Zurich Herald, 1925-09-03, Page 31.
Ground to the prescription you require
to see clearly both near and tar,
Regularly $15.00 to $18-00
a Evenings
0 To 8 p.m.
Optometrist & Optician
TI"voll Theatre
,(South Olde)
"Land ofFrozen Meat," The Job of Living.
To most English people the Argene hiss is net:a problem, it is a task,
tine is known chiefly as "the ,place Wer dont t have, to understand it, we.
Where the frozen meat"comms ,frpmti" nava" to live it: Citnseti'aently those
SAYS & •London despatch. Certainly. simple' folk who set themselves about
Frozen meat' doescome from there, but. iiviug':their days as they dame have
the Argentine produces eorn, cattle, much saner views about themselves
sheep; hoes hides",and wool as well:, ;and the world than the philosopher,'
It has millions of pigs and goats seed 'have•
it grows enough grapes to' produce Why should ye melee ourselves Me*
nearly a million gallon of `wine a llapp,Y oyer what is tsetse of our base -
assets La 'she man ivho •'R
gets up cheerfully"ti
the morning and goes to bed reason.-
ably contented every night, and be -
tweets the two carries out his. natural
'Plat --•because theena�taves. they saw; matecep ,#aYan
cts, woks hard, plays heartily,
deeply d who every day tries to do
year! mess?
Originally the country was c
Plata, which is Spanish for alive* the
name having been given by the Spent-
ards to the great river—Trio 'de la
,- - on it mush salver in 'their. cos •thipks honestly, strongly ngly and
Sometime! Why not Hthit. *Re?
"is cod tea
• ORANGE PEKOE is extra. ;good. Try ite.
The 1Vliracle. ClassifiedAdvertisements
The capital of the Republic s
lz a
1 the e things a little better—such
a s A. deli
o res. It was occupiedin 1306;' an lives: Christi
ghoul story comes from the INCOMPARABLE SILVER FOXES
AY a.n Medical Missions in Bagdad. owl sr moss. 1T1orfSST clvnzzxx.
e but the ;;paniard , For lifeis an art, not a science It i In the to Y
his brain by a Bethell force,t t
e o a uca on during war
Sentence Sermons.
Woe Unto—The man who thinks God
is not watching him.
—The youth who has never learned
from old age.
—The boy who thinks his troubles
all arise from cranky teachers.
--The girl who comes to know more
than bee mother.
—The friend who thinks friendship
must be proved by constant candor.
—The teacher who judges his work
by what he does for his brightest
The first daily paper published in
England was the "Daily Courant," the
first number of which appeared,on
March; llth, 1702. It was "printed by
E. Mallet, against the Ditch at Fleet
is atrade nota puzzle. You learn o
vel date -palm gardens of the enure about our roam° Founders, S•hur-
city a thief was discovered, no long
one of the trees of its
luscious fruit- The owner, a hasty,
passionate man, promptly shot him,
The fore f d ti fa so great help to exercise and develop
we mould the minds and as his pedal toys de the muscles of his g thewith Spain took Poe -ago, robbing
that w Y
live As you would'' learn to lay bricks
of carve statues manage a farm
or farm.
But at bottom life is not so much a
task as it is an opportunity. We are and the man fell from the top of a
full of fon•cea, Nature :means us to lofty palm to the ground. He was hur-
ried away to the Christian hospital,
with a"buliet in his body, a broken arm
and a shattered leg. On his way he
begged to be put beneath a Moslem
roof, even if it were a prison, rather
than be left in the clutches of dogs of
infidels. But as he was a criminal,
his captors paid no attention to his
At the hospital they speedily put
him under an anaesthetic, extracted
the bullet, set his broken limbs, and
before long he was comfortably settled
on a palm -fabric cot, trussed up with
dressings, but alive and •likely to get
well: For' a long time he was very
suspicious and surly and would have
little to say to the missionary when -
over he attempted to converse with
him. But gradually he yielded to the
kind `treatment he received and one
day he astonished the missionary with
the remark, "This is a miracle! It's
a place of miracles!"
"We deal," replied the missionary,
"with muck more difficult cases than
yours, Ibrahim: You should see some
of them,"
"Ah! That is not my meaning," re-'
plied the man. "As I have been lying :
here I have Seen rich men come to the
door of this hospital and offer jewels
even to half their wealtlh to the sur-
geon to come and attend their -wives
and children; but always he says, 'The
poor must come first'; and he who
might be so rich slaves here in the
heat night and day for wretches like
me, who can give him nothing. That
is a miracle!"
