Zurich Herald, 1932-09-15, Page 1• Voll. 3 . f 1.[ o. 10) ZURICH. THURSDAY MOt I�C� C N D , S E F T EM B 1r R 9 32 D Chester L. Smith, Plirb'S.Miseth 11,25 ayear, U.S. 0.5tt imp milers* $X.50 ix 1 RR:sASS, *2 EAT' BE Ci ' !f 1C 't Target Zurieh Fall Fair»Jates September 26th and 27th Quebec Schools Close It was announced. from the pra- ?vincial department of public instruct- ion Queber, Monday„ that approxi- anately 25 schools in various select- ions of the province will: be unable to open for the next sclrnol, term owing to the municipalities being .in. iixran ficial ,distress. Black vV%ithdraws. in South Huron Election William Black, the: Progressive nominee, has withdrate-n. from. the (contest in South. Huron:, leaving still three candidates in, the field: W. IL Qolding, Liberal;; L. L Rader, Con- servative, and W. W. Coopers '"kodep- endent farmer Nationalist." It is thought generally that. Mr. Cooper will not contest the r1edng _ and the fight will be between Conservatives .•.n.d. Liberals. So far eery little has beenheard about the contest, but the ST. PETER'S e vangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH O• a'.A. Changeless Chrfat for at chant', ing %otteln' Friday, 8h:—Luther League. :Saturday—Choir Practice. -SUNDAY SERVICES MO a. m:—German Servo 41.15 a. m.—Sunday 7.S0 p. m. Engliek Service. 1.1Everybody Wakens. tilt aft Sorviseas. E. Turkheim. Nutter .1 next two weeks will bring in some of the best political speakers in the country, who will xxiarshall their "big guns" in this contest. Tion. Dr. Manion, Minister of Railways, will speak •at Exeter this Thursday even- ing in Mr. Rader's interests. The Lib- erals will also have a number of me- etings addressed by leaders of the party. And South Huron will most certainly hear a lot of politics in the next fifteen days. And we wonder why all this commotion when there is nothing, very much at stake, as the winning of this one seat will have no effect on the government, or will it make times better or worse for the most of us. Election Campaign Opens The opening gun in the South Hur- on by-election campaign willbe fired by the Government forces on Thurs- day, Sept. 15, at Exeter, when Hon. Dr. R. J. Manion, minister of rail- ways and canals in Rt. Hon. R. B. Bennett's Government, will be the speaker. Dr. Manion will speak at a mass meeting in Exeter at 8 p.m. in the interests of Louis H. Rader, Con- servative candidate, Warden of Hur- on County, well known farmer and member of the Ontario Agricultural council. .As this is the first big meet- ing of the by-election campaign keen and widespread interest has been roan ifested, and arrangements are being made to handle a record crowd which is expected to hear Mr. Manion's important message. The minister of railways was press liason officer at the Imperial Economic Conference re- cently concluded at Ottawa, and was closely in touch with all aspects of that momentous gathering. He will deal with the agreements concluded there, whereby the farmers of South Huron and the rest of Canada will fix and will reap many material benefits This -will be the first time a cabinet minister has entertained the riding during the present campaign, and the first time the people will have an op- portunity of hearing first hand what happened at the Ottawa conference. Mr. Rader also will outline his at- titude to the questions of the day. Everybody is welcome and the ladies are especially invited to attend and hear the discussion of problems of vital Interest to them.—Exeter Times Advocate. due Scranton CSI The Color Guarantees the Quality PETROLEUM. COKE. fzut down your Fuel Balli by using this! , . GREAT HEAT„ NO ASF( FUEL Stock up now with this as the demand is more than the supply W. R. DAVIDSON Successor' 'tom D. A. CANTELON The Fuel Yards with all Varieties ,dr. the Highest Quality. 'hone No. 10t 1 k SAY:(., ONT. IN MEMORIAM In. 'loving memory of Olga Miller, (nee "Howald> who passed away one year -ago, September 13th, 1921. Oh dearest one we miss thy voice. No more we see thy face. For 'thou 'hast found a home above Before the throne of grace. W e'il meet in Heaven some sweet day Forever to remain,. Where we'll join in joy and love, AAndnever part again. 'Her loving parents, •••••••4411440.40441•44414,44 000 A Ten -Dollar Smile A supercilious smile which Everett Stibbins wore in Saturday mor:liing's traffic court, Goderich, was respon- sible for him going to jail for ten days when he failed to raise an $11.- 50 L1.