Zurich Herald, 1924-06-12, Page 7Pure!
particular people*
No chicoryor any adulterant in
this coice coffee C a
Surnames and Their •Origin
Reale! Origin—English.
Source—An occupation.
Among the medieval English a Lipp-
man was a "leapinan," "lepeman" or
"leepman." . All three', spellings are
to be found in the old 'records. • " You
pi!ght conclude from this • that the
various founders of the Lippman and
Lipman families were celebrated as
\jumpers. Such a conclusion, however,"
'•would be entirely erroneous.
The word "lepe" has been for many
generations defunct in our language,
though the family names derived from
the occupation connected with it are
very much alive and by no means un-,
The "lope" was a form of .basket,
strong but flexible, and in wide use
about the period 'when family names
-,,.began to crystallizefrom. occupations
as swell as other sources.
In an old' Bible, in the parable of the
loaves, and fishes, is found the follow-
ing: "And then eeten and waren ful-
filled and thea taken up that that lefte
of relifs sevens leepis'
It was the usual thing to refer to a
'man by his occupation; as "Roger' le.
Denman" ("the maker of baskets"),
but quite often without even the ar-
'tide, "le," particularly toward the
close of this period, in which common
usage made .the names mere verbal
tags of identification rather than
literal descriptions of occupation.
Raclah Orig in -Irish.
Source—A given name.
You might not even recognize coil as an ,Irish family name, though
if • you run across it in the form of
O'Driscoll the significance of that pre-
fix is clear.
Like virtually all Irish names, it is
the Anglicized form of an ancient clan
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Caine ward from, her former hostess
that her new chambermaid hail eeerch-
e.d for and reooyered the oleck!
The ,Duke's Popular .t onptrolier.
It :hail been with the keenest regret
that the Duke of York has: oonsented`,
to the resignation of Commander Louie
Greig as Comptroller to I L.R,II., ' In
deed, he did so only an condition that
the Cominauder, who is joining ii firm
of stockbro1 ere as a partner, should
remain as adviser to him in financial
Like most of his race --he is a Giae-
gow man—Connnander Greig has a
head for figures, and has been of in-
valuable help to the Duke .in• regafd to
the management of certain trusts.
Mrs, Coolldge's Retort,
Mrs. Calvin Coolldego is noted for
her quick flashes of wit and repartee.
When her husband was fire Presi-
dent and she was meeting the ladies
of the Senate for the first time at their.
luncheon club, over which she was to
preside, the Senators' wives filed by
introducing themselves. When Mrs.'
John B. Kendrick's turn came, she
I'm Mrs. Kendrick, the Junior from
"And I'm Mrs. Coolidge, the fresh-
man from Massachusetts," was her
prompt retort.
name, and this clan name was "O"h-
Edersoeoil," which is something quite PALE, WAN CHEEKS
different in both spelling. and pronun-
ciation from O'Driscoll, though your
English pronunciation of the Gaelic
spelling would probably be wrong, for
that syllable "reed," containing the
Is ,Proof That the Blood is Thin
three vowels was pronounced simply
The clan was founded by a chieftain
named "Pldersceal, who was : the
great-grandson of "Lugaidh MacCon,
the 113th monarch in that line of "high
kings" whose reignsstretched through
virtually 3000 years.
There are no records which show
specially the year in which the clan
was founded, but history gives definite-
ly the reign of this great-grandfather
of the founder, which' was •between the
years 195 and 225 A.D.'
No other medicine gives as great
satisfaction to mothers as does Baby's
Own Tablets. .These Tablets are
` equally good, for the newborn babe or
the growing child and are absolutely
safe. They cannot possibly do harm
-always good. The Tablets are mild
but thorough laxative .which regulate
the bowels and sweeten the stomach
and thus relieve baby of any of the
• minor ills of childhood such as con:
atipation, indigestion, colds, colic, etc.
