Zurich Herald, 1932-07-07, Page 4•=4,.:4i(T=.,‘" BLAKE, and Mrs, Fred WaiTker of Win - 4840 and IVIr. and Mrs. Wm. Yule qOf Inallerton, spent a. few days at the %nine mrs, (1.1;glioffer. Mrs. (DA) SteWart of Battla Ce - k, Leb.1 accompanied by her sister and brother, Mr. Geo, Reith from the Southern States, Called 'on Mr. the West, the Young People felt that -and Mrs. R. N' Douglas on Saturday they wanted to express their appre- Mrs. Thos. Meyers of 'Zurich, ac- elation of his servieus during the past acompanied by Mrs. D. 'Brown spent year, and did so by reading the fol - the holiday with hien& in the lowing address, which was aeoorupan- • ZURICH HERALD Ged" was sung. The tople, "What Cd,11 the Reading of History Do For Me", was given by Mervyn Keys b a most interesting manner, The disc- ussion was led by Rev. Will Robinson The hymn, "Who is on the Lord's Side" was sung. Owing to the fact that our president, Rev. Will Robin- son, is leaving us to take up work in Dr, Lorne Tiernan left last week for Erie, Pa., where he will goram- ence his duties as interne In Erie general hospital. Mr, and Mrs T, Klump and Mr. Ted, Walper'r. and Mrs, Alvin Kellerman, Mrs. L. Kellerrhan and 31.r. Geo. Kellerman attended the Band re -union and musical :festival in Waterloo on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harr/ Guenther, Miss Rost Guenther and 'friend of Wind- sor, Ntr. anti ..Urs. Fred Burke• and family of Windsor, were week -end . visitors with Mr. and' Mrs. Chas. Guenther. 111,age. Mr. and M. °dwell Nichol- ted by a gift of money: —Dear Mr.) ;aort of Detroit, accomp*nied by Mrs. Robinson; It is 'with feeling of regret icholson and Miss Eunice Smith of i that we have learned that shortly you Wonden, called on friends in the vil- i are 1"ving u". \'''' .lage on Sunday source of help to us and our Mrs. E. Weido of Zurich called OR I will certainly ni:ss v.'ry much your E. Clarke on Friday. I smile and laugh, your '.usp:ration. Mr. John Thirsk spent a few days your It aCkrshiP ""''': :%:""' "'55 Atilth friends in Lucan. to help. Wo no rot pra,l'orai t,,, expreas • Mrs. McKee of Toronto, spent the '°«‚' aPP1.-"1"6.'". l'''.' "" " 'A" 2-f. Week -end with friends on the Bron- i our esteem. we ass .you to aeeept 'son Line. Ithis small gift as a means 4,-a* expres- Mrs. 'W. Fassold of London, aecom ; sing our good -will and best wishes. panted by Miss Jean Hey, visited at And we also wish to assure you that the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hey ' we will not forgta you in your new • on the lst July. Mrs. Hey and Son . deld, but will pray that God's work Victor, returned home with them andwill be blessed under your ministry. pent the week -end with friends in ;' we aro, yours in the spirit of friend - "London. 'ship and service. The Blake -Goshen Miss Margaret Douglas spent the Young People's Soeiety. week -end with friends at Glan- i • vorth. Mrs„ Lang Foster returned to! • • Mr. Leonard Birk of Guelph, spent a few days at his home here. Miss Muriel Viner of Niagara' Falls is the guest of Miss Florence Guenther. Mr. and Mrs, Harris, Mrs. Veroloh and son Melville and Miss Love,all of Detroit, were visitors with Mr. and 3irs. Otto Restemeyea. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank of Detroit, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Baumgarten. ,Mr, in. Musser of Detroit, is aing a few days with his family. Mrs. Bruer and family of NeW Hamburg is visiting her parents,Mr.. and Mrs. J. Schroeder. DASH.WOOD her home after spending a week with! friends in Detroit. The Naperville College Glee Club will give an entertainment in the Ev- angelical church on Monday evening STANLEY TOWNSHIPJuly llth. The community is cord- ially:. invited to attend. . .. Miss Hilda Snell Of- Detroit, is Mr.- and Mrs. Wilbur Thompson of spending a few weeks with her par- . l'hicwro spent ' the week -end with ! ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snell. 