Zurich Herald, 1932-11-10, Page 7"John and Mary and Tommy," a book of verse for children by Lady Eleanor McLaren Brown, and which is just being brought out in this country, will deservedly attain and hold a very distinct place for itself in the affection of Canadian children of all ages from coast to coast. The book is published in Canada by the Oxford University Press, Toronto. The book is the story of John, age eight, Mary, almost six, and. Tommy, two; three Canadian children, and how they spent a summer holiday in England. The voyage across the broad Atlantic, the de- Iights and wonders of London, and the gallant adventures enjoyed during a month's stay by the sea at Hove, are all described in delight- ful verse written in easy story form. EIeanor McLaren Brown, authoress of this entertaining new work is Lady McLaren Brown, the brilliant wife of Sir George McLaren Brown, European General Manager of the Canadian Pacific Railway; and the book, apart from its lively message to children everywhere is a further feature of the patriotic and imperial work Lady McLaren Brown is continually engaged in towards the closer and kindlier rela- tionships of Canada with the Motherland. The illustration shows the authoress and a few of the sixty delightful drawings by that admir- able artist, P. A. Staynes. sition in what was essentially a -sold- ier's procession was to mark that the civil authorities were in control. London's Own "Mounties'' Mounted policemen are now being employed on traffic control at a num- ber of points in the West End of Lon- don. They have an advantage over the ordinary constable at this job, be- cause their seat on horseback gives them a greater range of vision. The horses of London's mounted, po- licemen are among the most highly +trained in the world, and these on traf- fic duty' are so good at their job that their riders can drop the reins and use both arms for signalling. A London "mounties" on horseback makes an impressive figure, and you will often see one at the head of an official procession. The funeral cor- tege of the late Lord Plumer, for in- stance, was led by a policeman on a white horse. His presence in this po- Kangaroos Replace Pekinese As Pets London, Eng.—Kangaroos are the latest pets in Mayfair drawing rooms. Society women are replacing Pekin- ese dogs with docile, baby kangar- oos some two feet high. Except for an occasional flying leap over the tea table, they are said to be well-be- haved. There is also a momentary craze for small crocodiles, which are kept in a glass tame in the drawing -room until they reach a length of two feet or so. isc MUCH ACI G Ums. , PHILLIPS., elle teous00 iefessenoe *nig svoe M itt! The right anti -acid offsets the harm otherwise. done by excessive eating, drinking, and constant smoking, anything causing an acid condition. When "sunk" from such indulgences, Phillips' Milk of Magnesia will Awe straighten you out. A joy and comfort to hearty eaters, constant smokers. Get the genuine; substitutes eloa't act the same. ALHO III4 TAUT FORM. Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets are now on sale at drug stores everywh Each tiny tablet is the equivalent of a teaspoonftd "Made In Canada" of genuine Philips' Milk of Magnesia. S agetseiN OUR CROSSWORD PUZZLE Horizontal 1—Dance 4—Small seed 9 -Mineral spring 12—Number 13—Assessed 14—To cut 15—Raillery 17—To disregard 19—Cap 20—Struck with knee 21—Sacred 23—To consider 24—Mine entrance 27—Some 28—Boy 29—Fashion 30—Chinese weight 31—Front 32—Fuel 33—Within 34—Science of reasoning 36—Offer 37—Obese 0 33—Cozy 39—Evil deed 40—Foxes 41—Plays boisterously 43—Hawaiian dish 44—Part of circle 46—Kind of meter 49 -Sick 50—To throw 52—Card game 53—To piece 54—Sole 55—Finish Vertical 1—Task 2—Girl's name 3—Softly 4—Stair 5—Equality 6—Bovine animal 7—Guiding lines 8—Margin 9—Inferior material 10—Through 11—Respect 16—To trifle 18—Bovine animals 20—Colloquial: child 21—Passageways 22—Vegetable 23—Pale 25—Story of Troy 26—Chap dwellings 28—Resin 29—Mournful 31—Strength 32—Trap 35—To murmur 36—Encore 37 Frailty 39—To relieve 40—Male cat 42—Plateau 43—Messenger 44—Cube 45—Antlered animal 46—Hotel 47—Electrified particle 48—Fish '51—Butterfly Infected Rabbits • Dangerous to Clean Grubs Do Not Affect, Eating Qualities, However, De- clares N.Y. Authority "At this time of the year when the rabbit season is open, hunters fre- quently find their