Zurich Herald, 1929-12-19, Page 4orrti arPk! » ,... ---•- :. UR BI •.l. SELLINGVii_fiSALE! WILL BE SOLD UIVTII, EVERYTHING .• • +��Tihlhi� TO THE BARE, WALLS : We have�had Wonderful.. Success during this Sale,. -. itself that We ar"e Caving absolutely t. which speaks for _ the Biggest Values that Money can buy to -day. 1. .l. The more You buy, the more you save, whirl is good Business . on Your Part.' flys are offering navy specials to the Public," -and + in order to benefit thereby you must come ften. x. Coed Staple Goods selling at the low Sacrifice. Prices is just why we are turning .this large stock into ready Cash, in so short a time. Cottle often and share in these never -heard -of Prices. '• NOTE: HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR DRY APPLES Phone L. WURM H 140 ors, R+ann Sto;pbemau s Or.nist, 'MOIL. Geo. ',Anderson; The linisinees wdis i then taken, For 'next year's lteaaliif the ladies are going to Weld their Ole -I stings he the mei es of the, ladies of the congregation„, The January 'ane- etittg will be Heid at the home of Mrs. W, Tanner. They are ,going,40 414 - low the programme jin the Missionary Messenger. The offering was then taken, Mrs, .(Rev.. Comtel' 4osodthe itprayer. T meeting with h lie ladies then had an afternoon tea .and a contest guessing a ,photo that each member treasured. Miss Eileen Turner teacher in S S. ha ' Christmas Ne. .3,, H&�'» •as yang a programme as the .sehooihouse on Friday aftexmaon, .December 20th. Everyone welcame.` Quite a few took la the:J,aok Rab- bit drives this week.' And •ail .report the Jacks quite plentiful: • Miss Elda Stephan ,of Clinton Bus- iness: School spent the , w,eek--end at her .hone here. Mr. Clarence Reichert o .London, spentthe week -end at his home: Mr, and Mr's. Alf.. Beirl eat .held a Birthday Party for their twin boys on, Monday evening. •IENSALL T. 411++++++++++++++++++++++++1++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .Nt ++++++fi++++#•f+*4+t+•►ep+Qr&+i'++++4.+3•++++++++++++•`I' 411i00000010000110000000000000000•00004/00000000•000000•00- }.410 •,.! de 2 s we sell morel New Fords we get more�used 'cars z" ' • more: used THESE AVER,....: + ,: a 1)19x28 Ford Coach $550.00 1928 Pontiac coach like new $675.00 • :1927 Ford Coach $275.00' •' .'1926' .Overland Coupe $390.00 „;3925 Ford Coach $150.90 1926 Chevrolet touring $200.00. i;' 1921 Ford Coachf$4O.00 =' 19 4(Studeb4ker toi1rii!'g $150.00 :192.6 dl oupe $225100'-'-' •1927 Ford Truck $275.00 ;ARD TRUCK, 1923 AT , .0 . , ,,. • • .,.. 4. s : • *125•:00 W''' SANDY ELLII ,. '' -7 WE SELL AND, WE SERVE F9R9, CAR: l ••_ . .'. ZURICH EXETER. •W !wM t, 1 Roy Smale, alter visiting, tor, . a couple of,weeks at his home here, re- turned to Windsor. Wm. Consitt wee in Tar onto,..;. the past week. • :. M,rs. Lee .Hedden, of Hamilton,and, formerly • of our village, is here as- sisting in the post office for the Christmas rush: Her many- frien ds are glad to see her. Mrs. Sari. Steacj and ,son Jack" of Detroit, were wisitors with. friends in town. Reeves .Turner of Goderich,, Hend- erson of Morris,, -and Kennedy of Tu- ckersmith and Robt. Johnston, of Goderic,, ,were in town on Wednes. day last: Lawrence Heffernan' was in Lon -- to get an -��ay examination. he time. Made an investigation aiid fg- has been in poor health • for- some and Simpson unconscious on the; time and his' many friends hope for floor, ster fin., Middlesex C9unty. I+Ier' huaranel .:predeceased her' by' tWelvc yceurs,. One sister and five brothers setxvive. . Bisset Bras, of Saltford Heights Creamery., exhibited butter at the Royal Winter Fair, `Toronto;, and took four prizes, three firsts and one third. They' took first for 14 -lb. tt; 'twv I,9tb,, 