Zurich Herald, 1930-12-04, Page 4likkOt !Mit ZURICH HERALD DASHWOOD :M, Chas. .Steinha, en is visiting 1a�nnds in Parkhill. >wit-. Milford Motsaac of Detroit, `aiisited Ills parents last Friday. Mr. R. Goetz is spending a few •ilays Goderictr this week. Miss .Anna'Tieman of Guelph spent wt,ek-end with her parents, Ir,: J. England returned to her lame ti Thedford on, 14Ionclay after slneriding a week with relatives. Miss Verda . Baler left on Monday R,or• London. Mrs. Addison Tiernan was taken to iondon Hospital last week. Her many friends hope for a speedy re- ' fecsvay. HJLLSC KEEN • . Earl Dick of Hensall, is busy ,wngaged at chopping in this vicinity. Mr. Orville Smith has treated him- 4e.elf to a new radio. Mr. Thos. Consitt spent a few days in London with his daughter, Mrs. R. tic Allister. The Y. P. S. are giving a few 'mi- ta-rat slides off student in the west- sern Provinces on _Monday evening, December 8th at 8 o'clock in the I'tik_llegreert church. Everyone welcome The W. M. S- Sell hold their Dec- lembex meeting in the church on Wed aeesday afternoon, Dec ;niber 10th at 2:0 o'clock, STANLEY TOWNSHIP riot only put a emile in the housewiv- k Car, es facees, but a pilling look on tht' 1 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Tucker and. chore boy, family have .moved to Exeter, where Mrs. Esther Charret, house itCeper they will live in future. at the Catholic Parsonage is enjoy- Mr. and, Mrs, Errol Drummond ing 'a visit with her many frieritds in have returned home after attending Detroit. the "funeral of the former's mother, We are sorry to report that Mrs. Mrs. Thos. Drummond of Toronto. Serphine 'Corriv.au is not enjoying her usual good health. Miss Genieve Corriveau is attending her, Mr, Gerald Sreenan motored to the Border Cities one day last week. Our Reeve, Mr. Art. P. Keys is 'sett r ding the December meeting of the County Council at Goderieh this Miss Annie Consitt of Hensall, sp- nnt the past week visiting at the :borne of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dawson. On Saturday, November 29th, the -nnarriage took place of Lorne D. ''W'iin nson, son of the late John A. l Danson, to Miss Edna Thompson, aghter of Mr. and ?rrs. Samuel ;Thompson, of Second Concession, of ;Stanley Township. These are two of Stanley's popular 'young people and -ii e•. wish then a long and happy voy- a , through life. They will reside :on the Goshen Line, on the farm .of air. .Peter Manson. Mr. Peter Manson and family rrnove this week to HensaIl where h'hey intend to reside in future. Mr. 1l;anson was born in Stanley Tp. and hies spent practically all his life on this same farm. He has •been a suc- aessful farmer, and he and Mrs. Man - ;on have been valued members of the community, also of Blake Congreg- ;nticrsF, where they will be much mis- ec3, the best wishes of their many -;rr-ii:ends follow then to their new .T,ttorne. Miss Florence Hayter of Flint, Mich, spent a few days at the. home iter parents, Mr. and Mrs. • Harry Hayter dfr. Tom Reid entertained a num- t- of his friends to a fowl supper aQia Saturday evening. A very pleas- evening was spent as Tom makes splendid host. From another Corr: ---A very int- seresting event took place on Saturday +evening last, at the home of Mr. Torre Reid of the • Goshen Line, north, when five of our most promising swung bachelors partook of a sumpt- snsus fowl supper. Mr. William Mc- Eli:ncchey donated a goose which was ;prepared and served with great taste by Wm. Armstrong. Mr. Robt.,Arm- sb:ung donated some nice jucy dough- aot , Mr. John Armstrong had