Zurich Herald, 1931-03-26, Page 5?hturstla.u, efu 4c$4,, 3943e•.., BUSING CARDS Dtrig..EyE.EfoLivrEs 1r1ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY ii' '•ARY PIIISLIC, ETC. lEIFFICE---Uanrilton Street,, Mist o1 the Square, • GODEILICII, Ontario. Special Attention to Coined and Court Work. Mr. Holmes mahy be consulted at Btanler"sch � one, and Phone eb tges reversed. Dr. II. H. COWEN L. D. S. D. D 8. :DENTAL SURGEON At, DE1TI: BLOCK-M.t>'AUCH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday ht DARTLRIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOO.D Monday, Tuesday W odneslay Every exad OSCAR KlOFP Graduate Carey M. Jones National School of Auctioneerirng. Try me for :Registered Live Stock, (MI Breeds.) Terms in keeping with prevailing prices. Choice Farms for Sale. Will sell anything AnyVe Phone 18-93, or write. Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX. I AM IN A POSITION TOCON- duet - duct any Auction Sale, regardless ;ear to size as ld if not e to satisfied will Tour business, oke no charges for Services Ron- ikered. ARTHUR WEBER -Dashwood ?hone 13-57•. SEE US FOR NEW LOW PRICES ON THESE BATTERIES OF "QUALITY" E. S. 01 ONTARIOif3 ASHWOOD 11.01,......••.,90***•4••'' ,urichs' Popular TEAT MP1RKET ANNOUNCING :CAW 'WE HAVE PURCHASED OM THE FIRM OF 'lfU1*TO;;L17T BEICHERT, TPIIS N3I':i & ESTAB .AHED MEAT BUSINESS, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE . Yarngh1u.t & Sou 414•10NNNAMN>•!0114•0iw041 OAL. 1931 Announcement SPRING 'PRICES NOW IN EFFECT FOR Scranton. Goal Coke Alberta Coal Ind Soft Coal A SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 50 Cts.' Per Ton will be allowed for cash. ardor Early as latices will ailvati can +en " June ,15th. Case & Son "%aim 3111 VE OU LT Y WANTED lit' u• every Day till S o'clock, pan. 0* not feed Fowl ea ne morning When brought in. Highest Cask Prices --CASH irk _.. ;• Cream and F gs . Wants, For Sale. Lost, Fo u ride Nodes, Rto Ads Zl 'IA! COMM/ FOR SALE• White Blossom Sweet Clover, Grad,: Nos 1, Pkice 1+3.04 per bushel, also Dwarf' Essex Cline stem) a new- er variety, making excellent pasture, 'and lay. Glade 2, Price ',`}x'5.00. Or - ,ler Early. 'Wm. Alexander, R. R. 2, Ben- sall. F.tLL.LLNEItY Anyone in need of Spring Miliin- ery, we wish to: advise that 1 arra re- ceiving a full new shipment of Lad- ies, and Children's Hats and will op - :en for• business en Saturday, March ' 28th•, in Haist's iiloek, Be sure and give us a call. Also, Dressmaking in connection. ANNA DAT1 RS,. ZURICH For Sale Comb Foundation., .60c a pound. 10 pounds and over 55e. Customer's wax made into foundation at 15c lb. ...rang your waa immediately. J. Haberer c';z Sons, ,Zurich. EGGS FOR HATCHING And baby' chicks, White Leghorns. •If you want disease free chicks this is the place to get your eggs for hat- ching. The low price of grain has enabled us to reduce prices accord- ingly. «-36 Twinmaples, Bruce 3. Kopp. J?OR SALE A number of good horses at var- ious ages for sale, including 'a spanof 2-yr._old Clydesdale colts. Apply to J. Hey, Jr. -24 NOTICE . J. C. Salmon &* Son, Teamsters, wish to, advise the public that they are still to one Ai•aicciooeo "-'N''lth. irises as nsuaT. Your order will be much appreciated'_ Phone 94-16. Biotin A, S. P. Graduated Foot Speciatist AT Brown's Boot Shop CONSULTING ENGINEER S. W. ARCHIBALI),.33.A.Sc. (Tor.) O.L.S., Registered Professional kin- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate Member Engineering institute of Canada. Office-Seaf'irth„ Ont. New Sonora Radio COME IN AND SEE THE TWO NEW SONORA MODELS. 