Zurich Herald, 1925-01-22, Page 3�I? WEAK DIGESTION 1 DUE TO POOR BLOOD Perfect Digestion Will Cone if the Blood is Made Rich and Red. HUMOR ° Might Be Embarrassing, Parish Worker—"We are getting up There is no tonic for the stomach a raffle, Miss. Moggs, ,for a poor old that is not a tonic for every other fisherman. Would you like a ticket?" Part of the body. But the stomach Miss Moggs—"I don't mind. But do depends, • as does every other organ, tell me, what does one do with him if on the blood for its energy. she wins him?'" There can be nip perfect digestion --- Unless you have rich, red blood. This E,omething Extra. ie scientifically true, The way, then, ;Auto Demonstrator (who has boon to tone up the stomach is to enrich trying for three hours to sell the car) the blood. —"Now I will throw in the clutch." Most stomach remedies try to di- Uncle Eben -"I'll take her then. 1 gest your food for you. How much knew If I held off long enough you'd better it is to tone up the stomach so give me somethin' extra, b'gosh!" that it will do its own work, as nature intended. There is no pleasure in eating predigested food. Tone up I The Head of the Class, James! your stomach, then your appetite and' "James, spell cloth," said the•"teach- digestion will soon be normal. er. If your digestion is weak and your James was silent. blood thin, you need Dr. Williams' , "Colne, come," said the teacher im• Pink Pills to restore the strength to patiently. "You know the word. What your blood; in addition use care in is your' coat made of?" the selection of your diet and "Father'syour, old pants," replied the boy. stomach trouble will soon pass away. 1 • Mrs. Charles La Rose, Fruitland, Ont., I Using It. suffered severely, and tells what Dr. "Henry," said a mother to her ten- lls did for her. She says:—"I -----i waskaPterrible sufferer trom year-old," haven't I always told you to stomach trouble. The doctor called it use your napkin at the table?" nervous indigestion. Everything I ate "Why, I am using it, Mother," pro - distressed me, and I became so weak tested Henry, with an air of injured and rundown I could hardly walk. I innocence. "I've got the dog tied to had a pain around my heart most of the leg of the table with it." the time, and I slept very poorly. I was afraid I would not get well, as the doctor's medicine was not helping me. In this serious condition Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills were recommended and I decided to try them, and I can truthfully say that they made me feel like a new person. I will always give this medicine a word of praise when I get a chance for I think there is nothing to be compared with it for dyspeptics, or any one weak, nervous or rundown," You can get these Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. The Magnetic Spell. When ships pass on their way to but he was no pessimist. wait born, pronteitly repliti4., '"tit Ste; land, 16fr," "Niatat makes you think Shake; speare was a Scotsman?" Said - Ala soboolmaster, "Because of hie abeelity,' OW' Wei the reply. Wanted Action. 1st Football—"What are you kick- ing about?" 2nd Football—"Cause I don't get kicked!" Desperate. In his announcement on a Sunday morning the vicar regretted that money was not coming in fast enough, ASV TRICKS 'Jibe Slake My.stery The Last Resort. He was waiting at the corner• of the street. More, lie wiff waiting with ex• treme impatience. Every little, while; he lookd at his watch, his brow fur-, rowed with an angry frown. "Why doesn't she come?"" he mut- tered. "She's hours late for our -ap- pointment." At last, however, the lady appeared.. "You should carry a watch," he told her in an annoyed tone. "But I alwaysbreak them," she ex- plained soothingly, "Well," be replied sarcastically, "you might at east carry a calendar." and from Liverpool, and come to a "We have tried," he said, "to raise particular spot in the Mersey, their compasses become agitated in a whol- ly improper way. Some magnetic spell is laid on them, and the only explanation that has sug- gested itself is that the iron parts of A''Logicai Conclusion. some ship wrecked there have become A physiologist came upon a hard - magnetized by some shift in the working Irishman toiling, bareheaded, wreck's position .joined to the action in the street. of waves or currents. "Don't you know," said the physiolo- There are a number of places in the gist, "that to work in the hot sun with - World where something magnetic on i out a hat la bad for your brain?" the coast or on the Sea bottom affects "eyye think," melted the Irishman, • a ship's compasses. Magnetic Island, off Townsville, on the east coast of Australia, was so called because it ap- peared to upset the compass of Cap- tain Cook's ship; and in the Gulf df St. Lawrence there are similar distrub- ances. the necessary money in the usual man- ner. We have tried honestly. Now we are going to see what a bazaar can do." She Didn't Forget. A woman entertaining a guest of some importance was giving instruc- tions