Zurich Herald, 1931-01-08, Page 8'+ crt TIT T SIE STORE WITH THE STOCK WE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO EXPRESS OEUR SINCERE APPRECI- ATION FOR YOUR CONTINUED PAT- RONAGE. AND TO EXTEND HEARTY Season's Greetings MAY THE COMING NEW YEAR BRING YOU HEALTH AND PROSPERITY J. GASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 > . >I R•A.L D WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Palm •Olive Soap, 3 cakes for Peas, No. 4 Sieve 1 s., per.tin Tomatoes 2 size, 2 tins .. fie. ..+ Lux soap Flakes, pkg. Corn Starch, pkg. Family Blend. Tea, 1' lb. Family Blend Coffee, 1 lb. .. , , v Borden's chocolate milk, 16oz. Hill Crest Shortening, 2 lbs. 21c 5c 25c l0c 9c 39c 39c 53c 19c DRY GOODS Men's Heavy all wool Sweater Coats," Reg 45. at $3.69 Men's :all wool Sweater Coats, V neck, Reg 2.25 at $L75 Checked flannelette Blankets large size, at $2.39 All wool checkered Bed Blankets, Reg. 12.50 at $8.95 All wool Queen's cloth, Reg. 1.19 at .89c All wool Santoy, Reg. 1.25 at ..,. .89e Fancy Striped.Flannelette yard wide at ~ 19c THESE ARE ONLY A FEW SPECIALS,WE HAVE A LOT MORF1 COME AND SEE. J. W. MERNRR YELLOW FRONT STORE • Phone 140 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST WELL, FOLKS ANOTHER YEAR HAS GONE INTO HISTORY. IT HAS BEEN A STRENUOUS YEAR IN MANY WAYS AND HERE'S HOPING THAT 1931 WILL GIVE A BETTER ACCOUNT OF ITSELF. I AM GLAD TO HAVE BEEN OF SERVICE TO YOU AND HOPE THE PLEASANT RELATIONS WILL :CONTINUE. • . :EXTENDING TO ONE AND ALL BEST WISHES FOR A' HAPPY PROSPEROUS AND BETTER NEW YEAR Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO -SERVICE AND SAFETY Have, You MADE YOUR WILL? Iii A, U.S. woman wants a divorce be.: cause her husband is praying all the time. Maybe his prayers are being answered. THE ELECTION Great enthusiasm was mamfested all day monday when the Hay Town- ship held its municipal election, and much anxiety was entertained by all Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company. doing Business in Ontario - the interested electors, and especially l Amount oiInsuranee at Risk on Dec. for reeveship as there were three in 81st, 1928, *22,206,275. the field for this position, and it was practically nobody's victory till the last returns were in, and so 'this big day goes down in history. Almost as soon as the polls were opened in the morning the voters were escorted to Total Cash in Bank and Bonds • , $160,378.74 Ratea-44;50 per $1,000 for 9 years.. E�.;:.Knopp-Zurich and from the various polls, and no , Agent, Also Dealer in Lidhtnind Rods time or efforts were lost by the var- 1 ious candidates in getting their voters and all kinds of Fire Insurance out, and as a consequence there was the largest vote polled in history. Out of a possible 1650 votes there were 1119 ballots used, which makes an average of 70 per cent, which is considerable more than usually. Af- ter the returns were all in and the winning candidates gathered around, a large number of people assembled in the town hall, where a public me- eting was in order, which is custom- ary. Mr. A. F. Hess, the Clerk was appointed chairman, and . with what figures were on hand,he pronounced the Council for the year 1931, as: For Reeve, Louis H. Rader; For Co- uncillors: Wm. Alexander, D. Du- charme, A. Melick and E. ,T. Walper. LOCAL MARKETS (;Corrected ..every Wednesday) Butter, lb. Old .Flens Chickens Eggs 37e 6-12 9-17 25-45 Oats .....25 . Barley ............. ' .... 39 Float' ... .... 2.75-3.20 Shiirta .... ... 22.00 The council stands the same as in a vo04�.410•...0.0414�i41 1930 only Mr. Alexander takes the f place of Mr. Dougal, who has sat on a gaud fair fight and received good • the council board for some eight support for which he greatly thanked or ten years, and will now retire i the electore, also intimater that he from these activities. The chairman wild always stand up for what he then called on Mr. Rader the reeve maintains to be right, and pledged for remarks, which he did in a mast- erly way, thanking the ratepeyers for the confidence and support again placed in him, and stated that mis- takes will always be made but the public should be fair in their criticism Mr. Rader also asked for hearty co- operation amongst the councilmen. After Mr. Rader's address a musical number was rendered by the short or- der Hay Township Orchestra, who • rendered a selection between each • address, and was much appreciated by al] present, as these young men deserve much credit with their fine numbers rendered and without a moments time for preparation. The next speaker was Mr. Melick, who greatly thanked the electors for the confidence again placed in him, and assured that he would give his very best in the conning year. He also welcomed Mr. Alexander, .the new councillor, and stated that this man cost the municipality $150. this day, and thought he was well worth it and more, as it costs about $150 for a municipal election. Councillor Mr. E J. Walper was the next speaker, and he expreseed himself as rather tired of the strenous campaign, but fought 5 TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND. FRIENDS WE WISH TO EXTEND Season's Greetings AND MAY THE NEW YEAR CON- TINUE WITH OUR FRIENDLY BUSINESS RELATIONS .,ADEZit, WEID� ZURICH - CHT.' /NMS*i0. 