'MODEL, 36 1i't1aDIIL 35 A, at E.'Desch (132.00 h s A * C INCSAL11-1114 Born -At 14th Concession, Ila, p: on March 22nd, to Mr. and Mxsk El- mer Daters, a son. Mrs. Mabel Snider, wlio has peen employed at London, for some non- ths, returned home in Zurich oniSat- urday. Mrs. Peter Ravelle and famii of Grand Bend spent a few days vis ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. os- eph Gascho, the past week. 111r. and Mrs. Ed. Daters, Sr, Mr. Clarence and Miss Anna Datars .p.ot- ored to Kitchener over the w.q�`k-nd where they had a pleasant visiti with IVliss• Anna Daters is Navin; her millinery opening on Saturday o this week, March 28th, and invites alp lad- ies to come in and look over her iOfock of new and attractive millinery, Mr. and Mrs. Percy West of Bayfield were week -end visito • at the home of Mr. and- Mrs. ierb° Bender. Mr. and Mrs. Weston 'were recent visitors at.Kitchener week or so. Merrsr Ferd Haberer and "Ward Fritz motored to Exeter on Weilnes day where they exchanged Mr. ab- erer's Essex sedan for the new ,Olds- mobile sedan, that he recently urch- ased from C. Fritz & Son:: Mr. and Mrs. Val. Gerber„, ., of the Bronson Line, and with thei fam ily are moving to the State of owa, left early , on Wednesday m ning for that place by auto. They have engaged a truck from somewli e in the States to transport theirhouse- hold effects to where they will 'reside in future. Their many friends in this vicinity regret very mieh Ito see them. :leaving. Mr. and 1VIrs. J. Heywood, who spent the winter anonths in Mr. Fred. Haberer's house, south of town, are making preparations to hove- to 'a Soldier's Relief Settlers -farm which is in the hands of the Government. The farm is located near 5mithville, in the Grimsby district. They intend moving within the next week, and the family will be greatly missed by their .many friends '•in this vicinity. Mr. Jacob Kipfer is this Week inov- ing from the extreme eaS'p end of town into the western part .of town, in the house owned by Mr. L. Foster of Kitchener, and -recently vacated by Mr. C. Salmon. Mr. and Mrs. S. Amazes who own the house that Mr.. Kiefer's are vacating, and who spent, the past month .in Stratford, are. cons; in;; back to their home in Zurich for the summer- ` atne ",....irairiYmetpai-".a:'em'a ,.lie: .S;V stem has :recently received a large shipment of nearly 9,000 feet of tele- phone cable in town and as soon as the weather is suitable work will be Mr. F, J. Wickwire of Exeter' made a business call in town on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Steinbach of London, spent a pleasant week -end with their parents in town. We are pleased to report that Mr. Albert Hendrick, of the Blue Water Highway and who was taken to Lon- don Hospital the past week, is im- proving nicly. Mr. and Mrs. W, Hy. Pfile of Hen - sail were visitors with relatives here the. past week. Their household ef- fects, which have been stored in the home of Mrs. Lydia Pfile for the past year, has been moved to Hen- sall again, where they have rented a house and will take up housekeeping till they will have their new home in shape to move in. Shoe Comfort, Aid to Beauty. Good looks depend on good health and good health depends on the con- dition of your feet. It is impossible for you to look well or weal your zlothing well if you have sore, tired aching feet, which will cause those tired lines around the eyes. Women who want to leek well. have come to realize that they must put shoes ori` their fret •which permit the toot muscles to exercise naturally. you will receive the professional shoe fitt- ing and Graduated Foot Specialist at Brown's Boot Shop. -Adv. Our Next Holiday Our next holiday will be Good Friday, which falls this year on the 3rd of April. It is an ecclesiastical holiday, and perhaps one of the rea- sons it is called "Good" in the Eng- lish-speaking world is because of the