Zurich Herald, 1929-06-20, Page 4, for• •M11 *1044444444++++4++++.,++++++•Ve++++4•++++1141 Amt, Goin•of Easiness! 4. + TO SHOW YOU THAT WE, MEAN WHIXT WE SAY, WE ARE ,1.4 SELLING OUR ENT11112, sTacK OF MY GOODS, CROCKERY, ' WALL. PAPER, ETC., AT COST PRICES AND SOME LESS. + •I., NOW .IS YOUR CHANCE TO LAY IN A SUPPLY WHILE OUR 3: + STOCK IS STILL WELL ASSORLED. •+ ./.. DO. INTQT MIS THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. BELOW ARE .14 ,S. ONLY A FEW • OF OUR PRICES.- .1. 41. xx7„:. .4 _ cri, 0 L,„ 1, 40. ...nue', ...A...es, ,,,,ac,,, 1•••• ***** ••1•••••••••••••••••••• 1 n o 25c t ; Ilelen's Sox, a pr. .. ...... . . . , „ ..... ... . .. ... - . „.„ , „ 20C ...;', 'Only a few more Dinner Setts, Reg,$28.50 at . . .$22.50 * Bowls, Plates, Fruit Dishes, Fie Plates and Al! Fancy China, at cost. + 4.Maitland Creamery Butter 40c lb. Try a lb. and you will never be 1 .4 ., 4 without t, , i Pints, Reg. ::11,.. f'..,' LI: PRICE'. \..d. ... . . „ , .19c I All Silks and Surrw.ler Dress Go,sds at Cost Prices. COme' early lai°cle + .. Fugi Silks, SAL:: ' RICE Yr4 + vyt First Choice. + ;-4,,, Venus Silk Ho. R... -c,,. ::.''..".,6 Pr. on Sa7:. at 50c + * Girigh04144,, 3l -i. Vh'il,i . '17,.;,0.7.$11'‘,, YL ,;`:111e, }.'rice, pl. 19c *, ALL CURTAIN 111A T1.7RIALS AT COST i'E,ICE'S , + Silk Underwe,Lr: V. bal.'s I',..,,,x. 69c 3.... 4 ' Bloonvis, Sale Price pr 85c * 4 - MEN'S SHIRTS AT COST PRICES IT. -1.• Flannelette, Eglrt aril Dark SI-ades. por yard .15c * Best QuIlitvN.Intoclis nvd Oyer131,. Slle: Price, (wk... ..... $2.00 + 1 Gallon Crocks, Reg, :30e, Silk Price each 22c * 2 22 -in. all Lim --n Tomtlling Nvith, Red, Pink, 'Yellow, and + re. Blue Bordc,rs.'.'Hr. 25:.• Yard, Sale Price .23e ; FLOWIZ. l'O'; S 'WITH SAUCE.11 .AT COST PRICES + ALL WALL PAPER AT COST PECCES. • 3: Get Our prices on Linoleum Rugs, Linolum, 4 Ye will save you.money +++ earki.4 -..•,...id,,, Sale l'rard 'ce y Tutl.‘ip Seed, lb. 60e 4.1. Green Tea, lb 50c ÷ Black Tea, lb. 55c •+ . 1 .!.. .1. Phone 140 .1. .:4 •le, Mangel. Seed, lb 45,.. Garden seeds, t 1.4;,-, Mixed Tt:a. ""L Lux, 3,pgs. for Rinso large Packgs 3 for 25c Corn, P. and T(1 -91.0,s, 2 Tins for 25c IP' 4. ILA 0 GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE ..t.,r,.*++++4•+++. +444'0+444 44 4.4 44. t 0,4++++ .1. +++44 4. 444++++ i• 6063C.1341:.',0406iztR4286040ti, a ei egis o (seize 4E,G;*wea* em +00 *eta Sprig Seeds NOW IS THE TIME OF THE YEAR TO THINK OF YOUR SEEDS FOR SPRING SOWING AND PLANTING. WE HAVE A FULL ; SUPPLY OF ALL THE LEADING GRASS SEEDS ON HAND, AND CAN ASSURE YOU GOOD QUALITY. QUANTITY OF GOOD SEED BARLEY NOW ON HAND, ALSO CHOICE SEED PEAS Choice Seed Beans on hand YOLR 1929 COAL INOW IS THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR TO PUT IN YOUR SUPPLY OF COAL FOR NEXT WINTER. OUR SPECIAL. IN- e DUCEMENT IS 50 CENTS OFF FOR CASH SALE, AND BESIDES i AVE HAVE THE LOWEST PRICES FOR SUMMER DELIVERIES. 1 ACT NOW! L. Schilbe & Son soisesoompseeers.tosaiotozoosetassaissippostosebeamissmoospesoaos .111••••••=11.111•••• »010 For 1929 motoring' condition's/ 7heiNt...0N • ROYA L CO R D Here is the 1929 tire for the 1929 car. New in design and construction. Extra thick tread has deep -cut blocks to • give greater non-skid mileage. Rugged carcass is built with web cord. It has strength where 1929 motoring, con- ditions demand it, Side-walls are strongly • buttressed to resist rut and curb wear. For safety and long mileage, for the job your 1929 car• has to do, the new Royal Cord is the one tire for you. 11 Ts' Mr. and Mrs,. Leonard cnr family of IlIetroit, spent Sunda with friends and relatives here. Mr, Ernest, who 'tali been ill for a number o. months has been taken to St, Joseph's Hvapital, London, where he is undergoing treatment. 