Zurich Herald, 1926-06-17, Page 4• ZURICH HERALD NIr.. *. Nrg+l il•• 0e•t�Nr�i4lro+li sl l ���I•* HA.RD COAL We have made arrangements • whereby we can supply our custom I ers with the very best grades of ,Scranton Anthracito Coal., Leave I your order with us and we will fill.1 • them as shipments arrive. • • •ROOD SUPPLY OF BEST BBA.NDS OF FLOUR, CHICK 1•'E- 1 1I)S, STOCK FOODS, ETC. ALWAYS ON HAND .WE (ALM TO SATISFY Louis Schilbe - Zurich 00111•u0•••0••s••••trs•••• •*•s••t1••••0••••••M••N• IocnL NEWS Misses Cecilia and Charlotte 'rwell left for Detroit. &Teas Katie Stroeder of Kitchener '"sited with her brother, Rev. Fr. Stededer, Mr. Ward. Fritz in in Windsor "ten :business. Mr. Ted Wagner of the Water- i%College, is spending his vac - ion at his home here. Mr. Peter Ravelle is .installing lent '•electric refridgerator, to be us- 'ea. s- e 1 in his ice cream business. Mr. John Kipper Ps nursing a hared hand which he received, by e piece of iron re -bounding and -*ening Mr: Kipper on the hand;. Ir. Jerorizmette is .assisting Mr. ' r,.tpper with his blacksmith work CREDITON leev. Lorne W. Brow left last ''eetek for Toronto, and thence to Ntareard, Conn. to begin hie work .,we the assigned field of endeavor.- Me ndeavor:Ott gave an interesting address at '4b League, telling of his minist- •el experiences at Cresta Butte : i., in the heart of the Rocky'Mo- atrrttain's during the vacation last esettettener. He also preached very ente.-eptably to a full house last eeuaday evening. .Mrs. W. Y. Dreier, • Canada br'-- ends officer and Mrs. 3. H. .T`lol- Ltltat n ae:egates of the to al society w t.teaded the annual conference at Vilenera last week, which lasted for levee day's. 1!!ie members of the Friendly Bi- il,"1a3 Class of the Evang. church mei at the home of Mra. Fred Wu - on Tuesday eve last tor a so - eta'. time. Mrs. Wuerth, who had a faithful member is now un- eater the doctor's care and unable AD attend, STANLEY TOWNSHIP. Mr, and Mrs: W. H. Stogdill of 'Salton are visitin,g at the hone of :the latter% parents, i!Ir. and Mrs, 'Deo. Dowson, 'N,MPBELL-McKENZ1E ! quiet wedding took place on lielhursday June 10th at the manse i' aderich when Miss Jean McKen- ^sic", daughter of Mrs. Mary McKen- e Meech -wood farm,) Goderich wasunited in marriage toMr. 'alin Campbell of Stanley. The ateremony was performed by Rev. ilk. Jefferson, of Goderich,. Af- 410' the ceremony the bride . .and - yearn left by motor for London 'Niagara Falls and Toronto. On their return they will 'reside :on the greum's farm, Bronson Line, St- tey. These young people are 'prominent in social and churchlcir- -setts and are highly esteemed by Mil 'who enjoy their acquaintance, erefore it is with pleasure that wee -extend congratulations, and. 'iaat wishes for k1; long and happy trried life, Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Dowson and, -Mr. and Mr's. Ed.. Boyce spent a tple of days last week in Lon - vase, the guests of ?1r. and Mrs. .Ja4 Boyce. Miss Margaret Tough of the 'Itteareaten Line, Spent Sunday with liter friend Miss Vera Dowson.' Mrs. 2 Smith of Zurieh, is ,sp- doing a flew days visiting they on, Mr; Herb Smith, :Do not forget the servieele in 14110 0Oi hen church commencing on w'Ini to 16th, Corrie and hear Mtn. itl`;prd Keys of California. Dashwood I►'lrs. D, l3etchen of _London 'sp-. .4# 4i few dayrs irs town:last wee eetke lr.and Mrs C. F. Vile spent leillinfadtty in London; Mr. and Mrs. P. Kraft, Mr, Ede Kraft and Mr. C. Stade at- e/tended the ictnerai of the late Err. Weitzel at Tavistock last week. Mr. Leo Eveland of Detroit is iaiting at his home here.. Miss Levada Hartleib visited in Clinton one day last week. Rev. and Mrs. F. B. Meyer at- tended the convention held atEl- mira last week. Mi'3s Myrtle Beaver spent San- day at her home near Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Winters and deur gbier and Miss Tillie Zimmer of Detroit, spent the_ week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Zimmer. . Mr. and Mics. May of Kitchener spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs S. Oestreicher. Miss Myrta Hoffman of •Kitch- ener spent Sunday with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Edighoffer and Mrs Jane Guenther of Mitchell ,spntet Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Guenther, Mrs, Milford Metsaac of Detroit 'spent the week -end with Mr„ and MMre. P. McIsaac. Mr, and Mrs. Herman Eidt and family of Ingereo11, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 0, Stade. Mr. Mervyn Tiernau spent Sun- day and Monday in New Ham„ burg. Mr. and Mrs. DePfaff of Sarnia visited in town over Sunday.. Mr, and Mrs. R. Stade of Zurich spent Sunday with Mr. and Mess C. Stade, , Mrs. Magwood of Sarnia visited her mother, Mrs.. Henry Bender Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stade and son spent the week -end in St. Thomas, Rev. Bruer spent Sunday in London. Mr. Arthur Koe'ssel of Lansing, !•spent Sunday with Mr. and Mra, C. F. P.'ile, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Miller have returned after 'spending several weeks in Windhorst, Sask. Mr. C. W, Steinhagen returned to Woodstock on Tuesday, after sp- ending her :eacatton at hie hone-. here Children's Day is bineg held in the Evangelical church on Sunday evening, - A pageantentitled "His Wonderous works is being given by the young people. Mr. Ira Tiernan is spending a few dfays at his home here, bee fore leaving for Lucknow. Mr. Harry Hoffman hes taker a position with Mr. F. Mcisaac in the telephone office. HENSALL • Helen ,and Jean Elder visited.•a't their home here. Margaret Buohana,n •R,N. is here from the States: ,sPeuding a few days at' the ironi,e of ;her; father, Alex, Buchanan. Wm, Pepper of Ruckerrsmith Tp, and J. Traquair took ,a aT,s1aipuient of !three ears of live Istock to Tozer •onto, • Dr. A. Mtoir iia now `nicely 'set-, fled in his nesv home on the Lon- don Rd. south 'of the ; village and ha's a neat residenee 'with modern conveniences. Sorry that Mrs. Alex, Sparks continues ill. ',,iris, G. E, McIntyre'of Detroit, its . s isiting her mother, .Mrs, Jas. Spark's. t Hugh McDonald of Till'sonburg, vistiing relatives here The other day, while Jas: Me - Allister, of the Parr Line, and Mrs Wm. McAlliister, -while motoring near Exeter were making a turn on the road, they, ware run into be a heavy car going rapidly, with the effect of overturning their. car and damaging it very badly. Mrs. R. Patterson of the private hospital left on Tuesday (for an extended trip for ,a few months, as she will ,visit relatives in Man- itoba, Werssstern ;States and Van- couver, Mr. and Mr+a. J. R. Simlpson cleft to visit friends in the West, and will also go to the coast. Plealsed to sea J. W. Skinner,who has been seriously ill for a few weeks, is now axile to be \out a- gain. Mrs. Ed..Tylaor of Fillmore, Sask irs visiting her ;sisters Mr's, J. Mur- dockk, and Mr's. J. Dinsdale, The marriage of Thos Wren to Beatrice Petty, eldest da.n hter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Petty, Hay TO took place at the rectory on June 5th, Rev. Noaryi officiating, after a short honeymoon trip they will return to Hensall, Wm. Gram of Lansing, Mich.,and brother Percy an wife of the 'sant.e city visited their parents, Mr. and MMrs. Geo Grano, ,they were also accompanied by their ;sister Ada Gram, of Detroit, ' 'Wh'at night have'Been a worse accident happened to.. -.Geo. Petty Wni. Consitt, Robt. Higgins, Louis Clark and Wm,. Pfaff the other ev- ening while returning from a me- eting in Clinton. being run ito by another ear which crowded them; off the road, turning the Petty ;car over in the ditch, while the ot- her car went right on, which is a bad offence of the law. Mr. and'Mee.'3'. C. Reid and Mr. and Mrs E.. Nadiger spent a :few days 'in Pt. Elgin. Mr, and Mrs, Andrew 'Musser of London, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. D. Truensner on Sun- day, • Mr. and Mrs,. 0. Steinhagen ited in Parkhill on Sunday. Mra. Otto Holtshouser of Pitts- burg is visiting with Mr. !and Mrs. F. 0. Wilds, DEATH OF MRS. DANIEL TRUEMN ER The community was shocked on Thursday morning June' 10th when it was learned: that Mrs. Daniel Trireme, rltadr, passed awayi ,quite suddenly 'while working in thegar- den, cause of death being heart. -- failure. She leaves her `bereay ed husband and one son, Fred Quack enbuah to mourn her loss, also one brother Sol Shrader of Hay To. and three 'sisters Mre, A. Musser of London; Mra. J. K. Ehlers and Mrs. S. Zimmerman of Zurich, to mourn her loss, The late Mrs. Trnen'nei- had reached the age of of 54 years, 8 months and 13 days The funeral wee held on Sunday afternoon to the Rrotisan L`ine.eente etery and was largely attended, .Rev. F. B. Meyer officiating. Born—Musser—At Dr, T;aylo,t'e hos- pital on Saturday, Jatne 12th, to. