Zurich Herald, 1931-11-05, Page 4BLAKE 'Mrsa • can Mimic of 1lenadll, ac- 4010SPlerfied lay Miss Milds`od Forrest sof 'i"uc'`kersttdth, ,:spent to week -end. 4 home aaf ..Mr. ;r11td Mrs. Jas. Mr- and Mrs. Titylor and little da - ambler of Chisel aurst, spent Sunday Ring at the lane 071 hWa daughter, Mrs. R, N. »truglas, • Miss Marybel Cern,ie returned t her home after spending a week; with friends in the village, Mr. and Mrs, H: C, Zapfe of Uru- cefieid called on frit*tads in the village last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Johnston, tar,- 't the home Mt Ur. and Mrs. Samuel companied by Airs. Edighofer, spent ]M'cBride.. a few days last week with friends in yrs. ".l.'.hns. Dick of Hensel!, is vis- Fullerton and Mitchell. i#11141!•••M#M••ee J ••••ie••M•••••+NN •o One Cent Sale THIS WEEK W:ed., Thurs., Fri., Sat. November 4th, 5th, 6th and. 7th o Tails itis, WITHOUT DOUBT, THE BIGGEST 1IONEY-SAVIN • 41IP2ORTUNITY OF THE YEAR, AND THE BEST,THIS YEAR IS BETTER THAN EVER. SEE SALE BILLS! :LIMN ON YOUR RADIO FOR THE BROADCAST OF THIS SALE ON 250 RADIO STATIONS. BONE YOUR ORDERS IF YOU CAN NOT GET IN—ORDERS WILL BE HELD Hemphill's Drug Store •• Phone 20 Hensall • • a ••00••0•N0•••••oo0•000•••••i•r••• • Ur, and Mrs, Geo, Ross, valid Tian ily of Hensall, spent I`a'iday night al., the homer of Ur. .taaad Ales. J .A, C''aala^ title, Mae Ismail, of :llre4atetielcl• diene' is few days knit week With Erie tale Glia the kironson Liner, iLLSGREEN Wedding, Ilene atV riughae MO' in this vieilaity, \ir. and .Alas, 1 iN cif Vo're t; 1\tie) visited with t'a°ieetd , In this vietnit; emirate! tet their winter Ilinn4" in Oki. a•tti:t, 31r, t.nd Ala•;. Thee. C'ahamen els`, e'atierth. Mr, end MN, W. 2 inhale O f Hettetall wed y t,sr et Se..tw forth. Zit,.. Annie duets lett Sr., matte Mrs. Logan of He?aeoll. were twee at, ✓ a,itar With blt3 l:.t. "1"a'ta"t`ON 1ft , \l LAV VtAhtia Vita Nit, And •(! Mid .1, 'ReIN,o t tat i'1e'teeel+l ree`:`lalea ' , ! lit:. Ne tt/l Ct` to v t.i ttht`{g xviati\w, 'OA, ; The 'Sit'e's A... 1$t8\ter of i'ietteali, *• : utr sly ;tkii a a few deet e in thie s'ier- r Mrs reed \tr` Vater 1 eoft of Wt.. S (che'v‘1/41,..Ec've; h M:-.:''" :MI' ' Alf. it i Reaiette�.rc end Otter r tee ad here Vt.e`.. ens tZS. •.. 0 z tiIr. ._ M raarcl"aaSat„a vi�rtY�: es . "eeen; visitsre with trieeeds in 1'\cb, Mrs. L a1 .*<e r :aid 'Nebo \'`:c e tee' aerated t a err home , lle�iv, llI, L�; L L'ent's h. Mr. alai Allen ll "Teaser Vit' .e3 V141121 Eiteert ..t a .,ey in I . .itis ,.C+ta;%i The ll LS . td es of the illkUe �f • green ehurzh �,t<'tt"3 led the K pca ladies, Ater ateo g. ea Weel aeaiay.. • •. • • 4 • 4 4 3 .t 3 4 4 4 4 • • -4 + 4 Ita1 Theatre til torte vt Gl)X)EaUGU kateiei Sow 41 Spaasu °Murder by Olat„lk „ '411 WU1laaeatata i Chevall cr 01 Parisian in aaiaetdteaa” n orgy trust Of fun. l lILING LIEUTENANT t1i t Se end lei*tee 000 ether i`-; S`K-3-�i>�i : c.; e e;. *., es ee ee e The a metal e ick &`.eev X1:1;Ci , > >` > -;-a. -a••z- - -+ i•o fi•-,'->e-> >h . - -a�++ >> A -F -§-1,--a'-4 : ' h8; b — n hem tS y?2a 1�.' teii l X 1131a ch for a number of yeseire, as drawn for this year. le hoped ease` ▪ eryoric yrt' remereher YearetPee* opie ae their Thsitkoleriae. Serv;ao ea7 i + the :tear future, 4 Mr. and _Mrs.. W. E., ,l ,.reete ria j Brigden were here � ernda —. e` L. Troyer retuening -v;t'1 .:eeen 1_+T + the w+neer months, Let Us Quote You On Storni Sash 'and Dooirs Before the cold "weather arrivs Cali us and we will measure your windows • C. PHONE 69 es LEISC ZURICH 411' 44114.05111.4t4t4.1.1. a V ; Sie*rmi+Ar000030fooMi/011+/0!0 0/NNI8M11Ni11tIM0N9lN 1 At Cost • and Below • t FOR SALE !1 • On new Farm Machines while they last 1• • ONE LEVER HARROW ONE 2 FURROW PLOW Al I CULTIVATOR s•. 