Zurich Herald, 1932-03-17, Page 4l DUR
Ca.nadian Chautauquas •
Old Crusty takes the Air "
Presented a it Ch v#auqua
Town Hall Hensall
March 21„ 22,, 23, 24.
Monday, March 21st
i'cening-"Bought an.d Paid der" a
Aran= sof real life, Presented •ll•y :the
peerless players. Price $3.:10.
Tuesday, March '2a a
44.ftermorrn An Excellent interesting
'Travelogue, Mrs. Albert Vierra..
1:i.v ing-An Evening in Blip::,::Be-
a.l Musical Production. Yierra's
Mawalins. Admission TS.c.
Wednesday, March 23rd
Evening Sanious Polish Pianist and
Composer, ..Hugo Brandt, Lecture -
"411 .Aboard", Elwood T, Bailey.
Admission '75c.
i Thursday, March 24th
Afternoon -Popular Entertainment,
Sue Hastings' Marionettes. -
Evening-C.omedy drama, the best
ever, "Old iCrusty Takes the Air"
The Haran Players.
._Admission 75e.
SEASON TICKETS Cliil'dhen $1.00 plus tax
Ae ult7 2.00„ Tax .indluiled Afternoon program 3.30, Eve. 8 ppm.
arooevoa•9eo•••61;aassossaaatr eoie•eieseN0009000•101•414*
4 Baby Chicks and .Custom Hatching
• ri e are ,offering Blod.-teste-� Quality Baby Chicks in 2
-� poplar breeds. Barred .end White Rocks, Black t
2 Mir ercas, White Wyandottes, White Legho_rns and
a Jersey BlackGiants. •
• Trays .told eleven dozen eggs each. Plant in charge of fan exper- s
fenced operator. Phone or write your reservation earl;.. (Charge •
two and one half cents per Legg. Depend on Hogarth to gi you.
• a satisfactory hatch. •
The Hogarth Baby Chick Hatchery
EXETER, ONTARIO Phone' 184W ••
e sataaoselkeesooe®sseasea• Poessesa•eec•6*$•a•0a•e •
...4444A-41-44-rc +44444 4 44 44444444+ 444- 44 4 '01,-4,""4444-444004.44
vet Us Quote You
On Storm Sash and Doors
i3eiore the cold weather arrivs
Cali us and we will measure your windows
..cs• +' •-xa--`i 3. 4l` .4 3 4 :,.,R..4.4 -i 4 44-4.Jt.4"ts"' .4 4-•4i-4 4444-.4,}.4.1..1, .:
easosome•••••••w••0•00.0••••••1100oesoilesee omme
Fertilizer - Fertilizer
Before giving Your Spring Orders for Fertilizer be sure
and see us. Get our Prices and Quality, and we know
you will leave your Order with us.
Chick Feeds, and St
Our Line of Chick Feeds and Chick Starters is complete 1
and We will be pleased to supply You with the follow- r
ing Brands: Pioneer, Master Chick Starter, Purina
Chows, Etc,
:.'"or Spring Seeding and planting let us supply you with
your seeds, Clovers, Timothy, all Garden and Grass
Seeds kept in Stock at Lowest Possible Prices.
"We d� Custom Seed Cleaning
Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs.
Nwo.,rr**i go 4•0*****•••••r• ,,, yr•yp4+j;*0i 44so egaso•R••*owr;
Special Easter services win be held:
in the Dashwood Evangelical ,church
on EasterSunday. At the morning
church service a Junior Choir of 20
voices will render music. In the .Sun-
day School session . special Easter
numbers will also be given. In the
evening the Senior Choir under the'
direction of. 1Vlis8 Alice Hoffman will
render a Cantata entitled "'The Story
of Easter" by R. M. Stoltz. The in-
troductory selection will be read by
Miss Verna Birk. The offering is to
go to the Choir Treasury.
Mrs, Geo. Merner' is on thesick,
list, 'her many friends hope for a spe-
edy recovery..