-50 fine which was imposed bymag- istrate Reid. Stibbins, a Hay Toin- ship man, thought the proceedings something of a joke, grinned through out. He told officers he had money owing him, bus expressed :io jlesire to have it collected that he might gain liberty. On Wednesday last he was still in jail. He is the .second motorist to take the time in lieu of a fine for a traffic offence in recent weeks. The man who. loaned Stib- bins the markers also was fined $10 and costs. and was given time to pay Auto Accident Charles A. Warren, of London,was seriously hurt when his car, said by officers to be going a terrific cclip, left the road one mile north of Grand Bend last Sunday afternoon, travelled sixty feet along a .ditch', mowed down a telephone post and then literally flew through the air for forty feet before coming to rest;: totally wrecked. Two young boys in. the rumble seat were thrown clear and escaped with a few bruises.. War- ren sustained a broken arm and fra- Rev. E. A. Poulter of Varna cal- led in town one day last week. Mr. Calvin Williams motored to Buffalo last week. Rev. and Mrs. Knauft and son Karl of. Preston were week -end visitors at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Turkheim. Friends of Mr. Chas. Fritz are in- deed pleased to see him around again looking after his daily duties. ••*••ER0•000000Qu•0•0000••••••••s100600e **11•a15eb S • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • g • • 0 • • Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Truemner of the' 14th con., attended Toronto Ex- hibition last week. A goodly number of citizens and of the district are attending the Lon- don Fair this week. Mrs. S. Jacobe and daughter • Miss ,Susie of town, and Mr. and Mrs. Gar- net Jaeobe of the Pass Line, were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Brein and daughter, Miss Olive, were Sunday .visitor;; at Milverton. Mr. and Mrs. Hildebrecht and Rev. ctured pelvis. After receiving first -and Mrs. Frederichsen of Brodhagen, aid he was rushed to London Hospital Wendel Holmes of Walkervillei and Keith Schram, of London, motorcy-' ; clists, were eye -witnesses. Warren' had just passed them when he ]eft the l road. They deny they were racing with the injured man. HAY COUNCIL .Sisters and• Brothers •f•�•••••••••• • • •I • Before You Buy YOUR NEW SUIT • BE SURE AND LOOK OVER : OUR RANGE. J13.. DGE FOR I • • • YOURSELF- - CO MPA RE! AND YOU (K ' L AGREE (KHAT THEY ' mix 711EE . GREATEST CLOTHING T' "I V N OBTAIN. PRI t*; o.00 ,LIP. READY MADE. TAILMAD AND MADE TOME SURE Or • • • • 46 .444 di ..~10 74'044~tOkih"*.A^1640•041,41004.011,0400416044,11#44440* 1The 're ular•..,: nth rc were Sunday visitors with Rev. and Mrs. E. Turkheim. Sunday visitors at Seaforth. Mrs. 'Norman Gascho spent the past week with friends at Harriston. and Toronto, also taking in the big National Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Brennerman, and Mr. Noah Kropf of Tavistock, were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Menno Bechler. FOR. THE "BRIDE TO BE" Briday Wreath Diamond and Wedding Rings $25.00 Our Feature Value, Beautiful Engraved.. White ur Green Mo- unts, with Good Size Perfect Stones. $7.50 Beautiful Engraved Wedding Rings To .Match, 18 K White or Green Gold. so - JAL Half dozen Free Community Tea Spoons accompany every Diamond or Wedding Ring during Aug, and Sept •• • Hess, The Jeweller Phone 74 ••.•aw•a•.•Ci4110e0.!.•rBAesi••••csct•9A••e91••00M tIEW430 ++++++14++++++++++++44+++++++++++++++++++.4" Ir SPEOIALS WHERE YOU BUY THE BEST I' +.. FOR LESS CASH AT THE MUTUAL SHOE STORE? was held in the town hall, Zixrxch,,on• Tuesday, Sept. Gth, with all the me- mbers present except Mr. A. Melick. The minutes of the previous meet- ing were adopted as read. After disposing of a number of communications, the following reso- lutions were passed: That By-law No. 9, 1932, provid- ing for the levy and collection of rates and accounts on the rateable property of the Township of Hay for Sept. 26th and 2 t . ' Get your ex- hibits ready and make plans to make this a real event. Mr. Milton Deitz, who has been operating the Rose service station, has severed his connection at that place and is now opening up a gen- eral garage in Mr. A. G. Edighoffer's building, formerly occupied by the Schrag Bros. On Monday evening, September the year 1932 .be read three times 12th a very important meeting was and finally passed. held at St. Peter's„Lotheran church That the Treasurer of the Town- when a number ofladies gathered ship of Hay be appointed to prepare together for the purpose of organiz- and send out tax notices for 1932 , ing a Women's Missionary Society. and receive taxes up to December Mrs. Knauff from Preston, president 15th; That accounts covering pay-lof the Women's Missionary Society of merits on township roads, telephone I the Ev. Lutheran Synod of Canada, and general accounts be passed as deliVered a very interesting and in - per vouchers: + + + + + + + + + + 4. + + + + + + Township Roads Accounts— F. C.work which is Tieing accomplished by l Kalbfleisch, lumber $5.94; J. Sararas this society, after which she directed rd. 15, 5.95; J. •Oesch rd 8, 31.0.76;Ithe organization. The charter mem- E. Hendrick rd 14, 1.40; L. Dertom- hers which were twelve in number, meJ, rd 8, 16.97; E. Erb rd 9, 18.49 signed up. After the constitution P. .Schade rd 13, 26.40; 3. Parks, rd was read. and adopted, the election of 1, 79.60; E. Deters, Z.P.V.illage 79.