001160 *4.014 6 1 1 1 FOR REEVE Poll No. 1 2 3 Dougall, W. R. 73 55 43 Nlopp, E. F. 7 12 117 Rader, L. IT. 31 20 67 FOR COUNCITLLORS Alexander, Wm. 68 59 112 Cor;,ett, P, 57 58 55 laelharrne, D. 29 17 156 C.reb, S. 5 8 81 i+lelick, Alf. 32 24 195 Walper, 43 • 17 142 himself as the public's servant. Mr. D. Ducharme was the next speaker and was so enthusiastic that he could not just find words to express his gratefulness for the confidence placed in him. Mr. AIexander, the new man on 'the board was the last speaker, and he thought he felt safe with the Reek- and other Councillors, as he thought they had a good captain, al- so ,'good mates, which makes -it easy to steer a boat safely through. Mr. Alexander was born in Tuckersmith, anti went to school in the schoolhouse opposite where the Red Tavern used to be,, most of the middleaged resi- dents know this spot. For the past twjenty he has been a rsident of Hay Township, and now farms 200 acres of, choice land on the 2nd concession, ofi Hay Township. After the ad- ds sses were given and the usual cb Bring for reeve, councillors, the oiehestra, etc., the newly elected were escorted to the Domion House, a" d "nuff sed". The first meeting of th new council will. be held 0)1 Mon- d , January 12th when the organ- i2 tion will take place, for the year 1431. I The result: 4 `:5 ' 6 '7 8 Total 19 '9 12 27 13 251 13 33 48 30 39 389 1. 58 142 14 29 432 41 106 00 114 1'71- 31 31 71 15 65 5:9 49 33 71 60 'h7 .159 58 14 473 30 17 222 '24 64 538 17 4 '301 35 30 622 2.0 27 .5171 Thursday, San tax 3th, 1 3I, "'"Z r WE ARE HAPPY TO TAKE TH13 OPPORTUNITY OF EXPRESSING OUR APPRECIATION AT T}IE PATRONAGE THAT HAS BEEN ACCORDED US, DUR- INC THE PAST YEAR, AND TO WISR ONE AND ALL BEST WISHES FOR HAPPINESS AND PROSPERITY IN THE NewYear Johnston & Kalbflejsch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 .�. d+k44 d d•44.44444« 44444++b+F•i++F4+¢++i+4d 444 +t++1+$444f4+1 41 MIME A'1' t •,r9/MI EIBI lNlNG1?u"11119NNIN?tl!ilflfi4tB ' "u MIIIIN1111111 1911111118 lUiNI13111! !lE'•' !!Fi' 1111IIIIINI11iNi1liNdsil!NNNffEHIF NOTICE! Auto Tops Buggy Tops S Wagon Repairing, Painting, Etc. Second Hander(. Buggies HESS - ZIIRICH II pN8N14L ERICIN111N1 NIIIIINN1NHl !llNNf rttNNfilE? .>! llIE14111111NiIn1;121E 111 f1iNtlTa INNIgNi EIIIIINPv';!{± INffi !i#NllfliN�; #44+i+>r 44.44+1+44+1+4+ d+t+f+444+i+41F«I++lFi+d+4•4.414444+i ► 4.441.07 1 f • • 4' • ZVRICS GARAGE ATTENTION! TO FARMERS AND TRACTOR OWNERS WE ARE NOW FULLY EQUIPPED TO SUPPLY ALL USERS OF GASOLINE IN LARGER QUANTITIES WITH A GOOD STAND- ARD GRADE OF GASOLINE FROM OUR DELIVERY TRUCK AT • LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES, WITH QUALITY CONSIDERED EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORK., AND OVER- HAUL JOBS ON ALL MAKES OF CARS WITH CHARGES VERY REASONABLE. GAS OILS GREASES H. Rousseau Zurich I 444444+4444444+44 h+l++44.4** 4+i+44+1+44+t++F+F+t++f+ +44+1+4.4.4+4++1++1++4t,I 4 4 t . . 4. HERD OFFIOEJ1. ... 4 Do You Know? 4 , THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FIRST" 4. , e CLASS JOB PRINTING! ,r THAT WE SUPPLY AND ?INT WEDDING INVITATIONS + AND ANNOUNCEMENTS, ALSO CALLING. CARDS, ` t. BUSINESS CARDS, ETC. 4. THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK, AND ALSO. PRINT, STATION- te ERY SUCH AS BUSINESS LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES .�. STATEMENTS, BILL HEADS, MEMORIAM CARDS, dit ,4!,- SHIPPING TAGS, ETC: 4. 4 THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK GOOD WRITING PAPERS CtJT r TO ANY SIZE, ENVELOPES IN MOST . CALLED FOR, +E 4. SIZES, CARD PAPER, BRISTOLS, CARBON OR TRACING 4. PAPER, BUTTER PAPER, MEMORIAL ENVELOPES +1+•' 4+ AND MEMORIAL WRITING PAPER. 4.t +• THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BOTTLE WITH. • A GOOD WRITING INK FOR 5 CENTS. LARGER WAN - 4. + TITIES AT SIMILAR REDUCTIONS. . THAT WE PRINT POSTING PILLS, AUCTION SALE POSTERS '. t + MERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL GENERAL PRINTING ' :' . OUR SPECIALTY. . •4: 41+ 06▪ 444444.44.1144444444+" 444444441444.44.444444444444+14," ; 4 :a 4 i 4 a ae1 • !s� • • 4 4r 4s. .0. ,4