beneficial effects that are supposed to follow from the proper observance of the day. In Europe it is called "Holy Friday". The Saxons called it "Long" Friday, because of the len- gth of the service in the church on that day. Lent this year began on Wednesday Feb. 18th. By some churches Lent is observed. as a period of forty days fasting not including Sundays, before the festival of Eas- ter. Sunday is never a fast clay, and housekeepers everywhere take this as a special Christian sanction of the complete Sabbath diaper. .relative,; and friend... EXETER R1M00,••rSir••••••••sssp0s sires 00000 , Spring Seeds We have a good supply of all clover and grass seeds an hand. Choice seed. Barley and a good supply of all Garden Seeds POULTRY FOODS Try our Chick Starters, Chick Feeds, Laying Mash, Etc. See us about COAL and Fertilizer L. Schilbc & Son 8 91adeolieeebsiels••ar#s#•• eiwa:? •aatear,ae*aCaea.daaeulnm•.•• Ezra ])ender of Blyth, was in Ex- eter recently looking; for a dwelling. Simon P.. Greb, o Hay Towttshiip purchased the residence of Wm. Rus- sell, Gidley Street. Morse Bros. and Mr. Gordon, who ..nom....,#1......knq]C...+x...,.,.,,.•�tZ.a .+-g`wyloz•.'.�`� Co. in Exeter have secured residenc- es in Exeter and will shortly move their families to town. Rev. `Duncan McTavish, who was in - commenced in putting it in place. It,'itranted some time to consider the in - will be installed from Zurich west ;01!".6taion of the congregation of Jam - the Bronson line corner and east =to+ St. United Church to remain,pafor the Blind Line. These lines are in °he sixth year as their stow has a condition that it is necessary to re- build then, and the cable will make a pinch more permanent job. We are happy to report goed clews for the motorists, as the condition of ;he. roads have impar'=cd• so wonder - rally the last few days, that one can .vithout difficulty drive on any of she main roads now. The road " to Hensall, which was a week ago; al.- most l-moat impassable, is now drying : up, and only a few places where there still is some ice melting is the raod muddy. The rain on Tuesday will greatly help conditions. We are not looking fo. the bad corn.+:txous of when the frost conies out as experien- ced some springs, as the abundance of snow and then the dry fall, there is practically no frost in the ground. Regardless of the prediction of a few pessimists that there will he no maple syrup and of poor quality this year, we notice that• those who ar engaged of the manufacture of this nice sweet product, that during MwwwvwrwLmwuuwWMAm^iiiilhia Zurich Drug Store r We have a full Line of all the requirements of School 1 Supplies ♦♦4♦4♦###.O##.63'#00 X04 *# # �ze Text •4 All autlio��p Books l ebt in_ Stock Pt "Sets. Military Brushes #+#•O•*+.##.##+###+♦#4##.# Perfumes Toilet Waters and i nnounced his decision to accept the! Perfumizerss invitation. Lloyd Baynham, of the local C. N. 11. stall" has been transferred to Gu- File Stationery and Fountain' Pens. elph Junction where he will act as assistant operator. He left for that appointment.. Mr. Baynham came to - KODAKS AND FICINS Exeter thirteen years ago and one year later was married with Miss P. Dr. V i MacKinnon, .Zurich I3arness Hvof town. He has been a ol A® uecl member of the Caven church . choir and surlday school orchestra, `��' and at one time was• a member of JY1mmimmmowamwmimisnt the Exeter Band. Exeter lost an aged resident when ,_.,,,,,.._.._, Mrs. Francis Blatchford died last week, having been i11 only two daysi • s+#,�.,�oos+e.