Zurich Herald, 1932-09-15, Page 5teeharsday, September 15tie 13 IIr BUSINESS CARD . D S Watts, For Souls, Lott, _ `I `I LEY. . o E ound, Notice, Etc,Ads ismoustER, ' SOLICITOR ' NOT- ARY PUBLIC, ETC. ICE ---Hamilton Street, het off .1Ree Shcuere, GODERICH, Ontario. • peciel .Attention to Counsel and Court Work. i1Vdx. Holmes may be consulted at sederich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed, Dr. H. B t OWEN L. D. 8, D. D. S, DENTAL SURGEON Illi DEIT'Z BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday ette TABTL. 1B'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and ;Wednesday Licensed Auctioneer For Huron and Middlesex $ AM IN A POSITION To. CON - Aunt any Auction Sale, regardless ate to size or article to sell. I solicit. ;your business, and if not satisfied win make no charges for Services Ren - Mewed. ' ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood acne 18-57; Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Always a good Supply of Fresh and Cured Meats -Bolognas, Sausages, Weiners, Hams, Etc., always on hand Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins "Let Us Serve Your , C, Yungblut & Sou SERVICE Why We have thew Better Class of Customers i"HIGH CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. (BATTERIES, MOBILE OIL. MAR. ,i'EI.UBE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES ,AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Forts, Holining and Mechanical Work .dionts to Micrometer Settings, No moss work. Watch the cars that STOP at WEIN'S, They are all HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. 11. S. "We DASI-IWOOD — 11111 OfeL NISI STRAYED, From my premises, 14th con , Hay Township, a 2 -year-old steer, 'white, [Finder kindly notify, Nelson Masse, Zurich. For Sale Buckwheat Honey for sale, at 3 ceAmts. a pound. Tiring your eontain- ers. Haberer : Sons, Zurich. 2: blocks south of Hotel Fertilizer For Sale For the convenience or anyone wanting Fertilizer, Mr. Ervin Willert has several tons txf the sane at his barn for immediate sale. Kindly get in touch with Mr. Willert, if in need of any. NOTICE .My hairdressing parlor is open for business, and solicit your patronage. Reasonable Charges. Lottie E. Turkheint, ,Zurich FARM . FOR SALE Consisting of a good 150 -acre farm south of Zurich, Goshen Line. For further particulars apply to: William Koehller, Zurich. FOR SALE SEED WHEAT FOR SALE A limited quantity of Junior No. 6 White Bald Head fall wheat seed for sale, free from smut and weeds. Hilton Truemner, Zurich. Phone No. S5 r 11. FOUND A girl's Red Leather Coat and a Toque. Sante can be had at the Her- ald Office by paying this adv. • Beans Wanted We are• prepared to pay the high- est market price for beans, peas, and all kinds of seeds, and arrange for trucking' at low rates. J•.. C. Reid,. & Co., Dashwood. Phone No. 3. LOST 11 Auto license marker, D.T.-203. 111 Finder kindly return to: Ey. Brod- erick, Parr Line, Hay Tp. ONTARIO Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Cu OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing 3usiness in Ontario - Amount of Insurance at Risk on Deo. 31st, 1931, $19,593,724. Total Cash in Rank and Bonds $199,101,.61 :theme -44M per $1,e8'© tsar 8 years. E F. Klopp—Zurich Unit, Also. Dealer in Li¢htnin¢ hods and all kinds of Fire lusurauce .l.4 l Vi POU LT WANTED D Atkins *very Day till 8 o'clock, pen aot teed Fowl same morning when brought In. iiiithest Cask Prices —CA$H FOR— CREAM AND EGGS We O'Brien I line 19 1. Rea. 94, Zz2rida THE HERALD'S JOB DEPARTMENT Is sever ready to serve the puri-, leis: with Commercial and fine '.Printing. Get our prices he - tore Ieaving your order else - GRAIN WANTED NEWS Mr. Frank Baer of London, +called on Mrs. J. England the past Week. Miss Florence Wicker, R. N., of Stratford, is spending a few week's holidays at the Lutheran Parsonage. Mrs. J', Kellerman of Dashwood, was a week-erid visitor with her sis- ter, Mrs. C. Frits. Mr, and Mrs. George Kibbler of Guelph were Sunday visitors at the home of :Mr. and Mrs. C. Fritz. Miss May Schwalm of Stratford spent the past week at the home of her parents, on. the Blind. Line, Miss Ruth Tgrkheim has left fol Waterloo Where she will resume hex studies at the Waterloo College. Mr. and Mrs. John Preeter of Kit- chener were Sunday visitors with fri- ends riends in town.' Islr, -Oliver 'Johnson of Goderiele visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnson on Sunday. Mr. Jacob Smith and son Idit.', Earl Smith, of :Detroit, spent the week -end with friends and relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sauve and Mr. and. Mrs. Blandof Toronto, were week -end visitors .at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gascho and. -other friends. Mrs. P. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Mor- ris Brown of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs Fraser Brown of Crediton, were :Sun- day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Siebert. Miss Lottie Turkheim wishes to advise the public that she is running her hairdressing parlor, and invites your patronage. Charges very reas- onable. Dr. and Mrs. Sam Bean and fam ily of London, Mrs. Dan Faust an Miss Mary England of Dashwood were Sunday visitors at the home o MVIrs. J. England. A number of horseshoe tossers we re present from London on Saturday evening and played the locals. The visitors came out considerably at the short end of the eount. Mr. and Mrs. Theo Wagner of Guelph, and Miss Anna E1sIey of Kit- chener, who are camping at Grand Bend, were Sunday visitors with the forraer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wagner,. d Dr. H. F. Klopp and daughter of Kitchener, Mr. Len. Kropp and'faiiz- ily of 'Waterloo, and Mrs. Jac. Wag- ner of Shakespears, were visitors with their motter etre. 'Louise Klopp of town, and other relatives, , over Sunday. Mr. Frank White, M. P., and Mr. Gordon Reid organizer of London, were in town Tuesday evening and got things organized for the coming election. Mr. White addressed the gathering in the council chambers for about a half hour. The'Gu.rich 73ranch of the Woment"s` Institute will hold their meeting on Monday night, September 19th at eight o'clock_ The ladies of the Hur- on Institute are giving the progiter of the evening. All 'adie.r are :lord Tally invited to attend. - Rev. J. P. Hauch of Stratford conducted services in the Evangelica church on Sunday evening, also qu- arterly services. On the coming Sun day at the morning service, the sab- bath school will open at 10.30 and a special program. is being arranged to last over the schooi period and teso part of the regular morning etorship hour, which will begin at the • We are prepared to pay the highest l eJime mentioned. market price for all kinds or Ontario ' Monday and Tuesday, September Grain and Beans. We can also sup- 26th and 27th are the dates of the ply you with empty bags and arrange Zurich Fall Fair. Be sure and don't j for trucking sarne at a very low rate, forget theen dates, and get your ex-. COOK BROS. Mir,T,INO CO. HE+ MSALL, ONT. Office Phone 54. Res. Phone 63. ZURICH HERALD Established 1900 :ISSUED EVERY. WEDNESDAY NOON ,PlibM THE H reald PrintingOi fkce SUBSCRarzrow RATES --$125 s ear, strictly in advance; $1.50 in arrears or $2,el may be charged- IJ S. $1.50 in advanc•tie.:i o paper discon- ..inued until ale arrsare are paid un• •ess at optica of publisher. The date .rf which every Subscription is paid Is deflated an the Label. ADVER'r1SING RATES Display advertising made known in application... Miscellaneous articles of not nrort than four Titres,, .For Sale, 3'o Rent. Wanted, Lest, Found, etc., One inser ion 25c, 2 ,ins, 40e., 3 ins. 50c. Faun or mat Estate for sale $2.00 :or first morttlk $ LOD for each fol - !owing tnon. .1'rafessionat Carats not exceeding Lei inches, per yew $5.610. in Memoriam, cue verse -50c, 25c 'or each additional verse; Card of Cheeks, 50e. Auction Sa'kee--$'.2,O0 per single tweet:iion if not over ' r four- farlaa�s an length. Address all coraf'.m±lanaieatione to: THE HERALD RALD' hibits ready for this big event. The Officials have recently had a meeting and made the final arrangements and with the good crops and fine showings of the past year's products the fair this year should be very outstanding. Owing to an oversight, not on the part of the giver, the following spec- ial prize slxatdd have been added: "J. Gascho & Son, offer