Zurich Herald, 1929-12-12, Page 7SHOULD
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Start today to relieve your
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11 ihini
fl.( S4.;tiOUNTRIES"
Further History
Of P ssche dae e
Latest Discussion of Costly
Offensive 'Revives Old
Director of •13ritisi Military
.Operations Su>nrrlar.izes
Entire .Movernent
Interest continues in the refight-
ing of the "Battle of Passcheihcla'le,
svlzielh was re-opezi.ed on i rmistiee
Day when Gen. Si'iArchibald 1\iac-
Douell spoke at a ceremony iu Picton,
Otit., anti reealled`tlhis°deadly moment
of the war, Sir Arthur Currie made
a statement recently confirming what
the. Canadian First Division Com-
•slander had said in, Picton,
Since then he was asked: "Was the
real story never,.told until: Sir Archie
bald :liacdonell told it the' Other :day?'
"Oh, yes, it was toll," be • said.
"After the war was over there was who
real eeasan for keepisag it secret. t
told the Men of the Princess Pets the
whole story shortly afterI came back
to Canada. I don't just remember the
year, bait was at a banquet at Ot-
tawa soon fter I returned to Canada."
Sir Arthur Currie stated. at that
banquet that the Canadian troops had
been thrown in at Passchendaele' be -
Cause it was absolute] essential to
divert the enemy from the French
front, whee it wasa known face that
the French troops had broken out,
order toprevent wholesale surrender.
Two battalions of Fr'encli soldiers had Verdun:" in 1916 had exhausted the period of tremendous anxiety.: , . .
thrown down their arms the general streegtlh of the French armies. The Besides the loss of from two to four
A Good 'I
,af Wmr Waste
Hammond torpedo, radio -controlled, is fired during recent United States
navy tests off Newport, ILL The new torpedoes cost $12,040 and have six -
range. Puff and its gone,
th circumstances it is necessary to dorff. About the first two periods the
turn back to the early part of the German leader says:
year,' _when pile French effort under
Nivelie to hveak through the German
defences collapsed. He had attempt-
ed too much, blind to the fact that
"Tlie fighting became more severe
than .any the German army had yet
experienced. , .. From the 21st of
July till well into September was a
seriousness oI the situation that arose kilometres along the whole front, it
Made Some Furore was naturally concealed at the time, caused 'us very heavy losses in pri-
"I remember the .speech -making but in the interest of historic ...fact it sonars and stores, and a heavy ex
ay'now be stated. l)enditure of reserves, ... The cost -
quite a; furore," said T. C. Lapp, edi-
tor of the Legionary. "Gen: Currie
told the story in reply to a direct
,question asked by one of the men at- leged costly failure, conceived on a
tending'the_banquat. He replied that mighty scale and with corresfionding
he was very averse to the Canadians ly abnormal losses, imposed too heavy
being used to take Passchendaele, but a strain on a willing and gallant army,
Sir Douglas Haig told hits the whole the cord snapped, :and evidespr ead
outcome of the war might depend on hnti:tinies of a serious nature broke
this action. The action was fought out. The French authorities succeed -
nut so hunch for the purpose of cap! ed in hushing the matter up. But it Achieved Objects
turing the`town but to divert the Ger- was explained. to the British Com- Then there follows an :admission
man troops from in front of the slander -in -Chief, and thet'Britisb were fff that the offensive achieved the eb-
French army, where trouble had asked to play their part in preventing
broken out and mutiny on a large the enemy, from exploiting the situa-
scale threatened." tion to his advantage.
