Zurich Herald, 1929-12-19, Page 5lielar lea l'9 al: motica UDLI Y E'.TiousiEs eAssurom, SOLICITOR, NOT IDI;Y p171114l0, RTC, IAFFIC111.-Haesillton Street, JatM-fte !Ignore, GODRIS Q • al attention to Conner n! d Work. .11111 Wants, For Sl lOr, erotw Pound. Novice. Et. Ads IN Tim comas ,-",1001.0. PT - NOTICE Is hereby that at the party 'who Wer took ',a blacksnake whip from a 'Hob may b+' oonl et sock h m the , Evangelical Church • 1rcb by l?lion+,°d Phopo Shed, Dashwood, return same at once curs** revorimia. to its owner and avoid further trou- ble. as the party is known. Dr. H. 0.. C OW E N L. ix a. D. D $. i.DErITA,L. SURGEON At DE11TS BLOOD.-•21t1PrR Igvary ThursdaY, Friday, Saturday fit IIAHTLEIB'S ELOCED DAS$w®OD Keen Idonde'Y, Tuesday and Wednesday OSCAR IrLOPLlaraNat- School M. Jones ahool of ,uctiOatering. Try R•glatred Liv Stock, lleeter .d+)• Terme ,in keeping 'Choice . d prevailingan Wanything Ch tom ah Will 1! . ythi ce R,aywira. - Zurich. 9-n or writ•, Licensed Runtime'. FOR gIIRON do DIIDDL$SEX. TO CON- AMIN ,A POSITION Sale, r+g�� CARD OE THANKS M. Peter D'eichert, dr., wishes to greatly thank the neighbors and fri- etds for the ,any kindnesses and sympathy shown during his recent loss by tire, and wishes one and all a• Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. NOTICE. TO CONSIDER BY-LAW AT MEETING OF COUNCIL Take notice that a By-law for raising $20,000.00 under' the prvis- ions of The Tile Drainage Act, will be taken into consideration by the Municipal Council of the ,Township of Hay, at the Town Hall, Zurich, on the 13th day of January, 1930, at the hour of three o'clock in the afterafter- rismeafter- risme- A. F. imps, CTerk Township of /lay: We Ford Rear valves MIA any auction**IL , 1 all makes of Cars; We give special �b or article to attention on oiling. and greasing all go be oiat bu Io+da► �d i► ntit makes Q cars Rt►{iat•or ant'i�-freeze tai! will mea no chart! �..ttention, Fire {,epalring; Have yoiif Arthur Dee•t++► ' springs oiled. ' Zurich. trot iti Leonard Prang, 'Wm ! •1S --51.;n �= specialize ei the following: Transmission Linings. -Ford Ends; Ford Springs; Ford', Grinding; Brakes re -lined on Mrs. P. J. O'Dwyer :and Mr i,_ Weido were at Condon, on Wedges.- day, When you are satisfied, we are pleased, try our Ford Servise, We stock Genuine Ford Parts, all ,lnod els '1912 to 1929. --Sandy Pinot, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'Truemner of the 14th Con,, Hay, also ,Mr. .and Mrs. Roy Merrier, of the same hue, entertained a number of their friends' to fowl'sappers on Saturday evening,. Mr, 'and Mrs. Henry S�ehade of Dashwood, were Sunday visitors at the home of •Mr, and Mrs, C. L. Smith. Let us have your order for a Christmas goose or . turkey.Thos.. Meyers, Zurich. Messrs. John and Jacob Deicher; of town left on Friday to visit their vt brother, Mr. Henry Deiehert, at Ne Haven, Mich., who had become very ill with a stroke, and who since has passed away. The two brothers are remaining at New Haven, till after the funeral - A new water cooling .,system has been installed at the Williams flour. mill, of town, to take care of the large fuel oil engine that develops the power to operate the mill. The for mer system of drawing the water from a deep well and letting the hot water back into the well, did not cool the water sufficientlytly for the engine, The new system with the large tanks, the, engine room in the Oita. will be kepi nice and.warm during the nights, which will make starting also much easier in the morn ing. Mr. Priest, of Wingham, who installed the engine two years ago: n not in this cvstr`m_ OveTStPC 29x4;40 30x3k Tires, Tubes. brilhis FARM FOR SALE _ . In' Hiy To`wiiship, Bronson Line censisting.,vf 133 acres • of choice ciao loam. Tatem' is ir*1l fenced ami al'. dreiped. 