Zurich Herald, 1926-04-08, Page 7A SPRING: TONIC
You Can Lay the Foundation of
Good Health .Now by Building
Up Your :boil and Strength-
ening Your Nerves Through
the Use of Dr. Willianis'.Fink
The good old fashion of taking a
tonic in the Springtieve, like most of
the customs• of our grandparents,- is
based upon soend conunoe sense and
good medical pra.etice, 'Winter is al -
Ways a trying time for those who are
not in rugged health, Many men, wo-
men and ebildren go through the win-
ter on reserve strength they have
stored up during the s'unnIT summer
months, and .grow increasingly .pale
and languid as the spring days an -
preach. A. tonic for the blood and
nerves at this time wile do much for
serail people, but putting .color in the
cheeks and banishing that tired feed-
ing that worries thousands of people
at this ,season of the year.
It is impossible to be energetic it
your blood is thin and weak, err if
your nerves are frayed or shattered.
You cannot compete with others it
you ;do not get refreshing sleep at
night, or if your appetite is poor or
you are losing weight. You need a
tonic at this time to add to your effi-
ciency now. as well as to save you
from suffering later on, And iu all the
realm of medicine, there is no safer or
better tonic than Dr, Williams' Pink
Pills, • These pills tone' and enrich the
blood which circulates• through every
portion of the body, strengthening
jaded nerves and rundown organs, and
bringing a feeling of new strength and
energy to weak, easily tired, despond-
ent men, women and children.
• Miss K. Sirols, Iiamouraska, Que.,
says:—"I would feel that I was neg-
lecting an opportunity to help some
other poor sufferer if I failed to tell
you how much b•ealefit I had through
the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
Before taking the pills I was in a bad-
ly run-down condition. I was very
weak, pale and breathless et the least
exertion. I often had beadaches and his property to strangers if he has
my appetite was poor. I began taking neither children nor "ancestors," such
the pills and they restored me to bet- as parents• or grandparents, still
ter health than I had enjoyed for a ing. If he has one child, that child
long time; in fact, my health is now must have at least half. Two children
the best,,and I am sure that what this will take two-thirds, and if he has
medicine has done for me It will do three children or more, they must
for all weak, ailing people." have three-quarters, leaving only a
You. can get these pills from any quarter which he can bequeath to
medicine dealer, or by mail at 50 cents other people.
a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Only in England is a man allowed
Go., Brockville, Ont: to cut off his child with a shilling.
illfonzo de Costa, of Portugal, shown above, was elected President of the
League of Nations at the extraordinary amenably recently, which was called
to admit Germany to the League. As is well known, however, the assembly
failed of its purpose owing to the quarrel over seatsoon the council.
In most foreign countries England
is looked upon as the Land of the Free,
and, in spite of the Defence of the
Realm Act, there le one wa,y, at least,
In which the Englishman is• freer than
the rest of the world. It is only in
England that a married man can dis-
pose of the whole of his property ab-
solutely as he likes when he dies.
Even Scottish law is different in this
respect. There, if a man has a wife
and children, the law says the wife
must have one-third of his possessions
and the children.anether third, so that
he can do what he likes only with the
remaining third. If he has a wife only
or children only, the wife or the child -
fen' are entitled to half, and he is at
liberty to dispose of the other half as
be thinks fit.
In France a man can only leave all
Germs in Duck. Egg Cause
Woman's Death.
Evidence regarding a deadly germ
in a duck's egg, described as the fust
ease of the kind in the United King-
dom, was given recently at an ad-
journed inquest on a 24 -year-old wo-
man of 'Stepney, England, says the
London Post in a recent issue.
John Webster, Home Office analyist,
state -d that there had been found a
bacillus Aertrycke,-in enormous quan-
tities in the organs and he was of the
opinion that this could safely be pre-
sumed to have been the cause of the•
`rouble which led to death.
The .mother of the young wornan
said that on December 23 her daughter
and four other members of the family
had a meal consisting of ducks' eggs.
Her daughter had had nothing to eat
for many hours previously, nor after
that before becoouing ill.
Dr. D. L. Thomas, medical officer
for Stepney, stated that the appear-
ances of the obdominal organs were
quite consistent with those of food
kisoning. He eent some of the or
ens to the bacteriologist of the Min-
istry of Health, who reported that "the
bacillus Aetdycke was isolated in
abundance and death might safely be
presumed to have been due to that in-
As far as ho could make out, con-
tinued Dr. Thomas, there had been no
'record in the United Kingdom of any
cases of food poisoning from eggs, but
'in French literature there were some
eases in which ducks' ego were im-
The Largest known flower is said to
be the Rafflesia, of Sumatra. It has
a diameter of 9 f t.
