Zurich Herald, 1926-05-13, Page 5Tuivsday may tau), 19M mama 'HERALD BUSINESS CARDS lounLEY E. tioLmEs !BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PUBLIC, E1'C. Office, Hamilton Street. Just oft ales Square, GODIMICH, Ont, ASpecial eattention to 'Counsel and Court Work. ItIr. Holmes may be consulted at •Goderich by phone and phone charges reversed. , OSOMMON•161•1,...0*...aotionsiimmirOorkop,•••.•,•,,,,wormammu. taillrew F. Hess, Township Clerk Gamow et marriage licenses, Notary 111$1414, Commiledoner, Wire and Ant - Guiles Insurance, B.epresentIng leariala and Erie Driortgage Corporse Gine The Canada Trust Ca. Zurich. *Marie. G. Knapp, 110. S., L. D. S. - DENTAL SURGEONI MUM OFFICE HENSALL IIIMMOOM11.1.11•MIO. tr. 11. H. COWEN L. D. Ek, D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON: At DEITZ BLOCK, ZURICH eV-; 'iry Thursday, Friday and Setup - Gay. Main Office SARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASBWOOD try! OSCAR ]LOPg Graduate Carey M. Jones Nat - *Mal School of Auctioneering. Try leo for Registered Live Stock Biel Breeds). Terms in keeping with prevailing prices. Choice Wireadi for sale. Will sell anything geywhere. elione 18-93 or -write, Zurich. 41,111011..m.••••Mani.....M.1.4d1111••••••••11 Licensed Auctioneer Licensed Auetioneer for County. eid Huron. In a position to con- tact any auction sale, regardless tia to size or articles to sell. I salialt your businese, and it not vatistied will make iiko charges for iarvIces. (Arthur Weber, e Daehwood. "Zone 13-67 Zurich Neat 1' HARKEY Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool •CARR FOR MINS a RIDES Tungblut & Doichort r ZURICH LIVERY • I em in a position to encore°. Mate ell requirements in the Livery Usk have Auto for hire. Any -i tang done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL Mole 0 Zurich .111•11,11•111•ML LIVE ' POU LT R IIWAN'TED' RI alma eiery day till 3 Ocloclep.ro. •DS not teed fowl fame morning brought in. 'Highest Cask Prices -calm FOR- CreAm and Eggs W. O'Brien 11/000 911. Zuricli :the Ford MAGNETO Does.get weak Our re -charger is again on the job TESTING FREE eEL S; Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found; Notice, etc, Ads IN THIS COLUMN FOR SALE Two fresh nI1kCoSvis. Apply to Jo,h,n Galster, Zurfch. FOR. SALE Eight young pigs, 5 weekeioid of a g ood bacon type kind. Apply iSirrson Greb, phone 9-81. NOTICE After May 15th, 1 will enake my rounds an Health. Inspector, and all puttee are requested to have all their back and !runt yards, barna manure dumps and outhoulses cleaned by that time. (Byl Order C. 'Taber, Inspector. FOR SALE A good pumping- .windnill, Leader, with 40 -foot !steel derrick, apply to Jacob, Gellman. NOTICE The Zurich Egg Pool I again in operation at T. L. Wurm's store, and anyone so interested eau pool their eggs there by making arranee ments. WANTED --- Girls Wanted to operate sew- ing machines in S. M. Sanders Clo- thing factory, Exeter, pleasant work,g ood pay, S. M. Sanders Mfg. Co., Exeter. WANTED .An assistant Matron for the Huron County Home, at Clinton, Ontaris. Dut'es to commericeJane 1st, er as soon as possible there- after. Application's received by the undersigned until May 26th. Personial applications preferred. John Torrence, Inepector. Clinton, Ont. TENDERS WANTED FOR CONCRETE WORK Sealed Tenders, addressed to oChairman; 'Building Committee, Lutheran „Church, Zurich, for con- crete workein connection with build ing of church Shed will be received up to 6 O'clock, p.m., May 18th, 1926. Lowest or Any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans and )specifications May be seen at F. C. Kalbfleisch's office. H. Yungblut, Secretary. Zurich, May 4th, 1926. FOR SALE Some good cheap cattle hay, Slightly damaged through wetness, by 'shipping. Mall at my barns J. Hey, Jt a Zurich. WANTED "Girl for 4onsework. Plain cook- ing, Good wages. Apply, Mrs. Jones -Bateman, Britannia Road, Phone 289, Godeeich, Ont. FOR SALE USED 'CARS-Wehave a number of Used cars for sale, Terms (ar- ranged, lie .10110Viia , Ford Coupe 192, refinished with 1926 license and starter. Ford fronting 1918 in good runeing condition, will take $75 cash or teethe. Ford Tudor sedan 1925 in good con dition. We have a number of Ford Tour- ings not listed, rangiego in price from $t15 to 1Q9. Cell and took these bargains over. Ford Roadster in good condition, new treks on rear -Cheap. C. FRITZ. & SON, Word Dealers .0.11.