Zurich Herald, 1929-12-19, Page 8?Ami, EICIIT. THE ° STORE WITH THE STOCK The Christmas Store IMAI; E THIS A REAL MERRY CHRISTMAS FOR ALL YOUR FRI':NDS'BY DOING YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING HERE, V�tf RE YOU WILL FIND A GREAT VARIETY. OF, SUITABLE GIFTS FOR EVERYONE. FOR, WOMEN F1:77; TAPESTRY RUNNERS, AND CUSHIONS TO MATCH. RAYON BEDSPREADS IN ROSE, BLUE AND GOLD. SILK' AND VV.4'OL SWEATER COATS, GEORGETTE SCARFS, BATH TOW- ELS, S, WITH CHENILLE BOARDERS VERY NEW, LINEN TOWELS, NEW SILK LINGERIE; FULL FASHIONED HOSE, Pia SOLES WITH AMBER TIPS OR HANDLE; .HANDKER- CHIEFS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. FOR MEN ;'EW SWEATERS; SCARFS; CAPS; MITTS, GLOVES; FINE, SHIRTS, .NECKTIES, PAJAMAS, SOX, BELTS; PURE LINEN AND SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. A in Chinaware and Toys Complete array of Chinaware and Toys of all kinds on display rear of Store. Walk to end of Store and iiupect tiles& lines. You will be sure to find many suitable Gifts to interest ycu.` New Fruits, Nuts and. Candies WE CARRY A LARGE STOCK OF NEW FRUITS SUCH AS RAISINS, CURRANTS, PEALS, CANDEED PINEAPPLES, SLICES GLACE CHERRIES, SHELLED WALNUTS AND ALMONDS, (ORANGES, GRAPEFRUIT, CRANBERRIES, WALNUTS, ALM- ONDS, LM. ONDS, FILBERTS, PEANUTS, CHOCOLATES, CREAMS, AND OTHER CANDIES IN GREAT VARIETY. J. GASCHO & SONS Pmfuu Wanted Phone 59 JOINT DEBENTURES HURON and ERIE DEBENTURES Can be issued jointly in the names of two or more persons. sir the event of the death of any one of the investors, the Debenture is payable at maturity to the survivor or survivors without recourse to Law. This is a popular way of investing money and many investors in Huron and Erie Debentures have taken advantage of this plan, 11 50 Is now paid on these tried and true Debentures, twice a Year. r Applications received at any time''byi Before you Invest INVESTIGATE! Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO -SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? .!VIMCP. M'RRAL*.huss414,T)e'v"eitatber t10t41k3*. :+10,404++14,0+44,114+4+++4044++41.144444+44++.++++44 1 �' u "Will 1 A Fine assortment of Xmas. Gifts at Mer- ner's for everydoby in the fa Find Aho Candies and nuts at 'moderate Vices J.1M. MERN3R YELLOW FRONT STORE'. PHONE NO. 145 MEMS OF: LOCAL II TEREST Mr. Jahn Hey, Jr., motored.to3Lun- ,don on Wednesday. Miss. Ethel hess • is visiting at Et- mita. Mrs. Theo. McAdams and sonwere Western Farmers' Mutual Weather. Insurance CI OF WOODSTOCK' The Largest Business of am in London last Saturday. 1 Canadian Company .doing Mr. Louis Hartman of Windiaar,,. Businessin Ontario - is visiting: friends here. Sorry to report that Mrs. Ebner Oesch is confined to her bed with an attack of sciatica. Mrs. S. R. Knechtel of St. Jinsahrs and Mrs. Paulin of the West, who have been at the Ramie home' riche' for a few weeks left on .Wednesday morning for their respective hones. Mr. Wm. Thiel of the Bronson Line, has treated his family to a•. Shue phonogragh. Miss Stella Callfas of Kitchener, spent a few days with her parents iin town. Rev. Mr. Hunsberger of Waterpoo, conducted devine services in the•.hse.ai Mennonite church over Sunday; The -many friends of Miss We rlyn Thiel, of the Bronson, are glad to see her back to her homey from her re- cent visit in London. Mr.. Wes. _Callfas who has spent the summer sailing on the Great Lakes,' spent a fee'days at hs home here last week. Wes. likes it very much, and has again booked` or next season and says. "There is nothing like the sailor life. Mr. Ward Fritz was to Windsor the latter part of last week and re- turned with a good. used Chevrolet sedan, and then on Monday he• brou- ght home from the same place an al- most new Oldsmobile, which will .411 - deed mak an ideal car for -some- one for the coming season. 