Confirmation services will be con-
ducted in the Lutheran church on
Sunday, .March .2Qth.
Mrs. Geo. Stire has returned home
after spending the past month with
her daughter .in Komoka.
�12r...E.'esch of Zurich moved her
household effects to town on Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stephan mov-
ed to their farm on the 14th con. on
Mr. and -Mrs. Geo. Rosendahl raw -
ed their household effects from Kit-
chener and will live with Mrs. Rosen-
dahl's father, Mr. L` Weltin, who is
not in the best of health this winter.
Evangelical Annual Meeting
The Congregation of Dashwood Ev-
angelical church held their annual
meeting .in the church on Monday
evening. The disagreeable weather
was responsible for the small attend-
ance. .Rev. A. W. Sauer occupied the
chair and ,.opened with devotional and
song .service. Louis Morenz was ap-
pointed .Secretary for the evening.
Reports .of the various departments
were then given. G. Oestreicher
gave the .trustee's report. Miss. P.
Kraft reported $150.70 in the Miss-
ionary Treasury; Mrs. D. Tiernan re-
ported $115.56 raised by the Ladies
Aid and Mrs. Neeb reported $42 in
the W.M.S. Treasury. Arthur Haugh
gave the church treasurer's report.
The cemetery committee reported on
the work done. The following offic-
ers were elected for the year: Newly
elected trustee, A Birk, trustees who-
se term not yet expired, J. Wildfong
John Bender- Ushers evening, V.
Schatz, K. Wein; Ass'nts, I. M. Tie-
rnan, R. Goetz; Morning, J. Wildfong
D. Weber..Ssata. D. Tiernan, E. Ben-
der; Organ pumper, Walter Weber,
and Milford Mason. The caretaker
was awarded to .Mrs. R. Willett; Me-
mbers elected to Finance Board, Alice
Hoffman, Mrs. R. H. Taylor, Chas.
Snell, Auditor„ iJ1. Tiernan and V -
Schatz. At the close of the business
session a social half hour was spent
during which a Bible Contest was
conducted by Mrs. R. H. Taylor and
lunch was served by the Ladies Aid
Funeral services were held on Tu-
esday afternoon of the late Simon
Miller who passed away on Friday
in his 6Jth year after a lengthy ll-
ness. Services was held in Zion Luth-
eran church with Rev. W. Ness offi-
ciating. Interment was spade in the
Bronson Line Cemetery. He is sur -
V ived by his widow three daughters,
Almeda at home, Mrs. R. Miller and
Mrs. C. Andersen and five sons, Wal-
ter, Samuel, Ferdinand, Rudolph and
Oscar all of Dashwood. The pall bear-
ers were Messrs. E. Rader, E. Kraft
E. Vfillert, F. Sch]undt, H. Weigand;
and J, Bender.
Lorne Scottam nd family of Toronto
visited with! Mr. and Mrs. G. C
Pearl Elder of London, visited
wideth rh. er parents, Mr. and Mrs, John
Doris Harmon of Toronto visited
at her home here.
The W.M.S. of the United Church
held a birthday party in the base-
ment of the church on Tuesday aft-
ernoon, when a good program was
Ruth Coles, only daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. L. R. Coles, had the misfor-
tune recently to sprain her ankle so
severely that she has for time be-
en on crutches.
The many friends of Howard, son
of Milton Love, are pleased to learn
of his recovery after his seriousness
Reeve Geiger was in Goderich on
Wednesday last attending a meeting
of the Huron County Old Age Pen-
sion Board.
S one has accepted a position
in Hemphill's drug store.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Stephan and
family recently moved into the house
vacated by Mr. and Mrs. J. Vincent,
on Brock St.
Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Wren are get-,
ting nicely settled in the house they
rented from J. W. Ortwein on Rich-
mond St. north.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hudson have mov-
ed into the premises which they vaca-
ted in Petty's block. .
At the recent regular meeting of
the Village Council, Mr. A. W. E.
Hemphill, collector, reported $1,066.-
02 arrears of taxes for 1931 as out-
standing. A motion was passed that
5 per cent be added to uncollected
r taxes and the collector's roll be ext.