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, ,Messier, a son, M'arried—TTaycoek .... Grigg —. tit London, on June 12th, Alice ()Hee of Dashwood :Clrra.lee Haycock of London, EXETER W. G. Medd left Thursday for Montreal to attend the Generali Conference of the .United Church. Hon. Jas. Gardiner, Premier of Sask„ visited his parents at Oirlt ton the past ,week, but left for Ot- tawa. A new flbror is being laid, on'the bridge crossing the river. Dr. T. Allen Sweet, a grandson of F. Gill won the gold medal in his final year at Toronto Univet+,- hsity in a class of 193. tyre, Blyth. Mra. Eiiaabeth Rohde, of Hent- aail, has purchased the property' of the late Rich'd Crocker and in- tends to move to Exeter to ';the, fall. Edwin Clarke ;of cChicago ar- rived here and will ;pend the euen- reer,,with, his grandparents, Mr: and Mrd Thos. Clarke. W. W Rice and family left for Wyoming where .they will dive in future. For two yeas., Mr,<, Rice had charge of the Libby, McNeil and Libby pickle plants at Exeter and Her,rsall. Wm, Ward hats been seriously ill at hie home with a bad attack of flu. 'Thoss. Ellerington, son of Mr.and MMrs. Fred Elleringtorl, who has been So seriously ill With pneu- monia is improved. Mrs. W. F. Towne of. Toronto was called here owing to the leer- ious illness of Mn, MacKenzie at the home of Thos Fisher. . •Mrs. Frank 'Triebner, Jr., at- tended the funeral of a relative at Saginaw, Mich. Robt. Whaley, Mrs. L. Switzer and Fay Cooper of San Francisco, visited Thos. Biseett, -.,,, An interesting wedding was soi- entnized at the James St. Parson- age on May ,22nd When Ethel. M. I ouldne, Youngest' daughter of Mr,. and Mrs. T. Houlden was Un- ited in ntarriage, to Elmer G, ReOd- er, of Centralia. Rev. Sheppard officiated. ' A' large !deer has been !seen run ning . at large in the community, Chas. God:bolt .while working in a tielcs on his fare, near town was surprised to see the ad'inial come into the field in which he wast working, on being startled it .start- ed off clearing the fences, a deer was 'a Isla seen by sev,Iral le Stephen also one in West McGillivray, wh- ich is h-ichrs likely the sante one. cowry NEws John Turner, Stanley, who un- derwent an alteration .in Goderich Hospital was removed 'to his hotiie A. baseball and !softball tottrtr ane nt isb;"nheld at Ii` t n on 'Wednesday afternoon, :June 16th,, Baseball 'hf^tween Crediton, Bound srry, Thames led. and <irkton, $60 $jr)' prize Dr. and Mrs. Kay of Laipee'r: Mis1a.., ;w•ell 'known in Clinton, were victims,of a motor accident the et- her day near Clinton which result- ed in +snu Shing their car to •spill- tens, and in their •elscape with What appears slight injuries. Harvey, the 12 -year -=old !son of John •Webb, sustained a broken arm when he e'nllided With an at to - mobile. At the County Council 'fleeting held at God•erich, Wm. Coates of U'sborney Chas. McDonald of Lien - sail and Mr. Stewart of Ashfield, were appointed county valuators. They are to make, a valuation for assessment purposes and to report to the Co. Council in December.The proposal to pave the highway from: Goderich 'to Clinton was vo- ted down, but owing to the poor quality o fgravel at the west end, the road will be paved 5 mtilels east of Goderich, At 'a Meeting of the board'of management of the 'Clinton Pub- lic Hospital held recently avery pleasant 'surprise was !spriung up- on them by the presentation to the hospital of the best `X -Ray machine obtainable, the doper being John E. Howsson of Vancouver, , who made the donation, Ceci ,Walker of Stephen Tp. has a, rock hon that prefers to rear �I her young with , the fowl of the air and for three years ;she has made a nest in the Ib1aneiies :of a tree that overshadows the house, about 30 feet from the .gronnd.This year she laid eight eggs in the nest and brought forth eight little chick, after bringing forth her young the old hen bundled them out of the neat and they fell