Zurich Herald, 1929-07-11, Page 7eet ser,,c.,y for put,pr.:scs Lefieme of Canada by Imperial 011 (Neil as C,stl rn In our education t •' tltc' !t'J.�e{.i.,r ^r>twa.'a'ns iS adju$tecl periinortting with treeless tarts.-�I'ro• p'hosphoreseent liquid' which spreads ever • �r . s �oee intd little bubbles. The -opponent l Enemies follows these ll{;ltt bubbles thillkln(; Qui that Isere, as in the ease of ether deelp- -- sea fish, they emanate from the animal' Tolle ;s of Self preservation v itse1'f. In the meantime the cuttle- Axe Common AMOng Feathered Folk and Beasts fish .has withdrawn to safety,. The star actor„ in the annual world are insects. Many of then', particu- larly 1articu-larly certain bugs, have the habit of dropping from leaves and trees in A little gray bind 'dropped at the moments of &eager: Landing on the feet of the 'men who were resting in 1 ground, they remain absolutely mo- the'wooa. A.ctpavently it Wee ill with timeless. Falling 'lata the grass, or both wings injured. With an exclaim Iamong dead leaves, they etre practices tion of, pity one of the nien reachedally safe. In Africa -there is a pecttlar to pith it up, but the bird escaped, i grasshopper known as the "devil's only to drop a few feet away. Again I flower” It is realty a wolf' ire sheolz's •the man reached out to help it, and clothing; This green insect has two 'again the wily bird, a hedge-spart•o'w, I long feelers which expand at the end escaped. The mystifying performance like petals and are colored lavender oeu+tiinued until, suddenly; we are told and white. With its feelers extended, by Friedrich von Lucanus, writing on' it patiently sits on plants and leaves, "Animal Actors" in "Deutsche Allge- I waiting' for flies and butterflies. Alas *mine Zeitung" (Berlin), the bird shot [for the poor in9':et that expects to sip • up into the air an'd flew away without[nectarfrom this flower, for it is lin- any sigh of being hurt. The. clever mediately relight up and devoured. hedge -sparrow, Heir Lucanus ex -i Another insect of a similar typo is 1plains, had built its nest iii a near -by, found in the region of the Orange tree, where it was bringing up its River. It has-wr:itetvv:nMs edged with young, and as the humans unwittingly' pink, gulag' it very moth the appear - came close to it the•rother bird pee -lance of a mot vng-glory, Waith for formed its Tittle comedy to lead them! its prey, with ~sings extended, it gently eiWay. When it succeeded it dropped rocks its body to and fro whenever an its nnasquerade• rind flew away. Butlinsect approaches, exactly like a flower the hedge -sparrow is not the only crea- I farmed in the wind. ture who acts this •way when it be- I W-ithout a doubt all of these actions heves young youn ,are are in 'danger, we are purely instinctive, This can best' learn, reading on: be proven by exrmples,ofanitnals Be- n Other birds have- similar tricks, prived of their parents at a very early they use sox self-preservation. age, and reared in perfect. isolation. whichet y They will nevertheless, demonstrate The bittern,. when endangered, stretch- � e actions which of the instinetiv es its- neck, head and body into. a straight line, so that, it looks like a twig or reed and thus escapes the at - tension of the attacker. The bark- days old. It is a fact that the colored goatsucker, fabled to suck ani- I da always strikesaknown its while mat milk because it loiters near cattle l h flight. s bird acted preyetly the in order to catch insects, does not rest seine way without the least bit of in- on twigs like ordinary birds, cross-onlybeen fed struction. The hawk had wisp, but ]:to be part. Inthis manner , its of meat out of my hand. When it appears to be part of the branch and thus escapes particular notice. Hirst let loose, it struck clown a gold- f rola its pescaped. hammer which had When in danger the hoopoe throws cage Seeing the bird in flight imme- itself flat upon the ground, spreading diatelY set the instinct of the hawk out its tail and wings, both banded into play. The typical planner of se- curing its food was born in the bird, and it needed no example to teach it to •act accordingly. I could,give sim- ilar examples of other birds. Even the technique of nest -building is instinc- tive. they need for their own benefit. I reared a young tree hawk, which I had acquired when it was but a few with black and white. It then has the appearance of some colored bit of cloth' rather than a living tied., The stone owl, or sawwhet, when frighten- ed, incessantly moves -its head up and down. Living in holes of trees, as it floes, a robber at night isfrightened to see two flaming balls of fire, the eyes of tllg, owl, bob up and down, and. is frightened away. Birds of the woodpecker family act .quite like the !teepee. They not only throw them- selves flat on the ground but move their long necks in snake -like rhythm. By doing this the bird actually re- sembles a snake and so deceives its Iinvestigation of progress in aviation another summer, when pursuer. • in this country. Itsbme business at the sante stand. For ' a small gas equipment and answers Among the amphibia and crawling Detailed plans for the formation of this reason the selection of 'a desirable as a kitchenette. An abandoned car- animals, we also find clever actors. In I ins are set .forth . in.location is , of the utmost importance! riage house or barn may have wonder- •• there' are frogs capable of such 'organizat o( fug possibilities or one room and a the trop the curront issue' of. the Aeronautic asp having• once established such an en- p terprise successfully, a change is often, piazza of the village community house, e 1tal. 'Tourists soon get the' or lodge, may be found for rent. - cies detrlm i away. Like tins par tcn arses Aeronautic Association. Committee and I place at certain turn in the road and of frog, there is a fish renown as formerly Assistant Secretary of the place ata certain turn in the road and the swellfish, or common puffer, waits I Wavy in charge of aeronautics. I will go miles rather than experiment lives noir the coast or in rivers of , with a new one. Not warm zones: In case of danger, puff Persons who desire to, fly may, uncle, to find their farmhouse on a popular motor high- into enormous the club method, become part owners I anticipated rural 'restaurant is. a clic-,way The owners moved into sum - on blow themselves . airplane for a fraction of tho tinct disappointment, so a -'good ands• the second floor,re-. balls, rise to the surface and float. of an P g 'continued location is valuablemer quarters on. their backs, An enemy may snap 1 suit. required to own one outright. The buss- raining only the kitchen downstairs. en I association's committee recommends 1 nese asset. s in vain at the prey. The sea -urchin • members of a chapter 1 The summer tenants, prying but one that charter DIVISION OF LABOR I rental for combined living and busi- A woman who is an authority on oven breakfasts and suppers over the the subject always • advises dividing I small gas equipment in the pantry such lin enterprise between two, one viee nere the light refreshments they Private Flying 'Joining Hands With rate Soviet etVT spaclo available for ee�t'ving and ,at " 'y � specific Venabinationt di food ie offered I j p ata -1�e pa�ea. , of hot or col(1 beverages, assorted ("To Billy and Ifeleia an l;;s;rotlty cakes and one'or two lcinels of lee Two ,)aineses and "`Cuddles,'" cream, either with or without the: And the nest of fly hale who melee addition of sauce,. 'ibis arritngement! :tales in;puddles." gives sufficient variety and all the? A eotrni•iytnall office trod a on retia food may be kept over for .a clay, without injury, in any case of sleek'' was not taller titers his latizcr's thtt: '►►, business beoause of bad weather,: and year after' year g're'w no bigger. 'Young girls from the village pct as:A ginni took the little lad honlo and waitresses :and. ante paid oul.y for, the gave Klin suds woatderrnl food Chat actual hours they at'e needed. 41p(t Frew Wg and st>ong a'ftot' the dials' Motorists and other tourists;— both ,1101', of tale giants.-•-�Clrlmm s i''airY men and women—are so appreciative `Pales, i p ed'clressilt `-meat that No one feasts to see the little -two• of a well-cqu 1 p g 1 yeas` old swlcleitly turn into a giant, this ookedan't feature should not bell Ina froth two to slat Years is the time averlaoked. There should always be wlteu he must leant, to like Lite foods g available plenty of small, fresh towels, that Witt make lilts healthy end make Mirror toilet hated -glass, a gclothe -brOsh Mini grow normally, lhirror and hand -glass, clothes-br1 sh Some Ways of Helping Him and other of the usual toilet articles, There is often an oppprtunity for the 1. itegutarity.