2a acres of wheat, 30 ac rEs.' lo�wedy the batnRce in grass, acres of •bush. 3' aezes of,. _orchard, l god well; a blun with windmill, and a. we , at;house, both. are neverfail-, Ing; gyod brick hoose, and the follow Ing oa:.thuildings: Barn 47x75, with ,strirar shed Gix42 ; hen house 24x20; .sheep pen 24xI6; drive shed 52x20; $ } v" d abed 24141.8; kii,citear 7,$x114 and ;Measrs, Albert Hess, '1'Vr. G. Hess, D. Fuss and • W. J, I1lerner motored to Landon on Monday - Ray •Council met on Monday for the last offleial meeting of •the year, and Nomination will probobly be the neat big gathering of .ratepayers, which falls due on Monday, Decem- ber 30th, when these various officials will give an account of their services rendered during the year, ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church "A Changeless Christ for a Chang - Ing World." In addition . to the regular ser vices a Special Christmas Program will be presented by the Sunday School, on Christmas Eve., Tuesday, December 24th et 7 o'clock. German Christmas Service, with Holy Communion will be celebrated on Christmas Day, December 25th, at 10.30 p.m. Confession service to begin at 10.00 o'clock. Friday, 8h: Luther League. Saturday -Choir Practice. 10, a. In: .'German Service. 11.;, 5 Sunday School. 7:30: English Service. itliee8osis, � 31A30 feet. • i' , For";.d'u er limetrieularsapply to proprietor, w 1E11r t. Zirk, It, -B. 3, Zurich. -0 t:!-:-‘-'311' -‘ MABU- T 1IA E pURCHASEU WHAT ::WE FROM THE FIRM OF TUNGBLUT IDEICHERT, THIS WELL ESTA 11615111ED-IIRAT. ROSINESS.. AND SOLICIT'OUR. PATRONAGE Yi nO)u , &Sir ieeeetee4;eoeneniiee•-eseiieieee �. '.!.•tel Agood young Holstein cow,' due 'on April 29tH,, next. Apply to Henry Clausiiis, Zurich. FOR. SATE _ ' FOR SALE Knotter Knitting elfaeldneanearly new. Apply ate -home • of Mr. C. : Sclarag.. Miss Nancy. Gingerich, own- 'er, R.R.2, Zurich. tf-22 Annauzlce1ent ;rR1N�+',• rP•R ES NOW iN EFFECT ''ara:FOR crCoal a:tai. CIAO A1Jbe:.rta r Coal. Soft ,Coal,. dAe SPECI1ti. JJ S€OUNT OF 56 Cts. Per Ton *lithe allowed for rash. `H'ur'l+, Ei 1 aanricesevrili adealit . ou Jeans title. Cale & Sion 'Mona '3'S Produce Wanted Highest cash .prices paidfor cream, Egge and PoultrY Themes 'Meyers, Zurich Phone 116, , The Hoist Bakery, . of : Zurich putting on display a line large Chris mas cake, which will go to the pa Everybody Wsleome to all Satvices. E. Tuoikheii i, Paster. Evangelical Church. Notes ZURICH - ONT. Tuesday, 7.15 p. m. -4r. League. Thursday 7.30 -Prayer, and Praise. At home of Mrs. J. England, riday 7.3e p.m. --Senior Lague Friday 1.31 p.m. --Choir Practice Christmas Is Coming The strangest, most arresting, eart-warming and jubilant day is Christmas. It is the supreme miracle t'ising above all others. ' It is impos- sible to disbelieve 'it. Everybody cel- ebrates it and is effected by its` charm and power.. Jesus around whom it all revolves struck no military blow for freedom. He wrote'no hook, mar- shalled