••11•PSEN•1111•1111/11/1.1.=...- FOR SALE 'imagiori.m.mor • A barn with good strolig frabits on Victoria Street, Zurich, for further particulars apply to Herb Moetseealls • "Ostia FOR SALE A good )seeond hand DeLaval }Crew Separator, -- Apply ,to Louis Prang, Zurich. ••••1•1,000.1•••••••••••••=1“1.10111.1•11 EGGS Foil HATCHING Pure bred Ancon eggs, hon. It..) Very good laying strain, choice r p, stock, Our price .la right, leave "s. MaCtligt000 moritin movicp 7:, your o "r4:ror ' wbr--tooloYd O'Brein, r TO 1-11-.mtbs eA.,,12,y- , U-Joi LOCAL NEWS Mr. Albert Gies left ;on Thurs- day tor Kitchener. Sorry to rpeort that M. Truemner continces quit:o poorlY. Rev.J. J, Durrantt of Varea, called on friends here on Friday. Mr, 'J. B. Fink spent • the week end at his home in Mildmay. Mr. and Mes. NOrmen Gascho were visiting at Kippen oa Fri- day, Pleased to report that Mr. Wm Lamont is. able to be out again after hie illness. The excavation for tho base- ment of the new part of, the Evan- gelical church is under way. Mr. and Mes. John Kipper and Mies Fanny Kipper motored to London, on Saturday, Mr, John Flaxbard was taken to London hospital and operated on Wedneeday for appendieitis. Mr. S. ,Deitz is erecting a fine new metal garage beside his bus- _ inesa block: Mr. Chas. Hartleib and Mr. Web- eter of Goderich .called in thm vil- lage on Saturday. Mrs. Snider of Elmira visited the past week with her daughter, Ws, W. B. iDengis. Dr. J. Ward, of Exeter,. was in town on Wednesday and. give his customers their attention. • The :Band gave a few openiair selections on Saturday eve. which were much enjoyed_ after the long whiter months. Mrs. A. McLeod of Wroxeter, who visited her father, Mr. Petr Peter Keehlee, returedn • to her home on Thursday. Mr, and Mfrs. Wilfred Jervis of Holniesville, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mr's. SYle. Witmer, Babylon Line. Mr. and Mr. Milo Snell of Ex- eter, were Friday evening. visitors at the home of Mr. and Mes. C. Fritz. - The Misses Pearl and Elizabeth Leibuld have returned. home after 'spending the Oast three weeks at Stratford, Tavistock, and Kitch- ener. Farmers are busy seeding and the weather is ideal as it is nice and cool for the horses By the end of the week if the weather ke- eps, most farmers will be pract- ically -through. Much sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mes. Marcil Correveau of the death of their labs. year .old daughter, who wae taken to .Lon -- don and operated on for_ append- icitis. We have a powder for farm stock, which when fed to the an- imals will prevent them from Itnawing at wood, 'etc. .Also are onying 40c. cwt or old iron. - Johnston & Kalbfleisch, • Mrs: L. 'Schiefle and children left for her home: in Detroit. on Setur- day, after visiting her parents., Me and Mrs. John Gallium Mr, Gd- nian, we are pleased to ;stets is pro greasing favorably after his TPC- ent einem Word was received here tthat Mrs. Minnie Fritz and two datigh- tors, Veda and Hazel, former resi- dents of Zurich, but now of Lon- don, were injured in a train hitting n large motor bu'. in that city On whih ih?y were riding. nisiderable eittmen 1 was, created last Thursday .afternoon, when a fire alarm was given that Mr. Ezra Koehler's kitchen was burning. The fire started from the explosion of am oil stove but was put out with buckets before tinuch headway was made. • W, G, Hess & Sons have recently sold radio Sete to Messrs; Louis Hartman and Oswald Either. Radio reception is improving by lepas and bounds, new higher power st- ations are being installed resulting in more entertainment, finer music farm talks, Baseball scores, Etc. The roads throughout the Tp, are dried up 'nicely and are beCom- ing hard, there seem to bi . co»sid- eralste bumps still On the roads, to ercome this means more drag- ging and ,gradin, the Goshen Line Line 'south, which received its go- ing over last isummer is in remark able fine ;shape, While the, Baby- lon Line at places is q. uite rutty as an Sunday, a car got mixed up in the ruts, which resulted in taking the ditch, A gone). ituron Baseball Leagne is again being 'organized this summer, and we hope to, See Zurich again on the; map by .enter- ing a team. Our boyls were very does+to' winning the pennant last year, but