Zurich Herald, 1932-11-10, Page 4ri '
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F .4. Limited Time Only, We have made rat ugern:ents
to offer the Public Very Attractive Low 'Prices in Re-
newals or New Subscriptions a: follows:
..,Herald and London Free Press 1 year $5.00
Herald and Londoon Advertiser, 1 year . $5.00
.Above Prices are goodonly till 1Nevelnber 30th 1932
Be sure mrd act 'before that date!
111111111111111111111111 1I11i11lllll111111ml611111mm11I'i ' II111111m11111Ip1111111111111 IIHI1111111ti11 11111111'
CA, 11111111Im1I , ` 11 CA,
Of Real Estate and Household
Effects, in Zees/ on
At 2 o'clock, pan..
1'The following faitxr p!; o 3eT.ts::
!AND SINGULAR those certain par-
! cels or tracts of land and premises
situate, lying and ging .in the Town-
ship of Hay in the County of Huron,.
At 1.30 o'clock, p.m. 1 being composed of the North Half of
REAL ESTATE --Being composed! Lot 26 and the whole of Lot 27, in
elf Part Lot 22, Main Street. (0llt the Seventh Concession of the said
4:the property isa comfortable frame; Township containing in all one hun-
aouse with kitchen attached, good i died and fifty ae es more or less.
•' easement and cistern, Hydro installed On this property is a fine two
exceptional good garden.
• OTHER ARTICLES—Parlor table,
,two lounges, good organ, 6 rocking
i13aiis, clock, parlor rug and carpets,
:dresser, 3 bedsteads, 3 wash stands,
13 lamps, 2 toilet sets, kitchen table,
storey brick house with slate roof.
There are four large rooms and ora
small one u.pstaii' s :anti + touhle par-
lour, dining room, kitchen and pan-
try downstairs. There are two barns
—one with stone walls and cement
f?fi tsheir home at Pfot Mound, Man,
alter spending a Week or two, with
friends in Stanley,
Mrs, Andreesr Price has peen ill
acrd confined to tea• ]reel} her friends
are hoping for a speedyrecovery.
The home -Of Mr, and Mrs. Henry
Diehl was the scene of a very much
enjoyed and successful event the'
other evening, when their daughter
Fannie and son, Carl, entertained
thea A.Y,I'.A, to a Hallowe'en. Mas-
querade. Tlie three branches of the
parish, Varna, Bayfield said Middle-
ton, iv<:re well represented.
.Mise Myrta Hoffman of Kitchener,
spent the week -end with her parents,
lVLrs. P. Brown of Detroit, attend-
ed the funeral of the late Mrs. Baker
last week.
.Mr. Clayton Wildfong has moved
into Geo. Kellerman's house.
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Restemeyer
have moved into the residence they
recently purchased from Mrs. Lip-
Mrs. R. Armstrong and daughter'
Lottie and friend of London, visited
relatives in town on Sunday.
• Mrs. Finkbeiner and Catherine re-
turned home on Sunday after spend-
ing several weeks visiting in Sarnia.
You are earnestly invited to at-
tend and take active part in a ten
days Evangelistic Campaign at the
F,vangelieai church, Dashwood, begin-
aictg Thursday, Nov, 17th '32. Song
Service, 7.45 each evening; Sunday
service 10 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Nov.
20, at 3 p.m. Mass Meeting for ,all
Subject: "The World's Crisis", music
by the choir. Orchestra, Quartets,
solos, etc. Mr. Delors Scott of Tor-
onto will sing Nov. 18, 19, 20th.
Speaker, Rev, A. Sauer, pastor. Rev.
Silas W. McFalls, Evangelist. Come
prayerfully and bring your bible.
Mrs. Henry Jacobi of Chiselhurst,
-isited friends in town.
'leaf table, coal oil stove. :coal heater, floors for stabling and the other with Nellie Carmichael of Exeter was
.Lal oil heater, glass cupboard, sew- stone foundation :anti .:shed. 'Thereassisting at A. W. E. Hcniphill's
.ing mashing, 6 chairs, commode, 2 is also a pig pen and hen house. Both Drug Store for a week.
lower stands, sink, electric iron, hard and soft water at house and a Grace Gibbons and Dorothy Farq-
washing machine and inger, O'Ce- second well in the '.lane. At ;the rear tthar have rented rooms over T. C.
filar duster, linoleum, lawn mower, is some soft wend bush. The farm Joynt s store and are getting rig nicely
frying pan, tea kettle and all kitch- is said to be well drained and fenced_ settled.
en utensils, coal sifter and scuttle, Only six miles from Hensall, four Hazel Morenz visited at her home
xluantity sealers, pictures, hammer, miles from Zurich and one mite south in Dashwood, over the week end.
rbuck saw, and many other articles. of Hillsgreen on the Parr Line. It Rev. Parker has returned to his
TERMS—Cash, except real estate is central to the best markets and work here after his recent illness and
nsvhich will be 10% on Clay of sale, close to both school and church. his many friends are pleased to see
lalance in 60 days. Immediate pos- TERMS OF SALE him back.