Indeed, so touched was Ibrahim by
the loving sacrifice of hienew friends
that he simply had `to be turned away
from the hospital when he was re-
But what can I do for you, sir?" he
begged. "Is there nothing I can do?
"Yes," replied the surgeon, "send
me some more patients."
"Allah!" cried Ibrahim. "Here is a
man who night have all the world if
he asked for it, and all he wants is
more work. You are a .miracle, sir!
But I will do something for you. Do
you like dates, sir?"
"Yes, I like the dates," said the sur-
geon, smiling.
"Then, sir, let me know when you
want some, and I'll always Meal them
for you!"The missionary and the surgeon
shook their heads over their patient,
as he left then, and one remarked to
the other, "Another miracle is wanted
there; but evidently we've made some
impression. Let us have hope that the
rest will conte in time."
man rim Vann. Summerlde, mince Edward island.,
t 11 however, the co1onists
mabody.nners of our children along the eines The child is a great imitator of hi Eventually,
we please andgive them the impres-
sione of such habits es shall ever after
remain. or of a tiny engine, motor, wagon or
With young children one of the first garden tools; the miniature duplicate
founded a provincia.l'governinent, -and"
after many' wars, the independence of
the country was acknowledged by
But for fifty years after that Argen-'
tina was constantly disturbed by revo
lutions,- civil wars, and riots: These
disturbances, though, came to an end
some forty years 'ago; and now Argen-
tina i,s politically settled and commer-
cially prosperous.
The visit of the Prince coincides
with the centenary- of the first, and
still existing' Commercial Treaty -made
between Great Britain and the "United
Provinces of the. River Plate," as the
Argentina was ,died a hundred years
The . Treaty confirmed Britain's re-
cognition of the young republic as a
sovereign state, and for this. Argen-
tina has always respected ; Great Bri-
tain. .. Consequently the Prince re -
elders both in habit and action, If the
youngster of the family is the possess -
things, 'tangible 'or material, that form
an impression on their plastic minds,
is their playthings and toys. Wise is
u the parent who selects these toys not
only at the Christmas season but
throughout the year with an eye to-
ward the constructive development of
the child's mind. This does not mean
that parents should so mold their
children's, mental processes that their
own individual .childish initiatives are
of "dad's" his joy is complete. Such
mechanical toys with a long list of
others tends to help in developing the
initiative of both boys and girls to
ward the mechanical building or other
lines. And every girl needs this sort
of training to help her in solving the
;problems in her -future home.
The growing boy needs constructive,
toys to develop his power as well as
the •younger' child. He will enjoy, a
smothered. Rather, . that the parent, supply of shingles and carpenter
through -wise and tactful direction of � scraps with which to make bird houses
the child's play and the selection of and other articles. To make such play
his playthings gives. him the oppor- complete give him hammer and nails
tunity to discover himself and what he suitable to his age. The tools should
would like to do. t be well made and durable with which
The sand pile, a trapese,( wagons, he can do his work well.
an' swings, .slides, pedal toys, -balls, and Almost every little girl is content to
jumping ropes- are all exercising and play at home with her playmates if she ceived a right royal reception.
' healthy toys that every child should has a large piano box play house. Such 1 _
have his wise portion of, to develop a box may be made into a very at -
himself physically and give his play
spirit its. natural outlet. But attention
must not be given to the physical with
tractive place .whenit is furnished
with a door, one or two windows and a
porch. Furnishing •the playhouse is
neglect to the mental. Certain "men- constructive play and develops the
tal toys" really give the child;food for child's originality.
thought. It is, surprising the initiative Then it is for parents not to starve
he will show in working out new things the mental development of their child
in a formative way. lieu to feed their physical development,
The constructive toys, the• building for a fifty fifty balance is essential for
blocks, engines, trains, mechanical the normal growth of our boys and
sets, and all the jointed building toys, girls. -
Cholera•infantum is one of the fatal
ailments of childhood: It is a trouble
that comes on suddenly, especialy dur-
ingthesummer months and unless
Where Skill Beats Strength.
