Zurich Herald, 1932-07-21, Page 5atsy;. urF 314, :t 3' BUSINESS ICAC . uDu '.E JJoL i'.IP' 111,1►R'RISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT, ART )PUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE—Hamilton Street, Just off 'the Square, GOD'iERICII, Ontario. ,SS,peeial Attention to Councel and Court Work. Ma, Holmes may be consulted at efaaoderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. • Dr. H. I. COWEN L. B, D).D S DDENTAL. SURGEON At .t DEITZ BLOOIi ZURIf1R Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday At i ABTLEZB' B BLOM DA$H.W OOD Every Monday, Tixeeday and "Wednesday Licensed Auctioneer For Huron and Middlesex. 1 .AM IN A POSITION TO CON- i8ssct any Auction Sale, regardless es to size or article to sell. 1 solicit your business, and if not satisfied ;aril tmaake no charges for Services Rem elated• ARTHURWEBER--Dashwood Phone 18-57. Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Always a good Supply of Fresh and Cured Meats Bolognas, Sausages, Weiners, Hams, Etc., always on hand Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins ve Your' Le spy' vows Wants, Far Sale, Lest, i eel nd, Notice, atop Ads niwas FOR SALE A quantity of good second }sand bricks. Apply to L. -IL Prang. r. For Sale Beauty Parlor Business and •equip- men_t irr. Zurich for quick salve. Pos- session soon. .Apply to Miss Lottie E. Turleheirn.. FOR SALE A two-bux;+aor Hotplate, large size, practically new, for quick sale, apply* to Louis. Prang: USED MACHINERY Frost & Wood 7 -ft. Binder, Deer- ing cultivator; M.-11. Gang plow; M- IL out -throw dise, drag harrow, Ex- tension Guards for tangled grain. Oscar Klapp & Son, Massey -Harris Service Station. FOR SALE HONEY FOR SALE Now is the best time to put in your supply of 1932 Clover No. 1 Honey. We fill your container at 6c a pound. J. HABERER & SONS, Zurich. Two blocks, south of Hotel. FARM FOR SALE 100 acre farm, in Stanley Town- ship. Fine brick home, Bank Barn, spring crop. Immediate possession. Owner il.l, Buildings alone worth the price asked $5900- Charles Rothwell n. 1mi a G varna, Ont. NOTICE ER -VICE why We have the; Better Class of Customers s. L. SI CLASS GOODS, BATTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR - _BE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES, GENUINE IGITICIN Parts, Hohning and Mechanical Work ;clone to Micrometer Settiegs, Ido suss work. Watch the cars that STOP at WEIN'S, They are all HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE., na W Cat DASHWOOD ONTARIO Western Farmers' ?&that Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario - .Amount of Insurance at - Risk on Dec, 31st, 1931, $19,593,724. total dash in Bank and Bonds $199,101,.61 310,tea— $4.54 per 11,000 far 3 years. E. F. Klopp---Zur'IC1 ;eat, Also Dealer in l,idbttnind sods and all kinds of Fire Insurance LIVE POU LT R Y WANTED tem every* Day till 3 .'eek, p.m, Ma mot feed Fowl same meriting when brought in. Highest Cask Prices --CASH FOR— CREAM AND EGGS W. O'Brien }diene 101, Res, 94, Zuxieb THE HERALD'S JOB DEPARTMENT Is ever ready to serve the pub- lic with Commercial and fine Printing. Get our prices be - lore leaving your order else- where, We have installed one of the latest and most up-to-date equipments for testing Spark Plugs. Drive up your auto and have your plugs tested free of charge. Schrag• Bros., .Zurich. stommenmesammernenatenumasetelitamemikauras LET US TEST YOUR SPARK} LUGS Maybe you don't believe in the business of Changing spark plugs every 10,000 utiles. Well sirs we have Installed a Champion Spark Plug. Tester LtvA clearly visualizes tri your own sub's ttetion wily and when you need new spark plugs." Come in, and let us teat your own spark plugs, and compare theta to new Champions. It's a 'eery inter• testing and instructive test, and is absolutely tree.. "Your Engine Deserees The Beset Chati Ion Spark Philp, L. A. Prang and Son, Zurich Gerintin r needs 1.2 million more rushels of wheat than she tan pro- luce this year. If Germany can keep . i secret, we don't mind whispering ',,hat she can get