Zurich Herald, 1926-02-04, Page 4F ZURIC:1 SEBALD BI,.AKE ►'*. Wm. Hey spent i;, , . iy at Viett- horde of Mr, 'ami. Mrs, .'aaei oalis tesasis Jeesi¢. Tough •''' 1. _ n Line north. is \ isiti:lg to41 `t' 3S vicinity. 111': H. Walters aril -.e elvei •sdtinetled the funnelo ,6h:: for- : :7mer"s father at Tavistock. e ere_ friends DASBWDDD Mr. Geo, Hy, Pale left for Pig- eon, Mich,., to !attezad the funeral of the late Mrs. Christ,; Pfiie. Mrs. Mel\ -in Guenther amid dau- ghter returned to VVincisor after spneding the past month withiMr. and Mrs. ;Chats. Guenther, Mists Ferrol Hartl,'ib left on. Saturday for London where* she has accepted a position with the Bell Telephone Company. Mrs, B. Sta.eay is visiting in ekltiOs Finlay who spent. several 10e'n!trali;t. *eke al the home of 111'r. and Mrs Mr. Melvin Guenther of Wind- Neil. Finlay returned home last sor spent .a 'fete days at hie home reeeelc, t here. Mr. and Mrs, Sam Hey' spent4 Mr. E. Beaver has resigned hila 1inday at the hone' of Mr. andl position ac clerk with J. 0. Reid Mfrs. Beown, 'south of. enrich. & Ook, J1. �N the Province of Ontario the Bank of Montreal has a complete organization, with headquarters at Toronto, specially organized to give careful attention and prompt service to bank- ing anking requirements of the people of this Province. There are 249 branches of the Bank of Montreal in this Province, the offices being located at every important center in Old and New Ontario. Behind this Provincial Organization are the resources of a nation-wide Institution, having a combined Capital and Re- serve Fund of over i$6o,000,000 and Total Assets exceeding 750,000,000. 41, I3ANKOF MONTREAL '_Total Assets in excess oC $ 7go.000.OQo HEADQUARTERS FOR ONTARIO: 4 Wellington Street East, Toronto STANLEY. TO' S8i ', Mr. and Mrs'. David Saheell .of Aberdeen, Sash., 'spent t>; Mee days last week ,•i'sitine at • the home of Mr ll tyter, Mrs, R. Sf.peliena:a.n. Sr., who is s'tay'ing with, her son James, has been cor,tined to her bed for the past week, on, account_ of illness, but we :hope she will 'soon be en- joying her u'seet1 ;hr;iittier , Mrs. A. Reid of Pam Line inten ds leaving this weelc to,, visit her son and daughters at Eliot, Mieh. Mr. an, l Mrs' J. 'P;. Keys and Miss Hogg, Mr, and Mrs, W.J D6Ws.ln end Veva spent last •Wednrisda'y` e ;•ening ••at the hour . of Will Clark.' ' The Social which was, to' have leen; held last Friday z: eveningrat the home. of Mr. Nelsom,Key's°'teas 'nOStponadon acebiint ;o,f , the stores ,and will be held on Tuesday ev eof this week, A. Box Socila will be ..ed•d ; in, the town hl laVarna on Tuesday, Feb. 9th. a' good musical program will be given after which the boxes will be solei by auctioneer Geo, Elloitt. charge of the .Dominion Store here here for sonte time has resigned and taken a position a's dry -goods clerk with Jones & May. On. Saturday last a number of Western horses were briaught 'to Exeter from St. Marys', the wear• ther was cold aaald''stormy and the trap was rough. The animas are attrectitag much attention. The Dominion stares, which have operated in Exeter for several ye- ars, have closed tip. Several men were hare and packed the stock shipping it to Stratford,. The many, friends of Mrs. A,J. Ford of the London Rd, north, will regret to know that she is serio- usly ill with heart