Zurich Herald, 1924-06-12, Page 4GIIiC>ec $I$«)7 Thursday .June 12thi out rned We have already turned many seen. Smart NewSuits, Haveyou, them 11i1.VE YOU NOTICED THE 'NEW FABRICS WE ed.RE DISPLAY- 4alitit HAVE YOU. NOTICED THE CHARACTER, WE ARE PUTT:- Ott .INTO. OUR SPRING SUITS'? HAVE YOU NOTICED HOW b.L THEY FIT? WHEN SOME OF YOUR FRIENDS TELL YOU, • SUITS WERE MADE BY WUERH c CLOSELY. NOTICE EVERY DETAIL ABOU'.r THEM. THE f"d.''S'I,,T , THE FIT, THE LINING TEE FINISH IS DIFFERENT, CUSTOMERS ARE PROUD'.OF THE CLOTHES WE TURN OUT 41POR THEM, THEY LIKE TO COMPARE OUR CLOTHES WITH sitlTHER MAKES. IF YOU ARE NOT •ALREADY ACQUAINTED‘ VenTH O13R CLOTHES ASK. SOME OF YOUR FRIEN'DSi ABOUT THEM "VIIVEY WILL GLADLY PUT, 'YOU .WISE THAT WE KNOW HOW TO 'AXE CLOTHES AT REASONABLE PRICES. AiirE ALSO DO DRY CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING. YOU WILL LIKE OUR WORK .1 Wuerth, Tailor, Zurich 1924 Convention Tuesday June 17 'THE HURON COUNTY SOCIAL VIERVICE COUNCIL WILL HOLD 'Q.IEIR ANNUAL CONVENITION IN i'SLEY CHURCH, CLINTON ON .., :The General Executive Cornmitte vatioisting of the Officers, the Mun- • al Chairman and .Ministers, will '`ineeet. at 10 a.rn. and the general bion will begin at 1.30 p.m.,when :Vile regular business of the Conven "Mian will be discussed, prominent a- 'among which willSepreparation for Able coming plebiscite. Supper will be served in the ch- ''aaxeeli at 6 o'clock, to befollowed i44ey Mort addresses.y:. The evening meeting will begin yak 8 o'clock and be addressed by --imminent ;speakers. All Church and Social Service organizations . are urged to send -age delegations. A. I•RWINt President. 1 R. Willie,; Secretary. :. Te COOPER, Clinton,' '�-•... .. Peci ... Secret arA WOOL aighest Prices Paid ac- cording to quality CASH OR TRADE ALL WOOL BLANKETS, YARNS AND WOOL BATTS. aH, ORDERD PROMPTLY FIL- LED. ainhone or write for prices to t17 lefOlewton Woollen Mills' NEWTON -- ONT. H. C. WAGNER, Proprietor. Vie Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallion CUMBERLAND STEEL `• 22070- (18309) ilteareltnent No. 5698,' Approved Forth l 1; will stand ,for the improvem- 'a.'xel t of stock this season at HIS OWN ST.A.BLE, HENSALL. Cumberland Steel is 'one of the -beet stock horses that ever crossed Vie water and was imported by the Vie TY J. Berry) who, as everyone ,news, never handled anything but to best 'money cotit1d buy. neatock was never beaten in the show ming in England and he has been tally successful as a sire here. e stood an premium horse for a ars` in one district before coni- bag to this country at a 'service' 4ee. of $100, ''Ii,1ERMS--!To insure -$13:00; if paid. `*MV' Feb. 1st, 16925 $11.00 tyaag,era- -. 3'.. B Simpson and V reJ B ngough, Here and There For the first time inOntario an attempt will be made this spring to organize a voluntary egg pool. Ar- rangements for the undertaking have been completed by the United Farmers' Co-operative Company, and it is hoped to cohtrol absolutgl_y the egg market in the province. During the year 1923, 3,380tourist automobiles entered the province of Nova Scotia, the Land of Evangeline, according to the annual report of the Nova Scotia Tourist Commission. Altogether 63,000 tourists abated ted the province and distributed a sura eatimated at 36,000,000. A picked detachment of an offi- cer and tenemen of the Royal Cana- daig -Mounted Police recently cress - ed the Atlantic on the Canadian Pa- cifie liner Melita. Their duty will be to guard the Canadian exhibits at the British Empire Exhibition, The Exhibition and buildings coat about $200,000,000. A chain of factories stretching across Canada will be established by the Dominion Tar 'and • Paper. Company, sponsored by •En hsh in- terests: 'This eras announced by_the Earl of'Dunutoro, V -O,, and Slat Harold "Batten, after --e. -' t0flaaa b - at~e alre secured in Montreal, Winnipeg; Vane cguver and Toronto. - Canada's trade