Zurich Herald, 1932-12-15, Page 7r-- —.r epi
Men vs. Women
women give are worse thau none at
all, Stalemate!
Atthe ��/hee
� Nest is the violation of good road
manners, and the motor -vehicle re-
gulations, known as "cutting in."
That good oldargument„ whi.eh Here women, if they desire to do so
sex produces the best and safest may fall bak upon the argument of
automobile driver” has been revived their innate .caution.
again, by William Ullman in a copy- But, why argue? Clearly there is
righted article syndicated by U11- all kinds of evidence,statistical,
man. Feature Service and quoted Psychological, and otherwise. But
from the Washington (D.C.) Post, I the evidence has no specific mean-
The writer, "who has constituted ing,
himself a rankingcommittee of one I How about, rating both sexes No. 2,
withregard to men and women driv- leaving the No. 1 position open un -
ere, has been busy for ten years col- til .a later day when statistics are
lecting every vagrant figure and feet i bigger, `better, and a lot more con -
that would ..leave any possible bear- f elusive?
ing upon the subject. Each fact or
figure added to the collection only
indicates the futility of the task.
New Stamps for China
The Duly way to rdispose of the .teak Shanghai: —Commemorative of the
ing problem is to place both sexes Chines leaders who lost their lives or
in the No. 1 position or both iu the died in the early revolutionary strug-
gies which resulted in the overthrow
. No. 2.". of the old imperial regime and estab
The latter, he acids, ,,seems the lishment of the Republican Govern -
better. Probably "neither sex has ment at Nanking, a special issue of
made a sufficiently good record to
justify the No. 1 ranking." postage stamps is being placed.on sale
But let's get down to cases: at an Chinese postoffices.
Most of the figures available on the The new issue is divided into the
subject make women seem to be far
in the lead when it .comes to the
matter of safety. In 1930, for in-
stance, 1,146,781 male drivers parti-
cipated hi accidents as against but
81,036 women.
That figure looks bad for the man,
but no figure that looks so bad could
be truly reflective of conditions.
There are, in extenuation, so to
speak, three times as many men as
women drivers. Accordingly, in-
stead of being about eleven times as
unsafe as women—as the first figure
superficially indicates — men are
roughly only three and two-thirds
as prolific in causing accidents. That,
of course, is putting it on a man -to -
woman basis.
The great part of driving done in
this country is the commuting type.
The majority of accidents happen
during the rush hours of the morn-
ing and evening.
There are women drivers on the
eets at these hours, it is true, but
not in the proportion of oue to three,
which would have to be the case
were the safety figures to show ac-
curately which sex was the more
proficient in driving.
From the fatal -accident view-
point, "the worst hour of the twenty-
four in any clay is that between 7
and 8 p.m.," says Mr. Ullman, con-
That is the hour during which
the nation is going to the movies.
Even in the family possessed of two
cars, but one of them is used on
this occasion. Who drives it? 000,000, which shows that their profits
Usually the man. The safety figures for the six months ended June last
indicate that, to spare his repute dere just over £20,000, compared
tion, he would do better as a pas- with a profit of £1,357,000 for the cor-
senger. responding period of last year, writes
The worst hour of the day, with S. A. Atkinson in the Daily Tele -
regard to non-fatal accidents is that graph.
A - 3
Sunday School
SUNDAY S.—Dec. 28 ... GRAHAM
January 10. Lesson !l—The "'first
Disciples—John 1: 35.49. Golden
Text—Behold, the Lamb of God,
which taketh away the sin of the
world.—John 1, 29,
I. T114 HI7RALe of TI•IE NSW gen 1:
1: 35-39.
[11, INTRODUCING JESJS, 1 .. 40-51.
INTEonUCTiON—This passage tells
how the first believers came to dis-
cover that Jesus was the •'`Christ," the
expected Messiah, the Promised One.
The first to recognize that Jesus
Sun Yat-sen and the "Martyr" designs, was something more than a village
carpenter was John, the young preach
the former bearing the portrait of the er beyond Jordan. His burning ap-
peals for repentane9 and righteous-
ness brought the inevitable crowds.
People like sermons which denounce.
"The Jew" (v. 19), much concerned
at what they were hearing about him,
sent a delegation to ask him who he
was. •
late Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the "Father of
the Republic." The second design
commemorates the martyrs of the re-
volution and each one tells its own
story in the historical background of
the man whose portrait it bears. The.
