Zurich Herald, 1930-05-29, Page 7•
Reduced Prices
Red Label Tea
Japan Green Tea
Orange Pekoe
11-1b. 60c.
1,/2-1b. 30c
1 -Ib. 70c
1/21b. 35c
1-1b. 85c
1/2-1b. 43c
You can now buy from your grocer at the
reduced prices the Red Rose Tea he has in
stock. We refund to the grocer the drop
in the price, we bear the loss.
Toronto, Ontario
The Fool With a
The action of Nova Scotia in closing
her forests for a month except on
special permit issued in emergencies
is drastic, but in the opinion of the
authorities no doubt justified. Forest
fires are burning at several points. $o
far no lives have been lost, although
the people of one town have had a
very narrow escape.
This. Is the danger period in every
Canadian forest from ocean to ocean.
Cumbered with the waste of the past
year, not yet protected by the new
lush growth of early summer, millions
of acres are at the mercy of any
chance spark that,will spell disaster.
Once started, there is nothing save
heavy ram that will stop the destruc-
tion; and often the ramn. does not
The very great majority of forest
fires are the result of T laser careless-
ness on somebody's part. Every Gov-
ernment in the country spends for-
tunes on fire protection. Our forests
are patrolled, regulations are nailed
on thousands of trees and buildings
across the country, and yet one fool
with a match can undo the work of
years, Mtn irreparably not only miles
of forest but in some cases the very
ground on which the forest stood, and
Saves Babies in China
4404 • ,
• ,
• ..v•
Crying Babies
Are Sickly Babies
Vancouver cows have become the foster mothers of children in China
and Japan. Fresh certified milk is now being carried from' Vancouver to the
furthest ends of the earth, since New York, Montreal, Australia, South
America and London, England, have already been supplied from the British
Columbia port, Scientific refrigeration on the big white liners of the Cana-
dian Pacific fleet plying between Vancouver and the Orient is half the secret
of the success of this long distance delivery of fresh railk; the other half
is the quality of the product from the Brooksbank Laboratories certified milk
farm. Carrying milk, as fresk as when it came from the cow, from Vancou-
ver to Shanghai, a distance of 5,419 miles, is a big job and even the speedy
Empress of Canada took 14 days to turn the trick, counting in stops at
Honolulu, Yokohama and I0be en route.
W. F. Jones, manager and proprietor of the Brooksbank Laboratories,
has a theory that the cow which feeds the child has a right to the same treat-
ment and attention as the child's ,mother, and above lay -out will show some-
thing of the eareful grooming and spotless cleanliness of stables and animals.
endanger, if not actually destroY,
human life.
The forest is very lovely at the
dawn of spring. It should be free to
all who care to seek it, but if its an-
nual slaughter goes on, as it has been
going for years at the hands of those
who should be its protectors, the Goy-
ernments of all the provinces will
have to follow Nova Scotia's example.
There are manifestly many people
who cannot be trusted in the woods
in springtime. It may be necessary
to keep all people out until the danger
be past because of their criminal folly.
—Montreal Star.
People "All Nerves"
What to Do if You Find Your-
self in This Condition.
The sort of thing that specialists
call nervous debility Is the run-down
condition caused by over -work. and
household worries. The sufferers find
themselves tired, low-spirited and un-
able to keep their mind on anything.
Any sudden noise startles and. sets the
heart palpitating violently. They can-
not sleep well at night; their hands
tremble and legs seem unable to sup-
port them. Such a condition is indeed
Doctoring the nerves with sedatives
is a terrible mistake. The only real
nerve tonic is a supply of good red
blood. Therefore the treatment for
nervousness and ran -down health is
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, -which
promptly build up and enrich the
blood. The revived appetite, the
strengthened nerves, improved spirits
and new strength which come after a
course of these pills will delight every
You can get these pills from any
medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents
a box from. The 11)r. Williams' Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Men of genius need a special kind
of woman to help them in their strenu-
ous lives. She is rarely one of the
dazzling, conquering kind, but is rath-
er the little brown -bird type, gentle,
helpful, cheering, with much of the
mother -love mingling with the deeper
ties for the brilliant, wayward man
she both wives and mothers, and who
so often is in her eyes but a big gifted
child to be humored petted,. cherish-
Let no man presume that he can see
prospectively into the ways of Pro-
vidence! His part is to contemplate
them in the past, and trust in them
for the future.—Sonthey.
