Zurich Herald, 1925-05-28, Page 3C6 �o.r.v aatw r ,o+ .las 99 ORES MEET YOUR TESTS ALLOON T • A.23.3 HEALTH EDUCATION BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON Provinclei Board of Health, Ontario. Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on, Public Health mat- ters attern through this column. Address him at Spedina House, Spadlna Crescent, Toronto. Obesity in all cases results from a disturbance of nutrition. Too much food of all kinds is eaten and not enough' exercise is taken. The body cannot burn the food up into the'final products of combustion—carbon dip t ide and water. The -human System, as a result, -uses a makeshift. It con - Vests the excess of food,' particularly the starchy foods, into fat and stores it in the tissues. There is no .neces- sity for this storing up of fat. If-Iess food were,taken and at ,not so fre- quent intervals, if the body were giventime and opportunity to oxidize the food by work A would take the i1 matera s' essentially needed, burn up heredity-----it-should be looked on as a disease, Double clans :and rolls of at on the back of the neck are danger signs and should be heeded. Those' who develop excess 'weight _must take advice and be on the alert to ward off 1 kidney or heart affections, and cer- tainly must draw the line at stimuli of all kinds.- Indolence and disinc>inatioli to ex- ercise should be strenuously combated. Too much sleep or. idle lying about should not be encouraged. In most cases 'people •can fight cif fat if they are determined and persistent in their' efforts. e � MOTHERS -•l t ' burdenedexecs PRAISE he rest and not be sive deposit ofby =a , ways an adjunct to fatness. People BABYg ., S S who love pleasure and ease have their pleasure spoiled by the fat that -they - accumulate. In many of the Oriental raees where, on recount of the heat and general languor of existence, lit- tle or no exercise is taken, obesity is eomragn. Excessive weight is not only a roar to looks but a -positive hin- drance to the comfort and enjoyment -of life. There may be interference with the proper action of the internal organs, due to. a deposit of •fat, as a result, shortness of breath, bronchitis, alpitation and other functional em- barrassments. Infec- tion are occasions tion .is also more liable to happen in fat people -because they have as a •r'ule less resisting power... How 'then can obesity he prevent- ed? 'In regulation of diet, Habits and ,rive diet of starch' foods and malt exercise iter `the solution. An.. exces- - liquors; should•;:be avoided.- Food' is not really burned up or consulted in - the stomach°.b tt- in the lungs and. muscles. 4 The treatment for obesity is along the above lines. The diet should con- tain as little as possible of starch and s -sugar, The daily menu should consist largely of bulky foods containing lit- . tie starch or sugar. • For instance,. a breakfast might, as an example, con- sist of fresh fruit with 'a very . small amount of dry toast and;in some cases, no toast at all. For lunch the meal should consist largely of "succulent 'Vegetables, with buttermilk, and . z fruit jelly fens dessert, The evening Meal should be More elaborate 'and may consist of lean meat, one or two non -starchy vegetables and•some stale or toasted bread. Where excess weight is not an‘in'- heritance—some people are stout by WE WANT CHURNING We supply cans and pay express charges. We pay daily by' express money orders, which can be cashed anywhere without any -charge. To obtain the top price; Cream must be free from 'bad flavors and contain not fees than 80 per cent -.Butter Fat. Bowes Company Limited, -- Toronto For references—Head Office, :Toronto, 1l3ank of Montreal, or your local banker. Established for over thirty years. -Mrs. L. M. Brown, Walton, MS., says: --"I cannot recommend Baby's Own Tablets too highly. 1. have found them invaluable . fqr the ailments of Iittle ones." Mrs. Brown's -„.testimony is the same as that of thousands of other mothers who have need the Tab- lets. To use them once is a sure guar- antee that they 'will always be kept in the homeas long as there are babies or young children to bec'cared for. The -Tabl's area laxative—mild ei` but thorough in, action wich never fail to regulate the stomach and bowels; relieve constipation and indigestion; break up colds -and simple fevers and make' the'. dreaded 'teething period eas,y.. In.fact they banish all the minor. ills from which little ones suffer, The Tablets are 'sold by medicine dealers' or bymail at 25 cents a x from bo The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. Sentence Sermons. If You Desire—Will power, you must cultivate the ability to say "no." —A comfortable did age, you must deny yourself to -day's extravagances: —Rapid advancement, you must give undivided attention to your work. —A respectful son, you must treat him as If he were a man, —Efficient service, you must learn to express your appreciation. - —The " confidence of your friends, you must be -.willing to lose for prin- ciple's sake. —To' be. well spoken of, you must forget to admire yourself. - Salary increases usually quickly overtake the man who does more than he's paid for. a When a man fl'iids a woman for whom he thinks there's nothing good enough he asks her To take himself. The only* failure one has to fear is failure in cleaving to the purpose one sees to be best.