'tended until nett meeting.
'1'11e many friends of harry Har -
:en are sora ' to hear he s confined
s his home i:h a s evcre attack of
Quite a number of delinquent v '
tax peyers were up before Mag. Petty
the other evening, ther cases were
adjourned until a future date to en-
able them to settle.
No grants have been made this
winter by our council for relief pur-
poses, no one having applied for re-
lief. There has been a great deal of
unemployment in the village, but otrr.
citizens have so far been able to help
themselves. Our citizens are to be
congratulated on their thrift and in-
One of those happy events took
place at the manse, Grand Bend, by
Rev. Mathers, when Miss Laura Webb
became the happy bride .of Alex.
Periso. They will reside on the gro-
om's farm on the Mollard Line.
The death occurred at Goderich
on Saturday of Mrs. Elizabeth Shep-
pard at her home. She was born on
Dec. 25, 1848, in Ashfield Tp. of En-
glish parentage and had been a resi-
dent of the vicinity for 85 years.
, W...1.. Beer and Gerald Skinner, Ex-
eter, were out fishing Saturday last
and succeeded in landing about 30
small fish. This is some record for the
5th of March.
At a recent meeting of the .direct-
ors of Blyth Agricultural Society,
Friday and Saturday, Sept. 30 and
Oct. 1st, were selected as the dates
for the annual fair in 1932.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Horney, who
have spent the winter in Exeter,have
moved back to their farm near Kip -
pen, and have started to rebuild their
barn which was destroyed by fire last
Albert Wiggins, a Goderich boy,
was one of the members. of the De -
trait police force who' were set upon
by roiters at the Ford plant on Mon-
day last and suffered severe injuries.
His back was badly hurt, and he re-
ceived head injuries which required
a number of stitches.
R. G. Wilson & Son of London,
and old Brusselites have secured the
contract to erect the $65,000 New
Kingsmill's new store at London.
The total contract for everybody is
estimated at $125,000.
Traffic Officer Norman Lever,' of
Clinton was in Exeter Thursday last
and made a careful checkup of the
weights of all trucks passing along
Bain St. It was found that in the
great majority of cases the truck
drivers were living up to the law,
that overloading was the exception.
Arrangements have been made whe-
reby the Sarnia, Huron and Bruce
Coach lines, operating from Wingham
to London, by way of No. 4 Highway
have the privilege of taking passeng-
ers from Clinton to London and from.
London to Clinton.
t,eimore, north of Walton, was the
scene of a serious fire on Feb. 29th
when the store and residence of Geo.
Hrd was completely destroyed. Only
some furniture and bedding were
saved. The Teeswater fire brigade
were summoned, but could do little
the fire having made such headway
before they arrived. The chopping
mill was saved with difficulty.
Fred Elliott of the 4th Con. God-
erich Tp. while at work with the stock
at the barn was attacked by a vicious
ram and so severely butted that sev-
eral ribs were broken. His sight is
defective and he was not aware that
the animal was rushing him until he
felt the shock.
Tuesday, March 8th, was the Goid-
en Wedding Day of Mr. and Mrs.
John Love, highly regarded couple of
igmondville and both lifelong resi-
dents of Huron Co, Both were born
in Perth county. Within the shadow
of what is now the city of Stratford
Mr. Love was born 82 years afo, his
parents settling at that time in Tuc-
kersmith near Kippen.
Last Tuesday a new type oil eng-
ine began on the Stratford-Goderich
run, going west at 11.40 a.m. and
east at 3.21 p.m. The engine is much
longer than ordinary steam engines
and looks not unlike an overgrown
express car. The oil engines turn a
dynamo which in turn generates el-
ectricity to pull the train. The en-
gine caused much excitement on its
initial run and many citizens along
the line were out to see it.