Concerning them Mrs. Arthur Pillion,
St. Sylvestre, Que. writes:—"Baby's
Own Tablets have- leen of wonderful,
benefit to my baby who was suffering
from constipation and, indigestion. I
always keep the Tablets on hand and
would advise all mothers to • do like-
wise." •''The Tablets aro cold by medi-
cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents"
box from The. Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville,Ont..
Label Them Correctly.
I have seen careless people wash
out a medicine bottle, and without
changing the label refill the bottle
with some entirely different kind of
medicine. Thisis a mighty dangerous
practioe,'•as we are not always on the
job oursleves and it might prove a
very disastrous act to the strangsr who
is helping us out.
Keep Minard's Llntment_in the house.
Caution on Wet Streets.
When driving on wet streets the
clutch should never be released ex-
cept at the last moment to prevent the
engine from stalling. Always apply
brakes gradually.
Tle love of power is natural, in-
satiable and never -cloyed by posses-
It Came True!
The greatest living British musician,
Sir Edward_ Eiger, can look back with
pride and declare that he is practically
self-taught—£3 12s. Gd. was his total
expenditure on instruction, for a fart -
night's tuitionon the violin.
One of Sir Edward's first appoint-
ments was . as bandmaster to a local.
lunatic asylum, where he used tocon-
duct an orchestra composed of the at-
tendints, and'in those days he thought
little of writing a whole score of a
piece for is. 6d.
He tells the story of the time when
he first went to school. The master
asked for his name, and he replied,
"Edward Elgar," whereupon the mas-
ter said: "Add the word 'sir'!"
"Sir Edward Eiger, came the re-
ply. And that unconscious prophecy
came true!
The Missing Clock.
In "My Garden of Memory," Mrs.
Bate: Douglas - Wiggin, the famous
authoress, tells a story of the time
when she was the guest of some
friends, and was kept from sleeping by
the ticking of a clock in her bedroom.
Finally, she had to place the clock
among some blankets in a. drawer.
Leaving early next morning, she for-
got to tell the maid about the clock.
Three months afterwards, in Ger-
many, she remembered it. She would
have cabled, but it seemed bizarreto
say, after an interval of many months:
"Clock buried in guest -room between
blankets in bottom drawer. Impossible
to sleep with it! Forgive!"
Instead, she wrote, and by reply
alp offriusta
for health
Don't refuse the mustardwhenhabit is
passed to you. Cultivate
taking it with meat, especially fat meat.
stimulates the igestion and aids in,
your food.botihroulta.munthe ee ,ts '
3Q. 000 IsLAND:R0uTE
Folder and Time Table showing list of
Resorts, Boating,. Fishing, Camping, etc.
When plaimng your 1924 Vacation
write Boz 862, 1VIidland, Ont. •
• and Impure.
It is the brood that gives color to
the cheeks and lips, as well as bright-
ness to the eyes. If yourblood gets
thin the color will fade and the eyes
grow dim. By the time this happens
you will notice that you tire easily
and are subject, to headaches and
backaches, for the blood: goes every-
where and the entire system feels the,
effects when it becomes thin. Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills contain the elements
necessary to enrich the blood, andthis
better blood strengthens the nerves
and all the organs of the body, brings
a glow of health to the cheeks, bright-
ness to the eyes and a general feeling
of renewed health and strength. Miss
Florence Johnson, Stratford, Ont.,
who has proved the value of Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills in oases of this kind,
says:—"A few years ago I was great'
ly run down; my blood was very poor
and my nervous system in bad shape.
The doctor said my condition was due
to improper diet and lack of fresh air.
I then commenced eating the food he
advised and went out daily for a walk.
I did, not ,improve, however, and was
mush 'discouraged. A friend advised
me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I
Iost no trine: "in getting a, -supply and
can truthfully say that when 'I had
finished the :first box I could note an
improvement. From then on the pro-
gress was steady. My complexion,
which had been pale and sallow, be-
gan to take on a healthy glow, I felt
a great deal stronger and my appetite'
became normal, and soon my health
was fully restored. Before using Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills I did not know
anything about their wonderful quali-
ties, but now I recommend them to all
suffering from similar ailments."