New Vessel Soon to Sail Noted Inside Passage
• ,r•rii.t.:att.
London Men's Clothing
be well child does not cry — it is
only the sickly baby who cries. The
well child is laughing and hapPy.
BabY's cry of distress is his way of
telling the mother or nurse that he is
ill. Therefore, if your baby cries do
not delay in looking for the trouble.
Baby's Own Tablets are a safe and
efficient remedy for childhood ail-
ments. They are a mild but thorough
laxative which through their action on
the stomach and bowels banish, cousti-
pation and indigestion; break up colds
and simple fevers and promote health-
ful sleep. They will make baby happy
and keep hint happy. They are sold
by medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont.
Irish Finance
Dublin Weekly Irish TimeS, Since
the establishment or the Free State
Mr. Blythe (Finance Minister) seems
to have been working on the assump-
tion that British standards still ap-
plied to this country. He has tried
to maintain these standards in respect
of social services, and he has been
forced to tax the people according to
the same standards. The time has
come now when a change ought to be
made. Mr. Blythe ought to tell the
people frankly that they cannot have
things both ways. Agriculture and
industry generally must get some
measure of relief,. which can be given
to them only at the loss of social ser-
vices In Great Britain Mr. Snowden
is determined to move in precisely
the opposite direction by increasing
the cost of social services. In the
case of the Free State, however, no
such luxuries are possible. Mr.
Blythe must cut his coat rigidly ac-
cording to his cloth, and the quantity
of material at his disposal is becom-
ing perilously meagre.
I will not doubt, though all my pray-
ers return
Unanswered from the still white
realm above;
I will believe it is an all -wise love
Which has refused these things for
which. I yearn;
And though at times I cannot keep
from grieving,
Yet the pure ardour Of my .fixed
Undimmed, shall burn.
—Robertson Nicoll.
Campers Carry Minard's.
Sparkles With Color
Tips For Sports Writers
Classified Adirertising
Pialto iV7c;VAT.
ties. Write for free catalogue, A. U.
Switzer, Granton, Ont.
and Barred Plymouth Rock Saby
Chicks, wonderful winter layers, We have
been hatching for 27 years. Delamere
Poultry Farm, Stratford, Onta,:to.
Chicks, always popular. Reeks,
Wyandotte, I,,eghorns, Vree
folder "Pin Money" describea
why their breeding "tells in the
nest.' Order early and save,
Trent Illectrie Hatchery, Trenton, Ont.
Man carries under his hat a private
theatre, wherein a greacer drama is
acted than ever performed on the
mimic stage, beginning and ending in
The second baseman couldn't catch
a cold in Siberia.
The umpire was blinder than an
earthworm in a London fog.
The home team got more runs than
a pair of silk stockings in a bramble
The game was tighter than a Pull-
man car window.
Dress reformers are continually call-
ing for drastic changes in the garb of
men but, according to "The London Seedy (reading)—Say, Hank, what's
Sunday Dispatch," men's shops are er haberdasher? Hank—What, don't
every bit as colorful as those which yer know wot er haberdasher it? r h
cater to women. Didn't yeever have no learnin'? .A.
In the West End. the outfitters; in
fact, threaten to outdo the women's
fashion shops. A Regent Street shop
displays gift boxes of orange -colored
shirts and lemon -yellow pyjama. snits.
Silk dressing gowns, in elaborate
bright hued as a summer flower gar -
patterned Paisley designs, are
den. Rich delphinium blue, dahlia ,
color, royal blue, claret, orange, and
sapphire shades, as well as brown and '
Personality and intelligence are
rated by experts as being more 'im-
portant than mere good looks in girls
who wish to take up a business career.
