Zurich Herald, 1932-02-25, Page 7lteearis—.1C, Q, J. 10,
Clubs ---Rs 1, 9
San dee —9
Mow to play.dridge
4Wynne Ferguson
Author of "PRACTICAL AUCTION BllllfiG8"
A.RT10LE No. 1.1
Hearts—,A, 7, 0, 5
Clubs A, Q, 10
Diamonds—K, 5
la :
1 es -2
Clubs -5, 4, 3, 2,
Diamonds—J, 3
Spades—J, 8
If spades are trumps and Z is in the lead, how can Y Z win eight of the
tare tricks against any defense?
Solution in the next article.
Contract, as the name implies, al- such hands will bring ins points ot play
or : bidding that, if properly under-
stood, will be invaluable. These hands
have all been submitted to the writer
for analysis and came up in actual
play. Study them over and make up
your mind as to the correct bid or play
in. each instance. When the analysis
is given, compare your opinion with
the writer's and, if there is any differ-
ence, think it over and then adapt
Il.earte—1, 3
Diamonds—Q, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6
Spades -10
lows the player to score towards game
only the number of tricks he has bid.
For exemplo, if a pIayer bids two
evades and makes four, be can only
acmes two, the number bid, and the re-
maining two tricks are scored in hie
honor eolamn .at 50 Ret trick. This
rule makes it necessary for players to
bid for game on every hand, 'whether
tbeir opponents overbid or not, pro-
vided, of course, these hands warrant yourself and your game accordingly.
a try for game. Handled in this way, test hands will
As a result, there are no "dead" prove invaluable.
'.ands at Contract wa..ere one pIayer,
for example, bids one heart and all
pass, as occurs very frequently at Auc-
tion. When one side holds all the
cards there is bound to be plenty of
action 'whether opponents bicl or not.
The lucky side must bid for game if
they want it and once they feel sure
of game, they have the still further
incentive of trying for "slams." At
Contract a little slam, if bid and made,
There is one point in the play'of a
hand that some of the good players
don't always follow, and yet is gener-
ally a consistent winner. When the
declarer has won the declaration at a
suit and you have four or more
trumps, open your long suit. With four
or more trumps there is always a pos-
sibility of being able to establish your
long suit and break up the declarer's
hand by forcing him to trump your
es -
TFIOUsablen of mothers
have found that Eagle
1Brand is ideal for infant feed -
lag, where they are unable
to some their own children.
Eagle Brand
'rhe Horden td.
21 6 George St., Co.,tToronto.
1 i
Send me free copies of roar authori.
Wive, literature cgs Enfant Feeding.
rt SOAP o
S8@S forYeun. Bobilfeo
Sun, 'in Manhattan
et dawn the sun begins 'bis deny
I'o make the city cognizant at him,
Ele faces walls inflexible and grim,
.Tey fling .t4 joyless and defiant
ile jumps to some tall building and
his darts
Glance in great iiasbes from the
glassy quartz;
Another building catches these gay
gleamsAmu/, Ad throws hack jauntily ity onyx
anus is the light sent out and
! caught again
Till all the upper spires are lit, and
1 then
:With darkness hiding in Iiia last
I retreat,
IITTie searchlight of the
down the street;cro
,,He climbs ass the buildings, and
Owl Las
sun swcepe
They were discussing dogs, and the
tales were becoming "pretty tali"
when one of the group took the lead.
scores 500 points if not vulnerable tablished suit. For example, hearts „Smith," he said, "had a most intelli-
and 750 points if vulnerable and a big are trumps and your holding is as fol- gent retriever. One night Smith's
slam, if bid and made, scores 1000 lows:
points' it not vulnerable and 1500 Hearts—Q, 9, 6, 5 t house caught fire. All was instant
points If vulnerable. As a result of Clubs—A, K, 7, 6, 5 ! confusion. Old Smith and wife flew
these large premiums, the effort to Diamonds—Q, 6, 2 for the children and bundled out with
bid and make slams offers one of the Spades -10 them in quick order. Alas, one of
exciting features of Contract. , With such a hand, it is much better them had been left behind. But up
In the regular game of Auction you to open the club suit than to lead the
may take a chance nowand then with singleton spade. Suppose you have bid
a weak bid. It costs very little but in clubs and your partner has supported.
Contract you'll find it very expensive.
id one the bid. You lose' the suit and the Je-
no trump with just an ordinary thin claret is forced to trump. E Even he again. What diel the dog want? No
ne temper. What will happen? If
second hand passes, your partner may
Slave good help for a good no trumper.
Yonr partner will of course bid you up.
He may be justified in bidding three
no trumps. Think of the wallop you'll
get if it's doubled. You have no place
to go, and oh, bay, wallops in Contract
count heavily against you.
