Zurich Herald, 1931-06-04, Page 511USINE S .A*RIST R,' : SOLICITOR, NOT ARY PUBLIC, RTC, OFFICE—Hamilton Street, ' lust oft the Square, GODEEICf, Ontario. S»eciol Attention to Conned and Cott Work- IIIr. Holli s nay be ' tonanit ' at Inederich by Phone, and Phone dtarges reverses}. .11.11 • Dr. H. IL. C V •t E N I Ll. D. B. DDS. :DENTAL SURGEON kt DEBLOCK-ZURICi1. Army, Thursday,. Friday„Saturday, ifat HARTL7iB"S 4I31ut lS,;, DASHWOOD. .. Every' Monday, Tuesday and' Wednesday A -U -C -T -I -O -N -E -E -R OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones National School of Auctioneering. Try nee for Registered live Stock, (All Breeds.) Terms in keeping with prevailing prices. Choice Farms for Sale. Will Gell anything Anywhere. Phone 18-93, or write. , Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX I AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for Services Ren- dered.. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood ;Zhone SERVICE Why ` We have the Better Class of Customers 1) 1IIGII CLASS GOODS, U Se L... BATTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR- %JELUBE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Parts, Hohning and Mechanical Work done to Micrometer Settings, No Guess work. Watch the cars that STOP at WEIN'S, They are all HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. s. s. DASHWOOD ONTARIO NNNNNNOoMNiein f . rc , Taira Wantso. For Salo, Loot, Fot1#9da rloddce, Etc. Ads • IN zine COMM 'FOR SALE a Fer- tilizer Bruited nine scut of Fer- 1Y.�'a er on hand' for immediate sale: APPlY ita' S. Grebe Zurich. ROUSE FOR SALE The: diesirable dwelling property in Zurieh, consisting. of one acre of land good brick house, stone foundation barn, abundance of .hard. and soft water; fruit trees and bushes, house wired for hydro. • Find, flotation'; will be:' sold very imam:m:03 a ,;,For farther particulars apply, to: Johns and Robert 1VleBrtc}g,; Executor, , Zurs, ..Ont.... For Sale That fine Brick house, good stable also three acres of land, will be sold at a bargain for quick sale. Apply to John Gellman, Sr. MOTOR REPAIRING Service to all Makes of Cars, Trucks, and Tractors. DAVID FUSS, Zurich — Phone 89 A. t-4 FOR SALE A used mattress in fair condition at a bargain. Apply at Herald Office. NOTICE J. C. Salmon & Son, Teamsters, wish to advise the public that they are still in the same business, with prices as usual. Your order will be much appreciated. Phone 94-16. William H. Drown A. S. Pi Graduated Foot $peciatist AT BrOwn's'Boot Shop CONSULTING ENGINEER S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A-Sc. (Tor.) O.E.S;; Registered Professional En- gineer and_Land Surveyor, Associate itleiriber —Engineering- Institute of Canada. Office—Seaforth, Ont. Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET New ANNOUNCING S�flOra Radio THAT WE HAVE PURCHASED FROM THE FIRM OF YUNGBLU'I' .', dk DEICHERT, THIS WELL E&TAB COME rN AND SEE THE TWO LIMED MEAT BUSINESS, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE • Yungblut & Son lN!lNNILebOeNseesoe Came COAL 1931 Announcement WRING PRICES NOW IN EFFECT FOR Scranton Coal Coke Alberta Coal and Soft Coal A SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 59 Cts, Par Ton will be snowed for cash. ender Early as prices will advance on Jame !lith. Case & Son 'Insane 3: IIENSALL LIVI3 POU L R . WANTED• Waken every Day till 3 o'clock, p.m. not feed Fowl seine ti oratixng when brought in. Highest Cask Prices --CASH FOR— Cream and Eggs O'Brien NEW SONORA MODELS. MODEL 36 at $132.00 MODEL 35 A, at .. .., 5169.50 E. Oesch - Zurich IN 1VMEMORJA Petchate—Itt having memory of Mar- caret.. A. Penhale, who passed away me year ago, June 7th, 