balance is being steadily maintained, for according to the February returns,fjust issued, the imports for that month,- w}tfc'h totalled $62,133,882, showed a •. • de- crease of $3,1730814, from the same month last year, while the reports for February this year, totalling 367,274,543, showed an increase of • 39,618,382. Hon, George H. Henry, Ontario minister of public works and high- • ways, has announced a change en the method of financing the planting of trees along public highways. In- stead of sending out its own work- men, he says, the Government has a scheme whereby farmers planting trees in front of their own property will be bonused so much per tree for .planting. Over $1,000 has teen paid by the Province of New Brunswick in wild cat bounties since the commence- ment of the present fiscal year. Al- ready approximately 400 claims for •the $3 bounty offered forach ani- mal have been handled by the chief game warden's branch of the Depart. went' of Lands: and Forests, as corn - pared with the 51 claims matlb iii 1923, following the bounty offer passed by the legislature in that year. ' • 11tr. and. Mrs, II, Bic1t and family of Ingersoll visited with Mr. and Mrs, ,a Stade. Mr, Czar Steiuhhgen of the Can. Bank of Connn<eree°has, been trans- ";'erred to Kitchener. M. and Mrs, Bierenson and daughter Leona, and Miss Ella Zimmer of Detroit, visited,*,with Mr. and Mrs. Zimmer 1 ' t week Mr. and Mrs.; Kimgpp spent Saturday in Kite nt"4' Mr. Moffatt ha . nBFr misfortune of 'spraining his k r adpwhile play- ing football at a:efield last week. t a $l:. Children's Day l' nd An•- ` laserv.ed in the Evangelica ^ of agora School on. June 15th at 1 a,"wicl;. h;i Inr the evening Rev. Dr :irligliyeeliton, will occupy the thu _....,.ilrght leave STANLEY hoar,butip. fore :al? A wedding of much interest wads solemnized at the. Presbyterian manse, Bayfield, at high noon on Tuesday, June 3rd, when Mi'ss Eva L. Dewar, only daughter, of Mr. George Dewar, was united, in mar- riage to Mr. Will Talbot, 'son of Mr. and Mrs, W!. H. Taalbot both of Stanley Township :Rev. ` Mc- Farlane perforihedt he 'cereinony: The bride was charmingly gowned in sand 'silk', georgette, With hat to march and bore a corsage -of lily of the valley and fern.-fter eon gratulation!st, the. young' ;couple left int heir new Maxwell coach for Ni- agara, Buffalo, Detroit and other points. The many friends ,of the youngcouple join -in. wishing them many years of happineSa and pros- perity, and on their l etir'n will take up house -keeping on the farm on the Sauble Line which -the ,gr o no purchased • from Mr. Geo. Dewar.: Mr. and Mrs. Jas: Arriretrong and family, wb'o reside he Saskatchew- an are visiting at present at the home of the fcrmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Armstrong. Mr. and Mr.s : Herb punkin, for- merly of Stanley, but' no*. of Salk atoonl, Sask.. ,are v'i'siting friends and relatives around lore Messrs. Fred and :Russel .Austin of Flint, Mich!,, •are visiting at the parental home in ,Varna.., . Quite a number motored to God- erich on Monday night`' to take in the moonlight excursion ;.on the Greyhound. BAYFIELD The funeral took place last Tu- esday afternoon of Mrs. Edward T.. Page of Detroit. 'Her }iaideni nam was Ellei'i; F. McLeod, who: the dau- ghter of the late Hugh -1 cLeod, of Bayfield, and was born.. here. Aug- ust 22nd, 1884, •ShO died, in Detroit after n. ' `very brief illness; and; . is survived .by her husband, four brothers, atn1.ed two d T ,w,ls 4 R U nfiol a r . C A. 