4, their -cousin, Mr. Nelson Keys and 1 31r. and Mrs. Milford Mcisaac and family of Detroit., and Mr. and Mrs. j Ervin Mcisaac and family of Wind- . Rev. William 0. Robinson left on . so.t, spent the week -end with Mr. and •': i• - Zifforiday fox Pilot Mound, Man., to Mrs. P. McIsaac. , •. ,ateromence his duties as pastor of the I Miss Myrta Hoffman of Kitchener Little Myrtle McKinley, daughter / Mr. Ira Tiernan of Hamilton, and at Mr. and Mrs. Elgin McKinley un- Mis,s G. Cornwell of Waterloo were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs. E. derwent an operation in St. Joseph Ti' ieman. Ifospital, London last week, she is 1 31r. and Mrs. Gordon Callfas of :progressing favorably. I Sarnia spent a few days in this Vie- . ,.,.. Mr. Art P. Keys and family visited initY. £n Sunday with his mother, Mrs. W. Mr. and Mrs. Berensen and dau-. •.14,' Keya, of Seaforth, leiter Leona and Miss Elia Zimmer of • . Detroit are visiting at the home of .Miss Mabel Calv.o. spent Sunday Wm. Zimmer, with her mother, Mrs. Calver in Clin- i Mr. and Mrs. Dundas of Centralia ,-;• A-. Ion.. ; Mrs. Nicholson, Mrs, Smith and dau- ,,.;,.:.: Rev., E. A. Poulter has recovered 'ghters and Mr. Fitzpatrick of London lattlficiently from. his recent illness to ' Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Nicholson, Mr. .. le able to take his work again. ; and Mrs. Leo. •Delaney and son of .;., .Bryne and Mrs. J. Collins Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hev J.' Br , were Sunday visitors. with Mr. Jonas -allfj...oridon and Mrs. 1,Tietor u°Yee of ,'Hartleib and Lavada. Onderich„ have been called to the . Mk. Walter Fassold of London,Mrs .; liedside of their father, Mr. Wilson Jos. Wickens of Ingersoll, Mr and Armstrong, who is seriously ill. Mrs. Hugh Rutledge and Clarence . „ .. The closing meeting' of the Blake ' Rutledge of Thamesford were Sun- ,' 41. :and 'Goshen Young People's Society I daY ... ; .;. . visitors at the home of Mr. and 'vas held in Blake church on Friday 3Irs. Philip Fassold. 1 Mr. rand Mrs. A. Odstreicher and Ctening,•June 24th, a large number family ,vistted friends in London on being present. The meeting was op- SundaN. -roened by. the business session. The! Dr.' and Mrs. E. Broughton and 4.0;X:._414.34 meeting were i Miss Grace Kellerman of Toronto, icitintecr: The devotional `. are visiting their parents, Mr. and. ':.:41Z0,irt of,the„ meeting was led by Vera i Mrs. J. Kellerman. •.. ' ;Stuillt. OPerthig with the hymn, "Day! Mr, Leslie Goetz of Chicago, is Dying; in the West", prayer was speading his vacation with his mo- . . '?";:rOa: by Mr, _Armstrong. The les- ther, Mrs. Goetz. 3Ir and Mrs. Wm Stoddard 'and I3DTI'i: Lytice 12 chapt., verses 1-10 was :qrs. *Mathews and •Mr. Hooper of 'rd by Harold Finlay. Another Seaforth called at the home of Mr. •. 4:yrati, "Breathe on Me, Breath of ' Jonas Hartleib on Monday. . . . , I ... Wnited Church in that place. spent the week -end with her parents. ......••••••••••••••=41* ; 444444+444.4.44 -44+444-4.4.444-4444-:44-44-4•44.444+444-44-444-4.4 Special Special 4 „ 3 8 Pt. CEDAR POSTS, 412 Inches and up at only • 35 Cents. • 9 FOOT END POSTS AT ONLY 411* DROP IN AND LOOK THEM OVER! 4 4 4 44 $1.25 4 C. ALBFLEISC HONE 69 ZURICH4. iP 14.4•Tir. -"W. • ,• USE ONLY GENUINE If SSEY-14ARRIS REPAIR PARTS Tem..= only get Genuine Masscy.Harris Repairs horn our local MasscpRarrls Agenta 'They Et 'Bettr and Last Langer than Spumous lketakeo And they Cost No More recut on ,Genuino 14astsey4tarrts Pans tryb.alkyeboyeg made by the • Maker* at Tour Plow ett...m. end �.n Cam.. Ilala dr,„.' '';'11.71c'e. • GENUINE MASSEY-HARRIS REPAIRS SOLD BY O. KLOPP ZURICH, ONT. Willis Mcisaac is spending his'roll- left for Niagara Fans and points oas- days in Detroit. tern. The bride travelling in a biege Mr. and Mrs. Sam Witzei of Tor- suit, The community extends heaxt- onto spent a few days with his mo- lest congratulations. ther, Mrs. Witzel. Robt. Hoperoft is spending hisholi days in Toronto. The largest crowd of several years attended the annual strawberry soc- ial at the Evengefica ehurch last :Wednesday evening, under the aus- pices of the Ladies' Aid and the Choir. The main feature of the pro- gram was a two -act play entitled "Fun in a Chinese Laundry" under the direction of Miss Alice Hoffman. The receipts arnounted to $79.18 af- ter:. expetises were paid which is shar- ed equally by the Aid and Choir.Mrs D. Tiernan was convener of the man- agement committee. ".4 charming wedding took place in ZUrich R. ,C, Church last Tuesday when Rev: Father L. Power united in marriage Loretta, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ziler and Mr Harry Zimmer, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Zimmer. The bride was gowned in white canton crepe and was assisted by her sister, Antionette who was gowned in maize crepe;Mr. Elmer 'Zimmer supported the groom, After the ceremony the happy couple • Q.V.: A r, 06, • •,,,v COUNTY NEWS Fifteen officers and twenty-five et. - 'her ranks of Huron regiment left last' week for Carling Heights, Lon- don, where a 'skeleton' military camp.; is being held this year. One battalion drawn from four regiments, will be under canvas. Thursday, October 18th, has beim chosen as the date of the annual plow ing match of the North Huron Plow- man's Association. The place at which the match is to be held has not been decided, but it will likely be in the neighborhood of Wingham. • July 10th is the date for the Ev- angelical cemetery decoration day,. at Crediton. The plan is to cancel the morning church service but hold the S. S. session, which will be held a little earlier and return for the 2.15 decoration. In the •evening the- Col- lege Glee Club will givea. sacred concert in the church 1:TurradaY,hi1y tb 1032 1.0,11,WWZINRIM./Pfq. Ple! Capii al Theatre oderich - Phone 47 Now Playing---"Hii,1. with Wallace Beery and Clark Gable. Mon., Tues., Wed. BUSTER KEATON JIMMY DURA.NTE and roux MORAN Here's where you dust oft your chuckler and get a real rib rock- ing night of fun. "The "Passionate Plumber" • Thur., Fri., and Sat. We are proud to present • GEORGE O'BREIN and ROSCOE ATES in 'THE RAINBOW TRAIL' A beautiful outdoor action rom- ance with a cast of favorites. Coming --Mae Marsh in "Over the Hill." Matinees—Tues., 'Wed., and Sat. PONOMIAMIMPRIMMOINIZMYNOMX•Mie." StICMOMErallrEalla72P0291Erar,.....1=t1====¢6.9.17CS A DIRECT OBLIGATION OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO AUTHORIZED BY ACT QF THE LEGISLATURE OP THE PRO'i/INCE, AND A CHARGE AS TO PRINCIPAL AND INTE'REST UPON HE CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND OF THE PROVINCE 0.1(11.Trtiszerlset 153311MEDWIMMINIZZEZZ2306¢18169=redli. ..0,31=====a..0523.2====== +-3-1,2,207/7LeffaM 41267PraArli New Issue THE TREASURER OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO'. OFFERS FOR PUBLIC SUBSCRIPTION $20,000,000 GOVERNMENT OF THE `-‘;:r.,., • OVI 000 ;'..• CEII 51/2% Non -Callable Fourteen Year De.,7eratures Dated July 1, 1932 Coupons 1, January and July. Denominations $100, $500 and $1,000.. Registerable as to principal only,. Principal and interest payable in lawful money of Cam& at the office of Me Provincial Treasurer in Toronto, or, at the holds ophon, at the • Bank of Montreal in Ottawa, Montreal, Winnipeg, .4 • a. Vancouver Halifax OT Saint John, N.13, Legal ryinion of the Attorney -General of Ontario:and of E. a. Ling, ri;q1: C. The proceeds of this issue will be applied to the funding of short term indebted - 4 ness created for capital expenditures. Price: 97 and accrued interest, yielding 5.81% to maturity. Due July 1, 1946 .• • . APPLICATIONS TO THE ABOVE LOAN WILL BE RECEIVED' BY elNY BRANCH OF ANY CHARTERED BANK IN CANADA, ANY BRANCH 0.10 THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO SAVINGS OFFICE, AND BY RECO- NIZED BOND DEALERS AND STOOK BROKERS, FROM WHOM WA] BE OBTAINED COPIES OF THE OFFICIAL PROSPECTUS CON TAMING COMPLETE DETAILS OF THE LOAN. SUBSCRIPTIONS TO TEM LOAN WILL BE SUBJECT TO AL LOTMENT AND TILE LIST WILL CLOSE, AT THE OM CRETION 01? THE TREASURER 01? ONTARIO, INTERIM DEBENTURES IN BEARER FORM WILZ BE AVAILABLE FOR DELIVERY ON OR • ABOUT JULY 1.0, 193e. TREASURY PEPARTMENT. PARMA:M:8NT StTILDINGs, Toaowro, JULY 5, 1032, 11, • .. • n 474 tki.s !,t 11 14 4 •