--�Deiinite hours for sale of packets of hai%pins, hair -nets, meals should be followed consistently. pins, inexpensive handkerchiefs, and Disorders of digestion conimet` ee other small' personal belongings which now may lead to poor digestion the tourist may be glad to replenish. later years. These • details please customers and Regular time for bowel maveitueuCu also bring in extra revenue. should be part of the daily sclted'uke. fixed This. includes le choice 2. Good Eating Habits.—Children should be encouraged to eat slo'1yIY My Garden Battle -Ground and masticate well, but not to play at meals. T�earnitig to eat eve•Ythlni:, The Kitts ruby -throated among humming - to put before thein without a comment bird is ray favorite lighter among alt or question is a valuable and useful the birds,.. He fights good s se. he loves habit for good manners in later life to tight, Be is a span to the as well as for good health, Water finish. Ile will tackle anything from should be taken regularly between a wasp to a crow, and mercy ippon meals. any individual who dares investigate Carefully Balanced Menus.—In his nest while he is fredaround! teaching children to like wholesome FORD TO HELP DEvEI_op RUSSIAN INDUSTRY • A flaming patch of red and yellow food, it is necessary V, I. Rlesh'lauk of Soviet Supreme Couneil,,Henry Ford and S. G. Bron, , columbine in my garden is a favor- (a) To avoid monotony. This close •or contract whereby Ford will help establish rte humming=bird haunt each summer. not mean to acid new foods but sim- Russian .racier; after signing huge motor car factory in Soviet .Russia, 1 Usuaily there is one pair which takes, ply to vary the 'menus from day to or attempts to take, sole' possession. day with the foods that are whole - While the columbine is a flower, there solus. (b) To make meals as interest - is scarcely a time during the daylight sing and attractive as possible, that hours when our little ruby -throat or is, they should look appetizing and his gray throated mate is not hovering that the atmosphere at table be on guard. A dead rose branch in the cheerful and happy• confer of the bed is the main lookout. (c) To prevent and overcome lisp, Summer oo ns pies may be glad to supply these items Tea to th Y p New York:—Develotpnient of nrivate g detached i illagc sc oa o flying clubs in the United States on a and, havin • once chosen an advantage- one case been used for this purpose. to those in England is ons location, the proprietors.ha'.e only appointed guardian of the columbine, reale similar to tops put over desks serve as ex- e f the priority of the position, ' al Aero- their belongings at Lhe end of because o recommended ssoc bylthe Nation to store ' n following a year's the season and await the arrival of I t � thedaily eau and slates are nautic Association g ti n they can re - e newly opened restaurant and the excellence of a few such specialties 1\Lan a woman with a talent for often spreads quickly and brings wel- t' come business front tourists and sum catering "and fanciness for co'cubtry life n of this ! rater visitors. An arrangement over to a is making a success of conducting alkind reduces kitchen. work, and, at right, the sentinel hums informal tea room. This line of worklittle peach tree at the If we east in the beginning, is often well side. off to men l least from the left be'da cl to women r come f, d to 0 as well especially ises ecP p yof worth tl'llili?. From a money -slatting. Whose summer months bring more the lilac at the other end. Not a tree - leisure than of income. :lit fei:s class kl passer are teachers, students and yarious clerical workers connected with schools and colleges who are comparatively free during th warm `weather months^ arranged for an a cantission -basis Other women, who leer a more or lessI g There is aiclash of wings and beaks. shut-in life during the winter have with some expert village housewife,' Each little bundle of nerves dashes found such a sunnnee sate t pleas -'to mutual advantage. arable as well as nrol.ca i e. a location rural restaurants spring up usually !alt sorts. of possibilities must be fol- alongthe popular motor highways, lowed up carefully. For instance .5 h. lh nee has in point of view,it is more advanta- geous to concentrate on quickly made beverages, sandwiches and salads that. 