game infested with small white grubs in the body around the intestines and in the loose space under the skin. Such animals are usually thrown away as sick or 'grubby.' This practice represents a waste of good food and should be cor- rected," says Dr. Justus F. Mueller, Assistant Professor of Forest Zoology at the New York State College of For- estry, Syracuse, N.Y. "These grubs have the form of whit- ish, translucent, little vesicles or blad- ders, whence they get the more exact technical name of 'bladder worms.' If a rabbit harboring these grubs is eaten by a dog or fox the grubs ma- ture iu the latter animal and establish a permanent infection in this second host. But they are a relatively harm- less parasite, and cause their host no evident injury or discomfort. It has been experimentally and conclusively established that these grubs are harm- less to all other animals including man," advises Dr. Mueller. "Rabbits should not be discarded because of any fancied danger lying in such grubs. The flesh of the rabbit should be cleaned in the ordinary fashion and is in all respects safe and palatable. "A disease, however, of danger to man has been traced to rabbits," says Dr. Mueller. "This is the fever known as tularemia. The disease is con- tracted not through eating infected rabbits but through cuts or scratches sustained in cleaning and dressing them. The liver of a rabbit with tul- aremia Is somewhat enlarged and is speckled with whittish dots. Any rab- bits which appear weak or sick before shooting should be regarded with sus- picion. There is little likelihood of its occurrence this far north, but it is wise to be on guard against it. If a rabbit has been opened and its liver found to be suspicious, it should be discarded at once and the hands care- fully sterilized." Would "Fertilize" Fish Ponds Tests made by fisheries research scientists working under Canadian authorities have indicated that water may be "fertilized" in such a way as to greatly increase the plant and ani- mal life. Last year's production of whitefish from Canada's inland fisheries totalled nearly 15,786,000 pounds. The catch had a marketed value of about $1,445,- 000. + Do You Know? --v That one of the few advancing glaciers left in North America in this one that covers a large section of the northern slope of Mount Robson, British Columbia? It is known as the Tumbling Glacier bee cause large bergs periodically break off frond the toe of the glacier and crash into the lake hi the foreground. One of these is seen floating in the lake. The lake is formed entirely by the :melting snow snit Ice and it Is one of the feeders of the Fraser River. GIRL OF 20 WHO WEIGHED 196 SBS. Tells How She Took 0 lbs. Off AND IMPROVED HER COMPLEXION Are you the young lady of whom people are remarking, "How she is filling out!"7 (That's a good-natured way of saying "getting fat") If fat is slyly and stealthily distorting your youthful figure, you should grapple with it at once. At 20 years of age this girl was in its toils. Read how she unburdened her young body of 50 superfluous pounds. "About 12 months ago T was con- siderably overweight, being on the small side and weighing nearly 196 lbs. at 20 years of age. I was also troubled with headaches and pains in the small of my back; heaviness on rising, with a very poor complexion which broke out in spots every so of- ten. Since taking Kruschen Salts all these conditions have disappeared. I have now gone down to normal weight, being 146 lbs., have a lovely com- plexion, andrise in the morning with no heaviness whatever."—(Miss) H.P. The formula of Kruschen represents the residual salts of those famous European Spas whose waters have been taken from time immemorial for excess fat. These salts ensure a per- fectly natural clearance of undigested food substances and all excessive watery waste matter. -When this wastage is allowed to accumulate, the body's chemistry is liable to store it up out of the way in the form of fatty tissue. Once Kruschen gets into your blood, disfguring fat commences to melt away from your ankles and calves; your double chin commences to vanish, hips become slender; you. won't logo 4 or 5 lbs. a day or any- thing foolish like that, but almost be- fore you realize it pound by pound dis- appears—until you dually have the fashionable figure you have always de- sired. Kruschen Salts is obtainable at all Drug Stores at 