Zurich Herald, 1926-05-13, Page 4i• 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 11 1 • ZURICH HERALD THERE are scores of ways in which your Bank can help you—methods that will surprise you by their convenience and safety. Take the sale of an animal. If it is a cash transaction, you can ask the purchaser to send you a marked cheque or your bank will attach a sight draft to the bill of lading. If it is a time sale, your banker will handle and collect the note. Our manager will be only too glad to outline to you the scores of ways in which he can serve. BANK OF MONTUAL Established'ii17 !Fatal Asscts in aims!) of 050.000.000 1 14141604094000111100111111•1000060100.1/091•10600904004111190604111110.101 • 40 •Spring Seeds • • • • • • We have received our supply of 1 • Spring Seeds and can supply you with practically everything in this • • ; line, such as Garden Seeds, Flower • • • • 3 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • SEEDS, AND GRASS eEEDS IN LARGE QUANTITIES FOR Ifs THE FARMERS. as 1 -NOW IS HE TIME TO LOOK !AFTER YOUR SEED CORN, WE 449 11AVE IT BEST BY TEST,IN MOST OF 'I'lIE LEADING VAR JITIES. GET "YOURS NOW LET US SHOW YOU OUR SUPPLY OF SEEDS AND BE .; CONVINCED THAT Tars IS THE PLACE TO GET YOIffR SUPPLY. CHOICE SEED CORN Louis Schillbe Zurich • 4•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• LADIES SOFT BALL NEWS There will be a largel silver .rup .offered for competition e at Gaeind Bend, schedule of gam 10 be Played on Tuesdays, Thurs. -days or Friday nights. Teams drona Heneall, Forest, Zurich, Ex- eldigTehe Lucien, Centralia, Afaa Craig. T'nedford, Cred:ton, Dash- - .wood and surrounding teams are .irovited to appoint a representat- 4ve to diecuss details. 'Winner of 4series to play in semi-finals and etinals for Ontario Championship. Zketing will be held at Grand Bend er...aelao, Victoria Day, 3Iay 21th, at e o'clock-, pm., or write to 1Ge8. Eccleetone. 304 B. King St. exon for particularA. SCHOOL REPORT 'S. S. No. 11, Stephe» for the .aino.nthe of March and April. Pu- -apite arca arranged in order of mer- 4reerit. Those marked * missed 'AIL.17.01114. Sr. IV -Norman 'Brenner, Haeil IliStorens*. jr. III -Benedict Dietrich, Anna ?Dietrich, Charlie Dietrich, Minerva. V:ineent*, Blnache More,z* Bari 'Meeker*, Leonard Disjardiee, Met.- eany.n Disjardine. Sr, II -Edna Brenner, Hazel Die- ardince Jerome Dietrich„ Dorothy 'Vincent* Earl Vinceet, Jr. TI A. Clara Dietrich, Thelma '74hacent*, Hugh Morenze Lorrahle 41Bairer, Carrie Weih.hee. Jr. 11 B -Ernest French, Trellis 1,a4fsjartline*, Fide Devine* Ervin De 'z:Z4Ville. Tra Vin Cent*. 1st Book -Eugene Dietrich, Vera ann, Emma Breneer, Vercla l'ee- ..12Disjardine, Beginners -Ivan Kipfer, Tentie iDiet rich, E Ki ler or, Raytnond ireiberg. - No, on Roll 34, average .241. Hilda Nolete.hwenger,teacher BLAKE -Leave, your order at the Blake! lore for Li r" ehete. gi.I6ther'S Day Syr v,icaa was oon 1' ducted In the church on Sunday afternoon. Rev. Mr. Durant gave an address, on mothe.rs and the their which consisted of mothers, rendered an appropriate anth-era.1 „Thera was, a good attendance an.dl the !service avas mach appreciated) by those present. Mr. and Mes. M. Brown and Mr. J. A. Meyers accompanied by Mr and Mrs. :Thos. Meyers of the Go- shen Line, south aspento Sunday with. friend's in the village. Mr. and. Mrs, Kelly Of London, called 'On friends on the Goshei, line on Sunday. Miss Margaret McBride who ep- ent the winter in Detroit aed Wind sor returned home on Saturday, accompanied by her brother M. Lorne, Mr. Harold Johnston left last week for Parkhill where he has taken a 'position, Miss Ada Meyers who spent the -Maar in London, returned home last week, . Miss Sarah Manson spent the week -end in lirmsall recently. Miss Alberta