Zurich Herald, 1931-04-30, Page 7Owl Las
The man who is content with, what
he is isn't much.
Johnny—Say, Dad, remember the
irtory you told ene about the time you
were expelled front school?
J'o'hnny—Well, isn't It funny how'
history repeats iteelf?
A wife is somebody who remodels
Nanny story as you go along.
Old Boy—I have had my life insur-
ed In your name for $10,000, Now,
eau I do anything, better than that to
show my devotion?
Young Wife—No, dear; not as long
es you. live.
Fable: Once there was a rich
young k every
feminine csmile helor w anbo deffort his to hook
What has become of the old-fashion-
ed girl who • used to bang her head
out of the window to dry her hair
after she had washed it?
Girls who are handy with men, can
either twist them around their finger
or keep them under their thumb.
Teacher (questioning class) --
What do you call a man who keeps
on talking and talking when people ;
''4.. Y?@ no longer interested? -" _ a
Boy Pupil—Please, sir, a teacher. Jack Clark had s,ctlrecl temporary work with the Wain -
Mrs. Perkinson — Hello, Bobble. wriglit Construction Company. It meant leaving home, but both
Mother and son realized how difficult it was to get a job, and
`What are you looking- for, huh?
Bobble Looking for elephants. when the chance carne, Jack took it.
You got any elephants or giraffes "Don't forget to call me on the telephone often, Jack," said
or lions with you? his Mother. "You know how anxious I will be."
Mrs. Parkinson—No, not one. I "You need not worry, Mother. I went over to the Bell
see that you like animals. Telephone office when I got word about the job and they told me
Bobbie—Yeah. Got any ponies or I could call you from the telephone in the Construction Camp and
anteaters or muffin' with you? have the charges made on our own telephone bill each month."
Mrs. Parkinson — No. Bobbie, of =you think of everything, Jack," exclaimed his Mother.
too• ucae not.u Why such
you menagerie
me "Far from it, Mother, but you know how Dad insisted that
carry around such a menagerie I always keep you and him posted by telephone if I could not be
with me?
Bobbie --well, you did the other home just at the time promised. Well, I have what they: call
day. the Telephone Habit."_ _ _ _ ------
Mrs. Perkinson—What day? What • John began, uncer-
on earth do you mean? on the street and you 'coked like a I came his turn,
Bobbie — Well, anyhow, mamma circus. tarn as te how he was going to come
told papa at dinner that she seen you
Don't Forget to
Canadian Industry
Best in World
France Naw Feeling Depres.-
1 sion Which Holds Europe
and East
Toronto, --"There is no place in the
world better off than Canada," de-
elered L. Babuyan of Toronto, who
has east .conn Wed a twelve -week tour
of tl.Jtient and Europe. He further
o nnmented:
1 "]n Europe every country has been
Isuffering from depression, France, one
o' the most favored nations in Europe,
les now begun ' feel the pangs of de -
ion that has c ''^•1 so much dis-
tress in places like Italy and in Ger-
many. Factories are closing in France
as the" are in Italy, and business is
"I came into persotfal contact with
a number of Soviet Russian agents,"
said Mr, Babayan. "They are all
agreed on one thing—that is, to flood
every country they can with their
goodse They have a particular desire
to swamp England first. Englishmen
will wake up to the real condition that
confronts them, just as Canada has.
Chocolates are being brought into Lon-
don, England, at 8 cents a pound and
sold retail for 16 cents a pound against
the home product selling at about one
dollar a pound. That condition can-
not last with any benefit to the British
"'I had the pleasure of a personal in
vitation to attend the reception and
ball given by Hon. G. Howard Fergu-
son to the new Governor-General prior
to his leaving England. Mr. Ferguson
Las the right idea, and as a result of
his efforts there has been a substantial
movement of Canadian wheat," said
Mr. Babayan.
„Ark A.s1A64w,%:), GAN.
'az, 247
,,,Cts` `L °°°a ue,Veleze
Song of the Unafraid Classified Advertising
There may be mists and fog about, 'easel
There may be sudden turns--- and
There may be ghosts wbo stand at bay
Where shadows shut the. stars away;
But this enlivens life's romance
Fo: those who like a sporting chance,
Quite willing at to -morrow's sun
To face whatever Fate has spun.
The Canadian Wool Co. Ltd.
lYr o liar
e .. knows everything
from the largest turbine to
the smallest pump on
board your ship.
Fie is probably a
Scot, and taciturn, but 1F
you meet him you will be
infected with his enthu-
siasm for his cherished
Selling* weekly from Montreal
Cabin rates from .. , . $130
Thirds Class Round Trip $155
Spacial Seasonal Third Class
Round Trip' Excursion Rate
Information from
Cor. Bay and Wellington Sts.
IPhono Elgin 3471)
er any steamship agent
Any than can get along with . wo-
man not his wife.
Ask Me Another: What headlines
do the women scan most carefully?
Answer: 'Wrinkles.
out: "We were fishing one time on
the Grand Banks for•—er—er—
"Whales," somebody suggested.