1930. One, year hes passed since that sad day God railed the one we loved away. Forget her? We never will For, in our hearts she liveth still. The blow was great the shock severe, We little thought the end was near, • 'is only those who have lost can tell :he loss of a dear sister without fare- well. AL Mr. G. Oestreicher of Dashwood, called on Zurich' friends on Tnesday,' Mr. Win. Fee and sisters of Hen sail, called on friends in town on Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hey of Tae troit, visited with. his Barents, and; other relatives over the week -end. • Mr. and Mrs. 3. 3. Schwartz and daughter Unice, of Detroit, spent, the week -end with her mother, Mrs.- J. Fuss of town. Mr. O'Dwyer accompanied by hi& son Martin, of Lucan, were Sunday visitors with the former's son, Dr. and Mrs•. P. J. O'Dwyer of town. • Mr. 'and • Mrs. Lorne Dreier of, Kin, ,sardine were Sunday visitors, with their parents of the Evangelical par- sonage. r; :;The Kantman family of Kitchener,') 1101 spent the past week with their grand- mother, Mrs. Helen Campbell of the village. Mr. tnd Mrs. T. Trevitick and fam- ily of Brinsley were Sunday. visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hess. Mr. Ernie Meyers of Goderich vis- ited •in the village over Sunday. Mr. T. R. Patterson, C. E., county engineer, was a visitor in town one day recently. A few of our ball pltyers are away to Ilderton this Wednesday where are assisting the Hensall team. Rev. E. Tuerkheim and the teach- ers of the local Lutheran Sunday School attended the convention held `it Stratford on Monday last. • Tenders for the construction of the Eacrett Drain, Hay Township, were opened by the council on the evening of May 20th. Eighteen tenders were received and the contract was let to Martin Connolly, of Bornholm, for F475, The Engineer's estimate of the )ob was $1,883.00, the work to be completed by, October 1st, 1931. New Judge soon Here - The first court at which Judge Cos - c llo,' the new Huron County Judge, will preside, will probably be the Co- ,ttnty Court on June 9th, for which a couple of cases are already set down, Judge Costello is expected in Cioderich this week and will occupy th Shepherd residence on St. Vincent street. Mrs. A. Dymocke of England ar:,; Parasite Demonstration rived in town the past week and will' spend some time with her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) P. 3. O'Dwyer. sa jrd on the farm of Lorne D. Manson Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Cowen and lit'. £'u'ut three miles north of Zurich, on tle Miriam, Mrs. C. Fritz, Miss Pear11)' 4.:dnesday, June 10th at 9.30 o'- Wurtz and Mrs. 3. Kellerman of e ck in the morning. Dr. Lioinel Dashwood, who spent the past weelte, Yevenste Provincial Zoologist, will at Toronto and Guelph, returned. tri lie in attendance at this meeting and, their homes on Sunday evening. in addition to discussing sheep par- asites, will deal briefly with parasites Mr. and Mrs. 3. J. Barry of Dunn attacking other classes of livestock. ville, who spent the past week a All farmers in the district and par - the home of Mrs. Btrry's moth'e;`'ticularly sheep owners should plan to Mrs. Helen Campbell, have returned attend this meeting which is being to their home in Dunville. held under the directions of the Ont- ario Department of Agriculture. Miss Anna Datars, Milliner, Zuriche is ocoring to the public her entire Census Taking Begins stock of choice millinery at a %to r sacrifice in price. Anyone in.?” rCommencing Monday, June 1st, of anything in this line will do et r 4g emusffnumerators of South Huron to act at once. tree:axe doing their work. The area as- Mr. and Mrs. A. Heideman.,=,agile