trouble. HENSALL. J. McDonald and sister, arrived home after their visit hire- New York. Wm.Wright, of neat -Medicine Hat Sask., 'spent the Week -end here with his friends Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Foss. Mie E. Durst of 'Honteeville was a 'visitor 'welt friends in town' o' er Sunday last, The. Hensall Hockey team en- joyed an oyster 'supper at Jack- son's restaurant tha other evening. The feed was put up by the Prn - ident of the Club; W. A. Mc- Laren;. Mrs. J. L. Meek of BShakeepeare isited Mende here. Fred 13engough who has been s'ery ill, is improving{. 4 The many friends of .Mrs. Thal. Peart are sorry to learn' thatshe is i11. Mrs, J. IV S'-i'ner reeturnel horn London Hospital where 'she was taking treatments from antirin tr- rouble, brought on from having teeth extracted. : Bills are out announcing a Box Social under the auspices of , the 'Young Peoples Leagues: on Feb 16th. A good program -is being prepared and prizeg iven for the best box. la ' •s �faeoeolgsle.-3; •a540210••M•�eoa®®a�e••am0000vos••: le •s 2 lberta Coal : • • .. • VD We etre receiving a Carload of the well known Albert Domesric Coal for immediate sale. Order Now! _ GRE ENFIELD'S Champion. Tonic •• • :DEPS BIRDS PRIME FOR YEAR ROUND EGG PRODUCT- ' For Poultry ION. A BODY BUILDER FOR MOULTING PERIOD • AFFORDS RELIEI, i•ROM NTERNAL WO:};;ilat$., . s TRY A PACKAGE OF THIS CELEBRATED POULTRY TONIC.: AND FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY fi• ALSO HAVE ON HAND THE WELL-KNOWN HOMERY FEED FOR STOCK. a �.auis SchiIbe Zurich • jrilesistasseessesoess sseetsissofrscaJisato.sose isssesosea••ess• • �l. $. • 1026 Schedule of Cyclone Four Hockey League i IIENSALL. 1 ZURICH (DASLIWOOD1 EXETER At 1 At 1 .At ; i At VENSALL leifireereere Jaliy, 4:th ^�URLG+H.' ( Jany. 25th - aa)ASWOOi)1 1Feby 1Jany, lSthSti1 ff 1 1 i-yc � ( Jany. 22nd ( Jany. 8th 1 Jany 15th I ns ( Feby. 12th 1 Jany. 29th i t 'eby. 5th Four Jany, J.2 1 Feb, 2 . r- 1 Jany, 18th Feby. 8th Jany. 15th relay, Sth Hockey Jany. 5th 1 Jany 25th' tjETt1l ( Sexy, 12th 1 .1'eby. 2nd 1 f Jany, 8th; ( Jitny, 22nd 4 .�1. Jany.'29th i"ell . 1.2th Assodr n ( Y o- Thur s, D marry 4th, 1929 .1•�q.d'.I"g'e� .y,.•1 n^ i. g,J„ r �'�+• 4 F*1• 1•"t" . a"a• �:Alert T. � � . COUNTY NEWS The town of Clinton is consid- ering holding a fall fair 'Install. Mr, Justice Logie is presiding .at the Winter sitting of the Sup- reme Court of Ontario for Huron county, opening , ou Tuesday of this week. There are four civil easels ion the list and three. crim- inal case's. In the latter Thornton Baker of Exeter is charged with subornation of perjury, and An- drew Easton, and Artie Delve, also pf Exeter, with perjury, the char- ges arising out of a prosecution under the O,T.A, Thorns Meyers and daughter, Grace of Zurich, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Smith, of Kip - pee during the past week. The annual meeting of. the Bay field Agricultural Society was held in the Town Hall on the afternoon of Jan. 20th. ' The financial report showed the affairs of the Society in excellent shape, there being a balance of $520.57 on hand. The officers and directol+s appointedfor the ensuing year are as follows; President, John McClure; est viae Wm. J. Stinson; 2nd vice W. . Talbot; secretary A. E. Erwin; tr- y,gsur^i F. A. Edwards; auditors, John Falconer and