Finlay spent, last week with friends in DashwOod. Mrs. V. Meyers spent the week- end with. her mother in Hensall, who is critically ill. Mm Jake Kenet returned home on Monday after a pleasant visit with friends down east. Mr. and Alrs. Gilbert Freckleton of ExeL,r, called on fri:mele in the village on Friday last, DASI-IWOOD Don -t forget the band ,concert to be held on Thursday evening, May 13th, Quite a numb3r of rew' band selections are being prepared. by the boys and a play entitled 'Deacon Du*' ' ,..eing presen- ted by tne young people of Ji.,„ • a• K 1 enenin sp nt wwolt-end in Toronto. Tr P. P. ill Ind ,lar;:1;11Hm. Nelda and a,,ts, opout Frido.Y lj°131161:(1.n.Fferb, Pfile of Detreit Isp- ent. Sunday with his parents,' 1-1YaAlVviln:b.. oillj:' DayIaIV1: (11,'NG'airlele'Yohblielhrsrseih.anYing school onFriday. Mr, Norman Kellerman of ItClilte: chener spent Wednesday in town, M. and Mrs. P. Jennings and duaghter of Thedford spent Sun- day in town. Mr. and Mrs. J. Elligsen moved their household effects to Mitchell on Igir °..n‘da.Y'R, Goulding of 'Exeter .spnet Friday in town. Mr. "Clarence. Kellerman has moved into the hotel which he purchased from Mr. J. Elligsen, On Monday evening Mr. Keller- man was serenaded,. by the hand. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyer• and daughter of New Hamburg spent Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. F. B. Meyer. On Friday night, during all in- termission at Calvary Evangelical church choir practive, the memb- ers of the choir had in store a neat little taurprkse far ,the or- ganist, Mrs. A. E. Qestreicher and choir leader, Miss Alice Hoffman. Miss Cathern Finkbeiner read , the address to each (of the "named per- sons and Miss Idelia Bender hand- ed them an •envelope contailiing a sum of money. The address fit- ingly expressed the tenor of ap- preciation of the choir for 'the 'services rendered by the organist tchoir leader. It was especially mentioned that the gift was not to be considered a .regular stip- end. The recipients replied in a few well chosen words of gratit- ude and assured the choir 'Oat th?ir s-rvile3 were cheerfully given COUNTY NEWS. Thos. Consitt, son/Mr. and Mrs Robt. McAllister and family ,,of near Zurich., were recent' visitors at the home tof, Mr. and Mrs. John Consitt, Seafortk • 1.' Mr and Mrs Thos. Meyers and children accompanied by Ernest Meyers, all of Zurich were recent visitors at the home fo Mr. andiVIrs Emerson Smith, Kippen. • W. J. Stinson, Bayfield, returner] from. Toronto, after having taken dowm to Monkton to ship. 0 • The Trustee boards of the Un- ited chueches. Of Grafid Bend and Greenway have rocei‘ed word that the Rev. J. M. Coiling of Melborne has accepted a call to this united pastoral charge. Up to the pres- ent the two churches have ,been11) charge of two .preachers; Rev,. , Grant, having charge of the for- mer Presbyterian congregation at: Grand Bend, and. Rev. •Maiees the Methodist charge at Greenway A lifelong resident of :8-m5E:field passed away on April 24th, whose name deserves to be held in rem.: •branee, in the person of Aedrew T. ScOtt. In 1908 he received the appointment of Postmaster, which oficef he has held ever since.. He waist (es frothy years a vcleed mem bar of the Union Church, in which he held 'prominent offices, wasal SO a faithful Oddfellow. Wm. ,•leirk, a resident of Usbor ne Tp. for ni groat many yeaes, died at his home •alter a lengthy illness. He was in hie 79th year and is survived by his widow and one brother in the west, and three ,sisters. The Red Star Navigation Co:* again announce the ,big, low fare Annual excursion oe Ithe steamer. Greyhound, from-Goderich to De -I troit and return, leaving Goderich! on June Sth at 9.30., arriving De- troit 5.00 p.m, A day and