There are many examples in natural
history of skill overcoming sheer brute
strength, and there is on illustration
of educated .animal instinct which
conies very near to human skill. This
is the collie dog, which by hereditary
prompt action is, taken the little one and acquired skill, is capable not only
may soon be beyond aid. Baby's Own of controlling the movements of Socks
T blets are an ideal medicine In ward-. of sheep and herds of cattle which,' as
Ta.regards brute; strength, are` infinitely
ing off this trouble. They. regulate the superior to itself, shut is further able
bowels and sweeten. the stomach and
thus prevent -the dreaded summer cenz;: to count the herd or flock and discover
if one is missing from it. .
Cases are on record in which collies,
missing ane out' of. a Sock of sheep,
have gone back •and -either -hunted it
up c found it dead. This is certainly
the nearest approach to human skill
exhibited in the animal kingdom.
In the jungles of India there are..
monkeys who are able by means of
something like human skill to take
bold of snakes which could easily kill
or crush then, in such a fashion that
the reptiles cannot strike with their
fangs. The monkeys then hit the
snakes' heads against stones or trees
until they are dead or stunned.
A still more curious fact is that the
monkeys only do this when they know
they are within reach of a herb which
frequently proves an antidote to the
bite of the particular snake they at-
Of marine animals the whale is phy-
VIIL's musical instruments, from sically the most powerful. Its most
which we learn that the cornet was determined enemy is the thrasher, a
fish of much inferior strength, which,
by superior skill in attack, frequently
comes off victor. There is also a kind
of shark which arranges its attacks so
skilfully that it will wound to death a
whale which could kill it with a single
stroke of its flukes.
plaints. They _are an absolute safe
medicine, being guaranteed to contain
neither opiates nor nardotics or other
harmful' drugs. They cannot possibry
do harm—they always do good. The
Tablets are sold by medicine dealers
or by mail at 25 cents a box from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co':, Brockville,
The Cornet.
The cornet is a very ancient instru-
ment, but not the cornet as, it now
known. It was made of wood, usually
covered with leather—some were of
horn—its mouthpiece was of ivory or
• hardwood and its tube and six holes
for the fingers, with two underneath
for the thumbs. Its date ie unknown,
but mention of it is found in a Psalter
of the year A.D. 1000; and the Har-
leian manuscript gives a list of Henry
Star -Gazers' G.H.Q.
operate them. In the functioning of
these forces we find pleasure.
It is not enough, however, to say that
we are merely to follow our own in-
stincts. We have something else be-
sides instincts. We have brains. Rea-
son; criticises and constantly improves
the, quality of life. Thus the natural
forces 4n us become refined and pro-
duce a pleasure we call higher because
it to most lasting and wider in its
scope. -Dr. Frank Crane.
The two hundred and fiftieth anni-
versary of the founding of the Royal'
Observatory in Greenwich; Bark will
shortly be celebrated. It -vas , not
rt —
Is Keeping the Blood Pure by
Using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
Impure, weak blood Is• the cause of
most of the troubles that afflict people.
This is the cause of the wretched feel-
ing of languor and faintness, pains in
the back and side, headaches and
founded for astronomical
usual sense of'that term, but for the , work in, the breathlessness, that afflict women and
make her daily life a torture. To, get
practical business of enabling seamen new health and strength the blood
to have correct tables for the purpose
of finding their longitude or angular
distances east or west from a standard
meridian (as theft of Greenwich to ,the
meridian of any place, reckoned to 180
degrees East or West.
In 1675 a French scientist devised
tables based on the movement of the
moon, but King Charles ;IT. decided
that English seamen should have their
own tables, and. John Flamsteed was
appointed Astronomer Royal at £100
a year." Sir Christopher Wren' pro
posed Green lch Castle as a suitable:
site for the observatory.. The founda.
tion- stone was laid on' August , lOtli,
1675, and the building was first occu-
pied by Flamsteed on July 10th, 1676 -`
known by the name of gitteroune. The
metal cornet, or cornet -a -pistons, :as
we now know it, is very modern, and
dates from about the year 1825. It
was never intended to he a rival of the
trumpet. Its tone Is much coarser and
less musical. The great classical and
symphonic composers have not in-
cluded it in their orchestras.
A Love Pat.
Kind oOld Squire.•"Bless my soul,
Mirandy, :where did you get that awful
bruise on your cheek?"
Mirandy—"We-all had a pahty last
enenin',•and Ah was kicked in, the face
by a gentleman friend."
The- first white woman to enter the
forbidden City of Lhasa, Tibet, has
just returned to Paris. This intrepid
Frenchwoman made the journey to
Lhasa ,on foot, dressed as a native
beggar,. and .accompanied only bya,
young Tibetan.
