Zurich Herald, 1932-11-03, Page 6Much interest has been evidenced in
the September issue of the Lone Scout
Paper, "On Lone Scout Trails," and
many entries were received . by the
editor for tite competitions outlined
The October issue, which is just off
the press, is equally as interesting and
contains particulars of some new and
novel ideas, in which you will all want
to take part. Read your copy care-
' fully.
It is remarkable how many activities
a Boy Scout is liable to be called into
at a moment's notice, simply because
the general public has grown to look
upon a Boy Scout as a lad who can be
trusted further and who is more ef-
ficient than ane who is not a Scout.
For instance at the recent Imperial
Economic Conference, several dele-
gates asked for Boy Scouts to act as
special messengers for them and
later they sent highly appreciative let-
ters to Scout Headquarters at the
close of the Conference.
Then again recently a radio message
was received by the Middlesex (Eng-
land) Rover Scouts from Dr. Hugo
Eckener of the Graf Zeppelin, thauk-
ing them and congratulating them on
their efficiency as a landing crew for
the big dirigible.
He took one of the Rovers back to
Germany with hien—a free trip on the
Scouts should always, therefore,
keep themselves fit, mentally, bodily
and spiritually, in order that, should
the emergency arise, they "cam meet it
and tackle it efficiently and courage-
New Heavyweight Champion a Scout
Jack Peterson, the new amateur
heavyweight boxing champion of
Great Britain, is a Rover Scout in an
East Glamorganshire troop.
deuce of the esteem iu which the Boy
Scouts Association is held amongst
business men, who recognize its im-
portance in the training of boys.
That Scouting is equally as attrac-
tive to boys of all classes and walks
of life is evidenced by the number of
Scout Troops which are to be' found,
not only amongst the schools attended
by the sons of the well to do, but also
in centres which are devoted to the
welfare of the less fortunately placed.
It is interesting to note that even
royalty is happy to don the popular
uniform which equalizes all classes,
for we read that during a review of
Rumanian Boy Scouts, recently, be-
fore King Carol, Cramp Prince Michael
marched past as a Patrol Leader at
the head of his patrol.
The Boy Scout Melting Pot
A new Boy Scout Troop at Depot
Harbour, Ont., comprises boys of In-
dian, Czech, English, and French-
Canadian and English -Canadian par-
Boy Scouts in the Holy Land
Since the visit of Jewish Scouts to
the world Scout gathering in England
in 1929 there has been a steady growth
of the movement in the Holy Land.
The last census showed a total of 2,371
largely located in Jerusalem,
Extra Holidays Given Scoutmasters
The well-known British firm of Rec-
kitt & Sons, following the example of
several banks and insurance com-
panies, are this summer giving extra
holiday leave to Scoutmaster em-
ployees who are taking their troops to
camp -
Canadian. Scoutmasters will agree
that this is an idea which could well
be copied in this country. But joking
on one side—this is just more evi-
A Boys' Hospital
Rosemary Home, a hosital for Boy
Scouts, but which receives other boys,
is maintained in Loudon under the
auspices of the Boy Scouts Associa-
tion. During 1931, 114 Cubs and
Scouts and other boys were admitted.
The cheerful Scout atmosphere of the
Home has made it probably the most
popular hospital in Britain and doc-
tors frequently recommend it for spe-
cial cases. Boys from outside London
are met at the stations by Scouts. It
is financed by collections at "Scouts'
Owns," and group or individual sub-
We are always happy to welcome
new members to the ranks of the Lone
Scouts of Canada. If you are unable
to attend the meetings of a regular
Scout Troop, why not become a Lone
Scout? This branch is open to boys
from 12 to 18 years of age inclusive.