—George Eliot. PEERLESS BICYCLE BARGAINS Now and slightly used. $12.00 up. Write for Catalogue PEERLESS RIOYCLE WORKS 193 Diming St. W., Toronto Are Your :Ca*s Earning Their Iopi„,Listen!. Albert , on the 2nd :Concession in `'Grant Township, owned a Scrub Roll in 1911. He delivered to the cheese factory that year 44,228 pounds -of milk. He bought a good Pure Bred Sire and from the first cross produced 14 of his present -Sows and six of his present' nu1king heifers. Froin the same number •of cows as in 1911, last year he delivered 152,605 pounds of milk. Eight years of crossing with a Pure Bred Sire made a differoncl, of 108,337 lbs. of milk in. his herd. lofi't keep unprofitable producers. ..... BUY A GOOD BULL Interesting Boys in Music.:,• The following are a few suggestions which may prove helpful to those en- gaged in advancing the interests of music among boys at mid -week group sessions or meeting: If you. have a pianist, spend .a 'few. moments now and agaiufnging seine of the,sougs that appear on your song sheet. Try an informal sing song around the piano after tiie meeting proper is over. Spine boys are very, shy at hear- ing their own voices in song, and the advantage of the inform,al_aproaeh is that it is liable to make the boy. `feel more at home.- Cenemence with the better known songs: Find out what they know well. Discourage hollering, but do not be too academic. Close with oiie of the finer songs, such as "Just•. a Song at Twilight" or -a good, old hymn that the boysknow, such as "Faith of Our Fathers" or "I Need Thee Every Hour." - Iu coneci`ion with sacred songs, try to put more content and meaning into hymns. Link them -up, -if possible; with the lives of -the men who wrote them. Make the boys acquaintecd•with file circumstances 'under which they are written. A hymn will mean far more to a boy when it has been linked up with the human element. A hymn that once was meaningless suddenly becomes purposeful under`this method. Other suggestions might be added, but the above, - if closely follows 1, should tend to improve the.-ndivrtigal- boy's taste along musical lines. When You'Cut Your Finger. .A well-known doctor gives advice: on the treatment of a cut linger. Here is what he says: First of all, thoroughly cleanse cut; of dirt and foreign matter.. \V Z {t. water is the hest, because, it encotsz ages bleeding slightly, whibh, in itselY, ; does good. But if there is -profuse bleeding use either cold or very hot; water both of which -check bleeding. Thoroughly disinfect the cut to des- troy any germs that may be present. There are several equally good pre- parations for doing this; a .weak solu- 1 tion of iodineis good, and no house- hold shd'iild be without some. It is especially important to disin- fect any cut, no matter how slight, if there is any infectious or contagious disease in the house, or the conse- quences may be very serious. The cut must be covered and pro- tected.. Antiseptic gauze or boric lint, sufficient thoroughly to cover the cut. in the form of a small pad, is the best. It may be covered with a small pad of cotton wool, if any presure Is need- ed to stop the bleeding, and fixed in position by a firm; but not tight, band- age. Failing this, ordinary lint may be used, and, failing that, a piece of clean linen. "" Do not use new linen, anddo not be frightened of a little bleeding, Finally there is a very imp(rtant point. If earth has got into the, cut there is always a possibility of -tetanus or lockjaw. True, the chance `is slight, but as lockjaw is almost in- variably fatal, it is always very wise to see a doctor. -In.:the meantime, as a first-aid pre- caution, the cut must receive a special cleaning. An 'excellent. method is to apply fomentations of boric lint, Fifty -Fifty. Probably the Most henpecked -hus- band in seven Counties was henry ra otos, But even the most humble worm; while it niay not turn, will manage to think up some way to avoid being al- together crushed. And so Henry got an idea one day, .when he had gone down to the drug stroe for a dose of Jamaica ginger for his indigestion and had taken three doses. He Went into a clothing store and purchased' q, two -pants suit. He car- ries it home, still feeling gingery. His wife met him at the door. "Where have you been?" demanded the lady sternly., Th(Samaica ginger was still ▪ strong ,within Henry. He straightened up with a dignity fbi;•eign to him and show- lyundid tete package from the clothing store, He held out one pair of the trousers toward his wife. .. I have been incorporating this busi- ness en a fifty-fifty basis," he replied in "commanding tones. "I-iere's a pair for you and a pair for Ine.' Minardla 'L1nlmosit for Gold. A, uvular Motion of Qur res Causes Dizziness, "balancing" inachin,ery eaiaeiats tg various' tiny tubers placed near our ears, each tube containing a certain