the lionour of pouring tea. After the rural clean-up, which follows such a Karst, the host led the way to the Roller where the radio provided en- tertainment for the evening. All re - tamed home feeling well satisfied and with the assurance of another in the' Int;ar future. Please invite the imit time! DRYS -DALE Mr. and Mrs. Morris Durand of /Detroit spent last Sunday: with fri- ends and relatives here. Mr. John Ducharme has returned zsame after visiting with his son, Rev., /Father D.ucharme of Windsor and .his. daughter, Mrs. Durand of Detroit. Mr..;1, Noel Laporte spent last week lith his parents at St. Joseph. Rev. Father Marchand spent a few days with friends and relatives in the Border Cities, his parents returned swith his to spend a few weeks. Mr. Jos. Bedard, who was confined «.n his room a few days after a bad inn, is able to he out again. A card party is being held by the !ladies of the Altar Society of the Catholic churchthe Parish Hall, son '.December 4th, Thursday. Don't miss this Grand event. Prizes will be awarded to the winners. :Mies .Beta Geffrey, after being in .+o'ndon all su3nmer, is home for the -winter months. ' 'Miss ;mitella Geffrey is home after :a pleasant visit in Detroit with her Oster, Mrs. Norman Chsrrett. The weather man has acted very iiudepemlent recently, • of the Detroit ''iaitors who ventured here Over the u.rneri.can Thanksgiving Day, .and se- qx mingly could nbt keep out of Can - '.vada, the weatherman did its best to lose them rough as he possibly could 3'e 'trust our friends on the other ide will overlookthis rune treat lan out, 'rite rain of laet yr •3^Y jt ...,,.a.., :ci ., r wolf; wtvhiel • The many friends of, Mrs. Thos. Peart will be sorry to hear that she is confined to her home through 111- ness. Mr. George Gramm is confined, to his room with an attack of "pleurisy, His many friends wish him a veil HEN 5 A L L speedy recovery. . Mr. and 1Virs. Ed. Sheffer have re- turned home- after a pleasant visit with their daughter at Pert Rowan. Mr. and Mrs. W. I. White were a- way spending a visit with .friends in Collingwood and other places. . Ed. McQueen took charge of the store during their absence. ' Prov. Constable. Albert Whiteside, of Goderich, formerly of Hensall was taken to Victoria Hospital, London, fracture his arm while cranking, a for treatment. He is improving nice - A niiw harness shop has been op- ened up in the Petty Block by a Mr, Goud--of Auburn, Mr. and Mrs. Goud have arrived in' town and have taken up room, in the Petty 'Block. Mrs. Lloyd Hudson and Mrs. T. Hudson have returned home after a few week's visit with friends in Tor- onto. Thos. Smale had the misfortune to irneal Weems ly, The home of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin 1Zowcllffe, London Road South., was saddened the other morning when. .death claimed the life of their ave. year old son Laird Case. The lad had been ill with,ibxonchitis and suddenly took a turn for the worse, It was was just a little over a year since a little daughter Ruth passed, and the sympathy ,of .y wide circle of friends goes out to the family in this time of sorrow. The funeral tool: place on 1Vl`onay last to the Exeter cemetery Master Ronald Stephen . of Hills green has returned home after spen, ding a couple of weeks with his grand parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Geo. Smale. Mrs. Jos. Hudson, Sr,, recently cel- ebrated her, 90th birthday when all the members of her large family we- re• present with the' exception of a couple of sons living at a distance. She ,is very ;mart for