A highly esteemed resident of
Grand Bend passed away in her 83rd.
year in the person of Mrs.Mary
Webb. She had been a resident of the
community for 60 years and was well
known and beloved by all who knew
ter. Her maiden dame was Mary Tait
:V•Ir. Webb predeceased her 22 years
ago he being a salt water sailor be-
fore coming to this country.
At the inquest into the accidental
death of Blron Hicks held at Lucan
the Coroner's Jury investigating the
fatality recommended that legislation
be• enaated compelling motorists to
stop at railway crossings. The jury
in its verdict completely exonerated
the crew and railway from any blame
in connection with his death.
Mary L. Whitely, wife of James
Conelly, president of Goderich Ind-
ustrial Exhibition, died suddenly on
•Sunday. She was born in Goderich
Tp., and had been a lifelong resident
of the section. Besides her husband,;
on daughter Mrs. (Rei'.) I1
survive, the funeral. being held. on
Tuesday •afternoon.
Of ]Give. Stock and Farm. implements.
.Under DistressWarrant for Chattle
Commencing at 1.30 WelocR, p.im
1 four wheel Trailer with box; 1
Model A. Ford Coupe. 1929; 1 Massey
Harris No. 2, 7% -ft. hay loader, near
ly new; 1 McCormick 104t. hay rake;
1 Cockshutt 14 -plate out -throw disc;
Set of Sleighs, knee style, 2 -int run-
ner; 1 Coekshutt :riding plow, fdotlift
21 B; 1 Massey Hams. No. 7 mower
5 -ft. cut; 1 International gas engine
11/ h.p; 1 Gould Shapley Eengine 6
h.p; 1 Gould Shalrleyr Grinder; 8 -in.
bevel plates; 1 Gould Shapley grin-
der 10 -in bevel plates; 1 Greg Gel'd;-
ing 8 yrs. old, nearly, white; 1 Sorrel'
Gelding 12 years Old; 1 Road: Durhaun
cow 7 years old, fresh; 1 blank cow
5 years old; 1 Massey -Marais No, 21'
walking plow; 1 Peter Hamilton seufi-
Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer.
Fred Thiel, Bailiff.
On Lot 15, Con. 11, Har-Townshfp,
114. miles south of Mulch, on
At 1.30 p.m., the following
REAL ESTATE 100 acres more,
or less will be called first parcel, and
will be sold in either the whole 100
acres or in 50 acre portions as desir-
ed by purchaser. On this farm there
is 40 acres of fall pro sg; d'one;, the
balance is seededdown, there is• al
bank barn. 50 feet square, driving;
shed, hen house, pig pen, prick house
brick kitchen and woodshed; plenty; At
of water:, is well fenced, orchard and The hour of 2 O'clock in
fruit trees. 2nd parcel, consists. ott•, .noon at
25 acres mare or less, south of west! The Dominion House, Zurich Ont..
half 19, Con. 8, VA mile east and'the following property, namely:
half mile sout of Zurich. On the pre -
Part. of Lot No. 13, in the 12th Con-
mises is a small barn, 16 acres of cession of the Township of Hay, in
fall plowing done and the balance the County .of Huron, containing
in pasture. seventy acres more or less.
TERMS -10% on day of sale and Onathepremises is a good bank
Balance -in 30 days. Possession given barn with cement foundation, com-
after day of Sale. B table frame house and drive shed.
HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Steel There are two wells, one in the barn,
iron bed springs and mattress; dres and one at the house. The property
ser, stand, Rocking ,chair, small' chair isall practically ' new, 2 cedar chests, seven welcrisped and:fenced. wheat, There are -
arm chair, small table, block and all
acres Ploughing
fall and(
all slip fal'I lrloughing done.
tackle, onion seeder, 24 -ft. extension This property is only three miles
ladder, and numerous other articles. •from the flourishing village of Zurich.
` 'r,u�rs ibkg, Mara 17th, 1932 '
of A. worn, the tollowthg:
HORSES -1 aged mare; 1 driver,.
rising 10 yrs. old; 1 Percheron geld:.
ing, rising 1 yr. old; 1 Percheron
fully, rising .2 yrs. old; 1 bay horse
using 13 years; ;gray+ Horse rising 13
years -
CATTLE -1 white cow with calf;
1 red ,cow freslh; .1 red cow due April
18th,• 31 spotty cow due in May; 1
yearling heifer; 1 small calf; 6 heifer
calves prising 1 yr. old.
