Zurich Herald, 1931-06-11, Page 7Finer flavour for all your salads r. Fl ,Si.xx OwI-Laffs KRAFTOId-Eashioned Boiled Salad Dress- ing has a piquant, freshly -blended flavour Oat adds new pleasure to every salad dish. h'offers delightfully rich smoothness . . yet has no oily taste . . Best of all, it costs, just one-half the price you're used to paying . , A large, generous size 12 oz. jar ,costs only 25 .cents. Get some to -day, KRAFT O.Qd a k i Boiled Salad Dressing MADE IN CANADA Made by the Makers of Kraft Cheese and Velvecta The following came to our desk: "Its no wonder you have dandruff in your hair, the way you have to scratch to dig this stuff up." Son—Dad, who was Shylock? Dad -Goodness, boy! You attend the best college in this state and 'don't know who Shylock was! Son, you go and read your Bible. .A. financier of our acquaintance says that the sucker's haven't per- manently deserted the stock market. They are merely waiting until the prices get too high again. To a friend whose birthday is to- day: Best congratulations Finest wishes too, Enough to fill the coming years With happiness for you. There isn't any objection to col- lege training except that it post- pones a fellow's education four years. They say a woman bragge l when her husband made $100 on a specul- ative deal, but when he lost $50 on another venture she bawled him out. The average talking picture too much and says too little. "These electric clocks keep time, all right," says Ragson .ters from Brushville, "but they tick -tock, and you can't wind talks good Tat - don't them Edith—Gloria, what doeb your mother think of your father start- ing a beauty parlor? Gloria—Oh, she's glad, Edith. She'll get to • spend so much more time with him, A Hollywood Director Asks: "Can the movies be improved?" My Dear Sir, there is room for nothing else but. Wife—You don't love me any more. When you see • me crying now, you don't ask why? Husband I'm awfully sorry, my dear, but these questions have al- ready cost me entirely too much. A survey is planned to discover in which state women have greatest rights. Speaking r off -hand, we'd say the state of matrimony. Safe practices are often more important than safety appliances. In keeping This new, patented, Fireproof Docu- ment Box (a small Safe) will supply your need of fire protection for all your valuable papers, and costs only *19.75. Send for circular. Agents wanted. • Fireproof Cabinets & Safes Ltd. 888 Greenwood. Avenue, Toronto 8 (Mention this paper.) with the current rage, there comes the minature cocktail. One drink and in a minature out. After all, you never ea' a woman lolling around uptown, leaning against a wall, and bragging about the work she used to do, did you? MVIother—Now, Clarissa, you must take a bath before you get ready for the party. Clarissa—But, mother, I thought you said it was informal? A. woman in the suburbs was chat- tering over the back fence with her next door neighbor. Mrs. H. We're going to live in a better neighborhood soon. Mrs. D.—So are we. Mrs. II.—What, are you moving, too? Mrs. D.—No, we are staying here. When someone starts to open or. close the church window the preach- er might as well pause until the act is completed. Everybody forgets the preacher and watches the man fixing the window. Samples A. clergyman was fond of a par- ticularly hot brand of pickles, and, finding difficulty in procuring them at hotels when travelling, invariably car- ried a bottle with him. One day, whin dining with his pickles in front of him, a stranger sat down at the same table. Soon he asked the clergyman to pass the pickles. The latter did as he was requested, and in a few seconds noticed the stranger watering at the eyes and gasping for breath. • "I see by your dress," said the man when he had recovered, "that you are a parson." "I am." "I suppose you. preach?". "Yes, about twice a week." "Do you ever preach about Hades?" "Why, yes. Sometimes I deem it my duty to remind my congregation ou that subject." "I thought so," said the stranger; "but you are the first in our line I ever met who carri?d samples." Phit� ;apb of model of statue being erected to Honorable Edward Cornwallis, founder of the City of Halifax, in front of the Canadian Na- tional Railways' hotel, "The Nova Scotian", in that city, which will be unveiled on the city's natal day, June 21st, this year, Cornwallis was born in. London in 1713, the sixth son of Baron Cornwallis and Lady Charlotte Butler. He was sent by the Imperial Government to establish a settle- ment and military stronghold in Nova Scotia on the cite of the present city of Halifax and he arrived in the harbor with 1200 settlers, mostly dis- banded soldiers and sailors, on June 21st, 1749. He immediately set about the task of founding the city and succeeded in doing so in the face of strong opposition from the Indians and the French. Sentries had to be posted on the outskirts and armed parties sent out with the pioneers to cut the timber for. building the log huts. The