no armies, had no' money; was executed for high treason as a (criminal. He lived and died in a small country. How was'he different !Why do we decorate with holly and -`Dr, Hess' Stock and Poultry Food. silver ribbons? Why do sober and careful ' people' go into ecstacy with I -lavish love and spend hundreds of dollars, while at other times they r*•' • •4 • "''WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IIVMPLEMENTS, ANO: WILL BE GLApr:.TO, SUPPLY YOU WITH JUST THE KIND O1►, • 1 MACHiNERY T$4 h OU NEED THE MOST, AND THAT WILT„' • <. 411•01EYO1) Mar VALUE PER DOLLAR' OF COST. CARRY A FULL LINE.OF PUMPS;. PIPING -AND ErrrniGn • AND .BESIDES WE INSTALL OUR PUMPS, /o► LET YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE A DE LAVAL' 0004 • r'E 0 01/1 *0009. We have the Agency for this District. • 1 1 4 a i' s•.: i i • 11444N••••••••••••••••••••4♦411410••r4•••••••4•s••••444.• 0444++++4.0+444#4444-11++++++0 +44+4441141.11•4104+4-1444 .11 GARAGE SUPPLIES • WE CARRY A COMPLETE LiNE OF GARAGE SUPPLIES, ANAND• • CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANY-KiND OF AUTO • PARTS, AND BESIDES CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON SAME • DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND RE. 4# BUILDING BATTERIES YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED �' Tires, Tubes, Gas, Oils and Greases' L. A. Prang - Zurich 3 The Winter Season 15 THE IDEAL TIME TO REPLACE OLD FASHIONED FLOORS OR DOORS WITH THE MODERN HARDWOOD FLOOR OR FRENCH DOORS I LET US: QUOTE YOU ON COLONY HOUSES ALL SIZES AND f KIND BUILT UP AT THE MILL FOR SPRING DELIVERY F.. 0. PHONE A9 YLEISCR ZURICH MI 444.4N4444.444-/+i4ii+4+ iiii6•4444+44+44i4+4i44►il0lf' !!i M NBN.RN MOM ' . Stook Foods y. who can guess the nearest to 'the exact weight of this cake. If we grudge pennies? -Why the full stock-! only knew just what we don't kin* ings, celebrations, blazing candles., we would put in the right guess and fragrant evergreens? `is.. it only cue save mother the trouble of baking : torn -or habit, business acumen, ecru- cake for -this occasion., Noe -nee- tfinentarty and pitiful' delusion.? will in advance congratulate the win roe' of this cake, and J fac -Y0,,b1 will already -have one= at home, we know that this one •, do - noted by this splendid baker; Will as very' appreciative and tasty to' cd't. The `Igpr1 life Assurance a. of Canada main OFFIGB -- TQZt01i•TO E. E. Wuertia-=A4ent ZURICH Phone 11-11 learaat+a and Accident Insatrance.' 4 litarififft, cos cowls: 1229 HEMSALL L irVE - p o U LT R.Y-, WANTED 'Fakes esi►ry ' day till 5 o'eloak p.Ua ,,ll o not feed P'owwl, nem* aiuornini *hen brought in. Highest Cash Prices -CASH FOB -r ream alb Eggs a O'Brien COLD DAYS " ! Fowi win be very seasonably pric-' ed. 'this Christmas as the na a't` is very slow. Owing to the eaz;y cold weather in the West,the foee season has started out there earlier than. us- ual. The Western pools }save started to market their poultry and..seine .140 cars of dressed poultry are enlre'adY rolling towards the llontraet=aild o' ronto markets. Tuikey,..wiilch.'• are usually high at ChristMeS :seenz.;.to, be The don's do it foot Alexander's, Ceasar's and Napoleon's birthday. Jesus is the only hero of the ages who stands the test, who feasts both body and soul with imperial banquet- cing'_that develops, a jewelled charac- ter and golden crown. To •liim the Christmas bells shall' ever ring and. their .echo will never fade out. Num- bered thousands kneel before him, in incomparable loyalty, devotion and love. 