Sun Yat-sen design was issued in de-
nominations of 2 cents olive and 4
cents green, and is surmounted by the
white sun, the Kuomintang °velem,
and at the bottom are the 0:.' .,se
Characters "Chung Hua Min Kuo Yu
Tseng," meaning the "Republic of
China Postal Service," The first issue
was bought`up by philatelists, but
other denominations of 15 cents, 25
cents, $1, $2 and $5 will be issued
The "Martyr" • design, yet to be
placed on sale,: comprises the follow-
ing denominations and portraits: Teng
K'eng, xi, cent and 5 cents; Liao
Chung-kai, 6 and 30 cents; Chu Chih-
hsin, S and 12 cents; Sung Chiao-jen,
10 and 16 cents; General Huang Hsing,
20 and 40 cents; , General Chen Chi -
To their question, John replied, "I
ani not the Christ," v. 20. "Christ"
would be more generally understood
by his cosmopolitan readers than the
Hebrew "Messiah." "Nor am I Elias."
(Elijah was expected to return as the
herald of Messiah, Mal. 4: 5.) "Nor
that prophet" (Moses, Dent. 18: 15).
"You want to know who I am? What
matters it who I am? Say, I am 'a
voice'." God's greatest and most use-
ful servants in his church are those
who are so filled with his spirit that
they have attained perfect self-efface-
ment. "What matters it whether I
have a position of prominence or not
so long as my Lord's work will go
on?" A spirit like that would
straighten many a pathway for God
in his church.
"Why do you bapt're them?" v. 25.
mel, who was assassinated in Shang It was complacent religiosity demand-
hai at the instigation, history says, of ing th credentials of the preacher
who had offended it. The Baptist's
Yuan Shilekai, 1 cent and 50 cents, reply is his iastimony concerning
Christ, vs. 26, -.
English Movies Now
Offering Firm Competition
Montreal,—The enormous shrinkage
in the earning power of American
films is indicated in a startling report
issued by the giant Fox Film, Corpor-
ation, once capitalized at nearly £100, -
between five and six o'clock in the
afternoon. That is the period in
which an exhausted, tired, nervous,
hungry, impatient - male population
' Is rushing home to dinner. Women
at that time already are home—or
husbands thick they should be, at
any rate.
One of the main factors in this
huge decline, which has materially
affeoted Hollywood's prdductiou
plans, is the success of the English
flim, which, before the "Quota" Act
came into force, filled less than 10
per cent. of the programs shown in
this country, but now averages .30
As every one knows, Sunday is per cent., and in some theatres 50 per
the day of greatest traffic hazard. cent.
It produces or did throughout the
year 1930, according to one set of
figures, a total of 152,851 accidents.
Sunday is the day of the family out-
ing in the car. Who drives the car
on this outing, the man or woman?
Over a long period of years, in a
sketchy sort of way, "the writer has
counted Sunday drivers in various
parts of the country with a view to
determining the proportion of women
men drivers." Here are the results.
His figures in"dicate that it is
something like twenty to one in
favor of the men.
Male drivers can even take the
offensive with regard to this aspect
of the argument. There is Friday,
for instance, that famous day of ir-
resistible bargains which draws wo-
men drivers into the congested 'area
on the greatest scale of the week.
And, what happens? Why, exactly
the sante thing, comparatively, that
occurs to men on Sundays—the ic-
cident rate grows.
An offense which ranks well up in
the list of accident causes is failing
to give 'signals. Women may argue
here that they always give signals. plete Canadian service had already
On the other handl men may point been inaugurated was declared to be
out that thfi character of signals incorrect.
Mrs Smith—"Do you like codfish
balls, Mr. Gray?" -
112r. Gray (new boarder)—"I don't
• know, Mrs, Smith. I can't remember
having attended any.
Coast -to -Coast Phone
Montreal.—Long distance telephone
communication from coast to coast
over 'Canadian lines will be inaugur-
ated sometime in January, it was
stated recently by the Bell Telephone
Company. At present, it was explain-
ed, some long distance calls across
the prairies are routed through the
United States. A report that the com-
'Gator' Mascot
One Florida football team has a young alligator as mascot. Here
• we see "Billy" in the company of a co-ed and cheer leader.
41)—father ..than "first" as in the' Graf Zeppelin Goes
Authorized Version—he findeth his'.
own brother Simon." He did not say, Into Winter Quarters
`-"Thank God, I'm saved" and let it go Friedrichshaffen.—The Graf Zeppe-
at that. He shared. He was a Chris- lin has been put in winter quarters.
tian, first of all, in his own home. Why With the return of Dr. Hugo Eckener
do we find it so difficult to talk rel•'- I from Berlin, following the Aero -Arc -
Sion to our own folk? Is it because tie session in November, brief landing
they know us so well? manoeuvres were carried out after
Simon, hot-headed, impulsive, un- '
steady, may have hesitated to come.