their son and wife and farm! „)Vail; of Jackson, Mich., were weea n4; visiitors tt the home of Mr. and,e4rs Egbert Heideman of town. aIw A demonstration on the control of t" ternal parasites in sheep will be We congratulate 11 Tr. John He Sx of the village, in having readied the. four score period of life, tnd v�i4sh him many more years of good health end happiness, nee The Stratford District of th.e,:':eqiir gelical church are holding their'an- nual S. School Convention at Dash wood this week, beginning on Wed'-' nesday afternoon lasting ,.till Thurs.:- day evening. A goodly number ori town are tttending the sessions:'.: signed to each enumerator was set by ;the Census Bureau at Ottawa. Mun- icipal polling divisions are followed as far as possible. No poll is split • but in some cases two polling divis- ions have been given to one enumer- ator: Stephen Tp., No. 1, W. Bow- den; owden; 2 Asa Fenhale; 3 Herb. Fahner;! .4„..t �Isienj.ouise Thompson; it, Alex.' Noah, 6, Fieo. Merrier; 7, Verne R.1 q.1t4;;pe; SiHugh Hodgins; 9 Ezra Wehb. neay Tp :—No. 1 and 7, Jos. I:lt u(son; 2, Robt. Caldwell; 3, Henry, gowald; 4, Henry Neeb; 5, Theodore Mi11er; 6, .Herbert Wein; 8, Gerald ,•Sreenan. • °:ttanley Tp:—No. 1, Vic- tor,Falconer; 2, and 3 Goldie Graham i4 gdward Chuter; 5, Charles Rath - Veli; 6, 7, 8, Fred Watson. Asn We notice the new milk prices thtt the .Zurich Dairyman has adopter?, as 9'4 LARGE SALE OF HATS follows: quart 8 cents, and the pints will remain at 5 cents, so if you buy a pint of milk for only three cents more you will get twice the quantity. We do not claim to see the motive but make a guess that the proprietor, Mr. Gascho wishes to educate the peo- ple of Zurich to become quart "drin- kers” in$tetn of pint "drinkers". Mr: and Mrs. Reinaman Kalbfleisch and Mr. and Mrs. A. C ;,lJaibfieisch, all of Detroit,' were week -end visitors at thr home of 'the former's parents, end Mr. A. C. Kalbfleisch's brother, Mr. Fred. C. Kalbfleisch, of town. In conversation with these two gentle- men, who operate a large. planing mih in Detroit, we learn that the big city of Detroit, is far from getting out of the general depression that is pre- vailing at the present time, and that the city is being called upon td feed thousands of people each week, who have no other means of keeping body and soul together. The regular branch of the Zurich Branch of the Women's Institute was held on Monday evening at 8 o'clock in the Council Chamber, with Mrs. H. G. Hess in the chair. The meet- ing opened by singing the Institute Ode, followed by the Lord's Prayer, a pleasing duet by Misses Ida Rout- ledge and Pearl Pfily. Instruments" by Lawrence, Ayotte and Doreen O'- Dwyer. A humorous reading then fol lowed by Louise Hartman. Mrs. Ivan Kalbfleisch gave a very instructive paper on "Music", followed by instr- umentals by Miss Lenora Haherer and Mrs. O'Dwyer. Mrs. E. Klopp then occupied the chair for the bus- iness session, after which a social half hour in contests and lunch followed. The committee in charge deserve great praise for the emcient way in which their meeting was conducted. Must Answer! All persons in Canada are called upon to answer the question of the• census takers, who have started malt- ing their rounds. Attention is called to`ilie .fact that the information ob- tained in the Census can be used for. -itatistical purposes only, and not for taxation, military or jury services or he enforcement of any law. Pro- vincial, Municipal or Federal. Per- sons refusing to give information to e census cnutncrators will be sub- ct to a penalty. For the protection persons furnishing information, ery officer, agent or other person ployed in the taking of the census