It's the ambition of all Auction and,. n your singleton suit, the lead of your
Contract players to become experts, ,strong suit beat him, but the
but it is really surprising how little l strd o ut would singleton up to his strong
war suit would give be an advantage that
ish this result There are prob-
For instance in Contract you b
jumped the dog, rushed into the house,
and soon reappeared with the missing
child. Everyone was saved; but
Rover dashed through the flames
has six hearts, he can only leadtwo one anew. Presently the noble animal
rounds of trumps. If he leads three
rounds, you can win the third round reappeared, scorched and burned, with
with the queen and force him to trump'—what do you think?"
again. ` "Give it np," cried the eager lis -
Then it takes his last trump to draw i tenets.
yours and, if your partner can - takes "With the Etre insurance policy,
trick in the other suits, the declarer wrapped in a clamp towel, gentlemen."
cannot scare game. If the declarer
has only five trumps but great strength
Glum—"Why are you so blue?"
Gloomy—"Because my boat finisted
first in the race."
Bad—"Why, I'd think you'd be hap -
In sunny garments men and women
—Myriam P'a.ge in the Christian
8e!eree Monitor.
real k theyare willing to do to ac- f
conapt would enable him to wore game. The
ably ten million people in the country singleton lead is always a gamble and dead."
to -day who play Auction or Contract St%orse—"But the motor went
and yet not five per cent. of them ever is seldom a winning play, unless hold-
Imp a book on either game and, if they ing tlii'ee trumps. With a strong suit.Witness—"Then he upped end 'e
d f • t m the long shit lead is
Is Wearing
Illustrated DressuinkinhJ Lesson 2Fur-
rcashetl" li h' T' ' 'jr Pattern
do, it usually is placed carefully in the i au out ru p,
bookcase and never opened. much the better. Watch this play
But if you will not read a book on and, when you understand the theory
the game, you will derive much bene of it, you will be a much better player.
at from a study of the various hands ---.11,.
that are analyzed be t ese articles and, Radio Now Installed
31 you keep at it, You are bound to Im-
prove your game; and if you learn to
In Turkish Mosque
playa little better than your associ- Istanbul, Turk.—For the first time
Utes, you will win, even without the in Islamic history a radio bas been.
acee and kings. As one player des- installed in a Turkish mosque.
eribed the game et a well-known ex- Choosing one of the most famous re -
peri: "The boy certainly knows how ligious edifices in all Turkey, St.
to play 'em. He dc n't get much to Sophia, for this innovation, Must -
work with, but he can sure make apha Kemal has directed that the
sevens and eights act like kings and
queens." radio services be chanted from the
We cannot all be experts but we can newly adopted Turkish Koran by 25
certainly improve our game; and one clergymen_
of the beat ways to do so is to sttpdy This is the second notable de -
over the analysis of the test hands
given In these articles. very one of
mrnukes HIM FUSSY
One of the most important things
you, can da to make a teething baby
comtortable is to see that little
bowels do their work 01 carrying
oft waste matter promptly and re-
gularly. For this nothing is better
than Castoria, a pure vegetable Tir.-
paration specially made for babies
and children. Castoria acts so gent-
ently you can give It to young infants
to relieve collo, Yet it is always
eifectire, for older children, too.
Remember, Castoria contains no
beagle drugs, no narcotics—is abso-
lutely harmless. When your baby
is fretful with teething or a food
upset, give a cleansing dose at Cas=
toric. Be sure you get genuine Cas-
t.n'ht with the name:
knocked me down with a leaf,"
Judge—"With a leaf?-
Witness—"Yes, your Honor. With
a leaf from the table."
.A. woman says she is troubled be-
cause her husband talks in his sleep—
and mumbles so that she can't under-
stand him. Gleeful Gladys says some
women go right en chasing illusions
'at forty—by that time most of us are
kept busy dodging disillusion. .A. wo-
man seldom comes out of a sullen spell
until she believes her husband has suf-
fered as much as she thinks he should.
Most of as try to put off everything
except a good time. Foolishness is still
how august t ma
foolishness, no
parture from ancient custom in re- f be the man who utters it. A lot of
ligious service instituted by the l people don't care much what happens
progressive Turkish President this so long as it doesn't happen to them.
year. The Arabic Koran, always
unintelligible as Latin to the lay-
man, was replaced early last month
in some Istanbul mosques by n, Turk-
ish translation. These innovations
are in consummation of the Nation-
alist Government's aim of adapting
the Islamic religion to the needs of
modern Turkey.
