Zurich Herald, 1930-03-27, Page 3SUFFERED FORYEARS
Regained Health Through the
Use of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills.
Rheumatism is a disorder of the
blood ---caused by too ingots uric acid
In the blood. It attacks its victims
when vitality is low, thus setting up
Inflammation in the !muscles and
joints. Wet and cold weather may
start the tortures of rheumatism but
it is not the cause. The cause is the
blood—bad blood. Enrich and purify
the •blood and rheumatism will disap-
pear. If you are a sufferer from this
painful malady begin the use of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills and see how soon
the 'pains and stiffness will disappear.
These pills 'enrich and purify the
blood and good blood means good
Mrs. John C. McPherson, St. Mary's,
Ont., was a victim of rheumatism for
years and writes as follows of her ill-
ness and recovery. She says:—"I
suffered from rheumatism for nearly
sixteen years and for eleven years I Also •May and June;
was unable to walk. I tried a number In other months, unrulish—
of medicines as well as massage and And imitate the loon!
chiroproctic treatment without any Some others use their "thinkers."
permanent benefit. I was then so bad Also their hands and eyes;
that I was at a loss to know what to Their brain`s are clear of clinkers—
April Foolish --- and Wiser
By James Edward Iauugerfold
Some folks are April foolish,
And serge al•e wise,
And some are just plain "mulish"-
And "cop" the donkey prize;,
Some kick the hat with brick in,
And smash their big toes flat,
And others cash the "trick" in--
And walk off widh the hat'.
Some get "the laugh" on others,
And .chortle at the "joke,"
And make fun of their brothers---
Who help them when they're broke!,
Some step around a bill -book,
They don't think holds a yen; ,
One grabs it with his "pin -hook"-'—
And finds inside—a ten!
Some think they'll "put it over"
On "soft ones" they can "carve,"
And spend their days 'tin clover"= -
And let the victims starve!
But when at last they waken,
And take stock of their wares,
They find they were mistaken—
The "booby prize" is theirs!!
Some folks are April foolish,
try next. I noticed in different papers
how strongly Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
were recommended for cases like
mine so I decided to try them. After
taking several boxes I noticed that
nay appetite was improving. The pains
became loss severe and my color im-
proved. I continued their use and
now I am able to do light housework.
1 wish I could impress on all rheu-
matic sufferers just what these won-
derful pills have done for me."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do one
Using but they do it well—then en
rich and purify the blood. This rich
red blood banishes such troubles as
rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia and
neuritis and leaves the former suffer-
er robust and healthy and well able
to take his or her place in doing the
duties expected of them. The pills
are sold by medicine dealers or: by
mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
And these are April Wise!
It's difficult to relieve the breath of
suspicion of halitosis.
When a fellow gets with a girl he
gets away with anything he tries, but
after he's married he tries everything
he can get away with.
Judge—"Prisoner, have you any-
thing to say before I pass sentence?"
Prisoner—"No, your honor, except
that it takes very little to please me."
. Death Stalks Vienna
If the present death rate prevails in
this city in two hundred and fifty
years there will not be a soul left.
Every month there are seventeen hun-
dred more deaths than births. Last
year there were 380 suicides against
867 deaths" from epidemical causes.
Three per cent. of all deaths in Aus-
tria is by suicide.
Health organization is the essential
framework of a sound body politic.
for cleaner — faster euttiTW
The steel used is :node and spec.
ieliy tempered in the Simonds
plant andwe can and do guar.
antes every Simonds Saw.
SAW Co.1-TD,
Montreal - Toronto
St, Tohn.N.B.
.4 -Sq
'li co magic, says '• r. atigny.
Thousands writekidney and bladder
ills, constipation, indigestion, gas. back-
ache end overnight with "Fruit -a -fives".
Nerves quiet. Sound sleep et once. Get
Fruit-a.tives"from dru sttoday.
"There's a hole in one," said the
golfer, as he reached for his socks.
The shepherds watched their flocks
by night, which shows that neighbors
have always been about the same.
