Zurich Herald, 1930-08-21, Page 5*.Vinrraday, ugnat !OA, BUS1NESS CARDS DUDLEY . HOLMES 'BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT, ARY PUBLIC, ETC. IDFFIC ]—Hamilton Street, Just off the Square, GQDER1CU, Ontario. M ,Special Attention to Louncel and Court Work, 1r. Holmes may be oensulted at Goderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. Dr. H. H. C OWE N L. D. S. D. D S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH very Thursday, Friday, Saturday At IIARTLEIB•'S BLOCK, DASHW OOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday A -U -C -T -1 -O -N -E -E -R OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones National School of Auctioneering. Try me for Registered Live Stock, (All Breeds.) Terms in keeping with prevailing prices. Choice Farms for Sale. Will sell anything Anywhere. hone 18-93, or write. Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer FOR HURON &.MIDDLESEX I All IN A POSITION TO CON - .duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size orac nd if le to ote satisfied twill icit our business, for Services relake noocharges Ren- dered. ARTHUR WEBER -- Dashwood Phone: 13,-5.7:. Overstock 29x4.40 30i31 Fires, Tubes. Low Prices NOW G. Wc1 DASD:WOOD ips**Ne******rN►a*a*aNRRe Zurich8' Popular MEAT MARKET ANNOUNCING THAT VB HAVE PURCHASED THOM THE FIRM OF YUNGBLUT Ilk BEICHERT, THIS WELL ESTAB ";.ISIfED MEAT BUSINESS, ONAGE AND SOLICIT 7FO . yunghlut & Sou 41/isSMRf3NNR0BOfAO®0B4141li COAL X930 ,Announcement SPRING PRICES NOW IN EFFECT FOR Sorant011 Goal Coke Alberta Coal and. Soft Coal 'A ;SPECIAI, DISCOUNT OF 50 Cts. Per Ton will be allowed for cash. Oder Early as prices will advance on 'June 15th. Case & Son Phone 35 HENSALL LIVE POULTRY WANTED Waken every Day tilt 3 o'clock, p.m. Zs not feed Fowl same morning, 'when brought in. Highest. Cask Prices --CASH FOR— Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien • AtOs Eta,-,.:41ria a I veva Wants, For Salo, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads is was mums FARM FOR SALE ., Co. 100' acresin Township Staple 0a 1 � p , Huron. 60 acres high undulating clay loam soil, well drained. 40 ac- res lower land in biz h and pasture. Good bank barn, stone foundation, cement stable floors, stansions, water ;bowls, litter carrier, good water sup- ply, 1% story house, furnace heated. Buildings few rods from leading highway with hydro wires, and good village, with school, churches, stores, 'etc., close to good market and R.R. station. Price $4300. Terns $800 cash. Balance 4 years if required. See or write owner: J. W. Armstrong, Box 89, God- exitch. Ont. LOST Between Zurich and south side of Pinery via St. Joseph, a 38x7 Tire Casing, Mounted on rim. Finder please notify Epps Transport, Varna. FOR SALE A quantity of second hand planks for sale, very cheap.—Louis Prang. For Sale A good second hand Massey -Harris Binder, very cheap. L. A. Prang. NOTICE Having taken over the Service end of the Ford Agency, Zurich, I am in a position to give expert service to give expert service an all New Ford cars sold by Mr. 5. Elliott. Leonard Prang. CONSULTING ENGINEER W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (Tor.) O.L.S., Registered Professional En- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate Member Engineering Institute of Canada. Office—Seaforth, Ont. For Sale We have a number of Good Second Hand Deering Binder Canvass for sale, ebeap , white they last. Louis Prang,, Zurich. FOR SALE Wagon with fiat rack, coal box, double set brass mounted harness. buggy, light wagon. All in good condition. George J. ThieL NOTICE I am in a position to do good repair work on Overhauling Cars, Tractors, Etc., at very reasonable charges. DAVID FUSS, " tNl5 Phone 1-89 Zurich NO"IlCE We specialize on the following: Ford: Transmission Linings. Ford 'Rear Ends; Ford Springs; Ford 1Valves Grinding; Brakes re -lined on lall': makes of Cars; We give special 'attention on oiling and greasing all makes of cars; Radiator anti -freeze attention, Tire Repairing; Have your springs oiled. Leonard Prang, 'Zurich. William. I. Brown A. 5.'. Graduated Foot Speciatist AT Brown's Boot Shop ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church "A Changeless Christ fer a *hang- ing World." Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. Tuerlshehu, Paster. Friday, 8h: Luther League. Saturday—Choir Practice. 10. a. ns: .German Service. 114 5 Sunday School. 7:30: English Service, BORN Hoffman—At Zurich, on August 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Hoffman, a daughter, ,(Marjorie Agnes.) I)enomme—At Goshen Line, Hay Tp. On August 8th, to Mr.. and Mrs. Lawrence DenonMne; a son. I).eichert –At . Haay . i'-ownship, on lnr;ust ,ri:itlr,, to Mr. and Mrs. Vic- toc D.eie e4 daughter., EUR1H HERALD LOCAL news Mr. Austin Hey of Detroit, was a visitor at his home this week. Mr. Ed. Bossenberry was a visitor to Bayfield the beginning of the week it- Mr, John Fritz of Morriston, visit- ed i S ed with his brother, Mr. Charles Fritz of town the past week. The family of Mr. L. Prang en- joyed a motor trip to Kettle ,point on Sunday. Miss Marguerite Prang of Detroit, is spending a few weeks at the home of her parents in town. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Appel of New Hamburg, called. on friends in town recently. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H'. Bender of Detroit, visited Zurich friends the past week. Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Cowen and lit- tle Mariam are camping at Grand Bend. Mr. Wm. Hoffman, Martin Switzer and Wm. Lamont, were visitors at Grand Bend on Sunday. .. The Rennie Sisters of town have during the past week moved to the Bend, where they will camp during the month of August. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. W. Stoskopf of Kitchener„ are holidaying at the home of Mt. and Mrs. Thomas John- son. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Siebert of De- troit, were recent visitors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 'L. Siebert. Mr.. Frank Siebert, Mr. C. Brown, and Miss Nora Siebert, R.N., all of Detroit, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. WI L.Sie bert. The Misses Frieda and Vera Kalb fleisch who spent their holidays with friends at Detroit, have returned to their home. Mrs. W. White and grandchild, Laverne and Mrs. E. Cillick of Green - wick, visited at. the home of Mrs. J. Block and Mrs. J. Fuss. Rev. and Mrs. F. L. Howald and two children, of Elmwood, spent a few days with relatives in Zurich, prior to going to Port Elgin, where they will camp a few weeks. Mr. Nesbitt Woods, who has been taking a summer course at• Western University, London, called in the vill- age wh;le on his way back to Tor- onto. One more summer's work and Mr. Woods expects to have completed his studies for his B. A. degree. Rev. and Mrs. E. Turkheim and family are enjoying holidays in the Chesley district also at Port Elgin, and as a consequence there was no services in St. Peter's Lutheran ch- urch on Sunday. Word has been received from the Hydro Electric Power Commission that the rates for domestic and com- mercial users will ,remain the same as last year. The charge for horse- power and the street lights will also cost the same. Mr. Wm. Lamont during tile past week made a business trip to Toron- to, accompanying a carload of very choice fat cattle, which he disposed of at that city, and received a very handsome figure, considering the very dull tone of the market at present. Among the many fine fields of :fall wheat thrashed this season we might make special mention of th most wonderful crop raised by Mr. Orville l'IcClinciiey, of Stanley Township. McClinchey had 27 acres of ,cheat and thrashed 1300 bushels of choice wheat from this crop, and we think this is a record hard to beat. Mr. Louis Prang and son Leonard, are -snaking great headway in the re- building of their place of business. A fine new floor .has been put in from front to back, as well as other im- provements in the interior. Mr. Win. Shenk and son, of Mt. Clemens, Mich. are the masons and are running up the brickwork in rapid shape, and in the matter of another week, Mr. Prang will have a very creditable building for his business. ?M ,1Z►D were [r.wa` k_M d. Len. Haw with ilDetroit • par-• Farni eats, Mr. and Mrs, Oscar Klopp. Inipienients • WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND 4 WILL BE GLAD TO SUPPLY YOU WITH JUST THE E KIN DOF MACHINERY THAT YOU NEED THE MOST, AND THAT WILL4 •' GIVE YOU MOST VALUE PER DOLLAR OF COST. CARRY A FULL LINE OF PUMPS; PIPING AND FITTING • AND BESIDES WE INSTALL OUR PUMPS Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Reith, and Mr. Gerald, Bedard, .motored to Ingersol and other points over Sunday. Mr. Harold Newcomb, of Goderich was .a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs, E, E. "Weide on Tuesday. • Mr. Elmer 1 assoid of Detroit, was a Week -end visitor at the home of Mr and Mrs, Jos, Geiger. 14r. and Mrs. Cy, Green of Grand Bend, visited with. Mr. and .Mrs, W. C. wagner on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Heideman. and family attended the Heideman reunion which has become an annual event, at Bright's Grove, near Sarnia Mr. and Mrs. John Truemner of De trait, were Week -end visitors at the home of Mrs. E. Truemner, they were accompanied by Mr. Truemner's sis- ter, Mrs. Ayres, also of Detroit. Rev. and Mrs. Dreier, who spent their holidays in Chataqua Lake, in New Yark State, returned home on Wednesday last, and Mr. Dreier had full charge of the services in the Ev- angelical church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Magel, who have spent a few months living in part of the house of Miss Anna Hess, left for their home in Detroit, on Tuesday morning. Their