'to spend portion to the expense and labor, which are items that could he misses his sharp eyes. Time and again during the day, T hoar a volley of fiery, sputtering twitters in the direction of the: garden: Some alien summer has dared appear. r 'rise • savagely at the other. Zip! Zip! They 11 `I 11�se 1 In looking for a suitable l o cat' scarcely follow hein, until they finally fade out of sight. Then in a twinlding they are back again. 'Usually my self - ton soar higher and higher, parrying and atfS al y m is victor. write their orders. The woodshed has A bumble bee irritates him exceed- ingly. He will dash at one with a fury which would surely send the needle -pointed bill through the intru- der if the latter's . smaller size did not aid him in slipping provokingly +,to one side. Sometimes Mr. Bee does some - sparring of his own and then distending their stomachs into great balls, which frightens frog -eating ani- si i p Review in an article by Edward P. Warner, secretary of the National SUMMER QUARTERS A mothr and daughter worked out an excellent arrangement by renting likes.' Prevention Means developing cin a taste for bland flavors;. enforcing strictly tate rule of no eating between meals; avoiding all suggestions about adult dislikes and not forcing foods as indirect methods are much more effective. There are a few children who cannot eat certain food without having digestive • disturbances or hives, these cases are quite rare, Wholesome foods are those which have been found to agree with thou sands of children, hence when disturb• antes do odour there may be other causes; for example: (1) Unwholesome food, or perhaps. - candy, which has been eaten without., the mother's knowledge. (2) Over -eating due to excitement or highly -seasoned food. (3) Eating food too close to bath -possesses similar' propensities, but 1t 1s I ;provide the cost of equipment, plus 2 p particularly guarded by being covered j pride reao and $200 for general with spines of quills..Like the porcu- � per peritiree expense, In addition, dues pine, the sea -urchin can entirely sur-, 1 and itself by means of for flying members would be $15 and woman undertaking the role of host -1 served in their informal restaurant tl.cerectl protectfor non -flying members ? 20, rhes the quills. hi in the essocia-` ess and cashier, at the same time ser were prepared. The main meal. of the 'mals are especially equip- to include membership lceepink a watahfull eye on the service ;day they took with the farmer's tam- ped out p ped in order to protect thenslacs. In tion. 0 an hour should bel and aspect of the ,Dont; the other 'ily. The question of service and sup- s A tire, e of �l taking charge of, the back of the lies was reduced to the minimum. sup - Australia, the wonderland of animals I g -la na mammals are still to made for the use of the club's local htiuse," as it is prifessianally called i The charming little room and adjoin- where egg Y 1 lanes by flying members on be found, there is a lizard called the p This includes the buying of supplies, its piazza was open only for business izard It has a broad collar flights—and a doable charge for cross- I the direction of the` kitchen and the, g collar 1 ''countryflights, to cover additional,from 1 to 8 p. m: Supplies included matte of skin which is brightly colored zards the committee says. This 7 supervision of all orders as they a•re F plenty of salad material, fresh eggs, •i a mosaic pattern of orange, red, hazards, cosh of gas • taken to the dining room. In a enroll1 cold chicken, cold bailed potatoes n c brown. When at rest, the charge would cover the _ i. establishment it is quite possible to ready for reheating, smoked beef, sar- blue, and b time; and oil, hangar accommodations,. n]o 1 ofli.a ng close, .h to the. body, but in .lt , hire help onlyfor general cleaning rears up its col- chanical service, engine overhauls ati(l ,and rough work, the two women ar- dines and other dishes • suited to, quick of danger, :the lizard t minor repairs, depreciation reserve- gpreparation and easy serving. 