It is hard to understand a girt be-
fore she is r•^•cried, and even harder
430184 6Z4 , ,dverhailaft
In a certalit village in Ontario there' A se. RA
BY Cal
S J --W I X r ,iii r
was a family consisting of loan, *IQ- as tiv[ rte far tree eatalaguei 1. tr.
Mian and four children, They got Switzer, Granton, Ort,
along passably well until the xnau, tr"�[dc,i4fi,Ctl.T) txOlaa1N 1[lJ1.I,8
lee of his responsibility as a parent, J k tY Az of serrleetai to heap Peter
dal l do 1 rted for parts unknown, t '..1—
de o n h ... Whole
the brave little mother became the vii- ou, 4i�aro .tiiiaif. sewing 1>ay. Wou•lt sfsnt
lage wasberwornan to earn enough to foo Marti nje;le'CII ian1",Ma4114 ngp'
keep lies children together, Working i Comluany, aor;reat,
for other People all day she .had little
Beryl Brown, 18 months of age, youngest traveller ever to have made a
trans-Atlantic trip alone,travelled half way round the world by the time
the reached her mother in Red Pass, B.C. She came over on S.S. Minnedosa
:o Saint John and thence by Canadian Pacific to her home, She is showingn
her doll to officials and newspapermen who came to see her in her sleeping
car aboard the train.
There are still a lot of people who
will take checks from people they do
not know and then yell for the police.
Charleston—"And say, dearie, they
even took my finger prints:'
Black Bottom—"Hey? Well, look
at what you took first."
Her child is a never-ending source
ot joy and a never -failing respOnsi-
'bility to the fond mother. It not in-
frequently happens that minor ail-
ments of the child distress and puzzle
her; she does not know just what to
do. yet feels them not serious enough
to call a doctor. As just such times
as these it is that Baby's Own Tablets
are found to be mother's greatest help
and friend.
Most childhood ailments arise from
Your superiors are those you de-
light to catch in user..
Ile—"What do you think of this
invention ot the artificial larynz?"
She—"It would be a splendid relief
if church ushers would get wise to it
and have all larynxs taken out and
cleared before the sermon -starts."
Sell better merchandise for less
money and you'll get the business and
it will make no difference whether
your place is called a chain store or
rope store.
It's only three years now until the
World's Fair in Chicago, and we be-
lieve we can wait.
su ...ell Y 1a
NO effort was me t fi d him and L eis'ysti Sir ^rig' s4) `i o DC 1GAISS
d light t serving at home.
time to train her children, and the old
est—a boy of twelve --developed p11-
firing habits that soon made him the
talk of the neighbors. The magis-
trate decided to send him to the Re-
formatory and a social worker was
deputed to convey him to the install—`
tion next day. For safe keeping he
took the lad home with him and as
be was going to the church meeting
that evening he, took the boy along sol
lie could have his eye on him. The'
good women gathered at the church
became interested, and the pastor sug-
gested that they make him the subject
of their prayers. A discussion follow-
ed which led to practical results. The
boy was found to be a mighty fine
youngster only needing encourage-
ment. His sentence was rescinded
and with contributions from the mis-
sionary fund of the church the family
was assisted to become self-sustain-
ing. All concerned were made very
happy as a result of this friendly In-
tervention: J. J. Kelso.
'r --
British Trade in Canada
Saskatoon ' Star • Phoenix (Lib.) :
There is only one kind of action by
Canada which carr stimulate British
export trade, and that is, of course, a
reduction in the tariff on British
goods. The preference now given ap-
pears substantial, but it is not enough
to overcome the British exporter's
handicap of distance from the inar-
ket. By its 1919 platform the Cana-
dian Liberal party is pledged to in-
crease the preference to 50 per cent.,
making duties on imports from Britain
just half of general rates. This pro-
mise should be redeemed in Mr. Dun-
ning's first budget. There was never
a more appropriate time for taking
a derangement of the stomach or that step.
bowels. Baby's Own Tablets will im-
mediately banish them by cleansing
the bowels and sweetening the stom-
ach. Thus they relieve colic, correct
the digestion, banish constipation and
make teething pains disappear.