Views of Generals General Gouraud has expressed his
Brig. -Gen. D. C. Draper, now. chief opinion that it was .the: most critical
of the Toronto police, who partici- juncture of the war. Ludendorff in
pated at Passchendaele, said: "I his "11lemories" remarks that he heard grave misgivings and exceeded all ex -i Schools of beluga whales, which mea -
would much rather not be brought in- by degrees about the mutinies and i)ectation. The attack on the Dvina ; sure about fifteen feet in length, often
to an argument. Sir Arthur Currie, the losses, but that "only later did we had to be postponed repeatedly." I number 10,000. Such schools are
in my opinion is the only .man who learn the whole truth." Russia's Regarding the third period, Ludes -i sometimes mistaken by tourists for
powers of resistance after the Revolu- dorff again remarks on the "extremely ` whitecaps.
tion hact crumbled and Italy had critical situation, and says, "The me white whales come from the
enough todo to hold up the Aus ,];astern ii'ont had to send consider -1 ocean through Cook Inlet into the Be -
:beans. able forces 'there. The fourth period luga River. At tidewater, where there
"The thought of the possibility of brought "extraordinary. high west - is a maximum high tide of thirty-five
a German offensive - on the French age." "Two Divisions that had beenfeet, a long, wide net is laid. One end
front was almost too serious to con- held in readiness in the East, and I is staler -.1 ou the mud flats and along
template. In the existing conditign of
affairs it would certainly spell immedi-
ate disaster. Oue thing was certain,
Vindication' of French.... ly August battles . . . imposed a
"Thea\tive]le attach, with its al -. .heavy strain on the Western troops.
In spite of all the concrete protection,
they seemed more or less powerless
under the enormous weight of . the
enemy's artillery. At some points
they no longer displayed that firmness
which I, in common with the local
commanders, had hoped for."
Keeping Them Busy
Honduras Pips Idle Generals.
to Work as Road Over-
Tegucigalpba, Honduras. Road
betiding as a cure for • "revolutionary
lever" has been a .seems this year
In Honduras. It bas also answered a
question as to what the government
should do with its huge crop of gener-
Honduras needs roads and the gen-
erals are good bosses. So the super
frons commanders were detailed to
oversee road gangs. They did good
work, too. Nine of them were as-
signed to the north coast road, about
120 miles long, and among those who
made monuments for themselves in
the form of smooth highways were
Generals Angel alatnte, Bias Domin-
gees, Pedro Trinhinto, Francisco Val-
:adares, Rueben Barahona and Ric-
ardo Lardizabal.
Some of the working generals
were liberals and some were conserva-
tives, but they realized that good
roads avould ielouud to the credit of
their political parties and there was
much rivalry among thehn.,
Cu'r'rie's statement that the Battle of
Paseehendaele'has been opett history
fOh';a decade.
It is natural for children to be hap-
py, active and full of fun. When they
are fretful, fussy and disinclined to
Play you .may be sure something is
wrong. .A.lialost invariably that same -
thing lies in the digestive tract:
It Is to meet the need for an abso-
lutely safe corrective of,cihildboorl
ments that I3aby's Own Tablets have
been .designed. They gently regulate
the stomach and bowels and thus
drive out constipation and indigestion;
break up coldsand simple fevers and
allay teething pains. Concerning
them Mrs. W. E. Forsyth, Dover, N.B..,
writeele—"I would not be without
Baby's Own Tablets as I know of noth-
ing to equal then' for fretful, fussy
babies who are .troubled with colds or
sour stomach."
Baby's Own Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers . or by mail at 25
cents a box Elwin The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont.
iiiiilard's Liniment for Distemper.
Harpoon Replaced
By Trap in Hunting
Of Beluga Whales
Alaska Company Sets Nets in
Inlet ` to Catch Runs ; of
Big White Mammals
Anchorage, Alaska. — An Alaska
company near here has devised a
method of trapping beluga white
whales without tate bother of harpoon-
ing them at sea.
The capture and killing of these
whales is most exciting, as well as a
profitable sport. European manufac-
turers are willing to buy every pound
of hide produced here. The expensive
skins are salted before shipment.
They finally will evolve. into razor
strops, belt lacing, waterproof leather
articles, hunters' sporting goods and
similar high-class merchandise. '
The blubber is compressed for oil.
An extract from the jaws. is valued by
jects aimed at. i jewelers to lubricate watches and
"I was myself being put to a ter. docks. Meat is dried for dog biscuits
rible strain. The state of affairs in and the heavy bones are crushed for
the West appeared toprevent the exe- poultry feed and fertilizer. The pearly
cution of our , plans elsewhere. Our teeth, which are small, but- of pure
wastage had been so high as to cause ivory, are sold to curio makers.