her age,' with all her• faculties good, and spent' a very happy re -union with her friends the ninety lighted candles .bearing bright evidences to her four, score and one-half years, and her friends hope that, she may enjoy many more birth- days. . MORTGAGE SALE UNDER THE POWERS contained in a ,certain Mortgage which will be produced at the time of the sale there will be offered for sale at pub- lic auction by OSCAR LOPP 1, Auc- tioneer, at the premises in the Village of Zurich, on MONDAY the 22nd DAY OF DECEMBER, 1930, At Two O'clock in the Afternoon The following lands and premises, • namely: In the Village of Zurich in the County of Huron and being composed of village lot number 111 in Volland's Survey, being part of Township Tot number 20 in the llth concession of the Township of Hay, and 'being sit- uate on South Street between. East Street and West Street in the said Ville f Zurich Timrs ny; :Yleetunber 4th, 1930. ON SUCH LANDS is said to bet erected a one and one half storey, fig house, together with stable, and a large prick building formerly used as a church, now used as a bake shop. .. THCT . CORRECTNESS, of these particulars is not guaranteed, and intending purchasers should . satisfy themselves by inspection of the prem- ises. $-- THE ABOVE PARCEL will be o ered for sale subject to a reserve bid land certain conditions of sale. TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent of the purchase price at the time of sale and the balance within thirty days thereafter. FOR FURTHER.PARTICULARS apply to: Messrs. IVIcBride & McGibbon, Waterloo, Ontario, Solicitors 'for Vendor. Or to Mr. A. P. Hess, Zurich, Ont., their Agent. , Dated, November 28th,.1930. __.• ` iillE11a11111111111 1111111111111111E1111E11111111111111111111111 l11111111111111111119111.11111111111111111111611111111:11111111111111111111111111111111111.11191E111E91111111111111111191111111111111.11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 s On* ece br +�� 9 1 S WE ARE STARTING THE LOWEST PRICED SALE THAT HAS BEEN GIVEN IN THIS COMMUNITY FOR MANY YEARS. WE ARE DOING THIS TO CO-OPERATE WITH THE PEOPI.F. OF THIS COMMUNITY, OWING'T`�t THE LOW VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS. IN MANY INSTANCES WE ARE SACRIFICING OUR WHOLE PRO- FNOTEDITS AND THEN SOME. WE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN FOR CLOSE SELLING, WHICH IS THETRUTH. SO NOW WITH STiLL LOWER PRICES YOU ARE.SURE BUYING RIGHT. We cannot mention every Line here. See Us first, we may have it, and the price will be right, <!.�f4T'Jzi-'hE&r%�.9M•:.�?'t$' �.iEi ui wMf:�aFF+'.'.1.3J� DRESS MATERIALS Santoys, Reg. $1 .25 at eg. Velvets, Reg. 98c at 89c - 69c 79c Queen's Cloth, R $1.19 at All Wool Dress Flannel, 54 -in. wide, /9c Reg. $1.35 yd., at 32 -in. width at 49c All other Dress Materials at REDUCED PRICES WOMEN'S SUPER SILK HOSE GUARANTEED Reg. $1.50 -at $1.1 9 Reg. $1.00 at 69c Silk and Wool, Reg. $1 at 79c Children's "Hose At REDUCED PRICES LADIES' UNDERWEAR. Vests and Bloomers 49 Reg. 60c at' Reg. 75c. at s.., 5999 Children's Plumshade Underwear Reg. 60c. at - - 49c Reg. 45c at 35c ,,. Art Sateen and Chintzs Reg. 50c at 39c Reg.: 35c, at • • 29c Reg. 25c at 19c Rayon Silk Bed Spreads Reg. 6.00 at $4.75 Reg. 3.75 at $2.95 MINIM rails mammy admilimm OUR CHRISTMAS GOODS X. NOW IN. YOU CAN GET A,GIFT FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES We have in stock Men's Overcoats Which are real value at $1 2.000 0 Come and see them at DUPLICATE THEM IF YOU CAN N We will have Special Prices on Groceries every week. Watch our Adv. in the Herald, which will be changed from week to Week. TgaiireEierelliet SILK DRESS MATERIALS Crepe Black Satin, Reg. 2.50 at _41.79 Flat Crepe, Re. 1.50 at .,.. $1.15 Crepe De Chene, Reg. 1.50 to 1.25, now only 79c Fugi Silk; Reg. 50c, at 35c Baronet Satin, Reg. 1.25, yd at..,_....79c WOOL BLANKETS Here We are going to give You a Real Bargain. Reg: 12.00, pr. at $8.95 All wool Throws, Reg. 7.50 at .........