Zurich Herald, 1931-11-05, Page 2Such delicacy of flavour
is not found in other teas
Wrests ler to
What New York
is Wearing
illustrated Dressmaking Lesson Par -
Waited With EVCPII PrOtern
,.?,'... Men Dean
I ,
A 4...
lost usually I am hunest---Referenee
ae Federal Trust Comperiy El Paso.
ess ae Jaime Miguel Higuenes.i
CHAPTER 11, Bill Latham's voice was the first
to break the silence when Roberta had
Suddenly Roberta began ' ,
e '
• finished reading this remarkable coin-
Such a hearty,
'"?.a,.. emenication. • "It's true. There's a
. ‘,. ' !reovideeee that marks the sparvow's I
laugh it was. "Thinks he': t
merry, mell, fall7-all4S''-Your Uncle Toni was a
like John Paul Jones, I have ! bil:'clW'iell'',%ioev that he's dead, Uncle
great victox•y," she decided.' ;
begun to fight. • I'll bring t., .'1.13111, you might be charitable and
usual man to his knees and "4'
,n,spealt kindly a him. At least he was
anything so 'unladylike as to ' I my last of kin," said Roberta,
'i 11 right, honey, I'll riot say an -
have him there P11—well, I'll .4
I swear 1 will. I'll laugh out l Glenn Hackett thcught the situa-
. ;ivord."
foot in his face, but I'll laugh. a
fort when one has come to a 4 a time while a bit .clouded, deserved the
There is always a feeling e
after wrestling with a knottyi'/•!.austornary consideration. "I'm very
lem. Robert had her poise', .;sorry, Roberta," he said.
again; she felt again that .sh '' "That's kind of yeti Glenn. I never
ready to conquer new Worlds ,knew Uncle Tom. He wasn't a very
make them like it. So she wen lilvable character, I'm afraid."
her sitting room and opened th . "He was a turkey buzzard," Crook-
lea'ding into the hall and the w ed Bill declared with finality. "Rob.
that overlooked the verandah, ' :eeta's paternal uncle," he went on to
she sat clown at her little. b.. explain for the benefit of Hackett.
grand piano and played Ioti ,',"There was something unstable. about
Don't Care If You IV • na , ,the whole Antrim tribe. Robrta's
When she had finished that°;nrak::
father went in for the nigger mi
n -
trying to think up another; me :strels. az d Tom took to raising sheep.
insult, somebody commenced %it ,;,I th old bandit must have
ranand athh. r 0 Ighhe Rwoobr ed ist ao ,fs thltreain.rii:St
4rora th:11 been worth considerable, and so far
;', kin. So it looks as if you're in the
as I know, Roberta, you're his next of
ing "In the Gloaming"
I the gloaming, oh, my darliAg, ia sheep business in Texas."
Think not bitterly of me, . ,,, ..' - Roberta read the letter again.
Though I passed away in silence,i''"ju'eliridg:g by
the name of the sender
and, but it is- Left you lonely, set you-free.•
:ef. this telegram, Jaime Miguel Hi -
it would appear that Texas
fferent land in znany respects of a dog," thoight -
ii lboasts at least one very intelligent,
very thoughtful, very frank and very
Glenn Traekert, a young r
oldes to teach lioberta Antrin
ixe proposes, then withdraws
Bill Latham, Roberta's lin
gieetully applauds werm's mot
erta plans revenge,
the gardens"
Lands Farthest
Hanging from the Arctic circle like
so many pendants from a necklace,
are several islands and groups of
islands. The largest and most north-
erly is Ice/and with its volcanoes and
geysers and barren wastes. A few
miles southeast or Iceland are the
Faroe Islands, .and still farther south-
east Iies Shetland, an archipelago
mown to the early Roman explorers
s "Ultima Thule," the farthest know
oint of laud. Undoubtedly the
ncients thought it was the farthest
orth, and really it is very far north,
nd but for the kindly influence of
e gulf stream, it would be more
!gid than Labrador. At is is, the
mate is sometimes more charming
an that of California, but more often
uch akin to Labrador, with a great
al of snow and fog and rain.
Thule once belonged to the Nor-
igan Crown, but was presented to
at Britain as the wedding dowry
Margaret of Norway, who married
es the Third of Scotland. It is
31 classed with Sc
a di
a lit
tle world of itself; full of intereat. erta tranquilly. Then I
,andromance s reniebib
' th
Here the sea is seea in its a
splendoa in all the marvel
of ets ipso elp pine
tirtain is tee grenHiff of t
coast scenery surpassed. Wit
arctic breeze sweeping clown f
north, and a full tide, the dra
ed presents a •
phases long since left s
e de e
fn Great
a. .....,._
h a stiff
he rocky
mroampltahye. him. sing—or rathe ,
y of his birth, which
banged 5
furiously: "Back, 13ack, Back -to
timore!" Whereupon Mr. Hee
want beek, but not to Baltimore..
went is -aa to the dais siaTi ski,
mental ballads and
cent spectacle.
