Zurich Herald, 1925-11-19, Page 5Vhursday, Xovernbee leek et/SINE:5S CARDS DUDLEY E. 'HOLMES 5302114er, Solicitor, Notary Public *tee, Office on Hamilton Street, It ,ott the square, Goderich. Priv- Atst tunas to loan at lowest rates. viar, nohnog will be in Hensonox, Friday or each week. Allavfirow F. Ross, Township Clerk itionter el marriage licenspo, t•lotary Moans, Commissioner, Fire and Aut-; Insurnnce, Representing] Walla owl Erie Mortgage 'Corpora- fllinn, The Canada Trust CO. Zurich, 1025 atilt -tea IIERALD G. Knapp, D. D. S., L D. S. DENTAL SURGEON ixv, WAIN ORFICE HENSALL OSCAR reLOPP Itifiraduate Carey IVI, Jonee Nat-, itlittal School of leactioneering. Tryi NM for Registered. Live Stock • Breeda). Terms in keeping prevailing prices. Choice leaves or sale. Will sell anything `51Reywhere, Vhistnie 18-f33 or write, Zurich, 'lessevosserasneeturnreemesateeezmemauelemeee.euteerneurnoies licensed AUCtiOnter licensed Auctioneer for County' ast Huron. In a position to con-, aunt any auction sale, regardless 10 to size or articles to sell. isnlicit your business, and if not sintlaliod will make no charges for uervices. Arthur Weber, - Dashweed. itgiono 1S-57 Zurich Meet • MARKET Fresh and Salt Nteats Boio Sausages; etc Highest Cash Price for 'Woe! CASH FOR SKINS tualgiolat ' DeicheT% ZURICI-I LIVERY ee. e.e..eee -.....-eteeeeeeeeeee;e: 1. am in a position to ace0one- nala3 all requirements in the Livery *bre, have Auto for hire. Any, Citing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL ltEose S Zuricb Cr. S. ATKINSON L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST 1111XETER, ONT.. Phone 34 SAYFIELD Every Wednesday KVENINGS IN EXETER BY AP- POINTMENT L 1 VE POU LT R Y :AlWANTED 111hkee every day till 3 Oeloek p.m. 1311 not teed fowl same morning *heti 'brought in, Highest Cask Prices --CARR FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien MOW IL ZuriWh Pint! Pfut! Ut! told Mornings Cold Days "A Magneto Recharge" A steady purr up hill land down at Wein's Garage • H. S. WEIN, Prop DASII WOO DM I'011 SERVICE Lut,AL NEW, Sorry to eport that 11TrsteBa1 Weido da the Sick list. Mr. and Mrs'. R. F. Stade and Mr. and Mrs, L. Kraft were Sun- day visitors at Dashwood. The big potato craze is dying a natural death and the .sputheare still 1.3elling around the ;$1.75 per bag mark. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gingerich of the. Goshen Line, south, moved durinng shit past week into their residence in the village recently purchased from Mr. A. A. Weber. M. and Mrs Jacob Zeller of, Dashwood we rfj lo Zurich on :Fri- day to attend the funeral of their neice Arrna Wurue Mr. and Mrs Harry Diehl, their son and daughter of Detroit, were in Zurich to attend the funeral of Anna M. Wurm. Mr. and 14110. Erneat Paul, ace companied by their SOD Jack and Mrs. Oliver Foster of Pigeon!, Mich,, motored to Zurich to attend the funeral of Anoa Worm, left fast Saturday for their homes. Mr. end Mrs, Jacob Schwarte and son Roy', of tero,diton were in Zurich to ei.tteafd the funeral of Anna Warm, they were accomp- onted bY' Mr, awl :Kra. Wm. Gallser of the araure place. Increase your income by inveet ing your surplus money in Huron Se Erie debentures on which you will receiN 5% •interest, payable twice a year, Any amount of $10Q op more can be invested for 1, 2, le,1 4 or 5 years. A. F. Hess re - beeves application, at any time, At a Tneetieg of the Directors of the Zurich Agricultural Society held last Saturday evening, the treasurer was :Aathorized to pay out the prize money to the sure cesisful exhibitor's for the 1925 Fair A resolution Was also passed where by all those who had entered any e animals or poultry in the out., side classes at the 'Pair on Oet ; 2nd, will receive a membership , IVIRETING OF HURON lickotgood Jor the 1926 (Pair i conictrY COUNCIL HYMRNIAL A vary pretty but quiet wedding was Solemnized at the Lutheran parsonage, Kitchener when Rev, John Schneider united in Marriage Idella, eldest daughter of Mr., and Mrs. ;John l3renner, of urich, tp Dr. Ffarry Wahl of Eitchener. Mr. and MrS1, Garfield Rrown have moved into the hoese owned by Mr. John Eckstein, and recently vacated by Mr.. and Mrs. Win. Rotha.ermel whohave moved to St. Catharines!, The Council 01 the Corpoeatiol ni the County of Huron will rneed in the Oouneil Chamber, Goderichl at .3 o'clock in the afternoon ot 12u.esday, the est day of Deceinbeg 1925. All ,aceoun,ts against the County must be in the handat the Clerk not later than Monday Oreceeding the, meeting of CO4 uncil. GEO, W. HOLMAN, • County Clergo Goecrich November 12, 