The time to start advertising is
when the other fellow says: "raw,
there ain't no new business; let's cut
down our appropriation." A large man
never complains when joshed about
his size, but the little pian is sure to
get sore if you call him a runt, No
man is so handsome that he is good
looking in a dirty shirt. A lot • .oe
1,600 -Yr. -Old Jug Unearthed 1 "self-made" men would 'hare fared
In Nebraska Cemetery
Butte, Neb.—A jug, believed to be at
least 1,600 years old, was unearthed
near here. It was hand -carved and
once lied been protected by a wicker
frame The tliscovery was made in
what is thought to have been a ceme-
tery of early Indian tribes. Pieces of
pottery, hint arrow -heads, teeth and
bones also were found.
The relies may have 'been the re-
mains of a civilization of mound build-
ers, it is believed. Specimens bave
been, sent to anthropologists at the
University of Nebraska.
Germany's Oldest Church
much better had they let the contract
to somebody* else.
He was a guest of a Cockney family
in England. They were eating ham.
Young Son—"Please pass the 'am,
Father—"Don't say 'am. Say 'am."
Mother (turning smilingly to the
guest—"They think they're saying -
Our tea..asters jealously' guar,
our modest but famous sloanr~
good ted,
2 CHOICE QUALITIES —- Red Label & Orange Pekoe
Japan and Manchuria
Economist (London) : Time, in the
second obapter of the Manciburian i l f mss 8atugay Cum
story, shows signs of changing sides.' Iwo-. World Patent Attorneys. 27a Bank
From the seizure of Mukden on Sep- Street, Ottawa, Canada.
Cias�s fled Advertising
List of wanted inventions and full
information or. ser t free.
tember 19 clown to the completion.
churia last week, time worked iv' separate Jews and Catholics and Pro-
Great as are the differences that
f the J occupation of Man -1
Japan's favour. While the League
Council wavered, the Japanese Army
carried out its operations swiftly ac-
cording to plan, Now that the plan
has been executed, the Japanese are
faced with the new problem of hold-
ing -what they have taken; and now
time may begin to work on the side
of the Chinese guerillas, to whose j
favourite method of warfare the
Japanese have exposed themselves'
by the enormous lengthening of their
lines of communication. ti'4 a do.not
believe that the Japanese Army will
succeed in clearing Manchuria of
brigands within three 'months or
within many "times that period. And
meanwhile the Nine -Power Treaty
and the Kellogg Pact will be work-
ing, impalpably but potently, upon
the public opinion of the world to
Japan's undoing. We have not
seen the end of this Japanese ad-
Of all elements of strength, none is
more vital than self-reliance; a de -
'termination to be one's own helper
and not to look to others for sup-
port.—William Matthews.
Nothing is more destructive of in-
dividual character than for a man to
lose all faith in his own abilities for
the prosecution of his work.—Samuel
Flef•t•' prizing :';t with
much youthful charm,
A black velvet. with eerue lace 'lade
the original.
For practical wear, it would be very
nice carried out in it canton -faille
crepe silk in rich dark brown or in.
crepe niaroc:iin, wool crepe and
supple woolens are also suitable.
The diagonal scalloped treatment
gives charming height to the figure.
The softly draped bodice is slimming.
Style No.. 3454 may be had in sizes
36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust.a
Size 36 requires 4'yards 39 -inch
with g,'s yard 3 -inch lace.
Write rite your name and address plain-
ly, giving number and size of such
patterns as you want. Enclose 20e in!
stamps ot: coin t;coin preferred; wrap
.carefully} for eadl', number, and,
address your order to Wilson Pattern
Service, 73 West Adelaide 5t., Toronto
Theatre to Seat Women Apart
• Madrid --An old Spanish custom of
separating men and women. in the
theatre is being revived here. The
actress Hortensia Gelabert, who
plans to operate the Theatre Bea -1 saki she would reserve or -1
chestra seats for women.
The teacher had labored long and
patiently to teach little .Arthur the
points of the compass.
Teacher—"When you stand with
your face to the north, your right hand
r toward ast, t? so left toward
Shows Date Block of 732 thefs west, andCho Eyour backotowaxd the
ing tb.e date 732 has been Siegen, Westphalia: A Stone bear -south. Now, tell me the directions.
- What is in front of you?"
the still of the old ehureli.,in Ram -
Little Arthur (after a thoughtful
land, a small village on the Eder
pause)—"My stomach,"
Raver, and research has established
that the building was erected by St.
13onitace. It is thus the oldest del- Mother—"Would you like to petite
initel dated Church in Gera any, and rock the baby for a bit, Tommy?
y Commy—'gather' taut I hatent got
looking back this year ott twelve
centuries of existence. a rock."
"There is never again going to be know you'd malts a
an era of prosperity jut ilkh, that She --"Do you
.which the 'United States and Canada wonderful fireman?"
Lnjoyed before 'and atter the Var."— Ile-Ile—"How's that?"