D7r. and Mrs. Wm. Bonthron of
•,session. 10 per cent. on day of sale and Detroit have been visiting with his
Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer. balance within 30 days thereafter. mother, Mrs. R. Bonthron, and other
Stelck, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hey Jr., Subject to reserve bid. 'relatives.
Executors 1VIary E. Stelck E -tate. Further Condit:earns And tuns. Neal. Rev. W. A. Young preached anniy
- -... •..•..~- "~..'° .,-,see •,tradc...:kn-o.v,, via .±lie .day.'o,# :,ale. .:ensary at Camlachie in Sarnia-dist-'�
Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer. rict on Sunday last. His brother,
AUCTION SALE I Gladman & Stanbury, Exeter and Rev. M. Young of Camlache, taking
Hensall, Solicitors for Mortgagee. charge of the service here.
Of Farm Stock and Implements,
On Lot 14. Concession 15, Hay
Township, on HILLSGR.EEN
74LONDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 19321
Co,?.t encing at 1. o'clock, p.m sharp; The Women's Mieel)nary Society
I :ORSES—Grey horse 13 years old.! are holding their Thank tering See -
'White mare rising 10 years in foal;. vice on Sunday afternoon :at 2.30
'Back horse rising 10 years; Black ;lis Evelyn Mitchell travelling sec
Pereheron i yrs. old Sorrel driver' retary will be the guest spearser. The
a is:nes 5 years, works single and do- regular monthly meeting will be held
vble; Colt rising 3 yrs; Colt rising 2 on Friday afternoon at the home of
years. Mrs. R. Consitt.
LIVE STOCK --Red cow due in Mee. R. Love .spent a few days at
.March: Red eow fresh; Spotted cow the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Jar-
anilking•; Roan cow due at time of rott of Kippen.
sale; 2; calves. 1 purebred Tamworth Mrs. John. Jarrott has resumed to
bog; l stocker pigs weighing about her home and is feeling somewhat
70 lbs. each. About 90 White Leg- better.
born hens. A. reception was given in honor of
IMPLEMENTS—Deering 7 -ft. cut Mr. and Mrs. Archie :Parsons, bridal
:hinder, Deering 6 -ft. cut mower; 11- couple, in the Watson Hall, in Ki
ioe M. -H. fertilizer drill, Peter Ham- pen on Tuesday evening. p
ilton spring tooth cultivator, Cock- Little Marjory Elaine Anderson,
alhutt spring tooth cultivator, land daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George
TileIt r, -ecnarovs,N Anderson, was baptised at the pre - cultivator, oan cul- .
paratory Service on Thursday even
tivator with puller combined, 4 ing
horse evener, 2 sets heavy doubletre- A little son is brightning the home
es, 2 sets of light doubletrees, 3 of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McAllister.
worse evener, 3 neckyokes, Peter
Tlasuilton hand scuffler; M. -H. walk-
ing plow, Cockshutt walking plow, 2
wagons, wagon box with stock rack,
gravel box, hay rack, fanntag mill, M
IL 10 -ft, steel rake, 2000 scales,
sling ropes, wheelbarrow, root pallier
'bob sleighs, 2 sets backhand double
i araess, plow harness, rubber tire
open buggy, cutter, number of grain
tags, sacks, 400 bushels oats, 800
bushels of mixed grain barley gate
.and peas, a quantity of buckwheat,
about 20 ton of mixed hay, 24 -acre
turnips, some mangels and numerous,
other articles.
No. reserve, as proprietor is giving
Alp farming.
Terms of Sale—Cash.
Arthur Weber, Auctioneer.
IR. P. Stade, Clerk.
Sovereign :Ducharme, Proprieter.
Under and by virtue of the powers
contained in a certain mortgage wh-
' VA 1* produced at the sale, the
,undersigned have been instructed sto
sell by public auction at
T'I :l:1S.E AZ NOVEMBER 22nc1, 1932
Farm Sold—Mr. Charles Rathwell
has disposed of his fine 100 acre
farm on Goshen Line north, to Mr.
Art P. Keys of Babylon Line. On
this farm there is a good brick house
and a large steel barn, the price paid
was $5,100.00, Mr. Rathwell is
holding an auction sale of his farm
:tock and implements, on Tuesday
November 15th.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lowden of Ham
Ilton, visited this week with the let
tor's mother, Mrs. Ro'sinson, Sr.
Mr. Frank McLinchey spent th-
week -end at Guelph.
A large number from here atten
ded the Brucefield anniversary ant
.fowl supper.