Write for particulars to The Lone
Scout Dept., Boy Scouts Association,
330 Bay St., Toronto 2.—"Lone E."
A ii -Diiy Fast
Surrounded by well-fed cats, Mlle. Martlte Bastaa was found m a
New Yorlc apartment house. Mlle. Bas' an claims she has eaten
nothing for 31 days to sharpen her intellect and euable her to see
beyond the veil. ---
Slowly, silently, ttow the moon
Walks the night in her silver shoos;
This 'WAY, and that, site peers,, and
• 5505
Silvor fruit upon silver trees;
One by one the casements catch
Her beams beneath the • silvery
• thatch;
Couelied iu his lcenuel like a log,
With paws of silver sleeps the dog;
From their shadowy cote the viliite
breasts peep
Of doves in a silver -feathered ,sleep;
A harvest mouse goes scampering by,'
With silver claws and silver eye;
And moveless fish in the water gleam,
By silver reeds in a silver stream.
—Walter de la Mare.
, by which an injured or unconscious
+ire- °� tern een.nt^y be easily and quickly lift
ed on the rescuer's shoulder, is sim-
ie.., f 01 Nerve ; ti;,elf when carried out accord -
Training Develops Quick
Obedience and Steady
Anyone who has watched the mem-
bers of a fire brigade at work at a fire
must have admired the coolness with
which the most dangerous and difficult
operations are performed.
There are nearly two thousand men
in the London (England) Fire Brigade,
and every man possesses. nerves of
steel. Their training—and their live-
lihood—depend on that.
The headquarters of -the Fire Bri-
gade in Southwark Bridge Road ,pro-
vide the training -ground, and, in the
four months that the training lasts.
every recruit is not only taught .all
the technical points, but also, on a
carefully prepared schedule, submitted
to a series of what might be called
"nerve tests."
Failure to pass those tests involves
Perhaps the most striking from the
layman's point of view is the use of
the jumping sheet—a stout canvas
sheet circular in shape, and some teu
feet in diameter, into which a person
in danger may jump when no fire -
escape is immediately available.
c .a1 inter,Fair.
November 16-24
are to instructions; the . use of the
chemical extinguisher •for petrol and
other special types of fire is a mere
matter of routine; scarcely more diffi-
cult, though much more unpleasant, is
the training in wearing smoke hel-
First-aid to persons overcome by
smoke including experience of artifi-
cial respiration and the use of the
Pulmotor: are acquired rapidly by the
would-be fireman; and the training al-
so includes instruction in the use of
oxyacetylene cutting plant, so that,
when necessary, steel girders or simi-
lar obstacles may be removed when
they interfere with the work of the
brigade -
Hook -ladders play an important part
in rescue work, and the recruit must
familiarize himself with the procedure
and learn to work at top speed.
The ladders are about twelve feet
in length, and they are built of light
but strong wood, with a steel hook pro-
jecting at right angles for about a
foot from the top rung. The hook is
thrust over a window ledge or other
projection so that the ladder is held
securely. The fireman' then climbs to
the ledge and hauls the ladder up af-
ter him to repeat the process a floor
November 6. Lesson VI—The tsitrist:-
ian and World Peace—Psenee 72i
9.17; Ephesians 2: 13-19. Gdldeet
Text—Blessed are the peacemak•.
ers. for they shall be called the
children of God.—Matthew ,i: 9.
Great Things
That low man seeks a little thing to
Sees it and does it;
This high man, with a great thing to
Dies, ere he knows it.
That low man goes on adding one to'
Itis hundred's soon hit;
This high man, aiming at a million,
Misses an unit.
—Robert Browning.
Snderizi g Model
extend 'mixed farming in the prairie
provinces. Pure bred. breeders are
awake to the possibilities from success
in the major show rings now that the
Western farmers are better acquaint-
ed with the qualities of -hogs required
for the etport bacon trade.
The livestock section of the prize
list of the Royal this year contains
over 230 classes; that for poultry and
pet stock (issued separately) nearly
600 classes; that for fruit, vegetables
and flowers, 40 classes—making a
total well up to the Royal's record. In
poultry an 'easy record over past
events is attained in the number of
specialty clubs that will exhibit next
November. They number 27 as
against a previoushigh record of 23.
