Zurich Herald, 1932-09-29, Page 1Vol. XXXIII No, 12 ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 29 1932, Chester L. Smith!, I.25 a year, U.S. MSG Ei Atibinisief gam LN ARREARS, *2 4A .a r clEIS3i'A Ilk Let th Herald Ads. guide you in your Fall and Zurich. Fall. Fair The Directors of Zurich; Agricult- ural Society could have scone: worse than choosing Tuesday of this week ich Jubilee Band supplied an. abund- Jesse as the big day of the Fair, yet hadpp Jersey—Milk cow, E. Haberer;the weatherman beena Tittle moreance of music. Up the midway lane ifer 1 yr. old, E. Haberer, 0. Battler promising, the attendance wield have were numerous tents and booths to Heifer calf, 0. Battler. prebably been a little larger. On Monday night it was a continuous downpour of rain, which subdued to - :wards morning, and at eight o'clock in the forenoon the sun was peeking 'through the clouds, and averybody was happy on the promise of a nice day, but towards the noon hour the sky again became overcast, and did not clear up till about 3.30 the rain began to fall and greatly spoiled the latter part of the afternoon. The exhibits, throughout, were probably not as well'represented as in some Tears, that is in the grain and hort- icultural departments, while the lad- ies' departments were were good, and a big array was shown. The poul- try lines were well filled, and some real nice birds exhibited, as well as some fine stock exhibited. The Zur- Holstein—Milk cow, W. Sparks, A. E. Oestreicher; Heifer 2 yrs. H, Cl- ausis, A. E. Oestreicher; Heifer, 1 yr. old, W. Sparks, and 2nd; Heifer calf, 1 yr., W. Sparks ,and 2nd; '. ST. PETER'S m vangeleoa1 Lutheran Church ZURICH -- ONT. a"A Changeless Christ for a chang- ing World" .Jli'riday, 8h:—Luther League. :Saturday—Choir Practice. 'SUNDAY SERVICES Illi a. m:—German Service. x.1.1.5 a. m.—Sunday School. 7.20 p. m.—Engiish Service. '!Everybody Wcleernn• t. all Services. E. Turkh.ian. Pastor { Blue Scranton Coal The Color Guarantees the Quality PETROLEUM COKE • Cut down your Fusel Bill by using this GREAT HEAT,; NO ASAI 'FUEL : Stock up now with: this as the demand is more than the supply W. R. DAVIDSON DSON Successor tta. D. A. C'ANTELE The FueI Yards with all: varieties �df the Highest i<%uaTrty. Phone No. 10 HENSKLL, ONT. a wait on the people, and take what Herd Reg. Durham cattle, W. (fes - loose change the crowd had to spare. ! treicher; Baby Beef, 0. Battler, A.., Just how the attendance comparedlielick, with other years, we at present are SHEEP not in a position to tell. but we Lincoln Sheep,-,Shearling ram, J. know that considering conditions the F. Linden, Geo. Penhale; Aged rain, attendance. was good. Following is T. M. Snowden and 2nd; Shearling a report of the prize winners as we. Ewe, G. Penhale, T. M. Snowden; copied them off and rushed to set Ram Lamb, J. T. Linden, G. Penhale it up. We da not vouch that this Ewe lamb, T. F. Linden, G. Perthal'e; is officially correct, sometimes in the Ewe, G. Penhale, T. M. Snowden. rush a mistake is made, or sometimes Oxford Downs—Shearling ram, we do not just rightly understand Wm. Henry and 2nd; Aged ram, Wm the markings in the judges' books: Henry and 2ud, and all other numb - HORSES ers in this class. General Purpose—Brood mare ac- Shropshire Downs—Shearling ram companies by, foal, S. Oestreichr;r,M. and all other numbers in this class Brown; Foal, NI. Brown, S. Hendrick by R. D. Hunter & Son. Year .old, S. Hendrick, Geo. Becker; 2 yr. old, S. Hendrick, 0. Koehler; 3 yr. old, J. Armstrong, 0. Koehler; Spanin harness and wagon, W. De- cker and 2nd. Agricultural -Broad mare accom- panied by Foal, W. Northcott, J. Armstrong; Foal, Cecil Rowe, W. Northcott; 1 yr. old, J. Gelinas & Son, and 2nd; 2 -yr. old, S. Hend- rick, W. Bawden; 3 yr. old, A. Eth- erington, Span in harness, N. Keys & Son, Geo. Becker. Heavy- Draught—Brood mare ac- commpanied by foal, M. Russell, S. Oestreicher; Foal, M. Russell, S. Oestreicher; 1 yr. old, N, Keys & Son, 2 yr. old, Manson Bros; 2 yr. old, Matt Tinney, Span, E. Willert. Roadster—Brood mare, accomp- anied by foal, E. Haist, foal, E. Heist J. Gelinas & Son; 2 yr. old, W. Mc- Guire, N Keys & .,Son; 3yr a d Mr. Newell Geiger of London, sp- ent the week -end at •his home here. Mr. Wm. Dumart of Kitchener, visited a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yungblut. Mr. Jacob Smith and Mr. Mage! of Detroit, were over for the Fair, as well as other business. Many from the village attended the big nomination meeting at Hensall, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Isreal Wilhelm and daugntere, Helen and Marjorie of near Milverton, were Sunday visitors at the horn. of Mr. and 1VIrs. C. L. Leichester—Shearling ram, A. 1-1, Snaith. Warner, P. Masse & Son; Aged ram Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Meininger and Shearling ewe ditto;; Ram lamb and nephew, Arthur Gettus of De - A. H. Warner, F. Haberer; Ewe trate Misch., were week -end guests at lamb, P. Masse & Son, and 2nd; Ewe the home of Mr. and Mrs.:[ . F. A. H. Warner, P. Masse & Son; Fat Weselah. sheep, R. D. Hunter, Manson Bros. Mr. and Mrs.. Morley Witmer and HOGS Yorkshire—Aged sow, H. Clausius and 2nd; Aged boar, Manson bros; Spring boar, Manson Bros; Spring sow, J. Stirling and 2nd; Bacon hogs Mr. and: Mrs,. Fred Turner of T. Meyers, B. Dunn, J. Gelinas & Goderich were Sunday visitors at the Son, A. Reichert. home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Weide, Mrs, Turnar stayirsg over fm a time, with her sister, Mrs. Weida - Betty and ' Kevin: home in 'Detroit weeks with her latives. Kering returned to their after spending few 4. mother and ogler re- •trosooes orroo•easesoofroo•oeoeatmPJe***IIF••N;Y►iStiiieVl1ce •a • • • = • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING We Believe We can give You the Very Best in Watch and Clock Repairs, with Prices con- siderably Iower that what is charged in the larger centres FURTHERMORE WE CAN GIVE YOU PROMPT SERVICE Special attention to Mailed in Watches,. Hess,ThJeweller Phone 74 er tak etc ceit 47.4 fia (04 • • • • R • g, • ••� •'•tFD000 ••wa�•�•ad• •©ar • et+®;Or�as••+�•arw��•�;��ae„ +1++ •+++++' ,•IF•.g.,.c�.g„p.+ i+++,*+��•F4�:-S�+^F••tr•i•-i-;-<f��¢••W�F+^i��F+y,.4,Q�,:4 e, 0- Tamworth—Aged sow, T. M. Sno- wden, Manson Bros; Spring boar, Manson Bros. and 2nd; Spring sow, Manson Bros. and 2nd. Schilbe ,& Mrs. Wur. Hey spent Tuesday at Son. Special, A. Etherington; Bank Forest as Departmental Judge of of Montreal Special, 0: Battler; T. Ladies Week ami Art„ and will be Eaton Special, W. Sparks; Stade & in Brussels Thursday Judging Dafry Welch) Special, Wm. Henry, Junior and Domestic Science. ark -t_Iamb woe ro • ., W.' McGuire, A. Miller; Single road- ster in harness and buggy, R. McLar- en, P. Masse & Son; Laady driver, Bort Dunn, E. Willert. Carriage—Brood mare, accompan- ied by foal, S. Hendrick, J. Gelinas & Son; Foal, J. Gelinas & Son; 1 yr. old, E. Walper, Manson Bros; 2 yr. old, N. Keys & Son, Single carriage horse in buggy, E. Willert, E. Wal - per; Merner's Special, W. Northcott; Salmon Special, M. Russell, W. Nor- thcott. Judge, 0. Launsberry. CATTLE Registered Durham, Cows, W. Oes- tricker, Yearling heifer, W. Oestrei- cker, A. Etherington; 2 yr. old heifer W. Oestreicker and 2nd; 13uii calf this year's. W. Oestreicker: Hodfer calf, W. Oestreicker and 2nd; Year old bull calf, W. Oestreicker. Beef Type grades, Milk cow, F. Haberer and 2nd; Heifer 2 yr. old, F, Haberer and 2nd; Heifer 1 yr. old A. Etherington; Heifer calf under 1 0. Battler, A. Etherington; Steer. 