11, umbrella, 1t the saute time p 1 I riving at n preps, division- of :the FOOD WHICH CAN BE KEPT seats a fearsomeg small amount for miscellaneous ex rola coast followed a sanulanplan o£ of homet]iada a jolly little battle takes place, Ruby - or bedtime, An hour should elapse after a slipper of solid food, before the child has a bath or is put to bed, Children who eat a heavy supprr'armoften restless sleepers. The heaviest meal should always be at noon. (4) Improperly -cooked food, such as hroat sometimes succeeds in driving a half -cooked potato or an egg cooked offhis own kind, but he can rarely oust ill fat. - a bumblebee opponent.(d) To .tp113Brilliant little duelists though they are, the ruby -throats are the victims of many a strange and untimely death. T have known of one dashing its life out against a mirror or a window- pane, probably in a fit of angor at the opposing reflection. Last year, I heard of a 'California lady who sae a biglin the eye of modern science, is not bass leay up Eros a pool and swollov✓' one who can make the best con-bintt»a humming -bird skimming close to the! tion of seasonings, but the one who water. 'My brave little warrior, too,' knows how to preserve hest the slatcame to a tragic end. ural itavors of foods and make themIt was late Augist. The ruby- most digestible and wholesome. It is throats had long since transferredl not only tlirougli the serving of their attentions to the delphinium, the scorched, watery and tasteless food petunias, the salvia, asci otherfavori-1 that many dislikes for wholesome Los, One morning, stooping over the,food have been formed, but through gladiolus bed, I found my tiny friend lsuch things as careless washing, over -hanging 'strangled to death in the cooking, under -cooking and improper sharp cleft between two sheathing,, seasoning. Dislikes are too import - sharp -edged gladiolus leaves.Whe- I ant to be neglected, for they may then he had dropper to lotw while eventually lead to undernourislment snatching insects from the blossoms, I and serious ailments. Bence,. care in or whether he had fallen froth some! cooking and preparing food for chil- s? p the daily. needs of the body. In order to nourish the child and stake him grow, each cell needs certain kinds of material. Bal• ancing menus means supplying each day for the body all that it needs in the necessary quantity. 4, Wel!-Cooked Food.—:1 good cook, lari-e an uurea,to allow for purchase ofnew airllones 1`standing its hindlegs. This pktiafter 7,500 hours offlyi.zg--and a siIts to itsoppose,i Some ocf the most successful p1 A quaint estgblishment on the hlano pecial capes, pies andter- which usually runs away. Employing• ses;iI noon serving, the .hours being from fiery battle above, I don't know. T the same bird tricks as this type u lizard l�eThe Daniel Guggenheim Fund for candies on the village housewives, who whose-ced fanat is South Am- i Aeronautics recently often exceil in a type of cooking that 1 `# to 7 p In-'Tt is the objective point of lifted the brilliantly burnished little is at' f 4.eron•t t Y l lk d motoring goitres and is hotly and buried it gently these erica; the so-called parrot, At the t th it is unposslble to get from an ordiit I the Promotion o _ f h el back of its •head' it has a an -s ape( walking anin the :contributed $12y000 : toy promote e . h ker f domestic 1 T e u1 t • Ile lin �n tidst of the garden the scene of many roject. Harry T . Guggenl.sim, press- i ary omen tc rr of cel. meringue' awning -covered platform increases the a valiant encounter. arrangement made of tang, red' i i i I p ^�- lemon t ere tipped with opal blue. When it is i (lent of the fund, in a letter to Senator' p ' - � lire clow ltnuts and • in resident of the also- • excited or angry, these feathers stand !Hiram Bingham, p the sift declared{Ii up straight, giving the bird a fright- cik?tion, transmitting gift, ful appearance. .. 