'number- of cottages are in course of erection iand prospects aiet hat several. more ;will be built this 'season, Mr.. McMillan's -is' 'a .bout completed, it • being 'started last • fall. : Miss Nora Ferguson has return-' ed.from .a visit in Loncifen. Mr. and Mrs.' Dymond -from De- troit •motored over and 'viaited.Mr. and Mrs. Tippet. Jaynes Ferguson has taken a position. in London Robert Parkinson :i isiaway.. ]n New York State. . CREDITON' Rete. D, McTavish is 'attending 'Conference • at Windsor. Mrs. R. English • og Kitchener' is ;visiting at the home of 1. Enginhel Chris. Rau who• hoe -been: laid up for some the is• able to be la- round again with . the aid of Brut I r, and Mrs J. K. Eilber, at- tended the funeyeel of Mrs. Eilberls aun;- in'mei-new. H. Eilber is at present con fin- ed to his bed with rheumatism, sand hope for a speedy recoi-ery. , The tool shed ori the township's lot hes been, coara,pleteled and Gt. Eifiber is paint -mg Mrs. 0;. Brown, accompanied by her son and daughter are visiting. .tut the home of Mr. and XI'S. H. fill Witter. The fiu>leral of the late Robert Sweet took: place filial the hoarse of hie daughter, Mrs. R. Hill, to the Exeter cemetery on Sunday last, the fiuneral beinglargely attended. Harrison Holzman, of Detroit, visited 11,,frs. H. Holtzman and Mit and Mr is.Jo;'s )hist .and his mo- ther foil a few ds,ys. Mr. and Mrs. Dyer of Detroit, visited in the village best week. HENSALL. Mrs. Paul Russell, of St. Pauls, Minn., who was here visiting her mother, 3Tra, J. Caldwell, has ret - Dr. Colin Fletcher was in Owen Sound last week, attending the General ,Assembly, T. Murdock, who has been off duty for a week, is much improved Russell McKay, second son of Wm. McKay of the village, is the recepienyt of a $141 s,cho'arship wh- ich he recently won at the London Medical College. Ales. 111urdock, accompanied by Mies Ethel Murdock, Mrs. Geo. Scott and Miss Katie Scott, mot- ored to Brantford last week to visit relatives. Mrs. Whitesides an,d little daughter Jean, of. Hamilton, are visiting Mr and Mrs. A. Whitesides, The C.N.R. are going to have some beautyspots or flower beds ,opposite the depot . on the west side. Vera' Geiger is visiting friends in Bridgeport. A 'nomination will he held soon to nominate a . candidate for. the Council to take the place of the late Hugh McDonald. A meeting' of the Liberals of S. Huron was held in the 'Town Hall Hansa%l, on Wednesday June 4th, Mr. Duncan Marshall addressed the large audience present. . Plans are being drawn'up for the re -modelling of the old :school and the addition of a new room. The -work will commence as !soon ast he 'summer Vacation starts. Wrn. and Ada Gram, of Lansing Mich., :visited, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs., Geo. Grim. Mr. and Mrs. R. Keys of 'Flint, Mich., arevisiting Mr. and Mrs. E. Parker. A tramp who was inthe: village on Sunday making himself a reg- ular nuisance was arrested. on Sun- day evening by Chief Whitesides and locked up, he had a bottle of rubbing alchol in his pocket, from which he occasionally refreshed him 'self, - He was taken to Goderich where he will 'be a guest of. jailer Reynolds for ten days. EXETER Jahn' Hunkin has,., been awarded the:_.cantcace ;:,a 'new..bridge on the 4th•`cor‘ 'of Stanley. Me, and Mee. 3. C. Horton tend. Children of Calgary, are visiting here for a few weeks. Mrs. ' W( FL Doerr and son ret- urryed from a visit ,With .• lier par- ents at Mitchell. .Sonne oft he sports of town[, fancying a real hunt at the big rabbits next winter, got a' flue •th- otougbbred English greyhound fry om a' Galt dealer. Rev. WL E, Donnelly, C. P. Hooper, T, Harvey, .Ja~i, ;H:erta, . at-, tended the funeral of the late Rev ;MeAllieter at Galt, Mrs, Well. John fell from 'au'step ladder, while at her household du.