1 eelM1111011110001110111110111111000111111111411410001100110111111011101111111141011011011101111 The Best Place to Buy HARDWARE Postmaster W. L. Siebert, was in London on Friday, *here he •met his youngest son, Albert, who is a star player of the Montreal Maroon hock- ey team. The team had been play- ing at Chicago, and were on their home, passing through London, and during this period Mr. Siebert visit- edwith his son, and also met the other boys of this notorious team. The household effects of Mr. and Mrs. W. C: Callfas left for Kitchener on Tuesday' afternoon of this week, a large moving van from that place coming up to get the same. We un- derstand that they have purchased a residence at Kitchener, andare of- fering their Zurich property for sale. Mr. Callfas left withthe big van, while M :rs. Callfas and daughter Elda will follow by train. Their Zur- ich friends regret very much to see. them leave. The recent thaws the past week have helped in greatly settling ' the big piles of snow, and also cleared the roads to ,some extent. Then the sleet and ice storm the beginning 'of' this week has smoothen things to such an extent that one has to look where you step and go. The east and west travelled roads are fine for motoring but the cross roads are very slow with a somewhat crooked and rutty trail: Yet the cars seem to go daily to ' London, and have no trouble in getting through. SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, FROST WIRE FENCING, -. •• GOLD-. MEDAL TWINE, SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINTS, GOOD- YEAR TIRES AND TUBES, HECLA FURNACES, QUEBEC I STOVES AND HEATERS, HEATING, PLUMBING AND TINS- it MITHING, A SPECIALTY FURNITIIRE DINING AND BED ROOM SUITS, CHESTERFIELD SPRINGS, BEDS, MATTRESSES, CHAIRS, ETC. SEEDS SUITS,• BUYERS AND RETAILERS OF ALL KINDS Orr' CLOVER • GRASS SEEDS. SEE UR FOR PRICES AND QUALITY AND If in need of new furniture, don't s forget; we have it . STADE & WEIDO ZURICH ' ONT. ouriosesemissooreoupeopegolowoommoseirewsissameseemosit Amour oit Insuvenee at Rea on Die. 91st, 1928, $22,296,276. Total Cash in .Bank and Bondsy, $160,378.74 Rates --$4.5$ per '$1,100 for t Faris. E. F. Klopp—Zurich, Agent, Also Dealer in wing Res and all kinds of Fire Insurance illiner� E .DISPLAY: OF XMAS. GIFTS. CH `T+ H, REG.. ; 5 ANRENI1a $2.00ATSF6JlEi.00 VELOIltI TAMS, REG. $1..2.5 NOW 50c. ALL MATRON'S HATS IN BLACK Reg. $5.00 and $4.50, For $4.O0 MATRONS IN COLORS <� Reg. $4.50, For $1.85. ALL. FELTS AND VELVET FOR YOUNG MATRONS AND GIRLS 'At-, $1.90. . FLOWERS AT HALF PRICE COME EARLY . 'AND GET FIRST CHOICE AT THE • HAT SHOPPE O.NE ' tiOOR 'WEST OF MERNER'S } : , . BLOCK, Vera V Siebert Seasonable Goods Now -is the time of year to ft out t your home with new Furniture' I Also Simmons Guaranteed Spring s and MiOtressOs, SIS S •S$ •E 1A$NNMO' t. aarfc's Celcbrated � Paints and Varnishes :'•.FLOOR FINISI4XES, OIL STAINS, PORCH ARS FLOOR ENAMEL } ' CHI-NAMEL• VARNISHES r 00 �S All Lines , ofd Hardware and Thirware • GET *UR PRICES 69t1 WIRE FENCING AND BARB WINE' - • MILLER'S INCUBATORS; AND BROODIPS a' ' ; •S•EE'US WHEN IN THE MARKET FOR Pi.DiMIPSi., PLUMBING AND EA " ETROUGHIN4 PIPING, ETU, ATTEND& ED TO NT SHORTEST- *OTICE. CALL AND Sia.'? 1US Johuistoii'&KaThfleich Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 • •+++++++ ph,1F+++�F++++++ �F�F+++i•�k E++fE�i�+4i�+�tri+F�l lQr�• Our local merchants report as the Christmas trade- being very ,good so far this 'year, with only a week more to go. Do. your shopping now be- fore the last few day's rush, and give the merchants a chance to give you the best of service.. The Herald publisher is printing a number of cards which will be hand- ed to subscribers of the Hay Tele- phone System 'and subscribers to the Herald who when renewing their Sub- scriptions, will receive a copy of this card bearing the names and teleph- one numbers of all the private phones in the village of Zurich. This card can be tacked beside your phone and whenever you want a number in Zur- ich, at a moments glance you will have it, instead of looking up the party and number in the large book. We are making this contribution to ;,;,r subscribers. We would vary much like to give a calander, but at the subscriptionprice we are selling the Herald, we do not think our fin- `antes would stand it. So let ue hand you over one of these Tele- phone directory cards of the village of Zurich. ul:�llr�uuuuuu���a.