Zurich Herald, 1932-11-24, Page 7HAS LOST FAT FOR THREE YEARS • 68 lbs, Gone Altogether A. woman writes; —"For nearly three years I have been taking I ruscileu Salts every morning in hot water, and have t^st 6$ lbs. of fat. My weight before taking them was 196 lbs„ and. it is now 128 lbs. Compare the dif- feren-e—it is marvellous, My mother and sister are also taking Kruschen and lots of our friends, aiicl think they are wonderful. As regard; diet, it is not necessary to do one little bit of dieting; in my case I have never denied myself anything since I started taking Kruschen Salts. I walk ever,,' day, and do not eat many potatoes t: mettle sugar: I don't think shall ever be grateful enough to Kruschen Salts for the great help they have been 'o me, and shall never stop taping them, oe recommending thein to people t think need them,"—(Miss) K. T. Taken every morning, Kruschen effects a perfectly natural clearance of undigested food substances and all ex.. cessive watery waste matter. 'Unless this wastage: is regularly expelled, Na- ture will eventually store it up out of the way in the form of ugly fat. Old Smokestack Found Montreal, The largo balloon smokestack of the locomotive "Duf- Attl'in," the . first railrcad locomotive built in Montreal, has just been dis- covered in Car'illion and pressed into service as a flower stand, The '"Due Perin" was delivered iu 1S53, to the Carillion and Grenville Railway. The discovery was made by a party of the Canadian Railroad Historical Society which visited that tow'l to study' traces of the old railroad. The locomotive was built by Kinmontl Brothers of llcintrcel in their plant which was closed In 1887. The' stack stood six feet high and was five feet across, at the mouth, It was buried four feet deep in the ground, and it is feared that the sheet iron of which it is made May have rusted away under the soil. It is to be taken up and as much as possible preserved. Italy Gets Own 011 Rome.—Samples of the first min- eral oils found in the Italian posses- sions have recently reached Italy. They -come from the Italian Islands In the Red Sea, where oil has been struck in considerable quantities. Music is one of the most magnificent and delightful presents God has given us.—Luther. + Do You Know ? + Iv.\\':•:4\+1'•\�' 41^: ::\\'\^::\:+T TSL:J\Q1•: ri:iA:•Y,?Xrl._'•4Yi�n.v That the above scene is a familiar, every -day occurrence in many parts of rural Quebec? The old spinning wheel, regarded as an antique by many, is the mainstay of many households in northern Quebec. . emessemaseemeaseesege WHEN `RUN-DOWN' roc Tow:WO out TO AOIO INOIG E5710N !0p sioMocN 4E0:TRURN coN5Ti r010N OAE�.N�AUEEP "Made in Canada” elettetieeteitetietektiliirlieematteite 0 The sensible way -the doctor's way—of treating that sluggish, "run-down" condition is to iisePhillips' 'Milk of Magnesia. Try it instead of something just to "move the bowels." See how much better you foel—and continue to feel for days after! The anti- acid action clears the system of all those poisons that cause headaches, fatigue, loss of appetite. Get the genuine; look for Phillips on the wrapper. ALSO IN TABLET FORM, Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets are now on sale at drug stores everywhere. Each tiny tablet is the equivalent of a teaspoonful of genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. OUR CROSSWORD PUZZLE 4 2 24 25_ H. 50 51 2 53 54 55 56 57 61 62 67 63 64 68 Horizontal 1—Joined 55 -Self-satisfied 9—Cry of crow 12—Except 13—Mexican coin 14 -To hasten 15—Concerning 16—Kind of jacket 1S—Side 20—Concerning 22—Pertaiuing to ear 24—Spikes 27—Cards 29—Variety of care -elan 31—Favorite 32—Bristles 34—Dregs 36 Musical note 37—Moves stealthily 39—One who attends 41—Near 42—To translate 44—Unsteady light 45—Scotch: every 47—Garment *5_9 65 66 58 60 69 f 49—Minerals 50—Kind of harp 52—Street car 54—Article 55—Demon 57—Scrutinizes 59—Symbol for calcium 61 -Possessive Pronoun 63—Erstwhile 65—Unlocked 67 -Worm 6S—To bear 39—Situation Vertical 1—Overly 2—Guilelessly 3—Spanish article 4—To color 5—Specks 6—Servile '7—Pronoun S—Slang: sailor 9—Inexpensive 10—Sloth 11—Pronoun 17—Preposition 19—Old pronoun 21—Holiday I3—Complement 25—Testimonials 26—Glares 27—To attack 2S—German river 30—Tnhearing 33—Pieces 35—Fodd.. pit 3S—To season 40—Old Irish capitol 43—Straight 46—Malay knife (variant) 4S—One who receives money 51—Type unit 53—Pronoun 56—Kitchen vessel 5S—To soak 60—Insect 61—Pronoun 62—Exists 64—Negative 66—European river A Welcome Christmas Gift By HELEN WILLIAMS. Illustrated Dressmaking Lesson. Fur- nished With Every Pattern. This stint -line dance set of French inspiration that Can easily be made at home, is a thing to be welcomed. The yoke -panties are side -closing. Each leg is in six sections and slight- ly scalloped at the et;je. The bandeau closes at the back. You can. make them in your spare moments. It's lovely "pick-up" sew- ing. Run the seams up on the sewing machine. The edges finished by hand, lend French accent. Style No. 2994 is designed for sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 years, 36 and 88 inches bust. Size 16 requires 11 yards of 89 -inch material with 5 yards of binding. Crepe de chine, flab crepe satin and novelty crepes are dainty mediums. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain- giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 15c in. stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number, and address your order to Wilson Pattern Service, 78 West Adelaide St., Toronto, I consider a human soul without education like marble in the gitarrY, which shows none of its inherent beauties until the skill of the polish- er fetches out the colors and makes to surface shine—Joseph Addison, ANSWER TO LAST WEEK'S PUZZLE DANES 1w1 A IFS' AILULET LASTLY LiA YR S� • 1Y1 R E i% SITe ASB U N P R A P L R 0 T I A A U 13 N 0 D P E N 0 S S 'IRA I T T E. E s E A R S P eI A IN T c H 8 R A U G% if DENITS R' I 8 A A 11 UI; /m0 T�rN I L E L C /j S E D E E G D z U L A R 1/4 A TRADER. ,,S RE:D S Fleet of Sea Planes To Fly 'Round World. Rome.—The most ambitious group flight yet attenee l by any nation is expected to take place next March or April, -when twenty -lour Italian sea- planes, under command of General Aldo Pellegrini, will set out from Orbetello, near Ronie, for a round -the - world flight. The planes selected for this flight, which the Italian Air Ministry has been preparing for carefully for the last two years, are Savoie Marchetti machines of the S55 type, fitted with new Isotta Fraschini engine. develop- ing from 750 to 800 horsepower and having a speed of 200 kilomet.ts (125 miles) an. hour. The flight is to be made by stages, the seaplanes stoppitg at thirty dif- ferent localities before returning to this country. Two bases will be estab- lished, presumably at New York and Tokio. The object of the flight is not to establish any new record but simply to test the regularity of the machines in long-distance flight. General Italo Balbo, Italian Air Minister; General Giuseppe Valle, chief of the air staff', and all the fly- ers who took part in. the Italian for- mation flight across the Atlantic two years ago will ;o on this flight. It is lelieved also that the Duke of Aosta, who recently joined the Italian air force, will lake part, thus being the first member of a royal family to cross the Atlantic by air. Each ma- chine will carry a crew of four. The High: will last about four months. Beauty The beautk of the house is o:'rlcr, The blessing of the Louse is content- ment, The glory of the house is hospitality, The crown of the house is godliness. For COLDS "I always use BABY'S OWN TAB- LETS to break up my baby's colds," writes Mrs. Wilbert Colquhoun, -Stur- geon Falls, Ont. "When I see a cold coming on, it is to BABY'S OWN TABLETS that I turn," writes Mrs. Robert Greenhorn, Philipsville, Ont. Mothers everywhere report in like vein of the safe, sure results that follow the use of BABY'S OWN TABLETS in treating children's colds, teething troubles, simple fevers, disordered stomach, colic, constipation. 25 cents. OG Williams' 246 BABY'S ©W!1 TABLETS You know it's " good tee RedR s ED LA B E. 25c, i r 2i We say it's the greatest value you can buy Owl Laffs The weatherma dreamed that himself was dead; That he stood by his monument, tali, and read The message thereon—and he hung his head, For "Probably Warmer" err' all it said. Sweet Young Thing — "1 have brought this book back; mother says, it isn't fit for me to read." Librarian --"I think your mother must be mistaken." Sweet Young Thing—"Oh, no, she isn't. I've read it all through," Maurice—"Don't you think my mus- tache is becoming?" Maureen—"It may be coming, but it hasn't arrived yet," Wheat and Chaff There is no virtue in being a go- getter, unless you are going after the right things. Nothing warms a girl's heart a, quickly as promising to go through fire for her. If you watch the clock when you are twenty, you are apt to be a watchman when you're sixty. If you don't want to grow, look for an easy job. It is easier to shift the blame than to weigh your own weakness. When a rich man loves them and leaves them, he usual- ly leaves them a plenty. The night