4r and Mrs. Gilbert 'Jeffrey and family were Welt -end visitors' in Co- urtright. Mr. Peter Mousseau and son Ed- mund of 'Windsor, were SundayvLs it017, with Mr, and Miss Mousseau. . The Morrsr Athannas, .Napoleon and Victor Denomme of Detroit, sp- ent Sunday under 'the parental' roOf. Mr, and Mrs. John Ducherine Met- ored to Detroit, last Friday over the week -end., Mr..• Joseph Bedard has retained home after spending a week in De- :tr°111i.;•s Annabel DucharMe rs sp end- ing a few weeks with her sisters and brothers in Detroit. • . , . sa Nola Rau, of Windsor, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Rau. Mr. John Etue .has treated his family with a fine Essex Sedan auto recently. Mr. and Mrs., Marehand, arso Mr. and Mrs. Bourdeau of Tflbury, spent Sunday and Monday with the Rev. Father Marcbgnd. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Durand.,,of this place and Mr. and Mrs. Regts Den- omme of the 14th con, motored to Detroit over last week -end, •en- their way heine oat Monday they called :On Mr. Philip Bedard of Tilbury, who net with the terrible car aceident nom' that place on Sunday. HILLSGREEN regular monthly me- eting of the Women'. Missionary Soc- iety ',AS held on Virednesday after noon, June '12th. The Meeting 'was openedby singing. Hymn 606. Mrs, W. Carlile led in prayer, The Spey- Treas., reports were read and adopt- ed. Thescripture lesson was read responsively from 2nd. Corr . The roll Was: 'called, answered with the text word "Fellowship". The 'text word for the July me(i.,trig is `Justice". The business was then taken, Hymn 590 was sung. The offering was taken, after ,which Mrs. R, Stephen- son, Mrs. R. McAllister and Mrs. W. Cathie took the seventh 'chapter of "Drums In The Darkness" ..• The meeting dosed by all repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. Don't forget the young people's Anniversary on Sunday evening, June 23rd, at 7,30 p.m. Rev. W. P. Lane 13, A., of Seaforth will conduct the service. Special Music by the choir, Picnics are now the Order of the, day. The Troyer re -union was held at Grand Bend on Thursday last. Quite a few attending from these parts. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Daters and dau- ghter Anna, and Mr. and Mrs. 13d. Deters Jr. of Zurich called on Mr. and Mrs, W. jarrott on Sunday. TglifFs4tax, June 20U, 1929 Mr, Jas. Watson Of Seaforth oaneaw theaupaloae,:oi. rs, W. ivtaier, who sp. • ollg‘i.elati. °Illiril sS.121TurlaYieiciliert aur eat the past :few weeks with their • family were Sunday visitors at tb sons in Detroit, returned home on ,home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Toe Hechler atSu:IT:sm. • 13Iake. worangton and George, Miss Eileen Turner' of Louden Xor- Maier of Detroit, spent Sunday int ImwAlLartuaer from here attended the Resbeineyer-Neeb nuptials in Mitchell, 146t Wednesday. Mrs and. Elmer Resterneyer •ru'.4 aieturned from their honeymoon. MP-RIP-HARRAH: :trip and are now comfortably settled Are you corning. To the Great on their farm on the Bronson line. Feast, Chaperoned by The Laadies" ;• Mr. and Mrs. E. Oesch of Zurich aAigdo, good df LDiatesihmwryooadnEd vmani gisei el ai ci a pl IC, olguar: Church mewear3e3kS:anandasywavdisablytljoy.il.y.'s. in town. Strawberries Cake, Salads, Sand- •Mr. D. Hartleib, Mr: Jonas Hart-,, wiches, Deuglnuts, Etc. Followed by tleir. and Mrs. •Gill visited in Port • by local and outside talent, including . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hey, Miss Lay.- july 4th, 1929. Adults 50e, Child- 'were Sunday visitors in liensall, ren 25c. Do not forget to bring a good appetite. Dashwood famous Brass Baud. On mit. Hattleib and Mr. M. Brokenshirs Mr. P. McIsaac and Harry Hoff- ion in London Hospital, is progres- 1. C. .Reid, who underwent an operat- We are pleased to report that Mr, man attended a telephone convenbtz *arYndfaMvrosra. in London last Thursday,. the week -end with his mother Witzel. Mr. Sam Witzel of Toronto spent are vititing friends in Stratford and singK• 7clalt-Inwero*.od•Band attended Exeter. IsTeuschwanger„, • Mr. and Mrs. C. Pfaff of Detroit horse races on Saturday. were Sunday visitors with Mr. and :Rev. Sauer attended the S. S. Con. Mrs. H. Elsie. ventinn In Sebriugville last week. Mr. and Mrs. Stadelbauer oi.' Lon- Miss Elda Kraft left on Saturday don, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, for Grand Bend, where she will spend P. Kraft. the simmer. Miss Clara Kraft who spent the Mrs. Itiainacher who spent the past past week with her parents, return- i hwoetent. in Detroit, has returned to her ed to London on Sunday. Mr. Gordon Callfas of Sarnia,. sp-I Miss Margaret Willert is visiting ent a few days with his father here Yrriencis in Detroit this week. mai has returned to her home. Mn and Mrs.,. Geo. Greenslada of hayfield, were Sunday visitors at the home ert_lyirs, L. Troyer. Dashwood iL TrAr.:ss, tau ANICHMSTRIMPERMI • Ra",,==m2k.Thnskw,===maaVeagaser • r,.sloraSram...w-wsnr-uarm.====pros==ralmssearasmanstalmaisniessemessaiteadertS=1,Matemork==%draSsinAMET T E FORD CAR 'REA AXiL xbense no object ga Achieving THE rear axle of the. Ford car is of the three-quarter -I floating type with spiral bevel gear. The pinion. hub is excei,^tionally heavy, and, as the pinion is carried on. doul.-1.-; taper roller bearings, perfect alignment 01 the gerd is always assured. The rear axle has a total o' four roller bearings which add considerably to the cost of manufacture but are a protection for theowner against wear. Special care is taken to insure silence in the pinion and" ring gears. These are made up in sets and carefully matched, each set being run in to eliminate all possi- bility of noise in operation. The differential side gears are forged integral on the rear axle shafts and the teeth then cut This permits of lighter and more simple construction. The shafts are unusually strong, and, as the centre line of the wheel comes over the bearings, there is no overhang of the axle shaft, anci it has 'no weight to support. The use of tnalleable castings is eliminated in this new axle housing which is made entirely of steel. Bell forgings welded to steel tubing make up the shaft housing which is bolted to ark all steel differential housing. The care and skill devoted to the manufacture and assembly of rear axle parts is typical of the high standards of Ford engineering. Diive it Y.0.71Xself--- . there is no Better Test •••%•••••••••••••••••••••••••*. Ford Car Features Choice ,j' mamma as'to t','S VIM'S CA IOW .40-karea power -engine, befloc,a2 tires trzeToort0 wilc-tral,1,2 system 4 tiourZolific .71-veraxe7ie 44.4).07c eotreurbtra fo ect •TreVeis lyer ,graTion 1PfPesoTivie Sluittarmo4 ,e,ragslyinilai4ild Theft izmition qua neitanTirzt Ar=it Now .MikeeP Arrange for your demonstration ride with the: • nearest Ford dealer Phone • Le.t.',/trtinswistariswasmafttotirOpo,../tattosieziataorxtz,VoiltormontemilitoU2saut nosim...o..-t=o5vmplotteotiarrontruettraourimonirmrettsmssinvonamtavirotrikro* Exeter, • 104 '