Many of the poultry associations, both
Canadian and American, will hold
their annual meetings during "Royal
Week" at Toronto, Nov. 1624.
Realizing the vital role of agricul-
ture in the economic restoration of
Canada, the Royal Winter Fair is en-
deavoring to concentrate public atten-
tion at the 1932 Fair on the Dominion's
vast wealth of agricultural resources
and to show how intimate is the link
of every other industry and enterprise
in Canada with agriculture.
Results of the Royal Winter Fair's
fall survey among prospective exhibit-
ors far the November Fair are the
most encouraging and cheery for the
last three years. According to the re-
ports received by the Royal, livestock
men are already definitely sensing an
improvement in conditions. While
prices have not materially improved
the tone, based upon prospects over
the coming year, is stated to be re-
markably firm in respect to all stock
of prize winning quality and, indeed, of
stock approaching exhibition stand-
The condition of pastures so far this
fall has been favorable to the main -
"Quick March" Into Space
Since it is extremely difficult for the
ordinary individual, even under stress the second elle is placed.
of danger, to leap into space, the fire- At first this training is carried out
man, more often than not, is compelled on a building that has been specially
to take the imperilled person in his 1 prepared, with timber baulks clamped
arms and to jump with him to safety. I to the window sills so that the hook
It is not strictly accurate to speak
of "jumping" into the sheet. Jumping
is forbidden. It involves the risk of
springing too far and so missing the
sheet. To obviate that risk the re-
cruit is taught to " step" off from a
window lodge with the precision of a
soldier who receives the order "Quick
A window ledge twenty-five feet
above the ground is used for the test.
The sheet is held stretched tightly by
ten or a dozen men on the ground be-
low, and the recruit takes up his posi-
tion at "attention" on the window" sill.
At a given signal the left foot shoots
smartly forward, with the toe pointed,
there is a pause, and then the recruit
is hurtling downwards to be caught
safely in the sheet.
It looks easy, as man after man goes
through the test, but if you stand on
that window ledge and look down, the
twenty-five feet seem to stretch to ex-
traordinary proportions, the ten -foot
sheet appears to have shrunk alarm-
That test must be carried out not
once but scores of times during the
training, until it becomes almost like
second nature The recruits are, for.
the most part, ex -Service men whose
earlier training, in the Navy and
Army, has accustomed them to instant
and implicit obedience, but'occasional-
ly a man finds it almost impossible to
step off the ledge.
The instructor's are infinitely pa-•
tient,. The reluctant one is endotir-
aged by words—sometimes even with
a gentle push from behind at the cru-
cial moment—because it is realized
that, once the "jump" has been sue-
cessfully accomplished, more than half
its terrors' will disappear.
If, in spite of all encouragement, the
man fails to carry out the test satis-
factorily, his training is finished he
will never be a. fireman.
The more prosaic parts of the train
ing are imparted in the early stages
of the course. The "firemen's lift,"
1. A WA.tLItSS WOBLP, PIsa.lin 72: 8-17,
II. CI3RIST C12>tATltS IT, Ephesians 211
L A rvAitL,ttss wont), Psalm 72: 8-17„
In this psalm a human Icing etande
in the foreground, `mut the aspirations
expressed go far beyond anything that.
Solomon ever was. It is reasonable to
assume that it reaches out beyond an
ideal king—out beyond a Palestinian
kingdom to a universal kingdom of
righteousess and therefore of peace.
The. prayers are uttered in such con-
fidence that they merge from petition
into prophecy. The first prayer (va.
1-4) for a righteous king pictures the
peaceful consequence (v. 5) as already
assured. The poor man will haveas
good a chance in the law courts as the
wealthy man. The second prayer (vs.
5-7) xpresses the conviction that only
such a kingdom has permanence.