a. hall will be given al: excursionitss Detreit. Thirty-five larmerls lin Middle- sex county .have agreed to follow out the instructions fo the Dept. of/ Agricu'trire as regards thespeay ing 01 fruit trees, R. A .Finn states Mr. Finn and H.W. Webster of the fruit branch will endeavour to Visit all the farms and give insteuctions while 'spraying is in eprogrese. Master jghnfiArmstrongi Stanley Tp., While playing at,school,had the Misfortune to get his arm dis- located. On Sunday eyeeiee last during a thunderstorm which° passed over Kippen, the high wind blew down 'the frame. structure which remained standing of the old . Methodist church. . The Presbytery of Huron foe the United Church o feanada met in Wesley Chru,eh Clinton on April 27th Rev. G, Telford, of Blyth, presided. Nearly all the charges were represented, reports frorothe Various charges showed the work of the church in a prosperous state. ' I Navigation opened at Goderieh on Sunday last, when 'eine large freighters, who had wintered at the harbor there, left for up the lakes, fiENSALL The many :,friends of Mrs. Alex, Sparks will bz isorry to hear that she had a ntroleo last IV , Th,-..‘ relatives and friends of 1V1ra Wre. IllehardSon will yegr:,t to learn that .she continues very ser- ionslv Mrs. Thos, Sherritt Sr. suffered severe 'stroke 00 SU day lo 1 ot Wm. Arinslrong : '0.91: he is Improving Id• Id ga.ri: • kompanied. .Dr. :and. Mrs, Knapp nitottr,ed- to Toronto.' peeently. MI'S, G. V. Laoghton and chil- dren, who spent some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs, C. McDon- '6e11,- returned to their home in Toronto, • Lee Hedden left for $t. JCathar- ines Where he will be for a time. • A large acreage of onions are a- gain being planted this spring and Ilensall wtI:,retain its reputation as a great Onion centre with Oiiion kings. The Hensall people are having having a treat, the Verdun 'Minst- rels of St. Marys, are going to .r'senL their 026 .shoW here iOnMaY 13th. Orville Twitchell was taken to *Seafeirthf Holsipital where ihe was operated on for appendicitis. .Mr. and Mrs. Roy Weber spent a few da.yls visiting in: Detroit last week, John McDougall, who has been conducting a tailoring business here last year is closing up 1 and moving with his family to Ham- ilton Where hewill go into bulsin:Iss Mrs. Alice Ijoynt is Confined to her home with A well attended m ening !of Hen 'sail baseball enthusiasts was held at the hotel the other evening for the purpose of electing officers tor this season. After a free discus- sion the meeting was called to or- der and L. I Mickle a.ppointed chairman, the following officers were elected; -Hon. Pres., Owen Geiger; president, E. Drummond; vice-pres., J. Passmore; :secy H. Scruton; treas. I. 1%IcLaughlan; manager, L. Mickle; coach, 7Dr. G. Knapp; mascot, Scott Welsh. ,In addition to the, above named an executive of five was elected Con- sisting of; J. Bonthron, D. Brint- nell, Dr. Campbell, D. McKinnonc and N. Reichart, CREDITON Mrs. Val. Patz. of Ne'v Hamburg visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. Zwicker. Mrs..B Brown left for New York where she will vlsit /some time with her son Lorne. Mrs. C. Black of London is vis- itiing Mrs. C. Hoffman. Mrs. Shearedown who has been ill wa's taken to the home of her son in Goderich, Mrs. McKenzie returned to her home in Kincardine after visiting with Mrs. Chas. Hoffman. Mrs. Louisa Fahner of .Detroit is visiting her mother, Mrs. Matt Morlock, Chap. Shearedown of Windsor, iisited his mother here. Arnlold the little son fo Mr. arra E. Gaiser, shipka ,who was oper- ated for appendieltes at London Hospital, is improving. The regular meeting of the Crediton Wo Mte 11 h Insjit ute was held on May 4th, the viceipres. Mrs. H. K. Either occupied the