Not Charlie!" he cried. "What do
you mean?" But I caught in his eyes
uncertainty, on his -lips the depreca-
tion which I had perceived in the
"Don't be absurd," I said, but in
an amiable tone. "I know quite well
that I'm not Charlie, and so do you,
and you know I know. But I don't
mind ... going further with this if
you like."
His eyes seemed to measure Me:
"I don't see how I can," he replied.
(To be continued.)
ed charming curtains, and where 1 stances,and peril, never stand in the
shrubs protected modest respectability; way of passions. Still she was watch -
from the intrusion of my eyes. There! ing. I wondered for a moment whe-
was nothing for those eyes to see, I ther she was the accomplice of thieves,
however, so wearily I turned into 1 and had grown impatient; but then
Viking Square, reflecting that with I she would not commit the folly of
luck. I might discover a taxi at the , standing in the full light.
other end. Viking Square is a large l I have learned this much in nee -
and comfortable district of its own, i turnal adventure, that ten seconds of
centred round a neglected garden,I conversation is • better than an hour
where grow a few trees. In the mid- of observation. So I carefully releas-
die is a tennis lawn, used by the ed myself from the lamp and, tread -
younger members of the Viking
Square community. To -night the as-
phalt of the court shone wet, and mis-
erably about fell the drips from the
tall frontages of the houses. All these
were alike, five storeys, and varying in
color between the jet blackness. of age
Indianapolis Market.
Behind heaped fruits in a jumbled row,
Stand Josephine, Angeline, Antonio,
Marie, Raphael, Mimi small,
And tiny bambino—a luscious stall—
Laughing, gay, Neapolitan
Children of Tony, the market man.
Their skins are touchedwith the same
warm gold
That gilded the oranges; 'their curls
The purple sheen of. grapes that grow
In Italy's vineyards; their lips glow
Vivid as ripe.promegranates do;
And the veins on their temples are
lapis blue
As the sky at Naples is in springs --
The look of them's a singing thing—
Their speech is music -hush, a breeze
Stirs distant, dark -leaved olive trees,
And boatmen's longe drift off the Bay,
Lilting, lovely, far away.
Warmth and laughter, melody,
Color, romance—Italy!
Their navies are a poen—Josephine,
Maria, Raphael, Angeline.
—Ethel Arnold Tilden, in "Quest and
ing loudly to draw her attention, went
up the. square. As soon as she heard
my footsteps, the maid turned toward
me. Her attitude, stooping a little
forward, was tense. No doubt she
was short-sighted, and took me for the
person for whom she was waiting. As
and new white paint. The square had I came closer, she seemed to hesitate,
ah air of wealth, for at no window took a step toward the house, then
hung the disgrace of a Nottingham saline back. I was quite close now; I
marked her pleasant, thin old face,
and the extreme neatness of her cloth-
ing. I was determined to know ,"what
she was;• doing here, and prepared" `to
stop, intending to ask her ray- way.
But as I stopped, and before I could
speak, she jumped down the steps;
and came to me, an air of piteous
appeal, in her eyes; her hands rising,
she cried: "Oh, Mr. Charlie, you've.
conte at East." '
Automatica:ly I replied; "Sorry
I've Taste
y been delayed.id But as I spoke I:
fi ured material 'lining
yards 39 -inch g ;
for bodice top % yard 36 -inch. Price
20 cents each pattern.
OurFashion Book, illuatrating the
newest and most practical styles, will
be of interest to. every hone dress-
maker. Price of the book 10c the copy.
W ri-tc;,,z' name and address plain-
ly, giving number and size of such
patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in
stamps or. coin (coin preferred; wrap
it carefully) for each number and
address your order to Pattern Dept.,
Wilson Publishing Co., 78 West Ade-
laide St., Toronto. Patterns sent by
return mail -
After Every Meal
It doesn't take much
to keep you in trim.
Nature only asks a
lithe help.
Wrigley's, after everymeal, benefits teeth,
breath, appetite and
A Flavor for Ever
to -St ii NO.t<<
knew that she was not mistaking me
for another person. I- could see the
lie in her eyes, the deprecating smile
upon her lips. She kriew that I was
not Charlie; her intention to entangle'
me manifested itself at once in hur-
ried speech, "Oh, Mr. Charlie, she's
so very bad, and she's been asking for
you all, night. Please come Up • flow.