1:9,29 Navugatioa - Closed a:t ' Codea�ich 70oi week lex feutc:lOet and the winter 'Beet' consists ' of elevelx' steamers, all oaf whicbs aare• oval ed b1► Canadian' Steam- ship Companies. „The severe cold and and Sturrey weather last, week slow- ed up navigation tum a great extent and the formation of ice, especially. it . up the lake, a:ddecl; tai -the difficulty box salted, 1.1-1b, box unsalted, 14- of the vessels bound down the lakes. ib. box October butter,,and third for 'Tim host, cress to, steam, into trio rJune butter. Their dune -made but- ter ter would'iio doubt have,,,,taken a hig- her plce' had its not been: f er the un- fortunate' " circumstances' that , some foreign; 'tYbstance get into 'the box a ont •at Z or o white rpm stowage , discol- oring rfat`t of the contents , M. and Mrs. George Eccleson, of Grand Bend, left, on Monday last for Toronto, where they will spend a week with their daughter Elia, be- fore going south. for the winter. There passed to rest on Wecesday evening last,'one of Hayfield's oldest and most highly respected.citzens in the person of Sarah Reid in her 85th year. • The` remains of the late D. Parkin- son who died in.Florida arrived in Exeter. on Sunday last, Mr. Rowe going to London for same. The fun- eral being held of Monday, interment in Exeter Cemetery. Mail service by' • airplane between Leamington and • Peele Island • opened the. other day with•Pilot Fitton, of. London, and an' • Exeter boy,- as air transport in charge of the plane. A- bout ten tons of small mail and ex- press were piled up at Leamington post office and will keep the pilot.•,a- going for a few days, as the can carry' only 300 pounds at a time. )Centralia and • community .were shocked the .ether .day when it was heard, that Kenneth Simpson, assist- ant in Smith's chopping •mill, had les right arm terribly • mangle,d, his arni having been severed below the elbow. Simpson' had asked, Smith. to take his place. fora few zalnutee Svhile. he went to the engine room. Mr. gosh dol; on Tuesday last w-.._-• . @ " , IthtrilcinQ hg was an unusualy Logi vim_. e, n doc a a r s the. Cbox• wa G�od,ericlt• harbor whichcarried a icargO of 245,000 bwshel•G of wheat Aar the• local Elev- ator.. oinayssh'iet6 reOuttAV One i'nnttite4 es, 43,449; ,Mn aunt to Int, raised ect, S10,900. or thereaboUts. • ,Tbo ,loal-Agrkultorat :i tepresentative poi~ Clinton reported; 'Considerable tithe has been s1 e l installing ::dipping tanks for :step, conducted dipping !demonstrations and giving ; deinonstr mations sof internal :'rations. Parasites: `e'oiitnrol has come to 1,e necessary Part` in sheep management. It can be safe Iy said that mare losses to 'the sheep ;owners are slue to parasites than any sthing seise The number of breeding, ;ewes in the totinty is almost double what it us two years ago and we believa: there is still "*omit for further ideveilirpennuit"' An unusual, motion. ,was made during the session by the• 'reeve 'till' Bay sans! the'Deputy Reeve . of Stepisen that the Dominion Gov ernnnent be .mineralized asking an increase in the xlut on beans corn- ing into Caliada.Warden Ibees,.• however, riled` tdotion out of or- der; A resolution was •introduced re- garding he keeping of all county roads open d'or itralSc duffing the win- ter. The matter was left in the hands of the County ingineer. Next year the Conservatives • are sup osed to have the arming of a warden and it looks as if the llauniur might ".go to' Reeve Baelver of Brussels, should he be returned. limott peeve Trewartha ,of Clinton., .anVl come: in for '• the • honor. Hurn County Council Among the.. many ' +trausacti ons which took place. •, at the December setting of the $Burin'County Council, we quote' the following: The Mat- ter of Old Age Pensions came in for a good deal of discussion, the comm- e n%ftee having bad: much work in get- ting the scheme inaugurated in the county. Up to Dee. 1st there were 923 applicants received' by the com- mittee. Of these '357 were recom- mended by the committee and. 351 were passed - by the Provincial Board. . 