Zurich Herald, 1932-12-15, Page 5•7horaday,VMeeridiMI-1.0th, 1932 BUSINESS CARDS rn" .1)1TDLEY E.IIoLmEs • ..o.see.,1 eo zuRicILtERALr) iSARISISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT. ARY PUBLIC, ETC. IDTFICE---Hamiltori Street, Just off Um Square, GODERICH, Ontario, Special .Attention to Cocel and Court Work, Ur- I3ovae nay be consulted at raloterich by momsaid none charges reversed. Dr, H. 11. COWEN Tx D. fd. DENTAL SURGEON DEITZ BLOOK—ZORIC13 Sefory TittlniaSnY, Friday, Stray Itti.RTLEIWS MOCK, DASIEVW OOD giary IdondaY, TuoSaay and iiWeaneeday Licensed Auctioneer for Huron and Middlesex I &M IN A POSITION TO CON - Mort any Auction Sale, regardless ts> size or article to sell. 1 solidi jaw business, and if not satisfied -toe make no charges for Services ;item- flUJB 'WEBER --Dashwood Meow 13-57. Zurichs' popular MEAT MARKET Always a good Supply of Fresh and Cured Meats Soiognas, Sausages, Wein' Hams, Etc., always on hand Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins "Let Us Serve 'Your 11. Yunghlut & Son SERVICE Why We have the:Better Class of CustomeIUGII rs CLASS GOODS. U. S. L. SATTER1ES. MOBILE OIL, MAR- VELUISE OILD;YEAR TIRES AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Parte, Hohning and Mechanical Wor1s. soli* to Micrometer Settings, No irose work. Watch the cars that alfer at wEiN.s, They are all HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. a B. 1111A3HWOOD 01MM, ONTARIO Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario - Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 31st. 1931, $19,593,724. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $199,101,61 91,10, for lorear.. F. Klopp---Zurich Wont, Also Dealer le Lithatiod Ras sea all kinds of Fire Insurance LI VE IP'OU LT R WANTED Sawa winery Day till 3 o'clock, p.m. sok fold Fowl same morning • whoa hostight Highest Cash Prices , —CASH FOR— ' A;REA61Vi AND EGGS . W. O'Brien 'bone 101, Ra. 94, Zurich THE HERALD'S JOB DEPARTMENT eve.r ready to terve the pub- •clic with Commercial and fine Pritatiug.. Get Otir. prices be. Auw. Irx,:virrg your order On - ..1110.••• Wants, For Solo, 11.00v Found, Notice, Etc. Ade, EN 21N.13 MIMI= TENDERS WANTED Tenders Nvill be 'received fer care- taker of Zurich Public School up to December 21st, 1932, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Dr. A. J. MacKinnon, Secretary. FOR SALE A limited number of Pure Bred White IVIinorett Cockerels for quick sale. Apply to. Sol Gingerich. STRAYED Unto Lot 12, Con. 6, Hay Township a yearling steer, sometime during the sumnfert Owner can have same by proving property and paytng ex- penses. Wilfred H. Shaptou, R.R.1, Exeter Phone, Creditan, 17 r 3. . FOR SALE 50 purebred White Leghorn pullets 6 months old reedy to lay. Also a number of York pigs shouts. Also a litter 6 months old. Apply to Jno. B. Hyde, Lot 8, con. 2, Stanley, Phone 86 r 11, Hensall. NOTICE FOR RENT Property on Main Street, Zurich, owned by the Elmer Oesch estate.On premises is a 1% story building suit- able for small store or shop with dwel ling apartments. Wirx1 for hydro and connected with village water system. Rent reasonable. For par- ticulars apply to Mrs. E. Oesch, Dashwood, Ont., or to The Canada Trust Company, London, Ont, ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. "A Changeless Christ for a chaug- . ing World" Friday, 8h :—Luther League. eaturday—Choir Practice. • SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. m:—German Sezerlea, 11.15 a. m.—Sunday School. 7.30 p. m.—English Service. Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. Turldseins. Paster anadian. Radium Canada will soon produce its own radium. It will be owned by the Ont- ario Government and will be used for the new cancer clinics which it is proposed to establish in :the province. the new supply of radiun is being produced by the Eldorado Gold Mines Limited, from ore, obtained in the Great Bear Lake minig field, in the hinterland of the Northwest 'Territor- ies. The ore is being relined at a plant the company has ,established at Port Hope. The price of the new Canadian radium has not been dis- closed, but presumably it will -be much below the present cost, which runs from $50,000 to $75,00 per gram. U. F. 0. Join With C. Politically By an overwhelming vote (40 to 1) after a day of heated discussion and debate, delegates to the annual convention of the United Farmers of Ontario last Thursday night approv- ed affiliation with the Co -Operative Commonwealth Federation. The re- solution by which the U.F..0. became affiliated with the' Co -Operative Com- monwealth Federation was as follows C. F. oro—At 15th ConcessiOno Hay Township, to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Deters, a daughter, on December 4. The members of the Zurich Wom- en's Institute wishing to donate to the Christmas Cheer for the shut-ins will kindly send their donations not later than Tuesday, December 20th to the home of Mrs. C. Fritz. Remember, only one and a half more weeks till Christmas. Have you done your shopping yet? The time is rapidly passing along. Be sun and patronize your home veer - client when doing this buying, as un- der conditions he needs it badly en- ough, and besides if an article is not right he will make it good. Just before going to press we have corrected the market report, and O'Breim & Son of town advise that the present prevailing prices for fowl look not very encouraging for the producer, turkeys have dropped to 12e, dressed, while ducks have tak en a raise to 9c. and geese emnain at 8c. lb. dressed. Chicken prices are about the same as last week. Nomination this year falls on Monday, December 26th, the day following Christmas, and probably most of us will be so full of Christ- mas cheer, and the feast of the day before that little will happen at this meeting. Hay Council has been head ed by a good staff of officers the past few years, and we do not think it necessary to make many chartges,un- less the present board. does not wish to continue on. Ladies' Aid Meet The Ladies' Aid and W. M: 8. --of the Evangelical church, Zurich held their annual business meeting in the schoolroom of the church pn the afternoon of Dec. ist, There were 25 r ethers present. Rev. Mr. Burn open-- the meeting and conducted the devotional part, giving a very in- teresting talk and expiation of the Scripture lesson taken from Philip. 2. The monthly business AVOS then taken up with Mrs. A. Weber, Vice-pres presiding. It was decided to send boxes to the shut-ins at Christmas. All those wishing to donate are re- quested' to hand in theirdonations by the 20th of December to the Flower Corn. Relief work was also 'discus- sed and arrangements are being made to pack a box of clothing for the needy of Northern Ont. The an- nual business, was then taken up with Rev. E. Burn presiding. The various Committees reported as follows: The Working Committee, reported taking charge of the candy booth at Fowl supper. The Draping Com. reported draping the church for six 'funerals during the year. The Social Com., reported draping the church for six funerals during the year. The Social Com., reported preparing for and tak ing charge of the social part of the Ladies' Aid picnic also for the ban- quet for the young men's class. Four new members were added during the year. The Secy-, of Circulating Li- brary reported 34 Miss. books having been read. 3'71 sick visits, 89 bou- quets, 149 treats, 89 cards were re- ported for the year. The flower com. aka reported total expenditures for the year for fruit and Rowers amounting to $14.40. Gratifying re- ports were received from the Ladies' Aid Treasurer and also front the Tre- asurer of the W.M.S. It was decided to send a donation to the General Contingent Fund of the Canada Branch. The election of officers for the corning year resulted as follows: Hon. Pres,, Miss Faust, President, Mrs. E. Burn; I Vice -Pres., Mrs- A. Weber; II Vice -Pres., Mrs. J. Hey; Rec. Secy., Miss 3. Lorton; Corres. Secy., Mrs. L. W. Hoffman; Treas. for L. A., Mrs. T. Gascho; Treas. ror W. Be it resolved' that, periding the hold- M. S., Mrs. 