110 S. Sz POULTRY -1 Yorkshire
sow in pig; 1 Tamworth sow In pig,
2 dozen hens; 2 ducks and drake, 1
Collie dog:
IMPLEMENTS, ETC: -1 binder,
2-h. p. gasorme engine; 1 6 -ft. cut
mo aer;� ?U cutting box; 1 spring tooth
cultivator; 1 11 -disc drill; 1 exten-
sion. ladder; bag truck; quantity of
lumber; fanning mill; 2000 -Ib. scales;
quantity of buckwheat; about 700
bushels mixed grain; quantity of:
grain. bags; 1 bag beans; about 5 tom
of hay; 1 wheel barrow; 1 scalding,:
barrel, 1 emery stone; rack to loadi
catttteel roller; steel rake; wagon,.
box disc; 4 -section barrow; light.,
wagon; diver bean .seuffier and pul-
ler combined; hand scuffler,•`2 walk-•
ing;• prows, xett doubleharness ; 3 horse•
collas,. cream separator and numer-
ous. other articles.
$10.00 land under, cash; Over that
amount 7 months" credit will be given
on d;lirnisiung approved' joint notes,
walk 7% per annum added.
A3:tlaurr Weber, Auctioneer.
A. G. Edighofl~es, Clerk.
C. Fritz, E. A. Westlake,
iglwari:fer, Trustees.
Under and by virtue of the Powers
of Sole ,contained in a certain Mor
tgaga which .w be produced at. the
tiva of the sale there will be offered.
for sale by public auction, subject ton
a reserved bid and other conditions;
of Sale, On
SA.TUR AY, :MARCH 26, 1932'
the after-,
TEEME-CASIII: r and handy to market, church anal
Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. yschool'.. .-.R.
Herb. Bender and Sol Schroeder, TERMS -OF SALE'
Executor Ten per cent of purchase money to
be paid at the time of sale, and the
balance in thirty days.
For further particulars and Gond-
' itions of sale apply to the under
signed solicitors.
DATED at Exeter, Ont., the 7th day.
of March, 1932.
Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer.
and, ilensall, Solicitors for Mort-
FRIDAY, MARCH 18th, 1932'
At 1.30 o'xlocic, p.m.
One mile west of Blake on the farm
44+444••••••+P•••(>@41o4v0••d *w,•'c.^s0.**si***4t',i 00.4=bE+0•4
Clubbing List 1
ZURICH HERALD and the.folllo;wing Paper ♦I
for one Year:
a Kitchener Daily Record ....,-.-... ....... $5.10 r►-
IR -
Toronto Daily Globe $6.00'•
•Toronto Daily Mail and Empire $6.00 ••
v • Toronto Daily Star ....... $7:00 w
Toronto Weekly Star $6.0.0 a
a London Free Press $
• •$6.00 •• -
• London Advertiser $6.00•
t.• London•, iFarnier's Advocate $2.25 •••
Farre and Dairy _.................... $2.75 •• •
• y .. $2.50 • •
Fanners Sun
Family Herald and Weekly Star .._._._ $2.25 •• -
Family Herald for 3 years $3.00•;
Canadian Countryman $2.25 •-
Weekly Witness $3 15 •
Farmers' Magazine ..... ,_ .... $2.50 •
Duron Expositor, Seaforth ..._.........k.,..,$2.75
And a great many more that we cermet :enumerate here. •
We have the Agency for every. reputable MVIagazine in '•
Canada and the United States, and ,can save you money•
on. the most of Aim. 1•R•
Renew all your Papers and 'Magazines at our +
,. Office and save Trouble and Money •
.4.44 •440.4444444O*40**** ►•4►kR*+t,+1o•a*******•••••••••sem z„.