table around which he formed the first provisional government in. 1749 on board one of the warships which brought the settlers to Halifax, is located in the Legislative Building, Halifax, the oldest existing parliament building in the British Empire, and it was at this table that Canada's new Governor General, the Earl of Bess - borough, was sworn in. In 1752, on account.of his health giving out, Corn- wallis resigned and, returned to England; afterwards becoming a member of Parliament for Westminster;. He went 'to Gibraltar as Governor 111,1762 and died there in 1776, being buried at Guiford Parish Church, near Bury, St., Edmunds, He, served also 'as a'-sneirft er of Parliament before he' with sent to Llound the City afietalifax. The monument was designed by the noted sculptor Massey Rhind.-Photo, Canadian National Railways. Canada Recognizes 84 Breeds of Dogs If you ask the average person to name the different breeds of dogs he knows he usually mentions : about twelve. Canadian :Kennel Club recog- nizes eighty-four varieties. Some of them, of course, are very scarce. They are seldom seen. It is interesting to know that most of these varieties have been obtained by crossing the few original breeds, then crossing their progeny again and "Have you got a good cook?" again. Here is a list of the breeds: "Must be, she says she goes to The following list comprises all church every night." breeds of dogs which are eligible for registration in the Canadian Kennei entertaining a suspicion of another, 1 Geoffrey Club Stud Book and for which separ- for some suspicions are a crime; „ Group 5—Non-Sporting Bostons (Terriers), Boxers, Bull- dogs, Chow Chows, Dalmatians, French Bulldogs, Poodles, Schipper- kes. b5c .40z4-4, NktLkk.. V,v4,(C)..y1/4.*AiVz. ED ROSE TER 14b GOOD 1* .243 2.,C1ri®1C.t BLOW — Level Outward Bound I never set out from port But that from somewhere I hear the sound of music, Reiterative as the waves against the ship's sides, - A strumming almost lost in the noises of the sea. Sometimes under its breath it sug- gests Islands To which we may come, and har- bors Laced with masts and riggings, where the women are selling oranges; Or again peasants are dancing on barren hill -slopes In their Easter dresses, and looking for him who is coming.. Sometimes it is a flute I hear min- gling with the waves, Faintly breathing the never-ending lament of separation, And I remember that the stars are outcasts and wanderers, And that each man follows the course of his weary star— But whether the song be of parting or of meeting in strange places, When the ropes are loosened, when the anchor is weighed, When the land drops behind and the ship faces the sea, Always from some place unseen comes the sound of singing. New Uses For Wheat Ottawa—New uses for surplusses of wheat and other grains are being made the subject of an exhaustive sur- vey by the National Research Council, it is announced. Other studies are being conducted in the hope of devel- oping processes which will turn waste materials into products of commercial value. Elizabeth J. Coatsworth, in "Atlas and Beyond," 0 true believers, carefully avoid , Mother: You know, ' ate classes may be pYovicled: Norma is nearly seventeen years old, so to -day I had a frank discussion Group 1—Sporting Dogs ., Beagles,Bloodhounds, Chesapeake �'l�®il' That Static And Get Many New Stations hounds (American), Foxhounds - (Eng- lish), Greyhounds, Griffons'f ''(Wire- haired Pointing), Harriers, Norwegian Elkhounds, Otter Hounds, Pointers, Retrievers (Curly -coated), Retrievers (Flat -coated), Retrievers (Golden), with her about the facts of life." AfghanH ds Basset Hounds Father: "Ah! Did you learn any- thing new?"—Everybody's Weekly. So popular are cottons that separate jackets of swiss or batiste are 'shown worn. over black crepe or satin frocks. These jackets show fitted lines and are often belted. and inquire not too curiously into other men's failings.—The Koran. Knights" Meaford Flooring It's Good See your dealer It's Even Better Get our prices IT'S THE BEST "The Knight Mfg. & Lbr. Co. Ltd., Meaford High-class Decorative Medium Mixes in hot or cold water Free stencil premium label on every package. Send for Decorator's Guide • and stencil Catalogue. 