Lord Lothian. *She—"Ytlu never take your eyes off
• the hose."
! Weeder
"A speculator becomes
when the price does not go up and he The reader is often caped away by
holds opt,'-0fiarlea Z.V tt fie . r the author's traits a4 thought.
Utterly Worn -Out
Mts. Fitipairlek'felts H0W Dr. Williams'
Nth Pills Made Net Well.
"I became run-
down and unable to
do my work for a
family of seven,"
tvyites Airs. W. Ip.
Sask. "1 was told I
had anaemia, and I took treatment, but 1
with very little improvement. Finally
my sister who had had the same disease,
advised sister,
to try Dr, Williams' Pink
Pills as they had done her so much good.
I have taken seven boxes. Today I'm 1
well; able to do my own work; no More
tired feeling or weak spells, 1 can run
upstairs without puffing. I sleep and cat
Well. My friends are astonished at my
chained appearance and never fail to
ask what Pm taking, bty reply is: The
Williams' Pink Pills'."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually create
an abundance of new red blood, which is
the reason why they have given new
vitality and strength to thousands of
such nervoutly exhausted and overtired
women. Equally helpful for growing
girls. Try them. At your druggists in the
new glass container, 50c a package.
UE No. 8 --'3Y
Cali Now
WANTED --Persons to tirorr
Muohroome for ns in cellars.
Earn upwards of $25 weekly.
Illustrated booklet free. i.
Canadian 'Mushroom Co., Toronto.
Safe--Bncklep'a contains no nor.
torics—abwlutely safe for children
end adults. •
speedy--- Acts like a flash — a
single sip proves it.
Proven — Thousands of testimon-
ials and the Largest tale of taw
cough remedy in Canada aro con.
wining evidence of its merits. 1,143
testants, the things that unite them
are still greater." — WIlliam Lyon
The Canadian Wool Co. Ltd.
For 60 years
the world's
best corrective
Sold everywhere in
25c and 75c Teti pkgs
For all the skin
troubles of child-
IE,nt1eur! hood. Wise mothers
1arl i6!�ilr should always keep
it on hand.
Price 25e. and 50c.
f ,t0
For a Acids
TOO Muck
•�,�ANY people, two hours after
del. eating, suffer indigestion—as
they call it. It is usually excess acid.
Correct it with an alkali. The best
way, the quick, harmless and efficient
way, is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia.
It has remained foe 50 ,'ears the
standard with physicians. One spoon-
ful in water neutralizes many tunes
its volume in stomach acids, and at
once. The symptoms disappear in
five minutes.
You will never use crude methods
when you know this better method.
And you will never suffer from excess
acid when you prove out this easy
Be sure to get the genuine Phillips'
Milk of Magnesia prescribed by
physicians for 50 years in correcting
excess acids. 50c a bottle—any
The ideal dentifrice for clean
teeth and hehithy gums is Phillips'
Dental .iogncsia tooth -paste.
Hobbling With RI
i', -r a Ilrarnatic'Cloture of the deforming
and disabling effects of acute rheu-
matism, read this lady's letter. She
had often looked at IKrnschen advertise-
ments and laughed—little dreaming
that she herself would soon be joining
in the chorus of praise for "the little
daily dose."
" B Mitered agonies with Rheumatism.
'Fire doctor said he had never known a
woman under 30 to get Rheumatism
like I had it. I was so bad I could only
get upstairs by sitting on each stair,
until 31 had pluck enough to pull myself
up to the note one. lily hands and feet
were so swollen that they looked un-
canny, and neighbours used to watch
me hobble round and say how awful I
looked. I had often laughed at the
liruschen advertisements, but thought,
as 1 had given almost everything else a
trial, 1 alight as well give XCrusehett a
trial, I did so, and will always say I
consider them wonderful, I take half-a-
teaspoonfui of E zuschcn every. morning.
;how I can inn upstairs. Yet I have
taken Krttsehen Salts for two months
only,"—tirs. R. 1?.
The system of the rheumatic subject is
a producer of that dangerous body
ma in
poison known as uric acid, which is
composed of knife -edged crystals, It is
bred in accunuilated waste matter
which the organs of elimination bane
fulled to expel. E rusehett is a powerful
solvent of these ilia -hard crystals. 315
swiftly dulls their sharp edges, then
flushes them out of the system. Your
pales ease ; swellings subside ; knotted
joints become loose.
Better still, Ernsclien eliminates tb.
root cause of the evil. Taken regularly,'
it keeps your liver and kidneys in peon
feet tune, so that these el ins
organs free your inside from all poi
breeding waste products.
liru:.ehcn Salts is obtainable a%
Drug Stores at 45c. sflad'f5o. pet