Zurich Herald, 1931-10-29, Page 7" ! I cas>as Of electric shoelka investigated Electricity Min's s . in the United States by the National aid -of -All-Work Safety Council, twelve °cour'red in bathtubs, and seven happened to per- T-.-_-,. eons who were stending on wet base - Few Precautions Result in anent floors.. Of thirty-seven cases investigated Efficient Performance by the National Electric Liglrt As- Efectrieity Is still, in the minds of sociation, eleven /ere bathtub fa - many ,people, a mysterious power, talities, end wet basement floors ao-' closely akin to black magic writes counted for seven; extension cords' Margaret Fleming in the N.Y. Her- under cellarless houses, where the a1deTribun3 Magazine. Generally householder rigged up a bulb at the speaking, we are its piasters ,and can end of a non-wvaterproof cord and • snake it ,perform -unheard of labors crawled over the damp earth to in - but once in a long while we use the vestigate some problem or other, wrong formula to invoke it, ani. the .brought eight to then death. Three "whatever -it -is" awns amuck and of- fatal cases which occurred last surn- ten •destroys its own. ,evidence, and mer were in host, muggy weather, this makes it easy, whenever eye- when the skin ot the victims was denoe of the cause of a fire is lack- damp with Iierspiration. ing, to avoid . the trouble of further All these facts mean that almost investigation by concluding that ,elec. all ,electrical shocks resulting from Welty was somehow responsible. •dampness •could be avoided .if we Each year a small numbey, of taw -Would 'take a few more precauticns. ities ,are cused ii homes by ordin-I R1.114j u. Never touch an electric' ap- pry lamp voltages, Careful sur pliance of any kind while you are :veys have shown that not more than ! in the bathtub. If It should chance sixteen to twenty persons a year to be defective the clanger of shock meet their deaths In thin way, and - '95 per cent would still be alive if they ,had followed a few simple rules in the use of their electrical .equipment. These, briefly, are the electrical rules which every home owner eihould observe. Rule 1. Have your wiring done by a reliable expert. le greatly increased: ,Rule 6. Secure the use of molded composition or porcelain sockets in your bath -rooms, basements rnd all other damp locations and on exten- sion cords. Screw base receptacles or outlets are no longer approved. Where they exist equip" them permanently Mule 2. In wiring your house, have ` with the detachable screw base sec - plenty of outlets, not only for to- tions ot attachment plugs or have day's needs, but those which you I your electrician replace them. This anticipate tomorrow. will prevent inquisitive children from This will help a great deal to re- poking their fingers -into the sockets and possibly receiving shocks. Rule 7. Wherever an extension cord is used in any damp place see that duce the danger of fire or shook, since it will mean fewer wires trail- ing from one part of a room to an - tither and consequently wearing them the cord is one with waterproof pro- •" out, less amateur tinkering, and less tection. possibility of overloading wires with Such cords have always been easily more current than they were made purchaseable, and now the house to carry. Even in this electrical holder ma; avail himself of as ex - age the great majority of hones are tra protection, a rubber waterproof 'rinadequately wired for satisfactory connection cap. electrical service. Many of them In handling the cord of any piece were built before electricity became of electrical appliance, grasp and - -r pull by the plugf an accepted household servants, and rather than by the Owl # sap>ho wanted to weed the garden,, cord itself. This is made easier "tea �a+• §: even homes erected in the last ten G but couldn't drstin'guish between ,the - or fifteen years, have failed to anti- for you in a type of heater cord and ; t weed#4pd plants, so he turned the cipate the electrification of almost plug, new on the market and espec- Wife—"Dear, to -morrow is outs tenth' chicjrens loose and pulled up what was. every imaginable household job. Es- fatly recommended for such things wedding anniversary. Shall •I kill, the left. Man does nat understand woman. pecially is it important to have in- as irons and tnasters. It has, above turkey? That is his tragedy. Woman under - stalled in the kitchen and laundry the plug, which connects with the Hubby—"No, let him live. He didn't stands man. That is also his tragedy. one or two high power circuits to appliance, anew pull -grip which re- have anything to do with it." The modern woman's idea of showing be ready for any demands which the Heves the strain on the wiring it- :`'backbone is to h ve no waist in the selt.Mistress—"Now, Matilda, I want you rear •bf'slier evening future may bring. g gown. Men are Rule 3. Play fair with your fuses. i Rule 8. Always disconnect, before