Baby's Own Tablets are guaranteed
to be free from injurious drugs such
as opiates and narcotics and may be
given to this newborn babe with per-
fect safety and beneficial results..
They are sold by medicine dealers or
by mail at 25 cents a box from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
Listen to the exboration of the dawn!
Look to this day!
For it is life, the very life of life,
In its brief course lie all the
Varieties and realities of your
The bliss of growth,
The glory of action,
The splendor of beauty?
For yesterday is but a dream,
And to -morrow is only a vision,
But to -day well lived makes
Every yesterday a dream of happiness
And every to -morrow a vision of hope,
Look well, therefore to this day!
Such is the salutation of the dawn.
exist -
The Maritime Lumber Trade
Saint John Telegraph -Journal (Ind.):
The announcement that the Canadian
National Railways has successfully
negotiated with the Boston and Maine
Railway for a reduction. of 1.; per cent
freight rates' from the Maritime -Sn'a •
vinees to New England points is being
received with gratification by lumber
Some weeks ago the Cana-
dian Pacific 'tiilway made a similar
cut in rates. Now all points in the
Maritime Provinces will benefit from
-the savings to be affected.... The
whole question has been handled from
tend mint :Sind a satisfac-
Care for )your hands.
By Daily Use of
CuttcLira Soap
fatal hashes and irritations
with i))uticura Oiilliitntent
1 o4,tomv8.
P: °rrtiagb
p c,q irrOt4Acai
GA3ae - __...
What most people call indigestion Is
usually excess acid In the stomach.
The food has soured. The instant
remedy' is an. alkali which neutralizes
acids. But don't use crude helps. Use
what your doctor would advise.
The best Help Is Phillips' Milk of
Magnesia. For the 50 years since its
invention it has remained standard
With physicians. You will find noth-
ing else so quids in its effect, so harm-
less, SO of ;cleft.
a. business s -----
tory conclusion has been reached, DO YOU
without the old-time political fire -
works which attended the settlement
of such problems. Another of the re-
commendations of the Duncan Com-
mission has thus been carried into ef-
fect to a major degree.
Vickers—"Did You carry a etove Oil
yoyou think we c
ur Damping holiday?" Wiekors--.
"Where do poked, o
the mountain ranges?" � y
Use Minard's in the Stable.
Mr's. Watt—"William, will you never
get that string untangled for me?"
William — "Well, I'm doing thirty
knots an hour now!"
Empire Trade
London Sunday Express Ind.). Be-
tween 1913 and 1926 the percentage
of American trade with the four Do-
minions and with India increased by
over 6 per cent. During the same
period Britain's percents go declined
by nearly 10 per cent. In these cir-
cumstances it is hardly astonishing
if American critics express surprise, I
tempered by apprehension, that we
should be so slow in organizing our
Empire as an econcmic entity.
Exactness in little duties is a won-
derful source of cheerfulness.—F. W.
Child (to stranger in a car)—"Dad-
dy, daddy!" Mother—"Flush, dear.
That isn't daddy; it's a gentleman.
Prof. R. L. lllulveney's
Tapeworm Remedy has
Horrid monsters in two
No st-rvin: necessary,
trouble whatever.
Write for full int
Dept. A, 211 Ossingtoa
World Famous
to three hours.
no sickness. no
Ave., Toronto
So easy to tet quick relief and pre-
tacin the future. Avoid
vet an at
Keeping Air Cool on bromides and dope. They relieve quick-
in Summer lY but affect the heart and are very
dangerous. They are depressing and
The Santa Fe Railway has been ex -only give temporary relief, the cause
perimenting for several years with of the headache still remains within.
the problem of keeping the air cool in 1 The sane and harmless way. First
club, dining and sleeping cars, during •correct the cause, sweeten the sour
the summer season. and 'add stomach, relieve the intes-
W. J. Black, passenger traffic man- food matter, nes of hgently cyerilnulatand e the liver,
ager, states that at last the problem foodart the bile flowistg andlthet bowels
is solved. As a starter, a contract has pass off tlhe waste matter which causes
been closed for early installation of headache Try • Carter's Little
reconditioned air, cooled by a patent-
ed process, on dining cars of The
Chief, the Santa Fe's extra fast and
extra fare flyer.