1925, j sr • t*O'' -3 ••e1e..see,1iiOolieere toe 110••••••••• E I e IV for Every lirick-Awake Pilan.9-77enamin. and child 11 IS UZZLE-1-1111lli A iC CASH PRIZE FOR CHRISTMASEr- Are you wide awake to your own interests? Are you determined to get ahead in the world? If so -enter this great puzzle competition. The Mail and Empire will give away 100 CASH PRIZES .totailig over $3,00000, o rnen, women med ebildreia who send in the hest answers to the "C -Wore Picture Puzzle, The Mail and Empire has already paid Thousands of D.oll,,rs to successful prize winnors in recent Puzzle Games. The cash prizes offered in connection with this new Puzzle Game will he forwardad to the lucky winners on December 23rd, and reach them before Caziscen,as. How 1Lmv • Vects Be f .!itt - 41A pro, ft ?t14.itl'ai The picture below contains a number or objects and articles !..ttini,..11-;• with the letter -“C". You will find all sorts of thotligs utat begin with tho 1'. i• lIke"Cow",. "Camera", "CabLage", "Coif.", Cross", etc. See how many yne This is not.a trick puzzle; nothing is hidden, and you don't have to turn (11,, ir upside down or sideways. We are giving you this large picture so that all objects and articles starting with the letter "0" will he easy for you to see. unti h '>'t3iO 1-,0 fr, 6")) .1. le wi.1 iV 1 1 :r the 100 best lists of words suimtitter', rt.lswer to this 'Puzzle. ank.wesr itsviify the lar,i;t:.1. tsntl nearest co'reet list 0"' vi,i1,3e objects and rirtleles in the picture s1.1rt w'tii the letter '0" will 1 aMT:Irdi'd First second, 1..0,4r, 11pr01,,1 1.4!: YOUR ANSWER TO THE "C -WORD" PUZZLE MUST BE MAILED NOT LATER THAN WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER NI] - •t! 4,73.7'sWegegieW..4.1e14:r. 1,14,1,.4-' Choose YOLT Own Prize from the $8,000 List To Be Given Away 111_, I „y1 / II C.? // ti • . : ,4"'• Thea Start YO:T Lit cf :c. 1 ..7.i 'p .'?1,1":1:13 ,i.,.•• , • }MA' 1.7.e.2 Pril.) for I ri XIII ES 7 YOUR GREATEST OPPORTUNITY FOR PLEAURE AND PROFIT DURING SPARE TIME --START YOUR LIST OF "C -WORDS" TO -DAY You may neiernin your lifetime ho given another, opportunity such as we are ofterins• you in out: Ptimde Game to "play and learn" while earning a big cash prize. You can't help enjoying the hunt for "C-ords" in this Picture Puzzle. All you need is an Observing eye. Let's all join in a11111 have a jolly gond time, No nater what your age, if you like to solve puzzles, try your hand at- this one. 'It really is not a puzzle at all, for all the objects in the big Oieture have been made perfectly plain, with no attempt to disguise or Wile them. Get a pencil and paper and see how many "C -Words" you can find. When you have made up your list of "0 -Words" send it in along with one, two or three yearly subscriptions to The Mall and Empire at $5.00 Per year, which will qualify your answer foie the B'g Cash Prizes to be awarded on Deoemlier 23rd to those sending in the 100 best answers. YOU CAN WIN A HANDSOME CASH PfdfilE .FOR XMAS. Start your list of "0 -Words" To -day! , THE $8,000 PRIZE' LIST Winning Answers will receive the One Hundred Cash Prizes ?according to the table belawr. retro it Prise it Pries a rift. if No Oa. Veen Throe IWO filltOfflite Sabiecrip- Sublevels,- • 8eiteor4it- Subeerlp- IrlaSitA Woos lbw its done diens Are Aro ittall. Sent. Ars Sent. Sent 101 ... "$29.00 $500.00 $1,004.00 $2,000.041 Mod Prise- -'25.06 400.00 800.011 1,600.00 itrill-Prize... 20.00 390.410 800.00 1,250.00 411. Prise... 18.00 A50.00 200.90 600.00 5th P,r4ze... 14:00 100.00 200.40 409.00 sat Prise- 14.00 50.00, 100.00 200.00 Ith Prize... 12.00 30.00 40.00 150.00 8th Prize... 10.00 20.06 40.00 100.00 ittit Prise.... 000 15.00 30.00 60.00 19th Prise... 8.00 *0.00 90.00 50.00 ittla to 201 .Prises, incl. 4.00 3.00 14.00 20.00 2itit. tit 50th trims, betel 3.00 8,00 12.00 20.00 5 ane -1 30th Pao" Ina 2.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 In the event of a tip fer any prize offered, tho fon amount of such prize math be paid to tech Med participant. Substription Rattes-Payabie in Ativancts The Mall and Empire anywhere in Canada by Mall, $5.00 peer year. Delivered by Carrier -130y in Hamilton, 26.00 per 'ear. retail Tenn. Puzzle AnsWers and Qualifying Sulbseriptiona to 0. A. momunolnaty,'PTIZZLItl MANAGER, THE MAIL AND EMPIRE Dept II • Toronto Otittada ,100 -.1 -r•!.; -,i 'CASH PRIZES... ---- 100 How Prizes Will Be Awarded The "C -WORD" P:eture Puzzle Game is a campaign to Increase the popularity of The Mail and Empire, it coats nothing to take part, and you do not have to send in sub- soription to win