2 yr. old, F, Haberer; Steer 1yr, under 1, and fat cow, F. Haberer lst and second. sr••+•• •••-so se**ea•••4•••• • WHATEVER YOU DO • Bon't Miss This Qate SDAY',. OCTOBER 4th. • l: We will sappily w . every. 'B ' GSR 'Clothes of qual. itj Suit ordered on that day only, an Extra of Trousers � o� the sa+¢e�i�wit¢rSaiat no extra ;�. of the same •rnatexaal =at no extra cost : • Mr. Park,. Head Offi— re .t ae of the Berger Tail- . •oring Co:; and clothianz expert will be in atter at .our store on; the •a ' tie;. to advise customers, and to TtleaSttre, personally, all Who order staiits storing his vis t. The offer of .free extra trousers is 'limes tothe clorat- s •• Wa.. Iti: ll� it SOIL ! j Wild • • ' H'. Truemner, A. H{ Warner, tg 414 35 . Geese, Haberer Bros.; Wild ducks, R Doan, Heberor Pros; Judge A., , E. 4.4;•••41144041.4044,..000104004000.0"41*00404,440.4*...... i•► (Continued on Page 8 ich eon- Homburgs, cack, Lee O'Brein, it: Doan; Hen, 0. Battler, Lee O'Brein, cockrel and pullet, Lee O'Brein., 0. Battler; Plymouth Rocks, Cock and The iota!' Luther Lea ue of St. hen, Neil Campbell; cockrel and pul- g let, N. Campbell, R. Doan; White Peter's Church, are busy days Plymouth Rocks, Cock, T. M. Snow- making preparations for the big an - den, H, Truemner; hen, H. Truemner nual convention of the Stratford dis- R. Doan; cockrel and pullett, Lloyd tinct which wilt this near be held in O'Brein " and 2nd; Light Brahams, Cock, J. McDonald, hen R. Doan, J. McDonald; pullett, J. McDonald; Dark Brahams, Hen, R. Doan; Black Minorcas, Cock, R. Doan, F. Kock- eter this afternoon, where the Rt. erns & Son; hen R. Doan, H. True- mner; cockerel, H. Truemner and 2nd pullett, R. Doan, H. Truemner; White noon, and Wednesday - evening at Minorcas, cock, Lloyd O'Brein and Seafor.'th. We trust the boy's music will appeal to this great statesman. the Town Hall on Tuesday "noon, When a number of judgment sum- mons cases were ups .for consideration.. Zurich, and the date is Thanksgiving Day, October letle.. Zurich Jubilee Band, as well as a large number of citizens are at Ex - Hon. MacKenzie King is addressing a large gathering, Wednesday after - 2nd,; hen and pullett, R. Doan, Lloyd O'l3rein; Cockrel, Lloyd O'Brein and 2nd; R. S. Minorcas, cock, J, McDon- ald; cDon-ald; S. C. W. Leghorns, cock, E. Hey- wood, hen, J.Wein, E. Haywood; co- ckrel and pullett, J. McDonald, E. Zurich Tossers Win The return game was recently play ed at London between the Weston Street Club and Zurich on the Wes - Heywood; R. C. S. Lee'horns, ror'•"el ton Street courts, with a victory for and pullet, Lloyd O'Brein, 0. Bat- Zurich by 363 points, '.he scores tier; S. C. Brown Leg.iorns, cocKeiel I made by the Zurich bovs were as and pullet, J. McDonald, Lloyd 0'- followen Boa and Boa 280; J. Mey- Brein ; Any other variety, cock and hen, and cockrel, J. McDonald., R. Doan; pullett, F. Kockems & Son, J McDonald; Black Jersey Giants, cock H. Truemner, F. Kockems & Son; Hen, H. Truemner and 2nd; cockrel and pullett, F. Kockems & Son and 2nd; Black Orpingtons, cock, J. Mc- Road to St. Joseph, who on Septem Donald, 0. Battler; hen, F. I{ockems ber 21st lost their infant son, Fred- & Son; cockrel and pullett, F. Kock- erick, aged 11 months ant 1 day. ems & Son and 2nd; cock and hen, ,.Che poor little fellow suffered with R. Doan; White Wyandottes, cock, N. acute bronchitis, which developed ]n Campbell, hen N. Campbell and 2nd to other complications, and the poli cockrel and pullet, Neil Campbell and little body could not withstand the 2nd; Silver Lace Wyandottes, cock- disease. The remains were laid to re -and pullett, J. McDonald; RhodeZeur- Island Reds, cock, J. McDonald, F, rest