46 a ilications from . resi- dents of the .Baron, County -Home pasted by the ,Board: The estiui:a ed amount which wail be paid in this. col" unit' 101 be -491,200 of 'which Firs: couait "'s share WHI be $18,240...Arr a speedy recovery. Bert Doyle of Exeter, had the mis- i - Chris. Rau, of Crediton was .in the fortune to dislocate his shoulder the • village on Tuesday 'last visiting with other day. They were Moving some ears at the. garage whenone of them rammed Doyle against the wall, dis- locating his shoulder. ..He is now cal h' arm'n a ling friends. • - _ • J . The. many .friends of, Mrs. Henry: Cook are sorry to learn that she iis�; not thebeet of health. -` en�oymg es Wm. Beaver, accompanied by Rey and Mrs: A. Sinclair were in Seaforth the other. day to visit Mrs. Beaver,. who is confined tie the Hospital at that place. •• ' E Mr.. Gibbs of i?Vindsor, spent the: week -end visiting ..at the home ' of Mr. and Mrs. Robt.: Bonthron, The firemen intend having their annual : comr;tu_nity Christmas. Tree again. this year,.and it will be. eagerly - waited :Forby the:k tidies of the towns, Howard Leinmon was taken'to Lon, dott``I�o'spital suft'ering from a severe at'tac of apps chis , ' 7Clie pigeon allogene match, udder. the' supervision of John Passmore,,. was held !on Friday last at the local park groundh, and ,quite largely at- tended by',libth visiting and local sho- oters.Fred _Kerr of Crrediton;.:won the championship eve1ii sand clip, -kil• birds. put of ^The other day .while engaged, in packing at ;the HIeiasall y.Flax 1Viills, Williaiti 1lildebradt, .wito is an old lend efficient„,�eznplbyh ee, ad the. • ntis fortune to get the wrist. of hie • right hand ,caught between ,the iron; pack- ers, lacerteing,it badly.that,.he had to have a number , of stitebes put- in and will be off work forma couple of weeks. COUNTY' 'NEWS- The Children's Shelter;; Gods i'lti h; i 'reports the follo'Wing donations: Clo=!I thes, from the Fireside -Club of Knox jhurch; Godericllr„cannedfftiuit from 'Women's,,I t te, Artipurn•; treat of cake's, etc., from L.O.B.A. The shel- ter is now in charge of Mrs. John- ZT•iger;-late.• of Port Albert; as matron'. rieceeding Mrs Tho. Elliott, resign d. Mr anal "1VIrs TigerVare"reirtov=' Ong from Port Albert to make their ;;home permanently in Goderich,, also faaking and fruit, from North Street 'tinted Church. Cliff .Holland ;of Walton, lest: nig 'fine barn•by Are on Tuesday last. The tsuilding, which was very complete :With stabling, together,evith the sea- son's crop„ of grain and hky, was 'coin pletely consumed. Live stock w,es removed.„, The . Are was started+ from a cutting box, which was being oper- ated at time. ,Someinsurance was. Carried, but the loss is heavy. The other evening fire was discov- ered in the large brick residence oft W. G. Willis, Seaforth. The fire or- iginated ander the roof of the kitch-1 ,n;'and fanned by a gale• of wind, 'it zee its way into tile'"main part of the :.esidence before the . firemen who Were fighting it in a blizzard and in sera weather, ,succeeded in 'getting it under' control after a two hour str- uggle. It was one of the most stub - b rn firs the local b d has had [iIIIIiIhi(II11II11iIIIIfltli11III1II1fi11111111111IIIIIl11IIl11Rk!(I!11t1i11111:!!!'11111 Nlll,11I!I1111iL'f11i111II! 11III 1 s 1 shy 111111i1IF t r` THE NEW ES MOUSE Radios'PYeasure- Craft By the World's Pioneer Radio Engineers, 1isltr.