0. Surerus; Organist,Mrs L. Geiger; Asst -organist, Mrs. R. Geiger; Librarians, Ws: McAdams, Mrs. Mousseau; Auditors, Mrs. C. Eilber, and Mrs. D. Oswald; Sec. of Cir. Library, Mrs. W. Merner. ing of the first genet -21 conference of the a-ffiliation .organixations, the Un- ited Farmers or Ontario become affi- liated fith the CoOperative Common- wealth Federation.. f+++++++++++++++++++++4.f++ 4++++++$++++++++++++++++4 r Massey -Harris News I •I Your Accounts are past due I !Kindly settle at once and save 10 per cent. lo Mrs. Wnerth was * vlsitor with frienda' at Shipka the past week, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Facey of near Tavistock were Sunday visitor with her relatives, the Clausiu.s faxnfly Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bissett, of Goderich were visitors in town on Tuesday of last week, Rev. and Mrs. Lloyd Kalbfleisch and family of Elmira, were visitors in town the past week. Miss Ethel Hess, who spent some time visiting in Elmira, has returned to her home, • Mr. and Mrs, John Oesch and Mrs. Hy. Eichler of Pigeon, Mich., were week -end visitors with relatives here. Making the trip by auto. Mr. Ted Der:oily nos sold his 100 acre farm on the Bronson Line, Hay to Mr. Philip Hartman, son of Mr. and Mrs, John Hartman, of Seaforth, who takes possession next February. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Laporte, of the Blue Water Highway, north of St. Josoeph, left this week for Chic- ago, where they intend staying for several weeks. The local Zurich rink opened with a. big crowd on Tuesday evening, as Haberer, the manager has a fair )ed of ice, and the kiddies, as well as the grownups, had a most enjoy- able time with their first skate. Mr. Haberer advises that from now on -30.".hce :;old there will be skating regularly. After ten o'- clock the big boys then crossed sticks and had a good hockey workout. This sport should be interesting this win- ter as there seems to be an abund- ance of material for a hockey team. Some has said that the cost of liv- ing is high in Zurich, when we take the papers and read that at London milk is selling at Sc. quart and 3c a pint, and then at Exeter you get three loaves of bread for 10c. But these prices are not at all normal, it is just another little commercial war a- mong these classes of producers. At least we hardly think for the present that we will take out the auto and make a daily trio to London for the milk and pick up our bread at 'Ex- eter whin passing through. Let's stick to our home producers, who help to build up the community, The week -end surely ushered in old King Winter with a terrible zerolike weather from the east. While here in these parts there was little• snow but we learn to the east of us there was considerable snow, but it sure was a cold wind on Sunday. We notice in the south-western Stakes was the coldest weather in years, in one place they have not seen snow in 40 years, but had plenty of it this time. We wonder where those wea- ther profits are now who predicted the mild winter. All appearance we will have a real good hard winter this year. It is pittyable for those people who have no fuel and no means to buy any. • Ship Christmas Trees 300 Miles Christmas trees were trucked mare than 300 miles to Covent Garden Market, London, to form the first dis- play of the season on Saturday. They were offered for sale at prices rang- ing between 50c. and $2 each. There were two loads of them brought to London from the North Bay district Dealers told of adventuresome trips to the North after them. Huron County Grain judging Team Selected A Grain Judging Competition was held in the Board Room .of the Agr. Office, Clinton on Dec. 3rd, to select a team of four boys to represent Huron County in the Grain Judging Competition at London, on December 16th when teams from ten counties in Western Ontario will compete. The four boys selected to compete re- presenting Huron County are: First, Jack Ferguson, Clifford; Second, Mer vyn Lobb, Clinton; Third, George Mundell, Glenannan; Fourth, Cliff- ord