Zurich Herald, 1924-05-22, Page 5are. will eek, via reit let ityn 4. 4 4 1004.4*,P0PAt itt**4;i4t6;* • ThUrsday S1ay 22nd, 1924 • BUSINESS CARDS lioroudfoot, 'Clitoral.) It HOLMES, -BarrAsters, Soliv;Lors, Notaries, Publii, Etc, Office on the Sauale. Intl door from Hamilton St.. God - Private funds to loan at Proudfoot, j. L. Killoran D E. Holmes, i. Holmes will be in Hensall on Friday of each week, Andrew IP. Hess, Township Clerk Ifinrster of. marriage licenses, NotarY ablic, COMMiSS101181", Fire and Aut- 4inobile Insurance. Representing Aaron and Erie Mortgage Corpora - Oen, The Canada Trust Co. Zurich, 'Ontario. Dr. G. L. Smith (Toronto.) D.D.S4Chicago) DENTIST AT WALPER ITOUSI?i, ZURICH, EVEEtY WEDNESDAY MAIN OFFICE - HENSALL ,,aranwasactamr OSCAR ICLOPP ' Graduate Carey M. Jones Nat- ional School of 1tioneeriflg. Try me for Registered Live Stock IJLII Breeds). Terms in' keeping -with prevailing prices. Choice farms for sale. Will sell anything Wiry'Where. Thome 18-93 or write, Zurich. 'Licensed Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer for County of Huron. In a position to con- duct any auction sale, regardless *a. to, size or articles to sell. Solicit your business, an a if not aatisfied will make no charges for services. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood, Phone 13-57 Zur ARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna $aus..ages, etc 'Highest Cash Pince for Wool CASH FOR STUNS TIMES l'ung'olut SL, DeicheTt • ZURICH LIVER 17 / I am in a position to accomo- tlate all requirements in the Livery Vaine, have Auto for hire. Any - Thing dote in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL 'Phone 58 Zurich ,IMINIMIN•••• ' 8. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College t%.ntal Surgeons of Ontario and the University of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No. One, London,Ont Oce hours at Zurich. every Main Office, Exeter. Phone 34. At Zurich every TUESDAY phone, 79 -19 tweesecouhustmookawommasu na.ceamere--arr.+••awsur VE P T WANTED 46eakee every day till 3 Oclock pan. Do not feed fowl carne morning rieheei brought in, Highest Cash Prices - —CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs VV. O'Brien Phone 94. Zurich '41 V • SEASON 1924 -SP.RING AND SUMMER DELIVER- IES ANTHRACITE -We are now re- teiving our genuine Delaware & nuason direct from the mine's, Nut Steve and Egg, sizes. SOFT COAL -Jost arrived, an - tether car of our high grade soft. Mils coal has made a great hit for household use and our sales of this leave over doubled in the last sea- ,tota BOTTLETS-Our Boulet Coal is Ulaie in, a -class by itself and ie gr - lowing in favor rnpidly. OUR Telephones' 'are at your eservice, Use them freely for in- )ent.,4674.e. ctir OAi & PRODUCE -MERCHA,NT one °thee 10w. House to, HENSALL ON1%, PVT YOUR Wants, For Salle, Lost. Found.Notiee.Ete.Ads IN THIS .COLUMN FOR SALE I11 Yorkshire pigs, bacon type, 5 weeks Old. Apply to Bruce Walker, Phone 20-99; R. R. No, 1, Zurich. . . --.......-,------ FOR SALE A building 12x16, well finished inside, Would make a fine kitchen garage or chicken house. Phone 87-1. L. N. Denomy. tf42 • NOTICE. ..;The Inspector of the local I3oard of Health advises all peo- ple in, the Township of Hay to clean all barns, pig stables, out- houses, etc., by May 15th, when he will make his annual inspection of such .places. C. Either, Inspeeton. NOTICE. Any person wishing to dig a trench under any 'sidewalk on the streets of Zurich, must first obtain permission to do so from the Pol- ice Trustees. Zurich Police Trustees 43-2 • 11 11' H U 1, • A„: NEWS •FLIES AND UYE Sf Cit • Miss Matilda