The third prayer (vs. 8-11) is •for
the world-wide spread of this new so-
ciety. . Faith again sees the prayer
answered. Verse 8 means the then
known earthfroth the Euphrates
to somewhere out in the Mediter-
ranean. Verse 9 refers to the.
desert tribes in the south. Then the
psalmist looks westward, across the
Mediterranean to which he, like all
his people, knew so little. To hint, the
great city of Tarshish, Sheba in Ar-
abia, Seba far below Egypt, were the
world's stepping -off places. His geo-
graphical knowledge exhausted, in v.,
11 he includes whatever kings and
kingdoms there -ay be beyond his ken.
Was it an extravagant faith? It is
xtussia's faith for her new society.
Dare we have a lesser faith for the
Christie n co-operative commonwealth
'which it our dream today?
The secret of the new society's
power lies in love, vs. 12-15. Love is al-
ways the secret of power. The world
is so full of sorrow, people are in such
need, that he who can comfort them
and help them will win their
hearts. That 's why Christ is destin-
ed some day to dominate society.• Ho
has won the right to rule because he
tasted death for every than. "Precious
shall their blood be it his sight" (v.
14) is ' another way of saying that
"they" (the poor and needy) are too
dear to him to bz permitted to perish.
Verse 16 reflects the old Hebrew
blief hat piety ' _ings prosperity. Ila
the new kingdom all the barren land
will be reclaimed. In imagination the
writer zees even. -the tops of the moun-
tains covered with waving grain:. The
:cities lying in the r:ch valleys wilt
increase greatly in population. The
promise of God's kingdom on this
earth is still the hope that inspires
his people. The present social order,.
based as it is upon tht prinelaie of
"every man for htntself," will be re-.
placed by a new order built upon the
recognition that all men are brothers.
Justice will inevitably issue in a war-'
less world.
When society is finally Godlike,
prosperity and religion will go hand
in hand, vs. 16,-17.
Illustrated Dressmaking Lesson Fur-
nished II'ith E^v ry Pattern
Drill At Its Dizziest
Sometimes the ladders are used in
pairs, one being left in position until
These Things are Strong
These things are strong, when other
strong things fail:
The urge that quickens grass; the
deep still tides
Of ocean; and, beneath a sweeping
tenance • of live stock in good condi- The slender reed that bows, and
tion. Entries in cattle, both in the still abides;
beef and dairy breeds, promise to be The granite peaks of silence; and the
at least on a level with the 1931 ex- tie
Whits, and in Ayrshires and Holsteins That binds the heart of woman,
even an advance in number is antici' ages -long,
gated, To petal -Softness and a first frail cry
Preliminary reports from the West-
estern provinces indicate readiness
among exhibitors to participate in this
year's Royal. The improved outlook
of Western farmers due to ample
wheat ce'ep and prospects of export
trade have given heart to pure bred
breeders. They anticipate improved
demand for the restocking of farms
that were depleted two years ago.
The Royals entries for the swine
classes. from the Western provinces
may be considerably larger than in
any previous year, as the hog industry
particularly is reported to have felt
the impetus given by the campaign to
Making her mother. • These are the
things most strong.
The strength of ships goes down be-
fore a storm,
The strength of athletes meets the
dust at last;
But when familiar strong things
crumble, warm
Your confidence with sight of these;
hold fast
To, these and sing; for these things,
and a song
That rises from discouragement, are
—Helen Frazee -Bower, in. Embryo.
may obtain a firm hold. Later on the
recruit is expected to work in condi-
tions that he would find in actual fire-
In the yard at headquarters there is
a stone tower, newly ninety feet high.
It is used for instruction in rescue
work, and even to watch men using
these flimsy ladders at such a height
above the ground, where one slip must
inevitably have fatal results, is enough
to make even the most level head
turn dizzy. That same tower is used
for practising rescue by lines.
Finally there is the turnable ladder,
a mrtster that, fully extended,
stretches up 104 feet into the sky. It
is mounted on a fast motor truck, and
the drill is carried out at top speed -
The truck dashes into the yard at,
headquarters and, almost before it has
stopped, the mechanism is set in mo-
tion, and the ladder that has been ly-
ing in a horizontal ,position rears up.
almost vertically. Immediately a fire-
man runs up the steps until he is
perched on -a small platform' near the
top. Then a second lever is pulled,
the telescopic sections six -Cot ,skywards
at an alarming rate, and in a matter
of seconds the fireman is in position,
with the nozzle of a hose ready, to
direct a stream of water. .
It l: cart• stop ane heart front' breaking;
['shall not live in vain;
If t dam ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one Painting robin
Unto his nest again, • '
I shall not live in vain. .
-Emily Dickenson.
{ Eed z mark 'ME
GOOoU Dt'13
V oJt'D coMr
it .'h!'•,ii iiiihi g p f' j�' ' • �' �Iltl�li' li
?HE GooD
pP ,�'oUl2
'rtic N
ona A11tiS 'rrhiNk rttfiC\
If you find it necessary to study
your figure for a slender appearance,
you'll find this model is just what yon
are looking for.
The deep scalloped yoke is slender-
izing and charming. The similar treat-
ment of the skirt has a tendency to
narrow the hipline. .
The draped bodice with its V -neck-
line is still another slimming quality.
It's carried out in a novelty crepe
silk in burgundy .coloring, with plain
burgundy crepe.
Style. No. 3129 is designed for sizes
36, 38,40, 42, 44, 46 and 48 inches
Size 36 requires 2% -yards 39 -inch
with 11/4, yards 39 -inch contrasting.
Write your name and address plain -
1y, giving number and size of ,ach
,patterns as you• want. Enclose lic in
stani is or coin (coin preferred; wrap
it carefully) for each number, and
address your order to Wilson Pattern
Service, 78 West Adelaide St., Toronto.
Astronomy is the' science .. of the
harmony of infinite expanse. --Lord
John Russell.
Preach not because you have to say
something, • but because you have
something to say.—Richard Whately.
Undertake not what you cannot per-
form, but be careful to keep your pro-
mises.—George Washington.
Return to Primitive Farm Tools
Declaring that modern methods are
too expensive, peasant farmers in the
33ifel district of Prussia have returned
to cutting corn with a sickle, thresh-
ing it with a frail and hauling it to
market by ox team.
II- CHRIST CIttAT_.. IT, Ephesians 2;
Paul, in v. 13, is writing to Gentile
Christians. Gentile and Jtw once had
little in common. They were sopa-sit-
ed by a "wall of partition' In Her-
od's temple at Jerusalem a barrier
marled the point bejond which a Gen-
tile might not penetrate under penalty
of death. Now they were brothers,
because of their common devotion to
him who loved them and gave himself
for them, vs. 3.4, 15.
One of the tro'tbles in India is that
for LcnEtations we have a. tentuate:i,
the inferiority of the Indians. "Afriend of Mine," writes Sir John Fos-
ter Fraser, "a Parsee, titled, much
esteemed and very gsneroua, once said
to me w'ien I was maintaining how
India had advantaged from British
rule, 'Maybe, but how do you think I
feel about t when on an Indian rail-'
why platfo m :,:y wife's4maid can go
into the superior waiting -.room be-
cause she; is white, whilst nay -wife has
to go into the waiting -roots for 'na-
tives because, although she has dined
with the king, she is considered infer-.'
for to a major's white wife?' "
In his death, Jesus not only broke
down the barriers that separated man
from his brother, tie removed the bar-, .
rier that separated ratan from his God,
v. 16. The "afar off" and the "nigh" in
v. 17 mean the Gentiles and the .
When their common love far Jesus
brought then togeithsr they found,
each other capable of joy and sorrow
happiness and loneliness, iaspnnsivo'
to kindness, with similar difficulties,'hopes, aspirations. Then they were'
no lol:ger strangers.
ssistrijuntemicteransrmenikiairotteintweetzummt- ,.na nv.*an renssyc• ,,,, vaaur�sxcsmfal
It Looks Like Jeff Could Qualifgr For Congress.
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