in St. Boniface Cemetery, Cher Kockems & Son; hen and cockrel, F. ich on Friday morning, Rev. Father Eockems & Son. and 2nd; .pullett, R. officiating. The bereft par - Doan. F. Kockems; Ctrmpines, cock ente hay a the sympathy of their many ers, E. Mousseau 280; C. and el Surerus 2'77; G. Koehler, D. Mey- ers 225. London, Stewart and Nash 208; Ridley, Clayton 186; Storie, Keough 167; Storie, Fanson 138. Much sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Druar of the Zurich and_ hen, cockrel and pullett, Lloyd friends. O'Brein and 2nd; Anconas, cock and The program of entereainment put hen, Lloyd O'Brein; cockrel, L. 0'- on by the management of the Zurich Brein; Black Spanish, cock and hen, Agricultural Society on Tuesday ev- cockrel and pullet, F, Kockems and ening, Fair night, was most cerg,ainly 2nd; Bantams, any variety, cock and well patronised, as the town hall was ben, Haber Bros, J. McDonald; cock- filled to capacity for the concert, and rel and pullett, Haber Bros., Lloyd the program was indeed well enjoyed O'Brein; Coll. Pigeons, E. Heywood, by all present, The young people B. Clausiou; Pekin China ducks, old who put on the play "The Jonah" R. Doan, T. M. Snowden; Young, T. indeed gave a good account of thorn. M. Snowden and 2nd; Rouen bucks, selves, and they swayed the large old, R. D. Hunter, N. Campbell; yo- audience with their humor in the ung, R. Doan, R. D. Hunter; Ducks play, and every character seemed to any variety, J. Grieves, J, McDonald; be just adapted for the part. The Geese, Old and young, E, Doan, It public dance following the concert, Truemner; Toulouse Geese, old and was also 'well patronized, as the hall young, R. Doan, A. R. Warner; Tun- was plenty full, to allow room for keys, old, J. Wein, A. Warner; young doing the jigs. Both of these items on the evening's program were well attended, and we know the society PHONE it s, *7 have a nice little surplus of the 4 evening's doings. sPEcIALs 4 AT THE MUTUAL SHOE STOR;1 WHE ;�. E YOU BUY T E a BEST FOR LESS CASH + f..,,$1. s' 'PAD? �!OM N'S LA; + pers, Low Heels, Soft Toes, the kind you always bong/He ale• + something a little dif€erent. - $1.25 PAIR WOMEN'S IDEAL 1 ST AP KID amp SLJFP . M + With Solid Leather and Cu ;+:'on; Insoles. + ]d • $3,00, $2.76, $2.35 NEWS TAN OR BLACK' MENNONITE WI1 JJ + BOOTS, Panco or Leather Soles, Sterling and Sisrnaaa wares. 4 • 4 + $2.o0, $2.25, BOY'S' HEAVY WORK BOOT S, The best makes ob- tainable.A.Cso fine shoes far best sizes 1 to 5%_ $1.45, $1.75, YOUTH'S; WORK SHOES,. MAI ar Toe Caps. Alawit finer Shoe for School, Sizes 1? to 13 OUR GUIDE IS TRE MAIL ORDER HOUSES. CATALOGUE FOUND ON THE COUNTER OF OUR STORE' FOR YOU; FERENCE AND OURS WHILE BUYING GOODS AT IBBIS STORE. WHY NOT SUFP'G RT YOUR HOME STORE WHO GI ES Ire TWO SUYING, I"RIVELIGES EITHER CASH OR C 'e,E1i7irl MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS, Red or Black Solus, $2.40 and V..24 ALL ▪ RUBBER F0.OTWEAR PRICED TILE SAME AS MAIC; C1 . DER HOUSES. SEE YOUR CATALOGUE FOR DIFFSRMI STYLES TO SUIT YOUR WANTS, OUR PRICES S A.RE TEM SADA WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR SF."ECIALS.R..epairing p9roerup a,t Zama 0 FRITZ & SON MEMBER OF MUTUAL SHOE STORES OF CANoie i Phone 82 or 115 . ,Ilktlii"t„'. t + +++++++++4++++++++++++*4444 ++++++++++?+f+1... Sher.44 New Sou er Goods We are Prepared, to Meet Your Wars With Ntul , Low.. Priced Goods., PRINTS, GINGHAM., BROADCLOTHS CURTAINS, - CURTAIN MUSLIMS, ETC„ ETC. .A Few Stamped Mats at. 2O' Off While Tbek 0._, Silk Klose, 30 cents a Pais. and up Root Seeds and Garden Seeds at Sc Aac lot a rat . HARNESS REPAIRS A - SPECIALTY FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAN R. N DOUGLAS 1rANtwr a OVISAPONAmir ALA