•odu.pins the!,'iHiw► • Super $ensi{tine Super-R`ad o ft- "and; ed- q' ue'ncy' len d� Supine— =H erbdyite Circuits surpassing by ten times the Selectivity and Sensitivity . of any previous circuits,. placink.yl,9te Weis6ingliouse frsr` in Ove ide +.'of any receiving set on the market. TONE -Close your eyes and you will instinctively feel` yourself in the presence of the living Artists who are entertaining you. ►'OWERF'Ujr:Responds to ygu•, control like a giant racing motor. Ws is the only instrument that can fully satisfy the most critical a'adio enthusiast, Nothing Less than the realises, of. the. entertainers can compare itself to this marvel of the iadio age, the 'realization, of the Westinghouse Radio engineering aims TO SEE IT IS TO ADMIRE 1Tt TO HEAR fl IS TO DESIRE ITi BY ALL MEANS HEAR IT! HESS RADIO ELECTRIC SALES • WITH SERVICE III lilli(1111fllifllf i 1 l I1111fllil1111111111(111111HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIf111111111111118111111111@11111111111111111 II 11111111111111111II11111111 II 1.11111111111111111 1111 Il i H-11LLSGREEN *V, -M; at—The ladies' of the '16Tomenis idissionary Society held : 3ieir menial Birthday Party in the 1rsettent of the church on ;Wednes- i.oy afternoon, I7ectniber 11th. The leresitliant, Mrs. Cochrane presiding; %lie ;meeting was opened by singing tun. 5010 followed by prayer. The ,•,S`r.ripture tesson.evas read responsiv- sly froth joim 4Chapter. The ,ill was tailed, answered froti -the momma • text word "Gospel. The 'Secretary's and Treasurer's reports were read and adopted. Hymn 595 was then sung. The officers for 19110 were elected as follows: President, Mrs, J. Cochrane; 1st Vice -Pres. Mrs. R, Stephenson; 2nd Vice, Mrs, H. 'Tur- ner; Secretary, Mrs. R. McAllister; Treasurer, Mrs.' W. 'Turner;- Supli1:, Secy., 1Virs. Chas. Stephenson.Mess enger Secy., Mrs., W. Carlile; PAS rying is i sling. Charles McIntosh, a respected resi- dent ,of, Hullet, celebrated 'his one- -hundredth birthlay, on; Wednesday last. He was born in Aberdeen, Scotland, Dec�•'dth; 1829, 'aria' came with•his• parents 'to Oaiiad, at • the age of. lour years. The family sett- led•in Quebee••remaining about' four years, ,then came up to Hui -on, set- tlf g• first 'in Goderich Tp, at; what later.:became Porter's' Hill o a riga e. s. a to contend with in many years. Tlie roof of the kitchgen and the rooms below warn badly damaged, One of the oldest and most widely known residents of 13rucefield in the person of Mrs. Wm. Scott,. died at the home of her daughter-in-law, Mrs, A. T. Scott, en Tuesday last. i he deceased had reached the age o'. 88 years and rune to Bruce fug (d with her Masbate]. 65 years ago. She we Secy., Miss Annie 3'errott;, i e the eldest dateefeter of the 'etc- And. Secy., Mrs. Ross Love; Hoene 1lcip Iiew and Mary I'eatiic;,, o YVeacrnin• 1 re ais��s Bakery n Your Cas The - makers- of Haist's Tasty Bread and Cakes are ,giving away , a Large Decorate l'Christmas:CatoYt Lucky Person guessing the closestto the exact -weig . CAPE TO. RE WE16 *ED+, O1�T gHRISTIy a S E.4.‘..4:-4171*E.4.‘..4:-4171*rII)O'clock: A FREE GUESS WITH' Ee" VERY' SorUfCIIASiw- ONE- hl1ESS -TO A CUSTOMER. EMPLOYEES N AtL9I 1 TO'I IEEs-. • t i sec Wit± • • S You caiaoi appreciate ,Radio tnttii you know more about FADA .NOTHING COuLD 1BE MOI 'SUI'!- ABLE FUit THE WHOLE FAMILY THAN A NEW FAIYIL SOME THING FOR, TETE WHOLE YEAR 3 The new PADA modees aro a profiitaiale imentn 'enL Years of entertain- anent are built unto them. At the: sacro low prices and liherad deferred payments FADA is not way, worth investigating—It, is well •worth buying THERE IS A FAi 'A MODEL FOR EVER IEOM.E.. John Hey,J Zurich