John Cameron. Directors, W. Stewart_ W. Sparks, R Penhale, R. McMurray, S. House ton. J. A. Ferguson, 'C. H. Wise, T. M. Snowden, J, Bothwell, E. Fos- ter, T.M Woods, J .W;: Reid, T. t;f,ownett, Fred Middleton. The dates set for the Fall Fair are Sept 28th and 29th. IT '1.wish to inform the The cirsu's given in the Towwn hall the other evening which dem- onstrated well trained lite e pony birds, dog, etc. created:At* thusiasr with the yonaig people, ,Mrs. Cboz. Blackwell Hay Tp was te•lren to a London hsopital to undergo an •operatino for ap- pendicitis. Sher is getting along fine however. Ethel Murdock has ''.fetm'ned from Lonfri nohwere •etie' t'i'sit?d with friends. ler. R. Dougall was a few time's to London raking down patients. Mrs. Nelson Berry •ha:s,returned to her home in. Windsor,,,after a pleasant i-i'sit with relatiyevs here. The wedding of N e11e Petty, daughter of Mr. anciAtrs .Lodes Petty, of Hay, to Ohhs..Gi'eerl,, 'took place on Saturdey .. The yo- ung couple will reside .on the i groom's fine £carol, he purchased in Hibbert, Tp.• Mure M riff --.Lee, or 'Salt -not City Idaho, acconi,p'lnie:l by a friend spent a few rices here his for - 11.P.1' home and his many friends are glad to see him When liv- ing het'' was known as one of'the best athletes, especially Iii' skating and swimming.. , . EXETER .:..., . . The ninny friends' ,of Dorothy Knntz are Feed to sive her able to be around. :red Sims, whe has spent sev- eral week's at his honfl• for Vancouver, B. 0. • Edna Cochrane, of 'I illegeeen spent the week -end with Muriel Luker, Mrs. R. G. Reid of Varna, vis- ited for a time with. Mrs, eleni Snell. Jack Elliott is suffering with blood poison in his hand`• •'lie ..re- stal.t of Having struck lie `thumb with. ah rammer, A, E, Pulte returned ht 4,» front London Hospital where ho unci- e c•nt an operation for the, re'tia. oval sof one of his eyes, Mrs, II. Mckenzie. has returned: to her hoe is `'t Paul.'Minie..after visiting for Isevera.l weeks set e. the hon'., of Jas, ' illi's, in Steta'aflri:e ,Mists Ella Link has aceepteclea rosition as milliner withethe Mee Ta-vis'h istore at Seafol fill;.her 'def- ies to commence with to 'bpeiiing of the millinery season.' - A number of friends of W. Ht. fetlring uhl .rl a wood • hey ,in`tb' the bosh and cut hiis next Year'a wood" supply, 1:,. The Exeter So Ml Clcil> tri icla was convicted of ops• tiing'r. ec'oli •m Exeter, a• roc in. � tel,, ha;s reilrg'.�nl,v,yd, and its now operating op a steretly`' nte,nnbersblip basis., Instead"of bee' ing to pay for games es the anelnbertq are required "to pay a fete of one dollar a m.ontii., Victor Snell of,the London Rd. south, has taken; over the Ford ag- en.r.y ;it Luras and Parkhill and hat; already assumed hie rtew +~lift-• t�: � 1 VltC"itsdy, it"lbo lids HE HERALD PRINTING OFFICE ADVERTISINS RATES ,sued Wednesday noon frotn the to advance; WOO may be charged =t' not to 'paid. U. 9 qubsCriuti "rue $1,76 :strictly un, :a ri.vaiice,'to paper. di•eoontinued 'etrtil all ai -"are are paid unless at the sptios. , or the publisher. "tae date rhich every eubteripiion is pain denoted ou the label. Miscellaneous arkticIea of no: or than five lines. For Sale,To ent. •or Wanted. Lost. Found, etc. eeb lutertion 2bo. ddress all communications to ilieplay Advertising -Made known o application. kUCTION SALES—$2 