There is absolutely no draft, the
cool air being brought in overhead,
with a resultant uniform temperature
of 65' to 70 degrees Fahr.
One tasteless spoonful in water nem
tralizes many tinges its Volume in
acid. The results are immediate, with
no bad after effects. Once you. learn
this fact, you will never deal with
It Is a curious subject of observa-
tion and inquiry, whether hatred and
love be not the same thing at bottom.
Each, in its utmost development, snp'
poses a high degree of intimacy and
heart -knowledge; each renders one
individtlai dependent for the food of
his affections and spiritual life upon
another; ` each leaves the passionate
lover, or the no less pa.s"sionate hater,
forlorn and desolate by the withdraw-
al of his subject. Philosophically con-
sidered, therefore, the ttvo passions
seem essentially the same, except that
one happens to be seen in a celestial
radiance, and the other in a dusky and
durid glow. The Scarlet Letter.
"A man's best, 'desires are always
the index and measure of his possibili-
ties; and the most difficult duty that
a pian Is capable of doing is the duty
excess acid in the crude ways. Go that above all he should do."
—now -- why this method. is "Do not think that what is hard for
learnthee to master is impossible for man,
Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' but if a thing is possible and proper
Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- for man, deem it attainable by thee."
clans for 50 years in correcting excess --Marcus Aurelius.
acids. Each bottle contains full direc-
tion—any Minard'S Kills Dandruff.
iver Pills. Druggists 25c red pkgs.
I f
Weekly Parties During Early
APPLY NOW—The Secretary, The
Salvation Army Immigration:
808 Dundas Street, Woodstock, Ont.
480 Jarvis Street, Toronto, Ont.
114 Beckwith St., Smiths Falls. Ont.
1225 University St., Montreal, Quo.
"A aby, Was Weak,
Skinny. Gained 22 Lbs."
ironized Yeast did it, says Mrs.
Benoit. Thousands say 5 to 15 lbs.
gained in 3 weeks. Nervousness, constipation
vaniah overnight. Skin clears like magic. Get
Ironized Yeast tablets from druggist today. ,
2Tbe World's Fastest Growing in-
dustry. Demand for Trained Men Far
Exceeds Supply Well Paid Positions
Open to Our Graduates.
xtrcet Ers Toronto
310L' Tongs Street
..=,. •J 1Mmvterndsitch OL
"Baby had terrible eczema. Soothe,.
Salve' ended Itching in 1 Inkede. Disease soon
left" ---Mee LL*urenee.Stops itch, burn, pairs
in I minute. Eczema goes for good in few days.
Sldn becomes clear. smooth. Ali Druggipt.'
Massaging the aching parts with 1
Mi nerd's brings comforting relief.
Try It.
t Sorer
nue IN .INS eon
IN NosTR,IS,... EArty otl�
11,25 Ail Druggists Descriptive folder on request
80 Fifth Ave.. Note York City
Why not Help
Could not Eat or Sleep
atter Husband's Death
Her husband's death left her very run
down in health, unable to eat or sleep
eats iand sleeps We1l.cugWhat chter in a used irits tt e
difference ? Let her answer in her own
words :--
" I think Salts are stand's a splendeath id
tonic. After my
December last I became very run down
in !health. Had terrible fits of depres-
sion and was unable to eat or sleep
much. 1 was also troubled with
rheumatism. 1 decided to take Erus-
eben Salts and have now taken the little
daily dose for nearly two months,
during which time my health has
greatly improved. The rheumatism has
completely left me. I am much
brighter in f spirits and both eat and
sleep well.