gt, prize. if your list of "C -Words Is awarded First Prize by* the Judges you will win $30.00; but if you would like to win more than $30, we are making the following special offer whereby' you can win greater -cash prizes by seeding in ONE, or TWO, or THREE yearly 'subscription(' t. The Mail and Empire.,, 0141RE'S ROW nix BIG PRIZES win', RE AWARDED $50000. instead of $30 will be awarded to the answer •1 winning First .Prise It ONE yea,rly subscription to The Mail etnd Empire at $6.00 by mail has boon sent in. Second PriZe, $400.00; Third Prize, $300.00, and so forth. (See second column of figures in prize list.) $1000.00 Instead of $30 will be awarded to the answer winning First Prize 11 TWO (new or renewal) yearly subscriptions to The Mail and Empire are sent 121. Second Prize, $800.1)0; Third Prize, $600.00, and so forth, (Sae third column of figures in prize liat.) $2000.00 Instead of $30 will be awarded to the answer Winning First Prize providgil THREE (new or renewal) yearly subscriptions to The 3.tfa.11 and Empire are sent in. Second Prize, $1,600.00; Third Prize, $1,2150.00, and so forth. (See fourth column of ilgtires in prize list.) Isn't this the most remarkable and liberal offer yon have ever had presented to you? And that's not all. We will give &aro, Tini6lints ba ail prizes in the same '111113iTilil. 11 2our answer is qualified by Vireele yearly ferbseriptions inC you win fourth prize, yOns will receive $600.00, and so forth down the prize list. 'You aro given an opportunity to participate In 100 Prizes totalling over $8,000, whore the 100th prize with THREE subscriptions wins $15.00. s., that you would got your Own subscription Money back, 110 >iO 910.00 you sent in for 'or two additional subscribers shouhl you only win the 100th prize, EASY RULES 1, Any man, woman or child who lives in Canada 'and ls not a res.dent of Toronto, end w,108 rel In the em- ploy of 'I' ( .1 •11! 1.2n ire, re. e . ,,nswer. • 2. rrise :mugs in furmer et. tare i'LL...Lie tittrOCS 8011 - ducted by 'The harypire, winning $200.00 or more, aro not eligible to participate in this Puzzle. .1. Al. tq-s must he mailed )1'e Wednesday, cember eth, 1925, and addressed to ‘. A. stonigomory, Puzzle 114.4..e.iwei, The . 4, All lis15, names he written on one side of the paper and numbered ,onseeutivoly 1, 2, 3, etc, Write your full name ami address in the upper right sheapnadracteeristeht,::et..11 you desire to Lite anyllang else, use a 5. Only Ruch words as appear in Webster's Dictionary will be connted. Do not use hyphenated, compound or obsolete words. Where the pluziki Is used the singular cannot be counted and vice verso. U. Words ot the same spelling can be used only ones, frVell though need to designate different objeete or articles. .an rodxicti or article can be named only once, howevsr, any visible part of an abject may also be nam- ed. 7. The answer having the largest and nearest correct lint of names of visible objects in the gtotara that begin with the letter ''0" wilt be awarded -First Prize, etc. Neatswas, style to .handwriting bare .no bearing noon te- al/ling Hes wanner". t. Any number of people may co-operate in o.newering the Puzzle, but only one prise wilt be aererded to any toon:eitthwatimett, tan ; ner will poses be awarded to more than en* Of any group where two or mere have been working the event el tie taw any wipe *Omsk OM full • atenesust .f seek prise win botowerer4 to esti tire !eternal - gent 10. Subscriptions (both new and renewal), payable in advance of 45.00 per year by mall, or $6.00 per year delivered by carrier boy In Hamilton, will be accepted. 11. All answers will receive the 6.1U210 consideration regardless of whether or not a subscription to The Mall & Prnpire Is Sent tn. 12, Three prominent Toronto citizens, having Ito con- nection With The Mail & Empire wilt be 'sleeted to act as judges to decide the winners, and participants, by sending in their answers, agree to atcept the deeision of the JudItea as final and conchs:dy17. Tlis Judges meet on December ilth, and ane nouncement of the Prize Winners and correct list of *Dru8. will be published us The Mall and insipire on December ' strd, ond prizes will be mailed to the „winners batons fIhriatrnas. 'Your own subscription vrlil count, or ettbscriVa tions to 'Start at some future date. just write on th. order when you want tho paper sttuted, and it Wil. start promptly on that date, You will find it Gas' to g,t subseriptions to The Mail and Empire te nralify your 1111:0,1or for trio Big Cash Preget. tt Is by far the beet daily non.spaper published Iri. onl:Irio,