to show us what you can do •,'Eo -night. of two classes—those who do their The fuse was designed, not to an-' leaving it, any electrical appliance We have a few very special friends best work to -day and forget about it, noy, but to protect you, by au`omati- which is in content with inflam- coming for a musical evening." and those who,pvomise to do their best cally burning out and thus shutting mable material. Maid—"Well, ma„ r, I ain't done no. to -morrow and- 'forget about it. Most off 'whenever more is being drawn An electric heating pad is a great .singin' to speakof;''flor years, but if` people you,meet know there is some -I through the wires than they can convenience, bet do not take liberties you -all insists upongt*,,'ybu can put me thing wreng" with the country, but very safely carry. This safety limit is with it. Heed the warning that down for 'The Holy City ." few of them, even think they know how indicated by the electrical company oomes with the pax itself and take — ^' •to right it., when it puts in fuses of a certain care not to let it get wet, not to It's a simple thing to• get too sick"I . amperage. When one blows out. stick pins in it (pins are electrical to work and still feel just Well enough 7?vnd bather -"Wasn't that nice? d to go fishing. Ali salesmen are Scotch Ye - like having a ride onilfather's when , they're payin' their own era i` feet;, eh?" , pensee..A.:-rca ,t',_ •• ,tet tr.e .kale - swan Son :IseP� Etd, -1 itt- - as i *r!"lu 1 d t{4 rather ,. t' entrap t en . other r e o �ieav er� n a a k c t day;St ��e. n real donkey." Peter didn't wait the place sub., --- a} . ire" divided. She was just the landlady's, Miss Cutey Funuyface, off»i'&t'shville, daughter, but everyone wanted to says that anybody easily discouraged know how the land lay, Uneasy Lies; has no business opening a beauty par - the face that wears a frown.. ' After, lor. careful observation we report that two may possibly live net cheaply as one, First 'Mountaineer — "Wal, I see but not as quietly., .. where Jake s ifs had another datter." • ' - Second - Moun rineer — "Yes, that Teacher—"What' cow is best known' makes six•. Reckonte'l1 have t' get a for the amount of milk it gives?" double-b�nrel if he wants t' get 'em all Johnny—"Magnesia." married Teacher—"Magnesia?" — Johnny—"Yessum, all the drug Carl "Do you believe in the old stores sell milk of magnesia' '"i'"° , adage about marrying in haste and re I penting at leisure?" The hardest thing for a *ire "to far i Jake—"No, I don't. . After a man give a husband'' Is having him c 11 the tnairie;3=he has no leisure." evening meal "supper" if the conepaov a present is snobbish. Then there's �r A�.�Qoci`loser is'•one who Queen of the Netherlands ftev ews Troops Showing Her Majesty, Queer reigning sovereign of the Netherl near Anlsterdaiii after 'reviewing It means either that you are rsing iib e+l3hiina Helena Pauline Alexia, ids as she leaves the parade grounds lathe recent array manoeuvres. conductors) and not to put it snugly ww,w,..many. lamps or appliances' on over a wet poultice, on the ailing ''"%11aT"•circuit, 'or • that one or more is ones chest, as spore trusting souls defective. To meet the difficulty by have been known to to! putting in a fuse of higher amper- age, or, as some household dare- devils have even bees known to do, to substitute a penny- for the fuse, is to invite trouble. The average circuit in a private home cels for a fuse of fifteen amperes. The high power circuit which supplies the electric range carries more. In this connection it is well to remember that any electrical appliance supplying heat— such eat such as a range or a heater—uses, (generally speaking, mare current than an appliance supplying power -a-such as a washer or refrigerator— or one designed to give light, such SS a ]amp. +r Rule 4. Remember that water is a conductor of electricity, that all electrical connections should be pro- tected from dampness, and that .no part of any eletrical equipment should be touched with damp hands. An analysis of electrical shocks shows a high percentage resulting from failure to remember these facts. The strength of a current is in in.- Verse nn Verse proportion to the resistance of the medium through which It is 'Tis strange to me, who long have passing. Normally the skin of the seen no face (body has a fairly high resistance, That was not like z book whose and thus serves to shield the inside every page of the body, 'which has a low rests- I knew` by heart, a kindly common- tance. If the skin, however, is wet, phaco— or even 'damp from perspiration, it And faithful record of progressive becomes an excellent conductor of- age— electricity, and a shock which would To wander forth, and view an un - otherwise be slight, may become known race; grave. You should, therefore, be Of all that I have been, to find no especially on your guard in all parts trace, of the house where water br`damp- Not