Nurses Wanted
20 Famous Greeds to (Moose from.
.Send for free chick catalog; it has
valuable information on brooding
Essex..: atthery
71n sr/adill j'hi, you,"
Box 207-W, gases, oat,
1/4, 1, 11/2, 4 and 8 Horsepower, all In
good condition. Cheap for Immediate
sale. H. Watkins, 73 Adelaide Street
West. Tninto.
The Toronto Hospital for incurables,
in affiliation with. Bellevue and Allard
Hospitals, New T:ork City, offers a Three
Year's Course of Training* to Young
Women, having the required education,
and desirous of becoming* nurses. 'This
Hospital has adopted the eight-hour
system. The pupils receive uniforms of
the School, a monthly allowance and
travelling expenses to and. from New
York. Por further particulars writr or
apply to the Su.perintendent.
haberdasher is er man wid a habit of
dashilf about.
It's a wise crack that knows its own
vermilion, form striking patterns.
Wide girdles of heavy silk cord lav-
ishly tasselled finish off these robes.
The newest ties for men are.of daz-
zle and searchlight patterns and slant-
ing shadow designs. Brown shadows,
strongly defined, distinguish raspber-
ry pink ties, and blues and reds•have
sharp shadows of contrasting colors.
Handkerchiefs match these.
The winter sport -goer will be a
cheerful-lookingPerson when he dons
his skis One of the latest jumpers for
his holiday is a vivid orange one, de-
corated with great black clubs, and a
two-color tam-o'-shanter in blatk and
orange too.
"For decades it has been an unwrit-
ten law that no man will tolerate elas-
tic to support any garments but his
socks," said a • West End outfitter.
'This bogey has suddenly been swept
"In the smartest men's outfitting es-
tablishments underclothing is now
supported by elastic waistbands
stead of by tapes.
"Pyja,mas, too, are not only fitted
with elastic at the hips but are made
OsIM01 to measure and shaped so as to make
The Inside Passage along the coast of British Columbia, where the ship a pelted fit."
runs north to Alaska for five hundred miles between rugged islands and a
mountainous mainland has a reputation among mariners that Is world wide.
No coasts, they say, except those of New Zealand and some parts of Norway,
known for its great fiords, match this stretch of seaboard in majesty of
scenery. There is only otie short gap during the whole length of the voyage
where the vessel is open to the full sweep of the Pacific. The rest of the
time the great islands Intervene and to all intents the boat is sailing along
It is qttiet and. peaceful. The shore is only a stone's throw
an inland sea.
away. The smell of fir trees in the air Mingles with that of sea Neaten.
The newest vessel to be put on this service has just been launched in
England. The Prince Henry will eall through the Panama Canal to join the
Canadian National Steamships fleet in June and will reale her first sailing
northward on July 3. The Prince Rupert and Prince George are already oil
the run and are known to the thousands Of tourists Who make the journey
from Vancouver, or Prince Rupert north to Skagway, Alaska, a the Yukon
event summer. Two other new ships for the Canadian National Pacific
Coast Service, the Prince Robert and the Prince David, are now under con-
Blowgiy "IIow do you manage to
kiss a girl when her chaperon is right
close by?"
Fastchap: "Why, kiss the chaperen
Little things make us unhappy, but
men will persist in marrying thent.
IVIlharg's Checks ralling Hair.
N ow "Fruit.a.tives"didit,saysMr.Alfred
” Gingras. Thousands write ner-
F E E L vousness, heartftutter, dizziness;
constipahon indigestion end over.
FINE Ihuti.t.niategpNfi,041.
in Canada may now bring
forward their Families,
Relatives and Friends
on Easy Terms.
For full details aPPIY:—
Dist. Supt. Colonization
Canadian :Pacific Railway. Toronto
Cyntless remedies are advertised
for constipation. Many relieve for
the moment but they are habit form-
ing and must be continued. Others
contain calomel and dangerous min-
eral drugs, which remain in the sys-
tem, settle in the joints and cause
aches and pains. Some are harsh
purgatives which cramp and gripe
and leave a depressed after effect.
Avoid lubricating oils which only
grease the intestines and encourage
nature's machinery to become lazy.