are greatly weakened in the pitching 'staff, by the loss of Mr. Fred Thiel, who was so eiefor- tunate in fractaring his arm ,while pitching a ball in the Dinal genie last year. However, we under- stand that this, is a general weak- /nese ofall the teams in the League Bill Mote, the outstanding pitcher of the Crediton team, is very doubt fel if he will Islay, as also had la very Upiortunate accident of bad ;tem:tows of his lee last rail. being looked fee that a SELECTING DAIRY COW . . V,E4111PERAMENT, FEED CA.PACITY. CONSTITUTION AND VIGOR. These Ate the Points Which Should Receive Attention and This Article Tells What Look For leader Each of These Heads. Page nes 0900000.010000000010001091000 OWO*00110041400S00110*04000S, 1 FarmImplements • • • WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENI'S AND HAVE JUST THE LINE ANL) KIN D OF 11,1 A OHIe ER V 0 4111° 0 Wontribriteti by Ontario Department or Agriculture, Toronto,) 0 YOU NEED TIIE MOST, ALSO PC NIPS', PIPING AN o t 0 When a man Is in need of dairy • FIT'IlINGS. WE INSTALL OUR P U 51P,S, ID ieseselatle eo O tes cows and goes out to search for ani- • CS, mals.that are likely 'to be profitable : WHILE TiFIEY LAST WE ARE OloTeRING THE PUBLIC •: to him there are a number of things 41 THESE SPECIAL B A BO AI NS as to be kept in mind. A cow is a coW, but comparatively few are real high j 21 chaser should depend ou his owe • judgment, and not on statements of WE MAKE A LIBERAL TEARLITE,0s.W A NOE ON- OLD B.AT- owners anless such statements are • -' backed up by carefully kept records of production. • Our Batteries are Guaranteed by the . Cows with ''dairy temperament" • producing profitable cows. Thepur- Bat eries for $15.00 have thin necks, sharp withers, prom-. • Company and myself inept vertebrae, hips and pin bones; • thin incurving thighs and a general tir body conformation that is wedge- • ALSO DO BETTERY ,CHARGING AND REPAIRINU. shaped no matter from what aseele it it is viewed. Dairy temperament is also • associated with alertness, marked ac- • tivity, and lack of all coarseness in IS the individual. • Cows with "feed capacity" show plenty of room or middle for the • storage of feed. They are long and • deep between the shoulder and the hip, long faces, wide foreheads, broad • muzzle, and large jaw with fullivell- developed salivary glands. • Cows with "constitution and vigor" 2 are wide through the heart region, • have a big strong heart, a strong cir- • culMion of blood to all parts of the body. This condition is usually re- • fleeted in the healthy condition of the hair, oily secretions of the hide • and well-developed, prominent veins 11 on the under side of the abdomen • and on the udder, face and neck. 0 Constitution and vigor is also shown 3 in large bright eyes, large nostrils and a general alertness. Cows with "well-developed milk or- gans" can boast of the following characteristics: Udder well attached to the body and not pendulous. Udder tissue pliable and soft to the touch, free from coarseness, hard areas or lumps. Udder of good size, extended well forward and high up behind. Large veins running from the an- terior attachment forward and well along the abdomen. The skin covering the udder is soft and pliable, teats are of a good size to fill the hand and are evenly placed. Don't forget the producing dairy- man is not likely to sell kis best cows. Those that have faults are most likely to be offered for sale. If you can see her milked so much the better. -L. Stevenson, Dept. of Extension, 0. A. College, Tires,Tubes, -Greases and Oils L. A. Prang, - rop. GARAGE! GA RAGE -We are in a position to give you the best of service in repairing or • es: ..overhauling any make of Car I *S*111000011006200000000wesecooeffeesseeevoeoceowrorpoaeim Pi KROPP Mechanic High and Low Testing Milk Com- pared With Mixed Milk. The question has been raised as to whether milk with varying fat con- tent when mixed, as is done at the cheese factory, would give results that average between high and low • testing lots made up separately, as is done with experimental testing. Four tests were made by dividing lots of milk as delivered to the 0.A.C. Dairy Department from farms sur- rounding Guelph, between two vats, one of which tested high in fat and the other comparatively low. Each vat contained 450 pounds of milk. From each 150 pounds were