When life begins to " get you down,"
when you begin to feel the results of
modern artificial conditions- -errors of
diet, wont', overwork, lack of a terCise—
then you should turn to Iiruschen Salts.
They possess a wonderful power of
giVing new life and vitality to the
countless millions of cells of which the
human body is composed. The way tm
keep smiling is to take Kruschen Salts
every morning just a pinch in vour
first morning cup of coffee or tea.
Don't impose too great a strain on
them. Aid with Warner's Safe
Kidney and Liver Remedy
. ,The day your kidneys break down,
yon health and usefulness are over.
Modern life, rick foods and other unnat-
kidneys u and ons nliver, ake ti Is yourhealth
still good? Then keep it so.
i Start taking Warner'O Safe Isidaey and
Liver Remedy while your kidneys aro
stronger than they may ever be again.
This safe herbal remedy 1s pleasant to
take, helps liver and kidneys to throw
of b dy poisons that may prove danger-
ous. For more than 50 years thousands
of grateful sufferers' have testified to its
rEvery druggist will tell you that War-
ner's Safe /Kidney and Liver Remedy is
an old friend. Get your bottle today. 1t
costs little but its value is beyond prise
in cases where its known action is bene-
ficial. Don't wait until kidneys are bad.
I Start aoW. Warmer's Safe Remedies Co.,
Toronto, Ont.
Warner's Safe Kidney and.
Liver Remedy
thare eg'sittt ski`+ el " 'r •i
aimiinliaQilerooa brRIaa' ZN.r
lingihe5mm+taaCoMlaot y.i.
Cher N ompinln Dl' o
neither Onium.btoryhin¢n°`
Miners,. iNvorN,• a!arnrlc
CoasAilpoiona•+dD o»QI
rtsuientth rena1A.0 0l a
radish srtne
A cry in the night may be the
first warning that Baby has colic.
No cause for alarm if Castoria is
handy! This pure vegetable prep-
aration brings quick comfort, and
can never do the slightest harm.
Always keep a bottle in the house.
It is the safe and sensible thing
when childreli are ailing. Whether
it's the stomach, or the little
bowels; colic or constipation; or
diarrhea. When tiny tongues are
coated, or the breath is bad.
Whenever there's need of gentle
regulation. Children love the
aliases q(l
taste of Castoria, and its mildness
makes it suitable for the tiniest
infant, and for frequent use.
And a more liberal dose of
Castoria is always better for
growing children than sotne need-
lessly strong medicine meant only
for adult use. Genuine Castoria
always has Chas. H. Fletcher's
signature on the wrapper, Pre-
scribed by doetorsd
If yon have never tried iiruschen try it now
at our expense. We have
adiotri n d make
many special ' GIANT" p
It easy for you to prose our claim for yourself.
Ask your druggist for the new "GIANT" 75o.
a separate trial bottle ular ufficient ftogether
ra b ut
one week. Open the trial bottle first, put it to
the test, and then, if not entirely convinced that
1Craselten does everything we claim it to do, the
regular bottle is still as good as new. Toga it
back. Your druggist is authorised to return
your 750. immediateiyy and without question.
You have tried Xruschen free at our expense.
What could be fairer ? Manufactured by
E. Griffiths Hughes, Ltd., Manchester, Eng.
(Bttab. 1750). Importers: McGillivray Brea..
Ltd., Toronto.
'Your Vegetable Com-
pound is a good medicine.
Anyone who is in poor health
should not hesitate to try it.
When I was taking the Vege"
table Compound I 'tried the
sample Liver Pills I foundin
the package. I have taken
them every night since and I
can feel myself improving. I
am so thankful for the good
they do me that I have told
several wgrnen about it."—
Mrs. C. W. Posliff, 263 fltiron
St., Stratford, Ontario.
Veetable� .:.
L,ar..',L.,Prn M,hxl^ Mrd Co.. Lynn MIt'ri {J°
,rob Cubt'Ii Dewy. oan.cil S'
ISSUE No. 12--'30