amountof fluid. Thisfluid, as we move our head, acts aatber in the fas- hion of ;a Sidra level, '" The tubes are placed at different. angles, ,and are ,so.a}'ranged that the fluid responds to every motion, Also, messf foes are transmitted" to the brain, which acts accordingly; • So that all the 'time we are moving we, are, flash - lug little messages to the braise, which in return is directing the body how to meet Dile movements by balancing, "When, holvever, we spin round .and round, 'we are giving teats fluid a mo- tion which does not stop till after -we ourselves have tonic to rest ----just in tlie same way as if we swung a bucket full • of water in a circle the water goes on moving even when we have putthe bucket clown. The result then is Haat we,: are sending a false niesage to the brain. We are telling it that we are turziing when really we have stopped. The brain responds, of course, by• sending out the wrong orders, and the effect Is that our .balancing ma- chinery is upset and giddiness results. A tea your grocer i' co usually good tea eu is good tea7 And 'most grocery's recoil mer d it. 62 How Can the Gr .ding of . These Cattle he Raised from Common to hood? In a few cases it could rosy e been clone by better feeding, but.in the ma- jority of cases -the feeding was 'alright. rIt was the breeding of the cattle which was at fault. In nearly every case if these cattle which graded "common had been given the advantage of being 'sired by a pure •bred bull they would T have weighed as mach and would have been as 'good quality as those which graded "good.” '",,,Ability to carry weight and finish is a virtue not possessed by the offspring of scrub bulls. � Over four million hoofs were re- CF quired to carry the live meat supply to the public markets of the Dominion during 1919. Had the scrub bull been eliminated five years back and better feeding methods practised over the same period this meat supply could have been marketed on three million boots, a saving of over 25% of the feed that was required, since the most economical gains are made by good quality cattle. The average weight per animal mar- keted in Canada during 1919 was 800 pounds, whereas it would leave been I possible to have obtained an average weight of at least ten hundred pounds per animal, which would mean the elimination of 25% of the foul: million hoofs referred to in the preceding paragraph. When a better beef animal is pro- duced there is no loss on some other way. It is a creation of new wealth which goes directly to _the producer `and indirectly to the country. BEST MEDICINE SHE EVER USED Th ,Williams' Pink Pins Highly Praised by a Nova Scotia Lady. Athong the Well known and esteemed residents of Heiitford, N.S., is Mrs. Amanda Woodworth. -Some four years ago :Mrs. Woodworth -had' the misfor- tune to lose her husband, and as a re- sult of caring for him during his ill- ness, and alnding to farm duties, she became terribly run-down. Mrs,. Woods;*ortli says she- felt as though her blood had turned to water: The least exertion would leave her tired and breathless, She was often attacked by spells of weakness that left her almost speechless,. and'fre- quently suffered from severe, head- aches. The medicines she took did not help her, and she almost despaired of gaining her health. In this condition she one day; read in a newspaper of a ease very similar to her own, in which health .was restored through the, use of Dr. Williams' Pink"Pills: This made her decide to give these pills a trial. A,fter,using a few boxes sbe found the Elevator in plane. An airplane fatted with .an elevator is being constructed for the French army. It will be used by the gunner. •In charge of two, batteries of machine guns, one at the top of the fuselage and the other at the bottom. 'Thus he can pass from one battery to another, as desired. Wireless in the Far North. It has been decided to establish the ' most northerly main station of the North. West Territories and Yukon pills were helping her, •and she con- Wireless System • at Aklavik: in the tinned their use until, her old-time Mackenzie river delta. Aklavik is health and vitality were restored. Now more than 2,000 miles north of Edmon- 1\irs. Woodworth looks after a.,smal.l ton by the regular travelled routes and farm of fifteen acres, besides. doing all is the terminal of the Mackenzie river her housework; and says' she never navigation. and the northern winter felt- better or more energetic in her , mail service. . Accessible to the in• Ilfe. She gives credit for her present habitants of the Arctic coast in sum - splendid health to )Jr. 'Williams' Pink finer and winter, it has become the Pills, which she says are the best medi- centre of the fur trade from Corona- ;ci "e she• ever used, and strongly, re- tion, gulf to the Alaskan boundary. c -annelids the pills to all run-down hcaople. 'pu --eon. these Pi11s' front, any 1n if comb• dealer, or by mail at 550 cents , of the Departmeint of the Interior will d Bros from The Dr. Williams' Medicine establish the station' this summer. As Go,,Biockviile, .Out.' • 1 Herschel Island is the customs and --e.