You won't have to stay very long. Oh,
Mr. Charlie, it's so awful to see her
so ill. She's been such a good mistress
to me all these years."
While she spoke, 1 analyzed the
situation. 'Evidently I was to be ask-
ed into the house. Evidently I was
to be made to believe that I was the
missing Charlie. Something strange
and sensational insist hide behitrd this,
for people do not lay trails for casual
strangers in Viking Square. iii the
Minard's Liniment for Backache.
Old Friends.
We love them very dearly,
familiar places,
The road where every turn we know,
the trees that o'er it -bend
The meadow grass'es waving, and the
little flower faces,
And the lifted hills benignant each
one a steadfast friend.
A Life Saves.
Thurston—"Did your wife know
you'd_ been drinking when you got
home from our party?"
Wetmore—"She never gummed it.
She met vie at the door with a kiss
and, the surprise took my breath
Mlnard's Liniment for burns.
Stern Measures.
"I see you've been buying
some new Table Linen"
"No, my rd"ear, I've been
using Sunlight Soap"
SUNLIGHT, , the all -pure laun,'
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ph t ap
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Sold Everywhere
But yesterday I looked upon the lot,—
This clump of green -gray stalks stood
Spanning the intervening hours
Some .chalice filled with heaven's blue
Pours .out,—
Lo! the stalks are sprayed
With fiower-cups
Of every shade of blue:
The blue my mother's eyes
When she looks at you;
Flax -sun hazed;
The gorgeous turquoise
Hills, far distant.
the old
of a dragon -
Ah! yon and Dwell know
The hue of every
Steepled larkspur's eye.
—Gertrucle S.` McOalmont.
Invitations, .
Archie --"See how I lam run after;
all these invitations"
Friend—" Good gracious! All invi-
tations? Invitations to what?"
Archie—"To cell sand settle ac-
We love the soft and epringing sod,
oft as our footsteps press 'it;
The little wayside briers that reach
their clinging fingers out;
The lowly nest, half hidden in the
dusky hedge—God bless it -
And all the commo-n things that gird
the common day about. _
There's one. wide branching maple that
was tall when we were tending
The -baby lambs beneath it 1n the
years of long ago.
There's one great shadowy oak that
stood, its frindly shelter lending
To our parents when they courted.
its tending shadows below.
The trees, the hills;' the pastures, the
• lanes we oft have 'trodden,
0f us they are a part -our blood has
ought a thrill,from them.
We may walk today in purple, where.
once we walked in hodden, '
i3ut the selfsame soul is in us, we
are theirs in root and stem.
Wo love thein very dearly, the old
familiar places;
In heaven 1 think the road will wear
a look like ours at home;
The fields of living' green recall the
peasant ba- kcnitig faces
Of the meadow -lands that Bold us
fast, how far, aoe'er eve roam,'
Margaret E.•Sangste•r.
A certain widow is the mother of a
deoi•dedly unruly Iad. One day a
friend expressed the opinion that the
smother was not sufiicieutly flirts with
the youth.
"Oh," said 'the. mother, "sometimes
I fear 1 have been too harsh with him.
1 have often talked 'very "sternly ` to
"Milted! And what have you said?"
"Why, 'l have said, 'Clatence'! Olar-
encoI-' and other severe thlegs,"
interested to, stork. '
Ntirse—"Wili.ie,, dear, don't you wain
to come to see the sweet, little' sister
a stork brought you?" I
Willie----'iNo, I don't, I want to 'see
the stork:'
raper posters on billboards aro
waterproofed by a varnishing process.
Tho Toren'° liorpital for Incurables, In
affiliation with eclicvne end Allied Notplteid,.
NeW Yitk city, otters a three year!'- Course
of Training to young women, having Alta;
reqir(d eduoetion, and desirous of bocominil;
harem, Tlttt
Hepta hes 'adopted the chins.
hour systehl. The pupils 'reeelve unifdrms of
the school, a Monthlyallowanoe and trrvel:no
eitpenato to evil trent Now York. Yet further,
inform: titin writ° the 5uperiniendunt,
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