•#o+oh#••*•++o+area®##o#•o#o#e•4•oo+#++: with pneumonia. Formerly Margaret ti Buchanan and a daughter of the • E R A L D' S late Alexander Buchanan, the deceas- r ZUII1CH •ed was born on the 2nd con. of Us- # • borne. She was married 55 years a- go and lived for 15 years in Hensall s1931 The couple then moved to the deceas- : • ed's homestead, where they resided s 4. until they moved to Exeter in the sp- • 4. ring of 1915. Deceased is survived itby herhusband, three daughters:l Clubin List# g# 9a . • q, 0 the past week they have been lust as• Mrs. W. Wood of lisborne; Mrs. R. busy as can be, in most cases kept Linklater, of Goderi.:h and Miss Ida •L•he fire going day and night, 'and ,.of Detroit; and three sons, Herbert we can a.ssure anyone that the qual- of Kindersley, Sask.; Dr. F. A. l;lat- ity is second to none that we have ahford of Fort 'William, and Roy at ever had the pleasure to eat. But the last few days the heavy run IS, letting up somewhat, and there is a possibility that the season may he ,a short one. A Bad Accident Injured in a motor car crash near Ailsa Craig on No. '7 highway on Saturday, Fred Mason, of London, died on Monday at Victoria Hospital. His spine being fractured. Gordon C. Turnbull former mayor of Parkhill and former resident of the Blue Water Highwny. Hay r'rwnship, was following the Mason cal', and some way while he was passing the Mason car became beyond control and took; the ditch and rolled over twice with the result of Mr. Mason being injured Mr. Sam Gratton, oi' I,osidon was at: iso a pessenger on the Mason car but luckily he freed himself and avoided iejuz'ies, while Mason was jammed in the machine, Mr. Mason was a native of Grand Bend, born 57 years ago. He had been a resident of the city the past eight years. Surviving. his wife, Yorvyrrly Annie Gratton, are three daughters and two sons.Thc funeral service is being held on W'ed- nesc a:Fd tesnoon to ran.Bend' and Kitchener Daily Record - 'a and Toronto Daily Globe• o -4 home. A son, George died in 1:)1.61 There: also survive four brothers, Al -i exander Buchanan of Hensall ; Rev. Duncan M. Buchanan, of Manor, + Sask.; Dr. Geo. Buchanan, of Tor- t onto, and Andrew Buchanan, of Hen- sall; and one sister, Mrs. John Cowan of Kintail. s q FOR SALE An aged mare, works good both ingle and double. Vary Cheap for nick sale. Apply to Joseph Gascho, Zurich. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH * ONT. '4A Changeleeei Christ for a chaag- ing 'World" Friday, 8h: ---Luther League. Saturday --Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES 11)a.m•. ' -..-C., it iaxn Service. 11.15 a.me-Sunday School. $1'69.50 1 i f G '1.80 p. tn.--English Service. 5' • E. 14. Phelan Pastor zya ..5 O r it tai..,e1lie;..,. £a too Cronpe{� L...,.....0.-./ 4.4- -",.. 4 * '-...14-.`4A4-' e 9 0 e• o• 4. s• o• a 4. + 4. 4. 4. . •b HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD HERALD and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire and Toronto Sat. Mail and Empire ... and Toronto Daily Star and Toronto Weekly Star 'anti London Free Pross and London Advertiser and London Farmer's Advocate and Farm and Dairy and Farmers' Sun and Family Herald and Weekly Star and Family Herald for 3 yrs. and Canadian Countryman and Weekly Witness and Fanners Magazine and Youth's Companion and Huron Expositor, Seaforth and Ontario Journal and Rod and Gun in Canada $5.10 $6.00 $6.00 $3.25 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $2.25 $2.75 $2.50 $2.25 $3.00 $2.25 $3.15 $2.50 3.25 $3.25 $2.75 $3.15 And a great many more that we cannot enumerate here, We have the Agency for every. reputable Magazine Aim Caanaada and the United States, and can save you money on the most of them. RENEW ALL YOUR PAPERS AND MAGAZINES AT OUR OFFICE AND SAVE TROUBLE, AND BE. 3l0E5 YOU ARE DEALING WITH PEOPLE YOU KNOW, AND WILL DO THE SQUARE THING WITH YOU. ERALD OFrICE, Zurich r i/1as*•4*4 .0.40. 14044 *+4e'e• t+4.4.004441.44.....4444