3.SCUFFL';i 'QUEBEC SULKY PLOW §+p SPECIALS! SPECIALS! ' yitkor #ever Saturday HORN \ trivittt the 111 ple�turt, tae this groat adee"uttn YarnI xttAi?net" Ne.t,,v, and utlac.t Iketarettee. `eel.:and Stat. at 3 p.m, lark l re?.;slur in "Pol- a~EriO Debetturea 4i1 juveatiuent for w 1,1d trustcea. "vr estatmi funds. Safe *hard rd earned savings divide ala . llTatra is paid half- upon $7.00 and over tt 5 .years. ,xert`a`taits are accepted by b�sne�a Rev, R. K. Love of bRhereas l Mns aanredcema.vxW,i oLrcvvrai pa -:t;. da,seS Rile farttnson and i7a�r, 141„.. ; .. areaet and saxaphone Mr. W. Jarrett and Wes tame auet 11.wrry'Nofftnan and Howard were recent visitors with lir, and? tlu lR; 'ro' et solo by Maurice F. HESS. Zurich 1 A quiet wedding -Weau 601ai'ittized. at •Curnt,et Church, • on, Wednesdays morning, when Rev. ,I. E. McElroy united in marriage (,)live Pollock, of the Goshen Liao; to lVl:r. Vanutonc,, of Owan Soured. The hvide was a-tte'n- Ae it by her slider, Vierenee, while; the 40,044011, wraa $ulnlaarted by• Milton I'o1- 114)4. :Following the ceremony the co, !Milo lal't by motor for London where t► 'wedeliaag dinner waai served. They ten, weal to Detroit mel, other. harts. ,as Mite Hocman; plane is Verus Birk and Mrs. V. !peal diet by Miss C. Fink - .5t1 Mra. L Klunipp; accord- st3ous by Rev. Sauer; read - Mrs. D. B. Sanders in London. Mr. and Errs. John. Love and .Ai- �a dren, accompanied by Mrs. Jas. Love, ege and Missees Anna and Agnes, ware! in London recently_ The Sacrament of the Ind's Per. vvyPer,. reZta ou Ott ;and n, selection by the Ladies etre. Mrs. R. H. Taylor was ;.temor of the affair. N$ALL-� Frtervices will 6e held,. tam dayi -Dougall, accompanied by Y F evening, November lfi. ia, - T- a o ". i i e. and children of Petrolea,sp- clock. P- eat. the week -end at the home of his Miss Doreen Reichert ,:peat a sew}: ppwts, and Mrs. Wm DougaII. days in Zurich recently. n Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Love and 311.x' 4 V and Mrs. J. :D Buchanan of Anna, Mr. W. Love and Mrs. j. G- L,cf 4m. spent the week -end with fri- Forrest, Mr. J. B. Forrest and fang- ` ends 'oma. oly attended the funeral of a relative at Grand Bend recently. e. Douglass of Hyde Park is vis- • iii with her motther, Mrs. J. John - . i DASHWOOD M and Mrs. L. DIAMOND 4 -SECTION HARROW P • were ;cent visitors W a od� Mickle and son with relatives at torte FLEURY No. 21 WALKING P AW• _kir. John Hoffman of London, sp- Mrs.',Alvin Hoskins of Detroit, is ant a few days last week with re visiting ,at the ,bpme of Mr. and Mrs DE LAVAL CREAM SEPARATOR latives and friends. :.sierra Redden. >11 . a;r of Toronto spent a few cia'V.„ ! " her mother, Mrs. Robt. h2cCORM1CK-D e;LRING No. 21 PLOW AT $1 r_40 • a, GOOD RIDING PLOW AT $5.00 WHEELBARROW AT g4- _Air. and Mrs. S. Hartman of the Goshen Line, have returned from a visit' in Detroit. Mrs. Hardy of Exeter visited with' her sister, Airs. W. Wolfe a few daysp}jPp,.'a! one 12> ACT QUICK FOR THESE BARGAINS • teat week. acre sem., • We regret to report Karen Peden Bear p .u A vALL THESE MACHINES AT SACFIFICE PRICES. NO REAS- •= sen is en the sick list. We hope for: atery s IS OrIABLE OFFER REFUSED ON ANY OF THESE MACHINES TO • vo• sb CLEAR WHILE THEY LAST • 41) General Garage, Gas, Oils, Etc. 1 • Le A. Prang & Son - Zurich s • Mi•MIN NS••••••••• ____••••••ov•••••••••i• 41111101111••••••••110111000.111011000110000••••••••••••••••••• I Your Goal Supply The cold Days are now being ush- ler, d in. Let us supply you pp y with tebest fuels atlowest prices :POULTRY POODS ry our Chick Starters, . Chick • Peed€„ Laying Mash, Etc. E ;11Itg. THE;11+(, et,RKET FOR GOOD