------- • 1 immigration ' port for ocean vessels Illiik'. v��', coming from Alaska, a sub -station will rated , be. installed there once ops at d dur- `" � , .ing the season of opens navigation. � s ' For Sore Throat Use Minard's Liniment The Royal Canadian Corps of Sig- nals in co-operation with the North West Territories and Yukon Branch What He Got From His Work, Lazy One—"Now tell me what do yon get from your work?" Bamboo, which when young and Lazier One—".Get away from it whenever I can." tender can be ,snapped off with,,,the hand and eaten like asparagus, is the Fire that destroyed a grocery store strongest known timber for it, weight on the first floor of a building in Dun- .and is used for knives and whet - bar; Scotland; drove upstairs hundreds stonnes, of mice, which awoke the occupants of the top storey flat just in time for them to escape with their lives. Jelly made from ivory and real Chinese 'birds' nests was shown at a recent Grocers' Exhibition in London. The fatal errors of life are not due to man's being unreasonable. An un- reasonable moment may be one's fin- est inoiilent. They are due to a man's being 1pgical.-••Oscar Wilde: RADIO Guaranteed 201A Tubes $1.95. Special 1 Tube Set, 1200miles range, cpm piece, $22.50, Express Prepaid. Writs for, Price List. DANFORTH RADIO CO. nog DANFORTH AVE. TORONTO r.�,..� .tea..,...,,_..._ Cata1: u6, EL FIXTURES at Wholesale Price • Boy direct from the manufacturer—save alt rho middleman's profits znd put them in your pocket. Catalogue shows one of the largest, and moot up-to- date stooks of elootrlo fixtures and appliances in Canada. send for free catalogue, no obligation. Cost nothing to find out what wholesale prices are. son how much yah can save. Fut 50 to 100 tier cent. in your pocket. 3-Itiht living or di Mop room fixture with shades, complete, 5140. Address :bopartmeet A, DOMINION ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. 100 Queen Street West, - — Toronto URIN f0R YOUR EYE s esome Ginning Refreshing Ideal S ria Vacatio. s ct,,,soty DctysfromflewYarictpGo in May and June when Bermuda is ablaze with lowers—perfect days for rest or play. Palatial, Twin -Screw Steamers "FORT VICTORIA" and "FORT ST. GEORGE" TT For Illustrated Booklets Write FURNESS BERMUDA LINiE4 Whitehall Street - New York City or Any Local Tourist Agent MINARD'S Relieved His Rheumatism Here is one of many letters testify- ing to the relief Minard's gives in cases of rheumatism: "I have been relieved of rheumatism by -your liniment. I thought r would never be free from this malady and I tried many remedies, but Mlnard's was the only one 'which gave me'relief." ALPHONSE RICHARD, St. Saan.'itel; P. Q. Minard's is also splendid for stiff- ness of the joints, sprains, brueees,. etc. MINARD'S LINIMENT i clears The SKIT Of Blemishes If you have pimples or red, rough skin you can rely on Cuticura to help you. Gently smear the affected part with Cuticura Ointment; after five minutes, wash off with Cufi- cura St.ap and hot water. Dry without irritation. Sample Saab rote b 211:11. Address Canadian Depot: ••Steahome, Ltd.. Montreal ' Yrice, Soap 20e. -Ointment 51 and 60e. Talcum 26c, .. Cnticura Shaving Stick 25c - v: CraIC MRS, B. H. HART SICK FOLYEARS „,,_._...,_.,,rear....._ Wants Women to Know How She Was Made Well by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound — Cornwall, Ontario. --"I am now giving your medicine a fair trial and it surely r , is doing me good and 1 ! I am going to keep on taking it, I used to feel so tired in the morning that I didn't want to get up but that feeling is lip, ing Inc now. I also sleep better and feel more like working. For seven or eight years I have had headaches.tiredfeel- ings, pains in my back and across my body. I read letters in the newspapers sayingwhat good Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound had done others. My husband says I quit soon, but I ant not going to stop taking he Vegetable Compound and Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Medicine un- til I am better and haven't an ache or a pain. Isn't that the right way? I have great faith in your medicines. They Must be good whn those who take them speak so highly of them. I: am recom- mending them to my friends and I will gladly answer letters from women ask- ing about then, "- -Mrs. 13trtT I•I. HART, Box 1081, Cornwall, Ontario. Mrs. Hart. watt to help otb,ir women and is willing_ to enswel' letters front sick women ackingabout the"iregetab]e Compound. tl Proved safe by millions and prescribed by .physic ans for Colds Lumbago Pain Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proven directions. Mindy "13ayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists. Aspirin In the trailo mark (registered In Canada) of Hoyer hianlifactlre of Tionoaeette aeldesfer of 5ellcylicnclil (J.eetLtl Efaltci•11e beta, ' 1. 5. A."). while it is veil l:none that Aspirin weatls.Bnrer manufsettre, to assist the Futile against ltultation,r the'robleis a with their general trade marl, the 1401arcr' Crasq:' Headache Neuralgia of noses Camp win st uipo a e , ISSUE No. 21•