- (ties u-,ties aid !sueitane(I a severe hea- lth*. up, '. e. Me. and Mrs, C. *Way, ado. by Mrs. Jack Routledge,, who has been pirsitin;g her parents, motored to Dutton Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Keet1e re- turned to e-turnledto Exeter, the for7arer who re Gently underwent an operation in g ictori24 Hospital, Lonidon, ids im- provin Gordon) Appletob has returned to his duties as butcher with H ,Rivera/after a few week's abeen!ce. i Beni3O'Neil, a former resident of Exeter, who at one time .conducted la private bank in the building g oe .cupied • by Gladm�ai>, & Stanburyl, ' died at Niagara -on .the+ -lake and ' was buried at Luean. Editor 3, M. Southcott of the Exeter Times, and R. N. ;Creech , accompanied by his. wife, of the Exeter Advocate, are leaving this week on an extended trip through Europe. . COUNTY NEWS The town of Goderich plan- ning is lin- ming to, erect a new Town Hall,. • Twio blocks o fthe new street ;pavement ir>i Seaforth were roped off last Tuesday evening for a street dance. I R. Cockburn Hayes, junior near ler of the le,grtl firm of Hays & ,Hays, Goderich, has been' appoin- ted solicitor for Huron County Co- unci)„ to succeed his "father, w -ho o had served in that vapacity for 25 years. Mrs. Jas, Wallace of ,Tuckersm- ith Tp,, diiewd in Seaforth hospital' ,on IV'iay 261h, £ollowing an opedat., inn the previous 'day. $he[ was ee yregrs of age Thw enterprising eitizen's of qrandi. Bond' can now boast of an electric, street lighting laystem, the power being generated at Mr. Brenner% garage', and was switched on the first time!, 4a;st Saturday tri Thede arai fifty-one large lights s in-- stallled:" and the, village is well'ser- ' ed in' the capacity of light. ' At vleriy `pretty .tven't: took place, aft title', hone of M. and Mrs W(e1 . Skinner, ' when Lillie ,Mao, daughter of Mr. aJnel Mee, J, Heywood of. Iflmvillel, wais united in marriage to Errrjest J. Faster, of Granton, whiclgc w,ia 's'solernnired a I,high noon on, Junfe 4tlt in the presence of about• 75 guest Rev, E, Livingstoni pas tor of E1mville Methodist church, of jiciate'fl, ; Thiel body of a new-born infant Was rece d nitly[ found „in a cardboard"' ixox 'itnl the yard, of Frank Rarnibl'y;. county constable at Staffa. Atr the inquest Henry :Harburn )admit •ted-°thiatl her, with two Ather your* men, Wilbert Chappel and Lloyd Elliott, had placed: the box in the yard?, saying that he .foundit int the ovein! of 'a coal oil stove athha hIonte, btu' -could -sot explain thea; it got thiere. Hambly told of finite. ding the box, calling neighbors to )see itg and informing . the coronet of the finding. The London -Granton stage 'ro... ute which' has ibeenl in opera.tione fdr about half a century, wannli'se. continued recently and the resid-- eats between the two point's aree greatly disappointed. Thie deei'-.- sion to discontinue the !service Wain imade when the post office notifi- ed the stage owner that the mails ,which were 'being carried, ,would be dlsipatch d another sway. With: out income from carrying the mails the service would' not be isufficienn. tly profitable. *+++++++++++++44÷4.4444+++++++++++++++++++++++++++4* 4. 4' 4 li d' Earm Machnery14. 4.1 4. ▪ HAS . ADVANCED . IN 'RICE 4. AND THE ,MACHINE COMPANIES WANT INTEREST ON THE ; 4' CUSTOMERS' NOTES. WE HAVE A FEW PIECES IN STOCK te 1 WHICH WE WILL SELL AT LAST YEARS' PRICES, ALSO LESS INTEREST. IT WILL PAY YOU - TO SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY. FOLLOWING ARE THE GOODS ON HAND AT LAST -YEAR' PRICES TO MAKE ROOM FOR -GARAGE WORK. 1 Wagon 1 DeLaval Cream Separator 1 Bissell Disc Harrow 1 Peter Hamilton Cultivator 2 Fleury Walking plows ,t. 1 riding plow 4* • 1 tractor plowa it $110.00 THESE ARE ALL NEW GOODS. GARAGE! GARA,C>rE! Mr. Peter I� f ��:- et ro f mechanic • "GENUINE FORD PARTS" "always in stock L. A. Prang, it Zurich Ont. • b *41O+4.4'4'4'•++•++4.4.4»t•+•i +-e++ .4 +++ Positively' the best. tires at any price ES OLDEN. ka p� S Made by Ames Holden Tire & Rubber Co. Limited, Kitchener, Ont,. Test them 'with 'any other tires under any condition and rarnpare fhe 11 . L. A. PRANG Zurich's Leading Tire Shop GAS — ACCESSORIES ' . OIL • mss! r ^:;CIsa€+ aka.' BRITISH EMPIRE EXHIBITION AT WEMBLEY' From left (it;back),'the Stadium, Canadiatt P.aciwfic.Rtiildi ig,, Canada, Australia, Th4nOristatioetttal Lake,. PalliteseedEtegineerheilandielathe fore entre itette ifaebear lridlei;-., ' oufd •