'Was there ever a really and truly Jesus? A Miracle? The answer is self evident: This Icing -ago 'Carpen- ter, despised; discussed, loved, hated, worshippedl'by men and Angels, lives and performs every recurring miracle ofadivine grace in human hearts. Is a drug on the marlcpt already and 1 he your Saviour from sin to -day?. will lie unusually low°. One of our local, dealers bought"turkey the past SU:eDAY•SERVICIti week and took it to J,ordoteem.S t- urday, end paying :26c ..., #io', a Worship 10 A. M. farmer here, and after, taking it1ito Subject -Christi' joyous ti 'wane --Bible School: ` J. IL Welch*, iiipaelatealiont. London market, '• the. 'best heat), Id get was 19e..,poUnd.;.-This`;,sure'. • is ,a slow way of, iriaking money, and farmers who have fowl tto selishould not expect too big a price from pie: r local" buyer, as they ,i' dint' to to loose.. everything •,theyp'-tossessi-lZut "he with us fox a tidier at, YES, THE COLD l YS' ARE HERE AGAIN! AWE YOU PREPARED?? WH ARE Prepared with a large Supply mi HIGH GRADE FUELS !Genuine ScrantonAnthracite, Sol. way Cake, Mil'ler's Creek Soft, 'Pocetiontas, Cannell, Galt Alberta, and .Sinal* Pea Coat for Banking DISCOUNT of 50e per ton allowtid forc C y;t1 PAYIVIIINT ONLY 1 HE BALL -ONT ' ' OJTh a Phot .x' Ido r6+P.o 1.Q4w1{' • ,'dispelling natel day - and fear WereRip: T.311 P. M. •. Subject -The .gift of a •Son • who is ;wonderful and mighty.' Roe W .:Y Diver. •ser•• BettTh n Ever �• e Commencing December 13th we will as :in the past . years hold our Annual Christmas Sale. Come and see. ENDS JAN. 6th, 1930 Gillets Lye, 2 for 25e 7 lead pencils for 25c. Comfort soap, 15 bars •& pail 99c Boy's. Sweaters, your price Prints per yard 18c Gingham's per yard 18c Rayons per yd. 25c German Print, yd. 30c FROM -DEC..13th, 1929. Dates per lb. 10c. Corn Flakes,,' box :10c , Corn Starch, ,10c. Icing sugar, 2 for 19c. Raisins, 2 for 25c. 19c. Broken Sodas, 2 foCascade Salmon at 19c. 2 lbs. green Japan tea $1.05.•. Men's Wool Underwear, Reg. $1:50, Now $1.24, Snit $2.49. Men's Fleece Lined Underwear, Reg. $1.00, Now 85c, Suit $L65. Men's Flett Shirts, Reg. $1.35, Now$1.19. Reg. $1.15, Now 98c. Black Overalls, Reg. $2.50, Now $1.911. Suit $3.90. Blue Carhartt Overalls, Reg. $2.75, Now $2.19. Suit $4.29. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR ALL REDUCED. CANDIES, NUTS AND ALL CHRISTMAS GOODIES WILL BE SOLD AT ROCK 130'1 rOM PRICES, DON'T FORGET AT: 1 Sfia;'Ak, J. e i. s' Store •,. AT DRYSDALEt• ONT. ALSO MASTER BRAND LAYING 'MASHES, PIG CHOW, COW CHOW, BEEF SCRAPS, OYSTER SHELLS, ETC.• YOUR 1929 COAL " NOW 13 THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR TO PUT IN YOUR SUPPLY ' GOAL• FOR NEXT WINTER. _'. OUR SPECIAL IN. DUCIMENT 13 SOrCENTS OFF FOR CASH SALE, AND BESIDES WE HAVE THE LOWEST PRICES FOR SUMMER DELIVERIES. 'p' ACT NOW! . • SiSe & on 4041110W ilf MMrWAIMANi w . Zuriah Dru Store CHRISTMAS GIFTS We have a nice assortment of articles which will make beautiful and useful Christmas GIFTS OMSMMORlNSIINRNS4SOS0 Toilet Sets, Manicure Set and Military Brushes. Perfumes Toilet Waters and Perfum- t izers. ,u us or Fine Stationery and Fountain Pens. tor KODAKS AND FILIMS •r r. A J MJ. 1114oKirmori, Zurich