404 01[p8il C LIME IDMAI,LTB ASTINE, Paris - Ontario Bays, Deerhounds (Scottish), Fox -1 - Tuner "traps" the howls r and crash of eta - T - tic. Guaranteed to suing in dozens of new stations with loud -speaker vol - tune. Easily at- tached to aerial Retrievers (Labrador), Setters (Dig- without tools. Postpaid $5.00. If net lash), Setters (Golden), Setters (Irish), satisfactory after 'fifteen days trial Spaniels (Cluniber),Span; is (Cocker) money refund.ect. Get More Station RADIO RBSBARCH T.ABOEATORIES Spaniels (Field), Spaniels (Irish q Adelaide Street West, - Toronto Water), Spaniels (Springer), Spaniels -` (Sussex), Whippets, Wolfhounds (Irish), Wolfhounds (Russian). Group 2—Working Dogs Belgian Sheepdogs, Coliiez (Rough), Collies (Smooth), Daschunds, Eski- mos, Great Danes, Mastiffs, New-' foundlands, Old English Sheepdogs, t Pinchers (Doberman), Samoyedes,' Shepherd Dogs, Shetland Sheepdogs, St. Bernards. t�•>i Group 3 --Terriers 'i Airedale Terriers, Bedlington Ter- riers, Bull Terriers, Cairn Teuiers,t'. Dandle Dinmont Terriers, Fox 'pert. viers (Smooth), Fox Terriers (Wure)r` Irish Terriers, Kerry Terriers, Mat 4,a ehester Terriers, Scottish Terriers,1 Sealyham Terriers, Schnauzers, Skye Terriers, Welsh Terriers, West High-' land White Terriers, White English l Terriers. Group 4—Toys Chihuahuas, English Toy Spenieis, Griffons (Brussels), Italian Grey- hounds, reyhounds, Japanese Spaniels, Maltese, 'u' Mexican Hairless, Papillons, Pelting - t se, Pomeranians, Pugs, Sclinauzers (Miniature), Toy Poodles, Toy Ter- ", ri'ers, Yorkshire Terriers. Don't Swat Flies and stain your walls. Hang up Aeroxon. A wider and longer rib- bon is coated with the sweetest of glue that will not dry. O•ood for 3'weeks' service. At drag, grocery- And hardware stores Soto Akente N':e.WTONA:frlTsZ Be Front Si. Bas Toronto EROX0141' ELY CATCIIIER Gets the fly every time 4 W SOL HIGHEST PRICES PAID The Canadian Wool Co. Ltd. 2 CHURCH ST., TORONTO Classified Advertising BABY CHIC= BAB'! CHICKS—DABBED Pocks, Anconas, White and Brown Leghorns, 10c each. Assorted, 0 LETS six weeksk oid, 560. Catalogues. A, H. Switzer, Granton, Ont. Never allow yourself to do a wrong thing because it seems trifling, nor to neglect doing a good action be- cause it seems to be small. --Chinese' Maxim. LEAVI G THE COUNTY Have a small piano by Heintzman, will accept almost any kind of a deal to dispose of it at once and would give time to pay for it, especially if known. Please write immediately to E. H. S., 18th Floor, Metropolitan Building, Toronto. FOR CONSTIPATION Try BORDEN'S Chocolate Malted Milk at lunch time k AANY a tired business man has found 'VI that a glass of Borden's Chocolate Malted Milk quickly restores depleted energy and vitality. It is highly digestible and contains all the essential elements of a well balanced meal. C. M. ti. Rub Minard's in gently. It penetrates sore ligamenta, allays inflammation, soothes, heals. i7 Puts you on your feet! SPRAINS ►, Restless CHILDREN CHILDREN will fret, often for no apparent reason. But there's al- ways Castoriai Harmless as the recipe on the wrapper: mild and bland as it tastes. But its gentle action soothes a youngster more surely than a more powerful medicine. That's the beauty of this special. . children's remedy' It may be given. the tiniest infant—as often as there is need. In cases of colic, diarrhea or similar disturbance, it is invaluable. A coated tongue calls for just a few drops to ward off constipation: so does any suggestion of bad breath. Whenever children don't eat well, don't rest well, or have any little upset—this pure vegetable prepara- tion is usually all that's needed. Lovely Skin iVegetable Pills Did What Creams Couldn't "I find (writes Miss E. T. Clapham) that Carter's Little Liver Pills will do more to keep the complexion clear and the skin free from blemishes than all the face creams I have used." Dr. Carter's Little Liver Pills are no ordinary laxative. They are ALL VEGETABLE and have a definite, valuable tonic action upon the liver. They end Constipation, Indigestion Biliousness, Headaches, Acidity. All 25c and 750 red packages. Horticulturists King Bug iiiller The Quality Product Insecticide, dis- tinguishable by its three -fold pro- perties. Sure Death Insecticide, Plant Fertilizer and Plant Protector against [slight and Disease. Your Selection of Kl.tg Bug Hiller for your lnsectleilt, will insure you the greatest result:: at a minimum cost. Have your dealer supply roil, Demand King Bug Killer. No substi- tute.v. Wi to us for particulars. RING 0A1,011 Y[ PROIiUCTS CAMPBELLViLLE, ONT. DIZZINESS Caused by Blood pressure Doctor ordered KrlAsches' "Five years ago this month I had a serious attack of blood pressure, and my medical man ordered me to take Krusehen Salts daily. Evidently I am a stubborn subject, because I use every morning a small teaspoonful and a half in glass of hot water, and this acts splendidly and keeps my head right if I don't have the ac tiots mentioned, I feel cold, stupid and liable to fall from dizziness. There- fore I can't do without my Krusehent on any account. Some time ago it tried some other salts which were cheaper, but they pained me so much that I had to stop then'. There is no pain with Kruschen. 1 have told hundreds of my little wonder-working botile."—(E. C. Fergusson.) Dizziness is a symptom of a deeper - seated disorder. It is one of Nature's clanger signals—her urgent warning of an impure blood -stream which, if 'not attended to in time, may wreck the entire health with some dangerous. indeed lifelong, disease. The six salts in Krusehen keep the bltood-sire:Mg pure and vigorous by ensuring the complete elimination of poisonous waste matter from the system every day. ISSUE No. .23—' 31 •