'OOassified AciveriisOtnents
11,r Ultt7 MEIN W'.N"1'L1y' 'C1r- 0
1:v1 pay, easy work Barn while leurn-.
Ing barber trade under fermis Molekr
an orlean plan, avorid'smost reliable
barber school system Write or .
immediately for free catalogue. /Violet.
Barber College, 121 Queen West, Toronto
far our special offer end tree <,arplea.
English 'Wool Co„ 1' 0. Box 601, DDept, W,
should give out a statement of that
I tlhililc that den. Macdbneil is put-
ting it rather strongly," said 13rig.-
Gen. C. H. Mitchell, who served, on
the general staff of the second army,
"But there is this I can say about it.
At the end -of that 3'ea.r it was found
necessary to put fresh divisions in
that part of the line near Passchen
'ciaele. The British were bringing up that for the sake of the Allied cause prevented from helping in an attack
all the division they could in order to as a whole the British must do their on Italy, and the debacle of Caporetto i and the whales come in.
ensued. But the British diel their best) dust as the tide turns, the air pump
%lnish the campaign. The usual way utmost to prevent the Gershon army
was to bring them one at a tune, but from regaining the initiative; - by a sudden attack at Cambrai to in- I inflates 'the rubber tubing and the
the Canadians wanted to come' as a other words, the British must attack crease tbe, enemy's difficulties, al- I huge net floats to the surface, com-
corps—very rightly so, d think—and
that was the reason for bringing the
,Caht)adian troops as a whole. to Pass-
"What Gen. Macclonnell says about
conditions .in the French line and
about the views of the people in Lon -
volt asxz.
T.'1S713EO MINK. $126 PAIR; 'BLACK
Raccoons, $300 pair; Silver Faxes,
$400 pair; Cross Foxes,$200 pair; Isar-
altul Persian Lambs $120 trio. 7roe
howl Is. $15 each. Ohas, Iteaebecic, ,"an -
Week. 12111, Ont.
Also sable and while. Spotless
white rubs,, excellent pedigree, 6 weelcs,
$100 each: W. A. Elder, Bon Air, Ont-
The one fatal thing in life is to lose
one's interest in it, and this Is where
the specialist, the man of one set of
interests, only seriously handicapa
himself in life's . adventure. The
Humanist alone, taking the term in
its widest se'hse, seems to me to have
the key. The vital force that keeps
'man going is not solely physical and
material, it is spiritual • as well, a
certain ethical and intellectual atti-
tude to fife,—Sir Reginald Blom-
"I would like to know what my wife
thinks of me." "That is easy to ilnd
out." "How?" "Sit on her new hat"
were already on their way to Italy,
were diverted to • Flanders." Unfor-
tunately the Germans could not be
the top runs a thin rubber hose, con-
nected with an air compressor on
shore. The net remains sunken on
the river bottom while the tide rises
"He must be a religious man -he
studies the prophets a great deal."
"Yes; but it's the profits usually
mentioned along with the losses, my
on their own front, pin the enemy to though that operation was seriously
his ground wear him down, and if interfered with by the dispatch of
possible prevent him from lauiiab ng British troops :o Italy. It was de -
e, serious offensive either on the Rus cided to continue the Flanders offers-
swan or French (or Italian) fronts.
General Petain realized this, he Paid
a hurried visit to British Headquar-
don is probably correct," he went ort, .tees, begged the British Commander-
"but we knew nothing about it. in -Chief to continue attacking right
"We knew it was necessary to re- through the summer, so that the
],leve the French by putting as much
strength as possible into. the north of
the lice and naturally it was the fresh
His Hearing Restored
The invisible ear drum invented by
A. 0. Leonard, which . resembles a
'Miniature megaphone .fitting Inside
the eat, entirely out of sight, is help-
ing the hearing of a great many pee..
pie. Mr. Leonard Invented thiel clruin
to relieve himself of deafness and
head noises, and it does this; so sic-
cessfully that no one could tell he is a
• deaf man, A request for inforntatlon
to A, O. Leonard, 70 Fifth Avenue,
Stzito 437, New York City, will be
given a prompt reply.--Advt.