Johnston; is visit,: ing, friends in Kitchener,' Miss Ortha Melick was a Week- end visitor at Creditoon. Miss Grade Kellerman of Dab - wood spent the week -end withMies Dorothy Fritz, Mrs, 3, Wing, of Kitchener snent the week -end with her moth.er, Mee, P, Hauchl, Mr. L. W. Roffman has purchsiS ed a used Ford touring :car from. iMr. L. A. Prang dealer. Mr. Oliver Johnston of Goderich snent Tuesday with his brother, Mr. Thomas Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. T. T,, Wurne and Miss Vera Siebert were visitors to London on Thursday. Mr, and Mrs, 3. A. Meyers and daughter Peggy, of London, are emeeding a few days_ with friends here, Miss Elizabeth Rennie, who lige been visiting in New Hamburg and Kitchener the past month:, has re- turned home. Mr. and Mrs. A. Go]len and ens, Mr. and Mrs.. Brown of Greenway visiOd Mr. McAdams' on Sunday on the Bronson. Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Basil -art and Mr. and Mrs, Moses Schultz of near Badem visited friends on the :Broil-. son Line the past week, As there is nothing doing here - ;••• •this Saturday, MO 24th, people will have the opportnnity of going elsewhere and enjoy the sports. FOR SALE Royal Purple Petered Rock pul- lets eight week sold "none better on the nontinant" at $15 per dozen. deliver' June 1st, 10% of pur- chase price with order to be refun- ded at our expense if orders can- not be filled.. Balance C.O.D. Un- less orders for at least fifteen doz- are received, none will he sold, All orders must be in by May 23rd. J. E. McKinley, R.R.1, Zurich. R'v, Father A, Stroeder, Mr. and Ikks. 0. T. Smith and Miss Irene Lipphardt motored to London on. huTrsday afternoon. :Weasel sere I these days find !are seen tacked village. Mr. ; and Mrs. a common 1 numerous cards up around /the Eh Boshart and children of ;Bedell and Mr. Anrew Kiper of New Harribuieg were re- . cent visitors on the. Bronson Line. FOR SALE A barn 20x40 feet, good solid frame and lumber. For particul- ars apply to Jacob Deichert, 'Zur- ich. tf-44 _ • FOR SALE Just received a carload of Mapi Leaf, 111 spring wheat flour. Louis Schilbe, Phone. 3-93. In renewing your subscriptions for your daily and weekly papers iemembor the Herald Office is agent for mostof them and in some eases can save you as much as 50 cents on a single subscript - Tuxedo Chatterless AUTO OIL 11'0111'0RD CARS. 017 ARAN !TED TO STOP THE CHAT TERING OP BANDS. L. A, PRANG, Zurich. Sold Be tf18 Scranton Coal Chesnut and Furnace Sizes. Soft coal of highest. quality. GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND Case & Son PHONE 35 EENSALL -17 Dr. H. H. COW -EN L. D. $t, D. D. S. ,DENTAL SURGEON •At McCormick Blocls, ehirinh, ev- ery Thursday aAtzTLE/13'S HEIRS and Sa tale y. Main Office BLOCK, DASHWOOD WANTED . *••••••••••*• One. • Missing Heirs are being sought throughoo I. the world, :Untie, people are. toady living in comparatiee poverty alio are really rich, but do not knOW it., You may be one of tbena. Send for Index Book. -"Mis- sing Heirs and Next of Kill," con- taining .carefuily authenticated lists of Missing heirs and unclaimed eat- ateS which have boon advertised Por here and abroad, The Index of Missing Heirs we offer tor sale centaine 'thousands of narnr.`s 'which have .appeared in American, Can- adian, English. Scotch, 'Welsh, Geri man; French. 