chair. The reports of the com- mittees for the past year were given, The trea'surer's Mrs. C: Halet reported a balance -on hand of $154.79. Mrs. E. Haist reported a balance on hand of $18.44 Joe the flower committee. EXETER Jas. Penrice, who has been ill with i'humatj3rn has been treatened with cOmplic,atione and is in a ,seaions. condition. Mrs. C Wares and daughteriert for Windsor to reside, where Mr. Wares has been for a time. While engaged in tearing down the old foundry bending, Fred Smith was painfully injured being struck on the head with a failing nrick, it took several stitches- to close .the wound. Mr, and Mils. David, who hare moved• back to Clintno, wherethey will reside in future. • A baSeball league is 'icing for- med in S. Huron and if Exeter, or any other team wishes to join, it will be necessary to acte- Theeold,Verity foundry is torn down, having been purchased by Canning Factory for the pur- peee of building an extension to their factory, 'dila means that an- other old landmark is gone. The -sudden death of Mrs. Nvi. Taman took place at her home- on May 5th, deceased had been en- jeying her accuStomed health un- til. Monday last when she was., taken ill with spinal meniegitia. Her maiden name was Cora Fowell, toeing a daughter of the late Powell, most of her time was sp- ent in .Exeter, her hvsband, mother and three children survive. HENSALL C. N. R. TRAIN CONNECTIONS • MORNING South, Kippen... 8.22 a.m. South, Hensel] 8.32 atm, South, Exeter _. -8.47 aere Stage leave Zurich ... 7.00 a.m. North, Exeter ... - ... 10.16 a.m. North, Flensail ... 10.30 am. North, Kipper" a.m. AFTERNOON South, Kippon _4.40 p.m. Sorttl Honsall 4.50pan, Nil 11) Stage leave Zurich ...3,00 p.m. South Exeter . -5,05 p DI. A. j. MacKmnoil iirloh B6E-s North, it 1)'rn" 1 iffiliffMMMAMPIVYMPAMMAMARRAAMMWTV' rsetor (3,64 p.m, Norklas gil.);1).011 " 0 ...........,,,r...r..,_ .7,.........t......r:_mttrr„.7..T..L...urtt„..ayIlla,ir 1.3,r26 ....4, t 4.+++++++++++++++++++++141 + 0 + * . 4. 4,.. + Announce1 en ,,.„:, ' 4 't t ' + 4. I wish to inform the Public that I have dissolved partnership with my former Pr employer, and wish to arin Imre that Af: E 0 • I have opened an 1...Ao.filate Garage , St: in Mr. Hey's Block. AM IN A POSITION TO GIV11" EXPERT SERVICE AND REPAIRS TO ANY MAKE OF CAR. ALSO RE - + :11: +•1' os BUILD AlD CHARGE BATTERIES ON SHORT NOTICE 111 A FULL LINE OP GENUINE FORD PARTS FOR SALE AT, FORD PRICES + 1 i L 8 lATISFACTION GITA3RANTEE1;4' . , IS Day aridNight Service + et. ir NM # • + • , I * ANISE L9 PI rOP etrir''t - $34+++.44++++.1 -1444.4•44441444444.44.14.11-1-1-14++++++++++491,t •••••••••••••ST•earporyalle.MINEV.M.../1 •;;,. tee;'W qeatee=e.•:W'ziees Zurich's Opportunity Greatest Value in Cloths for Men 11„: 125 to 150 CENTS FOR YOUR $1.00 It's the Wonder and envy of the Tailoring Trade. How we do it is our business That wiDo it is your business YOUR SPRING SUIT I/ADE-TO-MEASURE. OF IMPORTED. WOOLENS DIRECT FROM THE MILLS TO YOU HUNDREDS OF THE VERY LATEST STIADES AND PATTEli NS' TO CHOOSE FROM COME AND SEE US: Good Preskeinge Skillfully done by a real Tailor, is as Refresh- ing to Your SUit,•as a good •night's sleep is to you. PRESSING AND ALTERATIONS REASONABLY DONE. ilk kal'Ar.• E. E. WERTH Tailor, Men's Furnishings Zurich, Ont. Where the Good Clothes come from 046.**6648406(4:-.1::6C-Veet40206-e€EXIS - - waiwiodiUmmevaivivw- Zurich Drug Store We have a eornvlete 1 supply oProilet Prepatatio)* *d' Patent Medicines. 4+94+.144++++444++++++++++ Our Stock of Stationery comprises: '7,wP -MK Writing' Tabiets of all sizes,gliFine • -4,sairom Boxed Stationery, Fountain Pens at variety of Prices 411+44•444•4++++++++++++44Pf++ • Drug Sundries of Ali Kinds PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES