Zurich Herald, 1932-11-03, Page 4IEtlll 4111111111111111111111011rili111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111a1111111111111111111111111111104ftesos sena 11111111111 I111111111"
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B g Barg:4.in
For a Died Time Only, We have made arratments
to offer the Public Very Attractive Low Pikes In :Re-
'newals or New Subscriptions as ia011iilmws:t
_timid and London Free Press 1 ye ar.._--....•«...•:$5.00
-lerAd and Londoon Advertiser, 1 year — $5.00
Above Prices are good only till Nevember NEI& 1932
Be sure and act before that date!!
the Supper .a _grind program will be
given by local talent.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Thiel and
.Mr. and . Mrs. J. A. Douglas, of l
family of near Hensall; NIr. and 1VIrs
3e ]Farb, spent last week at. the Jack AL Dale :and .son Melvin from
Inane of Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Doug- Wilton Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Russell
las and with friends on the Bronson !Pitt and daughter Alma of Thorn-
Lhae and at Bayfield. dale; Milford .and Alma Koch from
Miss Wilson and Miss RouIson of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kraft of
Ott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, Dashwood, all spent Sunday with Mr
called on friends in this vicinity on 1 and Mrs. George Ketch.
Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kraft, Mr.
Quite a number from this vicinity Milford and Alrna Koch, az/ spent
atleended the fowl supper in Zurich Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs.
Elmore Thiel near Hensall.
Mrs. Tena Hartleib ,spent Friday
evening with Mr. and }Jrs. George
A serious accident occurred on 1VIon-
day afternoon when Mr. Ernest Keys
had a horse tied on the west side of
the hotel. Mr. Leonard Bender came
around the corner not noticing the
horse ran into it fracturing its leg
with the result the horse had to be.
shot to end its suffering.
Death of Mrs. Fred Baker
Mrs. Fred Baker, (nee Sophia
Ash) a pioneer of .this community
passed away on Tuesday Morning,.
November 1st, 1932 in her 85th year.
She was born in Ellice Township and.
has: resided in Dashwood for the past
,,*,leateleuet was _held' in .Nee , 3,, 30 years. She has been in esus ig:
T'ayeSslhoolhouse on Friday evening, health for several years and last we -
for the section. Quite a large num ek was stricken with a paralytic str-
ber attending from the section. Af 'oke. Funeral services will be held on
ter the banquet the evening ,was sp Thursday afternoon at the home and
.ent in musie and dancing, many old 1 at the Evangelical church with Rev.
schoolmates met after a few year's I A. W. Sauer officiating. Her husb-
absence and were glad to meet again. i and predeceased her 11 years ago.
Misses Annie and Agnes CochraneShe .is survived by two sons and two
of Clinton spent a few days at the I daughters. Richard Baker on the
home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Fuss. !homestead; (Hannah), Mrs. Godkin,
Mrs. Orville- Taylor who has been l of Vancouver, Mrs. George Wiegand
in Clinton Hospital for a few days 1 of Dashwood, and Samuel Baker of
has returned to her home and is do -Zurich; ; one daughter„ Mrs. D. Mc-
ing nicely. Cormick predeceased her � five years
Miss Ruth Richardson is visiting ago. There are ten grandchildren
'ilei sister in Tillsonburg for a short and three great grandchildren. In -
time. I terment will take place in Exeter
11r. and Mrs. Jas. Smith of Kin Cemetery.
sardine visited at the borne of Mr.!
and Mrs. Orville Smith. I
Mrs. Robt. M 4
ousseau and daugh-
ter of Exeter, spent a few days with
last Thursday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Manson, of
"Thorndale called on friends in this
vicinity on Monday.
.Mr_ .and Mrs. Earl Barbour and
achy of Komoka, spent Sunday with
friends in this vicinity.
Hallowe'en passed off quietly in
the village. A number of the young-
,rera set paraded the streets and made
social calls.
Miss Dorothy Weido of Zurich,
spent the week -end with friends in
;the village.
Mrs. Alex. McMurtrie has. returned
home after visiting with •felends tint
St a rley Tp,
Lelia Welsh of Toronto its visiting
with relatives in town.
Rev, and Mrs, W. A. Young a nd
daughter have returned home after
visiting for a couple oaf 'weeks with
friends at Westboro and Ottawa.
Alice Higgins 11 nidi ting with her
sister, Mrs. A, J. .Sweitzer, at Beach -
0 -Pines.
Mrs. Thos. Palmer has returned
home after visiting far a few weeks
with her sou Earl in Windsor. Mr.
and Mrs. Earl :accompanied her to
Hensall, visiting .a few days.
John Passmhre, .Jr., has accepted
a good position .at Delhiand left for
that place.' His many friends here
wish him success.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Mickle have
returned to their hone in Ridgetown
after a pleasant visit with their son
Mrs. Griffith of Ottawa, is visiting
with Rev. amid Mrs. W. A. Young.
Wm. Harding and friends of Lon-
don visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Corbett in Hay.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer and
children of Beach -O -Pines, visited
with friends in town.
Fred Hess is improving the appear-
ance of his semoperty by tearing down
the large barn and having a neat
garage erented in its place.
The friends of A. L. Case are glad
to hear he is improving after his
very serious illness.
Annie Ceensitt is able again to re-
sume her defies :as teacher in the
public school .after being off duty a
week through illness.
The many l!biiends of Mrs. A. Lain-
mie will regret to learn that she had
the misfortune to fracture her arm
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Brod- Of
Mr. Andrew Love of Hensall, spent Under and by virtue of the powers.
a few days with friends here. {contained in a certain mortgage wh-
Mrs. John Jarrott is recovering ! ich will be produced at the sale the
after her illness at the home of her undersigned have been instructed to
:siste2 ors. ctanley Love.
.ny ' "�+rner visited sell by public auction at
.,,.fr. and Mrs. 1+V. ':...
',Mora , la'tavern1ber 3rd, T932'
on Monday last.
A. 0. Srnillie, of Toronto, has be-
en here for the past week, being cal-
led here owing to the Meese of his
relative, Robt, Smillie, of Seaforth. 1
Mrs. Edgar Stewart (nee Flossie
Foss), of Toronto, is spending a nu-
mber of weeks visiting her parents,
Mr, and Mrs. D. W. Foss.
Mrs. Frank lCeeland, of Kirkton,!
spent a week at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. C. S. Hudson, Mrs. Kelland, be -1
ing a cousin to Mrs. Hudson.
Jake Bakers 'who has been living
a little west of Hillsgreen, is now
here at the home of his sister, Mrs.
William Luker, who is taking care
of him during his present illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Love have
been in Ailsa Craig several times of
late owing to the critical illness of
a relative,
The many friends of W. A. Mac -
Laren will regret to learn that he has
disposed of his hardware business to
a buyer from Hamilton. The store
is now closed for stock taking, and
will be reopened for business under
the new management shortly. Mr.
and Mrs. MacLaren and family will
still be residents of Hensall.
Clinton reports an epidemic of
measles, causing a marked decline in
school attendance.
Mrs. W. J. Nott fell at her home
in Egmondville one day recently and
fractured her leg.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wild of Grand
Bend have left for their trip South.
They expect to be gone all winter.
Mrs. George Eilber, Crediton, vis-
ited with friends in Detroit for a
1VIr. and Mrs. Cyrus Green, Grand
Bend, atteniied the wedding of their
friends hi Clinton recently,• - -- 911A. iiuinbeY frdm dile vicinity ate ..
-tended the anniversary services in 2 UES]AY, NOVEMVMBER 22nd, 1932
Bru e.field on Sunday last. At 2 o'clock, p.m.
The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- The following farm property: ALL
per:_ will be observed in the Hills -
green church on Sunday November
6th ; at 2.15 p.m.
PP,,rreparatory services will be held
on Thursday evening at 7 o'clock,.
conducted by Rev, C. Malcolm of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parson are
moving this week to their new home
.in .Hensall.
Mrs. Sillery of Seaforth, is visit-
ing with Mr. and Mrs, W. Wolfe.
Miss Anna Tiernan is visiting in
Dr. and Mrs. Taylor and Mr. and
Mrs.' Mervyn Tiernan spent Saturday
• n London.
Messrs. Raymond Callfas and Mil -
.ford Koch of Detroit spent the we-
ectad with their parents.
Mr. Morton of Toronto, spent Wed
laesday in town, inspecting the tele-
phone office and found it in very good
Mrs. A, W. Sauer had the misfor-
Unto to fall and sprain her wrist. We
'tt►,pe for a speedy recovery.
Don't forget the Ham Supper to
l wren, in the basement of the Ev-
angelical Church on Wednesday ev-
+1i,ag„ November 9th under. the ana-
l/lick-Is of the Ladiry' Aid, Followving
AND SINGULAR' those certain par-
cels or tracts of land" and premises
situate, lying and being in the Town-
ship of Hay. in the County of Huron,
being composed of the North Half of
Lot 213 and the whole of Lot 27, in
the Seventh Concession of the said
Township containing in all one hun-
dred and fifty acres more or iess.
On this property is a fine two
storey briek house with slate roof.
There are four large rooms and one
small one upstairs and double par-
lour, dining room, kitchen and pan-
try downstairs. There are two barns
—one with stone walls and cement
floors for stabling and the other with
stone foundation and shed. There
is also a pig pen and hen house. Both
hard and soft water at house and a
second well in the lane. At the rear
is some soft wood bush. The farm
is said to be well drained and fenced.
Only six miles from Hensail four.
miles from Zurich and one mrle south
of Hillsgreen on the Parr Line. It
is centra] to the best markets ani:
close to both school and church.
10 per cent, on day of sale and
balance within 30 days thereafter.
Subject to reserve bid.
Further conditions and terms will
be made known on the day of sale.
Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer.