You can get these pills from any
medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents
a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine Co., 'Brockville, Ont.
And Americans Are Motorists, You
"Do you think Americans believe in
their motto, 'In God We Trust?' "
"Don't the motorists drive as if
they do?"
About "Grass Widows."
In the eleventh century in England
it : was a law of the church that a
widow must "remain under God's pro-
tection and grace"—not marry—for a
year after the death of her husband.
Such women were called "Grace Wid-
ows," which often went into the parish
registers tis "grasse widows." This
was the first use of the term.
Of more recent origin, however; is
its recent inelegant adaptation to indi-
cate a divorcee:
In the days or the
Forty-niners in
ifor i'a
C a 11 i a it was not uncommon•
men to "board out" their wives while
they went off to dig for gold. Seeing
humor in the situation, one of them
uniquely referred to the separation as
"'rating his widow out to grass" ---with
reference, of course, to the pasturing
of cattle.
Tlie term evidently .struck what has
been called "the American afflictionof
the funny bone." For applied to the
rapidly inerco,ing number of diver-
t:.ees, "grass widow soon intrenclicd It-
self - in our slang lexicon•---Kansae
City Star.
England Shows Auto Gaihs,
The use of motor cars is increasing
„lowly in England, and the revenue
from licenses also shows Ia< gain, aye
an "Associated Press' dispatch from
London. During the year 1023 a total
of 1,06G,000 licenses were granted, 'at
ifcreese of 132,692 over 1722.
Ask for Mimed b tine take no *thee
Crimos Vinuch Bti le Man
o1V �> Y Police Dogs.
The i7n;.; States, ' Japan, Russia;
Czeelie-Slevakia and many other eoun-
tries lrnport trained G rzpan dogs to
act'as detectives in :;crimivai cases,.
'these dogst1(•*
;e are second to nope In
eeerching• iI b;, bidden things, writes
Dr, Kea eii , } . ' •
stant n
a cel th ern
is tri
ful m
his" re
and th.
fuse` of
liquids omit, or by placing poisoned
meat which might kill the dog if he
were not watched.
Whether stolen goods• are hidden en
land or in the water does not matter
to a police dog. A cow, for instance,
was stolen recently and th epolice dog,
with its policeman leader, was set on
the track. He followed the track to
a suburban garden and found the dead
cow hidden underneath branches:and
straw. Not satisfied' with this dis-
closure, :the dog went on and began to
bark in front - of a shack, where the
two thieves were found, with the blood-
stains 'of
loodstainsof the fresh -killed cow on their.
Ito, the "wonder:dog," found stolen
copper- and lead in a water barrel.
Here alSea.the dog, was not content-
with finding the goods, but discovered
the, thief, who was with his father in
a' garden of , the neighborhood.,
That the splendid police dogs do
their duty even in water is proven by
the stunt Greif did not long ago when
he speeded to Berlin's river harbor to
locate a `stolen tun of oil which the
thieves. had sunk there by means of
ropes and stones.
gaily think that those who drink
Green Tea are more critical judges of
equality Dean those who drink black.
Such would,. seem to be the case, be-
cause some years ago great quantities
of poor quality Japan and China Green
Teas were brought into Canada. The
demand for, this type of tea soon fell
off. Now; however, the ' Much, finer.
quality of ':India and Ceylon Greens,
imported ieetly. s)).y . tile.:,Salade...Tea:
Company, has sharply revived the de-
manli by those who enjoy the distinc-
tive flavor of Green Tea.
The Old Hay Mow.
The old hay row's• the place to play
Per boys,.wh'enit's a rainy day!
I goon deal ruttier be up there
Than down in town •ar anywhere,
When I play in our ;stable loft,
The good old hay's so dry an' soft,
And feels so flne an' smells so sweet,
I 'most ferget to goan' eat.