(Intended for last week)
Miss Jean Turner of Seaforth
spent Sunday at Mr. Robt. McL' in-
hey's and Mr. Henry Erratt's.
Mr. Richard Robinson left on Mon
-lay for his home at Carlyle, Sash.,
after spending some weeks at the old
:come in Stanley.
The oshen W. M. S. held their re
gular monthly meeting at the home
of Mrs. D. J. Stephenson last Thurs-
Mr. Wes. ' Cockerline and Mrs.
Mabel Armstrong left on Tuesday
W. J. White spent a few days last
week visiting his daughter, Mrs. Jas
Eby at Collingwood.
Harry Yungblut and Jacob Deich-
ert were recent visitors with Jacob
Baker, who is lying seriously ill at
the home of his sister, Mrs. Wmm.
Mrs. Dr. Reid of Port Rowan sp-
ent a few days visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. Sheffer.
Mrs. Frank Reiland of Kirkton,
spent a few day: visiting with JIr.
and bars. Colin Hudson.
Miss Marks of Brucefield, has been
visiting with Mrs. Robt. Bonthron..
D. H. McNaughton of Layfield, re-
turning' officer for S. Iluron, was in
the village winding up the business
of the late by-election.
The Sunbeam Mission Band of the
Carmel Church are putting on a pag
eant in the near future.
Mrs. Cossy and daughter Flora, of
London, were recent visitors with Mr
and Mrs. Mark Drysdale.
St. Mark's Anglican Church, Tor-
onto, was the setting fox pretty aut-
umn wedding, when Evelyn N. third
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ray
of Toronto, became the bride of Wm
J. Stone. only son of W. Stone and.
the late Mrs. Stone of Hensall. Rev.
R. S. Rayson officiated.
Chas Sheffer of Marlette, Mich.,and
daughter, Mrs. Schell, motored here
zo visit Mrs, Chas. Troyer, sister of
_Mr. Sheffer, who is very seriously ill
at the home of her daughter,- Mrs.
Geo. Hudson.
Fred Hess & Son are putting quite
s long extension to the rear of their
swelry store which will be used.urine
:ipally for the presses and equipment
)f the Hensall Advertiser, Mr. Hese
las been doing job work for a nu-
nber of months here, but when the
eetension is completed the Hensall
kdvertiser will be printed here
Stead of at Exeter as at the present
time. --Huron Expositor.
The drilling of the now salt well
rf the Goderich Salt Co., has beet
ompleted but pumping has not start-
•d as yet. The well was carries'
ewn to a depth of about 1200 feet.
The Clinton Knitting Co., has re•
ived an order from Hamilton, Her
.ada, for ankle hose.
,:eaforth reports that a large dee
4 seem wan leering ;round the o•xt
.its of that tow:i one day recently
14Ir, :and. Mrs. John Jowett, Bay-
field, returned having been on a. mo-
tor trip to War Road, Duluth, and
other places since the end f Septem-
lagmondville Church was the moth
er of Presbyterianism in Tuckerstnith
-and is getting on in years. She
held her 97th anniversary on Sunday
November (ith, and was glad to wel-
eene her children at the services.
The firm of MacEwen & Tebbutt,
.garage proprietors, Goderich, has be-
en dissolved by mutual consent, Mr.
.Tebbut retires, and the business will
hereafter be carried on by Geo. G.
M.acEwan. Mr. Tebbutt states that
he has not yet made decision.
The marriage took place in Exeter
when Margaret A., youngest daught-
er of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Harness of that place, became the
bride of Edward Janes, fourth son
of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Maguire, of
McGillivray Tp. The ceremony was
performed in the manse of Cavell
Church, Exeter, by Rev. J. Bernard
Rhodes, M.A.
While .some Wingham ladies were
returning by motor car- from Tor-
onto one evening, their car was at-
tacked by two horses a short distance
from Harriston. The animals, which
:lad been grazing by the: roadside, ap-
parently were excited by the lights of
the automobile, sprang from the ditch
and attacked the car with flying he-
els. None of the occupants was hurt
but the car was damaged consider-
The other morning while Seth
Winer was driving his truck for ga-
F thering cream on Huron sideroad,
Ieast of Exeter, the car struck some
loose gravel and something went wro-
ng with the steering gear and the
driver lost control. The truck turn -
..d over into the ditch damaging the
cab which has since been repaired.
Winer was just starting out to col-
lect his load of cream and fortunately
he escaped unhurt.
A pretty autumn wedding was sol-
emnized at the R. C. Church, Mt.
Carmel on Oct. 29th at 9 a.m. when
Rev. Father Corcoran united in mar-
riage l,Iiss Sidonia Marie, eldest dau-
ghter of Mrs. Josephine Dietrich and
the late L. Dietenich to Gordon Am-
brose, son of Mr. and Nies. Joseph
McKeever. The bride entered the
church to the strains of Lohengrin's
bridal chorus played by Miss E.