'Belgian, Swedish, in dime, Colonial: and other newsp- apers, Refereed by lawyersmoat- ozrs, administrators. Also contii-i ,ixisellat of English and Irish Courts! of Chancery and 'unclaimed divid- ends list of Bank of England„ Your enierio or atone 'anoestor's may be in the Het. Send $1.00 (one.doller) at once for book. Mr. jecoh Fniberee, who spent the wintnr months at Toronto, haS returned to 'Zurich and is assisting his two brothers here in; the bee business, 'err. and Mrs, A. Moritz and fam- of Guelph spent the. -week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ct Fril.z, also Mr. Moritv's mother, Mrs. P. Hauelf. At. a meeting held in Clinton on Tnestlav evening, a • Huron Badeteill League was organiZed,re- ,presentatives being present from different quarters of the county. • Rev. Peter Zehr wifn, and daufeh ter. and Mrs. pen Wader and wife and two chldren 'East Zora, vis- ited on the broneon Line • oveert T ) day, white here Rev. Zehr pr - ea al. two 'eery. suering seeinons in the Amish Mennonite church. Mr .W H. Donne the hydro Supt, as,ested by h`.3 •stef from Reefer and' an expert from Toronto, had the meters tested in the Town Hill on Tuesday. It is a aniline; of the Hydro Commission that all nimt be tested at lenst once 11 every five years. Tho deep water well in front o tho residenee of W. C. Callfos, hos berm filled up with ground by hl villages trustees. The roorf had becomp. defective and was hnrl'vsel'e ' walk oven, to it was decided to close it up with gr- ound -a fine place also to dispose oi old tin can,s etc. Our Village Fathers are again nententolating of putting up the silent Policeman at the tatceseetion of the Goshen Line and Zurich Rd. ,Th's 'a usually 1 very remjneted plane with traffic, and ia 41 grent oonventence to auto ne noN ofir%y ichic,IP drivers, esnecielly to those who observe those rules. 7',/ay 21 L h, 1.1 rs, 47/•,•.• is PIE next public iInI1. and as a consequenee all lauenee,; oi- reen Zileich ;will he cloeed, half-holidny on Threeidny ternoon will not be observed tills' week, and the pirices fr" nriselese will be open on Friday evon'ope, country people n"• t.) do .1:114' . The weather man hos1-4i tl."4 ratlines cold -vet and weather the past wok. 1%7iir - hies. nUerneon and fesen•ae or fine snow was witreaneel. th:' early risers ohs!)r•vr.. frost every morning. Surely af- ter the 24th it will pet r."""10e. Porawrs are complaining of run- ning out of feed for their stook, as the vase has mede little growth, -Despitwe all the ag%tation t() tete Canadian coal, official figures show that the Dominion is yearly more • and more dependent upon the 'Un- ited States for its fuel sonply. For the year ending Feb. 19P2, 'Cnnada imported 17,097,468 tons of coal, evil -- 11,085,408 were bituminions and 4,- 111..047 anthracite, vainrid at $80,- 200;815. Our 'exportsfor the 'same • period wewre valued at $13,350,856; INTERNATIONAL CLAIM AGENCY, Dept 262 PITTSBURGH, Mr, Lee O'Brien, manager and proprietor of th' local skating rink and bowling green, Wishes to ad- ViSe such interested in the fine. sport of bowling that the green will be ready for bowling on june lst, and is in fairly good condition considering the rather bankward , ;spring. Bowling is one of 'Can- ada's most popifee artmmer •Sports a Wee sefnahle scl,.!..)4 and peop'e inter est01 thnre;0 IshOuldaV-. ail themselves of thiS fine 1. oppor-i flow to 13ring Relief to Farm Animals In Summer. 