Not until 1840 were watches, suc-
cessfully made by machinery.
Kn I µ <..
We supply cans and pay express
charges. We pay daily by express
money orders, which can be cashed
anywhere . without any charge.
To obtain the top price, Cream
Must be free Prom bad flavors and
contain not less than 30 per cent.
Butter Fat.
Bowes Company any Lien ted,
p'or rei;erencee—Head Ofilde, Toronto,
Bank of Montreal, or your local banker.
Esitablished for over thirty years.
The .Longest Nay Round, etc.
""How is it you always'slico over
to the woods from the ninth tee?"
must be enriched: What Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills do in cases of this kind is
told by Mrs.. Augusta Emery, Wool -
feed Station, Alta., who says:—"Living
on the prairie, and knowing that there
are thousands of women like myself
miles away from a doctor, I want to
tell them what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
have done for me. After my first, baby
was born I seemed to have little
energy. I felt weary and run=down and
unable to do even the ordinary house-
hold duties. I felt I needed a tonic
and as I had long seen Dr. Williams'
Pi }k Pills advertised I decided to try
them: Igot a supply and carefully fol-
lowed the -directions and before very
long the: result was wonderful. Day
day • I regained ;my former strength
and energy. The pills seemed to give
me a keen appetite and I gained in
weight and soon was able not only to
Perils ' of Anger.
Both anger and grief have a mental.
basis, and indulgence in both produce do my work about the house but to
marked ill-effects on the body, says a help with many chores on the farm.
writer in :The Times." Sir James For this reason I would advise women,
Paget.and Dr. Murchison, for example, particularly those on the prairie or the
considered that protracted grief and farm, to keep a supply of these pills
anxiety were the cause of cancer in
certain organs of the body. Further
investigations into this subject tend to
prove the truth of their assumptions.
Anger, which, like grief, is a mental
quality, is known to provoke indiges-
tion, headaches, and neuralgia. .Seek-
ing relief in tears, therefore, when the
feeling of anger is sought to be over-
come. would be tantamount to jumplug
from the frying -pan into' the fire. Both
anger and grief, therefore, ought 'to
be shunned by all right-thinking peo-
ple, and this modern applied psychol-
ogy teaches one how to do it,
always on hand. One trial will con-
vince, you of their worth. I have re-
commended them to many of niy
friends and never have they failed to
produce good results."
;You can get these pills from your
`druggist, or by mail at 50 cents a box
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
The Latest Bulletin.
"Sorry to say my sister has had
rather a bad accident. She's been bit-
ten by an adder."
"Good gracious! An adder? Where
was this?"
"Well, perhaps, not exactly an add-
er, but she got her fingers mixed tip in
the machinery of the cash register."
"Dear, dear! Is she getting better?"
"Well, the latest report is 'no
BIolta:r goods in the dress lino are
made II= goat's hair.
A Dire Threat.
Fly Lover—"Refuse the and I will
alight on yon pate, and permit
'myself' to be crushed by a slap!"
wRir. FOR FRES rra CAT; 0000. NIVt.lta CO. CttiC3...o9,V91i
"I didn't mind her calling me ill-
egible, Mrs. Brown," . said the irate
Vernan, "but when she starting cast -
ng asparagus on my 'usband's char-
acter I 'ad to take notice."
The Advertising
The advertising appropriation . is a
percentage of annual sales. Logiceliy
an djustly then it should be expended
throughout the entire year. And the
soonest 'baseness reasons justify a
weel, Results prove the profit of it.
1n- I nxerc
"You don't •know Stow to hold your
club yet."
"No, that's Dot It. You don't know
my partner."
Ho H Grit.
Inspector (to, constable who has just
brought in a prisoner)—"So this is the
fellow who stole the wagon -load of
sand. Did you,get the sand?"
"Search' him!
hant in advertising regularly each
A notice displayed in a New York
restaurant: "Do not look upon our.
knives and forks as medicine)., they
taken atter meal9 "r its cost. The carrying chargee 1 s
are not to be`can
easily become a worn. that el ,,
Minard'a L ihtment fans Aches hill Peine profit. Making Sales quickly is Ls im
Appropriation. -
portant as making :many Sales. Mak-
ing ninny Sales quickly is maxinuan
Merchandising success.