CLOVER SEED. ALSO. ,DO C€,l"$TOM SEED CLEANING. L. Sehilbe & : a 11 j !Mlilei NgefI O .k aeosk•rlos00o,o•••1100•0414W eS 1 a speedy recovery. Mr. M. Mcisaac and son Fransis of Detroit, were week -end visitors with the i`.orfiner`.s parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Mclsaae. Mr. and Mrs, J3ear of Capac, Mich., visited with relatives here last week.. A number of young people from here are attending the Teachers Tra- ining Classes held at the Evangelical church in Crediton this week. Miss E, Graybiel is visiting in Lon- don at present. Miss E. Martinson spent Sunday in Zurich. Mr. Harry Guenther and sister Rose of Windsor were weee-end vis- itors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs Chas. Guenther, Mr. and Mrs. W. Wolfe. and family spent Sunday in Exeter. On Tuesday evening, October 27, the Walther League of the Lutheran Church held a Hallowe'en party. A- bout thirty members were ,present and all enjoyed themselves to the ut- most by playing games and singing. rhes prizes for the. bestcosturnewere won by Gladys Meyer and Albert 11Iiller. A dainty lunch was served at the close, of the meeting. Mr. Ira Tiernan of Hamilton is vis- iting with his parents. A Halowe'en supper and program was held on Friday evening in the Evangelical church under the ausp- ices of the Ladies' Aida There was a splendid attendance. The basement was prettily decorated with pumpkin faces and hallowe'en decorations. The :rogram which was well rendered onsisted of the following: Orches- )ra selections by the Sunday School irch e sera with Miss Gertrude Hoff- .airs as accompanist; address by Rev. .. W. Sauer and Rev, W. Y. Dreier of .Zurich; selection by the choir; rjti,b solo by Gordon' Feeler; vocal thx. fir i ntia^ a T and Si-D./neon the west side of the track on Krog' Sts, is nearing completion. The many friends of Mrs. M. G. Drysdalingin rejoice that she is improv - lit Alex. unn, who recently suffered a strokeion one side of his body, is somewhat improved and resting nice- ly under good attention. Mr. and . Mrs. Otto Stephan and family spent a few days at the home of Mrs.,tephan, Parr Line. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spencer are moving into their new home ,which they recently built on King St. Mrs. ,Holland Little is moving her household effects to Hanover where they will reside. A family of Belg- ians is moving into Mrs. Little's ho- use for the winter. Mae Simpson of Detroit, who un- derwentoperation for appendicitis in . the Se forth Hospital, is able to return hone and nicely. doing e Y• A confs;rence of Boy Leaders re- presenting South Huron was held in the United Church on Oct. 23rd. The conference, was in charge of Rev. G. Hutt, of Corrie; secretary of Relig- ious F'ducation for Huron Presby- tery, assisted, 'by Rev. S. J. Mothers,; of Grand Bend and Rev, R. Conner, of Kippen. John Elder returned from Grand Bend, where he had spent two weeks assisting the Bolton .Bros• to enlarge their cottage adding a basement and; other omprovements. A. E. Bender, who' was carrying on business C. ss lien e for part of thep est year in thd line of ladies' wear, has closed his business that he .had been carrying on in the A. "Murdock eat- law/re, publisher of the dve,rtiser, has moved his GUU TY NEWS klesan,�tiall Mace zr tai, rate of 3.6.mills, this year. cl.ssessttaeu t returns of Goderich. given it a population of 4,366, a slight increase over 1930. Raymond Nott of Egmondville, while picking apples had the misfor- tune to fall from the. tree and: frae- ture his arm. 0, Bondi, the Wingham Italian' fruit muereh:ant, was. fined. $;10A, and costs for having liquor contrary to the Ontario Act at Teeswater on Fair night. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pepper, Tu- ckersmith, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Mary Pearl,to Charier C. Way, son of. Mr. and! Mrs. Alva Way, Kippen,. the marriage . to take place early in November. For failure to return_ to, the scene of an auto accident Lorne Bennett, Howick Tp., -was fined $25 and'costs 'plus $15 to cover demages to the car, he struck. His companion, Geo. W. Chapman paid $27.80 for being dr- unk in a public place. The death. took place at his home Lot 12, Con., 2 Stephen on. Friday, of John Cecil Walker; age 48. The deceased, who liaf been ailing all. summr, was taken: ill only a day pre- vious to death. He is. survivied by his wife, formerly Ada Powe, and three children. With the dispensing of one of the London passenger trains last summer it has made it necessary for the crew and mail clerks to move from Wing - ham. Arley Copeland who- was on the mail service, has lend: to) leave Wing - ham, and was fortunate insellinghis home. Three local Goderich lien were surprised one night, recently in their attempt to burglarize the Artcraft furniture factory. The trio, however managed to make their escape, but Chief of Police Postlewaite stated that he recognized. the. men. The chief sornewhat 13amaged. An old and highly'esteemed resi- dent of Exeter passed away on Mon- day znornifag last in the person of A. Dow in his S3rd year. He had been calanected -with Exeter for many ye_. 'bllov ehex 5th, 1031 Leavin'sTheatre: Exeter ---- t Thursday, Friday and Saturday Nov. 5th;"--St'ln:and 7tli, Rylmon Niavaro in his Great Roll ;SO'N OF INDIA Elephants, "Tigers — A Beautiful Her- oine, are integral. Assets of Nav-- arro's latest Triumph—Dog Comedy„ College Hounds, Monday and Tuesday Nov. lth and 10th Night Birds See the Hunting to Earth by Scot- land Yard of a mysterious Gang' of . • ,Crooks, Full of Excitement and sus- pense. A smashing climax. Usual Comedy New Special for Wed. and Thursday: (Armistice Day) Nov. 11 and 12th Crisco Kid WARNER BAXTER AND ' EDMUND LOWE. (First Run opens at Tivoli Theatre,.. Toronto, Friday, Nov. 6th) Comedy—Laurel and Hardy In "ANOTHER FINE MESS" Friday and Saturday "WILL ROGERS" In his .latest sensation ""YOUNG AS YOU FEEL" "They'll laugh themselves into year's growth". tone News and "Magic Carpet" a. Fox movie Outstanding Pictures Coming soon: Riders of the Purple Range, Nov. 23,. 24th and 25th "Spider" "Sporting Blood" "Politics" "Waterloo Bridge:" concealed in the factory yard, sur- prised the men as they were about to drive their truck, alleged. to have be- en loaded with factory stock, off the es. Chief Postlewaite sprang 7•cuncenzoz> oo..1,1e �.,wo.•.unc- yard gate.. The Dien. immediately* ab- andoned the truck and macre 'their escape over the fence,. but zwo have since been arrested. The sugar beet crop is the best paying crop the farmers have this. se- ason. It was thought in. the. beginning of the season that the companies wo- uld not accept the full amount, but owing to- the failure in Essex county it has created a greater demand and everything is being taken. The price received average $55 per acre. The quantity of sugar: beets that are be- ing loaded" at Centralia: are so great that the morning express train has to draw up a number of cars, on acco- unt of the sidings not being long enough. A requisition. was received at God- erich over the phone frorna the Prov- incial Employment Bureau, Stratford for 10 single men to go north to work on the trans -Canadian highway; In - printing outfit into the, asmuch as there are over 100 regist- ,f1'red Hess & Son's jew ered in Goderich the order will not ore and has arranged with be difficulty to fill. The Town