goods to val- ue of $3.00 from their store, for the winners of highest points in Claes 18 Horticultural and Class 21 Dairy and Other Products. lot $2, secondl $1. With the depression about at it: lowest level at present, the citizens of Zurich can tail: about one thing that is going up .in price, and that is Hydro rates, as the local Secretary Mr. A. F. Hess has received notice :from the Hydro Commission that the rates for Zurich will hereafter he raised a half a ,cent per kiliowat hr. that is in the first rate only, as the second rate will be the same as for- merly. To the domestic user it will. mean 25 cents if he uses up to 50 k.w. a month, after which he will go on the two cent rate. But to the commercial user it moans more, as most commercial users do not get in the second rate, which is 1c k.w-, but will be obliged to now pay 41e. c. instead of 4c as formerly. r+or ex- ample the Herald Office uses around a hundred k,w. a -month, that means that eve will, be obliged to pay 500 more each month for power, or ap- proximately e6.00 a year more. So with higher rates and higher sales taxes and what not, :how in the name of emunron sence can we Iower our prices very much on our output. It ised to, be that the big problem is 'rosy to make a living, but now it is age we pay our inflated rates and test Mrs. Walter Townsend of Brant- ford visited for a few days with Mrs. John England. Mr, and Mrs. T. L., Williams were Sunday visitors with relatives .at St. Marys. Mr. Richard Jeffrey has left for Detroit, where he will likely spend the winter months, 11zr. and Mrs, S, E. Faust of Mit- chell, were Sunday visitors at the ohne of Mr. and Mrs. W. H.Hofl•- man, ;xr. and Mrs, Percy Clark and Family of Windsor, are spending a ew week's holidays with relatives ei town, • A number of villageen attended than meetings coriducter by Gypsy Simon Smith, at Hensall United Church on Sunday and Monday evening, Large gatherings were present at the special Harvest Home and Miss- ionary Services- in St. Peter's Luth- eran church at both morning and evening services. • Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Aulerich and Miss Geraldine Lumen, who have hcen visiting with Mr, and Mrs. L. Prang, returned to their home in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. John Gascho, accom- panied •by Mr. and Mrs. Percy Clark, of Windsor, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel 1 Gascho at Harriston, Friends of Mrs. Wen. Talbot of i the Blue Water Highway, Stanley Tp and who is suffering a severe attack 1 of pneumonia, will be pleated to I learn that Mrs. Talbot is improving very incouragingly Hensall is Defeated The Hensall ball club Iost out in the third round in the finals last we- 1 ek, to Southampton, when on Wed- nesday they motored to that place and suffered a defeat of 6-3, and then at Hensall on Saturday, the big fellows from the north had a com- plete walkover and won the game by• the score of 11-1; gathering 18 hits' while Hensall were allowed 4 hits, Goldsmith the Southampton pitcher, p had 18 strikeouts., while Kerslake the' (� Hensall man had eight. Ed Gascho, i • of town who plays in the Hensall; S team made a two base hit, and also j e stole a base. Southampton had 121 inen left on bases while Hensall had, e s. !� In Traffic Court Five convictions were recorded by • Magistrate Reid in police court on �+ Monday in Goderich, as a result of e a raid conducted by a police squad on the home of Fred Littlechild fast we- • ek, Charles Bell, sixth offence, went p down for three months for intoxic-, • ation. Mrs. Mary Littlechild was fined • $10 and costs for assault, and paid.' • air, Oliver Littlechild was convicted 1 if neglect to her children, and was! 2 '0444 en her, on, l for sent-: ce ''for one week. LTis. Mabel Bell and I'.orrert Neal were found guilty • contributing to the delinquency of children, and were remanded for sen- • 'once for it week, the woman on her • own bail,and the man in jail. All cave Charl A Bell pleaded not guilty. • The police swooned down on the horde early in the morning, and fo- und evidence of an all-night orgy, which as related in their testimony, was a sordid tale. Crediton Resident Passes Funeral services were