has a thousand eyes and then can't see half as much as a jealous woman. The_ more clocks and watches there are in the house the oftener somebody asks somebody else what time it is. To avoid being late it is necessary to start early. It is well to follow good advice, but be sure you catch up witn it once in a 'while. A mule usually kicks because he doesn't want to .o anywhere—which is exactly like some people. A man doesn't know he's old until he's eighty, but a woman starts worrying at twenty-five. Many a pro- mising young man turns out to be a man who keeps on promising. First.. -Pessimist -"it's hard to -make both ends meet nowadays." Second Pessimist—"Yes, and just when then are about to meet soma fool conies along and moves the ends." Horace sagely- remar..r, that when a man is doing the best he can, he dues not want to have song., idle bystander tell him how to dig in harder. The Crowd Cat football gamey—'"We want a touchdown: We want a touch- down!" Small Voice — "Papa, I want a sack of peanuts." Do not worrry about the rising gen- eration. There is nothing the matter with it that age won't cure," A woman didn't want her party writ- ten in the paper as she had informed her folks she was too hard up to any Christmas gifts this season, and didn't want her mother-in-law to bear about her party. Small Boy—"Daddy, dear, what d r they mean when they say 'Civic Pride'?" Father—Well, son, it's something like this. If the state institution for the feeble minded :s located in our town we refer to it as a state a.os- pital; if, however, it is located ' • na- other city, we call it the insane asy- lum." No matter how big a "bargain" her Look for the Name DRPLUM Classified Advertising AIs OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. List of wanted in+•eritiuns and. full information sent tree The B,.amsay Com- any. World Patent Attorneys. 273 Hank Street. Ottawa, Canada. 9 LILLETS. YEARLING HENS AND cockerels, Barred Rocks, White • i.ucks, Wyandottes and Leah>rtzs. J. G. Tweddle, Fergus, Ont. SONGS ARRANGED Marketed, Copyrighted, Exploited and Published. Attractive melodies com- posed to poems and lyrics. Reason- able rates. Frank and legitimate. Ma- terial examined and commr.t.ted aper; without obligation. 865 Water St., Peterborough, Ont, husband appears to be, a girl always feels she might have done better if she had ."shopped around" a little more. Reformer (to prostrated man) — "And so this is the work of Pam, Is it?" Prostrated Man—"No, sir; this its the work of a banana skin, sir." Young woman, before Judge, said she had never been in any trouble un- til ntil after she was married. FREE music Lessons In your own home on the instrument of your choice With Guaranteed Results. Write for details without obiic'a- tion, mentioning your favorite instrument. WHALEY ROYCE & CO. LIIIITEP 237 YONGE ST., TORONTO g; 211 ==1,- - OFF COLOUR? HOW IS YOUR LIVER? Wake up your Liver Bile —Without Calomel Your liver's a very small organ, but it e.-r- tainiy can puty"ur digeetiye and eliminative arena out of kilter, by refusing to, pour out its daily two pounds et liquid bile into your bowete You won't completel; correct such a condition by tnkingsalts, oil, mineral warn.. laxative candy or chewing gum, or roughage. Wqen th.y've moved your bowels they re through—and you need a liver stimulant. Carter's Little Liver Pills will son bring hack the sunshine into your life. They're purely vege- table Safe. Sure. Ask ler thou be name. Refuse substitutes. 2.3e at all drugs.-ts 41 nils equa, parts ., ,;,„rd's and sweet ail castor ail, or cream. Spread en brown . :paper. Apply 50 burn or scald, before long the Is pairsfeal smarting stops PERFECT PIPE The name is stamped on the bowl of every genuine Dr. Numb's Pipe and the word "PLUMB" is impress- ed in white an the rubber mouthpiece. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS Many different mod Os to choose from. Model No, 197 89, Trade enquiries to: AUBINOVICH d. HASKEL.L LIMITED 446sMedill sl. Montreal. Que. 1 WEAK WOMEN Take Lydia E. Pinklaa rfs 'Vegetable Compound neve you ever reit ,that you were ton weak to do AnrthIft4 , . , that you did not have the strength to do your wcrkl Women who are west• And run-dowrx should take a tonic such. as Lydia t+ Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Head- aches and backaches tttat ate the result of a tired, run -don condition often yield to this marvelous medicine. 98 out of every 100 women who report to us say that they are band.:ea by this tncdleine. Buy a bottle from your drug- gist 'today . + . and watch, t: a results. ISSUE No, 47—'32