per single .sertione if not over five inches. so - n gth. ,harriptinn Terms. $1.25 per yes card' of 'thanks, to Menial -tam, 5tu• LpcaI and Legal Advertising nos - .:ds, reading matter. lee a line leo, rat insertion anti ae per line fol- ach subsequent insertion. Professional Cards not exceeding inch. $5 per year Stray Animals)—One insertion Sec 'free insertions $1,00. `farm or -Real Estate for sale el for first month. $1 or each sub- •.,quent insertion. THE HERALD ,11.11;0:. that 1 have - dissolved partne °shipl a ii :hlr my former employer, r, and w:l ilri tuuinounce that t t _ 1 have opened an I,,-'o.date Garage ,... l•E in Mr. key's Block 4. 4' IAM IN •i•. . AND REPAIRS TO ANY MA1 13 OF =:°AB. ALSO :RS- BUILID AND CHARGE BA'I'rt'ieRKES ON SHORT NOTICE 4._ : A FULL LINE OR GENUINE FORD D PA: FOR SALE t +' ...._.. AT FORD P.R{°t'!IES "�'.t .. I. SATISFACTION ;u 1:11A. TEED -164 .1... Z.' IF.4. • 9 Propt. . t� fl'OSi'L'ION TO GINe ill?iattt'Jla SERVICE .1. 4. S Day and Ni slit Service z -1, 14 44..F..g .4y.s44..d,44-1,•.A•4 ,,z,.$q.4. 1.4. 4.1.4 •- :.,»1.,,. j,.f.,g.1.4.+ ++}••l.ai•.g•.t•.-4-0ia' •. 0, N. R. TRAIN CONNECTIONS' MORNING South, Kippen ... ... 8.22 acus. South, Hensail .. -. 8,32' atm'. South, Exeter ... _ . ....8.47 a.irz. Stage leave Zurich ... 7.00 a.m.. North, Exeter ......"... 10.1,6' a.m. North, Hansen .. 10.30. ELM, North, Kippen ... ... ...10.35 a1.m: AFTERNOON' South, Kippen South, Hensall ... ._ 4.50p.m. South, Exeter ...5.051 p.m•. Stage leave Zurich -_. .-3.00 p.m•. North, Exeter . 5t.01. rem.. North, Hensall . .. 8.18. p.m. North, Kippen .. .. 6,23 ptm', He Earned a Bonin • : But It Didn't Fay va He had a job with a big Transport Company, driving a team and han'- dlingbig cases in all kinds of weathr, er. lila mother was a widow andl there were .five -to be fed.. '"I made, $17.50 ai',yveek and a bonus of OA* month for extra loads. I used to get wet through' but if I didn't stick ilt didn't "Onae da, 1 ell us. oifl my load an, tlhe�+ said I had tainted, and the load, said my chest was weak. .I had to go to work in the morning wheif me edit wouldn't be dry. A few weeks triore.of work and 1 got another spelt and --they sent me up here." In the Muskoka Hospital tot Coh- tluYnptives, Herb is finding rest, care and good food beyond anything he ever experienced. The Doctors and Nurses like this quiet, helpful chap,' and have hones that health and strenth win conte back to hitt be- foContr buttons niay be, sent to icon., 4V. A. Charlton, D esir' '• ^14 Cot. Ykge a5l�twtei: votout, fa, ..0.1a14412,47.4 COME lees ;T1 '11::,;1 li Our large assortmjen• Wink- -ware, ,Neck - wary Socks and Menis Shirts ,i Suit at prices to Yoe. CO911 111.1 flflfl3.OItm,,n111.17,t:-z,Tnnm=1111:4.:.e. ... :r.ai xuufa,wf14301,4taunna,u1.111111lS,memr OITEROOATS 1 Right now -when . 3.61 -want a good warm Coat, we are of ei.°:lig : .em at? Bargain Prices IG 4 lEi• RTH Tailor, Mon's Furnishings ' Zurich, Ont. ssxi Where the Gold Clothes come from r. Zurich Drug Store We have a complete *apply,. of Toilet Prepatations a n 4 Patent Medicines. 4++++++++:4÷4-+++++++++++44 Our Stock of Stationery co:mprises Writing Tablets of all sizes, Fine .Boxed Stationery, Fountain Pens at a variety of Prices reieree.1.434•£•44 + -k:'•1.F.• Drug Sundries of All Kinds PHOTOGRAPHIC . SUPPLIES r.J. MacKinnon, Zuricb