An' ane time waned: I did ferget
To go to diner •till'twas e
An' they had short` ,cake—an' Bud he
Hogged up the piece _Ma saved for me,
drily 1, 1924, the Berlin
fiart.er: lias had a Con-
+rvicewhich in important
ogs to .the piece, where
eon committed. Ten ex -
in sbepberd dogs, among
ord doge, Wotan and Ito,
:onsists of search, either
a policeman,' The latter
alar and more success -
•:the dog is allowed to
thout being held by a
,eman• is hardly able to
avtor and his, course,
ute much to any dis-
ow, it is almost impos-
an to follow a dog, for
'frequently over roofer
hidden hotels to the re-
criminals hide their
luring gasoline or other
Then I won't let him play ace more
In our hay mow, where.I keep store,
An' gat, hen eggs to sell an' shoo
The cackle -un old hen out ton!
An' 'ned when Aunty she was -here
A visitin' -front Rensalaer,
An' bringed my little cousin -he
Can come up there an' play with me.
An' 'nen when Aunty she was here
'At I can't.tu n no suinmersets,
I let him come •up ef'he can
Ac' halfway like a: gentleman!
--Jae. Whitcomb Riley.
30,000 Miles for An
Mr. P. Loclihart-Mummery, chair-
man of the British Empire Cancer
Campaign, travelled 30,000 miles • to
the forbidden city of-Khatmandu to
perform anoperation on the Mahara-
jah of Nepal
According t member of the party,
the trip was f„'" of incident, The en-
gine athe ext.. a train carrying Mr.
Lockhart -Mums y broke a correcting
rod when tray ng at fifty miles an
hour w h ver, only caused a
slight de91 Iay.
From Raxu
veyed by mot°
ct a river i'utii
ravine. , A' gut
accompanied t;'
Later in f the
transferred hit aikas and carried by
coolies to Mai i. They were again
carried by cook? s the next clay, and
crossed a pass$ the tximalayas.at fin
altitude of 3,00,,
Among the many wayfarers whom
they passedwere men, carrying their
wives strapped on their backs.,
Strangers are not permitted to enter
or leave LCliatmandu except with .the
special permission of the Maharajah.
When seidiiig money by titan use
l)omflnion Express Money Orders.
Safer than •sending bills.
There's; ne worse thief than a bad
[te • party were con -
along the dry bell
the base of a deep
1 awned horsemen
y the party were
7,i ��cqya,drerux-app r
pmol d/let °('iw
Tireredukar (xi1
Chum' wrapper
shapht cram
ea it: emarx «y.
The heavy
• tin tad -...
The heavy
rata//a paper y
to brim' you the full richness
and mellow sweetness of this
"Tobacco of Quality
Manufactured by'
The Right Way to Gather
As every good gardener knows, there
ate a right way and a wrong way of
gathering flowers. In his "Bluebook
of Annuals and Biennials" . Henry
Stuart Ortloff, the landscape architect,
gives a word about the proper way.
"0 word. about outing flowers. A
«harp pair of scissors is the best im-
mplement," he says. "A clean sharp cut
is more readily healed by Nature.
Spare the smelt shots, and branches,
for they are the sources of a later
supply. It is always well to cut an
average amount of foliage with your
flower; and it is always better taste
to use a flower with its own foliage
rather than depend on ferns and other
things for greenery.
"When the flowers are taken in-
doors plunge their stems into a deep
Blah or pail of cold water and let them
stand for a quarter to a half an hour,
or while you are ,collecting the vari-
ous vases and filling them about three
quarters full of fresh water. When
You have selected your blooms., befare
you take them from the water, snip
off the ends_ of the stem with your scis-
sors while they are strtll under water.
"The season' -for thIa is' that while the
flower has been in .the open air with
a cut stem a large amount of air has
entered the stalk and so does not per-
mit water to flow readily up the stem
ae it should."
Much Worse.
"I read where your wife was drawn
on the jury. I reckon she's goin' to
claim exemption from jury service be-
cause of house and nursemaid work,"
said Hi Hagglefence, who had dropped
in to argue politics with his favorite
"No," replied Lafe Sprybody, recov-
ering the baby's rattle, with a deep
sigh. "She's going to claim exemp-
tion from housework and nursemaid-
ing because of jury service."