"No," said John, "we were baiting
with whales."
In order to sleep soundly a fellow
has to have either a clear conscience
` or a might?' good lawyer. I -Constance Bennett -
Little Sautes (on train) — what
was the name of the last station we First ter Dey put Blini:et on i -----
stopped, mother dear" de spot last night, and I p gg i t
When in- Toronto
Second Gangster -Say, Bol' Don't1 . Make Your Home at
youse know its seven years bail luck
to break a looking -glass?
The fairway beckons
But still the pits and bunkers wait,
And no one knows just -where the ball
Upon its upward flight may fall, -
And who would care an awful lot,
When time permits another shot,
With surer grip and firmer stance,
To gamble of the sporting chance.
Th.: harbour flames with shining sails,
But just beyond the roaring gales
Call to the bolder, brayer crew
Who dare to see the journey through;
Whok w that life is something more
green and
Jasper Park "Haymaker"
One of the interesting and curious
little animals that inhabit Jasper Na-
tional Park in Alberta, is the pike.
It is about the size of a Guinea pig,
with rounded ears, short legs and no
visible tail. It can often be seen run-
ning rabbit -like across the boulders.
Another name for the pika is "the hay-
maker" from bis habit of storing awaY
dried grasses and plants for his winter
food. Sometimes under an overhang-
ing rock there will be. found his minia-
ture haystack, a bundle containing per-
haps a bushel of well cured vegetation,
which includes apparently specimens_
of every plant in the neighborhood.
"'you appreciate play twice as much
hen you have earned it with work."
.11.1 -All Wool," "Silk and Wool,"
"Old Tyme," all colors. 766 ib. up
l;amples free. Stocking & Yarn Millet
Dept. T. Orillia. Ont.
BABY -t1 Ho( and up SIX VAR-
ia aloguea
, free. 17,T17.a,
free. A. Fi. Switzer, Granton. Ontario.
1Q� Nam d GI dioollusl$1,60; 1000Mixe¢
Gardens s Hetzie, BriitisliColumbia. txm
Warsaw—A law canceling the last
of old restrictions against Jews in.
Polandbecame effective recently.
A radio experience Saturday wag
that of hearing the president
Princeton University talking about
Than dreaming on a sunlit shore; rratoodents."—Londan Advertiser.
Where they shall find through storm
and flame
The thrill and glory of the 'game,
To gamble on the sporting chance.
—Grantland Rice, in Songs of the
Modern girls are bright young peo-
ple whose brains have gone into their
heels.—Dame Madge Kendal.
angs —
lu ed him) His Mother—I &feat know, Dont through his glass eye with me foist
bother me. I'm reading a story.
Little James—Well, its too bad
you don't know the name, because
little brother got off there.
Our idea of a mean husband is one
who sends cantly to his wife when
she's ou a rapid redacing diet. Only
those who are "indispensible" dare
take long vacations, and even they
find often that they are not serious-
ly missed Next to making a profit
God give them peace and plenty and
bless the homes they -keep,
When ends the long day's toiling may
restful be their sleep,
May many a joy repay them for all the
in business these days, the next pains they bear,
hardest job is distributing your in- 1 And may our nation's workmen in all
come in such a way that your family her glories share.
is happY. To make a worthless arti-
cle sell make prospective buyers be- • The toilers at the furnace, the toilers
lieve it is very scarce. A man is ! in the held, -
also known by the enemies he keeps I Translate their strength in iron or in
and the friends he loses.
John smith was with a party of
friends on a fishing trip, and around
the Camp fire one 'evening the talk
naturally ran on big fish. When it
L IBRE is a dellshiful change for noon dev
1-1 luncheons, picnics, and outings, that your
children will love, Borden's Chocolate Molted
Milk is rich and creamy, with a real MALT
flavour that pub ♦ finishing touch 10 any metl.
Buy a Ila of Borden's Chocolate Melted Milk
today --Your dealer has It In pound and halt
pound sizes, - -"
A High-class Decorative
Mixes in hot or cold Nater
Free stencilpremium label on entry
package. end for Decorator's Guide
and Stencil Catalogue.
Paris - Ontario
the harvest yield.
In bricks the mason sings us the
poems of his clan,
And every door and archway proclaim
the working man.
A. few there are who toil not and have
no bouts with care;
They walk the realm of pleasure to
end with boredom there,
But all the nation's workers with duty
spend their years,
And earn their right to laughter when-
ever mirth appears.
God bless the nation's toilers and let
their dreams. came true,
May happiness reward them for all
the tasks they do.
May blossoms deck their• gardens and
love their homes maintain,
And pride's sweet satisfaction make
worthwhile eve •
r+.tlbAl .A. Guest.
The Wheat Crisis
London Daily Herald (Lab.) : It. has
been rather lightly taken for granted
that the main reason for the crisis in
the wheat industry is that, the World
as a whole 'is now 'producing iliore
wheat than it needs. The Italian .Pre-
mier suggests that the expianatiou is
that the improvement in the standard
of living at the end of the war has
caused people who were mainly living
on bread before to turn to other and
more expensive foods. We doubt this.