footstep of niy by -gone pilgrinu- ness is likely to be encountered, age. such as the bathroom,• the laundry Thousands I pass, find no one stays and the cellar. Of thirty-one fatal his pace To tell nue that the day is fair, or rainy -•--- Each one his object seeks with aux- sous chase, And I have iiot a common hope with any- Thus .Ake one drop of oil upon a flood, .. In uncomnnunicating solitude— Single. ani I amici.the countless many. —Hartley Coleridge, Poems,' "Is your nu:.band sports?" "Why yes indeed, he just loves to sit in a shady grandstand . and watch the players perspire." From Country to Town fond of athletic "THESE HARD TIMES" I "The hard times and scarcity of money makes it more important than ever to economize. .One way save on clothes is by renewing the color of faded or out -of -"style dress- es, coats, stockings, and underwear. Per dyeing, or tinting, I'always use Diamond Dyes. They are the most. economical ones by far because they never fail to produce results that make you proud. Why, things look better than new When redyed with Diamond Dyes, They never .spot, streak, or run. They go on smoothly and evenly, when in the hands of even a ten -year-old child, .Another thing, Diamond Dyes never take thelife out o cloth o leave it t r av limp as some dyes do. They de- serve to be called 'the world's finest dyes'!" Advice to the Young Bestow thy youth so Ithat thou mayst have comfort to remember it when it hath forsaken thee, and net sigh and grieve at the account there- at. Whilst thou are young thou wilt think it Will never have an end; but behold, the longest day hath his evening, and that thous' shalt enjoy it but once, that it never turns feels dike you would have felt ha.d„yon non. Very SIfew big jobs are. held by men who honk and honk in k traffic Iana. • The modern 1 girl iant',t affected by the movies. They go ing` 6ne eye and out the other. A man never knows what a woman thinks of 'hien; he only thinks he does. Y caplane to Be Used On Jungle Journey When Commander G. M. Dyott takes off in another month or so to explore the Brazilian jungles in the Malta Grasso region to the north of the Xin- gu River he will not only he returning to familiar ground, where he sought F R i F Lthree years ago to find some trace of / Colonel P. H. Fawcett, who was lost RESTLESS... there with two companions in 1925, •; but he will be returning to a mode or travel in which he was • among the { ; pioneers, the airplane, He will take Look to this a Bellanca seaplane which will cut laborious canoe tripsofweeks to days • and make it possible to fix his base at 1 Alta Mira on the lower Xingu, 670 ;miles from the confluence of that river i with the Amazon Eleven men are expected to con- i prise the exploring party which he is now organizing at his: headquarters in , New York. Those already definitely , 'seleeted, in addition to himself, are Captain Erskine Loeb, .a British voter- ; an of the World War; George Rom - ,mill, now- attached to the Pan Ameir- I can Airways in Cuba, who will pilot the plane, and Robert Cutler. Com- plete radia and motion picture equip- , went will be included in the baggage and plenty of knives and axes for tracl- ' ing' purposes with the Indians. Com- mander Dyott hopes not only to find more definite traces of Colonel .Faw- cett but to make ethnological and geo- graphical discoveries of importance In the tegion. Legends of an unknown wn tribe of Indians living in stone houses are strongly current there, The party 'wvill mai=ns the Journey from New York and up the Amazon in a yacht. cause Whenyour baby ruses, tosses and seems unable to sleep restfully, lookone for common cause, doctors say. Constipation. To get rid quickly of the accumulated wastes which cause restlessness and dis- comfort, give a cleansing dose of Castoria. Castoria, you know, is spade specially for children's deli- cate needs. It is a pure vegetable preparation; contains no harsh drugs or narcotics. It is so mild and gentle you can give it to a young infant to relieve collo. Yet it is as effective for older children. Castoria's regulative help will bring relaxed comfort and restful sleep to your baby. Keep a bottle on hand. Genuine Castoria always has the name: again; use. it therefore es the spring - ante, which soon departeth and (� `� j� r /� wherein thou oughtest to plant and `C A S t O R 1 ,/"'1; sow all provisions for a long ancl a,B.G,, Quebec, happy. lite. $ilr W. Raleigh. C H I L a R E'N ' cRY ''F O R IT • Shall Walk Today By Glrace Noll Crowell, in "Seribners," I shall walk to -day upon' a high green hill, I shall forget the walls and the roofs of the town; This burden, strapped to my back, sbell be unloosed, And I shall leave. it there wheel I come down. Warm is the hill upon which I shall walk to -day; Gold is the sun upon the close -cropped grass, And something of the peace of grazing sheep Shall' permeate my being as I pass: Something of the look within