Mentges Folder
For Sale
Suitable fora newaka'per or job office.
It will fold pamphlets, newspapers,
just as fast as en es:pert Can put them
in. It will take paper of any weight,
book or wrapping; sizes up to 36x48,
Newspapers, 6 of 7 col., 4 of 8 pager.
Will trim, fold and paste (by gear-
drlveii paster) and deliver either et
third or fourth fold, faster than can be
folded by three, six or 'more persons
by hand. The rollers are of steel, all
turned true on lathe, milled and accur-
ate, and will not shrink or misbehave
under any service. A one -quartet' h.p.
inter is ainplo to run lt.
The Guide Port Hope
Detailed information coneernina
planning, building, financing, de-
corating, furnishing and garden-
ing is contained In the MacLean
Builders" Guider Each Issue shows
several practical designs in picture
altd plan. Send twenty Cents for.
a copy. Gut/ethnic answered'. Mac-
Lean Building Reporte. Ltd., 844
Adelaide St, West, "'Toronto.
If Baby Does Not Enjoy Re-
freshing Sleep. He is Far
From Well.
The healthy child sleeps well and
during its waking boors is never
cross but always happy and laughing.
It is only the sickly child that in cross
and lieevieh. Mothers, if your child-
ren do not sleep well; if they are cross
and cry a•great deal, give them Baby's
Own Tablets and they will soon be
well and happy again.
Baby's Own Tablets are a mild, but
thorough laxative which regulate the
bowels, sweetenthe stomach, banish
constipation, colic and indigestion and
promote healthful sweep. They are
absolately guaranteed-' free from
opiates and inay be given to the new-
born babe with perfect safety.
You can obtain Baby's Own Tablets
through any medicine dealer at 25
cents a box, or by mail, post Maid,
froni The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Out.
Facts About Goldfish.
There aro two facts- about goldfish
that owners of goldfIsh ought to know.
One is thad', fish have no eeelide and
generally live where there is plenty
of shade protection, therefore when
they axe put in transparent globes,
which admit light feosn all directionts
a.t once, they cannot cover their eyes
or find a shady place in which to hide,
and they suffer.
Small growing plante, or bits of
floating wood put in the bowl will
make a tittle shade and give comfort
to the fish.
The other fact is that there is air in
the water Where ]salt live: in nature and
air is a necessity of life for ash.
Water in g`lobee is still and free
from Or and must be aerated by fresh •
poured water or by water ii'lants.
i1orriwort le one of the best.
When fish gasp, they are suffering
front the want of air oe oxygen.
It is to be hoped that persons vvlio
enjoy seeing fish in globes will con-
sider the virtue of kin.diees, even to-
wards fish,
The injury io eh 'Mann who are.
taught to find pleasure and aniuse-
nient in the sight of live animals, con-
fined In unnatural conditlou:s is also
worth consideration.
Students- of nineteen nationalities
are now studying the English language
by a now seienttific method at Univer-
sity College, London. Swedes .penally
prove the best students. :
Mina/ere Liniment for sore throat.
A Landed Proprietor.
"As soon as Jones bought his Piece
of ground he climbed a tree to look it
over, fell out and—"
"And because a landed proprietor,
Don't let indigestion after meals, biliousness,
heartburn. or dyspepsia take the pep out of you,
Take Seigel's Syrup. Any drug store.
New Brooms.
New brooms, green brooms, will: you
buy any?
Come, maidens, come quickly, let me
take a penny.
My brooms are not steeped,
But very well bound;
My brooms be not crooked,
But smooth -cut and round
I wish it should please you
T6 buy of my broom,
Then would it well ease me
If market were done.
Have you any old boots,
Or any old shoon,
Pouch -rings, or buskins,
To Cope for new broom?,
If so you have, maidens, z
I pray you bring hither,
That you and I -friendly
May bargain together.
New brooms, green
buy any?
Come, maidens, come quickly, let me
take a penny.
—From "The Three Ladies - of Lon-
don" (1584).
A busy housewife crania into the sits
ting -room., a determined look in her
"I shall bave to punish those child-
ren," •she began.
"What have the little beggaals• been
up to now?' 'asked father, looking up
from his newspaper.
"Why, they've made a mese of my
sewing -room," explained leis: wife.
"Needles, spools of cotton, scissors --
everything has been hidden away in
the most unexpected) palaces. It's ex-
Her husband laid down his paper
and smiled.
"I clic] that," he said, calmly. "You
tidied up my desk so beautifully the
other day 'that I thought it only far
to return the compliment.. So I tidied
up your sewing room: '
A Portable Piano.