00seriPtion of the Stable lely—The , Treatment Usually OlVered—Othei Remedies Suggested — Stitch Threshing Has Advantages. Wontribotee by Ontario Department 01 AKri co I to re, Toronto.) The fly is a destroyer oe profits The annoyance that the various types or live stock suffer from this caus( during the summer period can be da termined with fair accuracy and :a • pressed as loss in pounds of milk. •Pounds of pork 'or work not done Animals get no rest from month*. until night. The worry is greaoe. during the period of greatest ligie and temperature, Description of the Fly, The common sta,bla, fly, also knka, Stomoxys Calcitrans, resemb..,. the common house fly in size shaPe. The stable fly bites inuen harder, giving quite a sharp eting. he is also a blood sucker and a very Pul- ststent tease. Tthin skin novenae, the legs, flanks and abdomen of canee and horses is the area they attar,. • when bent on satisfying their thinee and hunger. At other times they mad rest quietlhe y -on tanimal's back or on the stable wall. Any person who has to milk cows during the summer period is well acquainted with the 'annoyance that these little creatures can create. And when the stahle is ably assisted by the house i1 ana the born fiy, both the tow and the milker have anything but a pleasant time in their endeavors to be at least half. efficient in milk production. he •stable fly breeds principally in decay- ing refuse, horse manure, rotting straw—materials that are too fro- 'quently found quite close to the farin buildings during the summer period when it is possible to keep them at a distance, The Treatment Usually Offered. • To prevent the stable fly from an- noying animals, providing darkened stables, pens, sheds 01'sh othershelters in which the animals can retreat is a Sp good practice. raying or brushing the animals fever with liquid ny pellants is also adeised. There is no repellant of very enduring efficiency, but a number of such now in Coin:don use are worth while even if. their effect is so short as to requiro unily or twice a day application. This may seem a lot; of work, but a man with an auto spray holding two gallons of liquid can go over a line, or twenty cows in five minutes. A successful :preparation that can be used as a spray is made by mixing the follow- ing— s„..40.tindry. soap. 4 qts. oil a tar: 41,L. (its: coal tar dip. 3 qts. coal oil. 4½ qtS. trsh oil. 3 qts. whale oil. .DISsolve the laundry soap in water and• then add the other ingredients and more water to make 30 gallons of spray. Additional Treatment Suggested. Poisons and 'traps are sometimes used and can be Made very etiicient agents in stable fly control if used with ordinary intelligence and thor- oughness. Formaldehyde is one of the best poisons to use in de- struction. Mix two ounces of for- maldehyde with 1% quarts of milk, sweeten with brown sugar, and place 111a window where the flies emigre - gate, In stables and pig pens pro- perly 'darkened, ono window way be bort Uncovered to provide the ones- ea.ry light to attract the files to the poison dish. If aim stable wandii at the beginning of the season pro- vide shelves on which to place poison dishes high enough up to be oat of the way -and where there is light, keep the same replenished from day oday with formaldehyde, milk and igar, and see that all other mots- ! re IS covered up, millions of flies i, -an be destroyed with little effort. gL1#!4.1v4.t. clean up daily to prevent Cite pest increasing by breeding is 'y- necessary to control: in factn is title use in trying to P0180 11 trao flies if we are so shiftless and •:1,-.11). of sanitary condition,: as to them. to breed whoi,?h sa., up is the first and last word -.„11211 ,fiy control.—L. StereeCOD. • Extension, O.A. College, .Leorrds show that it cot;ts tile etor a little More to stack his • je told thresh it front the stack Cn.o.1 it does -to thresh directly from "The cost of th'reshing Won, it. Wrestling :from the stack +an thl; cost of threshing in tic 1i'1, hut 'When the coat of Stack!n..:. .n,Ust be taken into con.,Id it. 11, is added, the cost of stacking and threshing from the stack is a tit lie nigher. To offset this, however, On". straw and grain are usually of a b!,tter quality, Considerablo loss is to" result from leaving grain in the shock a while waitinv for die threshing' m acrrine, Especc.:Ily 18 _III, true if wet weather Furthermore, it grain is stacked ta, ;7 OM as it ie.