Crladnxan & s'anburee i.xo:cr
Hensall, Solicitors for *eloe ee ;e
daughter Ruth in Detroit last week,
also visiting friends elsewhere,
The death occurred of Mrs, Thos.
Elliott, Exeter,, . following, a. paralSIZ.
stroke. She is survived by her onedaughter.
band, band, five sons and dugll
Annie Landsborough, of Tucker -
smith, died Oct. 13th, in her 83rd
year. She had enjoyed health until
a month ago, when she fell and.bcoke
her hip.
Mr. Pfile, of Detroit, will soon.have.
his new home at Grand Bend com-
pleted and ready to move in and,
become a resident of the Bend. Fre-
ends welcome them to the village:
An auto accident happenecr• on theI
highway south of Exeter last. Tues.=
day morning when Hector Taylor was
in the act of turning inat. his drive-
way the ear struck by a truck going,
south. Only slight damage was done
to the car.
Falling from a load of wood'. when,I
the wagon was jolted, Geo.. W. Wren
an elderly farmer of Hensall district
suffered a broken collarbone and ot-
. her injuries. He was taken to, the
Seaforth hospital.
Seaforth wrestling fans saw their
first exhibition of the sport time eth
er evening when three matches took
place at the Palace Rink. The crowd
which was limited in number; fully
enjoyed the display.
Mrs. Christine ' Schwartz and' Lil-
Iian Finkbeiner returned to South
Cayuga and Dunvllle . after visiting
with relatives in Crediton. Earl Haiist
and Clara Gaiser accompanied thein
home and spent a few days before
A large 45 -lap. •tractor owned by
Carnet McPalis, of Exeter, burst in-
to flames while being driven with: a
threshing outfit on a road in Usborrne
township one day recently: A hot box
was supposed to be the cause of the
fire. The separator was pulled out of
Capita Theatre
Cioderlea- Phone 47
Northern Electric Sound System
NOW :Playing ---Ramon Novarrs 'in
Moen, Tues., Wed.
present a cross section of hum-
ni ty, in
"3EftRY and JOAN"
Thus., Fri., 'and. Sat..
A. Double Feature Bill;
an cad favorite,- returns in
and lin the same program
en. a ,great characterization
Conning—`` 1meeleatbers'with Lee
Four Marx Brothers.
Matinees -Wed. ;and Sat. at 3 p.m.
dangler by a tenni of 'horses.
A very .distressing accident hap—
at the Cantu of Carnochan Bros-
Tuckkersmnith last Friday, when Jas.
Carnochan had his left arm so sev-
erely crashed an the corn cutter that
amputation was found necessary. The'
victim was around the machine when •
his sleive was ,caught and before he
could extracate it or help could re-
ech Keine, his arm -was drawn in and
so an a crushed that it was found'
necessary to amputate his arm about :
Jive :inches ibe'k w the elbow. Mr: Car •
Bodeen :is at present in Clinton Hos-
pita}, where ithe operation was per-
4% LOAN -1932
The Minister of Finance offers public subscription.
Dominion of Canada 4% Bonds
Bearing interest from 15th October, 1932, and .offered in taw maturities, as follows:
$25,000,000— 3 YEAR 4% BONDS, DUE 15th OCTOBER, 1935
$55,000,000-20 YEAR 4% BONDS, DUE 15th OCTOBER, 1952
Subject to. redemption at par and interest on or after 15th October, 1947
Principal payable without charge, in lawful money of Canada, at the office of the Minister of Fiaancea i4
Receiver General of Canada at Ottawa or at the office of the Assistant Receiver General at Halifax,SaiaE
John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary and Vittoria..
Interest payable half -yearly, 15th April and 15th October, in lawful money
of Canada, without charge, at any branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank.
•U {' -•f.3"
3 YEAR BONDS, $ 1,000
20 YEAR BONDS, $500 AND $1,000
• ri
The proceeds of this Loan will be used to retire $34,449,950ofbonds maturxngtTst
ber, 1932, and to provide for the general purposes of the Government and the Cana+dj
.-- National Railways.
The Loan is authorized under Act of the Parliament of Canada, and both principal) ma
interest are a charge on the Consolidated Revenue Fund of Canada.
The amount of this issue is $80,000,,000. The Minister of Finance, however, reserves the.
right to allot or reject the whole or.any part of subscriptions received, provided such allot-
ments do not increase the principal amount of the issue by more than $25,000,000.
Applications will not be valid on forms other than those printed by the King's Printer.
3 Year Bonds, 99.20 and interest, yielding to maturity 4.28%
ISSUE PRICE • �; }: ;
20 Year Bonds, 93 45 and interest, yielding to maturity 4.50%
Payment to be made in full at time of application• or in the' vise of tie 3.year bonds, on allormee.
Subscription lists will open on' 31st October, 1932,, and will close onor.before tOth November„ 1932,,
with or without notice, at the discretion of the Minister of Finance. Subscriptions will be received by
any branch in Canada of any chartered. bank and by recognized dealers from whom official application
forms may be obtained.
Ottawa, 31st October, 1932