A musician in England bas invented
a portable piano, which when folded,
is only ehree feet ill leugtb.
brooms; will
Just Dip to Tint or Boil
to Dye
Each 15-cerst pack
age contains direr
tions so simple any
woman can tint soft,
delicate shades or
dye rich, permanent
colors in lingerie,
silks, ribbons, skirts,
waists, dresses,
costs, stockings,
sweaters, draperies,
coverings, hangings
—every thing .
Buy Diamond Dyes ---no other kind•-
and tell yam- druggist whether the rn :
terial yon wish to color is 'Wool or silk,
or whether it 15 linen, cotton: or ranted
The Few•grant Garden.
Ily Mrs. Jeilhettci Leader, Member of
'tete Ontario Ifort 1st/Rnra•l.ASIZIOOia'tlon,
1t hoe been t'aiel that we are feet
drifting toward an age of flowers that
Will have Ifo fraaranee. No Itrofuslon
of 'blossom, no evquielte coloring sir
vigor of gros'th can take the, place of
a lack of fro:grance,
How keen the di'sappointinent when
we ars shown a woncles•fut roue of rare
eolclring. and Irs:e'fect form to find its
gorgeous/ petals yield no perfume. One,
may are .of brilliant coloring and of
showy effects, but the garden that has
the sweet-smelling flowers will never
leek appreciation, 't%then the rose is
men tlunea we •at' onto- tttsooiate it
With . We love flowers for
their neer/ince, even though they are
not sec ) .lantiful, but when they are
fragrant; as well as beautiful our en-
thusiasm, knows no bourses.
Plant the oi.ti fashioned fragrant
ones even though the catalogues tell
you wonderful stories about the newer,
larger varieties. They may be charm -
lug in look upon., but flowers that are
not sweet fail to satisfy because in
striving to produce a larger flower,
with mere gorgeous •coloring, the rare
fragrance ifas been lost. The smaller
flowers have usually the sweetest per-
fume. The very nam of mignonette,
lilt of -the -galley, Iflac, rose,.pinks and
stooks 'ofeotn• mother's gardens bring
to cru memory the recollections of
swoeLlatlpi breezes, and no quality in
tho..iiowers of our youth strikes the
Chord of remembrance with as true a
touch aq fragrance. If you have only
liinitecl space for a garden this spring,
choose `flowers that are fragrant. If
you Are planning a rose garden, buy
tbe varieties that will delight you with
a rare perfume.
. ' . Summary.
I see you but a moment, yet
My heart•,goes singing on its way
Aiw ail niy weariness is gone,
Just seeing, you makes glad my day.
Just seeing you makes' happiness,
Yot3' clo not need to linger long,
A second a& you pass and all
The hours .tliereafter ring with song.
Such is your presence, so you move
Upon. my hour, that just your smile
Give me content, warm all my heart,
Bring/joy for quite a little while.
Your words- are gifts I treasure ug
For days on. end, such is my love
Made up of you, and you alone,
For earth or zee or sky above,
—George lillliston.
Banish The Blues
By Observing
Nature's Basic Rule
Those who suffer from despondency,
listlessness and headaches can usually
trace the .cause of these conditions to
They are -frequently brought about
by overwork,. nervous strain, lack of
outdoor exercise or sleep, or improper
food,•but'mare frequently by the non- -
observance of nature's basic rule—
regular thorough bowel elimination.
Poisons from waste matter left be-
hind are picked up by the blood and
absorbed by the system, weakening the
nerves and lowering the vitality.
Nitjol, , the scientific internal lubri-
cant, corrects, constipation in nature's
own way by augmenting the supply of
nature's lubricant.
Nujol by softening the waste matter
thus. permits thorough and regular
elimination' without overtaxing the
intestinal muscles. It is gentle, safe
and natural in its action, and can be
taken for any length of time without
any ill effect.
Ask your' druggist for Nujol today
and remember—look for the name
"Nujol" in red on both bottle, label
and package. , ,
Is ood tea"
peep& why warit eeity Itat
70, use Act gvSeactive ffldae�'�,
One Year 'More.
If 1 had but one year to live:
One year to help; one year to give;
One year to love; one year to Leese;
One year of better things to stress;
One year to sing; one year to smile;
To brighten earth a little while;
One year to sing my Maker's praise;
One year to fill with work my days;
One yeer to strive for a reward
When I should stand before my Lord
think that I wound spend each day
In just the very self -same way
That I do now. For from afar
The call may come to cross the bar
Alt any time, and I must be
Prepared to meet eternity.
So if I have a year to live,
Or just one day in which to give
A pleasant smile, a helping hand,
A mindthat tries to understand
A fellow-ereatu•ra when in need,
'Tie one with me—I -take no heed;'
But try to live each day Ile sends
To serve my gracious Master's ends.
Minard's Liniment for dandruff.