un- hurt into the grass below. There died on the 2nd con., of Tuckersmith,. jujst east of Hensall a well known resident of the dis- trict in 'the person of Mrs. S, Dil- ling. She was stricken with Pneumonia and passed away oar June 4th, Her maiden name was Mary Kestle and she was born at Sharon, Stephen Tp. 67 years ago, being the eldest daughter of the late Chas. and Mrs. Kestle. She lived in Stephen till she married 41 years ago, ehrn lived in Exeter, and Seaforth, then on the farm she died. 1 Iburacily, " JUT.k 7th, 1920. +++++ +40114+++++ $'"€"'+++ 444446401 44 fire•eKeteliele eitelketch ri eereIIet•II^ erect Announcemput T I wish to inform the Public that 1 have ti dissolved partnership with my former ge in employer, and wish to announce that eF 1 have opened an ; p-to�•date Garage Cin Mr. Hey's Block. X AM IN POSITION TO GIVE EXPERT SERVICE, AND REPAIRS TO ANY MAKE OF CAIS. *ALSO RE- BUILD AND CHARGE BATTERIES ON SHORT 4,0TI6 *WA FULL (LINE OP GENUINE FORDD PARTS FOR SALE E ' AT, FORD PRICES WEEKLY HALF .HOLIDAY, SEA- SON 1926. We, the undersigned business men of the Village of Zurich, ni- gree to close our respective pee aces of business every Wednes- day afternoon beginning June j 2nd and ending 'Sept. 29th, both datels inclusive; A. F. Hess, Chas. Fritz, Brown Bros., J. Gaslchio & Sons, Louis Seh- ilbe', L. W. Hoffman, Stade & Waldo, E. E. Wuerth, J. 11''. Mer- cier, John Kipper, William's Bros. George Hess, Edward Weltin, ,O`- Srein & Sons, Harry G. Hess, Ale bert G. Heua, Fred Thiel, Johnston & Kalbfiei'sch, V. V. Siebert, T. L. Wurm, W. L. Siebert. HENSALL C. N. R. TRAIN CONNECTIONS MORNING South, Kippen ... ... 8,2'2 South, Hensall ... ... 8.32 a,m. South, Exeter _ , ...S.47 a.m. Stage leave Zurich ,.. 7.00 a.m, North, Exeter ..... ... 10.16 a.m. North, Hensel' _._ ,., 10,30. a.m. North, Kippen ... ... ...10.35 a..m. AFTERNOON South, Kippen .., ... ...4.40 p,m. South, Hensall -.. ,-, -.- 4.50p.m. South, Exeter ... :. ...5.05 p.m. Stage leave Zurich ......3.00 p.rn. North Exeter .. .-. ... 6,04 p.m. North, s 11 6,id p.m. North. Kippen 6.23... p.m. ZURICH HERALD Established 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY NOON FROM TRE Herald PrintingOffice SUBSCRIPTION RATES — 1$4.25 ai year, strictly in advance; $1.50 in arrears or $2.00 may be charged: U. S. $1.50 year in advance,. No, paper .dirseontinued until all arrears are paid unless at the option of the ,publisher. The date of which every SSubscript- can irs• paid is donated on the Label, w'.•, ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising • made known on application. Miscellaneous articlesof not more than tour liners, For •,Sate, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, Found, fete. each insertion 25c. Farm or Real instate for sale $2.00 for firest month, $1.00. for each subsequent month. Bstrayed Anireats -- One in§ertiotr - 50c., three insertions $1.00, professional Cards npt 'exceeding one inch $5 per year. Auction Sales $2 per single •sertion'if not over five-irtche's in e length,. ► s j Addreve all com4p usicatians to 114E PIEBALD ZUrtIJCII ON'r +l e SATISFACTION GUA aANTEED: Day and Night Service. ANGEL. Pro i �l@e. +4 -1,44++++++++.1444441.4014.4404-1.4.14144-11444414+++++++4,1' Zurich'sort ■ � �1111t Greatest Value in Clothes for Men' 125 to 150 CENTS FOR YOUR $1.00 It's the Wonder and envy of the Tailoring Trade.' How we do it is our business That we Do it is your business YOUR SPRING SUIT MADE -TO -MEASURE. OF IMPORTED WOOLENS DIRECT FROM THE MILLS TO YOU smispik HUNDREDS. OP TRE VERY LATEST SHADES AND PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM COME AND SEE US: Good Pireelsiig, Skilliuliy done by .a real Tailor, is as ing to Your Suit, as a good -1 ight's +sleep is to you: PRESSING AND ALTERATIONS REASONABLY DONE, Es E. WUFRTH Tailor, Mien's Furnishings - Zurich, Ont.!':; Where the Good Clothes come from= Re +A) Zurich Drug Store INSECTICIDES The season has now .. arrived when everyone, especially the fanner, has to fight against various kidds of Insects.. "all► _ We can supply you With the proper' remedy for enck kind of Insect Pest We have Paris Green, Arsenate of Lead, H 'bore, Insect Powder, Fly- TeX, and 'various other Insect destroyer Dr, A1 r acianon, Zurich