Great billows with caps like white
snow hurl themselves against the im-
pregnable rocks, and then shoot hea-
venward with silvery breath as of a
steaming geyser.
Only thirty of the hundred islands
are inhabited; the largest is Main --
land, and the capital city is Lerwick,
the queerest and quaintest town t
was ever bunt -
#ieflew . .,yer Ines that
all Paris is talking about. And how
effective and slenderizing besides be-
ing smart!
An inverted skirt plait at the cen-
ter -front, gives, graceful fulness and
height to wearer. The neckline is
comfortable and flattering in open V
with narrow rolled collar.
It is black crepe satin with egg-
shell collar, repeated in fan -shaped
wings of the sleeves.
Style No. 3318 may be had in sizes
36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and. 46 inches bust.
Size 36 requires 3% yards 20 -inch,
with % yard 39 -inch contrasting.
Sheer printed worsted, monotone
lightweight tweed effects and canton -
faille crepe also suitable.
Write your name and address plain-
ly, giving number and size of such
patterns as you want. Enclose 20e in
stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap
it carefully) for each number, and
..ddress your order to Wilson Pattern
Service, 75 West Adelaide St, Toronto.
e ------
He was rather a pathetic figure.
He had the soul of a real knut, but
was afflicted with one of those faces
the appearance and color of which
clash with all but the most subdued
fashions and shades. His hair, too,
was of that violent red that over-
whelms the brightest specimens -of
One afternoon he called at the house
of a girl friend, and while waiting for
her to appear was entertained in the
drawing room by her eight-year-old
"Well," said our hero, sinning, "and
what do you think of me, Horace"
Horace scrutinized ..he young man
carefully, but maintained a discreet
"Aren't you going to sae?"
"No," answered Horeee, stoutly.
"D'you think I want a hiding?"
Wifey—"I don't think you.' ought
to go to baseball games."
Hubby—"Why not, my dear?"
Wifey—"I was reading an ac-
count of a game Just now and the
paper said the bases were full three
Cures yesterday. afternoon"
ISSUE No. 44J3j
streets, some of the
houses at the south end so near the
sea that the waves creak on their
gable ends.
The town hall, in Gothic
elaborately decorated inside and
has stained glass windows prese
portraits of kings and queens of
way. There is a central public sch
a line fish mart and exellent ha
works. The nominal lopulation is
thousand, but during the fishing
n it rises to nearly twenty t
sand. Fishermen of many climes
dispatch their varied catches.
la d • , co s, Englishmen, Germans,
Scandinavians, are all to be see ii in
the motley throng.
Scarcely a tree grows anywhere on
the bosom of tiro Sterile land, but
beautiful heather, bearing myriad pink
kowers, is God's carpet for the land
and often one finds a sprig cl rarest
white. In summer, the banks t
burns are gam d
Nor -
sea -
Than was tone-cleax•—
"She was happy till she rdOt'you,.!
And the fault is all your biyir
If she wishes to forget you,
You will please leave her as'
Roberta stuck her red head 04 of
the window. "Hey! Treyieshe:41lerl.'-
"We're silly:"
"Your apology is accepted," Glenn
Racket •Iled up to 'her:d. W' -tout
"Iva nat.
hate a human being so," Roberta ,dee
cidecl, and closed the window. /Then
she went downstairs and found Glenn .
Hackett and Crooked Bill in the ),th-.
"Let'e be good friends, Glenn, e
said in her most ingratiating and fas-
cinating manner. "You are so intelli
gent one can't help being attracted.,
to you, and usually you're very .r
Really, if your bank account sho
ever be Jerought to the sear and
thful food..
bp '''ae.e.ee'aleesetealgilt1
Cheese is rich in cal-
cium, phosphorus - .
and body-building vit-
amins. It is the most
highly concentrated
source of highest qua!:
ity protein known. For
a balanced diet, include
Kraft cheese with every
:: ,
'...:;:g,,r,,,:,-i:'s.,-te„..;:e.4., 4:-.-aw4-i..? .::--,,,-;. ',..