�.�t��lluuu����;�luluuuma>?���!��lum►ull�tuuutuuuuu��Iu�u+i.�w�uil�;�;u�muuuumu;Illus;�l;llu�^��uf:a;�i;;e�lio�� NOTIGE! A .to Tops Buggy `''ops Wagon Repairing Pain Second. Handed Ingge IIESS - ZURICH: INIX1114111I Il zalf( "ul i u Fa"rFl. I1119111lilll3ik ikVARI2�iia�,.4•E9 IIIIllllllIIIIM1ENVIMI' „puli111111111ilif A'fi? ISd1111!,?'. ""'. ` 11, h++++*++; ^+ ++++r+++++++++r+.th+ +++++++++++++ ir44+44 }. ANNOUNCEMENT .>« • �` irp t d Agents i dt for tea. We have been at oin a ens a rec '' a ZURICH AND VICINITY FOR THE FOLLOWING LINES OE 1 TRUED AND PROVEN PRODUCTS OR WILLYS :OVERLAND LTD. WHIPPET' ARISTOCRA.T OP (THS LOW PRI- !!1S PET' FOUL CED FIELD. SEE IT;• DRIVE IT; 6. COISPARN IT WITH ANYTHING AT THE PRICE. A TILED AND PROVEN PRODUCT OF QUALITY P. ' . THE LOWEST PRICED BIZ ON 6 VY MITET SIX- TSR MARKET, A CAN wrra A .4 How to Produce Layers Poultry farmers will find it profit- able rofitable' forthe purpose of building up the laying capacity of their flocks, to select' the best laying hens of the flock and mate them with males from heavy -laying stock. In one experi- meant, fifteen of the best layers were Mt" apart for the production of hat- ching eggs' and were mated with the sons of heavy laying hens., The first year of test. the fifteen best hens laid an average • Of- 123.6 eggs and five years later the yield of the best Mt- een had gone up to 246.2 eggs per hen. } ;MOUND REPUTATION • 4 t. 4+ + 4, + i• t aF 4. a+++44+44444414.14++++++++.1011444444;+++++++++444+444++ Willys Knight TWO MODELS, ROVIDED WITH THE FAMOUS SLEEVE VALVE MOTOR. IF IN NERD OP A CAR ARRANOR TO 829 *18- BHF'ORH BUYING BLSBWUER E. ^ A SATISFACTORY 'DIAL ASSURED, BESIDES: "WE GIVEJAYOT.J. SERVICE" . Mousseau Zurich Don't forget to attend the two Christmas entertainments next week when the Lutheran church will celeb- rate theirs` on Tuesday evening, or. Christmas Eve., and then on 'Wednes- day . evening the Evangelical church; will hold their annual event. And don't forget there is a real approp- riate mid -night event at the French, Settlement • R. G. church on Christ- mas Eve., Tuesday night, when their. new pipe organ will be dedicated, and a suitable program given. Let; us allbe loyal to our Savior by at tending the varies festivals, us e! knor they will all be good and ;gave: us fonil hemories of the Most + `I tial things of life,. j HERALD OFFICE 1 .Do You Knowe • I q. GOOD PRINTING THAT WM CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED MIDDIES INyI'TILTIONS AND ANNOKINCEMENWS Ism, WR PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH AS LET'19RSBEADS, BtLLREADS, ENVELOPES AND THAT WR ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING z*wu STANEMENT$ API' TIbRRS OF COUNTER CURCK BOOKS, ANDCAN SUP- PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CHEM 90044s TEAiT WRCCAItIT IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, BNVRLk OPEN SIN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON On TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, iEMORIAY ET- ATIONERZ,,NOTE ' BOONS, RECEIPT HOOKS IN TWO EIVES, FOOLSCAP STC., H'dCe t TEAM WE. FILL YOUR ORDINARY SUR INH BOTTLE WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN DM FOR Se. LAMS - GER QUANTITIES AT BIGGER RRDUCTIONIS THAT WR PRINT POSTING 'BILLS, AUCTION SALE POB - THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FAR IBM JIEKCAN•TILE POSTERS .3J' ALL 1#E E RAI. :44+,l t>h .. '11Mlr4'I'41+'4ti1iPM^+►+s^iR "I"441,44f 1, PRINTING OUIt SP EICIALTY