When we speak of a Sale, we mean
--- -•----
For W..rts
Apply Minard's freely and often
and watch them disappear.
Minard's Liniment for Corns and Warts
Some Consolation.
"Well, Mrs. Johnsing," announced
the colored physician, after taking her
husband's temperature, "Ah has knock-
ed de fever ,out of him. Dat's one good
"Sho 'nuff," was the excited reply.
"Does dat mean dat he's gwine git
well, den?"
the doctor, "dey's no
No," replied ETTER-1H
hope fo' him; but you has do salisfrac-
tion ob knowin' that he died cured."
Silk probably is the most precious;
commodity, weight for weight, except -1
ing gold aitd silver bullion, that is
It is usually sent on a special train,
carried on a large scale by commerce
After Taking Lydia E. Pink.
which will carry $5,000,000 worth. ham. s Vegetable Compound
The ugly little silk -worm is treated
with respect in the Orient, for it
brings to the eastern people a fortune
every year.
e, transaction with a profit. Otherwise
it is a gift You don't have your profit
froth a Salel until you get the money
for the merchandise from the cus-
tomer. Until the money is in hand,
you have your profit to collect.
Sales .Are made in the store. The
custoiter conies in, picks out the mer-
chandise. You' wrap it up, take his
stoney, hand It to Hien or deliver the
merchandise. Until then the trans-
action with a profit is not conplee'
Obviously then you' must get pep-
into the store in order to sell them.
Advertising gets people into the
store --gives., you the . opportunity to
make a ale. More opportunities anel
better ones,
That is why you advertise: Adver-
tiehig brings more people into the
`stare—and More et them oftener, And
Advertising, Works all the time, if you
lot it,
Sales are made every day—in season
and out of season—in good times and
business .cid
idea in bt.
in b
to make Sales. The idea in Advertis-
ing is to increase the number et Sales.
The Sale is the crux of the whole
business: Everything else that is done 1
Is merely leading up to the Sale. Until
here is no profit—
made isi
the S
Sto money in running a tusiness, Up
to that point everything is expense—
Money' laid out in order to matte that
money make money. tile.
The longer the Sale Is tri coming,.
greater the expense, Every day iter
chandise remains in the store acids to•
Piave You Pimples Or
A Lieu Smooth Shill?
If you wish a skin clear of pizn-
pies, blackheads and other an-
noying 'eruptions begin today -
the regular use of Cuticura
Soap, assisted by Cuticura
Ointment. 'No other method
is so agreeable, so often effec-
tive and so economical.
Sample Zech Tree br MaSL Address Canadian
Depot: "Stenhouse, Ltd., Montreal." Price, Soap
Ointment 2B and 50c. Talcum 25c.
am' Cuticura Shaving Stick 25c.
Sec' Ulltleore
Say "Bayer"-
Bayer" - Insists
For Colds ' Headache
Neuralgia Rheumatism
Lumbago Pairi
Accept only a
er- IIa yew package
which contains proven directions
handy "Mayer" holies of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 100 --Drug gists
aspirin is the trndr merit. (roslstorod In
Canaan) of Baser Man ifactnre eP istano-
acoticaaidestor of Sa11011ea0id4
' Ingomar, N. S.—"I took your medi-
cine for a run-down condition and inward
troubles. I had pains in my right side
so bad at times that I could not walk
any distance. I saw about Lydia E.
Pinkhatn's Vegetable Compound in the
newspapers and have taken five bottles
of it. I am better in every way and
you can use my letter to help other
women, — Mrs. ALVITA M. PERRY,
Ingmar, N. S.
Nervous Breakdown Relieved
Toronto, Ontario. — "It is pretty hard
to explain your feelings in nervous
troubles. I felt low spirited, had pains.
in myhead and eyes, always crying, Iand
did not want to go anywhere.
knitting and fancy work, and I would
get irritable after a few minutes .of
work. Ihv
a ebeen in Canada fi e
and have been this way ever since
came. I am taking Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound and I sleep better
and it seemstomake me eat and I must
say I am feeling more jolly. I have
great faith in in your medicine because
of what it has done for rny husband's
sister and she recommender. it to me."
—Mrs. A. SMITI•I', 10 Burleigh Avenue,
Todmorden, Toronto, Ontario.
ble med-
r .
A11 dru'ggts
and women 8ufferitig Peons these
troubles so common to their so -t should
give it a trial now.i
1 -
it:sUE W., 35—U,