French Army might have time to re-
cover; and he himself carried out a
methodical mission of propaganda to
divisions that were used. That is wily' urge his officers to show greater
the Canadians were there." steadfastness."`
Only One Course
So there could be no question of
what', was the right course for the
British command to pursue, It was
impossible to say that we should pre-
fer to wait another year; instant ac-
tion was called for; and if it had not
been taken, disaster would assuredly'
have followed. The possibility of tlie
need for such a course had been fore-
seen, and. plans had already been
drawn up for an offensive in Flanders,
the recovery of which was desirable
for many reasolts,''of which the most
Pressing was the 'activity of the IJ -
boats •from their bases at Zeebrugge,
"Revelations" Not New
The Scotsman, of Edinburgh, was
interested in the Passchendaele ante
nlent in 1020 end 1927. as well as all
other papers and people, and publish-
ed the following regarding it, showing
clearly that the "revelations" of the
last few days are merely an old story
.revived. The whole thing was gener-
ally known then. The article follows;
Fireside strategists have expatiated
upon the autttuin offensive in Fland-
ers in 1917 as a series of quito useless
and tremendously 'costly .operations
persisted in pig-heatiedly. Ifad the
British Army been content to remain
on the 'defensive at that ,period, the Ostend, and Bruges. The Arras fight-
inentors twee said, it would have been Mg was broken off, the capture of the
in a better position to•meet the Ger-
man attack in the following spring.
Ititherto their views have been wide-
ly echoed in Parliament Mid in the:
Press, and Passchendaele has been
used as a word of reproach to British
generalship and as a symbol of waste
and needless suffering, But an.article,
which Major-General Sir John David-
son,. M.P., has' contributed to the
February (1921) issue • of the Nine-
teenth Century ,now Puts a very dif
ferent cotnplexion on the matter and
convincingly demonstrates that Pass
ehendaele was not only worth while,
Messiuee ridge was soon effected, and
preparations were under way' to de-
liver the Flanders offensive early in
Jtily. We asked the .French to take
over part of our defensive front, but
instead they desired to have a small
part in the offensive. It was cola
sidered advisable.to acquiesce, but the
cohnmencement of operations was
thereby postponed, involving the loss
of days of summer weather which
would have been of incalculable acl
vantgae In view of the exceptionally
bard weather experienced in August.
Thestrategic object was to pin the
but that it virtually paired the way to Germans to the British front in the
final victory
General Davidson was then Director
of Military •Operations on the Head-
quarters Staff; and is, therefore, In a
Position to give an authentic accent
north and to draw their reserves in
that direction away from. the French.
The locality was the best that could
be chosen; indeed, it was the only 'one
practically possible, Tactically, to
of the actual situation axed of the me- dr y@ the enemy from the ridges east
tines beirtb f>1ici'atiolt,s, it is a o1 Ypres by gaining 'Passchendaele
hil ' decisive in influence, Unselfish in
narrative that alfards::occasion for re- and tlhreateniitg his 'hold on the coast character, and unostentatious In exe-
newed ride in, and gratitude for, the would; be advantageoles to ourselves, cation." pride
forward in that expellee of meld and vincingly how each ofThis ends the article. '11. does not
splendid heroi.sni of the soldiers of General Davidson separates the opera- refer hart ouTai'ry to the • Canadians
theor ptalls, but beare out Sir Arthor
Empire, who. struggled manfully della into five periods, and shows con-
. them was justi•.
pletely fencing the outlet to the ocean.