- I officers took place which resulted as 60; S. Martin rd 6, 12.75; A. L. follows: President, Mrs. Ivan Kalb- Sreenan, rd 18, 51.40; G. ,Surerus fleisch; Vice-pres., Mrs. E, Turkheim W. G. Bell, rd 2, 10.15; M. Tinney rd 10, 2.10; Crusher account 364.28; Mousseau, rd 3, 15.80; S. Martin•rd 6, crushed stone 117.36; J. Rennie rd 6, crushed stone 122.85; A, Mous seau, rd 3, crushed stone 34.65; J. Parke rd 1, crushed stone 17.21; S. McArthur rd crushed stone 17.85 minion Road Machinery Co., scr- aper 13.00; W. J. Jarrott Road Supt. 'Telephone accounts—Zurich Hydro lights, Central Office 2 mons. 3;06; Northern Electric Co., material 134.- 03; Bell Telephone Co., tolls June to July 187.73; Caan. Telephone & Sup plits;•material 7,71; Zurich Central switching 5 weeks $55; R Guenther, cartage, 1.10 ; Strom berg -Carlson Tel. Mfg. Co material 11.21. General Accounts—Zurich Hydro, lights, town hall, 2 mons. 2.501'The- resa Zettel lst award S. M. S., 27.50 Gladys Gingerich, 2nd award, SKS, 16,50; Margaret Schwalm, 3rd award S,M.S. $11 Zurich Drain South, pay list, cutting weeds $1.2; Tuckersmith The Council adjourned to meet a- gain on Tuesday, October 4th, at Secretary, IVIrs. E. J. natal's; Treas- urer, Mrs. Herb. Mousseau. Mrs. Knauff then pleaded with the mem- bers to co-operate with the officers and wished the newly organized so7 ciety every success and God's bless- ings in their work. Rev. E. Turk- heim explained his happiness at the outcome. of this meeting and snoke words of encouragernent try the new- ly elected officers: A hearty vote of thanks was tendered Mrs. Knauff after. which the meeting .was closed with the appropriate hymn, "Now Thank We All Our God", the Lord's Prayer and Benediction. HYMENIAL A quiet wedding was solemnized on Saturday morning, September 10, at St, Joseph'S church, Kitchener, when Miss Irene M. Runstedler, R.N. became the bride of Mr. George Far- well of Zurich. Rev. Father 'Haller officiated. The .attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Runstedler of Kit- chener. The bride wore a naVy blue coitume of triple georgette with hat to match. With it she wore a silver fox Pim' After the ceremony a wed- ding breakfast was served at the home of the bride's brother', Mr. Frank Rnnstedler and Mrs. Runsted- ler. Following a motor trip to the .middle States, Mr. and Mrs. Farwell will reside in Zurich. The Herald joins theit many friends in extenaing u pers, Low Heels, Soft Toes, the kind you always bought, something a little different. $1.25 PAIR WOMEN'S IDEAL 1 STAP KID HOUSE SLIPPERIZ With Solid Leather and Cushion Insoles. $3.00, $2.75, $2.35 MEN'S TAN OR BLACK MENNONITE WGRE. BOOTS, Panco or Leather Soles, Sterling and Sisrnan make.$2.00, $2.25, BOY'S HEAVY WORK BOOTS, The best makes au,- tainable. Also fine shoes for best sizes 1 to 53!,- $1.45, $1.75, YOUTH'S WORK SHOES, Plain or Toe Caps. Ake finer Shoes for School, Sizes 11 to 13%. OUR GUIDE IS THE MAIL ORDER HOUSES. CATALOGUE FOUND ON THE COUNTER OF OUR STORE FOR YOUR RE- FERENCE AND OURS WHILE BUYING GOODS AT THIZ STORE. WHY NOT SUPPORT YOUR HOME STORE WHO GIVES YOES' TWO BUYING PRIVELIGES EITHER CASH OR CREME', MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS, Red or Black Soles, $2.40 and $2.76 rir., ALL RUBBER FOOTWEAR PRICED THE SAME AS MAIL CRI - DER HOUSES. SEE YOUR CATALOGUE FOR DIFFERENT' STYLES TO sun, YOUR WANTS, OUR PRICES ARE THE SAAR WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR SPECIALS.Repairing. promptIg &num 0 FRITZ & SON MEMBER OF MUTUAL SHOE STORES OF CANADA., Phone 82 or 115 New Summer ods We are Prepared to Meet Your Wants With NesiV Priced Goods. PRINTS, GINGHAMS., BROADCLOTHS CURTAINS, CURTAIN MUSLINS, ETC.„ ETC. A Few Stamped Mats at 20% Off While They Last, Silk Hose, 30 cents a Pair and up Root Seeds and Garden Seeds at 5c and 10c a Packate-1 HARNESS REPAIRS A SPECIALTY FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND GENERAL ME OH ANT PHONE 11 97 BLAKE