bound by oath and under a seavy .._City to keep secret all information tamed:. th ie of w rim is tad.ly missed. by Brothel's and Sts- i 1, I ant shortly moving from present quarters and am clearing out all the newest Spring and Suminer Hats at $2.85. Children's Hats at 98c. About 20 hats to clear 'at $1.00. Do not fail to attend this sale if you are : in need of a summer hat. Anna S. Datars, Zurich. ATTENTION! • PLEASE! TO AUTOMOBILE OWNERS Of Zurich and surrounding district. As I have recently opened the Art. Edighofl''er Garage, and many know of my quick service on Motors, also body, fender "and radiator serairing and all other services. Gas, Oil and Accessories. .Give us a call for suick Service. J. Kipping's Garage, Phone 138 CARD OF THANKS Mrs. J. Regier and family wish to take this medium in greatly thanking the neighbors and friends for the generous help, assistance and sym- pathy rendered nuring their recent unfortunate, mishap by the loss of their home through fire. WEEKLY HALF HOLIDAY' 1931 We, the undersigned business men, of the Village of Zurich hereby agree to close our respective places of bus- iness at twelve o'clock every Wednes- day afternoon during the months of June, July, August and September, 1931. --C. Fritz & Son, A. F. Hess, W. H. Brown, Herb Krueger, Harold Johnston, J. Gascho & Son, W. G. Hess & Son, Wm, O'Brein and Son, Geo. Hess, L, W. Hoffman, Fred Thiel E. Oesch, Stade & Weido, L. Schilbe 8i -"Sot!, 'Johnston & Kalbfleisch, Dr. H. ICY • Cowen, J. W. Merrier. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH -•—. ONT. "A Changeless Christ for a chang- ing World" Friday, 81i:—Luther League. Saturday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. m:—German Service. 1.1,15 a. in.—Sunday School 7.30 p. m.---Inglish Service. Everybody Welcome • to. all Services. E. Turkheim, • Pastor UMETHING NEW The very latest hi Unpainted Furniture A TILT TOP TABLE SUITABLE FOR END OF CHESTERFIELD FLOWER STAND OR MANY OTHER USES. ONLY $1.75. CALL AT OUR OFFICE AND LOOK THEM OVER A FEW MORE CEDAR CHESTS AT EACH $8.75. e '3.3 PHONE, bq LBFLEISQ':! se �.. ,ZURICH .;',g••F••I„�.x,••:.•II••II•ar•1.^y..i•.i•.Fso �✓vi••i•�r•4••F•- 1�,�. `II` Sr����y�rtrtyy�,,yy��yy��``(yy,,,``yy/fWW���,y��yy],rtrt,yy���y�1 � � �. 'p,', 'i•°r4 �',,. crE�.c *VA p,•A•i•.r?»^:•.i.'1.'%�.f^ t� d flea• � aelI 7VIAM �11.���1`�s��� MAIM i��1tW ahl Zurich Drug Store We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies ....,,..$....$.+•....o.,.. All authorized Text Books kel)t in Stock Toilet Sets, Manicure Set, and Military Brushes Perfumes Toilet Waters and Perf umizers. Fine Stationery and Fountain, Pens. KODAKS AND FILIMS Dr. A, J. MacKinnon, Zurich ,.,,,,„kwoliommmiwuwwwmampr Nywywwwilkot AWIMMININIMIND Heleare a few of the uses of Gyproc GYPROC fireproof wallboard is manu- factured from gypsum rock. It comes in sheets that are 4 to 10 feet long, 4 feet wide and % of an inch thick. It costs little, nails and cuts like lumber, has structural strength and insulation value. It is Canada's premier material for lining all interior walls, ceilings and partitions. Ask your dealer for a Gyproc direction sheet, it gives full details. It co Store ceilings Basements Warehouses Barns Attic rooms Fruit cellars Making old rooms new Store windows Dressing rooms Rest rooms Offices Partitions Garages Under cornice Dairies Summer cottages Factories Kitchens Poultry houses Farm offices Harness rooms Sheathing Ceilings' Walls Sun porches Covering old plaster Picture theatres Approved by Fire Chiefs Approved by Building Inspectors 37a GYPSUM, LIME and ALABASTINE, CANADA, LIMITED Paris Ontario �yrra For Sale By ' Fred C. Kalbfleisch °� •• eee ea Zurich! Ont.'