Many whales swim up the river, but
numbers lie stranded on the muddy
flats. One shot in the brain with a
sive iii a modified form. Ludendorff's 20.30 rifle is deadly. The ton -and -a -
description of this, the final period, is' half whales are floated to the render -
misleading. Ile says the' British ing plant near here and hauled up the
"charged like a "wild bull against the
iron mall which kept them from our
s'thbmarine bases." But; General Dav-
idson replies, "The truth is, that in the mammals are hunted on the Si -
all this period of fighting the number
of British divisions which actually de-
livered an attack was approximately
the same as the number which as-
saulted on one single day, the 31st
of duly." General Davidson does not
pursue. farther the tactical zcesults of
the battle. Ypres was freed; and the
Passchendaele ridge was gained, but
the hoped for result—a German re-
treat along the Flanders coast—did
not follow Considering tihe" difficul-
ties nf'teerain; what•was achieved was As consistent Marxians, the Bolshe.1
wonderful, and the various operations � yips believe that the 'world rovolu-;
were undoubtedly most skilfully plan- Won", cannot occur until Capitalism ('(
neer and executed. But it is the broad fails in Britain. They watch with
skids in the same manner as logs go
to the mill saws.
In addition to Beluga in Cook Inlet,
$25 Per Month Up
$1.00 Per Foot Up
Bay and Adelaide .District
Excellent Light. Passenger
Elevator, Janitor Service
ELgin 3101
berian coast and int the Anadyr River,
Manchuria. The meat of beluga is
ranch of a luxury with Eskimos and
the Aieuts of the north. Pacific is -
Trade With Russia
Saskatoon Star -Phoenix: There is,
of course, not the slightest doubt that
the Soviet Government gave anti still;
gives'•aid and comfort to the Com -1
tintuist movement in Great Britain.'
for cleaner — faster cutting
The steel used is made and spec-
ially tempered in the Simonds
plant and we can and do guar-
entce every Simonds Saw.
MOIItreah - Tomato
RUC IN e.'�
INNASTRIaS,... EAR. ®f,I,s
31,25 All Druggists Descriptive folder on request
;D Vieth Ave., Nev.. Fork City
IIeat and inhale Minard's. Also
bathe the feet in Minard's and hot
strategical aspect that really, matters
most,•because it 'teas a,vital issue. The
Flanders offensive saved the 'Allied
situation at the moment; it was also
anxiety for the withering of the Com-
munist branch of the British Labor
movement, They do what they can to
revive the drooping plant, but their
a material factor in saving the situ_- failure liar been so complete that their
tion in the spring oe 191S. Ludes -i propaganda can be safely disregarded.
dorff admits t1ant "tile Army diad been 1 The advocates of Socialism by vio-.
fought to a standstill, and was utterly lelhce area hopeless minority in Bel -
worn out." The spring offensive was tain,
in the nature of a gambler's throw, for
Ludendorff confesses that the German
Army oould,not have endured oiother
defensive calnpaigu.
"These results," General Davidson
justly says in his summing-up, "were
due almost entirely to the great Bri-
tish offensives of the Saonime and
Flanders. They were not'spectacular
victories, but they wore the enemy
out, reduced his power of resistance,
saved the Allies, and paved the way
to final victory, for without them vic-
tory could never have been gained ,.
The British ' nation may` justifiably be
proud, for probably no otb''er nation
could have borne so great a strain or
successfully performed so great 'a
tall[—e task' of the first importance,
hire, not knowing themselves what fled byr es r u its. In doing this lie makes
ftNirtarcre Li,1.., nt for Chapped Hands.
. Ludes
was at stake. In order to understand effective use of quotations rons
Ask Your Barber—He Knows
/ ChfS%Jia: o
"I have to work in the store and
do my own housework, too, and 1
got nervous and ruts -down and was in
bed nearly allsummer.Theleast noise
would make me nervous. l was told.
to take Lydia B. Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound and 1 have taken
seven. bottles. it has shade tae strong
er and put more color into my face.
1 am looking fret m
a - store and
housework and my four children
and I am getting along nicelx,saaw.,`
—Mrs 1 Malin, R. R. No. ,s, Nem
Sr. East, Hamilton, Ontario, Caui4cTRa
lydia E. Pin'khditt• Med 'Co : tyrfnM *i D.1, a,
and h6onrg„Onterid, Canat: -
ISSUE No. 49--4'.2g„ati o,.