The Danger Hour.
Insurance tompante& statistics .show
that the most dangerous hour of the
day is that between four and five in
the afternoon. It is known as the
"fatigue (hour." During this hour it has
been found that our senses are leant
on the alert, and the•majority of acci-
dents occur.
Metallic mineral production in Can-
ada during 1925, according to the Do-
minion Bureau of Statistics, had a
total value of $125,410,000 as compar-
ed with $102,406,528 the previous year.
5f,rj%iwe than
f fQur.S
Sal Lithofos has beenpre-
scribed-by leading physi-
cians as an invaluable spe-
cific for -the treatment' of
Disorders of the
Stomach and Kidneys
Rheumatic and
Gouty Conditions
A palatable, effervescent,
salinepreparationof Lithia
and Sodium Phosphate
highly beneficial and re-
medial in the case of dis-
orders snentioned.
41 all Drugb'ia1s—threw sixes
Classified Advertisements.
. Information write Wilfred rom'th. York IOUs,
and list of used mos, Hubbard Oesa Cow
rant. 152 Ktsip West Toronto.
The Messenger.
It was that time of tender light
When eastern slopes shine like the
Before thelas•hes of the night
Droop wanly, ere the eyelids. close.
A quietness, profound, intense,
Made the one robin's song a word.
Of intuitive innocence. . .
I listened, hushed with reverence,
Rich with a sudden gift of grace
In that dark and lonely place.
—Richard Church, in The Spectator,
If you can't be well-to-do you can
at least be hard to "do."
Andy s'PIufl
Temporary Filling • • - which
Last a Long Time.
filormao S. Wrlpht eL' Co., limited, Di,tribefor,. Toronto
•••••11.101.101•11W ,11•11.1151101,11111MIMINNIMOISIO.10•041,"
use and reoornmend Minard's
Liniment. Splendid for sprains,
bruises, cutis, chafes, swellings.
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for
Neuritis Colds Headache Lumbago
Neuralgia Pain Toothache Rheumatism
Accept only "Bayer" package
which contains proven directions.
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 100--1/ruggists.
Aeplrtn.is the Irtde Mork ('registered in Oaa ds) qt laser \tennfactiare of• lfotaoaectio•
neldceter of 'SniteyHeaekl (Acetyl 5elleslic Acid. A, S. A."). 'While it is well known
that Aspirin Means nares' manufacture, to 'riaslet the puddle against imitations, the Tablets
Bayer Oontpauy irtU he Stamped wttk their general fed hark, the "nsyor . Cross,"
Ottawa Woman Made Strong by
Taking Lydia E. Piakham's
Vegetable Compound
Ottawa, Ontario.—"I was terribly
run-down after the birth of my third
baby. I had awful bearing•-downpains
and was afraid I had serious trouble.
I was tired all the time and had no
appetite. My sister-in-law is taking
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound and cannot praise it too highly
and asked me to try it. I have had
splendid results and feel fine all the
tune now. Any one who needs a
thorough pick-me-up soon learns
from me what to take."—Mrs.RENE
PAQUIN, 320 Cumberland Street, Ot-
tawa, Ontario.
Terrible Backache
Hamilton, Ont. — "After my baby
was born I had terrible backache and
headaches. I could not do myworkand
felt tired from the first minute I got
up. But worst of all were, the pains
in my sides when I niovedtiibout. I
had to sit or lie down for a while af-
terwards. I could keep my house in
order, but many things had to go un-
done at the time, because of my ail-
ments. I was told by a neighbor to
take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound, as she said it would build
me up. I was relieved before I had
taken the first we bought and have
not had any trouble like it since."—
Mrs. T. MARI<LE5 115 Ferguson Ave-
nue South, Ilamilton, Ontario. o
Caused Much Sufferings
Nose Swollen and Sore,
Face Disfigured.
"Eczema broke out in red. spots
and pimples on my cheeks ant
nose. The eruptions grew larger
and my nose was swollen and sore,
It itched and burned so much that
it kept int awake, and scratching
caused eruptions. My face was dis-
figured and caused much suffering.
'I read an advertlsernent for
Citticura Soap and Ointment and
sent for a free sample. I purcbased
more and after three months' treat.;
inent my face was healed." (Signed)
Mrs. Corinne Desjardins, Albert -
villa Sask.
Daily use of Cuticura Soap, with'
touches of Cuticures Ointment now
end then, keeps the skin fresh,
smooth and clear.
Sanepte Each tree by Mail. Address Cann,llan
oepoi: 'SibnileSus,rhd,Montreal." P.rice,Soap
Se. Ointment 0.5 ..nd tee 'miens, rte,
Cutictum Shaving Stick 't513,
, ISSUE, No. 14—'26.