to her maid. "Now, Polly," she said, "in the morn- ing take a jug of hot water up to Mr. Jones' room. Be sure not to forget." . "No, ma'am," Polly answered. The woman thought no more of the matter until the next day, when at noon she remarked casually: "Of course, Polly, you carried that hot water to Mr. .Tones' room this morn- ing?" Polly beamed: "Certainly I did, ma'am. I was so afraid I might for- get it that I took it up last night." If spring cleaning were replaced by .autumn cleaning, it would be a great help in the war against house flies. BROWN FELT S LIPI ERS With Leather Soles 69c Per Pair $ Pairs 4 Pairs 5 Pairs Men's, Women's and Boys' Sizes 1 to 8 only. AS A PREMIUM with each order of $2 or over a beautiful calendar will "that Oi'd be on this job if 01 had enny brains?" Down to Essentials. Prosaic Young Man (after propos- ing)—"But can you cook?" Modern Girl—"Let its take these Questions in their proper order; the matter of cooking is not the first thing to be considered," "Then, what is first?" "Can you provide things• to be cooked?" -- KEEP LITTLE ONES WELL IN WINTER Winter is a dangerous season for the little ones. The days are so changeable—once bright, the next cold and stormy, that the mother is afraid to take the children out for the fresh air and exercise they need so much. In consequence they are often cooped up in overheated, badly venti- lated rooms and are soon seized with colds or grippe. What is needed to keep the little ones well is Baby's Own Tablets. They will regulate the stomach and bowels and drive out colds, and by their use the baby will be able to get over the winter season Enjoyable Window Dressing. A boy of whom the Progressive Grocer tells had a red head and a pre- cocious talent for combining business with pleasure. "Say, mister," he said to the grocer, "don't you want a boy to help get business for you?" "What can you do?" the grocer in - DELIVERED. quired. TO YOU "I can stand out front and eat candy POSTPAID; and peanuts, and when the other kids $2.00 see me they'll want some so bad akr is is a stunt suitable for a r entertainment of tricks. It res a little preparation and it Id be well practiced beforeejt 'esented, o slates are shown. The tri, titer makes a chalk mark on bo e sides of each slate and then wif =s the chalk mark out, using a wet, sponge. This is to show the letele of chemical preparation. He 1plaeee one slate on top of the other 'anti' .asks a spectator to hold them Until the conclusion of the trick. He then declares that a spirit has a Message ter the company and will?: write the message on one of the -slates. After a reasonable time ,hateelapsed, the trickster takes the slates and separates them. On the loever side of the upper slate the message, which may be frivolous or serious according to the trickster's desires, is seen. The secret is a simple one. A pieceof black cardboard, just the color of the slate surface and cut to fit exactly in the frame of a slate is used. The .message is written on the slate and the cardboard, called the "flap" is placed over it. When the trickster displays the slates, he keeps the fiap In place with, his fingers. After marking on the elates and wiping the marks off, he places the prepared slate, flap aide°uppermost. on the table. On this` the other slate is placed. When he picks the slates up, he turns them over. The flap falls on the "slate which is now undermost, leav- ing the writing ready for the con- elusion of the trick. (Clip this out mid paste it, with other o1 the series, 4n a scrapbook.) Ram. "It was an awful night," he said, in perfect safety. The Tablets are Shaking his heavy peasant head sold by medicine dealers or by mail With his eyes fixed in such a stare at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- As furry quadrupeds might wear. liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Coming back, drenched to the skin $2.50; they'll come in and buy." $3.00 Shakespeare a Scotsman? The Scots are as intellectual and capable a race as exists on earth—and they are ready, if pressed, to admit be mailed postpaid. I a,s much, The Sphere tells of a Scot- Standard cot- St nd rd Footwear when he was asked where Shakespeah boy in an English school re 1294 St. Clair Avenue West, Toronto. - The Province of Ontario Savings • Office SAFETY IS SATISFYING Deposit your savings regularly with the Province of Ontario Savings Office. $:L.GO OPENS AN ACCOUNT guaranteed by A11 monies deposited by you are the Government of the Province of Ontario and can be withdrawn at any time, BANKING BY MAIL Department at each Branch. HEAD OFFICE: 15 QUEEN'S PARK, TORONTO Branches: Toronto—Corner Bay and Adelaido Streets; Corner University and Dundas Streets; 549 Danforth Avenue, AylmerBrantford, Hamilton, Newmarket, Ottawa, Owen Sound, , Pembroke, Seaforth, St, Catharines,St. Mary's. Walkerton, Woodstock From the stormy night they'd foraged The Bishop's Statue. in, From the slanting silver swords There is an oft -told tale of a prince Of a thousand