that much :from Can - TO OUR CREDITOR; Owing to heavy financial obligat- ons that we have to meet at present, ve are obliged to send out an umber if accounts, which in most cases are nnall, yet they amount to a nice lit - le sum when there are a number of therm Bre: trttst the people will show their appreciation of the credit ex - ;ended by replying to our appeal. We ave also given a local citizen a few of c •litcetion„ who will in due time uke a personal cull for the axu/iiunts �1I+Cl I .HERALD LOCAL NEWS Mr: Oliver .Joimeon of Goderiesh, visited his loather, Mr. Thomas Johnson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Troyer of Cleveland visited at the home of Mr and Mrs, J. W. Horner. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Wagner, of Guelph, who spent holidays with the ;former's parents here., have xetprned to that city. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Turner and on Grant, accompanied by friends from Goderich, called on. Sunday evening on Mr. and Mrs..''., B. Weldo. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Parent and da- ughter cif Bad Axe, Miele, visited over the :week -end ..with Mr. and Mrs 3. W. Horner. Mr. J. E. Hamilton of Windsor, spent the week -end . with. Mrs. Ham- ilton, who is. staying at the borne of her parents, ` Mr. and. Mrs, John Galsten Mr: Duncan, of Brantford, is xeliev ing Mr. E. E. Kinsman as account- ant at the local branch of the Bank of Montreal. Mr. Kinsman is enjoy- ing his holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lague and fam- ily of Detroit, are spending the week at the home of her mother, Mrs, C, Ayotte of town. Mr. Lague is hold- ing a good position as service man of the Ford Motor Company in that city Miss Melvina Schade, who has been at London for some time, returned to her home on the B1ut Water High- way south of St. Joseph, while her sister Miss Gertrude Ieft for London. where she will resume her work as ; deaconess. Mr. John Galster was taken to London Hospital last week and oper- ated on for bladder trouble, the final operation being performed on Satur- day, and we are indeed pleased to re- port that Mr. Galster is progressing very favorably, and his many Zurich friends wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. John Hey, Jr.., wishes to ad- vise the public that he has been ap- pointed as district block agent for Huron County of the Agricultural Chemicals Limited, of Port elope; Ont who are manufacturers of the var- ious brands ef fertilizers and fare chemicales Me. and Mrs. Peter Papineau of Windsor, are visiting with relatives and friends in this section. Mr. Papineau, v,'ho is a former resident of Zurich, has been employed steadily since last October, with the Ford Motor Co., as die maker, but at pres- ent is laid off: A goodly number of citizens at- tended the political Convenrons at Hensel} en Monday afternoon mei Tuesday evening-, and then on tired rxesday evening the •Progressive; 'ez ty will••hold tbir convention an et is ex- pected they will put a candidate in the field also. Congratulations are due the En- trance Pupils of No. 6, Hay. Mist, Winifred Battler, Miss Grace Weir. and Miss Gladys Gingerich on each having obtained first class Poseurs oe their Exams. Miss Gladys Gingerich secured the second Hay Scholarship. Much credit is due their. teacher, Miss Grace Pepper.—Corr. High Const d h s T. Gundry and Whitesides of Goderich were in town on Monday, having some inter- esting cases in the vicinity of grin ich to look after which will come un- der the L.. C. A. This hot wreathe, evidentry is creating a. big thirst with some people, and the law has ample provision: that such thirst can be legally quenehed. But it is only too bad when one is caught trying to quench such thirst contrary, to the law of the land. It is not what the individual. thinks is right, hut what is actually on the statute books that counts, On Saturday afternoon about two auto loads of local horseshoe tosser, motored to Kitchener, to play a fri- endly game with the popular Iluether Horseshoe Club of that ctcy. This latter