& 111 0480 of Wet W 1. 1 plOW can be started. a...aud1ng any length of time en ,oeded 'to grass kill out the Oonsequently in fields of WI inne lie grain Should be threshed or eine'll- ed as early es, possible. iaii Thresaing Has Advantages. The 'tomato is closely reintch tit... potato, and while .the annod food value 02 (110 tomato is not so great that of the potato,: it has certioe qual- ities that anake it one of tle; desirab1e. of our garden crops, Farmers 'are not only profiting shipping 'their poultry co-opc,ralycly, but they getting 11110 the field businesa.leartig business clotted'. and; how to care for their poultry to get the beat results. A new hes to use lies energy aricirig the lee cold she tunity. . t Use that energy W maze .. • Pat ro ens Have You bougitt that iitober Tire 14,3ugg3? u.ot HESS se118 them • RPA RING . Painting Eoad Car, One 'lost, $15.00, Two Costs L $20.09 leo verily,' It'ut'd. Top (100d Material, leas curtains; .- $12.00 Changing Ford Curtain's to open with Doors Painting Buggy, . .. •$800 IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE 11E.RUBI3Efe YOUR 13 UGGY WHEELS. liESS 'ZURICH gassuessissistssfisaszassEsss AllataraZZUZLIZVAIMINT.W.T ,Mtrarat4E•1021=1111613 I..i.++++++++++,14.-' • • ,e+++++++++++++,++++4,,t...1,4 • •I • .0.- Lubec Laths Shirgies it Everything in • + Combination storm and screen doors made to order: LUMber and Building NI a et La! -1. ., Cutcm,Work ( LT r 4,.'it(j(-.I13, + t Always in the mdrket for StiVt, logs F. + + C. KA. TriB177 i. Q CE + PHONE 6,-,,, 4 _ Y + ' + .1. +,,,,-1.+11.++++•-t---),++++++++++++++ ZUIRICF1 . 4.---+ + - "I-. —I- - 4-• - + -+--+ -+-- +- 4. -.1- -+-4-_+_+_.__,........._+_.,„ , . I *7- + 4, rHoBB BLIN OFFMANi WITH OUR NEW LINE OF SPRINCI- SUIl'INTIS AND .SAMPLE4 IN ALL THE NEW SEASON'S FA_BRICS, AND EQP1U2SSING 1- THE VERY LATEST STYLES AND SHADES 4. 4- 1 HAVING TAKEN OVER THE AGENCY OP THE BEST KNOWN: SEMI -READY Ci() iliThr:4 FIRM IN CANADA (HABBERLIN Lk* 004 WIE ARE IN .1 POSITION TO GIVE 1HE PUI3LiC ALMOST+ I ANYTHING REAUIRED IN THE LINE OF SPRING Sures AND: 1 OVERCOATS 11 PRICES SECEND TO NONE. ITOBBEliLIN 4. 1' 1' llEiIEMBR The Early Bird catLhes the Wonr F r.1 rt , 11 OF Fit D ITAILOIT AND FUNERAL MPFCTORT DAY AND NIOII P110 .NE No. 86 4+ 4. 4. 1' —+--+ — + * „Ta :47 • 181 zunicH HERAT Dis' L'lU HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HFuSLD "URAL 1) HERA LT) HERALD HERALD HERALD HER AL D HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERA L D RA LD HERALD HERALD HER AID HERALD HERALD bin JjiB and Toronto Daily Glebe end Kitchener Daily Telegraph and Toronto Daily Mail and Einpiee and Toronto •aturday Mail and Empire' 25,, and Toronto Daily Star .. .. and Toronto ;Weekly Star _ -0,25 and Toronto Daily News „elate) and London Pree Press!, Morning edition .- and London Free Press, evening, edition and London .Advertiser, Morning Edition ...0.00 and London Advertiser, Evening ediltott $8.00 and London ;Farmers' Advocate and Farm annairy $2.75 and Formers Son uie' 05 and Family Herald and Weekly Star ,. and Canadian Countryman..•••...••..••, and Weekly Wil oess and Partnere Magazine and Youth's Companion • and. Seaforth Horon Expositor 0111 Ontnrie Journal and Rod and Gam in Canada r ,•••, - $3.15 • ilte,e5 t,as 4,1 ve Molny and Trouble by renewing Your Papers with its. See us for papers not listed above HERALD OFFICE, Zurich sort W'to.