A purely vegetable laxative such
as Carter's Little Liver Pills, gently
touches the liver, bile starts to flow,
the bowels move gently the intestines
are thoroughly cleanseci and con p
a -
fon poisons pass away. The stomach,
liver and bowels are now active and
the system enjoys a real tonic effect.
All druggists 25c and 75c red pkgs.
041.1 I N.,
For Troubles :
due to Acid.
"Atter Baby Game
1 Was Weak,Skiimy
sine 22 Lbs.
"After baby was born
I was very weak,
Ironized Yeast feel fine. , I
LGaaiiiiii,eadBe2n2oitl.bs."—Mrs. r.a'n'a'Inhciaovsee intaykelan401Ctoruastc1510en, toSaalleclf,eortir7opYienaitoan,
of my record. I have been married ss years,
Thousands write new have 3 eons, 29, 25. 19; also 2 grandsons.
Tronizecl Yeast adds 5 to 15 lbs. in 6 and 2.0 months, I put down my.youthful
3 weeks. Ugly hollows fill out. Bony ggeliireaen.cer Vhdgis
nevereistVil tct:i;keisiag
limbs get .grateful roundness. Muddy - the day yithAut .takIng them. •
I caints')ige tirmnriihutsare2bit 119 pounds
skin gets .clear and rosy like magic.
01 ?I‘ °N4 SORES
"Sores on leg, ulcers, for months. Doctors
failed to heal. Then ISootha-Salvai healed
them infew days.n Jules Simard. "Soothe,
Salve heals sores, ulcers, boils, burns,
scalds, eczema, like magic. All druggists.
First -Aid
For all pains and aches, foot
troubles, cuts and bruises, or
general massaging purposes,
Minard's simply can't be beaten.
skinny. Since taking She 100kS 20 gears gounger
NSIVOUSlless, indigestion, constipa-
tion vanish overnight. Sound sleep.
new pep from very first day.
Two great tonics in one—special
weight -building Malt Yeast and
strengthening Iron. Pleasant little
tablets. Far stronger than unmedi-
cated yeast. Results in. % time. No
yeasty taste, no gas.
So quit being "skinny," tired, un-
attractive. Get Trellised Yeast from
druggist today. Feel great tomer-
row. Money back from manufaeturer
if not delighted with quick results.
hen oo
About two hours after eating many
Peop'16, Buffer from spiv stomachs.
They call it indigestion. It means that
the stomach. nerves have been over-
stimtilated. There is excess acid. The
Way to correct it is with an alkali,
which neutralises many times its Vol-
ume In acid.
'• The right way is Phillips' Milk of
Magnesia—juSt a tasteless dose in
water. It is pleasant, eflicient and
of me.
oristwo later on nlo for ins. peCtion.
To preserve your youthful charm you must
preserve your health. Charm, and beauty are
mainly a matter of health, so aro vitality and
vigour. .dllwillbe yours you pin your faithin
"little. daily dined.' ..9tart to -morrow, and
you will feel years younger before you are many
days older.
Krusehen Salts Is obtainable at drug and
department stores in Canada at 75c. a bottle.
A bottle contains enough to last for 4 or 5
months—good health for half -a -cent a day.
harmless. It has remained the stand-
ard with physicians in the 50 years
since its invention.
It is the quick method. Results
come almost instantly. It is the ap-
Proved method. You will never use
another when you knoW.
Be sure to get the genuine Phillips'
Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi-
" SO ears in correcting excess
Decided to take Lydia E.
Pinkboarn's Vegetable
Moncton, New 13runswick—"Before
imy last baby was born I was very weak,
nervous and dis-
couraged. I. saw
an advertisement
in the paper about
a woman. who had
been like me so I
bought a bottle of
Lydia, E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable
three bottles and
it carried me safe-
ly through that
critical time. 1
'have three children to care for and I
feel well and strong. I have told two
other women about your medicine."—
Mits. Gus Ansnx.rovr, 82 Albertstreet,
Moncton, New Brunswick.
acids. Each bottle contains full direc-
tions—any drugstore. ISSUE No. 21—'30