Club, who are a bunen of real sports, are known far and wide as real tossers, but their chances with the Zurich boys were soon "tossed" to the birds of the air, when they matched up with the Zurich heavy- weights, who came out victorious by some 71 points. But they took their defeat like men, and gave the boys a realsocial time after the contest, and probably there was a little of the products passed of which the Club at Kitchener received its name, fom. Anyway the locals said they were never treated better. Was a Brush Wolf Frecl Genieinhardt, of Bayiicld, was.! in Goderich the other day with the 'pelt of a brush wolf which he shot last February about three miles east of Bayfield. There was some doubt as to whether the animal was a wolf or not, but the Department of Gaines and Fisheries at 'Toronto has passed', it as a wolf, and Mr. Gemeinhart will'. get his bounty of $25. He wont to see Magistrate Reid and comply with some necessary formalities. The an- imal, Mr. Gerneinhart states, measur- ed six feet front tip to tail. Its mate' was seen about the same time and 'has never been captured and it may still be In the neighborhood, The .Sunday School picnic of the Evangelical church is being held this Wednesday afternoon to Grand Send Mrs. E. Clarke of Blake, and two daughters Gwendolene and Mary of Goderich were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, E. E. Weida. Rev. and Mrs, Stockman of Tavis- tock, Rev, and Mrs; E, Gomann of MYfilverton, were Monday visitors with ltev. and Mrs. - E. Turkheim. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Aulericlr of Detroit, spent a few days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Prang, last week. The beginning of the ween: ushered in some real wee is rather unusual this year, on Sun- day 'a rather cool breez was ulo..,,,; off tate lake, The farmers have now practically all their hay crop in, and some are busy with cutting the fall wheat. The harvest from now on will progress very rapidly and soon the harvest will be in again for another year. The fall wheat promises to be a bumper, crop, while the extremely pow pries; of less than 50 cents a bushel pre- vails. The hay crop was exceptional- ly heavy this year. Miss Cathern Merner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. 3. Merner of town, and who is at present taking an agr- icultural course at Guelph, has recei- ved word that she was a successful candidate in passing her exams at the London Normal School in June. Miss Merner has been engaged by the trustees of no 13 school, 14th con., Hay for the coming year, and should indeed make a very efficient teacher as she has a first class certificate. The special Mid -Summer sale of merchandise at the store of J. Gas- cho & Son, is meeting with big Sec - cess as many are the buyers who are taking advantage of the big oppor- tunities to buy staple goods at these reduced prices. Remember the clos- ing day July 30th, after which the sale dates are closed, and prices will naturally fall back to regular. Be sure and put in your suuply whilie the supply is good, act now and go at once! Can You Eat for 10'(2c a Day? z 3 Qe It costs 101re cents for daily rat- ions at the jail, according to the re-, ,,ort of the jailer presented to the Tune session of the county council. During the past six months there we- re forty-two prisoners committed as !'oilows: 13 for breach of the L. C. A., 5 for chicken stealing, 5 for theft 1 as insane, 3 for breach of the in- land Revenue Act, 2 for carnal know :.:dge, 2 for forgery, 2 for breaking and entering, 2 for vagrancy, 2 false 'pretences, 1 contributing to, juvenile delinquency and one for fraud. There cr•e at that time 8 prisoners. "Radio Dream Girl" Decides To Live in Toronto. (Milverton Sun, June 30th, 1932) . Recently the Toronto Star inter- viewed Alice Joy, who by the way, is a daughter-in-law of Rev. E. Burn. who just moved to Zurich: Alice Joy, radio's dream girl, has the Canadian-complex—with a geo- r • s st • 8 • i f 8 • w r 0 0 FASO MIS You can enjoy this summer Hauch better without the dust, ashes and