$5.25 We have a Real Bargain in a Part. Cotton Grey Blanket at only - $4.95 Come Early if You want a pair of these REAL BARGAINS In Men's Sweater Coais, with or without Shawl Collars Reg., 5.00 and 4.50 at $3.69 All wool Sweater Coats, without collars, Reg. 2.25 at $1.69 Come and look them over Boys' Sweater Coats, Reg. 3.50 at $2.75 Small. Boys' Pullovers, as low as 79c FLANNELETTE BLANKETS We have Check Blankets in sizes, a large, " and a very large 'at $2.39 and $1.9& These are less than today's Wholesale . Prices. Grey or White 12-4 Size at $1.98 GROCERIES FOR THIS WEEK Lux Soap Flakes, 3 pkg. for ' 25c Libby's Pork and Beans Sunlight Soap, 7 cakes for 39c Family Blend Tea, lb. 39c Iodized Salt, 2 pkgs. 17c Coley. Toilet Soap, 3 fox 23c 2 Fresh Nw; Best Dates, 2 for • '19c 1 FLANNELETTES Reg. 35c at 29c Reg. 25c, at_______ ............ ........ 19c Reg. 18c at _......... 12%c Mackinac Flannel, 1 yd. wide, Reg. 3Oc, at ._-_.._...,-. ... ....... .......... 25c Reg. 25c, at ........ 19c :Ladies' Sweater Coats at REDUCED PRICES Canadian Yarn,per skein 22c -=..-. Fingering Yarn, per skein . 28c = MEN'S SOCKS - Reg. 90c at ...._ - 69c Reg. 75c. at .......... 59c Reg. 50c. at .... 35c HEAVIEST GOTTONADE Black or Stripe, Reg. 45c, at yd 32c Heavy A. C. A. 'Ticking, Reg. 45c.. yd., at ....._...... _.._32c • Plain Bread' C'toth,, per yard 18c All. Prints,. Reg. 25c,, ark ...,......,..... 18c Printed Broad Cloth at ...._.....,.,28c Men's, Overalls, and Smocks Men`s 9 -oz. Black or Blue Overalls, the Heaviest on the Market, Red Back, at $1.89- Smocks sante Price Another Line at $1.69 A Medium Weight at ...... .__...._..... $1.29 Stripe Pants, Good Weight at $1.69 All made -good and roomy. The Famous Snag Proof- a METS UNDERWEAR This is another line you can buy with Confidence All wool, Heavy Rib, Blue .Label, Per Garment Or per Suit A Silk and' Wool, levy Ri1!i, At per' Garment Or f3er Suit ....- __ Best Tiger BXand,, Fleeced Underwear, Atper Garment :.;..o. .. .................69c Or per Suit $1.35 Fleece Combinations, at $1.39 Men's Work Shirts A Wool Flannel, Reg. 1.7'5,, at .,....,..,.._...... $1.49 Reg. 1.35, at. ..... $1.19 $1.89 $3.75 ....' $1'.39 $2,75 ' OUR AFFILIATION WITH THE - SUPERIOR STORE ORGANIZATION WHO HAVE THE BUYING POWER OF SEVEN HUNDRED MERCHANTS ENABLES US TO BUY AND SELL AT LOWER PRICES. OUR SALE OF SUPERIOR GROCERIES WILL CONTINUE DURING. THIS SALE. YOU WILL FIND NEW BARGAINS EVER" WEEK, AND WHEN WE SAY CLOSE SELLING WE MEAN _ IT. BUT COME AND SEE IF WHAT WE SAY IS RIGHT. WE HAVE A BRAND NEW STOCK OF NICE BRIGHT TOYS ANDA GOOD STOCK OF CANDY AND NUTS. GET OUR PRICES AT THE ' "Yellow_Front more M.e': ^ ea'lla dr �`„�dIL r Aii�.• ' cerff r. ��i.� 1...1 -F`uV 1 h lA11 f«�sl P.q Yls(,+, ,, +91ri7f ri..t1':%t!�'j ♦''1 3 r,' , - ;yr�F,r,.eFr,>^+r�n•r �^L.r+r,er., Le,,..�,. ,C.. «,r. ., .�.. � ► a r tll�����IrflOilll►f�:alltll�luirll�Iitl�lil�ili1�1111j1411111�wil;ll ���� ., :rF�.;�;�+:yx-;: rw�,111illllllll�Ili�,El1��1111#11���1a���,�����.�d.i�4ogE,��y���i��t��r��1���1�11�,�1�1�11i1�Msyll��ii�1 � �� �a������������������bys�������;����9t� ...,,�•, 4r1� t NEE moiliNeft quagmire • . 01011/2 mama wows M▪ axi • 9