Dieterich cousin of the bride.
A cargo of 1,061 bushels of apples
was shipped from Goderich harbor to
Fort William last Monday, by the
steamer Georgian. Cantelon and
Cook of Clinton were the shippers.
The apples are all from orcelards in
the surrounding district. Mr. Cook
stated that while the crop was very
good the apples were of a poor grade
He was of opinion that there is not
enough attention paid by farmers
and fruit growers in the district t+i,
their orchards. Neglect of spraying
and pruning; was largely responsible
he felt, for the apples being of such
poor quality,
Clinton's voters' list has been com-
pleted for 1932 and was posted up.
There are in Clinton 1025 people
who are qualified to vote at both
municipal <elections and elections for
the legislative assembly;: 1.55 who
may vote only at municipal and 247
who may only vote at the legislative
assembly. 267 are qualified to serve
as jurors.
Franklin Balaton, who some mon-
ths ago purchased the Woollen Mill
from the town of Blyeh, and since
has had quite a staf at the wool pull-
ing department of this business, has
started into the manufacture of good
Canadian yarns and as time goes on
there is no doubt he will start up
the weaving and manufacturing of
A very pretty autumn wending was
solemnized at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John W. Heywood at Elimville,
Oct. 22nd, when their eldest daugh-
ter, Vera 0., became the bride of
Daniel R. Blackwell, son of Mr. and
Mrs. R. Blackwell of Petrolia, at high
noon while Mrs. G. Layton, a form-
er teacher of the bride, played the
Wedding March.
The South Huron plowing match,
was heli on the farm of William
Welsh, two miles north of Exeter,
on No. 4 highway on Oct. 20th, with
a good attendance in view of the
chilly weather. Among those pres-
ent were James Handford, aged 93,
who has not missed a plowing match
since he was a contestant at the age
of 12, and J. Kidd, aged 90, who
has plowed since he was 14.
Max. Robins and Arnold McCon-
nell, of Goderich, had the adventure
of running down a steer while driv-
ing between Mitchell and Sebringville
last Monday morning. The two yo-
ung amen were returning from Tor-
onto at 5 a.m. when just three mil-
es east of Mitchell, a steer on the
road, evidently attracted by the lights
of the car, charged toward them.
Heavy Assize Docket
Prospects are that the forthcominml
,, , wirh n,w, r' -t '",-,� lr
Nov. 15th at Goderich, before Justice
Jeffrey, will occupy a full week. Al-
though the criminal and civic docket
will not be complete until Wednesday
it is now known they w:11 be heavy.
At least seven criminal cases will
cone up for trial; one for rape, one
attempted rape, two false pretences,
one for possession of firearms dan-
gerous to the public peace and one
for perverting the courts of justice.
Member 10, 1932'
Caps I Theatre
Grxdel ,. Phone 47 `.
Northern Eie 4' c Soluprl System
Now .Playing—Warner Ruiter in
"Daddy" and 'Thomas Meighan in
Mort., 'Tues., Wed.
Ambassadors sof mirth, melody and
madness In 'their latest riot
T.hurs„ Fri., and Sat.
Grand old Artist of the stage in
her .first starring picture
Coming—"Love me Tonight" and
"Movie Crazy"
Matinees --Wed. and Sat. at 3 p.m.
Suspend Publication
The Lucan News which was started
six years ago last April and during
that time has never missed an issue
has suspended publication. Should
times improve the News ntay again
be published.
Society Meet
A meeting of the 'Huron Dental
Society was held at Wingham last
Wednesday. In the afternoon Dr. C.
Angus Kennedy of Toronto, gave a
clinic on orthodontia, the straighten-
ing of children's teeth, and in the
evening he gave a very instructive
talk on children's dentistry for the
general. practioneer. Dents were pros
ent from: Goderich, Lucknow, Rip-
ley, Seaforth, Teeswater, Clinton,
Exeter, Zurich, Mitchell, Brussels.Be•
tween the afternoon and evening ses-
sions a dinner was held at the Bruns-
wick Hotel.
Halowe'en Pranks
Efforts of certain Goderich boys
to stretch Hallowe'en into a two-day
celebration did not work out quite
so funny as they had planned. On
both Monday (Hallowe'en) night and
an Taesday store windows of the bus-
iness section received a liberal dose
of soap, Nothing was said or done a-
bout it on Hallowe'en night, but on
Tuesday the joke was carried too far
when the hand of the law took hold
and the boys were brought before the
Magistrate who for a penalty order-
ed the offenders to wash all the soap
or the windows.
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Established 1817
Zurich Branch C. H. JOY, Manager