10' Made by the makers of Kraft Salad Dressing and Velveeta
A Harbor Town each vestel, to accentuate. the tempo,
The harbor was set to a slower of each one's due appearing. Evert
,tthinelefebreraytifealls illittoctrhosi,30ednmtehereccbuarnrinnel
tempo than the city. The ships lay by not too fast; the two-man crew cast
moved up the chaleiel, pushed by a with witeleaektrgi-edile wave. So men
the ducks, quietly; the current bowed off and make fast again in in easy,
almost imperceptibly, though the sur- capable way. Sailors move in time,
face of the dater dimpled and' shone, always making things fast or setting'
danced and glinted. A great steamer them loosee.as they fall into rhythm
One fell into tune with the motion of They catch:4d teilipb,' and keep it
tug—stately motion on stately water. take addiate4gfier*,51.0ents and tides.
tered. At the end of the jetty, the of their illation.
it, as if here the natural rhythm of • One cannot forget thelittle waves lap -
things was near enough to the sur- ping on a i.ocky doorstep, nor the
face to be perceived, caught, and inas- brown fishing boats, beautiful because
waves lapped the rocks in the eame
tempo, never any sense of hurry, nor
delay, but a natural lift and lap, and
a receding. A motorboat hurried out
to a battleship and kicked up its heels
in a whirl of white water, until only
humorous Mexican, He ex res the gleaming spray shone back A
,himself like an oducated
"Uncle Bill, you spent a great many
year's down there. Do you happen to
I know the Higuenes family?"
a Crooked Bill's face had worn his
crafty smile while Roberta was
speaking, but now it was blank and
expressionless. "It's been twenty-five
!years since I operated in TexasaRcib-
erta. • Higuenes! Higuenes! I can't
seem to remember anybody by that
"It would appear," Roberta decided
presently, "that I have need to engage
a lawyer to investigate Uncle. Torn's
estate.» She glanced with frank in-
terest and approval at Hackett.
`tertainly. Of course," Crooked
apaeed, afer-th-prvadv, ertympaneate
opportunity for these two -to forget
their recent differences and be friend-
ly again in the name of business,
'Hackett is the very man"
"Hackett isn't," that harassed per-
son declared with finality. "Jaime
Miguel Higuenes is. That man is hon-
est and fearless. I can tell that much
from his telegram. Also he i
p ses
quicker rhythm that was, cutting into
erican. the andante of the ge.-ieral theme.
The fishing schooaers drifted in,
each with an uptuened dory on the
after deck above a tangle of brown
fish nett. They came singly, in a long
line, their motion giving them beauty;
they came from -the deep, from beyond
the lighthouse, and passed on up the
channel to their berths. They kept
the same rhythm of motion, like notes
in a composition of wave, air and
wind. The lighthous: at the far end
of the breakwater lifted its round
tower as -if toe mark the passing of
v J4j33
eferences. If you desire, Mr. Lath-
am, I shall telegraph the bank he men-
tions." He made Roberta a slight,
• eprecating bow. "I am venturing to
• presume that you are going to en -
your Uncle Billewith. the details
• of this case. It would be confusing
and annoying to you to have to attend
it pOsonally."
rt'ainly, Glenn. Uncle Bill is the
and inevitable bearer of , all
bank's reply would seem to
qc'a e :the advisability of request-
uenes to take charge of your
s estate for the present,
send him a telegram, signing; -ha-
lei.4.neme, and requesting him to do
Rnebebeetraba?w"as rereading the tele -
m. "I think," she declared, "that
ine Miguel Higuenes must be a
fectly fascinating person,
aty-three words he gives one the
ole dramatic story. of a bloody
ting serape out on the range and
s one the inn:nes:don—in factathe
viction—that the result was no
rise to him and that he is not
y the tragedy occurred! He is
urceful, not squeamish and has
ative, because in the pursuit of
'illation he dared to pick a dead
's pocket. He is kind and friend-
nd thoughtful and wants to help
rson he has never seen, and he
man, of substance and takes a
fiable pride in his personal and
cial standing"
h, those Spanish dons are as
d as Lucifer," Crooked Bill as -
e is also good-natnred and easy
, otherwise he wuald not bother
If with the probably thankless
of protecting the interests of a
ger—and an American at that.
bly he acted thus because ara
-Ian, which proves he is gallant
sort of knight-errant," Crooked
immured and.Hack-
ot him a look of displeasure.
11, Mexicans, of whatever class.,
cry polite to a lady. They al -
make a great to-do about we -
The .chances are this Higuenes
educated half-breed Aztec In-
hou- v ea , you should set up asaf
here tune -teller and mind-reader."
Ice- "I thought I had read yout:i.;-"
y. I see now I did not".