No Such Disease.
Reporter—"To what do you attri-
bute your longevity?"
Oldest Inhabitant --"My what?"
"Your longevity."
"As fax as I can remember I ain't.
never liad such. a complaint."
Say "Bayer" - Insist!
For Pain Headache •
Neuralgia Rheumatism
Lumbago Colds
cife",,,,,„ Accept only ib
Whin contains proven directions
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 700—Druggists
Aspirin le the trade mark (registered in
llamada) of Bayer Manufacture of Moue
eeeticeeidester or Sa1ierneueid
Spread liniment on browns paper
and apply to throat; also .inhale,
Special Stamps Destroyed.
The entire special lssue of Japanese
postage stamps which was to com-
memorate the Crown Prince's wedding
was destroyed in the great earthquake.
Classified Advertisements
ING $50 to $100 a week taking
orders for all -wool, made -to -measure
clothes at $25, delivered anywhere in
Canada: Also Ladies' suits, dresses,
Boys' suits and raincoats. Finest
selling outfit. Exclusive territory;
commissions paid daily. We deliver
and collect. Write Pioneer Tailoring
Company, 33 St. Catherine St. West,
Montreal, Que.
Qi !N trou1ci::l Lrd�Yfd�o R tr,
heti you can Preemie a
Clean, Condeem
®p 1 RyEs Use Murine Eye Remedg
B! Night and Morning. "
eau Eyes Clean, Clear and Healthy.
Write for Free Eye Care Book.
Olen Ere Remetl8Ro..BEasitih a,E,et%Calcee,-
In Pimples Between Knee
and Ankle. Itched Badly,
Cuticura Healed.
" I was troubled with eczema for
three or four years. It broke out in
pimples between my knee and ankle
and itched badly, especially at night.
The irritation caused me to scratch
and the scratching caused eruptions.
•' I sent for a free sample of Cuti-
cura Soap andOintment and it helped
me. I purchased more, and after
using one cake of Cuticura Soap and
three boxes of Cuticura Ointment I
was healed." (Signed) Miss Alice
Clark, Marshfield,Vt., July 16,1923.
Keep your skin clear by using
Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tal-
cum for every -day toilet purposes.
Touch pimples and itching, if any,
with Cuticura Ointment. Bathe with
Cuticura Soap and hotwater. Dry and
dust lightly with Cuticura Talcum.
Semple nett Pree b7 Man. Address Canadian
Depot: .0atioara, P. 0. Boz 2618, Montreal."
Price. Soap 1164t. OIntmaat25and 68c. Talcum 25c.
ear Try our new Shaving Stick.
Weak and Nervous. Made
Well by Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Virebbwood, Ont.—" I was in a very
weak and run-down nervous condition,
always tired from the time I got up
until I went to bed. Sleep did not rest
me at all. My sister recommended
Lydia E. Piilkham's Vegetable Com-
pound to me and others told me about
it, but it was from my sister's advice
that took it.on
Itdid not take lone'
until 'felt
stronger, rt headaches left
me and my appetite came back to me.
I am a farmer's wife and have many
things to do outside the house such as
milking, looking after the poultry, and
other chores. I heartily recomrnend the
Vegetable Compound to all who have the
same trouble I had, for it is a fine medi-
cine for women.—Mrs Louis F. ELsAS-
snxt, Hillcrest Tarin, Webbwood, Ont.
Another Nervous Woman Finds Rene(
Port Huron, Michigan, —"I suffered
for two years with pains in my side, and
if I worked very much I was nervous
and; just as tired in the morning as when
I went to bed: 1 was sleepy all the day
and didn't feel like doing anything, and
was so nervous l would hi to my tinges
trails. One of my friends told me about
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound, and it helped me so much that 'f
soon felts ne, "—Mrs. CITA:nee BEn z,En,
1101 -14th St., Port Huron, Mich,
Women who suffer from any+,., feminine
ailment should try Lydia E. l'inkhana's
Vegetable Compound.
iSSUi , No. 23.-1 ,