Solid, steady men like Andrew were
better fitted for the new task, he may
have thought. But Jesus said to him, be made.
"Thou art Simon," that is—"I know The year was a busy one for the
the quality of character that is con, Graf. A total of 73 trips were made,
netted with your name now. You are totalling 117,761 kilometers and 1,201
which the veteran airship was placed
in her hangar. In the meantime, com-
omplete overhauling and inspection will
sand new, but it is in you to be a rock.
I'll give you that nal: e'•now• Live up
to it." It was the love that believeth
all things, hopeth all things, and is
therefore transforming.
Philip, found by Jesus himself, in
turn found Nathanae1, v. 45. Nathan-
ael's question, "Can any good thing
come out of Nazareth?" (v. 46) was
probably the expression of the petty
jealousy that so often exists between
one small village and another. Nath -
flying .hours. It brought her total
number of journeys since her comple-
tion at the end of 1928 to 232, with
a total distance covered of 349,827
kilometers. She has spent 3,588 hours
in the air.
The most important achievement of
the Graf in 1931, is considered her
three South American trips, since
they demonstrated the feasibility of
anael hailed from a neighboring vil- a punctual, regular line between the
lage, Cana. two continents. Dr. Eckener believes
"Come and see,"—solve your doubts they probably will be repeated next
by putting the assertio-is of religion year, perhaps the number of jour -
to the test of living them. neys increased. That depends, how -
We hear no more .,f the delegation. ever, on the results of discussions
In v. 29 we have the Evangelist ex- with the Lufthansa officials and with
pressing his own religious experience, The World Crisis German postal officials, some of '
i'1 the words of the Baptist. It was Sir Arthur Salter in the Yale Quer- whom took part in the 1931 trip. The
only after the resurrection that thy, terly.—Whatever is done by govern- rest of the 1932 progress has not yet 1
truth came home to the disciples, Luke mental action or otherwise to restore been arranged, nor is it certain that
24: 21, 26. confidence as the basis of new foreign a second Arctic journey will be
investment, it is difficult to believe undertaken.
that it can be quick and effective r,•
enough to meet the situation of the Canada May Supply
present winter. When once confidence
What New York
Is Wearing
Illustrated Dressmaking Lesson Par.
nished with Every Patton;
Verses 32, 33 suggest a vision which
pictured a gentle and not a warrior
Messiah such as the people expected.
It was not the descent of the dove, but
the abiding of the Spirit that con-
vinced the Baptist. A God -like life is
ti:e most convincing ;roof. Baptizing
pith the Spirit (v.:33) implies the
living of a positive life .of goodness in
.,',ntrast with the negative cleansing of
sin implied by water baptism. "We
are not damned for doing wrong, but
for not doing right," R. L. Stevenson.
The Christ came to save us by inspir-
ing an enthusiastic, positive virtue.
1: 35-39.
The Baptist repeated his testimony
in the presence of his two disciples, v.
35. "Here is the New Master, I -give
way to him." In proclaiming the
truth concerning Jesus, he was ruin-
ing his own prospects as a leader. It
is the man, who will sacrifice his own
interests for God and right who is
always turning others to God, v. 37.
The parting (v. 37) would not be
wit"out its sadness, but the finest loy-
alty to truth is that which impels us
to follow a higher truth when we see
it. These two men did not know de-
finitely what they sought—but they
\'ere obeying the impulse of the best
that was in them. To all such, Christ
reaches out his hand, V. 38. Fifty
years were not nough to dim the me-
mory of that hour when they "found"
him. It was four in the afternoon,
v. 39.
It is impossible really to know
Christ ant not want to share him. The
Christian who is indifferent to mis
sions is the victim of a mistaken iden
tity—he has not yet discovered the
real Christ. Andrew (v. 40) was the
first apostle and missionary. By the
time this Gospel was written he was
so overshadowed by his brother that
he is introduced as "Simon Peter's
bh 1 d 'd b
rother." Althoug pus Ie asi e y
his more officioas brother, he wsrleed
on, giving of: his best, never seeking
thanks or recognition. Thank God for
th.1 Andrews! "In the morning," (v.
has been so badly shaken as it now
is, it will, at best, be a long time be-
fore the individual investor in creditor
countries will be willing to invest his
money on the scale and in the form
required by the situation, on the credit
of foreign borrowing countries on any
security they can offer. If this is so,
there are only two alternatives. The
one is a series of extending mora-
oratoria in debtor countries, as regards
both public and private debts, accom-
panied• very probably by a disorderly
falling away from the gold standard
into every form and degree of cur-
rency depreciation. The other is the
definite and deliberate action of credi-
Cosmetics to Britain
Washington.—English complexions
may depend for their artificial aid
more upon Canada and less upon the
United States, it is indicated at the
Department of Commerce.