angered lords, who was aleo a bishop who decided to build a cathedral. He called for the help of all his people, and, they gave freely of time and strength and sub - r• Lf you'd like a little better tea wan y are, using, please try "Red Rose, The same good tea for .30 years. Try it! Radio Reception Conditions. While it is not yet possible to ae- curately"forecast radio reception oou- ditions, considerable progress has been made toward establishing the re- lationship between weather conditions and radio reception, according to en- gineers of The Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of Canada, Limited. Generally speaking it has been found that when the weather 15 un- seasonable or when there is a sudden or decided change in the weather recep- tion conditions will be bad, according to these authorities. Cold weather in summer, warm days in winter or a change from cold and crisp to moist and snowy weather will invariably bring about poor reception conditions, Fading, both of the slow and rapid variety, has been found to be almost as bad for radio reception as static. Fading is almost inevitable when the weather changes, It Is stated. Every effort is being made by radio engineers in all parts of the world to determine the relationship between radio reception and the weather so definitely that forcasts as to radio re- ception will be as accurate as those now Issued by the meteorlogical bur- eau about the weather. When this has been accomplished it will mark a big forward stride in radio receiving. Lords• of little furry folk Who knew not much of them nor spoke. But all the night the silver rain stance for the great work. After many Had• heated on my windowpane. years it, was finished, and the bishop I ;It it*s'„"lovely, healing thing edral i. tit "elf The' ca ours. u of ha' er rodandsing, s p � That made my pen P P was indeed a poem in stone. "Surely,” While, God and I walked forth to - he thought; "never has a more ,beauti- ful house than this been built to the glory of God!" He remembered how he had dream- ed and planned and toiled. • He came to think of the work as his, and in an empty niche over the central portal he determined to have a statue of him- self as prince and bishop that men in the after time might remember him. One night he dreamed than an an- gel touched him and bade him follow. "Come," said the angel, "I will show thee some who have helped to build the great church, and whose service has pleased God." The bishop was led out of the cathe- dral into a country lane, and there he saw two oxen yoked to a huge block -ef stone. They were resting, for the work was hard, and they were tired. Then a peasant girl from a wayside hut, carryig a budle of hay in her arms, gave a wisp first to one and then to the other of the oxen. Comforted, they strained again at their load. The dream taught the bishop a les- son, In the morning he sent for the master sculptor and bade him make for the niche over the portal an image of aelittle child; with a wisp of hay and then to make two oxen and set them high, in the tower. The vainglorious bishop had gained a new appreciation of the contribution of others and a new lurmility regarding his own. It is a good story for us to keep in mind when we are tempted to be vain- glorious over some achievement. To remember the oxen and the little girl and all the other helpers with whose service God was well please is a fine corrective. Remit by 'Dominion Express Money Order. If lost or stolen you get your money back. gether In oilskins, • safe against the weather. —Isabel Fiske Conant. AGENT Men and Women—the Jiffy Knife Sharpener, new, efficient, 10 year guarantee. Good commissions, every house a prospect. Write PROVEN PRODUCTS 65 Victoria St. - Toronto Go West, Young Woman! In the course of a lecture on econo mics, says the Tatler, the lecturer mentioned that in some parts of America the population consisted al most entirely of men. "I can there, - tore recommend the ladies to emigrate to those districts," he added jocularly. At last a young lady In the audience rose in' high dudgeon and prepared to leave the hall. As she was .making rather a noisy exit the lecturer ge- n-larked with a smile: "1 did not mean, however, that .it should be clone In' such a hurry." feiscovered. • - Teacher—"Now you have In front et you the north, on your right the east, and 0n yoitr loft the west. Whet have you behind you?" Small Boy "A patch on my pants. 