'Indeed, you did. You're i"ns
"You'll marry me when 1 g
to marry you," he . charged
"Why, yen tell jokes, don't
"Time!" Crooked Bill saw
issue was far from. clarifyin
non of these lovers' quarre
n ed with primroses 1 erta. Glenn. is staying
and sometimes a solitary bluebell ap-
pears. You'll join us, of course,
I "Why, certainly, "Uncle B
All day long the a gulls hover • delightful, Glenn!"
and cry over the roofs of Lerwick. Any man who thinks he can 6
• . Every house has its own familiar fence a woman is a fool, and sudden,
guals; every street its OTV11. ban dof Glenn Hackett realized he was all ef
gulls, and they- never mix The chil- that. Such realizations always did=
dren of each house call them. 133, name, turb a .nanly man. `..lf I remain for
and feed them every day. The pets cr
seem to know what food is meant for
them and never does a gull attached
to one house try to eat the food scat-
tered from. the place next door.
Should. a traveler come across a pile
of rice out on th roadway-, he would
step over it with care, knowing it was
r, i. Latham, I fear I'll ne
able to do justice to your excel
cuisine. Therefore, 'with your
mission, Bobby, and yours, sir, I'd
to motor back to town,"
Crooked Bill was upset. He'
placed his money, so to speak,
young Hackett, and now the ingrate
some pet gull. 1 was running out on him, to employ a
A familiar sight on the islands is
colloquism. He was prepared t
t bet
lent e$11°P
per.. give
like e"
had eon.
IY >
4 pe
is a
a won
and ch
13111 m
ett sh
are ve
is an
"Your mistress tells me, Jane, thati you "I do
o well -Intentioned stranger ed
permit him to await the . C
you wish to leave vs to become an 0.1 Trump of Resurrectioa in the land 1 "Pro
tendant at a lunatic asylum of an1 his sheep made fallow—If you have I crouke
places! What makes you think you'll' any interest in his estate I suggest I
like it? What experience have you You take steps to protect it—If unable
had?" 'Well, sirI've been here three to do Ibis m t
a -Ater
"The Needhams live beyond their
income during the summer."
"No wonder. While she goes
away and plays bridge, he stays in
town and sits in a poker game."
e going over the hills to fetch
provisions or to carry the peats, her
outer skirts pinned up, a white ker-
chief over her ead, basket on her
back, knitting all ' while.—From
"A Sturdy Little Northland" by T.
Harold °Hinshaw.
Poetry on Parade
The Guards recently received as a
recruit a young man of education and
culture who had failed to make gond
in other vocation. On his first day
on the parae-roed he was utterly
exhausted by several hours of march-
ing up and down.
'Sand at ease!" ordered the officer
at fast.
a vigorous protest, but the maid, en-
tering with a telegram, rendered that
"A telegram for you, Miss Rob-
"Thanks, Minna. May I?" With
uplifted brows to her uncle and his
guest, she commenced to tear the
"She'e very polite, no matter what
her other faulth may- be," Hackett re-
markul to Crooked Bin. Roberta ig-
nored him and read aloud:
Los Algodons, Texas,
Jane 21, 1925.
Miss Robeeta Antri, Hillcrest,
Dobbs Ferry,
Your Uncle Tom had an argument
the rcruit.
Bovv wonderful is death!" muttered be a funeral tomorrowI got your
with a cowman yesterdyThere will
address by frisking tin I T
Lae o cel turned like a flash. "Who
said that?" he demanded.
The culprit smiled wanly as he re-
plied "Shelley, belleee, sir."
Oflj 011
whose person I found your letter to
him of the second instant—If you in -
sit I will send him to you charges
prepaidHowever if you will take the
n't believe it," Roberta deciar-
h conviction. "I'M sure he's
astilian, and most delightul."
bebly older than Cortez,"
d•Bill hazarded,
(To be continued.)
ec a (4.y wire me auth- "Do you 'plead ly rv, --
irears.and will tan 441080 04 "Er—what else have yoJt
• - - tee ,.• • „ .
1 just postpone it!'
"No, I don't have `nerves' You can't have them, and
hold this sort of position. My head used to throb
around three o'cick, and certain days, of course,
were worse than others.
"Then I learned to rely on Aspirin."
The sure cure for any headache is rest. But some-
times we must postpone it. That's when Aspirin
saves the day. Two tablets, and the nagging pain is
gone until you are home. And once you are comfortable
the pain seldom returns!
Keep Aspirin handy. Don't put it awy, or put off
taking it. Fighting a headache to finish the day may
be heroic, but it is also a little foolish. So is sacrificing
a night's sleep because you've an annoying cold, �r
irritated throat, or grumbling tooth, neuralgia,
neuriti. These tablets always relieve. They don't
depress the heart, and may be taken freey. That is
medical opinion. It is a fact established by the last
twenty years of medical practise.
The only caution to be observed is when you are
buying Aspirin. Don't take a substitute because it will
not act the same. Aspirin is made in Canada.