The department points out that
in 1930 Great Britain imported 85
per cent, of her total importations of
perfumery, tooth pastes, sachets, lip
sticks, rouge and suoh like cleansers
and adornments from the United
States and France, Less than 3 per
cent. came from the Dominions and
Colonies and of that amount Can-
anada supplied the largest part.
But now Great Britain has torclap-
countries to usee their public re- ped 50 per cent. ad valorem on these
othe basisunew foreign imports in addition to existing duties.
lending, and to direct that lending American trade in these articles was
the most useful purposes. worth over $2,000,000 and the Brit -
ish market absorbed 25 per cent. of
— total exports from 01 United States.
Abandoned Gold Mine The department says exporters in
the United. States are watching for
Found After 50 Years
increased preference to be given by
Piumby, Minas Geraes, Brazil—A the Dominions to the Mother Coun-
gold mine partially developed by four try. An American business valued
British engineers fifty years ago and at a million and a half dollars is
then abandoned has been discovered done with British countries exclusive
by Silves Simoes, years after all of the United Kingdom.
trails leading to the place had disap-------•:•—
peered. Prized Bavarian'Gem
According ,to stories still circulat- AUCtionS at $18,300
ing here, the four British engineers
were accompanied by two natives London—The 1Vitteisbach blue d]a-
when they discovered the gold de- mond, gem of the Bavarian crown
posit. The secret of the mine's lo• jewels, was auctioned off recently for
c£56D0 (about $1S300), in the pres-
ation was closely kept, however, ,
and the native guides died without
ence of a throng of experts. A bri]-
revealing the whereabouts _ of the liant diamond pendant brought $20,-
gold. 000, while another lot, including a
diamond tiara, realized $35,000.
Conduci B
proCompetition for the emeralds in
is the great iess on. e-
haviour is the perpetual revealing of LLtl 1V11 C' L'°" IY kttl CY CLI ritltl LLtll" Lel au
us. What a man does tells us -what for the diamonds. One stone, a
magnificent specimen weighing more
A bol thful air makes this rust -red
woolen dress a favorite with the
school and college girl and younger
type of women.
And as you can see, there is just
a hint of the "jacket" in. this effective
little dress that makes it so ideally
suited for general daytime wear.
You'll marvel at the becomingness
of the rever collar in brown woolen
and repeated in the deep cuffs.
The skirt hugs the figure through
the hips with a smart flaring hem.
Style No. 2855 may be had in sizes
14, 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38 and 40
inches bust. Size 16 requires 3%
yards of 39 -inch material with 1 yard
of 35 -inch contrasting and 2%. yards
of binding.
Canton -faille crepe silk in dark
brown with almond green is very
It's perfectly dear in wine -red vel-
vet with lace collar and cuffs.
Write your name and address plain-
ly, giving number wnd size of such
patterns as you want. Enclose 20e in
stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap
it carefully) for each number, and
address your order to Wilson Pattern
Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto,
"Does Brown owe you any,
"Not any more than I'm willing
to pay for the privilege of not both-
ering with him."
Argentine Grain
Crop Increases
Buenos Ayres.—According to fig-
ures issued by the Agricultural De-
partment, it is estimated that the
next wheat crop will amount to 5,950,-
000 tons; linseed, 2,100,000 tons;
oats, 950,000 tons, and barley, 410,000
tons. Compared with the last crops,
these estimates show a reduction of
471,837 tons for wheat and increases
of 315,193 tons for linseed, 184,894
tons for oats and 105,193 tons for
he is.—F. D. Huntington. barley.
than 53 carats sold for $18,300.
You ARE. z Coui.D
You'ree AwFUL:.
T RRt'6LE:
'DOLLARS To tedrialNG
TtiAT You DtbaZ'
ENE out OF
TEN- PrCeRouls
you St'°T --
EYc, JEFF: `(ou'Rc
THc WoRLD'S WoresT
ARci-iEtc ! 0oVdAH t�
us •
Mutt Loses a Million Dollar- Bet.