1 told mother you'd see IL For First A!'', ;i1Ineed's Orli:tient» ar.UMION. CMS are the concentrated strength of prime. fresh beef. Use them to add ifavor and nutriment to soups, sauces, gravy, stews, hash, meat -pies. Tins of 4 - 15c. and " " 10 - 30c. For Every III—Mrnard's Liniment. • Whosoever is afraid of submitting any question, civil or religious, to the test of free discussion, Is more in love with his own opinion than with truth. —Watson, Classified Advertisements MONEY TO LOAN. r44.ARM LOANS MADE. AGENTS warted. Reynolds, '77 Victoria Street, Toronto. WANTED STONE INDIAN RELICS . H. A. 7 VanWinckel, 1399 Lansdowne Ave., Toronto. MORE THAN 55,000 FARMERS have bought their farms iu ea:6.arn Canada from the Canadian Pacific. A remarkable Fact. Think! There is a reason. The large area of our hold- ings affording choice of location and of land to suit every farming need. Fair price, fair contract, and fair dealing combined with abundant fertility of soil, good climate and social condi. tions make farm life there desirable more and attractive. Thousands will select their farm from our virgin lands, from our improved farms, and with some capital and determination to work, can make a home and pay for it. Write for our -booklet, The Prairl e Provinces of Canada," and leaflet, "Western Canada Forges Ahead." C. L. Norwood, Land Agent, Canadian Pacific) Railway, Desk W., Windsor Station. Montreal, Que. ideal Winter Playground' - O Only 2 Diays f ron s NN ewYorkiK Sailings Twice Weekly Loaving N. Y. Wed. and Sat. Via Palatial, Twin -Screw, Oil -Burning Steamers "FORT VICTORIA" and "FORT ST. GEORGE" Landing Passongcrc at liamilton Dock For Illustrated Booklets Write 94 Whitehall Street - New York City FURNESS BERMUDA LINE or Any Local Tourist Agent xr MATRIMONIAL PAPER, PHOTOS, ADDRESSES 100. McCreary, Chatham, Ont. Maternity insurance. Bulgaria has a system of maternity insurance giving the woman insured care during childbirth and a cash benefit for three months after the birth of the child. The Penguin's Rudder. The wings of the .penguin, useless for flying purposes, serve as efficient paddles in swimming. Wo are interested in obtaining OLD and RARE BOOKS ON CANADIAN SUBJECTS. Send particulars to the Wilson Publishing Company, 78 West Adelaide Street, Toronto, Ontario. Insist on BAYER TABLETS OF ASPIRIN ;Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are not !,getting the genuine Bayer product proved safe millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for +C�1cls . Headache Neuralgia Lumbago *alts' Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism Accept only "Bayer." paces which contains proven directions. Mandy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists, Aspirin is .the ttr810 mark (registered in Ortnaial ot Bayer l lannta,'taree a o war one tie heiatater of Segel lieell d. (,etel milr,vlfc. n filet:Militia means Boern8ndtaeture, to asslst't10 pnblte against imitations, the 'rano at stele Otsepalte will Ire 'stumped eitil their general trade writ, the "%layer ltlross." 1301788 established 60 room Presse write for our price not on Poultry, Butter, and Eggs We GUARANTEE them for a .veer ahead. P. POULIN & CO., Liivh I ED 86.88 Sonsesoure Market Telsshoas Wase P81 MONTREAL OVEBEC FROST BITES • Dangerous if unattended, Rub well with NIinard's and take no chances. It restores circulation, heals the injured tissues. Always keep it on the shelf. FAGE FFECTED ITH ECZEMA Also Behind Ears and On Limbs. Cuticura Heals, " I was affected with eczema which broke out in a rash. I had it on my face, behind my ears and on my limbs. My skin was sore and red and my clothing aggravated it. It itched and burned causing me to scratch, and sometimes I could not sleep at night. My face was disfigured. " I finally read an advertisement for Cuticura Soap and Ointment and sent for a free sample. I got relief so purchased more, and after using one box of Cuticura Oint- ment, with the Cuticura Soap, I was healed." (Signed) Miss Arvilla C. Crysler, 2639 Taylor St, N. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Use Cuticura for all toilet purposes. SempDepute E!?OutlavarP. Mail. ox 1616, Montrealss ." Depot; Price Soap 2.5e, Ointment ?bnod 60e. Talcum 25o. Try our new Shaving Stink. ABLE TO 00 HOUSEWORK NOW Sick a Year. Got Great Ben. efit from Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Bloomington, N. S.—"I took Lydia, E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for pains and backache, also for nervous- ness, sick headaches and sleeplessness. 1 was troubled in this way for over a year, and a friend told me about the Vegetable Compound and induced me to take it. I must say I have received great benefit from it and am able to do my housework now. I recommend the Vegetable Compound myself and am willing for you to use this letter as a testimonal." — Mrs. WILLIAM MORSE, Bloomington, Annapolis County, N. S. Do you know that in a recent canvass among women users of the Vegetable Compound over 220,000 replies were re- ceived. To the question, " Have you received benefit by taking this medi- cine?„ 98 per cent. replied "'Yes." This means that 3$ out of every 101) women are in better health because they have given this medicine a fair trial. Mrs. Morse is simply another case of a woman receiving "" great benefit." Women suffering from the troubles so conrmoti to 'their sex should listen to what other women say who have expe- rienced the same sufferings and found relief. Give this dependable medicine e chance—and at Wee. It is scld atall drug stores. ISSUE No, '3•--'�.