their eyes Of upland pastures, and of clean wind I blown— The tranquil, trusting look of those who know' And shepherd watcliest I shall make my own, And I shall gather the little wind flow- ers there, And press their sweetness upon my heart to stay, ',Men T. shall go back to the walls and the roofs of the town, Stronger than I have been for many a day. Patriotism and the Depression Maii and Empire (Toronto) —Ever since the war the Duke of Connaught has spent his. Winters at his villa at Cape ;Ferrat, 'on -the French Riviera. This year, though 81 years old, and not robust, he will remain at home in England as an example to others. In thus emulating the example of the King, who._recently gave up a portion of his income because of the national crisis, Canada's former royal governor- general sets a standard of citizenship which, if followed in this country, will this year diminish the size of the Cana- dian colonies in Florida and California. The World The world, which took but six days to make, is like to take six thousand to make out.—Sir Thomas Browne, Fortune is not on the side of the faint-hearted.—Sophocies. 1.31 ABYYSOVIN !/ SOAP. Ifs Best forYou ana Bohai to JulO GET ;TIT! CONSTIPATION Use Dr. Carter's famone I ittle Liver Pills. Entirely Vegetable. Gentle but effective. No bad after effects. For 60 years they have given quick relief from Biliousness, Sick Headaches, indigestion, Acidity, Bad Com- plexions. 25c E 75c red packages Ask your druggist for FRSvea PILLS COUGHS Take half a teaspoonful of &Iinard's in molasses. Heat biteatd's,inhale it. Also rub it well into your chest. sz You'll get relief 1 Classified Advertising Nc1rlonil To ieviriY lldyi]N '0 List of wanted inventions and 'gala Iinformation sent free, The Roomettes .17o 4 t'at}Y, Norld t'atent Attorneys, 273 jlaq$ Street, Ottawa Canada alma ,'ot SAtE /�1.U1't SAr t-.-r'unp tNO'VA 'CO�.'I'A; d' mink. My costo,mers rt'on rawee�p' Makes and firsts, Chicago, .'ortland, eto'•i•halni Mink Shows, 1930.• Limited number book,toldet minkery. aotil3rook .1VIInll Farm, West .Middle River, Nova Scotia,,; DOGS non, l3Ar,E (''I OON 'DOG, YOUNG PAST, SII,MN'L trailer, t'cbarker;ud oope fast lelI Scotch, English 15 cootie 2 months, parents natural-born heelers. Trained rattle dogs. Trained fox, deer •, hounds. 'Wilfrid Zeron, Morrisburg, Ont. "I; have always looked upon in4us- try as an'art."----Charles M. Schwab, of Narwegi n' CodiLiver To B,uild;Res:istance Es'sy to Digest For Troubles due to Acid INDIGESTION ACID STOMACH HEARTBURN HEADACHE GASES -NAUSEA When AI Cams WHAT many people call indiges- tion very often: means excess acid in the stomach. The stomach nerves have been over -stimulated, and food sours. The corrective is an alkali, which neutralizes the acids instantly. And the best alkali known to medical science is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. One spoonful of this harmless, tasteless alkali in water neutralizes instantly many times that much acid, and the symptoms disappear at once. You will never use crude methods when once you learn the efficiency of this. Go, get a small bottle to try. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physicians for 50 years in correcting er.cess acids. 50c a bottle—any drug store. (Made in Canada.) Keep on your F 4 WIRE ACTIVE DAYS LOST 30 lbs. FAT IN 3 MONTHS AT THE AGE OF 40 " I was very stout, and I have taken Kruschen Silts for 8 months, and have 2 reduced from ., uc d om 1 2 lbs. to 182 lbs. (ago 40). I am a hearty eater, and have never dieted in any way. Also I have never felt any ill effects whilst I have been taking ICruschen salts."—T.H. That is an instance of Kruschen succeeding without assistance. But if any fat person will be satisfied with a moderate diet, and will take one ball teaspoon of Kruschen Salts in a -glass of hot water before breakfast every morning—they can lose fat in just the same way. This is what Kruschen Salts does -- it cleans out the impurities hi your blood by keeping the bowels, kidneys and liver in splendid working shape, and fills you with a vigor and tireless energy you'd 'almost forgotten had existed --you get the needful exercise. As a result, instead of planting your- self in an easy chair every free moment and lotting flabby fat accumulate, yot- feel an urge for actiw itythat I ce s o . moving around doing the things yea's always wanted to do and needed to to keep you in good condition. ISSUE No. 43—'3 1 She Dances on "Bad Days"foo QIi1l never watches the calendar . never has to "break" a date: She dances ... and enjoys it. • The modern girl bas learned how to ease those "trying times". A fete days before . ; . you'll And her take ling Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Gone are those headaches . those backaches „ .those morbid, stay-at-home blues. Won't you buy a box of the new tablets? They're so easy to take.. and you'll feel so much better. eotati4„;$. VECETAtI€ FAMP➢LIN0