labor of a coal or wood fire. Install a Silent Glow Range Burner in T/sisSilent Glow fits any Ht. your present kitchen stove and you'll Quebec heatea stove. ers [reit sr n nllSfurr have DO more soot, smoke and odor. Just races. Clean. convenient, steady heat at any temperature without economical, safe. a lingering fire to overheat your cottage. Silent Glow is the range burner chosen by more than 125,000 homes for its superior ease and cleanliness of operation. Let us show you its "Microfeed" Valve, "Reversflo" Oil Filter and other exclusive features that make Silent Glow light quicker, give more heat and burn less oil than any other range burner. jellite :.= GLOM TRADE: MARK 4CG 1N CAN. AND U.S. PA:. U?F Made in Canada Approved by National Board of Fire Underwriters Makers also of Pilgrim Heaters for your home, summer cottage or garage; and' Silent Glow Power Burgers for large residences, schools, churches, etc. ,oa WILLIAMS BROS. ZURICH - ONT. •SS•I$•00008Ot0e008000060CC'.L 1?eoa#2411$f 1ibt*g$*,O*6,g6*,** Fertilizer Fertilizer Before giving Your Spring Orders for Fertilizer be sure and see us. Get our Prices and Quality, and we know you will leave your Order with las. Chick Fe. -ds, and Starters Our Line of Chick Feeds and Chick Starters is complete and We will be pleased to supply You with the follow- ing Brands: Pioneer, Master Chick Starter, Purina Chows, Etc. SEEDS SEEDS For Spring Seeding and planting' let ue- suPPY �''y" " ' ' r :. your seeds, Clovers, Timothy, all Garden and Grass Seeds kept in Stock at Lowest Possible Prices. "We do Custom Seed Cleaning" Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs. L.Schilbe&SOn * s eernawerur rcooterssuceuvolaeoes2;mattsanss ecsrerflsZaausraztiasee06- graphical preference for Toronto. fe c`� This she admitted between deft, $g'ANNA dm umh strokes of some smooth eye -brow work she was doing before gorng on for her turn at a local theatre. Miss Joy herself was :,urn in Iil- inoise—but that doesn't make any difference. "Your husband is a Tor- dnta boy?" was suggested. "He was brought up here—al- though he was loin in Port Elgin," ere said, 'That's la Ontario—isn't ie?" "Yes—somewhere.': She says she likes the Scotch and English—but her real name is Mrs. E. Robert Burn. That lets out the English. Her husband served in the Royal Flying Corps during the war and won the D.1{'.C, "You have some children?" "Yes two—boy and a girl, aged three and five." "Where are they now?" "In New York—and the nurse looking after them comes from . Milverton, Ont." "Where do your in-laws live now —here." "No ----they've only recent- ly moved to Zurich, Ont. My father- in-law's a clergyman." "What do they think of you?" "They think I'rn swell—my mother- in-law's a darling." "The kids come up here at all?" "Yes,—almost every summer — Pd. like to have them educated in Tor- onto." "Why?" "I think the Canadian system is much better than ours— especially in a literary grounding. My husband says they don't teach them anything to read over there." "If you bring the children up here, will they stay with your in-laws?" "Pm thinking of lining here myself -we Were out the Exhibition grounds way the other day, and there were some lovely homes out there," she says. "Ilow're taxes." Miss Joy was courted in Toronto by .Robert Hurn seven years ago. W.innipng was her first Canadian con- tract --then Montreal during the war. She loves snow, and sne a,..eel bout Canadian goverment bonds. "And do I like hockey!" she cried. It won't be long now. 1 lige Zurich trug Store SCHOOL SUPPLIES WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES; PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ++4.44÷÷÷++++++++.1.++++++++4, ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK, ++4•+'-+++++.1.44++++++++++++4 SEE OUR SUPPLY OF TOILET PREPERA.TIONS : Perfumes, Tcilet Waters, Perfurr zers, Toilet Soaps, `n oo,,n ;z'aa:c , and Brushes. !.+it..,y+ ,,i,.i..l.,i,g.,x,,'q+.l,.y4.;.+ }i ¢„¢.'; l +! FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. KODAKS AND RUMS Dr, Q r�J,MacKinnon,,gtIlkmumrAwalf,Amr.m Rking r