'that he believed "the greatest single The orange -speckled toad also snakes work that the National Aeronautic As -1 use of its color for protective purposes ,1 so!furtherance atinn accomplishhis will iU be the l we learn as'eve need' it i 1 "Private club flying, 'which_ has made In time a danger it bends its neck j such great , strides in England," he and head backwards; at the same time crossing its front feet on its back. By l continued, "has been practically neg doing this, the bright expanse of (1 tet&l ilnbthisyhcountre n y, although ixn- orange color, as well as the Dolor of q its feet, is exposed to view. The sud- 1 a greater opportunity for its develop • den change from a drab brown to this mont than any other country" bright hue completely disguises the ng Rust Ft animal. esistant Equally interesting is the ink or Wheats - I cuttlefish. When pursued it ejects an The stem rust of wheat is respol] inky fluid, brownish black in color, which completely surrounds the fish 1 sible for enoriitons losses to farmers like a,fog and hides it from sight. Thein the 'Prairie Provinces of Canada secretion of the cuttlefish plays an im- I every year. A sum of 110 less than portant role in painting, , malting the i $200,000,000 was estimated as the loss pigment known as sepia. The name suffered through this cause in one of cuttle-fish is poorly chosen, for this I the worst years. This state of affairs unusual arumal is not a. fish at all. It' is leading the plant breeder to en - belongs to the molitrsk family. It has�deavottr tot develop 'resistant varietira•, ,a depressed sac-like body, an enormousthat possess the merits of the best head, and eigh to ten sucker -hearing I wheats grown, The Depa1•Lulent of Brills, The arras are used fon' walking I Agriculture, through the 'Botanical and in seining prey, There is another land Cereal Divisions, has for year::. species ; of cattle -fish which lives in j been, working on this problem and 1,4 ocean, Its the dant waters the i following 'a well-defined line of work the oc It Rust. • brown secretion would lase its I which is being carried on at the dark 'Iteseareh Laboratory in the West andsigni[i�:xtice. There, the fish aro crimp- Iro1 • with a lighting" argne which I at the Central Farm at Ottawa. o!` recognition a5 • n cotton Tn this ease, ` 1 llor wo are still eti t:Ut•l;, „eaten n lk elects � t7�C'ejil9hy I dren may save thousands of dollars, and thousands of pains and discern- 1 forts in later life. 5. Right Amount of Food.—The amount of food required for each child will vary with the age, sea, me - Rain and climate in which he lives. Rain Magis The rain has stopped; tho bright, wet leaves cif the trees in the garden are gleaning in the watery light of the sun. The garden is surely differ- ent—a vague enchantent is it. the air. The Straight, bold leaves of the iris are weighted with brilliant drops,. the massed delphiniums have turned a deeper blue, and the rose -rambler is Mowing with strange fire. Each spider -web before unseen --is now a shimmering net of diamonds, slung from leaf to leaf, and there .in tho shade, where the grass grows finer, is a crop of spotted toadstools. ''Everything is wet and cool. There is. a • glorious earthly smell, and the' perfume of many flowers lingers car- essingly among the pale stems. A few bright winged insects venture out from the sheltering leaves, raindrops shower down as a bird :rustles among the leaves` above, and to me,' watch- ing silently, l -gate's words are given. a new` signifieence; I started up, when la 1 i efreshfully, Thee, came upon my face in plcntious., showers 7!:,:.o-?.,., :: i .' ':....< .'c`:• '� �: • :., .;..;.A•+a.,• ti.�..;>�uc ,+,: a .. +:+iS:.a•A•..k..... .. . 'sr,•• ...r :: ,.: ...,_,...,........:.. ,� and. lear,es Dewdrops, attdl. dewy buds, , , " „ Gypsy ?.Toth pians presented to the Aviation and flowors, ..r a a Ontario christening the Imperc>yal ,, a x.p n Diane is heialg Bathingm spirit in a new delight, Premier 1 eiriu n f ti Ilaittiltc�tt Airport recently. Iite. ] y p I i l at ibe olpelun� of !o the country in the interests off t . his travels about t y used by Major (leu. J. I3, lhiaclirIen, C.11„ G,1\i,5., 10.5.0,, in , o tn,,, rpt w ti.,,., ,tt lassoed of rho Lessor ll, N. tt;aitl. ' aviation. I a i:1 i anne:terd-Sieitb•