Com- o assist him in his job pr- cil has been pressing for action in 4 securing patronage. the matter of a quota front Goderich e new dwelling of Spencer and as this is the first indication that any would be taken, it comes as wel- come news. Mr. and Mrs. George Sills, pen- minent residents of Seaforth, on Sat- urday last celebrated their golden. wedding anniversary with a family gathering and dinner. Mr. Sills was born at Brucefield in 1855, but has spent most of his life at Seaforth, where he has been in the hardware business for over 60 years. Mrs. Sills was born at Waterloo in 1359 and lived in Tuckersmith as a girl. They have four children. The funeral took place of a highly respected resident of Goderich in the person of Mrs. Snyder, widow of SUBSCRIPTION RATES 41.25 • Jesse Snyder, who passed away in her yam:, ser it' in advance; $1.60 Roth yetis. R i maiden nattier was Mary Fiances Schultz, and was bornS..$149 ,�+vanee, ate premises, on south. side of Mata ,k several, wire,,. iihe, car was Street. ars- ant/ .was n known in the com- munity. .Has been ailing since last:. June, was born in Perth, Lanark Co- unty and at an early age came with his parents to Ribbert Tp., where he was united with Annie McIntyre. A. few years later the family moved to Exeter where he was engaged in farming and 'conducted a dairy bus- iness, he was also interested in and a great 'lover of horses. AUCTION SALE Of DRY GOODS, ETC - At ZURICH At old Baptist Church, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7th, 1931_ Commencing at 2.00 o'clock, p.m... Old Honesty Range for coal or: wood (re -possessed); a good exten— sion sion 'table, several large shortening; barrels, malt barrel, 10 -Ib. scale, case • Liberty malt ,and hops, refrigerator box, several dozen winter sox, winter caps, sweater coats, pullovers, 3 lad- ies rain coats, overalls, smocks, mitts, and gloves, and other articles. Terms—Cash. Or apprenes4 netea for 30 days. Oscar Kropp, Auctioneer: MIRTH HERALD Established 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY' NOON FROM THE. Herald Printing Otfice arrears •or 82.00 may be charge-,, t», ' ,i near New Hamburg, Germany. 'At trailed Will all arrears are paid un -- the age of six years she crossedi the leas st eptiin rif publisher. The d atta ocean with her parents and other of which every Subseription•is paid,. members of the family and settled in is donated on the Label, . -�,,, r- Waterloo county where she lived till ADVERTISING IG„11�,h,,S7 V her marriage to Snyder in 1860. Sho- eery after this the young couple. ce v advertising Yrnade Tknowa�t the at Carm ent n the 1st ton., wTiip wase I Biiseeltlaaeous .articles of not nnoz'e Ps P their home until they retired im 1!,9'08 i Wan four Lost, For Sale, To hent,. and event to Goderich to .retire• Three tion ed, L° 'Found, etc-; One' inseam. tion 25e, 21_ las. 40c-, 3 iris. 50c,. years later Mr. Snyder dae4L. Farm or Real Estate fox" salt k' Seth Winer while motoring on the for Asst month, $1.00 for 'each fol. - Crediton Road following the fowl 't®�rntRg' aniontb supper at Centralia the tither night, { Professionsl Cards , not ex met with a bad auto aotiilent liar Ii .au y $ ceedan fortunately no'one was hurt A car a= d nMee o am, one v5 e: se 50c, 25 t tuernd and Winer hmis udginle e� curia. for each additional verse;. Card oZ l ging, g Tlnanjcs, SOc. t lac car was turniin mtheo i 6 ppos n , A:u�ction Sales—$2.OU .: per singl;k direction, Te avoid a collision he tip- insL}-tion if not over four inches inti- plied the brakes and the car took to i :.e di?:cit tcaraing on its, fpr with the :' ..•eels in the air breaking, otic a fence Address sill cornznunications ► . nest and DIE HERALD, r ;4