Crozier, Dungannon. Fourteen boys took part in the contest to sel- ect this, team. Week's Trial Ends in Acquittal After six days and two nights of gruelling examinations and cross-ex- aminations, His Honor Judge Costello last Saturday night at Goderich Court House acquitted J. P. Johnstone, oronto broker, and his salesman, Francis Byles, of charge of conspir- acy to defraud. Johnstone and Byl- es were returned to the county jail to face other charges. Johnston is charged with the conversion of funds amounting to $88,000, while Byles faces charges of conversion, fraud and theft. They will appear for their adjourned trial on December 21st. Visited by Pioneer Lady Dr. Moir, of the Huron Springs, Sonatorium, near Hensall, recently had the pleasure of a visit from his first radium patient, Mrs. W. Mc- Callum of St. Thomas. Mrs. McCal- lum has passed hear 100th birthday, and is believed to be the first pat- ient to receive radium treatment in Western Ontario, which event oc- curred 11 years ago and was admin.- istered by Dr. Moir, who is one of the pioneers in the rise of radium treatment. The old lady lived in Tu- ckersmith in her early days, and vvas "0 pleased to know that the doctor was t: .Attetioneering?' — YES! 4". rters for es, or• relief of suffering humanity in her ;."r40.41."44+4""*"`414"404+4,4444toteteleetelooletedeertele64444404444-et. beloved county of Huron. Tel. Shop 149 O. KLOPP & SONS 67 i Res.• t so ambitious to set up and operate such inagn:ficent quathe Mani Glow foto ono 'Mate of And there 's o need for it! At loss thew fonresoo Ittwna duo* olio - em. h•Jj whot you wouldexpect to pay the fit die Ibmilo• /Hew or New Silent Glow Oil Burner coaverts moor. your hot-air or hot-water furnace into a clean, convenient oil burning unit. P1. more soot. No more ashes. No more hard labour eo and a steady. evert beat at the temperature you like, Lai es allow you how SILENT GLOW will save you money and oredleas labour next winter. 125,000 homes have chosen SILENT GLOW because of its exclusive features and efficient operation. The NEW SILENT GLOW FURNACE BURNER com. "lately installed, ready for use, with 250 gallon storage si 9 5 taak and float feed. Only - - "MORE THAN "I installed a Silent Glow Oil Burner in my hot-water SATISFIED" furnace last fall and am mare than satisfied. 1 have a seven room house and during the last seven winter months 1 aaeed akut 350 on my heating costs." (Name on rooted). Bonet Glow model W keine limner. Tested andiapoostva by Home Service Bureau, conduc- ted try Canadian Home Ammo EtADE MARK REG D4 CAN. AND (J.5 TOILBuRfi - • . e• - .52 MADE IN CANADA Makers also of Silent Glow Pilgrim floaters for homes,. camps, garages, etc., and Silent Glow Power Burners leo large honses, apartments, schools and other large buildings, WILLIAMS BROS. ZURICH - ONT. 110R 42111nag, 1022zamolaMaxamlnity• IMINIOININI.0111110011101.0000113.000600 1,011006600641V2001tcrtt00111 • Fertilizer Fertilizer • We have a good Brand of Fertilizer that we will..deliver • Keep your Stock and Poultry Healthy this Winter. .by using Our Various Brands of Stock and Poultry 1- oods, and Laying Mash. None Better on the Markets To -Day! at $19.00 a Ton. Let Us have Your Order! STOCK FOODS • i Don't Forget, We can supply you with the. Fuel • to keep your Home nice and cosy all Winter at the : Lowest Possible Cost. Coal, all Sizes, and Coke. • Good Supply Always on Hand. "We do Custom Seed Cleaning" Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs. COAL COAL L. Schilbe & Son SOINIMPOMPOmesessamsooisweveibimmiammeimtwaleosessfoftoreillbe riliMANAMUWAVIMMAAMAWMWWWWidikl 1 Zurich Drug Store 1 Christmas Presents We have many Articles in our Store which will make 'suitable Christmas Gifts WE HAVE A FINE ASSORTMENT OF GIFT STATIONERY SEE OUR TOILET SETS AND MANI- CURE SETS. `1•0•1•11.1.1••••••• FOUNTAIN PENS, CAMERAS AND PERFUMES. WE HAVE A BEAUTIFUL VARIETY OF CHRISTMAS CARDS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Dr. A. J. MacKinnon, Zurichi AIMMINANIMIAMPWWP ?WiMMMIP9A- , • 1.