taken and mixed in a third vat. Altogether 1.200 pounds of milk were used in each lot. The average percentages of fat in the milk were 3.85, 3.27 and 3.55. The yields of choese per 1,000 pounds of milk were, respec- tively • 102.6, 94.63 and 97.60. The theoretical yield of the mixed lots is 98.61 pounds of clipese which is within one pound of the actual. This difference is accounted for .by differ- ences in moisture content of the cheese, difference in shrinkage and in losses due to handling the milk, curd and cheese. The average scores of the cheese were 88.48, 86.61 and 88.74 respectively for high, low and 'mixed lots, indicating' 'that in the opinion 'of the expert judge there was not Much 'difference in the qual- ity of the cheese. • Conclusion. -These tests show that mixed lots of milk containing vary- ing percentages of fat are likely to yield cheese averaging fair'"? closely to what would be obtained if the lots were made separately into cheese. Sweet Glover Butter. The tests made in butter-makin:,- during 1924 witli milk from cows pasturilig on sweet clover was con- ducted with milk from farms where sweet clover was the only pasture. The butter was made in small lets in the Farm Dairy at the C. A. Col- lege and was scored by the bfecial putter Grader for the Province. As in other years no flavor could be de- tected in the milk, cream or butter which might be attributed to sweet 0104 feeding. Five lots of butter were made altogether, one from raw cream churned svveet, one from raw cream ripened with a culture, one ripened without culture, one from pasteurized cream to which culture was added and then ripeeed. These conditions cover practically all that are likely to be met wIth ep the feria elo-aZ Me Creamery, The butter was held in need storage for two months before it was judged, in order to allow any flavors to develop that might be present, Sweet clover is a valuable pasture crop on dairy farms and should not be condemned by ohoose or butter in anisette rers.- Dept, of Extension, 0, A College. gardCli 18 0. 1100 if:: I t), 1< W1,1 I, number , ace every .0411. lb ttAnb'4.t.' 41. ofe h. i) Iv I ? develop Luis .yeae, Jereeld, • ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4 4 4 •1 4 4 4 4 4 4. if PHONE 69 .„ ill to++++1.4.4444.4.÷4.++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++444140 SHINGLES! SHINGLES WE HAVE LOTS OF SUINGON HAND '1'0 PE -R00}' YOUR BUILDINGS. WH YBUY MOE E Is X to aNeil V IS M A T lR- IAL SUCH AS GALVANIZE WHEN Yet' rA BIT "r E GOOD OLD CEDAR SHINGLES AT SUCH 13.EASONA FILE PRICES. 5x White cedar 'shingles at$1.50- per buncoh, 5x B. C. Red Cedar Shingles at $1.70 per Put on • these shingles with'proper mals and you will InviN a roof for a life time, cool in surnmPt, warm i i wintfor. No. painting or tarring.'. Easily patched w h"n a eturn {. I OS of part of the woof, where with eels. it.to d to lei:Air. We still have a number of cedar posts for sal,‘ at 30e. in and look them over. Always a good supply of wall- board, rbofing, lumber and 'yp,' r (-11 • C. KA JISCH ZURICH 1 PROTECTION Get one of Our Auto Tops They will protect you from the cold winds and will make Winter ,rnotoring a pleasure IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUB13ER YOUR BUGGY WHEELS. HESS - ZURICH feletelslefeedelo+.444.4•,0oe+++++++++.1.÷-14÷-14+++++++41 HERALD:OFFICE 4. 4. 4. 4. 1. 4. oth 4. 4. 4. 4. Do Yott Know?Ila. THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR GOOD PRINTINE THAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND STATEMENTS THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MAN'CJFAOT URERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUP- PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF .CHECK BOOKS THAT WE CARIY TN STOCK WRITING PAPETIS, 'ENVEL- OPES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON OR TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM ST- ATIONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS IN TWO, SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., BITC. THAT WE Int YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BOTTLE WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK FOR 5c. LAM'S- GER QUAN'TLTIES AT BIGGER REDUCTIONS THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE POS- Itris, li,IEPICANTILE POSTERS AND ALL GENERAL So PRINTING OUR SPECIALTY 41ao