The crisis did not come in those years.
It has come at a time when the stand-
ard of living is being depressed every-
where. Lack of purchasing power
largely due to gold shortage— has af-
fected the -consumption of wheat as of
other commodities. Surely the coin -
mon -sense thing le to bring purchase
ing power up to a point at which it tali
absorb production, not to out produc
tion down to the limits of an artiflcal-
1y -restricted purchasing power' -
Los Angeles ---The construction 6f
60 tunnels at a cost of $12;720,000 is
considered here to enable school
Children to erose streets in the neigh-
borhood of their schools in safety..
Bay St., at Dundas St.
REES-$$1A8 to RiUO Single
Every hotel service In a clean,
quiet, fireproof building.
750 rooms.
1i& MR FAT
This sensible way
Large iliustras•
ed catalogue kt
new and rebu I�
btaicyolestionpall- fro nWrite ' ����tK`.• i�j�
$10 up, sfotei
cycles, Boats.
Ottboart. Motors tt, n' s w„ l'ram,por-
DIME 1tCLE: AND 112%iont0
. 'Jnr.
625 Queen strain tv
Feeling indifferent to food? Out
of sorts? Depressed? Stimulate,
ppoar digestive tract with Dr,
G :rter's Little Liver Pills. All:
vegetable. Gentle buttlrorough.
They'll get rid of body pons
that cause Indigestion, Gas,
etc., and give you a new boa
terest in food.
25c &. 75c red packages
As!: your druggist For
Start taking liruschen Salts—that's
the common-sense way to reclnce--but
don't take them with the idea that
they possess reducing qualities in
This is what they do—they clean out
the impurities in your blood by
keeping the bowels, kidneys and liver
in splendid working shape and fill you
with a vigorand tireless energy you'd
almost forgotten had existed—you
get the needful exercise.
As a result: instead of planting your-
self in an easy chair every free moment
and letting gabby fat accumulate you
feel an urge for activity that keeps you
moving around doing the things you've
always wanted to do and needed to do
to keep you in good condition,
Krusclien Salts are the up-to-date
Fountain of Youth. Take one-half
teaspoon in a. glass of hot water
to -morrow morning and every morning
—be careful of the foods you eat—
attake regular moderate exercise—then
'Watch the pounds slide off,
Kennedy &
421 College St.,
Harley-Davidson Distributors.
Write at once for our bargain list of
used motorcycles. Terms arranged.
Had The Flu?
Then Watch Kidneys!
If flu victims only knew how im-
t regular. Nature, to he tryikidneys
g a to
help you get well. tries to eliminate
body poisons through the kidneys.
Weakened by illness, kidneys often
falter in their duties, thus retaining
in the system poisons that cause
. eadache, poor appetite and loss of
gnr'Sae Kidney and Liver
Remedy, an old-time herbal remedy.
Safe and gentle. You will notice a
beneficial reaction even with the first
Sold by druggists everywhere. For
free sample write Warner's Safe
•Remedies Co., Toronto,, .Ontario.
p it '_ a
Add an equal amount of
cream, or sweet oil, to Min-
erd's, and apply the mixture
once daily. A simple treat-
ment which will
Clear up yom' skirt 1
Sluggish intestinal systems lower re-
sistance to colds. Cleanse them with
been -a -mint, the modern chewing gum
laxative. Gentle, safe, non -habit-
forming. More effective because you
chew it.
( a
tThe Chewing GUM
For Adults and Children
No Taste
But the Mint
F C a. 6tir tt E 1Ti C)
�`„�Op 1AACM4,t'
For Troubles
n; ny people, two hoary after eat-
ing, suffer indigestion as they call
it. It is usually excess acid. Cor-
rect it - with an alkali. The best
way, th' quick, harmless and etiicl-
eat way, is Phillips' Milk of
Magnesia. It has remained for 50
years the standard with physicians.'
One spoonful in water neutralizes
many tines its volume in 'stom-
ach acids, and at once. The
symptoms, such as headaches, gas,
heartburn, etc., will disappear in
five minutes.
You will never use crude methods
when you know this better method.
And you will never suffer from ex-
cess acid when. you prove Out this
easy relief. Please do tbat--fat
your own sake—now.
Be sure to get the genuine, pre-
scribed by doctors for conditions
I due to excess acid. Look for the
name Phillips' and the word
genuine in red
in Canada
HILDPEN wilt fret, often for no
apparent reason. But there's al-
ways Castoriai Harmless as the recipe
on the wrapper: mild and bland as it
tastes. But its gentle action soothes•
a youngster more surely than a more
powerful medicine.
rhat's the beauty of this special
children's remedy! It may be given
the tiniest infant—as often as therer
is need. In cases of colic, diarrhea or
similar disturbance, it is invaluable.
A coated tongue calls for just a few
drops to ward off constipation; se
does any suggestion of bad breath.
Whenever children don't eat well,
don't rest well, or have any littler
upset—this pure vegetablerepara-
tion is usually all that's needed.
ISSUE No. 17+--.-"31