45c. and 75c. per bottle. ANSWER TO LAST WEEK'S PUZZLE NOT PRODS RAN IRE EERIE EGO L E A P E D �Q E ALUM /fP 0 P P P E R J 0 I NEOGlL0ST O FS T A R C. A Z E R I F%4L E I�tE AP N 0 SEMINOLE S/ S 0 T T R E EgN U NY TORS ZS G 0 G R 0 w A P P E N D 0 N A G E R L A CAROL AYE LAD ENEMY& GET .1 Arms and the League By J. Ramsay MacDonald The National Government cannot think of Europe and the world without the League of Nations. We stand by the League, we stand by the covenant of the League. We ,want the disarmament confer- ence to deliver something well and truly laid which will not become some- thing belonging merely to the formal moral coinage of the word. I want a disarmament which will be a real con- tribution to the present problem of es- tablishing peace. I am not sure we have not perhaps played the part of peacemaker a little too long, but I would rather be blamed for that than for precipitating a situa- tion which. would make an agreement impossible. The keynote of our policy is not rearmament but disarmament. YOUR LIVER'S MAKING YOU FEEL OUT OF SORTS Wake up your Liver Bile. No Calomel needed When you feel blue, depressed% sour on the world, that's your liver which len t pouring its daily two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels. Digestion and elimination are being slowed up, food is accumulating and decaying inside you, and making you feel wretched. Mere bowel -movers like salts, oil, mineral water, laxative candy or chewing gum, or roughage, don't go far enough. You need a liver stimulant. Carter's Little Liver Pills is the best one. Safe. Purely vege- table. Sure. Ask- for them by name. Refuse substitutes. 25e. at all druggists. 52 COLDS Classified Advertising AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. List of wanted inventions and roll information sent free. The Ramsay Com, any. World Patent Attorneys. 273 Hank Street, Ottawa, Canada, ;O EMEDIES FOR ALL SICKNESSES. Write Mrs. Anna Penner. 308 Burns St., Winnipeg, Man. 19 ULLETS, YEARLING HENS AND C cockerels, Barred Rocks, White Rocks, Wyandottes and Leghorns. J. G. Tweddle, Fergus, Ont. PORMVLA. 4 NY FORMULA, $1.0C EACH. WRITE .Midland Laboratory. 308 Burns Winnipeg, Man. FEMALE ziRLP WANTED. LADIES WANTED TO D LIGHT sewing at home; good pav; worts sent charges paid. National Manufac- turing Co., Dept. 85, Montreal. GROW MUSHROOMS EARN $30 AND UPWARDS WEEIe- LY growing mushrooms in your cellar or outbuilding. We buy. Write for free booklet. Pioneer Mushroo. Co., 32 Orchard View Blvd., Toronto, MANUFACTURER has a few openings for local repre- sentatives. Real opportunity to make money and to set you up in your own business. Write for particulars. Manager, Dept. 3, 2249 Yonge Street, Toronto '0 "Great men are they who see that spiritual is stronger than any material. force."—R. W. Emerson Head Colds: Heat Rlinard's and inhale it. Chest Colds 31 and Sore Throat: Heat, then rub well into effected parts. Peal relief . e . quickly t Look for the Name DPLV:B'S PERFECT PIPE The name is stamped on the bowl of every genuine Dr. Plumb's Pipe and the word "PLUMB" is impress. ed In white on the rubber mouthpiece. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS Many different mod- els to choose from. Model No. 197 ` CERTAINTYr(OMFORT1 f HEALTH& SAKE R REGULAR "..__t D0/VTTNi'ENOX/0407)/Plla A GUARANTEED REGULATOR ABSOLUTELY HARMLESS NO NAUSEOUS E,. MEDICINES EASILY USED' Trade etsceirees IO. ElUBINOVIGI-1 &HASKELL LIMITED, : 440 McGill St. Montreal, Que. ISSUE No. 45--'32 ILNE90AUL CYIAR IiE -1.110rficitlir FOR4EVERAM re,mtN wrs 0v /we oe ,- tre soAw costs whir rust. olecertmes DYSMENORRHOEA AMENORRHOEA WALTANNE REMEDIES DEPT. We 2 College St. Toronto Ont. As? f gyp. t . r. • NERVOUS WOMEN Take Lydia E. Pinkhaln's ' Vegetable Compound .1 ant so nervous It seems as though It should fly':... "My nerves aro all est b we>often have we it these deaptes. alone from some woman who has become do tired and run-down that her nerves tan nb longer stand the strain. • No woman should allow herself to drift into this condition 0 she cats helm herself. She should (lye Lydia eft. fink. hero's Vegetable Compound a treat. ]lied nearly alstq years women have taken this wonderful tonic to glee theta renewed strength and rigor. 98 out of e' cry 1011 mitten who report to us say that they are benefited by ,. medicine. nay a bottle froth your gist today ... and W4teh the tine* - �_