son, Mr. Garnet Magel of that city motoring over to get his parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Wilson of Ham- ilton; Mr. and Mrs. F. H. VanEvery of Toronto, and Miss Winona Kaer- cher of Kitchener were Monday night visitors at the home of Mrs. Lydia Pfile and Miss Pearl. The three vis- iting ladies being sister, and daugh- ters of Mr. Ezra Kaercher of Kitch- ener. We greatly sympathize with Mr. John Jeffrey of the 14th Con., Hay while threshing at his place on Tues- day, in some way he met with a very painful accident by getting his hand caught ,in the machine, and severed three fingers. Mr. Jeffrey will be a great sufferer for some weeks sides being the loser of these portant .members of the body. Mrs. C. Fritz and son Ward, and Miss Pearl Wurtz are away to Wind- sor this week, and taking in a most enjoyable time, while "Dad" of bet- ter known as "Charlie." has to share and content himself with the hard- ships of "batchelor's life", which is not just the pleasantest thing for a man so busy as Mr. Fritz, but he has one consolation during these days of trying hours, namely, "he is the whole Boss himself." 1 Brown's Shoes Popular Brown's Great Mid -Summer Shoe sale is in full swing and the next 1, Agit days will close one of the most successful Sales ever run at this re- !iable Shoe Firm. This is account- able by the fact that Brown's never advertise a sale unless it is genuine, and with the Herald's publicity coni- Aned it could not be otherwise. Wom- :den's White Shoes are being offered rediculously low prices as well as .'omps and Oxfords and the men have lot been forgotten in extra values. In Children's department also a great laving. The extremely dry weather contin- ues with apparently no signs of rain. The pasture fields are all dried up, and recently the later crops such as :eans and potatoes and corn, are suf- .;ering terribly. We had anticipated a splendid crop in the latter, but if conditions will not change in a week or so, we cannot predict just to what extent these latter crops will be. The farmers find it impossible to do any J1. plowing for fall wheat, and this will indeed lessen the acreage put out in this very important crop. The har- vest, which was one of the best we know off, is practically all in nad farmers ary busy threshing and get- ting ready for the bean crop, which proves to be light this year, and some fields have already been pulled, while a great many others will be done in the coming week. d 0 M GARAGE SUPPLIES • ♦• WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE SUPPLIES, AND 4 • • a CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANY KIND OF AUTO 4 d PARTS, AND BESIDES CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON SAME 4 y DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND RE. 4 4 BUILDING BATTERIES i 6 YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED LET YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE A DE LAVAL • • We have the Agency for this District, 4 • • 9 d s 9 0 8 Tires, Tubes, Gas, Geis and greases, 2 L. A. Jr rang - Zurich e0ar►®+*++0+4$9.4.**+i++s.e***a-0 .++e+41.+06444$.s09.60,®ae.e4$4 n..,4a +++++++++++++++++++4.4.4.+44++." ,,., ;..144.4.4•4.4.+444.4.4.464.+÷ 3.÷.«3.,1 4 + 4 a AT $8,75 WHY NOT BUY ONE FOR STORING YOUR FURS, BEDDING, 4+ ETC. THESE CHESTS ARE LARGE SIZED AND WELL 4 FINISHED AND WILL ADD TO THE BEAUTY OF ANY ROOM, CALL IN AND LOOK THEM OVER. CEDAR CRESTS 4. + + 4 4 + + + + C. KALBFLEjSC be PHONE 6 lin- 9 dE ZURICH ++++++.+4440416++++++++++++++++A+++++++++++++++++++++6•1! +++++1++++++1Fel++A+t•+++ ++t+++h+ +++l++++l++f+++F+++6•1! t, *asaaaas+a,aa,04•*ea*s •6aeae41aeeeaeae41ases41eaee, 1 1 1 Your 1930 Coal NOW IS THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR TO PUT IN YOUR SNPPLY OF COAL FOR NEXT WINTER. OUR SPECIAL IN„ DUCEMENT FOR CASH SALES IS WORTHWHILE, AND BE- SIDES WE HAVE THE LOWEST PRICES FOR SUMMER DELIVERIES ACT NOW Fertilizer WE CARRY IN STOCK AND ARE SALESMEN FOR THE BEST GRADES OF FERTILIZERS ON THE MARKET, PRICES CON- SIDERED. LET US QUOTE YOU OUR PRICES DELIVERED AT YOUR DOOR. BE SURE AND CONSULT US BEFORE BUYING L. Schilbe & Son amili S mwoom ac immeo.NN."•. i.••60Nr liaithWithiiIiiiAWAVANWAIIVANdr§ ELECTORS OF HURON SOUTH In view of present unfavorable world-wide conditions, for which the Government of Canada is in no wise responsible, accept my warm appreci- ation, with that of the Prime Minister upon your approval of my record as your servant, and your hearty endors- ation of the record and policies of the Government under the leadership of the Right Honorable MacKenzie King Your obedient servant, TF tea. McMILLAN 1 with the purchase of any one of these at PALMOLIVE SHAVING CREAM COLGATE'S RAPID SHAVE CREAM C COLGATE'S HANDY GRIP STICK ■ Zurich Drug Store � WE'RE GIVING AW1f GILLETTE'S New Rete, With NEW Blade AlvS + ; * KODAKS AND FILIMS Fr fir, Ar 3. MacKinnon, Zurichi PAMWMA, MAW i