held on Sun - :lay afternoon at the Fahner Hotel, Crediton, where= Michael Beaver had live i 1 or eight years, and where he died suddenly Friday noon. Thrc • pi- oneer families, Peter, Michael i 'rd Philip Beaver, carne from the mo t- • ince of Alsace, Germany, to Morr•os- ton, Ont., but after a few years nov- • ed to Stephen Township, All of his children have gone to other parts of Ontario and Michigan, 'but the aged father desired to otay among his ac- quaintances at Crediton. The remain- ing children are: Michael of Port Huron; Solomon, Mauel, Norman and Lorne of Detroit;. Geo, of Sandusky and Albert of Welland; Mrs. Amos Geiger of Pigeon, Mich.; Mrs, Jerry Benner and Mrs. W. Flemming of Detroit. Wnl. Beaver and Mr, and Mrs. Charles Brawley of Kitchener, relative: were also present. Rev. M. S.ippell conducted the memorial. A Fatal Boat Ride All hope for the safety of the 3 young men, Eric Chapman, Reginald Appleyard and Douglas Milne, all London young men, whe left Bay- eld on Friday, Sept. 2nd for Detr- it to witness the Harmsworth boat races, was abandoned with the find - ng of their boat on Wednesday last which had washed up about twenty miles from Sarnia. The boat was ound by Capt. Brown of the London lying Club, who had been search - ng most of the day along the St• lair river by aeroplane in company with a brother of young Chapman. he shore was searched for miles a- ound but no trace had been found of the bodies. The boat contained nothing brit a funnel and some rope not even any clothing. • The Provin- sial, police have taken it in hand but up to date nothing of the bodies has een located, although some clothing and other articcles have time been ocated. It is thought that the Yo- ng men not knowing the conditions f the Kettle Point, undoubtedly of into Shallow waters and the eks which are very trecherous at this point, foundered the boat and re men drowned - fr 0 i f F a C T r b 1 u 0 g ro tl 0 • • 0 • A five year written factory guarantee is given with every Silent Glow Oil Burner This guarantee is backed by a e10,000 bank deposit which absol. utely assures satisfaction to every Sileat Glow owner, There are more Silent Glows in use than all other burners combined,. Dere is one recent letter from an enthusiastic Silent Glow user: "I have two Silent Glow Oil Burners, Model W --one in my cellar (furnace) and one in my kitchen stove, and heat my 7 -room house which is much exposed to the wind. I use the two bunters only when it is very cold. I have saved thirty dollars on my heating this year. It is a pleasure for me to •recommend Silent Glow," (Name upon request) No Noise—No Smoke—No Odor—Lights Quicker— Gives more Heat—Consumes Less Oil per Unit of Heat Generated. 11 LOWth 010111/1E1(11,14111711111Gilliiililliigh TRADE MARK REG. IN CAN. ANO U.S. SAT. OFF./� r1 IL u_ eteetiens Makers of Silent Glow Pilgrim Heaters forhomes, camps, etc., and Silent Glow Power Burners for heating large hones, apartments ,i4,1 other large buildings. 42 (Made in Canada) WILLIAMS BROS. ZURICH - ONT. 1 o•••••110•46•••m•a►6060•e11D,aoef itttl tiile084 439•rsae+t+ as11,+s00* Fertilizer Fertilizer We have a good Brand of Fertilizer that we will..deliver at $19.00 a Ton. Let Us have Your Order! STOCK FOODS Keep your Stock and Poultry Healthy this Winter..by using Our Various Brands of Stock and Poultry Foods, and Laying Mash. None Better on the Markets To -Day! COAL COAL Don't can supply et, We: g , you with the..proper Fuel to keep your Home nice and cosy all Winter at the Lowest Possible Cost. Coal, all Sizes, and d. Coke. Good Supply Always on Hand. "We do Custom Seed CIeaning" Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs. • a tin on peer S1944Faeataeotaawiovtlee+soata'epse+easpztaseczce•aios .vO• s.,k6iwwirtimaim aim aim ti aim mem aim 4404 Zurich ]Jrug Store 1 SCHOOL SUPPLIES WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES; PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SEE OUR SUPPLY OF TOILET PREPERATIONS: Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizers, Toilet S: ps, Tical 7, sten, and Brushes. FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. KODAKS AND FILIMS Dr. A. J. MacKinnon, Zurich 4i(NyvvywymywkmmkwwwmpimpAinsikmpoka